#where is my mad max this is bait gif lol
bullet-clubs-bitch · 11 months
I would love a BCC smut headcannon fic! I’ll leave it up to you! Not many people write about all of them. Thank you! 😊
Fine Print
An: This started out as some form of head cannons and turned out to whatever this is. I honestly don't know what this is.
Blackpool Combat club X Fem reader
Main Masterlist
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Word count: 835
Summary: When Regal betrayed the BCC they were in search of a new leader and somehow you fit the part. You should have read the fine print
When Regal turned on the BBC months ago I didn’t know what to expect. Sure we all knew it would happen at some point but did that point need to be right now? I had the pleasure of being ringside for the match against Mox and MJF, I saw firsthand the look of betrayal on Jon’s face once he realized what had happened. 
The next few weeks were a bit of a daze, originally I was just being used as a distraction, as bait for this feud with Max. I honestly didn’t mind it, I still hated him for what happened during our days in the pinnacle so when Regal came to me with the idea I had to accept. Now that he’s gone the BCC needed a leader. I would assume the torch would be passed to Mox or Danielson but me? What did they see in me? Why did they want me to take over their sacred club?
Those next weeks as the new leader of the BCC went well, almost too well. We would travel and room together since that’s what factions do but I always felt like there was something else. The way the boys would exchange looks between the other hoping I didn’t realize but I always did. The way they would get jealous when other male talent approached me backstage. I almost felt like I was pray and they were predators waiting to find the right moment to attack. 
Tonight I had a match on Dynamite against Hikaru Shida, of course the boys needed to be ringside for my match. When I arrived at the arena I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, almost like I did something wrong. Just then Shida came up to me. 
“Hey Y/n!” Shida said, approaching me with a big smile 
“Hi Shida, you ready for tonight?” I asked 
“I’m ready to kick your ass” She said laughing “But I came to give you a bit of a heads up” 
Heads up? Why would I need a heads up?
“I think your little club is mad at you?” Shida said to me before a “Good luck”, with that she left
I stood in the middle of the entrance frozen in fear. What did I do? Everyone knows not to piss off the blackpool combat club. Trying to prepare myself for the absolute worst I walked down a few halls until I made it to our private locker room. I knocked on the door, no response, so I knocked again, still nothing. I slowly opened the door and realized it was pitch black in the room, just then I felt someone grab my arm and pull me inside. 
I tried to move, make a sound, but I couldn't. Whoever grabbed me had a tight grab on my wrists from behind with one hand, the other covering my mouth. Still I tried to escape but then I felt it and I realized exactly what was going on. I could feel the hard erection pressed against my ass. My body now was able to relax, just for a moment. Then that’s when I realized that it was Mox who held me, at least I thought it was, I was still in the dark. 
Just then the mystery man let go of me and the bright lights turned on, revealing the entire blackpool combat club. 
“Where were you yesterday?” Mox asked as he slowly approached me, now face to face 
I didn’t know how to respond 
“I’m asking you a question: doll face, where were you?” Mox asked again, voice louder this time 
“Home?” was all I could manage to stay
“That’s just not good enough, you see we don’t appreciate you not joining us yesterday” Danielson said “The BCC we eat, we sleep, we train together. You know this. So why weren't you here yesterday?”
I didn’t know what to say, truthfully I wanted to travel to the show alone today. I was starting to grow a bit uncomfortable at times, I swear Yuta was watching me in the shower the other day. 
“What’s the matter? Cat got ya tongue?” Mox said as he grabbed me once again, pressing my ass against the bulge in his jeans. “You feel that Y/n? This is what you do to me, I’m pretty sure you do this to all of us. I’m going to say this once baby so you better listen. You may be the leader of this club but I will tell you what to do. Part of your job Y/n, will be to help me out with this little problem I have here alright?” 
Just then, Mox gave the others a nod to which Yuta, Claudio and Bryan left the room leaving me and Mox alone. 
What have I gotten myself into?
