#where the veilspun hair hung too much like hair
aberration-abbey · 1 year
shout out to Queenie's tail stripes, which appear and disappear at random apparently
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radiant-flutterbun · 3 years
Mason’s Brightside Part 3
Part 1| Part 2
Mason felt like his brain had short circuited. There was just too much happening at once. The creature roaring in the distance, Karyu’s annoying chatter, Perryn’s muscles. Mason was barely keeping up with Perryn’s words, so when it registered what the tundra had just said it took an embarrassingly long time for Mason to react.
    “Wait. You want me to fight that thing?”
    “That’s right.”
    “But I… I’m not some warrior.”
    “You don’t gotta be,” Karyu said “It’s about if you could be. And I’ve seen inside your head. You’ve got bite.”
    “I can’t fight that thing.”
    “That’s why I’ll be training you.” Perryn said “If Karyu says you’re a good fit for an Emperor Hunter, then I trust that with a little of me whipping you in shape you’ll be out there kicking Emperor ass in no time.”
    Perryn offered to help Mason up from when they shoved him. He accepted the help a little too eagerly.
    “And what about me?” Evan asked.
    “Hmm,” Karyu scratched their chin “Good question! I haven't seen your dreams. I don’t know anything about you. I guess you could join too. If you want.”
    “And what exactly are we joining?”
    “That,” The voice came from behind Mason and Evan, making them both jump “Would be the Guild of Osiris.” Two dragons landed behind Mason and Evan. One was a mirror and one was a tundra. Both were green-blue with purple wings, and both were Lightning dragons.
    “My name is Unweder,” The mirror said.
    “And I’m Modify!” The tundra cheered.
    “We’re the founders and leaders of this guild,” Unweder said.
    “We used to be Storm chasers, but then we encountered an Emperor way back before most of Sornieth knew they were a thing.”
    “And together we killed it.”
    “It was only a two headed one, made from two juveniles tho.”
    Unweder nodded “Luminax will be a tougher beast to tackle.”
    “But that’s why we founded this Guild! We need all the help we can get! Not just with Lumi, but with any other Emperors that are out there that the gods aren't doing anything about!”
    “It was nice to meet you all but, I really don’t think Mason and I are going to join,” Evan said and tugged on Mason’s arm “Come on Mace, let’s go.”
    Mason glanced back at Perryn “Actually Evan… I think I’ll stay.”
    “But…” Evan turned to Mason, wide eyed “You don’t- You can’t- You’re not really going to fight that thing are you?”
    “If the dream eater-”
    “Dream walker,” Karyu corrected.
    Mason glared at them “If the annoying bug that was in my head seems to think I can help kill it, who am I to disagree? Besides, isn’t it for a good cause?”
    “I… Yeah I guess so,” Evan took a deep breath “Just. Be careful ok? You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to be with these dragons. You can always come back to Clan Ton Theon. I’ll be there if you do.”
    “You’re not going to stay?”
    Evan shook his head “Nah. It’s pretty clear to me, that this isn’t for me.”
    Mason frowned “Oh.”
    Evan forced a smile “Well! Good luck Mace!” He spread his wings “I’ll see you later… I hope.”
    “Don’t worry about me. I won’t let some undead monstrosity kill me. I’m done being dead.”
    “Oh I know you are,” A genuine smile formed on Evan’s lips. For a second he thought about leaning in and giving Mason a hug. But instead he turned around and took off, leaving Mason and the Guild of Osiris behind him.
    “And this is where our healer lives!” Modify gestured to a white tent decorated with bones.
    Mason eyed a skull that hung in front of the door “Isn’t that a fae skull…?”
    “It sure is!” Another one of those bug dragons, a veilspun Mason recalled, popped xer head out of the tent. This dragon was black and white, with long black hair that glittered like the night sky. Xer horns were branch-like and xey had a necklace of vertebrae and several piercings on xer face “Isn’t it so cool? Laz gave me it!”
    “That’s the remains of a dragon. A person.”
    “Yeah and it’s sick as hell.”
    Modify twitched her tail “Anyway, Mason meet Blanche, our healer. Blanche meet Mason, our newest guild member!”
    “Nice to meet you! You’ve already met my datemate in your dreams. I expect you’ll do just fine here, since they picked you out!”
    “Uh. Thanks?”
    “And if you ever get hurt I’ll be here to make you better! But try not to get hurt, okay? Well, actually DO get hurt. I’ve heard you’re an alien. I don't have any alien bones in my collection…”
    “Alright. Moving on. Modify, what else do you want to show me?”
    “Well over here is where Unweder and I stay, so if you ever need us and we’re not out and about you should be able to find at least one of us here.”
    Mason nodded “And where does Perryn stay? … Since he’s training me.”
    “Oh he stays in this tent here,” Modify walked over to a tent made of tanned leather. Sitting outside of the tent were several weapons, and a few pelts being dried in the sun. “You better get familiar with this tent, because this is where you’ll be staying too.”
    “Wait what? I’m staying with Perryn?”
    “Is that a problem?”
    “No! No it’s just uh. How… roomy is the tent?”
    “I assure you there’s plenty of space inside. You’ll have your own division of the tent, blocked off from Perryn’s side.”
    “Oh,” Mason cringed at the disappointment in his voice “That uh. That sounds great! So uh. What do I do now?”
    “Feel free to explore and introduce yourself to anyone you haven't met yet. Perryn will speak to you later about what he’d like to do with you tomorrow.”
    “Sounds uh. Sounds great!”
