#where my mm stans at
xxjewellynwatts · 2 years
hai hello here is my daily reminder that murdoch mysteries genuinely makes me happy and that i love this show too much, thank u for listening have a good day x
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 5
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt, PTSD, violence, mentally unstable Soldier Boy, anger issues, Soldier Boy hates everyone, Countess is a bitch
Word Count: 3032
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Present, 2022
Butcher grinned and added, “Lift your asses up, boys. We're heading to Russia. Let's see what's being hidden there that could kill.. Cuntlander.”
Butcher had been looking for any other way to terminate Homelander and was working hard to get the chance to succeed. Butcher's past was clear after everything that transpired with Stormfront, but he didn't like the quiet. He still had unfinished business with Homelander. He was willing to take a chance and find a way out, but he wasn't sure if his plan would work out well. He would fuck around and find out.
It wasn't challenging to enter the Russian basement with Temp V on his body and the boys around. When they stood near the well-guarded metal object that concealed the potential end of Homeland, they took extreme caution. They all were aware of that was their final shot. Butcher didn’t know what could he done more to end Homelander.
Kimiko and Frenchie retreated a step as Butcher approached and removed the metal object's door with ease. Frenchie's gun-wielding fingers clenched, and Kimiko attempted to peek inside the box. As the strong smoke began to reduce, MM's eyes grew wide with horror, his heart paced with distress. Butcher leaned forward and muttered, “Soldier Boy.”
Ben removed the handcuffs and the object from his face with ease as his senses began to awaken. His legs felt like jelly, and he was holding on to the metal object he was in. He couldn’t see a shit at first; everything was blurry as fuck. When he began to realize the real gravity of what was happening, he understood that he was completely naked. He was being watched intently by a few people around him. He blinked in confusion, sensing immense power beneath his chest. His muscles began to tense with fury.
“It’s okay,” one of them said with a calm voice.
That fucking calm voice, Ben thought. It was the same tone as the fucking scientists who tortured and poisioned him for years, like they were studying a fucking little rat. They were all going to pay for what they did to him.
Ben experienced an immediate increase in warmth and energy in his chest. As he exploded, he let out a painful shout and felt a wave of relief afterwards. Fuck, he thought. What the fuck was that? What they have done to him? He was aware that he had to leave the region as soon as possible. He needed to get out from the lab as quickly as he could before they caught them again.
Ben then remembered you. He was informed that Vought had punished you for treason by shipping you to Russia in a metal box where you would be subjected to the same smoke that he had breathed for decades. You were nowhere to be found, even though he tried his hardest to locate and rescue you. When he realized that fucking Crimson Countess had betrayed him, it was too fucking late. She would be the first to die.
He would track them down and rip their limbs off for their betrayal. Stan Edgar would be the fucking second among them, if he was still alive. He had to find you first, though. He didn’t know what exactly happened to you. He didn’t want to think the possiblity of your betrayal. Ben had done unforgottable things to you, hurt your heart pretty bad, after all. He wouldn’t be surprised.
Ben stuck into an airport after he stole some clothes and illegally boarded a passenger plane bound for America, New York. It was the city that he had known you had been last time he remembered. However, he got confused seeing huge buildings and crowd. The city was nothing like he remembered at all; there was huge screen around, everywhere. Ben paused for a moment and thought what he should do. Everything he knew had changed and he didn’t feel like fit in there.
A nearby location played Russian music on the radio that Ben heard as he wandered down Manhattan's street. He recalled all of the torture and shit he had endured over the years. Back in Russia, he experienced the same overwhelming sensation in his chest. He struggled to control this new power without drawing attention to himself or doing any harm, but the terrible memories overpowered him so much that he was unable to control it and let out a loud groan as he exploded.
“Oh fuck,” Ben whispered when he opened his eyes. Maybe he needed to find Legend first to make a start somewhere before he exploded the whole country. Fuck, he needed you.
Butcher and MM were too late when they arrived in New York, where Soldier Boy exploded. Their eyes widened with shock, seeing the entire building burn out. There were at least ten corpses around the building. It was a big fucking mess. Butcher’s chest overwhelmed with remorse. He was the one to free Soldier Boy after all. But there were no place for soft heart at that moment.
“Where could he have fucking gone?” Butcher murmered as he wandered around, overwhelmed by the chaos in the street and hearing cryings. He wasn’t sure at this point if Soldier Boy was really controllable or not.
“Who else lives in this city?” MM said, raising his eyebrows. “Think about it.”
Butcher’s eyes widened with excitement, and he said, “Legend.”
Legend was drinking his visky in joy when Butcher, MM, and Hughie knocked on his door out of the blue. He resisted letting them in after seeing Butcher among them, but he eventually gave up and invited them in.
“I swear on my kids,” Legend said, raising both hands up. “I haven’t seen Soldier Boy.”
“You hate your kids.”
“Well, you’d hate them too if they were your kids,” said Legend with an irritated voice.
“Fuck, stop being stubborn. Nothing will happen to you. I give you my word,” MM said, trying his best to convince him to talk. Butcher’s patience was also growing thin.
“Your word? He gave his word too once. I fucking lost my leg.” Legend snapped suddenly, showing off his prosthetic leg and waving it on the air.
“You’ll have to order another one if you keep talking like that old man,” said Butcher, getting up from his couch.
“Let’s calm down,” said Hughie. He got anxious because of the heat of the moment, but nobody gave a damn about him at all, so remained silent.
Legend sighed as he kept sipping his visky, and he murmered “I thought I'd seen a ghost. Fuck, he never aged a day, despite his long, odd beard. He just took his suit, nothing more.”
MM and Butcher exchanged a look.
“It seems like he demanded something,” Butcher stated, casting Legend a wary glance.
“Well, he requested the address of the Crimson Countess. I don't know, but he appeared quite furious. I don't expect to have an enjoyable visit.”
Ben learnt that Countess had been living in a trailer before he arrived. Thankfully, it was very easy to locate the bitch. His heart filled with anger seeing she lived her life while we was burn and tortured for decades. Before he entered the trailer, Ben had seen the same cocksucker back in Russia. His eyes narrowed in confusion. He had a very punchable face.
“You’re the same asshole in the lab,” Ben said with a questioning voice.
“Yeah. I am the asshole who let you out. Your lovey-dovey countess is inside the trailer. All yours. Consider it a good gesture of faith,” said Butcher giving him a sly glance.
“Good faith for what?” Ben asked in an arrogant voice, ignoring his little stupid comment about Countess. Ben didn’t even know that cocksucker, but he had a lot of things to do, and he didn’t have time for games. He couldn’t rely on anyone either.
“I was thinking, you and I might come to an arrangement, you know.”
Ben didn’t say a word as he walked by him and went inside the trailer.
“Ben?” Crimson called him with a shaky voice. Her hands were in chains, and she was looking at him with fear. The place she lived looked pathetic to his eyes. Ben’s heart was filled with immense hatred seeing her face after all those years. How could he even spend a minute with her? “You look so young.”
“You don’t.” Without letting her talk, he inhaled deeply and asked with a calm voice, “Why did you even sell me out? How much did Russians pay you?”
“I wasn’t paid,” Countess said, closing her eyes with shame and fear. She never thought this day would come.
“What?” Ben blinked his eyes in confusion.
“What did you thought would happen? Everyone hated you so fucking much,” she went on while she was looking at him with despise. “It wasn’t my idea, but I wish it was,” she said cruelly. Ben’s grip on his shield grew tighter as she spit hatred towards him.
You also warned him that Countess would be the first to betray him if he continued to behave as he used to. It felt like it had been a day ago when you had that talk, and it was painful to realize how correct you were. He bet you would die to see his face right now.
He didn’t care what she or others felt towards him at that moment, though.
“Where is Y/N?” he asked with a firm voice as he got closer.
With a sly smile, Crimson raised her eyebrows, saying, “How could I know this? But she’s most likely napping. Perhaps in China, perhaps in Russia, who knows.”
Every time she spoke, Ben's chest grew warmer, but he had to maintain his composure in order to get to know your location. “She was already off the team. What the fuck have they done to her? And Why?”
“If anything bad did happen to her, it was due to her own naivety,” Crimson snapped. “You were the only person they intended to capture, but they also wanted to ensure that no one would come to your rescue. She tried to save you, and that was a big mistake.”
With one quick motion, Ben grabbed her throat, his glowing chest continuing, he knew it was getting out of control, but he couldn’t stop it. “I asked you a fucking question, and you'll fucking answer me,” he repeated while still strangling her.
She was attempting desperately to free herself from his strong hold, but she remained helpless, his strenght was unmatchable. Ben continued to choke her and ask the same question, and she closed her eyes in misery.
“You’ll never know. You lost the only person who wanted to rescue you. Good luck with living with this,” Countess whispered with a weak voice. Not being able to control himself anymore, Ben exploded with an angry growl.
He walked out of the trailer with a heavy heart. He considered the awful experiences you may have had for decades because of him. Despite everything he had done to you, you still loved him and attempted to rescue him. However, all he gave you was pain and suffering. You may be in a container of metal or suffering from torture right now while he was free. Feeling his shield becoming heavier in his hands, he tried to process what was happening. He fucking had let you down. He has never felt so lost.
He didn't know where to look for you because he was unfamiliar with the modern world. Even if he was still the strongest supe, he didn't feel that way at that point in time. He knew he would never give up looking for you, even if he had no idea how to find you. There was nothing that could stop him.
Ben turned to face the cocksucker who had been following after his balls since yesterday after sensing that someone had been observing him.
“It seems that you require a place to stay, don't you? After all, you are currently the state's greatest enemy.” With an encouraging smile, Butcher added, “You need our help.” He was closely gauging Soldier Boy's facial reactions.
Ben nodded and followed him out to his car. Hughie and Butcher exchanged a look and both sighed with relief that Soldier Boy wasn't hostile or anything.
Ben was given a cheeseburger and anything he wanted, including cocaine, some pills, and a drink, by Butcher in the morning. Ben needed to be in business and in shape, and he needed his fucking energy back. 
Ben continued eating his hamburger and said, “So, what exactly in the world do you two fuckfaces fucking want from me?”
Hughie turned to face Soldier Boy's enormous shield and used all of his strength to try to raise it. It was so freaking heavy that even with his best efforts, he could not get it to move an inch.