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but void of herbs and trees, it is barren, except crows crowing at every side
#oh we're really posting content now darlings.....summoning captions besides ''my bullshit: unabated''#mi amor....................#managing to cover one of the Acts w/ 10 gifs w/o really trying again lmao....love it! call that analysis. ignoring the fact im not exactly#sure of where acts start & stop...like does act 3 Begin w/ this teamup decision or was it act 2's end?? same diff i guess#it's consistent w/ last night's gifset and that's what really matters. The Teamup Makes The Dreamup#if the valkyrie died she doesn't die b/c she did. no she didnt <3#gif 3 such a fleeting Moment w/o lots of attention called but i think we can really value it especially en loop...just Because...#for e.g. i like how she is so on top of everything. makeshifting the wheel; looking at his hurt hand; looking at him; looking out the front#then i thought abt that pic of buttegieg eating a cinnabon like a bastard & some reply like ''any soldier wld recognize it & respect it''#& i laughed...''that's bait'' and ''there's nothing but salt'' in this make me laugh a little#guess what else is beloved: max earnestly pulling back on the tree while furiosa earnestly pushes on the rig as [pictured]#what's also beloved: gif 9 lmao.....the Warrior Intensity dialed back & just two awkward randos having a Conversation ft mortifying ordeals#walk around wrapped up in a blankie & shift your weight & glance down are you kidding lmao....this shit charming af#mmfr#fury road#mad max fury road#furiosa#imperator furiosa#you ever just [close your eyes put a hand on your forehead and take a deep breath] about furiosa......#you ever think abt that deleted scene w/ angharad and ms giddy re: crows :| :| :| :[
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 14: Not Dead
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1, ...(Masterlist)...Part 15
A/N: I know it's been a while, I have been very busy with work and what not. But do not fear! I am back with an update! I hope you guys like this! Let me know what you guys thing, leave a like of a comment!! I love hearing your guy's thoughts on the story!
Word Count: 2,732
Warnings: Swearing, Violence
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The next few hours go by without interruption. You continue to leave branching trails of bait to the tracks. When you finally reach the junkyard, you are the last to the party. Cresting the hill, you are able to see the gang hard at work getting ready. You are most surprised to see a certain red-headed stepsister.
Lucas catches sight of you first, a wide smile lighting up his face.
“What’s up babysitter?” he greets you, jogging over. You can’t help but return the smile, extending your hand as the two of you exchange your “secret handshake” Lucas had come up with when you used to watch him. 
“Nothing much, hunting monsters, no big.” you say casually, causing him to laugh. Both of you turn to head back to the rest of the group. While you are still out of earshot, you nudge him and gesture towards where Max stands, inspecting a sheet of metal. “Who is the new girl?” you ask.
“Oh? Mad Max?” Lucas shrugs, but you notice the fond smile on his lips when he looks at her. “She’s a… friend.” he says bashfully. You understand immediately.
“Oh! I get it.” You say, smirking and giving him a wink.
“What?” He asks, looking at you shocked.
“You like her!” you tease, nudging him again, playfully. 
“Shhh, Shut-up!” He chastises you, looking around to make sure no one else heard you. You chuckle but let it drop, seeing Steve approach. 
“What took you so long?” He asks, taking the remainder of your meat bucket and adding it to the pile.
“Oh you know, I always like to take my time when I’m walking through the forest with a carnivorous creature on the loose.” you say sarcastically. Steve only rolls his eyes, but you can tell he is relieved to see you. 
“That’s your babysitter?” You turn your gaze to Max, as she addresses Dustin. 
“Well, uh-” Dustin Stammers, his cheeks turning pink.
“ I used to be.” you explain, offering your hand to her. “You must be Max.” you say. She eyes your hand sceptically, before taking it. 
“I know you.” She says flatly. You lift a brow, confused. You doubt Billy has mentioned you to her. “I see you walking by our house all the time.” she explains. You feel slightly embarrassed but smile through it. “My brother, Billy, says it’s because you have ‘issues’.” she goes on, using air quotes around the word ‘issues’. Your jaw drops slightly at the bluntness of her words, feeling your face heating up. Steve stifles a laugh and you cut your eyes to him, glaring. He looks away, pretending to inspect his shoes. 
“Yea, well…” you recover quickly. “We all have our issues.” you respond. “I’m sure your brother has a few of his own.” you remark. You see something flash through her eyes, her features softening slightly. 