    Mason entered his side of the tent. He was careful to avoid Perryn’s side. He wanted so badly to peak in. To look at the tundra’s stuff. Maybe rummage a bit. Just to see what his so-called trainer might like. Get to know them a bit. That’s all. 
Nothing wrong with wanting to know more about the buff guy about to teach you to kill right?
But Mason resisted the urge. Instead he unpacked what little of his belongings he had and tested out his bed. It was a little firm, but bearable. His room was not cozy, it was not comforting, it was not familiar. This place was not his home, but it would do. He could adapt.
Once settled in, he explored outside. A young pearlcatcher literally ran into him. Although small, the hatchling managed to knock Mason over. Mason got to his feet, feeling his anger spike. He was never a fan of kids.
“Watch where you’re going! What’s a damn kid doing here?”
The pearlcatcher just smiled at him, unaware of the hostility in his tone.
“I’m Quinn!” They said, though their mouth did not move. Instead a second mouth on their neck did the speaking.
Disturbed, Mason took a step back.
“Ah don’t worry about the lil freak,” A banescale landed beside the pearlcatcher “They’re my undead Shadeling. Annoying, but harmless.”
Mason narrowed his eyes “And who might you be?”
“I’m Lazarus. Or Laz. Don’t care which you call me.”
“Im Ma-”
“Yeah I already know. Mason. Some weirdo Karyu dragged up from a Light clan a bit from here. Said you have ‘the spirit’ whatever the fuck that means. But what I want to know is, what can you do?” Lazarous leaned in so that her face was inches from Mason’s. She breathed out a cloud of smoke, making him cough.
“I can fight, if that’s what you’re asking,” Mason snarled once his lungs were free of smoke.
“That’s good, but I meant more specific abilities. Got any powers? Unique skills? What are your assets, boy?”
“Does it matter?”
“Of course it does! We’re a small guild, and that thing out there has taken out guilds of dragons much more numerous than us. We need the best of the best out there to take it down. Now, we’re already at a disadvantage with Quinn here,” The Shadeling had wandered off to watch a bee pollinate a flower “I’d hate to see our guild have another weakling in its ranks.”
“I once captured a god, you know.”
“Oh yes, Karyu mentioned. They also said it was a child. Is that the best you can do? Capture a baby god and make it cry for its mama?”
“I wouldn’t call a god that’s thousands of years old and has killed billions a defenseless child.”
“Regardless, can you even wield a weapon?”
“I have a dagger.”
Lazarus laughed “Like an itsy bitsy dagger will do anything to a fucking Emperor!”
“Don’t you have some corpses to play with, Laz?” It was Perryn. “Mason just got here. Give him a break. If Karyu says he belongs here, he belongs here. I’ll make sure he has the skills and weapons to fight Luminax, so don’t worry yourself over it, alright?”
Lazarus growled “Fine.” She took off and Quinn followed her.
Perryn turned to Mason, and Mason felt his heart skip a beat “Don’t worry about Laz. She just likes to pick fights for no good reason. If she wasn’t a necromancer I doubt Unweder or Modify would have put up with her for this long.”
Mason’s mouth felt very dry “I… wasn’t worried about her.”
Perryn brushed past Mason, sending shivers up his spine.
“Come on a walk with me, I’ll go over my plans for you tomorrow.”
“P-plans? For me?”
“Yes, I’ll be training you tomorrow. You know, testing you, seeing what skills you have. You said you have a dagger?”
Mason nodded.
“Could I see it?”
Mason didn’t hesitate to hand his only weapon over.
Perryn examined the dagger “It’s a good quality. Could come in handy if you’re in a pinch,” He handed it back to Mason “But i’ll train you how to use a sword. How about magic?”
“Yeah, how skilled are you in magic?”
“Not much...”
“Hmm that’s fine. I think the sword and dagger combo will suit you well.”
Perryn led Mason over toward a pleasant aroma where a little campfire was cooking food. Perryn grabbed what appeared to have once been a rat and began to tear into it. Mason looked around for something more green to eat and frowned.
“Veggies are difficult to get a hold of out here,” Perryn said “Luckily we have plenty of bugs for a skydancer diet.”
“Oh right. Bugs. How… delicious.” Mason stared at the plate of insects for a moment. They were dead, which was a relief, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep his cool if they were still wiggling around.
“Actually… I’m not hungry,” It was a lie, but Mason just wasn’t sure if he could stomach eating bugs. Not just because eating insects seemed foriegn and strange to him, but also because long ago he vowed never to eat meat again after watching a documentary that disturbed him as a teenager.
Do bugs count as meat? He questioned himself. They’re animals. So I guess they do.
Muerto’s technically an animal too. An intrusive thought said.
Yeah but it’s not like I ate him. He argued with himself.
But you still hurt him. You hurt an animal. A child. Isn’t that worse?
“He hurt me first!”
“Mason, are you alright?” Perryn asked.
Mason felt his cheeks burn. He didn’t mean to say anything aloud.
“I’m.. Gonna head to bed.”
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat? You have a long day tomorrow and I wouldn’t want hunger to weaken you.”
“I… Ate before I got here.”
Perryn frowned “Well alright. Good night then. Be prepared to wake up early tomorrow. Like I said, I have lots planned for you tomorrow.”
Mason nodded and headed off toward his and Perryn’s tent. He curled up in his bed and hoped his swimming thoughts didn’t turn into vivid dreams. The last thing he needed was for that pesky dreamwalker to snoop inside his head again.
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