#where they did a phole thing where like okay so for context
phoebehalliwell · 4 years
you've talked before about how s4 feels rushed, with Prue's death and grieving, Paige's intro, and then the Cole!Source plot. so, if you were writing the show, how would you handle Prue dying, Paige coming in, all of it?
i feel like. okay so like. this is ur soft reboot y’know this is ur upheaval of the norm you are basically making ur own mini new show within the world, but this is a major deviance from anything you’ve done previously. so like. it’s time to vibe check exactly what you wanna do. and irl they opted to go more more overarching plots, snappier moments, and drifting further a major lightening of tone and steering away of myths that exists in the shadows to like. a mermaid episode. which like sure. on paper, night not have been like bad. but. meh. i get that we keep making the source a bigger and bigger thing so he’s gonna hafta be like a major plot point sooner or later, but i feel like the majority of fans really sorta like the demon of the week format and how it’s the sisters themselves fighting them it’s not The Charmed Ones Vs. The World it’s The Halliwell Sisters Are Trying Their Best To Save The Day and i like the grounded element that adds. (speaking of grounded elements i also definitely wouldn’t do the change in mythology i think s5 was the most blasphemous i really really didn’t like what they did there.) so like. introducing a new sister. i think a crucial part of this would be reconstituting the power of three. i think it definitely should have been on the fritz for the first part of s4 as piper and phoebe struggle to let go of prue and accept paige into their lives, and like on the flip side paige struggles to come to terms with the basic idea of having a family and having people who stay by your side i think we should sprinkle in a lot more backstory for paige and i think that’s where her and phoebe should bond the most where instead of phoebe being like new sister!! we’re going to be bffls!! they’re more just like tentative where phoebe still plays the same role she did in s1 trying to get paige like into the craft trying to get her to accept it and see it’s beauty but instead of like a prue reaction like what magic isn’t real this is too dangerous what did you drag me into blah blah blah like paige’s issue isn’t with magic being real it’s with like. being charmed. being this paragon of good magic. especially with being half angel. like i would love to see paige struggle with that being like no you don’t understand like i’m not a good person i was like an evil horrible teenager and i’ve done awful stuff and i’m selfish and i always show up to work late and blah blah blah and really just painting this awful picture of herself and her and phoebe would bond bc a) phoebe was also a little devil child so they have that in common b) phoebe literally just met paige and so she’s really offering like a fresh perspective that paige doesn’t really get to see like paige is looking at herself through this distorted mirror and phoebe like woah woah woah woah woah like i don’t think you realize this but u are actually an insanely good person? like look at all you were able to do without magic? there’s a reason this happened to you okay there’s a reason the universe chose you and it’s not something to be afraid of it’s something to celebrate and just like. give me some quality phoebe/paige. and then keep piper/paige roughly the same i’ve spoken a lot on how much i like how they didn’t seem to like each other at first and how they were both very uncompromising in the type of women that they were and despite both being stubborn and snippy they ended up growing really well together i would end up sprinkling in a couple more heart 2 hearts between the two bc they rarely got any but yeah. and then while i’m still on character dynamics i think we should have brought sam in as more of a recurring character just to like have around and also maybe thru him flesh out patty more bc you have just ripped the halliwell family apart killing prue i would like to see time dedicated to healing the family you know really establishing them as A Family not just as The Charmed Ones. travelling on to plot, as stated earlier, i don’t like the overarching source bit not a fan i think we can keep having him send minions in between phoebe’s premonitions demons after cole and maybe even a charge or two for paige and that’ll keep us stacked enough to get a firm sister dynamic til s4 finale the source thanoses it like fine i’ll do it myself promising us a big charmed/source battle in s5. since i’m doing that there will obviously be no cole source plotline bc lbr it completely blows. now, i’m not a huge fan of phole. never really have been, i’ve said this before, i’m not a huge fan of the ‘pretends to be in a relationship with somebody to kill them trope’ bc while the evil party might be developing genuine feelings the good party is falling in love with a hoax and that kinda bugs me. flip side of this i do love the idea of actively trying so super hard not to fall in love with somebody but you literally just can’t help it because that one’s great, so theoretically phole would sit neutral But there’s the fact that like cole’s what like 110 during the show? and he’s been like top demon for a really long time? what i’m saying is he was evil and brutally killing people for like a century. that’s a lot of time. i don’t like it. But. again there’s this forbidden love tilt and also a large part of the fanbase Love phoebe & cole so if i’m running the show imma say fuck it phole endgame bc it’s what the people deserve. a large part of this would be turning a blind eye to cole’s whole past and pretending that y’know maybe he never killed anyone! and it would be him ready to fight the whole underworld simply so he could have a life with the woman he loves, which could be sweet. i don’t think i’d ever really want to see queen of hell phoebe or source cole just bc like. meh. what did we really gain from that? phoebe’s character tanked piper suffered more paige was just there like hi i’m new here What like it wasn’t that good. also side note when that happened the girls should have all lost their active powers like they did in power outage. but w/e. we’re not doing that so we don’t need to worry about it. so yeah, my s4 would really take a primary emphasis on healing the family, a secondary emphasis on making phole endgame, and a tertiary emphasis on the source sending various minions and assassins to kill them. also shax would take longer to vanquish
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