#where it was like 'ooooh this person is a disaster and their attempts to care for the other person are TERRIBLE'
bananonbinary · 10 months
do u ever try to read a fic and realize oh...this person's understanding of the world is utterly unhinged
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Heya, could I ask for the ikevamp boys finding mc passed out at the table surrounded by work? Uni's been killing me lately. If all of them is too much then just Leonardo, Jean, Comte, Theo and Mozart? Thanks x
I cried five times while making this.
Dear Anon! Thanks sooo mush for the request. 😘I’m sorry for taking this looooong I also have a shit ton of work but HERE IT IS. I hope things get better for you and good luck!😘❤️❤️ I added a different type of uni to each of the guys just to make it interesting. @nad-zeta your daily dose of Theo. XD. Love you. Hope you enjoy! Ok here we go!
Ikevamp boys x an overworked mc
he just woke up from one of his naps and he decided he’s going to have a snack most probably mc
as he’s walking towards kitchen he spots you sleeping on one of the tables in the library surrounded by a huge pile of books, pens and papers
now he knew that you refused to give up on the uni you where going to when you came here but he’s still a bit surprised
he walks up to you and takes a peek at what you are studying 
more specifically some designs he came up with
*eyes emoji*
after the initial shock of finding out you where studying his work he smiles and picks you up and caries you to your bed
from that moment on he will always help you with whatever you are studying and always makes sure you take breaks
he was walking around socializing with the residents when he stumbled upon you snoozing on the dining table buried in a mountain of book
ha was aware of your studies and offered to let you off work completely
but you insisted on dedicating 4 days a week on housework
however this meant you had to study like crazy
when he saw you there he already knew what’s wrong
he panicked internally but calmly walked to your side
he didn’t insist one knowing what exactly you where studying but this was so convenient he just had to take a look
finance studies
well damn
finds it very amazing that you manege to work and study that at the same time
sighs and carefully picks you up and takes you to bed
after that he makes sure you get enough rest in between study sessions
he will spoil you a bit more and offer to help with your studies
ok so we know poor baby can’t read
he doesn’t get why you are so passionate about your university
what did you call your studies? Linguistics? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
he has no idea what you are talking about but he loves you and loves that you have a passion
when he sees you passed out in your room in a very uncomfortable position surrounded by books...
oh wait no panic you probably just fell asleep ‘cause you where tiered
wait tiered?
he will pick you up and take you to your room, makes sure you are tucked it
from that moment on he will make sure you get enough rest
precious little bean
on one hand he understands why you are so passionate about your studies on the other he is worried
one time you where working late into the night and he asked you to stop and you brought up the argument that he does the same
so he decided not to stop you
however when he finds you passed out in the gazebo...
he is panicked and scared and angry at himself for not realizing sooner
he hurries to your side when one of your books catches his eye
you are studying quantum physics?
say what?
ok he now has a whole lot of respect for you
he will gently shake you awake
“ Mmmhmm...I did my essay” “Y/N it’s me, wake up”
you immediately wake up
“ Don’t ever do that again. You scared me.”
Now you guys study together so cute
if he saw you just hanging off a table passed out he will have a heart attack
then he will realize that you are just sleeping and you are not dead so he will calm down a bit
he can’t resist the urge to take a look at what you are studying either
so you want a  politics degree
what you will do with it he has no idea. After all you are in a different time period, but he thinks  it’s good to have a goal
what he doesn’t think is good is over working your self
“nunuche wake up” “noooooooooo I won’t wake up unless you do what I do to wake you up”
so he will kiss you and you agree to wake up how adorable i  think i’m going to cry over my own work damn I’m weird  
If he ever see you looking even a little tiered he will steal you away and you will cuddle
Heart attack nr.2
oh no wait my bird is just sleeping
he’s not happy
ok let me rephrase that
he’s happy that you are happy but he’s not ok with the fact that you have overworked yourself and on top of that he’s beating himself up for not noticing earlier
he’s debating whether you’d be more pissed if he carried you to your room* or if he woke you up when something catches his attentive eye
you where studying to get a bachelor's degree in English whaaaaaat!
will go through your notes and
when he finds out you want to become a writer.....