Ben angrily commanded, “Hands of the fucking shield,” to which Hughie responded with a shy smile and a mumbled apology. 
“We will assist you in locating your former teammates who betrayed you,” Butcher stated bluntly as he settled into the seat. “so that you can take your revenge.”
Ben instantly dropped the hamburger and furrowed his brows in suspicion. “But how can you manage to track them down?”
With hesitation, Hughie walked up to Ben and smiled slightly, saying, “Internet, GPS, Google Maps—you can find anyone with those things.”
Ben’s heart paced with hope as the bottom-faced guy said strange words. They could find Crimson even before him, after all. Maybe finding you wouldn’t be so hard. He had no other choice after all.
“You made those words up,” Ben said, not sure if they were talking true shit or just trying to deceive him.
“Those words are real words.”
“The kid’s right,” Butcher said as he gave a sly smile to Ben. “We will find every single member of Payback, so you can have your revenge.”
“And what do you cocksuckers want in return?” Ben asked rudely.
“We just want you to add one single person to the list. The cunt’s name is ‘Homelander’”
“Alright,” Ben responded without raising any further concerns. He wouldn't bargain when it was your life he was talking about. He could easily kill one more jackass; he'd killed plenty already. “But who is he? I’ve seen his pictures.”
When Soldier Boy didn't even hesitate, Butcher and Hughie sighed with relief and were unable to control their big smiles.
“He’s the new you,” Butcher said with a smirk.
“No one’s the new me, pal,” Ben answered with pride and arrogance, but deep down, knowing he was betrayed by his own country and team, he couldn’t help feeling a bit insecure. Nevertheless, he surpassed his feelings with a smile.
So, that was it. His nation used him in every operation, every war, and anything that required a supe, but they treated him like a worthless piece of trash in return, repaying him with disloyalty. Despite everything he had done for his nation, he was ignored and treated like a rat in a lab. He realized at this point that you were the one person who had never betrayed him and that you were the only one who would care about him. He made a promise to himself that he would make everyone pay for how they treated him and you, and he would make sure you and him would rule this modern world together.
“Let me to test you. What functions does your so-called internet offer?” Ben asked Hughie seriously, changing the subject.
“Alright. It can display images, films from all eras. You can even see the space through Internet,” Hughie answered, attempting to seem straightforward and sound simple like he was talking to a child so as not to confuse him. “You can learn everything from it. Billions of people are having their job done through Internet.”
Fuck, Ben thought. How the fuck he was supposed to save you through Internet thing? He was so fucking unfamiliar with that bullshit.
“Is there a way to see a photo of a Payback member?” Ben got up and asked. The excitement in his voice was obvious. 
“Absolutely. You can even find more information about them on several websites.”
Soldier Boy was watching very carefully when Hughie asked him the name he was interested in, and Hughie then showed him your images, saying “Here.”
Ben quickly grabbed Hughie's phone and gazed at your photo with a heavy heart. Fuck, he thought to himself. Undoubtedly, the term ‘internet’ was real and it fucking knew everything. He felt helpless at that point, since he had missed you so much. To find you, he would kill anybody those fuckers needed him to.
“I need to find her,” Ben whispered, showing your picture to both of them right to their eyes like they were blind or something. “If you help me find her, I’ll help you two fuckers kill that guy, Homelander. That’s the fucking deal.”
Next Chapter
A/N: Consider this chapter as a filler chapter. Sorry, if it is bad. I kinda didn’t like it personally, but here we are. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! ♡♡♡
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto  @yvonneeeee @starryperson    @mfnqueen1 @chaand-sitara   @boywivlove   @stilinskisthings
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series! -`♡´-
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 3 months
Whatever It Takes (Homelander)
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Description: Homelander killed Y/N’s parents years ago and when she meets Billy Butcher she tells him she’ll do anything to kill Homelander and she has the ultimate weapon. But things don’t go as planned.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 1,790k
Author’s note: I do plan on a part two of this soon! Also send in requests for The Boys!
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” She said with a straight face to the man across from her. Billy Butcher. He looked at her like he was trying to figure her out. What was her purpose and what could she do? “You plan to help kill Homelander?” He asked. “I plan to kill him with or without help.” He wanted to laugh. Did she think she could do that all by herself? “What makes you think you can do that all by yourself?” He asked, amused. “I have an advantage.” “Tits and Vag? A lot of people have that.” She rolled her eyes, “more than that.” 
Y/N was a copy of Billy. From the attitude to the button up shirts the boys called her the female Billy. The only difference is that she doesn’t need a team and she wouldn’t put someone’s life in danger that wasn’t hers. Y/N was a supe herself and she had an odd power but she knew that Homelander would love it so she was going to use it to her advantage. Billy smirked as she told him and knew that she would be a perfect member of The Boys. 
The others stared at her as she introduced herself. She dressed just like Billy but she seemed nicer and not as demanding. Annie and Kumiko were excited to have another girl in the group. “We could use her to take down Homelander.” Billy said and the woman nodded. “What do you got?” MM asked her. “I have something that we can use against Homelander.” She said. “What’s that?” Y/N unbuttoned her top causing the guys to look at her strangely.
She took it off to reveal a bra. She took that off and on display were her boobs. “Tits?” Frenchie asked. Y/N chuckled, “Hand me that glass.” She said and MM did without looking away from her chest. She held the glass up to one of her nipples and milk came out and into the glass. “So you’re pregnant?” Hughie asked. “Nope, that is my power.” She shrugged. “How’s this supposed to help kill Homelander?” Frenchie asked. “Homelander loves Milk. He has some weird obsession with it and it makes him horny.” She reveals to the group. Everyone was wondering how she knew this but didn’t ask the question. She put back on her bra and shirt, “I plan to use it to my advantage to get on his good side.” She said, though Butcher didn’t like that idea at all. 
“You can’t fuck him.” Billy told her as she walked out of his room in her red lingerie. “Who said that? I’m gonna tease him.” She said. Billy saw MM and Frenchie staring at her so he gave her his trench coat. She sighed and put it on, “You don’t have to worry Billy. But this is my advantage and I’m gonna use it to get my way.” She said. 
Y/N walked to the Vought tower in Billy’s trench coat. She figured since he gave her this she didn’t need to put on anything else. She walked in and acted like she knew what she was doing. She had scoped out the place a few times and knew where everything was. She got in the elevator and in there with her was FireCracker. Y/N hated that bitch. She actually wanted to fuck Homelander. The bitch was obsessed and Y/N couldn’t see why.
They didn’t talk but she kept glancing at Y/N. Y/N got off on the floor that Homelander’s room was and Firecracker watched before the elevator closed where she was going. Nobody was in the hall considering it was getting late. Y/N knocked on the door and she heard him groan. He opened the door and she gave him a smile. “Who the fuck are you?” He asked, annoyed. “We can talk about that when you let me in.” She said. 
“So let me get this straight, you want to be a part of Vought and maybe the Seven so you came to me?” He asked. She nodded and he chuckled. “Why not Stan?” He asked. She walked up to him and cupped his face, “Cuz you’re the big man. He’s not.” Y/N said seductively. “So you think fucking me will you get you what you want?” She sighed and stepped back from him. She opened her trench coat to reveal her lingerie. He stared and sniffed the air making her smirk. “You give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want.” She said.
She grabbed a glass that was sitting near and pulled her bra down a bit to reveal a breast. He watched as she milked herself in the cup. His jaw dropped, so that’s what he was smelling? She was lactating. She held up the cup and he felt himself almost drool. “You want it baby? Come and get it.” She said, He walked up to her but she stopped him from grabbing the cup. “On your knees.” She whispered and he dropped to his knees. She held the cup up to his mouth and tipped it so he could drink from it. She watched him drink the milk like it was the last time he ever would. She ran her other hand through his hair, “That’s it baby. You’re such a good boy.” She cooed as he finished the milk.
She saw he was rock hard through his suit and smirked. She back up against a table that was in the room and motioned him to come over to her with her finger. He crawled over to her and did not break eye contact. She looked down at him as he began kissing her thighs. She ran her hand through his hair again and called him a good boy. He smiled against her thigh. “Make me cum and I’ll give you some more Milk.” She said. He stands up and pulls the trench coat off her body. She lets him and lifts her hips to take off her panties. He bit his lip and watched as she did so. “Can I fuck you?” He asked.
She almost forgot that she hated him for a second and told Billy that she wasn’t going to but this was going so well. She cupped his face and looked at him, “You better.” She said and bit her lip. She pulled him closer and took off his pants letting his dick free. She undid her bra and let it slide off. His mouth watered at the sight of her tits. “Fuck me and I’ll let you suck on them until you cum.” She whispers in his hair and he moans at her words. Within seconds he was inside her. He was very big and filled her up causing her to gasp. “Fuck.” He groaned at the feeling.
She wrapped her hands around his neck and bit her lip. She was incredibly sexy and he didn’t know what he needed until now. His hips started thrusting hard into her, knocking the table. Her head fell back and soft moans left her lips. He shoved his face into her neck and let out some of the hottest noises she’s ever heard. Her hand reached up and gripped his hair as he fucked her. All she could hear was his breathing and moans. He didn’t even know her name. He felt himself twitch and pushed her down on the table.
She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “I’m close.” He warned and she nodded. She pulled him down and his face was in her chest. “Suck them.” She moaned and he didn’t have to be told twice. His shaky lips wrapped themselves around one of her nipples causing her to moan out. He began to suck on it and moaned at the taste of her milk. “Fuck Homelander. I’m so fucking close.” She whined and him sucking her nipple helped it.
He groaned and she gasped as she felt herself release all over his cock. Before he could cum she pushed him off her and he was surprised by her strength. She smirked and sat up pulling his head to her boob again. Her hand found his cock and began jerking him off while he drank her milk. She looked down at him in pure hate as he moaned and hummed as he drank her. She felt him twitch in her hand and she smirked.
He came all over her hand whining against her tit as he came so hard. She milked him as he did her for every last drop. She sighed and pushed him away. Neither of them said a word as they thought about what just happened. She got up and got dressed. “Well that was fun John.” She said and put the trench coat back on. “How do you know my name?” He asked. She smirked up at him. “I know my ways.” She said and left him standing there in shock. 