“Yea… I guess.” She says with a nod. Her expression is strangely familiar to you. It’s not something you are used to seeing on someone so young. It’s easy to see why your young friends are drawn to her. 
“Okay, enough introductions, we’re losing daylight!” Steve calls, prompting all of you to get back to work fortifying the abandoned school bus. 
All of you work quickly, doing everything you can to transform the old bus into a defensible position. You never would have thought that your babysitting skills would come in handy while instructing children on how to fortify a bus. But as the sun sets, the seriousness of the situation weighs heavily on your shoulders. 
You look at these kids you watched grow up, these kids you helped raise, and wonder if there was anything you could have done to keep them out of this. There is nothing you want more than for them to just be kids, having fun, worrying about girls, and crushes and school. Not having to fight monsters in junkyards. Part of you want’s to tell them all to go home, to force them to leave with Steve and let you handle it alone. But a bigger part of you knows that it’s too late for that. 
You feel the anxiety growing as you all climb into the bus, the sun disappearing behind the trees. You sit next to Steve, watching Dustin pace and listening to Steve repeatedly open and close his lighter. Your pistol rests, heavily, in your lap. You run your thumb over the safety, going over Hopper’s lessons in your head again. 
Hopper. You wish he was here. He always made you feel safe, he would know what to do. You know that he is involved in all of this somehow, it was the only explanation for why none of you had been able to get in touch with him. That alone made you nervous. For as long as you could remember Hopper had always had your back, even last year when your whole world was falling apart, Hopper was there. 
“So, you guys really fought one of these before?” Max asks, breaking the silence. Your eyes lock with Steve’s in the dim light and each of you think back to that night. Steve only gives a silent nod in response. 
“And you’re like, totally 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?” She asks. The scars along your back begin to tingle slightly at the memory. You bring a hand up to the back of your neck, where the top of the claw marks begin. You run your fingers over the raised skin just beneath your collar. Steve places a hand on your knee, bringing you back to the present. You drop your hand and are about to respond when Dustin cuts you off. 
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot! Okay? It wasn’t a bear.” He snaps. “Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?” He asks pointedly, ignoring Max’s shocked expression. “Just go home.” He says before continuing to pace. 
“Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?” Max grumbles snarkly, moving to climb the ladder to the roof. You are reminded of Billy. She may not look like him, but the attitude is definitely familiar. You are about to chastise Dustin for his harsh words when Steve speaks up. 
“That’s good. Just show her you don’t care.” he says, looking almost proud. 
“I don’t.” Dustin responds curtly. Steve smiles knowingly, and gives him a wink. 
“Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.” Dustin commands. Steve shakes his head, smiling, and goes back to flicking his lighter. 
“Did you tell him to act like that?” you ask disbelievingly, looking between the two of them. Steve just shrugs. 
“Not exactly. I just told him that you shouldn’t act too interested in a girl. Make her come to him, ya know.” Steve explains. You look at him, expecting him to say it’s a joke but when he appears to be completely serious you can't help but laugh.
“That’s the dumbest advice I've ever heard.” You say. 
“What?” Sheve asks “It’s always worked for me.” he adds, smirking. 
“Acting like that only works on girls that are after one thing.” you say. Steve’s smirk falls and his brows draw together. 
“Wait… What do you mean?” Steve asks. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. 
“You really think those girls were interested in your conversation skills, when you ignore them?” Steve stares at you, still confused. “If you treat a girl like that, and she still goes home with you, that wasn’t your idea… it was hers.” you explain.
“Wait… girls do that?” He asks. You chuckle at his confusion and lean forward, patting his knee as you stand up. 
“More often than you think.” You say, walking to stand under the emergency exit, planning on climbing up to check on Max and Lucas. You catch part of their conversation and pause. 
“My mom and stepdad, they wanted a fresh start, away from him. As if… as if he was the problem, which is total bull.” you hear Max explaining. “And things are just worse now.” The sadness in her tone makes your heart ache. 
“My stepbrother’s always been a dick, but now he’s just angry… all the time…” you picture Billy, on Halloween, insulting you and manipulating you into getting angry… like him. “And he can’t take it out on my mom so…” your stomach twists at her words. You and Billy were not exactly friends, but hearing the hurt and pain in Max’s voice makes you angry. She is just a kid. She needs someone to protect her, someone to shield her from the painful truths of the world. That person was supposed to be Billy. 