Omg fanboy mode: activate
“ I didn’t know I had such an effect on you Luv”
you: say wut? Arthur I became writer because I wanted to
Now you two run around n the corridors smiling like dorks and narrating random events when your free and he writes next to you when you study   ( to keep and eye on you. He loves you so much)
* if that doesn’t apply to you I’m sorry. I try to write from another persons prospective, but a lot of my writing is based of my reactions to a situation or my personality. In this case I’d be pissed if he left my stuff there or went into my room ( it’s my sanctuary ok my disaster). And waking me up oh no bitch run. But on a serious note don’t be mad if it doesn’t fit your description, and if it didn’t and you want me to change something feel free to let me know. Ok next victim:
to say he’s pissed is an understatement
he’s pissed at you for taking it to far but he’s pissed at himself a lot little more for not noticing sooner
like his bff he’ll also be contemplating taking you to bed rather then yelling you awake like witch one will end up in a bigger slap
then he notices what you are studying
when you are done with this you are literally going to get an art degree
Theo ex. has stopped working
he is getting emotional on the inside
 will gently take you to bed and tuck you in
he’ll pat your head “ Creative Hondjie”. He has such a gentle smile on his face god I can picture it I’m crying
from then on when you have a project he will help criticize you and he will help you progress with your art
 will be keeping an eye on you 25/7 yes 25 this guy will create a time loop if it meant that you had more time to do the things you love (ahem Theo) xd  no
all in all he will be just a little softer with you, but only you. And will also deny it if somebody points it out
Let’s all just sit down, take a moment and appreciate Vincent
He will see you passed out and he will PANIC
he will rush up to you and make sure you are ok
also waking you up in the process
he will ask what you are studying
“sooo you want to become a chef”
Pffffffff we all know poor baby is parallel with cooking
like he will burn water
is super supportive tho gee who would have thought
this boy is an angel and will help you cook
Jesus I hope Comte has fire insurance
you have a lot of fun with him and he will actually end up learning a few things form you.
will make sure you never overwork yourself again
this dork almost stepped on you
you had passed out under you window , ‘cause you had been studying on the floor
and this guy came waltzing in through the window
“Toshiko-san? Toshikooooo shit”
*cricket sounds* yup
he will squat down next to you and poke your cheek
“ what are you doing on the floor?” you: “what are you doing in my room?”
you two of you will laugh about it and he will ask you what you are studying
you proudly shove your text book under his nose
“ well well Toshiko-san want’s to take care of small animals?”
you: Yes, like Isaac
he’s not really fazed by you falling asleep but  will make sure you don’t overwork and if he sees you getting tired he will crack a few terrible jokes to lighten your mood and then he will proceed to steel you away
ok now clean freak here is going to be worried
not panicked just worried
uhum Wolf you keep telling yourself that
you where studying in the music room while Wolf was playing
suddenly he heard a thump
he stopped and looked around only to find you passed out on the table
seems like the all-nighter combined with the music led you to fall asleep
he’s frozen for a hot second until he realizes you are just sleeping
he will slowly walk up to you and poke you with a broom ‘cause he doesn’t want to touch you
he will go up to you and gently attempt to shake you awake when he notices what your studying
 you where studying music
“Marry me?”
he will wake you up and question you about it
from that moment on he actually helps you a little when you don’t get something and you study in the music room at all times because” it’s noisy outside”
we know you just care about her Mozart
he flicks your forehead
that’s it. Thant’s the canon
no I’m kidding he knows how much you study and is worried about you even before you pass out
and when you do that’s it
he scoops you up and takes you to your bed
he only flicks your forehead when you wake up
yeah you get an ear full from him
he asks what you are studying and tell him you want a degree in history
ok suddenly he’s not mad at you
from that moment on he always makes sure you are not over working
he actually shows you his notebook and you find it fascinating 
now you both collectively stalk the residents
y’all aren’t ready for this
when he sees you passed out in the garden he’s ready to pull out a gun and kill anyone and everyone who dared harm you
then he realizes you’re actually sleeping and he calms down a bit ( he’ll keep the gun tho shhhhh don’t tell Comte)
he will gently pat your hair and just look at you
when you wake up he will ask you what you are studying
you are a complete blushing mess when you tell him you want to become an actress
he’s shooketh and also really happy at the same time
now he takes you with him to the theater and he gives you a role to play and he watches while you practice
he’s also super attentive and will never let you overwork yourself again
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe everyone! 😘😘😘
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lindalevanimamm · 4 years
Reality- Chapter 2
We walked down the street, hand in hand. I felt like the world almost looked a little brighter. How could it not be when Saeyoung is by my side? But I began to worry about his presence here. Wouldn’t it like, screw with timelines or something science-y? And what about his universe and all the RFA members there? Was it a game I was playing, or was it just a way to communicate with another universe? I decided to ask. “So, is it okay for you to be here? It won’t like, mess up the world or anything?” 