This was something they did a lot and Y/N learned a lot about the man. He liked taking risks and one of them being eating her out in the seven’s headquarters. He was in his chair, pussy shoved in his face as she ran her hand through his hair cooing at him. She had on Billy’s trench coat and this time blue lingerie. It was almost time for a meeting so FireCracker had walked into the room and almost gasped at what she saw.
Jealousy ran through her body as she saw Homelander eating out the girl she was in the elevator with a week ago. Y/N smirked at her and her jaw dropped at the good feeling. “Fuck John you’re so good.” She moaned and her eyes rolled back. FireCracker was glaring and pissed as Y/N moaned his name and told him he was amazing. That should be her. She left the room pissed and Y/N almost laughed but started whining instead. 
FireCracker glared at the woman as she came out of the room. “Who the fuck are you?” She asked, clearly mad. Y/N stopped and looked at her. “FireCracker right?” She asked and walked up to her. “You’re the one that’s obsessed with Homelander.” FireCracker glared at her. “It’s truly pathetic and it’s so sad that he doesn’t want you.” she fake pouts at the woman.
She leans in and whispers, “He’s fucking me. His dick is in my pussy going in and out until he cums. And that is satisfying to know isn’t it you conservative bitch.” She pulls back. “Also you said something about how you didn’t even have to blow a guy for a place in the seven? That’s because you can’t.” She smirked and walked away leaving FireCracker who was pissed and embarrassed.
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The Assignment 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your agree to cover an empty internship but the role isn't as easy as you expect. (older!reader)
Characters: boss!Lee Bodecker, glimpse of Andy Barber.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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“I’ve already asked Anna. She has so much going on already with her daughter and you know I would if Stan wasn’t away on a work trip. Poor Melissa is just too new for a coverage position,” Nicole explains.
“Got it,” you say as you pack up the contents of your desk drawer. “I already said yes.” 
“I know, but I also know it’s a real pain. It’s just that there’s nowhere else that can spare the body and Mr. Barber owes Mr. Bodecker so--” 
“Yep, sacrificial lamb,” you utter dryly as you slide the drawer shut. “Really, Nicole, I get it. You don’t need to go on. We all know how this works. We go where they tell us too.” 
“Yeah, it’s just... he’s chased off three in the last two months. That kind of turnover...” she looks around. “They need someone mature. Who can handle the workload.” 
“Right,” you stand and pick up your box of things. “I won’t be that far away, no big deal.” 
She gives a tense smile and you turn away. You march out of your shared space and down the hall. You understand what she means by ‘workload’. Mr. Bodecker might be a hard ass for all you know but what everyone knows for sure is that he is a menace. There’s a reason those interns left almost soon as they got through the door. 
You claim the empty desk waiting for you and drop the box on it. You roll the chair out and sit. You should’ve wheeled yours over. You adjust the height and wiggle around. Hm, it’ll do. Work is work, no matter how comfortable you are. 
You stand again and take out your laptop and plug it in. Then you unpack your wireless mouse and keyboard and your pad with the wrist rest. You stretch your fingers above the tight brace and sigh. You can use all the ergonomic tools and aids but it’s not getting any better. 
No use putting it off any longer. He probably already knows. You go around the desk and knock on the closed door. 
“Come on in,” Mr. Bodecker drawls from the other side. 
You open the door and step into the doorway, “hello, Mr. Bodecker. Just letting you know I’ve got my stuff moved and I’ll be taking over for the time being, as requested by Mr. Barber.” 
“Barber? Old pal,” he says. “He sent you?” 
You hear it all in his tone. He sent you? I asked for a replacement, not an old lady. You don’t let it bother you. You’re not there for his pleasure. 
“Yes, me,” you confirm. “Is there anything I can do?” 
“Coffee, darlin’,” he winks. 
“Double sugar, no cream.” 
“Sir, I’m an admin assistant, not an intern. I was referring more to your calendar or some tasks--” 
“I asked for the position to be filled. That means getting my coffee, sweetheart.” 
“Mm, sir,” you enunciate the last word sternly. “Again, I’m a professional. I don’t get anyone’s coffee but my own. Would you like me to review your meetings? Should I set aside some time to keep minutes for anything?” 
He huffs and sits back, his face wrinkling in consternation, “you can get outta my office.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
You close the door gently and return to the desk. You sit and tuck away your things in the single drawer. When you finally get sorted, you boot up your computer. Almost at once, a notification pops up. You click on it and a conversation expands across the screen. 
‘Thanks again for taking on the extra work. Please do your best to keep Mr. Bodecker happy. He’s working on a very important project.’ 
You review Mr. Barber’s message. The timing is peculiar. 
‘Yes, sir. I’ve checked in and offered to help arrange his schedule and tasks. I am awaiting further directive but will do my best to support.’ 
Three dots, then none, then three again. The next message pops up. 
‘Get him his coffee.’ 
Really? What is he, a child? Tattling on you? Over a cup of coffee. 
‘Sir, I understood I would perform admin work.’ 
The little eye blips down to show that your message is seen but no message comes. You shake your head and open your inbox. If the success of your work hinges on coffee, then you’re just as good going back with the others. 
You recognise Mr. Barber’s gait. You look up as he appears from around the corner. You sit up and greet him. His hands are in his pocket, his jacket pushed back, his neck and jaw tight. 
“I understand that you don’t think it’s part of your role but for now, it is. You will get Bodecker his coffee and anything else he asks for,” he says without courtesy. 
You try not to show your irritation. It isn’t just the task. You’re not some housewife or barista. On top of that, these men don’t talk to the young ones like this. Or the moms. Nicole and Anna can just mention daycare of soccer and they can get leeway and Melissa, so nice but young, she just needs to smile. That stopped working for you a long time ago. 
“Coffee,” you type as you speak, “I will add it to my roster, sir. I understand. Very important work.” 
“Come on,” he steps closer, looking down at you, “don't be like this. You’re a good worker. You know I respect you and appreciate everything you’ve done. It’s just coffee.” 
“Oh yes, just coffee,” you agree and stand up. “I better go put the pot on. Would you like a cup too, Mr. Barber?” 
He gives a slow blink and pushes his tongue into his cheek, “no, thank you.” 
His own agitation leaks through. He got what he wanted but you didn’t give him the deference he expected. You didn’t apologise for it. You just accepted it. You’ll do it, but you won’t be happy about it. 
“Try a smile,” Barber slips his hand from his pocket and taps the corner of the desk, “it might make things a little easier.” 
You stare at him. He lingers and when you don’t change your expression, he sighs and strides off. How many times had a man told you to smile? Why should you? For them? That’s why you don’t want to get the coffee; you give a little, they’ll take it all. 
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ellsbclls · 23 hours
⟢  meanwhile ravenwood!ellie's strap bag would be a clusterfuck! i stand firm on the dinosaur print bandaids — very vibrant and branded like a seventies patent, because moments are far and few between where ellie isn't patching up the loose skin she bit off her fingernail or the flyaway scratch from practice . an assortment of pens and pencils, all varied in shapes and styles and brands but all married together by ellie’s love for a .02 mm tip. an elf crème espresso eyeliner pen. a guitar tuner, of which she has spent countless nights trying to find when she DOES have her guitar, and countless hookups trying to remember when she realizes that it’s been in her bag the whole time. two journals; one finished and leather bound, the other she purchased from her school store in a frenzy and hardly touched because she hates the color yellow they used. a pack of marlboro reds (“i’m a social smoker! in case of an emergency! you’re not my mother!”). three pairs of boxer briefs, because she gets so soaked and messy when she's inside you that she seeps through them and can’t wear them through the night without shivering from the cold air hitting her thighs. a grinder (Ellie would be kicked out of school if she didn't smoke and so she always tries to leave a little extra in the event that she needs to pack something when she’s not at home). forest green strap, and she keeps it in an old hair dryer bag that she stole from a best western during an away game, shoved DEEP in the bottom of her backpack to make sure it doesn’t get dirty or discovered. a pair of earbuds, cheap and forever tangled, and a copy of elliot smith on cassette.
the cutest lil' collab an @abbysbasement stan could ask for!
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beautifulfuckup99 · 10 months
A Rm smut where he cum inside her and they have to rush to get plan B
As a fellow Namjoon stan, I've got you!
Title: Soon.
Warning(s): Unprotected S!x (Duh. Also, be safe ya'll!), Fluff!
Author's Note: Hope you like it!
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"And just like that..." Namjoon laughs tiredly as you groan loudly, throwing your head back to show your pure delight at finally being able to settle down.
"That... That was a lot." You laugh as Namjoon loosens his tie.
"Hey, this was all your idea." He jokes playfully as you brush him off, tossing yourself back on the bed, shivering softly since the black gown you were in was backless and these satin hotel sheets were nice and cold.
It had sort of been your idea, honestly. Last minute, Namjoon had been invited to speak at a college in South Korea early this morning, and you had been called back into work to accept some award on behalf of the company that you had just made partners at.
Not wanting to miss these big events for each other, you found yourself on a plane to South Korea at five in the morning, and then on the first flight to New York right after the event was done. And even after your big day was accomplished, you knew you still had plans for the evening...
The Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan had a new exhibit, and you knew Namjoon had been dying to visit it on opening night. Now here you were. From South Korea to New York to Japan... And you were more than traveled out.
"I've done so many costume changes today, I should work on Broadway." You mutter as Namjoon takes off his blazer with a tired chuckle.
You pick your feet up to set flat on the bed, your dress slowly sliding down, exposing your thighs to the five-foot eleven Korean man who was now bluntly staring. You don't notice as you take your hair down from its bun, but when he stands by the edge of the bed and grabs your ankle, it dawns on you that he's quiet...
Too quiet...
He slowly undoes your heel straps on your one foot, and you cork your head playfully as you look up at him. "What are you doing, Mr. Kim?" You ask softly as your heel hits the floor, his big hands massaging your sore foot and you press your lips together, feeling settled instantly.
"Just... Being a good boyfriend." He says innocently. You giggle, hands resting on your stomach. He releases your other foot from its treacherous heel, and now with both feet officially free, you place one on Namjoon's chest. He grabs it and you watch his hand roam towards your calf and then your inner thigh.
"Getting dangerously close there..." You warn jokingly as he hums, stroking the knuckle of his middle finger over your pantie covered pussy.