“It’s just… I know that I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever.” You hear her voice shake and your heart breaks. “I guess I’m angry too, and… I’m sorry.” She apologises to Lucas. You want so badly to help. To tell her that it’s not her fault, that it’s going to be okay, that she’s just a kid and there is time to make things better. Luckily Lucas is there for her.
“You’re nothing like your brother, okay? You’re cool and different and you’re super smart. And you’re like, totally tubular.” The sound of Max laughing lifts your spirits. But just as quickly, it sinks again. You think about the situation you are all in. Max, Lucas, and Dustin are just kids. You’re crucifying Billy for not protecting Max when you are putting her in a deadly situation. You are not a saint, you are part of the problem. 
You make up your mind then. You need to get the kids out of here, before that thing shows up. You would force them to leave. You and Steve could handle this on your own. As you’re walking over to Steve to tell him to help you get the kids out, you are halted by the sound of a shrill growl in the distance. The sound causes a shiver to race down your spine and for all the hair on your arms to stand on end. 
You rush to the small opening in the window to look out at the fog, Steve standing close behind you, his face next to yours. 
“Do you see him?” Dustin asks. 
“No.” Steve responds, keeping his eyes forward.
“Lucas, what’s going on?!” Dustin calls. 
“Hold on!” Lucas replies. There is a pause as you all scan the surrounding darkness. You can feel your heart drumming steadily in your chest and readjust your hold on the pistol, swiftly flicking the safety off.
“I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock! Ten o’clock!” Lucas yells from above. 
“There.” Steve says next to your ear, pointing across the junkyard. You can see the shape emerging from the fog. 
“What’s he doing?” Dustin asks.
“I don’t know.” you reply, watching the dog sized creature idling in the night. 
“He’s not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?” Steve asks, panicked. 
“Maybe it’s because you dumped gasoline on it.” you mumble. 
“Maybe he’s sick of cow.” Steve replies and quickly takes a step back, running a hand through his hair. You turn to him, confused. 
“Steve? What are you doing?” Dustin asks as Steve walks quickly to the front of the bus. Turning to look at you, he pauses. 
“You got my back?” He asks, seriously. His eyes search yours.
“Always.” You respond firmly, without hesitation, taking a step forward. He quickly moves forward, grabbing your hand. Standing this close to him, you can see the fear in his eyes even in the dim light. 
“Be ready.” He says, keeping his eyes on yours. You can feel the metal of his lighter press into your palm. 
“Be careful.” you respond. Steve tries to smirk, but it’s half hearted. 
“Always.” he replies, letting your hand go, leaving the lighter in your palm. 
The metal on the bus door screeches as he pulls it open, slowly stepping out. You stand at the door, pistol gripped in one hand, lighter in the other. You watch, tensely, as Steve advances. You hear him whistle lightly, trying to get it's attention. 
“What is he doing?” Max asks, coming down the ladder to stand next to Dustin at the window. 
“Expanding the menu.” Dustin explains, keeping his eyes on Steve. 
“He’s insane.” Max exclaims, as Steve digs his feet firmly into the ground, swinging his bat in front of him. 
“He’s awesome.” Dustin responds, smiling. You keep your eyes on Steve but can’t help but bite back. 
“No. She’s right… He’s insane.” You hiss through gritted teeth. 
The seconds drag by as Steve stares down the monster in front of him. 
“Steve! Watch out!” Lucas screams from the roof, causing you to jump. 
“A little busy here!” Steve shouts back.
“Three o’clock! Three o’clock!” Lucas warns. You turn your gaze in that direction in time to see another creature jump onto a car. 
“Oh fuck…” you exhale as Dustin rushes to your side. 
“Steve! Abort! Abort!” He yells. You shove the kids back as Steve dodges the first demogorgon, diving over the hood of the car, narrowly avoiding it’s sharp teeth. 
“Shoot it! Shoot it!” Dustin yells. You lift your pistol to take aim, but can’t get a clear shot, not without hitting Steve. Another demogorgon lunges for Steve who’s bat collides with its jaw, effectively knocking it away. 