He laughed, “it’s okay for me to be here.” 
“Hmm okay. But like is mystic messenger just a game or is it really a whole new universe?” 
“I’m not sure I should answer that...but it’s kind of both.” 
I furrowed my brows and looked up at him, “that’s not very helpful, but okay. What about Saeran and the RFA? Is it okay to leave them?” 
He smiled and looked at me. “They knew about my plans to get here. I figure we can figure something out. Either we stay here, go there, or I guess I could go back alone if you don’t want-” 
“I do want to stay with you.” I interrupted. I know it’s weird. We kinda just met, but at the same time, I’ve known him through the game. 
“Okay. Then we will figure it out later.” 
“Okay...” We kept walking in a comfortable silence. Both of us just happy to be there together. We eventually made it to the apartment, and I hesitated to unlock the door. My apartment was a mess. I hadn’t had energy to clean it so it was kind of a disaster. Oh no, gosh what am I wearing? I look like a mess, he’s probably changed his mind after seeing me...he definitely will after seeing this wreck of an apartment. 
“Everything okay?” Saeyoung interrupted my thoughts. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess. I just, uh- myapartmentiskindofadisaster,” I replied quickly and quietly. 
“What was that?”
“My apartment is kind of a disaster right now...it’s a little embarrassing. I’m about to let someone I really care about into a disaster of an apartment…it looks about as I do right now.” 
He laughed and I quickly looked up at him, confused. “(Y/N). Do you really think I’d care about all that? I know you’ve been having a hard time. That’s why I tried even harder to get here. I don’t care how much of a disaster any part of your life is. Also, I think you are very cute, even in those sweatpants and sweatshirt. Though, I think you’d look even cuter in my sweatshirt,” he winked.
I blushed. “I’ll take you up on that offer sometime. But okay, I did warn you.” I unlocked the door and we entered. I kept my head down in shame. It was definitely the worst my apartment had ever looked. Saeyoung once again grabbed my chin and tilted my face up to look at him. 
“Hey, stop looking down so much. I want to see those pretty eyes of yours. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ve seen much, much worse. My own place has looked worse than this. Now let's get to work so we can relax.” Saeyoung immediately got to work on cleaning. We cleaned for about an hour before both of us were too tired to continue. It looked better, but was still pretty bad. I was in the kitchen when I heard Saeyoung. 
“Ughhh I’m so tired.” 
I smiled. “Me too, I think that’s enough for today, it’s almost midnight.” I walked out into the living room to find Saeyoung. Instead of seeing him where I expected him, my face was met with a pillow. I heard Saeyoung begin to burst out in laughter. I pouted at him. “That hurt,” I said, doing my best to make me look sad. He kept laughing. I frowned and grabbed the nearest pillow to throw at him. He caught it of course, which irked me. “That’s not fai-” I was interrupted by that same pillow I just threw hitting my face. Now I was mad. I grabbed a pillow and began to chase Saeyoung around my apartment. He ran into my room and slammed the door, using his weight to keep it shut as I helplessly tried to open it. “That’s really not fair! You’re so much bigger there’s no way I can open this!” I yelled at him. 
“Hehe, that’s not my fault (Y/N)! You have to keep in shape for missions like this!” he replied. I sighed and stopped my attempts at getting in. I heard a small click. 
“Did you just lock me out of my own bedroom?” I asked. His reply of giggles was the only answer I needed. I started to feel a bit anxious. I hadn’t gotten to clean my room up yet, so it was still disastrous. I hope he doesn’t try anything. 
“Ooooh (Y/N) I did not expect you to own this!!” he giggled like a child. Immediately my mind raced through what in the world he could have found. I consider myself to be a pretty innocent person, so I had no ideas. Oh no. It’s not….an anime poster...or worse a cardboard cutout. Scratch that last one I got rid of it. Crud. I heard a gasp. “Oh-ho-ho (Y/N)! This pair is pretty scandalous!” he yelled out. I felt my cheeks turn red with embarrassment and anger. “Saeyoung Choi. If you do not shut that dresser drawer right now-” Another gasp interrupted me. “No way. (Y/N), you’ve got some explaining to do. No one should see you in this stuff!” I think I died right there. “Saeyounggg stop,” I whined. 