"Fuck..." You giggle softly and your breathing hitches as you watch Namjoon smirk at you.
"You... Were so sexy today. My future CEO." He taunts softly and you shy away at the compliment before shaking your head at him.
"Mm... It was nothing. Just some award. What about you? Speaking at colleges? Shaping young kids' minds..." You whisper as he leans over you and starts pulling your underwear to the side.
"Mm. This... This is the only gift I'll ever need for putting up with life's bullshit." He says softly as he looks into your eyes.
You raise a playful eyebrow. "My pussy?" You snicker softly.
"Exactly." He whispers with a nod before stroking your slot with his long fingers.
"Oh fuck..." You pant softly and start to roll your hips to follow his fingers, hands gripping his collar of his button down. This is why you loved this man. Cause he said poetic shit like that. And in your six months of dating, you found yourself never tiring of his verbal foreplay.
"You're so..." You're cut off by a moan when he slides two fingers into you at once.
"I'm what?" He whispers tauntingly against your lips. You melt into a kiss and your hands blindly move to undo his button-down shirt, yanking his tie loose.
"Belt." You mutter against his lips. There was no need for foreplay at this point. You'd been ready all fucking day. This man has been teasing you by just being his usual intelligent self.
"Fuck. I love you..." Namjoon groans as your hands make quick work on his belt. He looks down as your hands reach into his now undone pants and stroke his semi hard bulge through his boxers.
"Fuck, yeah, Y/N..." Namjoon breathes out as he watches. "Take me out, baby." He whispers and you smirk as you do just that so he can watch your hand jerk him off. "Shit, you've got me so fucking hard..." He whispers with his cock free...
You sit up slowly with him following your lead, standing up. You lick all of his chest and stomach as he groans. His hand moves into your hair to hold it back. "So pretty..." He whispers as you smirk up at him before you get to work, stroking and kissing the cock that you love so much.
You start to wet the tip before taking more into your mouth, making him moan softly. "Y/N..." He pants as you look up at him, bobbing your head up and down slowly, working your fist on the base.
"Oh, baby... Fuck..." He groans before pulling you back. "Now." Is all he says as he lays you back on the bed, making you giggle, wiping the saliva from your lips, smearing your lipstick along with it. It makes him groan happily.
He kisses your neck and bites on your pulse point as your hands practically tare his shirt off down his arms. He pulls back to take off his shirt and undershirt. Your hands roam his tone chest.
"So sexy..." You moan and he smiles bashfully before kissing you deeply as he slowly slides his tip in, making you shiver.
"M-More..." You whine against his lips and he nods fast, not thinking. Neither of you were at this point. Your hands roam his back, his muscles contracting against your wondering palms. He slides fully into you and your head rolls back, feeling full.
"Oh god!" You moan as he starts to find the right pattern. Namjoon was a real fast learner when it came to that...
"F-Fast... Faster." You groan as your nails dig into his shoulder blades. He grunts and does just that, hands gripping your thighs to hold them apart so he can get deeper.
"Ah! Joonie!" You moan loudly as your head digs back into the pillow as he groans happily.
"I love how you say my name..." He groans and leans down to kiss you again, hands wildly roaming each others' bodies.
"Don't... Don't stop." You grunt against his ear as he leans down to nuzzle in the cork of your neck. Your eyes are closed, lost in his strokes, in his touch, in the noises he makes. You bite his ear lobe, and he growls lowly.
"Fuck, baby. Such a good pussy..." He whispers in your ear, and you chuckle happily before grabbing his chin to kiss him again. You'd never get tired of it...
His fingers work your clit as you start to tremble. "K-Keep... Fuck! Keep going..." You cry out and Namjoon hums softly against your lips.
"Cum on my cock, baby..." He whispers, always one to talk you through these intense emotions. You scratch down his back, wanting to mark him. "There you go. Just like that." He whispers as he watches your eyes roll shut while your body tenses. He knew your body so well. Knew exactly when it would hit you.
"Don't stop!" You call out in desperation to feel this again, making him groan in pleasure. He goes faster and works your sensitive clit, fucking you through your first orgasm, which just throws you into another one.
"Oh, fuck. Fuck, I... I'm gonna cum." Namjoon groans as you grind down on his cock, wanting to ride out your second orgasm. "Oh, baby. Y/N!" Namjoon moans as he cums deep inside of you, making you gasp.
"Oh! Fuck!" You whine at the warm seed seeping into you. "Shit, baby..." You shiver at how hot it felt to be filled. He rests his head on your chest and you both start to catch your breaths when it hits you.
"Joonie!" You almost shout and shove him off of you.
"What? What's the problem?!" He asks, startled as you mentally run through your morning routine today.
"Fuck! Get it out of me!" You scream as you run to the bathroom, feeling his cum dripping out of you.
"Let me check the back. We... Might not have anything." The store owner says at the local drug store before he leaves you and Namjoon alone, both of you in sweatshirts with your hoodies up and glasses on. You hit Namjoon for the 100th time since everything went down.
"Ow! How many times do I have to say; this isn't my fault." He tries and you give him a look. "Okay, not ALL my fault. You were the one telling me not to stop. How was I supposed to know you didn't take your birth control today?" He whispers as you rub your face before swatting at his arm again.
You two had been on the hunt for a plan B pill for about an hour now. Some places didn't have it, and some were closed. Either way, it was 2am in Japan, and you two were at some random drug store, hoping this guy had what you needed.
"This is so embarrassing." You whisper as Namjoon pauses.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"It's clear to him that we're dumbasses who weren't safe." You mutter and Namjoon sighs softly, pulling you into his arms. "What if they don't have any here? Then what? Are we parents then?" You whisper, mind spiraling.
"Hey. We... We can cross the bridge if it gets there. But for now-" You cut Namjoon off.
"Do you want kids?" You ask and his shoulders slouch softly as he hums.
"Yeah. I do." He says and you watch him.
"I do too. But like this? We're both still... Doing shit." You say quietly. "Is that... Selfish?" You mutter.
"What's selfish is bringing a human into this world without being ready for them." He points out and you grip his waist, snuggling into his chest.
"And we're not dumbasses who weren't safe." He adds. "We're love birds who got carried away." He corrects as his hands rub up and down your back caringly. You shut your eyes.
"We still have more random shit to do in life. Like... flying from South Korea to New York to Japan." He teases and it makes you grumble softly which causes him to laugh.
"Thank you for coming with. I know the risk with ARMY possibly finding out-" He cuts you off.
"I was not gonna let the woman I love walk around alone on the streets of Japan at night looking for a Plan B pill." He says simply and you hum, pecking his lips.
"Sir? Ma'am? I've found one..." The man says, setting down a box. Namjoon hums and walks over to pay for that and some juice for you to drink with.
You guys exit the store and Namjoon hands you the pill and the juice for you to down it with. You take a moment to just look at the pill.
"You okay?" He asks softly. "Second thoughts?" He raises an eyebrow, and you look at him and then shake your head, affirmative on this standpoint...
"Okay. Hey. When the time is right... We'll know." He says gently as he looks at you. "I'm on your time. I'm ready when you are." He smiles softly at you, his dimple on full display and it settles you more than he'll ever know. It felt good having him on your side.
"Soon." You whisper before popping the pill in your mouth and downing some of the juice. Namjoon grabs your hand softly and leads you back to the hotel, quietly pointing out the stars as you just snuggled into him peacefully...
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iznsfw · 7 months
Perhaps it's only fate that you're the one to have caught the eyes of the three school belles.
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Jang Wonyoung—young, rich, tall, beautiful are the words everyone use to describe her. After all, it's all part of her lifestyle as the rich chaebol daughter. However, you know one more adjective that's special to you only—bratty.
"Hi Daddy, I'm not wearing any underwear today. No bra, no panties, all bare underneath these pesky clothes right now. Can we skip classes, please? I'm so wet and needy for you already..."
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Kim Gaeul—stern, composed, firm. It's in her to be like that—student council presidents aren't known to be lenient and kind anyway. However, she's got you wrapped around her finger(s) [and strap] every time you're alone with her—that's where she's very... kind to you.
"Mm, that's right, babygirl. Ride Mommy's strap just like that, suck Mommy's fingers just like that. God, you must've needed me so badly, hmm? So needy that you're already making a mess of my lap? It's a good thing Mommy likes you, babygirl. Now cum, cum for Mommy to watch."
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An Yujin—cheerful, bubbly, and a joy to be with. It's her nature to be such an oversized puppy—"social butterfly" is what she is, and as your tutor, not only is she the saviour of your grades, she's always around to be a listening ear and a pick-me-up when you need it. However, here's the thing—you're her favourite tutee too, and it shows.
"Mm, fuck, honey, you're so wet already... fuck, it just excites me so much knowing that I make you drip like that. How does my tongue feel, honey? Do you like it when I eat your pussy? I can't wait until you're squirting all over my face, fuck..."
If all of them called you for a fuck on the same day, which of the three do you think you'd pick?
Or are you going to be naughty and book all three of them on the same day? Or worse... at the same time? ;)
Love you, dear.
So I finally got to this.
Wony, Yujin, and Gaeul are my triumvriate—I love them so much I'd crack my own neck if they told me to. But okay, I'll give you a run-down and ranking of who I choose:
1. Wonyoung
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I'm a sucker for daddy kink and Wonyoung's whole self screams that she likes it, too. She's very charming, composed, and beautiful—and she knows it. So she likes to use it to her advantage to get what she wants: a punishment.
That's my favorite trope: the misattribution of control. That's why I write about it all the tine. I could be throwing Wonyoung around in the sheets thinking I'm in charge but really, she's the one who holds the reins.
Wonyoung, marry me. You may or may not be topping (heh) Gaeul in my IVE bias list
2. Gaeul
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I'm a Gaeul stan before a human. The first IVE fic I wrote was about her. She takes a more submissive role in my fics (not for long...) but I honestly think she's a soft dom. If ever, she's the kind whose degradation is a little sweet-sounding.
I love the kind of woman who could just kill me. I hope—
3. Yujin
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She's the muse for The Devil's Telephone obviously, and I love her. I could definitely hear that dialogue in her voice and it's so hot but I have to put her in third because she's up against Gaeul.
Maybe I'll take them both. Then Wonyoung for later. Best for last.
