#where is doumeki’s father? what happened to aoi? did the mother know?
swallowerofdharma · 2 months
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ogata77 · 2 years
Rain --- Aiai-gasa ☔🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏻
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I don't know if I'm thinking about things too much, but since with Yoneda we are used to living in paranoia I couldn't help but overanalyze Rain's promotion. Some time ago I found interesting information about the word Aiai-gasa (相合傘) which means sharing an umbrella: 相合 (aiai, “doing things together”) +‎ 傘 (kasa, “umbrella”) but which has a strong romantic implication since the first two characters are pronounced あい (ai) just like the word love, then this would have the connotation that both people under that umbrella would be in love.
With this information you can already imagine everything I started to create in my mind. The first thing I thought of was finding all the moments related to the umbrella theme within saezuru. I remembered some emblematic cases, but the truth was that I did not give it so much importance to others and that is a mistake when reading saezuru.
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For example, something important is that Yashiro doesn't share his umbrella with anyone like Aoi and Kageyama do. When Aoi insists on waiting in the rain for Doumeki to come out of the Shinseikai's office to convince him to quit the yakuza, Yashiro would rather buy him an umbrella at the kombini than share the one that already has this clearly because he thinks Aoi is Doumeki's girlfriend and sees her as a problem.
In the case of Kageyama, when we travel back in time to high school, Yashiro doesn't share his umbrella when he decides to go see him because of his father's death, let's just say Yashiro doesn't know about kindness at this time in his life and it's just beginning to discover his feelings for his "friend".
A detail that I found very interesting is that both Aoi and Yashiro as a teenager use a light-colored umbrella and the rest of the characters only use dark colors, even Yashiro's changes color now in his maturity. I leave them for reflection.
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Using Kageyama's school life we ​​can see that scenes of couples walking together under an umbrella while it rains are common in Japanese culture, it is said that you can tell which of the two people loves the other more by looking at who is wetter . In addition, paintings from the Edo period have been found that include the aiai-gasa symbol where the person writes his name and the name of the person he loves.
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Another interesting scene of the umbrella is the one that has to do with the relationship that existed between Misumi and Kurobane, which for me is a faithful reflection of the one between Yashiro and Doumeki. On several occasions it is hinted that they could have been much more than yakuza brothers, at least that is what I felt when the president of the Doushinkai tells Misumi that he has lost his better half. What if it was clear that Kurobane felt the same level of devotion for Misumi that Doumeki has for Yashiro.
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Now we are going with one of my favorite scenes from the manga that combines almost everything that saezuru symbolizes. Let's start by remembering the difficult time Yashiro is going through having to get rid of the man he loves. Yashiro and Doumeki already had sex and Yashiro broke into a thousand pieces because he found out that he had been a victim of abuse and that nothing that had happened was his fault. Yashiro kept reflecting that being with Doumeki would mean giving up everything he is and can't afford to. After Doumeki gets out of the car, Yashiro focuses on a mother and son walking under an umbrella in the rain, perhaps there can be a greater love than this.
Notice how all the cartoons up to that moment are in white and that after Yashiro sees the mother and son, everything goes dark and it even seems that it is raining inside the car. Seeing this, we can sense that Yashiro wonders why his mother didn't protect him when he was a child and allowed him to be abused. Then Doumeki re-enters the scene, everything lights up again and he brings an umbrella to protect him from the rain. I'm not crying ladies and gentlemen.
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Finally let's review how we went from the scene of an extra at the beginning of this manga to the last drawing of Yoneda. The situation is the same but how the language of the characters has changed. In the first scene Doumeki doesn't even dare to be under the same umbrella as his Kashira, he is getting completely wet, so the legend is true whoever loves the most is who gets the most wet. In the second scene, Doumeki is already under the umbrella because now he is no longer Yashiro's subordinate, now they are in equal rank and feelings, who could doubt at this point how much they both love each other despite the fact that the outlook is not very encouraging especially knowing how chapter 50 ended. If we start to analyze, the rain is another character within saezuru and it is no a coincidence that RAIN is the name of the next event.
Thank you if you have come this far reading my ramblings and obsessions. If there is something misspelled, you already know that Google Translator is to blame.
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beigepillow · 11 months
mechanical translation
I was always surprised by people who wrote that: how come Doumeki had a chance to return to his family and become a civilian and he didn’t take it?
And I always wondered what family? His father is a dirty rapist, whom he almost killed (I wonder what happened to him... I hope nothing good), his mother ignored him since childhood, was not interested in him and did not show any care. We already know and understand everything about his relationship with Aoi. I think it’s physically difficult for Doumeki to be around her. I don’t think he had a place where to return to. I'm sure he took care of his mother and sister, but they never had that real family to return to.
I also have questions about civilian life. He's a former cop with a criminal record, he has scars and a severed finger. What kind of job could they hire him for? most likely it will still be an part-illegal job with a salary that would only be enough for food. Of course, he could choose civilian life and try to build a new himself there, but this would not be the fairy tale that, it seems to me, is meant by people who write: how is it possible, he should have stayed in civilian life. it would be super difficult, but doable if you had the motivation and goal. Doumeki wasn't having it all. He was just broken
I think Doumeki has nothing to lose. All his behavior after that conversation on the roof shows this. He clearly does not value his life and does not believe that anyone will value his life more than theirs. And this is a super unpopular opinion, but I don’t see him in civilian life now. I may also see him working at Yashiro’s casino, that will be cool. But I think he is very comfortable working for Tsunakawa now. He needs order and control (he has needed this since childhood). He gets this from Tsunakawa. He has a sense, he is respected and appreciated (which he lacked so much in childhood). He knows his role and functions perfectly. Therefore, at the moment it is difficult for me to imagine what will happen if he leaves.
It used to make me confused how no one would really talk about how little of a chance Doumeki had to become a civilian. Not only does he have a physical marker showing that he was once involved with organized crime but he was in prison for years. I also imagine that he would have extreme trouble trying to find work in Japan. Maybe there are companies or places that would have hired him but there is a reason why once convicted of a crime, you become more likely to commit a crime again. I am not sure how it works in the saezuru world though. Maybe it is less of a stigma there and he did have a real shot but in my opinion, it was kind of messed up of Yashiro to kick Doumeki out of the yakuza life, even though he had good intentions, to make him try to rebuild a life completely from scratch. Though Yashiro did provide a large severance package lol. It reminds me of what Yashiro did to the yakuza who fell for him. He got him kicked out of the yakuza once Yashiro started to realize his feelings. On that topic, has anyone else noticed that guy looks very similar to Doumeki now with the cheek scar and back tattoo. Was that intentional? As far as Doumeki’s family, Doumeki has said that his parents didn’t provide well for his emotional needs and Aoi seemed to be in university so she can be living her own life right now. Doumeki definitely feels like he has nothing to lose. I don’t think we should underestimate the place Tsunakawa has in Doumeki’s life. Also Kamiya and Muraji both have proven to look out for Doumeki as well. So far Nanahara and Yashiro have proven to be a bit hostile to Doumeki so while he would always save them he probably wouldn’t leave sakura for them right now. In the end, I can see Doumeki being kind of a link between the sakura family and Yashiro since sakura is involved in gambling and Yashiro has his casinos.
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