“But it’s so fun!” he replied. I sighed and gave up. I walked back to the kitchen and decided to look for some food. Then it occurred to me that I had nowhere for Saeyoung to sleep. Great. I mean I trust him so it wouldn’t be that bad to share….my face once again started to heat up. I heard my door finally open. He’d been in there for about 10 minutes. I figured he’d get bored and come out eventually and I guess I was right. 
“Oh (Y/N)~” he called out. 
“Saeyoung~” I answered. 
“Come here.” As requested I headed over to my room. He was standing in the middle of the room, proud of his work. Somehow, he managed to clean a lot of it within those 10 minutes. 
“Saeyoung, you didn’t have to do this,” I began. 
“Well I wanted to. Plus we gotta sleep somewhere, and I don’t know about you, but it’s harder to sleep when everything's a mess.” 
“We?” I questioned. His face began to get red, it was so cute. 
“I, uh, mean you, i-if, so you could sleep well. I-I’ll be on the couch of course,” he managed to eventually get out, completely flustered. I laughed. His face shot up in shock. I quieted down after a few seconds of laughing, when I noticed him staring at me. 
“What?” I asked. 
He smiled, “Nothing. I’ve just been waiting to hear that.” Now it was my turn to get a blush of my face. 
“Oh...also I was kidding, I’m not going to make you sleep on the couch. I know enough about you to know you won’t try anything,” I told him. 
“Ok….then I call the right side!” he yelled before running and claiming his side. I smiled and shook my head before joining him. It was awkward at first for sure. I turned the lights off, but couldn’t sleep. I could tell Saeyoung was trying to give me as much space as possible, he literally would fall off the bed if he moved any further. I could also tell that he was not able to fall asleep. Gathering courage, I finally asked him. 
“Hey Saeyoung?” 
“Yeah?” he whispered back. 
“Is it okay if I- I mean can we, um...no, ugh,” I struggled to ask what I wanted. Saeyoung rolled over so he was now facing me. I stopped breathing. His glasses were off, allowing me to see his entire face. He’s stunning. He smiled at me and my heart melted. “Yeah” was all he said before moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around me so my head was on his chest. I don’t know how he knew what I was going to ask. I don’t even know how he’s here, but he is. I felt more comfort than I had in years. I snuggled further into him, afraid that he’d be gone when I woke up. Afraid all of this was just a dream. I listened to his heartbeat, telling me that he’s real, he’s here, as it lulled me into sleep.
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naeriels · 7 years
Question Challenge
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
@nodaski​ tagged me
1) What would you are this worlds’ biggest problems?
I think that if we were to catalogue even just the biggest the problems of the world, we would be standing here years from now. I think perhaps one of the biggest problems we face nowadays if forgetfulness. We are so eager to expand, evolve, reach out, change and distort ourselves all in the name of the future that we wipe away all the faults of the past, we forget all that had come to pass and as such we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. We turn a blind eye to everything that had spiraled out of control, to all of humanity’s mistakes, to the blood drenched past that led us to this future and we draw none of the conclusions that we should have drawn till now. We are caught in an ever lasting vicious cycle of “it happened, it’s in the past, no point thinking back on it” that we are forever drawn to the same spot, albeit in different manners and various circumstances. So in a way, the world instead of evolving, in many cases stagnates or even makes ten steps back to one step forth.
2) Why do you think humans are flawed, or that intrinsically irremediable?
I think that there is no such thing as perfection, no matter how much we might strive to achieve it. And as such, yes our baseline is flawed from birth till death and there is no denying that. However, just because we are flawed does not mean we cannot strive to be better or that we need to simply surrender to the belief that no matter what we do, our design was imperfect from the beginning an that’s how we will remain without trying to aim for more.
3) If you could wipe away the sorrows of your past, your biggest regrets and worst sufferings even if they had shaped you on who you are today would you spare yourself from experiencing those things? Why so?
Hahaha ooooh boooi good question. And one I’ve been asking myself a lot. It would be tempting to erase everything and spare my past self from everything that happened. But at the same time, if I did that, whatever would remain by the end wouldn’t be me. It would be a stranger with my face and a life I wouldn’t recognize. And since I’ve always hated other people trying to change me, I won’t be the one to effectively deconstruct myself and turn me into something else. So the answer is no, I wouldn’t.
4) What is your stance on mental health and the perpetual suffering that comes from living in a capitalistic system that prioritises work and creating workers over personal aspirations?