This Frisky GOAT level ask makes me want to yell. I love you, Sins.
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pilabutsp · 1 month
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EXTRA III: Craig Knows Stuff 2.
On this occasion, we follow Craig's gang, who are at a sleepover at Tolkien's place.
Like a group of girl teenagers, they are gossiping about all their classmates until the focus falls on…
Clyde: Have you seen The Golden Trio today? They were sitting together on a bench at the park?!
Tweek: Are we really surprised tho? They’ve been joined at the hip lately. 
Jimmy: Kyle is su-su-such a thi-thh-third wheel! I-It is a bit sad at th-thi-this point!
Clyde: For real! He is not going to get any bitches if he does not leave them alone! Aren't they tired of him?
Tweek: UGH, and you haven't see them at the shop dude.
Clyde: We gotta go find him a girlfriend! Help the little dude.
Tolkien: Or a boyfriend! He is Bisexual.
Jimmy: Da-damn, nobody wants him f-for real.
Craig: You are all sooo blind.
Tweek: ARHG! Not this again!
Clyde: Not what again?
Tweek: Craig has this stupid theory-
Craig: It's not stupid! And I'm totally right let me tell you.
Tweek: You don't even have proof!
Craig: I don't need proof! Just look at them!
Tolkien: Hey! Dads! Chill out! You keep arguing and you haven’t even told us the theory yet!
Tweek: Craig thinks they are all dating! All three! Together!
Craig: Thank you for letting me talk, honey.
Clyde: Naah
Jimmy: I don't th-think so.
Craig: woah, how can all three of you be so blind.. whatever I know I’m right. 
Tolkien: I mean! I know where you’re coming from but...
Tweek: but what?
Tolkien: I still talk with Kyle sometimes, He did mention being in a sorta situationship at the moment but I haven't thought too much about it.
Craig: And you are telling this now? This is perfect.
Tweek: Ugh god, Craig he could be with anyone.
Craig: But at what time? Huh? You said they all stick together, all the time.. How can Kyle see anyone else, honey?
Clyde: He does have a point! But I have my own theory now!
Jimmy: We-welp, what is it?
Clyde: Kyle is totally a house wrecker.
Tolkien: Home wrecker. 
Clyde: Yeah.. yeah.. whatever.. house, home.. he’s a wrecker. 
Craig: oh my god that is so stupid.
Tolkien: but with who?
Jimmy: He is t-totally with Stan.
Clyde: Have you seen how Wends and Kyle act around each other? It's totally with he-them! 
Tolkien: It could be either of them.
Craig: Ok, Ok, GUYS, you are totally proving my point in a WHOLE different way. Would you rather believe they are cheating on each other? Instead of believing all three are dating?
Tweek: Ack- we shouldn't even be talking about this! This is literally what we've been through before!
Jimmy: I-It is more common that t-they are cheating... We-we live in a s-ss-small t-t-town!
Clyde: I guess South Park is woke, but THAT woke? Have you ever heard of a couple of three people before? and here?
Tolkien: Well, those couples are called Poly, but yeah, I don't think I've seen a poly couple in this town.
Craig: I'm so confident about this, I'll even bet money on them, here! A hundred dollars.
Tweek: You are going to lose a hundred dollars thanks to Kyle and Stan? Again?
Craig: That time it was all four of them, and I'm not losing money, I'm going to be fucking rich, who is in?
Jimmy: I-I'll bet Kyle is with Stan!
Clyde: And I'll bet he is with Wends!
Tolkien: I'll just bet they are friends and that's it.
Tweek: Mm.. I’ll bet with Tolkien. Anyways, whatever, if I lose my money, I'm getting it back when those three go for coffee again.
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pianostarinwonderland · 9 months
pov piano goes insane over azul (real)(not clickbait)
this ask was actually sent in the last octa manga update but it is relevant again with the new update
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may i take your hand i want your hand i like your hand so much pls sir
god also the mirror to the og scene in the movie like. god. god god god. i love it im in love dear god dear god dear god
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whyyyyyy does he look so hot like that WHYYYYYYYYYYYY AM I DOWN BAD FOR THIS
and we can't forget to mention.
the one. that one . the one . the one the one the one
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ok i am so glad they went off with tis update though because ik that next month won't really give me much azul <///3 it will be the scene where adeuce and jack help grim and yuuta with accommodations, so svnc stans will have their time to shine
ok im normal now.
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nyxdrabbles · 3 months
the boys is such a good fucking series to watch, and i enjoy it so much. i do have some complaints or dislikes to it though.
like, the constant racism towards black people specifically is so annoying, but i get that it’s realistic and that actual celebrities just dont give a fuck about black people who are still famous. its more of that its just annoying mostly. im pretty sure thats the whole point of it though and i dont really mind it too much to stop watching it.
second, why the fuck is the deep still existing and why do it feel as if they’re trying to make us feel bad for him? he’s a literal rapist and also racist too. he also fucks sea animals. there’s nothing but that shit to understand about him. no one cares about him and his existence anymore, so why is he still on the show? unless they’re planning to destroy that man in the most brutal way possible, then who gives a fuck about him?
next is firecracker, when is she dying? im already tired of her weird pedophillic homophobic transphobic racist ass. 6 episodes of her is too much already. i need her gone.
also with butcher, is he actually supposed to be written as a complete dumbass on purpose or are they running out of ideas for him? they make him constantly do the same things over and over again, face the consequences, learn his lesson when his friends wag their lil fingers at him in shame. then repeat the whole thing again. im kinda getting tired of it, and im just wondering when im watching if he’s ever gonna get a proper character development, cause im not seeing it at all.
+ adding on about butcher, did he really threaten a male victim about being touched as a child by soldier boy? cause thats honestly what i got from that, and that made me really scratch my head. but also make him really disgusted with him. i get he’s supposed to be a pretty bad person as well, but goddamn? i thought he would understand and taunt the guy for being touched as a child — which he didnt consent to and was also ignored by everyone else — since his wife is also a victim herself.
really, i enjoy the show a lot and will keep watching, there’s just somethings that just make me off putted by. its just a simple opinion and thats it.
so far my favorite characters are hughie, mm, a-train, stan, and victoria/nadia. the white people besides the boys scare me ngl. they’re always just fucked up people
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So About the New Asides... (Christmas)
Here's just a random list of my thoughts. Just finished the video (What Makes the Perfect Gift?). And oh boy, do I have some THOUGHTS to share.
[I was gonna finish a Intruloceit Crime Boss AU fic thingie as a surprise for a mutual bc why not, but this has me in its grip]
[beware Drunk Character, btw]
Longest post ever, jfc.
Also, I know exactly which people to ask which pairings about. I know who to ask to talk about Dukexiety (@where-are-the-spooky-gays-2), about Intruality (@rataticaisdreaming), about analogince (@disneybrandautism), about Roman in general (@prodigal-explorer and @disneybrandautism), about Prinxiety (@logan-the-artist), etc. etc. etc.
I know people and what they love and their favoured characters. I encourage everyone to infodump and geek out in the comments bc this episode fed us all.
Spoilers below
the lil present animation for the title thingie? cute
Logan waking everyone up and hosting the Secret Santa this time, yusss
Logan is responsible and it shows
"11th hour of beauty rest" -> I love Roman, he's one of my favs
^not this specific line, but can I just say with all of the angst and insecurity and such Roman has, I think I have to add him to my Kin List of Sides that I relate to at some ungodly level (which also includes Remus, Virgil, and Logan. and maybe also Janus)
the pipline to being a Roman kinnie/stan has been WILD okay idk what to tell ya lmao
"master of all kinds of rhythm, except circadian-" yep relating to Roman yet again
Logan's lil pacing in his spot, I call that him stimming and no I don't take criticism on that
^new headcanon unlocked: Logan (like Roman) cannot keep still to a certain degree
Logan and Roman aren't as different as you'd think btw
Virgil being woken up/summoned only by the sudden burst of adrenaline is so canon that I cannot. I CANNOT.
Patton's and Roman's excitement for Secret Santa is everything to me <3
autistic Roman autistic Roman autistic Roman-
"things are a little different this year" -> yeah about that
Serious Grinch Moment(tm)
Logan knowing a lot of medical knowledge makes me think he could have a special interest about it, but that may just be my "autistic Logan go brrr" headcanon nonsense
^...did Patton just indirectly call Logan the Grinch?
^^heart grow in size, he says to Logan... hhhh, I feel the slightest bit of angst vibes from that
"I just stress" -> me core
Roman checking on Thomas, awwww <3
The way Logan sounded when he said Remus' and Janus' names + Virgil's and Roman's reactions to them coming LMAO
"You may all have your feelings about them" -> the way Logan said 'feelings' like it's a plague, mm yeah heheh
Logan is such a f*cking mom, never stop pls
Janus pops like already drunk and Remus pops up all excited, dear frickin god do I love these two specifically
Drunk Janus is my fav thing ever btw
"what's up bro" // "hey..." -> siblings siblings this is my sibling (/ref)
omg Remus just being excited to be there and be included and to hang with his bro, he is so happy to see Roman cause BROTHERS, oh lord creativitwins slfjalkfskafaalkf
"they were right where I left them... in a vat of human excrement" -> I stan him for a reason, don't judge me
^he speaks and I either laugh or relate to it. usually both (no I will not elaborate on what this implies about me lmao)
"courteous laughter" mm yeah
Logan stops Virgil's escape HA
"That everyone will be secretly trying to win at" -> Roman is right and he should say it
"I'm not sharing it with anyone, I'm just showing it off" -> Janus says about his largest wine bottle that he definitely already started drinking from
Patton gets so excited he gets lightheaded
Janus got Patton? heheh moceit nation RISE
^you'll see what I mean when ya watch the episode
^^not just because he got Pat but because of the actual thought and effort he put into the gift
"I thought it was the corpse of a sea lion, but Janus wouldn't let me shake it." // "No, I don't think so. It's too light."
^...h- how does Patton know how much a dead sea lion weighs??
also Roman's reaction is basically "wut the f-"
"I might be mistaken, but I'm not." -> reason 39539 why I love Logan
"A BOX :D" -> Pat. Pat that's not everything.