“I can’t get a clear shot!” You yell as the kids continue to scream behind you. Steve sprints towards you, the monster hot on his tail. Off to the right another creature appears, making a beeline for Steve. With how close it is, you can see that it’s going to cut him off. You lift your pistol and quickly fire two shots, knocking it to the ground, stopping it long enough for Steve to reach the bus. As soon as he is close enough, you grab his arm and pull him into the bus, slamming the door behind you, bracing your back against the metal. You feel the monsters collide with the door seconds later. 
The next few moments are chaos.
Steve pulls you away from the door, adding a metal sheet for reinforcement, bracing his feet against it. 
“They can’t get in! They can’t!” Lucal yells. Suddenly a clawed arm breaks through the door, narrowly missing Steve’s leg as it lashes out wildly. You throw your body against the door, doing your best to keep it shut as Steve beats off the intruding claw with his bat. You can hear Dustin begging on the radio, and feel the creatures pounding against the metal so hard it rattles your whole body. 
Steve grunts as he continues to beat back the claws. You barely notice the thud of something landing on the roof, the metal caves under the weight as it walks towards the emergency exit. Max’s scream cuts through the chaos. 
“Go! Go!” You yell, waving Steve away as you continue to barricade the door. Steve rushes away, shoving the kids aside to face the monster staring down from the open roof. 
“You want some?! Come and get this!” Steve yells, brandishing his bat. An ear-splitting roar rips through the night air and you grip your pistol tighter, preparing for the onslaught. 
But, before anything can happen, the bus shakes violently as the creature leaps off the roof. The pounding on the door stops. 
Silence falls and the only sound to be heard are your panting breaths. Everything is still. After a moment, you push yourself off the doors. Steve comes towards you and grabs your arm, quickly looking over you. 
“You okay?” He asks, eyes still wide with panic. 
“Not dead.” You reply breathlessly. “You?” 
“Not dead.” He echos. The two of you move to slowly open the door in time to see the creatures retreating into the forest. 
“What happened?” Lucas asks. 
“I dont know.” Max replies, standing behind him. 
“Did we scare them off?” Dustin suggests.
“No.” Steve says flatly. Taking a step forward. “No way… they’re going somewhere.” He concludes, turning back to look at you. You move to stand next to him, staring in the direction they had run in. You begin to feel the strange buzzing in your mind again. It’s different now. Instead of spreading over you it feels more like a pull. Like it wants you to follow. 
Somehow you know that something is coming. Something bad.
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Part 1, ...(Masterlist)...Part 15
A/N: I hope you guys like this one! Kind of a filler but we are getting into the action. Reader is feeling very protective of Max. How will an inside look at Billy change their dynamic??
Tag List: @official-starcourt-mall@lem0ns77@bethii1 @wysteria-arts @fanficfanatic204 @theshinyrock @spacedaddydinn @raidxny @emmyawards1 @lucxxy @leia9817 @wounded-writing @taisab02 @goblinpit @howlerwolfmax @kilvru3 @blueberry-birdie @flamewriterr @im-julessssss @tsukibaby1@mikeyswifie@superblyspeedydragon @let-love-bleeds-red @m-rae23 @msrawog @speakinglikeconstellations @taintedxkisses @pineapleavocado
@hawkinsavclub1983 @arael-asuka @velvet-spider @extra-3motions @uniquecookiepainterbear @crimsonsabbath @mushy-mushroom04 @jevdidv @vermillionwinter@black-kitten-imagines@sammysgirl1997@fillechatoyante @chaoticbilly @tmriddler @stanseventeen@katzenwahnsinn@wisdomcrys@twoochickens @devrill @loadivine@hermankopusortizorsumshite@0bsessedwithfictionalcharacters @primalsnack @peachyaeger@royaltysuite @sunnmoonsstuff @sobleedstherose@harmonics0537 @urmom-0987 @halbhohehalluzination@ladyapplejackdnd
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@krazy99 @clenchedfist @renaroo123 @bee-1n-space @puppybittingotherpuppy @neonbanshee @cannonize @rhumphr4 @chansbackdoor @cg94 @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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