My stance is that I hate the system and would love nothing more than to gleefully tear it down, burn it and salt its ashes. We live in a society that demands, demands, demands without offering nothing back, that puts mounting pressure on our shoulders from the very moment we enter school, that delights in belittling us and crushing our dreams, telling us how very pointless they are and that we will never amount to anything if we pursue them. We live in a society that tries to turn us into robots and is surprised when we snap, that offers us the bare bones for survival and chides us for our frustration and overall lack of hope, that takes away all that makes us who we are and rages against us when we rebel against it. It is a system designed to breed fools and mindless drones that ruins all those who wish to fight against it in whatever small ways possible. And I for one would love nothing more than to see it changed for something that actually encourages personal growth and aspirations, that encourages people to follow their dreams and offers them the means to do so, instead of kicking them in the ground. But I’m not holding my breath that anything will change...
5) Do you think there is a perpetual loss in our time of interest and growth in arts (literature, picture, music), and how do you think it influences us as humans if so?
Yes. There is a statistically proven decrease in readership and interest towards the literary arts and I think the same fact proves right for all arts including painting, music or theater. Part of it stems, I believe, from the lack of interest offered by governments and authorities to this area and quite another for the way society is shaped. We are forced - by school, by university, by work through the hectic and burdening schedules hoisted upon us - to dedicate more and more of our time to work as a whole and less to leisure time. Moreover, those inclined towards artistic pursuits are discouraged from a young age, being told such a road is impossible, will lead to nowhere and will offer them no chance to amount to something in life. As such, the Arts become shunned from both the developer and the consumer point of view. The result is that we steadily become a robotic society, one incapable of sharing the pleasure of creative pursuits with our peers, one focused so much on what must be done to ensure a livelihood that it forgets to actually live for a moment or two. Humans will slowly become less creative, less imaginative, less likely to reach out to the stars, and more gripped by everyday reality. And those that will think otherwise will simply be mocked or ignored.
6) How would you define happiness?
This is going to sound cheesy as heck but to me happiness is a cabin on the banks of a lake, in perfect silence and solitude. It’s a steady Wi-Fi connection and a roaring fire in the fireplace, a word document open with words filling up the pages and cats milling around the house in joy. It’s acceptance and approval offered without falter, it’s the chance of doing something I love as opposed to something I have to do to be able to live a decent life. It’s being able to research topics I love and writing about them. It’s teaching others and helping them unearth new knowledge. It’s all the pieces of myself buried under what must be done and what the world demands, brought together at last without fear of doing so.
7) Why do you write and continue to do so?
Because it is escapism and a way to escape the monotonous reality of everyday. Because it allows me to dream and create, to give birth to new worlds, to embark on adventures with characters I love and discover all the facets of their personality. Because it is the first thing I ever claimed for myself, my first passion, my first love and something I do not think I could survive without. Because I strive to be better and better, to reach the experience and abilities of the authors I admire. Because I do not care whether I will be remembered or not, but I wish to see my world withstand the passage of time. Because writing shapes me and defines me and I do not know who I would be without it.
8) How it feels to dream, and when do you think a person reaches the point they are no longer to do so and lose all purpose of their life?
I think dreaming might very well be a folly, a burst of optimism that will make most of us crash and burn at one point in our lives. Achieving one’s dreams is hard, a rare occurrence that makes the majority that has no chance to do so hope ever harder and suffer even more when their dreams are destroyed. I think it depends on the person, though; many manage to cling to their dreams and their hopes for a large portion of their life, relentlessly believing that no matter how old they might get, the chance is still there for them to seize. And others give up on their dreams in the very beginning, disheartened by every dashed attempt and every failed opportunity. I think the moment we lose all hope - in the world, in ourselves, in whoever is supporting us - is the moment when even that remote dream that we might have held onto gets blasted into oblivion and we lose whatever anchor was tethering us till then.
9) Do you live your life with a purpose/Do you need a purpose in life to live?
I don’t really have a purpose in life, so I guess I don’t really need one? I just move from one day to another in a state of vague uncertainty and confusion, hoping to maybe discover at one point exactly where I wish to go from here onward.
10) Does the idea of death or permanent disappearance scare you? If not, have you ever thought of disappearing?
Ironically enough, the answer is yes to both questions.
11) What is love for you?
That’s kind of complicated because I don’t really know the answer. I used to think I did. I guess love would be companionship, acceptance, support and being able to trust the other person without fear of betrayal.
And for my questions... ummmm...
1. If you would be able to save only one book, knowing all the others would disappear forever from history and recollection, what book would that be and why?
2. Do you believe in the existence of a higher being whatever its name might be or do you think there is no divine intervention in our world?