^Janus being like "keeping opening the boxes" while pretending not to care, hehehe
^^"...you want me to destroy my new box?" -> all I can do is sigh, suddenly understanding why I may relate to Janus
^Roman's and Virgil's reactions, lmao
can I just say how much Ro and Vi are being the best of buds? like mm, platonic prinxiety is off the charts this episode
Remus' f*cking "whaaaaaaaa-" kills me
Janus just pouring wine into what's supposed to be a tea mug is funny to me
"but for Remus?" -> hey at least Roman knows his brother well enough to know an air fryer isn't exactly a Remus-typical gift idea
"someone they don't really know" but then Patton admitting he should get to know Remus better? hhhhhhh-
^intruality nation, we got fed, god damn
tbh a lot of pairings/ships were shown in some way or another, so I guess we ALL got fed today huh
"chicken fingers?" // "yeah!" // "human fingers" // "yea- hh, wha- wait-"
so many intruality interaction omg (my intruality moot is gonna be so excited, I can't wait to talk about this episode with him)
Remus is gonna experiment with the air fryer, ayyy
"I had Virgil" // "Ah f*ck-"
"with me own hands" -> I will never stop loving Remus
also Remus making Virgil a handmade gift? relatable and also aww, I imagine them as besties but in the dynamic where Virgil is kinda reluctant and Remus will never stop teasing whenever he can
^new headcanon: one of Remus' main love languages is 'i made this weird creative thing for you' and I only relate to him even more (essentially gift-giving but make it BETTER)
Mr. Fuzzy <3
Virgil knowing the inside joke between dork Sides- I mean dark Sides
^okay but just all the dukexiety and creativitwins and anxceitmus moments within seconds of each other in that scene is just aww
Virgil knowing what Remus calls his shower drain alfkjafksk
"I hate that I know that" -> reluctant bestie vibes
all of the analogical moments SENDS me because of how it plays out and how Logan felt hurt before realizing what his gift actually was, mm yeah aksfklsdfskfd
Virgil trying to hint subtly that maybe Logan should read it to see something, but Logan not picking up on the hints
^ngl took me the second watch-through to realize "oh he was trying to hint at him but he didn't pick up on it, like me haha"
^^do I kin Logan, you ask as if there isn't an obvious answer of YES
no wait bc the LOOK Remus gives Logan as he becomes more upset and literally encourages him to get angry and let his feelings out
^okay but why did Remus have to say it like that
Pat this whole episode says someone's name as if he's about to intervene/try to help the situation but then IMMEDIATELY says something about his box(es)
Virgil's sigh, lmao
Logan's passive aggressive sass sends me omg
Logan feeling like he needs to 'reevaluate' himself... hhhhh, the angst fics I could write from this moment alone dear lord
"I had Roman" // "Oh- oh, no-"
^idk why but Roman's reaction hurt me
^^like he doesn't have faith in Logan's gift-giving abilities? and how it seems most of everyone specifically has little-to-no faith in Logan's capacity for compassion/general emotions (except for maybe Janus and Remus, and Thomas bc he's been praising Logan for doing well during it all)
Okay but Thomas praising Logan? oh gawd, my heart-
^working on his relationship with the logical part of him, sfksalfkhskadf
^(he's so petty lmao)
Roman liking his present from him <3
^this reminds of the last Secret Santa they had when Ro made Lo a full-on fanfic of him replacing Watson and working with Sherlock and etc (headcanon: both the twins have their love languages involving their creative merits/talents because they're Creativity)
just generally speaking, gift-giving seems to be pretty high up there on everyone's love language list (in their own ways)
why is Patton not the greatest at gifts
^I take that back because he is putting thought into his gift-giving (though not a lot when it comes to Remus cause he doesn't know him well), though he tends to misread/misunderstand what they'd really like? ...is that a neurodivergent thing? cause like that's a little relatable actually
^^also lmao, I just realized the only people Pat's got as far as the series goes is literally the twins (so maybe he's just not sure how to go about the twins? cause like, he seems to know Logan and Janus and kinda Virgil pretty well, but he seems to struggle with the twins? or is that just me)
"because f*ck that asshole" -> love it when Logan cusses <3
then Remus' reaction, omggg (his lil "for christmas")
The genuine joy on Roman's face when sees Logan put Roman on the dollar bill is EVERYTHING, do ya know how much he gets to be happy? (not a lot, if we backtrack to the last canon episode in which Roman's entire worldview broke, but some of ya aren't ready for that convo yet)
sorry but seeing the now-rare joy on Roman's face, awwww
as soon as Janus speaks, Roman's smile drops and is replaced by upset, hhhhhh
^so the amount of angst fics I can make on that scene alone is very much a high number
Janus is so drunk, jfc (he keeps laughing and the filter is basically gone at this point)
"massive ego" -> see Jannie Boi, I think ya missing the part of him being The Ego and how f*cked up he already is but you keep making it worse & a part of me thinks you know you're making it worse because one of your Big Jobs is to actually protect and nuture the Ego but ya ain't doing ya f*ckin job and Roman's self-esteem and self-confidence seem to be dwindling every time you speak bc he knows ya gonna hurt him again for the millionth f*cking time
^I have a lot of Feels, okay?
"quite the unhinged jaw" -> I see what ya did there (literal snake man)
Jan pours more wine, oh lord here we go
this episode has both made very happy but also hurt me deeply all in one go
Why does Patton sound like he was about to actually defend Roman only to yet again comment on his boxes?
^why do I get the feeling this has something to do with the finale coming soon and also the angst arc that royality is currently going through?
I just realized the twins' spots are next to each other <3
^loving all the twins content this episode, exploring their brother relationship yusss
"yessss, full circle at last" -> He's so f*ckin drunk, oh my god
^he's literally holding onto the wall
also ayy, canonical that Janus hisses in his speech cause ya know. snake.
^the snake traits coming alive this episode
"such a sweetie going through all that effort" -> wait for it
he deserved it
Remus' amused "oh" as he enjoys the drama and Roman's passionate "YA GET A B*TCHSLAP, JANUS" is so f*cking delcious
Thomas being like 'what just happened-' as Jan gets slapped is funny to me
"it really is Christmas" -> H A
"won't even share the wine" -> Logan sounds so sad tho
I love how Janus was so impressed with the b*tchslap and how it was executed that he can't even be that upset about it
JANUS GOT PAT A GAG GIFT -> moceit moceit moceit-
^see told ya; Jan was thoughtful with it
"I was getting a bit too catty" -> being self-aware
Pat making a cat pun because of Virgil's hissing <3
Remus being like "nooo, the drama!" lmao
omg omg omg THE ANALOGICAL ENDING skfksfksjdfs
^I make it sound like it's one of many endings to a video game lmao
but srsly, Logan finally ready the newspaper to realize it's actual a puzzle for more puzzles and him being very happy <3
Virgil's evil laughter is legit just him being him, I love this character
okay but Vi knows Lo so well?? they're besties.
"Mr. Detective" from Virgil + Roman's lil smile as he watches Logan be happy with his puzzle(s) cause he knows how much Lo likes mystery (see when he made Lo that Sherlock fanfic) = prinxiety knows Logan very well and now I imagine analogince being a bestie trio of comfort and caring for their nerd
^Analogince has become something I didn't know I wanted until now lmao
"Oh Virgil" -> gay
"and you thought I'd just get you a newspaper" -> alfkjslafskfdslkfs I will never recover
aww Logan's happy smile! he's getting to be happy!!
"Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped" -> Remus, never stop being you
all the dukexiety content this episode feels my heart with joy because they're Brainrot to me
"how did you know-" // "we're you and also you're kinda easy to read"
^Janus taking offense to Thomas being easy to read bc he's Deceit and Self-Preservation, aka: the combo for Masking
"that's rude" -> idk why but the way Jan said that, it made me go aww
^he's so f*cking drunk at this point (props to Thomas (irl) for all the acting as a drunk character cause it was amazing and realistic as hell)
aww logince moment when Lo asks Ro to help him cause Creativity and Ro's smile
^(to be fair, there's a considerable amount of logince moments but this is the only one I pointed out as specifically logince)
can we talk about Nico's gift to Thomas? a necklace with a Ying-Yang charm and what looks like a rainbow charm?? symbolism heheheh
^many thoughts about the Ying-Yang cause balance and black-and-white mindset changing and etc.; but also the rainbow(?) charm cause GAY
Also, Nico Flores content!!
wait, is the endcard the moment when Nico and Thomas become serious? OMG GUYS Y'ALL, WAIT A SEC-
Janus End Card -> I laughed so hard
This episode was basically Growth, Angst, and Tumblr's Headcanons Get Confirmed.
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urcatslitterbox · 1 year
Surprise, handsome!
Sebastian Stan x fem!reader
Summary: You surprise Sebastian for his birthday
Cw: porn with slight plot, smut, fluff, oral (m receiving), p n v, praise, use of slut once, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cockwarming
It’s babygirl’s birthday which means I must express how much I would whore myself out for him. Also I just realized that his birthday is also my uncle’s anniversary. Written on my phone and not proofread so all mistakes are my own.
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Sebastian was really upset that we wouldn’t be able to celebrate his birthday together because of filming the new marvel movie. At least that’s what he thought.
I was not about to let my man be alone in some hotel for his birthday. So instead I flew out to where he was filming and managed to get into his room with help from the reception. I changed into his favourite set of lingerie and laid out on the bed waiting for him.
Eventually, I heard the click of the hotel door and his few steps it took to get to the bed before stopping dead in his tracks.
“Surprise!” I sing.
“W-..I- baby what are you doing here!?” He asked dropping his bag and climbing on top of me. “Couldn’t let my handsome man be alone for his birthday” I say softly as my hand cups his face. He smashed his lips onto mine, immediately licking his way into my mouth. I let him devour me and I kiss him back just as passionately. My hands find their way into his soft brown hair and tug him closer. He groans and begins to kiss down my neck.
“I missed you so much” he breathes in between sucking deep purple marks into my neck.
“Missed you too Seb…wanna show you how much” I tug at his shirt before he pulls it off along with his pants. Once he’s in nothing but his boxers I flip us so I’m on top. I kiss his lips fiercely then trail kisses all along his body down to the elastic of his boxers.