3. Do you believe humanity has learned from the mistakes of the past, or is it merely repeating the same patterns in different ways?
4. If you would be able to ask your future self one question, what would that question be and why?
5. Has there been a book, series, movie or other media that changed your life for the better?
6. What do you think offers capacity for growth and development: original fiction or fanfiction?
7. If you could change one thing in a fictional universe of your choice, what would that thing be?
8. Does the capacity for evil exists in all of us from birth, or is it merely a concept slowly bred by the world we live in?
9. If you could choose any superpower knowing that in turn it would lead to disaster of sorts occurring in the far future, what would you do?
10. Do you read works of fiction based on your mood or are those works the ones that influence the way you feel in that moment?
11. If you could save one monument from history that has been completely obliterated, what would that monument be?
Tagging: @arcane-wanderer​, @nenuials​, @tasmaniandevil-4​, @deyanirasan​, @berryblissthefangirl​, @takasuga​ ( only if you guys want to to this ofc )
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trombonesinspace · 7 years
A lot of the breakdown of Matt and Foggy's friendship and the firm stems from poor communication on Matt's end. Which makes me beg the question, would things have been better or worse if Matt had told Foggy right off the bat that Elektra was back in town and was the mysterious "new client" that deposited that money? IMO, I feel that Foggy would have been able to talk Matt out of date night fights with ninjas, perhaps making the Castle trial less of a disaster. What are your thoughts on this?
Oh, I think it would be better, for sure. Here’s how I think it would go:
If Matt told the truth about Elektra as soon as she put the money in their account, all there would be for him to tell was that Elektra was back in town, and was trying to hire him. That he had said no, and now she was trying to force his hand by giving him money. That’s all he knows, at this point.
Foggy clearly doesn’t know exactly what went down between Matt and Elektra in the past, based on his casual reference to her in the 01.10 flashback scene (“…Whatever happened to that Greek girl you liked?”), but he knows how disruptive Elektra was to Matt’s academic career, and he must know that she hurt Matt, even if Matt tried to hide how devastated he was after she left. So I would guess that Foggy would think it was smart of Matt to decline to represent her, and he would say so, and encourage Matt to hold firm to that decision, and Matt wouldn’t go tearing off to eavesdrop on Elektra’s meeting.
Plus, if Matt told the truth right then and there in the office, he would also be telling Karen. Which would be significant later on, when they are on their date, and Elektra makes her next attempt by calling Matt at the restaurant. If Karen already knows the situation, then when she comes back from the bathroom he could just tell her, “We should go somewhere else, Elektra knows we’re here, she just called me,” instead of the sudden about-face he does in the show. I mean, saying he’s not comfortable in a fancy place isn’t a bad excuse, but if he’s being honest then there’s no reason not to tell her the real reason. (As an aside, why on earth would he take her someplace fancy in the first place, and why would she agree to that, when she knows the firm is broke? They both know he can’t afford it!)
I have no doubt that in that case, Karen would recognize Elektra’s behavior for the stalking that it is, and would find it disturbing…more disturbing than Matt seems to. I mean, she calls him on the restaurant’s phone, rather than Matt’s personal phone. And it’s not that she doesn’t know his number, since she uses it later on when she calls him at the office. This is deliberate. She is sending the message, “I’m watching you, I know where you are right now, I will interrupt your life whenever I choose.” That shit is creepy, and Karen would see that.
I’m sure neither one of them would want to spend their first date talking about Matt’s ex, but I think Karen would say enough that Matt would not go to Elektra’s penthouse that night, and she would just have to fight all those ninjas by herself.
Of course, it wouldn’t end there. Elektra never met a personal boundary that she wasn’t willing to steamroller right over, so she would probably break into his apartment again to talk to him. She’d have to, anyway, to return his Daredevil suit, since he didn’t follow her little script for date night. And eventually, he would listen, because we know he has questions of his own that he’s been waiting ten years to ask her.
So then what, when she sends the car to the hospital to pick him up while the gang is interviewing Frank? By now, both Foggy and Karen would know the car means Elektra, without Matt even needing to say it. So they would both be like “MATT NO.” The only way Matt could possibly justify even considering going down and getting in that car would be to tell them that the city is in danger, and that he has to help Elektra stop the bad guys.
Which is an argument he can’t make, to Karen, unless he tells her that he’s Daredevil. If he doesn’t, Karen would see this as an escalation of the stalking, and would likely start to fear for Matt’s safety. There is no good reason he could give her for going with Elektra. And if he tries to tell Foggy in private, Karen would find that highly suspicious, Matt dragging Foggy off for a private word about his ex, what don’t you want me to know, Matt?
If he does come clean, and tells both of them what Elektra told him, then Foggy would probably say, “Elektra is a liar, you can’t just take her word for it, and anyway you have a job to do, you wanted Frank for a client, you do not get to run off and leave me and Karen to handle this alone.” And however Karen might react to a bombshell like Matt being Daredevil, I think she would definitely agree with Foggy about this. The only way Matt gets in that car is if he refuses to listen to the perfectly reasonable objections of two people he trusts and cares about. Either he burns his bridges right there, or he stays, and Elektra goes to the fancy party without him.
If he stays, then he would be there when Frank pleads “not guilty.” This should make him more invested in the trial right from the start—this whole version of events would have the effect of keeping his civilian life in the foreground of his mind, relegating Elektra to the background, instead of the other way around as it was in the show. If she tried calling him at the office, Foggy would know it was her, and would apply another round of MATT NO if it seemed like he was wavering.
Matt would still want to save the city, of course, but by not going with Elektra, he wouldn’t be seeing the evidence of her story for himself. It really would be her word alone, at least until Stick shows up, and he has no reason to trust her and plenty of reasons not to. That, plus Foggy and Karen acting as the voice of reason if necessary, would probably be enough to keep Matt on-task, at least until Frank’s trial was over.
It wouldn’t affect the outcome of the trial, though, because by their last day in court, Frank wants to be convicted so he can meet Fisk in prison. So the verdict would be the same. But Matt’s professional reputation would remain intact, as would his personal relationships with Foggy and Karen. There would be no reason for Nelson & Murdock to break up, and no reason for Karen to leave them—she would give the Bulletin the promised exclusive on what she learned about Frank, but it would just be a one-shot, not the start of a new career.
If he goes off to fight ninjas after the trial is over, that might still put some strain on his relationships. But as long as he keeps on being honest, telling Foggy and Karen what he learns about the Hand, they can survive it.
Ooooh, here’s a thought: if he tells Karen everything, what if she started digging into the story herself? She wouldn’t find much about the Hand, but what about the Roxxon corporation, and the story Elektra gave Matt in the first place about their shady investments? The show focused on the ninja-fighting end of the Hand’s business, but investigating the corporate end seems like it would be right up Karen’s alley. Maybe they will get more into that in the Defenders?
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starfox-tumblr · 7 years
Character Application: Andrew Oikonny
Character Name: Andrew Oikonny
Brief History:
       For as long as anyone can remember, Andrew was in Andross’ care. From an early age the young monkey was put through strict training with an immense pressure to succeed at whatever task he was put to. Science, technology, politics, etiquette, economics, history, military strategies, were all just many subjects that were taught to him mercilessly in preparation for him to become heir of the Venomian Empire where he had to meet the consistently high standards placed on him. During this time period, Andrew had several eyes scrutinizing his every actions on Venom where many who had high expectations for him and were soon disappointed that he did not seem like a suitable heir due to neither having the charisma nor genius of the Emperor.
      The judgments only increased the older he became as more distant and patronizing to anyone other than Andross himself, who seemed to be his only real supporter as he increased his work load. If he wasn’t naturally talented or a genius, he could practice and study until he could be as good as that.
        At twelve years old Star Fox was sent to investigate strange activity from Venom and from the people of Venom’s perspective, this was an act of war and aggression by Corneria. This rallied the growing military on the planet and thus started the Lylat War. Andrew immediately demanded to be trained and be put to use in Andross’ war effort to defend him, and was put onto Star Wolf. Firstly because it was the safest place he could possibly be, and secondly it would give him the proper training he needed in battle as well.
      Five years later at age seventeen, the war ended. The Venomian Empire fell, his beloved uncle was dead with Corneria being victorious thanks to the efforts of the Star Fox Team.
      Andrew has not let that go and has been organizing ever since with some degree of success.
Sex: Male
Sexuality: It’s a mystery!
Appearance:        Andrew is an awkwardly tall macaque with yellow eyes who is a tangle of long inelegant bony limbs and proportions with little muscle definition no matter his attempts to bulk up. The young heir of Andross’ empire was not built with whatever most residents of Lylat implanted in their brains that helped them gauge on how ruggedly handsome an individual is. He’s considered ‘cute’ at best.