I snap the elastic against him with my teeth before pulling them down and off. His cock is hard and already leaking with precum. I kiss the tip lightly before licking a strip up the shaft following a vein. Sebastian moans, “baby don’t tease! It’s my birthday” he whines. “You’re right, sorry handsome” I giggle and take as much of him in my mouth as possible. His breath hitches as he holds himself back from bucking up. I bob my head up and down on his perfect cock while he grunts and groans in pleasure.
“So fucking sexy sucking my cock like that” Sebastian says lowly. I moan around him at the praise and use my free hand to play with his balls. He moans louder. “O-oh ffuck baby you’re gonna make me cum” I pull off, still stroking him at a fast pace. “Cum for me Seb, cum in my mouth please” I beg before returning to suck his cock. I feel him twitch and he lets out a guttural moan as I taste his sweetness. I swallow all he has to offer and pull off licking his cock clean.
Sebastian pulls me up and kisses me, moaning at the taste of himself on my tongue.
He flips us over again so he is back on top. His hand slides down my body and dips into my panties. “Fuck, you’re so wet doll, this all for me?” He smirks bringing my arousal up to my clit rubbing circles. I moan nodding, “yes, s’all for you Seb you make me so w-“ I’m cut off by the gasp that escapes me as he easily slides two fingers into my dripping hole.
He begins thrusting them in and out while still circling my clit. I moan and hump his hand as he fucks me on his fingers. With his pace it and how turned on I am from sucking his cock, it doesn’t take me long to reach my orgasm.
“Fuck mm Seb, gonna cum!” I moan out but before I can he pulls out. I whine at the loss of my orgasm before he is positioning himself between my legs. “The only thing you’re gonna cum on tonight is my cock” he rasps as he thrust fully into me in one go. I let out a shriek of pleasure that Sebastian swallows with his mouth, kissing me and he begins to slowly rock into me.
“Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking tight, such a perfect pussy.” He groans in my ear. My hands find his muscular back, marking him as I drag my nails down. Sebastian growls at the slight pain but still thrust slowly. “Harder. Please” I beg bucking up to meet his thrust.
“Yeah, you want it harder?” He asks but before I can answer he flips me on my front, grabbing both my hands behind my back. My face falls on the pillows as he thrust back in. “My little slut wants it harder. I’ll give her harder.” He growls then fucks into me at an unrelenting speed. I cry out, muffled by the pillows, as tears stream down my face.
“I can feel you clenching around me, you gonna cum doll? Gonna cum for me?” Sebastian asks as he lets go of my hand moving to rub my clit in tight circles. “Ohhh gonna cum, gonna cum please!” I beg.
“Let go cum on my cock baby”
That’s all it took for my orgasm to come crashing down on me in waves. My vision turned white as I let out a silent scream. Sebastian fucks me through my high prolonging my pleasure.
I feel his thrust speed up again as he chased his own high. “Squeezing me so tight, you want me to cum in this pretty little pussy huh?” He asks through rabid breaths. I can tell he’s close by how his dick is throbbing inside of me. “Please cum in me Seb want your cum please” I beg him knowing that’s all he needs to topple over the edge. As the words left my lips he stills and empties himself into me before falling gently on top of me.
He rolls onto his side taking me with him but not pulling out. We lay there for a few moments catching our breaths and coming back down to earth.
“Happy birthday handsome” I whisper into the sex scented air.
Sebastian nuzzles into my neck laying soft kisses there. “Thank you doll” he whispers back.
“Wanna stay in you tonight. Please?” He asks, he’s voice muffled by my neck. I hum an agreement in response, too tired to form a proper sentence.
“I love you” he murmurs, sleep taking over him as well.
“I love you too handsome.” I mutter back before falling into a peaceful sleep wrapped in my lovers arms.
I’m actually so proud of myself for cranking this out all in one day and not too late. Anyways hope you enjoyed!
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
how do you think alysanne would feel about gay targcest? because while i can believe the conqueror trio and jaehaerys see their incestuous traditions as a means to establish dominance over non-valyrians and produce pure-blooded dragon riders, alysanne always came off like she bought into the "romance" of it all. like if baelon ever came to her and admitted that he loves aemon more than he ever could alyssa, would she internally accept that as real love (even if not a politically convenient love) or would she insist that real targcest makes inbred babies and two brothers fucking each other is just a step too far for some reason?
okay first of all. fuck george for never giving us explicit mm targcest. i love rhaena the lesbian i think she’s a fascinating insight in valyrian gender roles and also she’s just a wildly interesting character. but she’s not enough dammit we need more queers. george stop being such a jersey boy and write anal. stop being afraid of penises george you're a grown ass married man.
second of all and keeping in mind i don't have f&b in front of me bc it's always checked out on libby. okay see i need to caveat this bc obviously there are different reactions to gay women vs gay men. but our only frame of reference here is RHAENA. (and laenor but alysanne didn’t know he was gay bc he was only like 4 when she died, LAENOR probably didn’t even know he was gay yet) and the thing is. they all know she’s gay! and no one seems to…care? alysanne & jaehaerys are happy when rhaena married androw but that’s bc it means she gets to live with ELISSA forever now. j&a aren’t like androw stans they don’t give a shit about that dude. they all seem very aware of who rhaena’s various girlfriends are! there’s no report of alysanne ever having a problem with this! it’s not like she showed up after the poisoning and was like “well maybe if you bedded your husband more often this never would have happened” does she? her problems with rhaena are all rooted in their PERSONALITIES in their TRAUMA like she’s not even recorded to have made some sort of nasty comment about any of Rhaena's lovers. in fact, the people who had an issue with Rhaena's lovers were a) the fathers of her girlfriends or b) Rhaena's own husband. Alysanne (and, to be fair, Jaehaerys) seems to view this whole ting more as like. Well that's just Rhaena, she's a bit odd. I think it adds to the almost Inhuman Beauty of Rhaena in a way - she's so larger than life, even her love can't be confined to the simple dichotomy of husband-and-wife, no she prefers her ladies instead (I was thinking of like, Lady Hideko from The Handmaiden - how the con artist mentions that there's a coldness to her that she could never be seduced by a man. An almost ethereal beauty there that is tied to the fact that she is not attracted to men).
What I think is key here is that a) they're both Valyrians b) Rhaena is her sister and Alysanne loves her despite the issues they have c) Rhaena "does her duty" and has a child by her Valyrian brother. SO. In my opinion, I think the specific scenario of Baelon coming to her and saying he doesn't love Alyssa, he loves Aemon, I think she would buy into the romantic nature of it. I think she would absolutely insist that he marry Alyssa anyway, if only to protect him from rumors and keep it like, ~in the family~ the way Rhaena and Aegon did, but if they only ever had Viserys, I think she would be okay with that. I think she would paint Alyssa as his "protector" in her mind - that fondness she saw between them wasn't her and Jaehaerys reborn after all, but perhaps more of the dynamic Rhaena likely wanted with Aegon (but reversed). Which isn't to say this won't devolve into a weird dynamic - the thing about this is that Alysanne isn't just projecting her own relationship onto her kids, she's projecting Rhaena & herself as well (imo Viserra gets the brunt of this) and Alysanne wanting her kids to playact a scenario where Rhaena is happily brother-married and living her best lesbian life still has just, so many openings to get really deranged. I think Jocelyn would face a lot of issues here. I think Alyssa might be allowed a level of GNC-ness that she isn't allowed in the books, but there's a trade off here where Alyssa is essentially playing Aegon the Uncrowned's role - and if she isn't happy with that, Alysanne would get upset. I think it's not unlikely Baelon doesn't get that "the Brave" epithet because he gets very force-femmed as a way to protect Aemon's reputation.
If Baelon was in love with like, some random household knight, that imo would upset Alysanne. But in love with Aemon? I do think she could make herself happy projecting onto that one.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
i keep seeing news about a potential gravity falls reboot. as someone who very much despises reboots and who thinks gravity falls ended very well (it's something gf has been REPEATEDLY praised for,) do you think there's actually a chance they'd legitimately reboot it?
I watched a bit of hana's interview with alex hirsch out of (somewhat morbid) curiosity and from what I could glean there, it seems less likely gravity falls is going to get a legitimate "reboot" any time soon and more that there's potential for spinoffs when alex's contract with netflix expires. my honest prediction is that the book of bill is a prelude to more if it sells well, as it's very possible they're testing the waters to see if gravity falls nostalgia-hype is alive and well.
as much as I dislike reboots- and I have some strong feelings about the book of bill as a concept- I actually wouldn't be mad about some of the concepts alex has in his back pocket, such as a miniseries set on the stan o' war, or potentially more comics. I criticize elements of writing and what's being done with the story now because, obviously, I love gravity falls dearly, and I do think it could be adapted or continued faithfully... in the right hands, under the right circumstances. reboots exceeding the production of new, director-driven stories is symptomatic of a larger problem in the entertainment industry, but I don't think they're the disease themselves. people love strong stories, y'know? I would be a massive hypocrite if I acted like there was something wrong with wanting more, I've been actively making art for this show since I was 12.
so, do I think they're going to fully reboot the show, take us back to the mystery shack for "summer 2013" or potentially something further ahead in the future? ...mm, probably not. the series ended at two seasons for a reason, and in the age of, yes, pointless cash-grab reboots in a time where the entertainment industry is hopelessly dependent on selling established IPs, I respect that decision a lot. but I feel like it's inevitable there will be more gravity falls in some form or another in the future, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed if not for alex's words himself and the release of a new book this july.
whether or not it's any good... I guess we'll have to wait and see?
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Me yesterday after an 8 hr shift: oooh, jikook in tokyo and then sapporo. Yes, pretty, pretty winter view. What? New jikook clips from PTD US? Yes, yes. Mm-hmm. Of course, there are tons of jikook moments. As usual.
Me after waking up this morning with one eye open: what? there's more?? Jikook still jikooking?? What do you mean that was like half of the dvd?? *drowns in jikook content but still wants to keep it coming* 😤😭
Ask 2:
I can't help but remember all your posts from the past 2 years saying jikook hasn't changed really. Let this be lesson no 999 for me to not doubt jikook,, I prayed for days like this
Ask 3:
BPP the change in sentiment on my tl is like night and day. My moot basically turned into a PJM last month and was dragging JK 247, but now she is reposting PTD vids about how she misses BTS and always knew they loved each other yada yada.