Not that it doesn’t really particularly matter to Andrew since he is taller than most other people and believes this is enough to command authority. To spruce up his appearance he’s always trying on different styles clothes to make an impact on others as a legitimate threat and leader. Something simple, elegant, yet imposing yet grand to show that he is the next in line for the empire. One thing he consistently has in his choice of fashion is a scarf or ascot around his neck.
Current Age: Nineteen
Personality:       Haughty, stubborn, emotional, defensive, and self-important are a few of the more polite words that come to mind when thinking of Andrew Oikonny. To say the least, the young macaque is incredibly hard individual to get along with who naturally pushes others away with his boisterous uptight presence and brazen overly emotional attitude.
      But one of the few good things that can be stated about Andrew is that he is a resolute and dedicated individual who stops at nothing to get the job done – this being a goal of retribution. Justice for all Venomians and the Emperor Andross. He might get frustrated momentarily, but he always gets back up on his feet to regain an optimistic view on his situation to try again at any task he failed at.
    Though it’s not going as quickly as he planned, he is starting to gather some followers even if he had to chase them down.
3 to 5 Headcannons:
 He has always struggled with being clumsy and having terrible coordination. He had to practice twice as long to get as good as other people who always seemed to be smarter due to being faster in reaction time, and stronger physically. This has given him a surprising drive and focus over the years since he didn’t have any natural 'talent’ in anything. Andross had put him into fencing and martial arts to help him get better, which is functional but extremely little battle experience. 
Has shown some degree of proficiency in strategy, programming, and drafting up ideas for weaponry. A lot of his inspiration might come from novels, comics, and shows he watched but some are strange leaps of logic that people don’t usually think about. Such as: Putting some cheap boosters on giant rocks in the asteroid field. 
Andrew from his time on Star Wolf has learned some basic cooking skills. It’s just when he veers from the usual and goes into an experimental mode that he makes disasters. Think that cakes that give up and collapse after you frost them.
While Andrew always had relatively geeky hobbies in model building and watching various shows in childhood, but because it served as distractions in his studies according to his tutors. (which grades were never to the high expectations) Because of that, they were often tossed out or removed from him. (Even if he could beg for more from Andross, who always gave in.) It was only on Star Wolf that he got some freedom to invest more in them. He tries to keep it hidden due to his status but it’s fairly obvious if you get him on a subject. 
Andrew rarely swears and is mortified whenever it happens to slip out.
Sample Roleplay:
     It was just a step into the bar of getting allies on Eladard. How hard could it be? Andrew thought to himself. He had to do much pitiful pleading and begging from some flying gecko for information of potential allies who have long given up on the idea of the Venomian Empire again. He couldn’t stand the polluted atmosphere on this rusty planet full of refineries even if he grew up on Venom, but a good and proper leader must be strong.
     All right Andrew, this should be simple enough. He thought to himself adjusting his ascot around his neck, checking the blaster on his side just in case things got out of hand. You tackled harder things than speaking to a bunch of ruffians. You can certainly handle this.
       Taking a deep breath, Andrew puffed up his chest and pushing open the door with all his might from the pent up stress, unintentionally swinging it too far off the hinges which made a notable loud crack.
     The door was broke.
      The arrogant macaque’s pink face turned a deep red and his white fur stood on end in absolute dread as many denizens within the establishment turned around to look at him, including the bartender. It was automatic, he stomped into the bar with his expression twisting to a scowl to show he was serious. He could hear from his pointed ears a few chortles and some snickering at the sight of the primate who barged in.
      The barkeep in question, who was a was an old opossum who was cleaning the glass narrowed his eyes while he commented, “Your ass better be paying for that.”
   Unbelievably crass! The young monkey thought with no hint of irony. Andrew flippantly lifted his hand in the air, “Bah! I have the money for it. I am the one and only heir to the Great Emperor Andross – Andrew Oikonny!”
   A roar of laughter echoed throughout the bar, this to them was the funniest sight they have likely seen in years. The macaque winced, biting his lip in frustration.
     Ooooh! What sorry lot! The Emperor would be so disappointed at this pathetic sight. This was the scattered remains of your empire, uncle!
   But after taking a deep breath, Andrew calmed himself from growing too frustrated with the entire situation. 
   Calm down. Ignore it. No one said this was going to be easy, but you are the only one with the determination to persevere.
   Andrew would convince them to join his cause, one way or another. He had the wealth and he was sure many were still loyal, all he had to do was convince them he was worthy. It was nothing new to him, after all. 
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Welcome, Andrew!
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