Am I in the twilight zone? Did the lack of OT7 content this year really make people go crazy and forget how BTS are with each other? I asked my moot if she's still a PJM that hates JK and she started denying she ever hated them! But her rants calling him a 'Bongo sucker who has no talent and backstabs his friends' was up on her profile until she deleted the posts today.
Hi Anon(s),
It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas, isn't it?
With all that footage coming in, ARMY twitter feels a bit more like its former state, of BTS fans awwing and ooohing over all seven guys and their interactions with each other, while gaining more respect for BTS after seeing how hard they work (and play) together. ARMY twt still feels like a shadow of its former self though, partly because:
Most ARMYs are actually off Twitter. Using a personal anecdote, about half of my Twitter mutuals have been dormant since Butter era (when many fans were fairly certain BTS would begin enlisting), and even more have left Twitter since the Festa Dinner. Looking at likes on BTS posts from early 2021 which could easily crack 2 million, and on ARMY tweets that regularly hit 350k, compared to now when the most engagement peaks at <100k on average. And this is on Musk's X, where bots are even more rampant.
There's fewer genuine fans. Using the moot of anon in ask 3 as an example, there's so many stans exactly like that. Like I keep saying, the way a lot of people behave in fandom has more to do with them than anything actually happening with jikook or BTS. All that footage is from a time when people claimed BTS hated working with each other and wanted to leave the group or claimed that jikook weren't close anymore. Those narratives were everywhere despite what in reality was happening with BTS and jikook, which, again as I keep saying, just drives home the fact that a lot of people here, a lot of k-pop stans generally, have no real idea on what they're talking about. The way we see BTS in that footage is consistent with how they've been with each other for years, so anybody asserting doom in paradise during PTD era was high on their own supply.
It's the same with BTS in Chapter 2 btw. For anybody actually paying attention.
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defjux · 2 years
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200 of my favorite albums that I swear by, from any genre - limited to one per artist. I always wanted to do this since the start of the decade and finally got around to it. I’ve had a lot of different musical obsessions up to this point and periods where i was deep into specific genres so I tried to make sure all of that was represented here. Overall it’s a mix of personal classics that I go back to constantly, albums that helped form my taste, and some recently stuff I love. Didn’t want to stress too much over the order, but i’d say the first 50ish are pretty accurate. I’ll post the list below, and a version of the charts with the titles included. Let me know what you think - any favorites here? What would some of your picks be? Let me know. Peace. Charts with album titles included  1. At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command 2. Organized Konfusion - Stress: The Extinction Agenda 3. Aesop Rock - Labor Days 4. Ghostface Killah - Supreme Clientele 5. Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein 6. MF DOOM - MM..Food 7. De La Soul - Buhloone Mindstate 8. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme 9. Converge - Jane Doe 10. Billy Woods & Blockhead - Dour Candy 11. The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium 12. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - The Main Ingredient 13. Portishead - Dummy 14. The Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire Works 15. Björk - Vespertine 16. El-P - I'll Sleep When You're Dead 17. The Roots - Illadelph Halflife 18. Isis - Wavering Radiant 19. The Pharcyde - Labcabincalifornia 20. Miles Davis - In A Silent Way 21. Edan - Beauty and the Beat 22. Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030 23. A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders 24. Company Flow - Funcrusher Plus 25. Every Time I Die - The Big Dirty 26. Gospel - The Moon Is a Dead World 27. OutKast - ATLiens 28. GZA/Genius - Liquid Swords 29. DJ Shadow - Endtroducing..... 30. Dälek - From Filthy Tongue of Gods and Griots 31. Stereolab - Dots and Loops 32. Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come 33. Mos Def - The Ecstatic 34. Boredoms - Vision Creation Newsun 35. Freestyle Fellowship - Innercity Griots 36. Redman - Dare Iz A Darkside 37. Armand Hammer - Paraffin 38. Panopticon - Autumn Eternal 39. Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) 40. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# ∞ 41. Black Star - Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star 42. Ornette Coleman - Science Fiction 43. Electric Masada - At the Mountains of Madness 44. Orchid - Orchid 45. Alice Coltrane - Journey in Satchidananda 46. Digable Planets - Blowout Comb 47. Grouper - A I A: Alien Observer 48. Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back 49. Charles Mingus - Let My Children Hear Music 50. Camp Lo - Uptown Saturday Night
51. Milo - who told you to think??!!?!?!?! 52. Boris - Flood 53. Stan Getz & João Gilberto - Getz/Gilberto 54. Dr. Yen Lo - Days With Dr. Yen Lo 55. Avantdale Bowling Club - Avantdale Bowling Club 56. zeroh - awfulalterations 57. toe - For Long Tomorrow 58. Sun Ra - Sleeping Beauty 59. Dark Time Sunshine - ANX 60. Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye 61. Kate Bush - The Dreaming 62. Boards of Canada - Geogaddi 63. Unwound - Repetition 64. Jeru the Damaja - The Sun Rises In The East 65. Massive Attack - Mezzanine 66. Black Moon - Enta Da Stage 67. Tim Hecker - Harmony In Ultraviolet 68. CunninLynguists - A Piece of Strange 69. Quasimoto - The Further Adventures of Lord Quas 70. Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute 71. Sonny Sharrock - Ask The Ages 72. J Dilla - Donuts 73. Aceyalone - A Book of Human Language 74. D'Angelo - Voodoo 75. Jam Baxter - ...So We Ate Them Whole 76. Pharoah Sanders - Karma 77. Danny Brown - XXX (Deluxe Edition) 78. Gravediggaz - 6 Feet Deep 79. Sonic Sum - The Sanity Annex 80. Death - Symbolic 81. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain 82. Mach-Hommy - DUMPMEISTER 83. Prince Paul - A Prince Among Thieves 84. Nas - Illmatic 85. Grant Green - Idle Moments 86. Gang Starr - Moment Of Truth 87. Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain 88. O.C. - Word...Life 89. Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I 90. Joni Mitchell - Hejira 91. Mr Key & Greenwood Sharps - Yesterday's Futures 92. Little Brother - The Listening 93. Max Roach - Members, Don't Git Weary 94. Cult Favorite - FOR MADMEN ONLY 95. Deftones - White Pony 96. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On 97. Cocteau Twins - Treasure 98. Prince - Sign o' the Times 99. Pageninetynine - Document #8 100. Boldy James & Sterling Toles - Manger on McNichols 101. NoMeansNo - Wrong 102. Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel... 103. Baroness - Blue Record 104. Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime 105. Alcest - Écailles de lune 106. Raekwon - Only Built 4 Cuban Linx 107. David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars 108. Madlib - Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6: A Tribute To Dilla 109. Aphex Twin - druqks 110. Electric Wizard - Dopethrone 111. Siah & Yeshua dapoED - The Visualz Anthology 112. Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless 113. Mastodon - Crack the Skye 114. Juggaknots - Re:Release 115. The Cure - Pornography 116. Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters 117. Erykah Badu - Mama's Gun 118. Fela Kuti - Expensive Shit 119. Blu - Below the Heavens 120. Ohbliv - Retrospective 121. Shibusashirazu Orchestra - 渋星 (=Shibuboshi) 122. United Nations - The Next Four Years 123. Mobb Deep - The Infamous 124. The Chariot - Long Live 125. Serengeti - Ajai 126. Heltah Skeltah - Nocturnal 127. Talking Heads - Remain In Light (Deluxe Version) 128. Autechre - LP5 129. Lil Ugly Mane - THIRD SIDE OF THE TAPE 130. Roc Marciano - Reloaded 131. Yndi Halda - Enjoy Eternal Bliss 132. Albert Ayler - Spiritual Unity 133. Open Mike Eagle & Paul White - Hella Personal Film Festival 134. Melt-Banana - Fetch 135. Bad Brains - Bad Brains 136. Deathspell Omega - Paracletus 137. Nujabes - Modal Soul 138. Nails - Unsilent Death 139. Cavalier - Private Stock 140. Flying Lotus - You're Dead! 141. The Avalanches - Since I Left You 142. Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain 143. Envy - Insomniac Doze 144. Gojira - From Mars to Sirius 145. The Doppelgangaz - Lone Sharks 146. System of a Down - Toxicity 147. letlive - Fake History 148. Goodie Mob - Soul Food 149. Death Grips - Ex Military 150. Jeromes Dream - Seeing Means More Than Safety 151. Standing On The Corner - Red Burns 152. Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade 153. maudlin of the Well - Leaving Your Body Map 154. Oddisee - The Good Fight 155. Krallice - Years Past Matter 156. tricot - T H E 157. Gorguts - Obscura 158. Kvelertak - Kvelertak 159. Shabazz Palaces - Black Up 160. Sade - Love Deluxe 161. Opeth - Ghost Reveries 162. The Fall of Troy - Doppelgänger 163. Batsumi - Batsumi 164. Deafheaven - New Bermuda 165. Leonard Cohen - Songs of Leonard Cohen 166. The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Worse Than Alone 167. Dragged Into Sunlight - Hatred For Mankind 168. Earl Sweatshirt - some rap songs 169. Burial - Untrue 170. Mgła - Exercises in futility 171. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk 172. Fugazi - Red Medicine 173. Lord Finesse - The Awakening 174. Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along The Highway 175. Cryptopsy - None So Vile 176. The Ahmad Jamal Trio - The Awakening 177. Bohren & der Club of Gore - Black Earth 178. Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill 179. Bear vs Shark – Right Now, You're In The Best Of Hands 180. Wormrot - Voices 181. Broadcast - Tender Buttons 182. Swans - Swans Are Dead: Live '95-'97 183. Yves Tumor - Heaven to a Tortured Mind 184. AFI - The Art of Drowning 185. Mazzy Star - So Tonight That I Might See 186. Botch - We Are the Romans 187. NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM - Éons 188. Sigur Ros - Takk... 189. Rubberoom - Architechnology 190. Herbie Hancock - Sextant 191. Big K.R.I.T. - 4eva Is a Mighty Long Time 192. Oh No - Oh No Vs. Now-Again 193. Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising 194. Hella - Hold Your Horse Is 195. Loma Prieta - I.V. 196. Defcee - Lacuna 197. Genesis Owusu - Smiling with No Teeth 198. Brutus - Nest 199. Bruno Pernadas ‎- Those Who Throw Objects At The Crocodiles... 200. The Koreatown Oddity - Little Dominiques Nosebleed
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