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crossedwiress · 1 year
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wristwatchjournal · 4 years
Swiss Watch Industry CEOs Speak Out About How To Do Business Post-Pandemic
Young Deok Seo sculpture from the MB&F MAD Gallery
In six months, the pandemic crisis seems to have transformed the way the watch world works more profoundly than the industry has changed in the last decade. The acceleration of digital technology, the polarization of brands, and the experimentation with new formats and concepts are just some of the consequences. We interviewed brand executives to assess the effects of this historic moment.
The CES tech show has already announced what next year will look like: This major event will be held in an exclusively digital format. “Amid the pandemic and growing global health concerns about the spread of COVID-19, it’s just not possible to safely convene tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas in early January 2021 to meet and do business in person,” said Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of CTA.
For the watchmaking industry, too, there is no guarantee that next year will be any less troubled than the one that is currently unfolding. Beyond its direct commercial impact, the pandemic crisis seems to have transformed the way the watch world works more profoundly in six months than the industry has changed in the last decade.
We’re seeing several notable consequences, beginning obviously with an acceleration of the digital transition, in the form of presentations by teleconferencing to replace physical exhibitions, increased investment in social networks, and the launch of e-commerce platforms as a substitute for exclusive boutiques.
Polarization also seems more pronounced, between the “blue chips” of the watchmaking industry (most notably the large independents and artisans with limited production) and the rest of the pack. In this respect, the accelerating fusion between the primary and secondary markets should also be highlighted, with the value of pre-owned watches increasingly influencing that of new watches.
An unstoppable avalanche has swept away all pre-crisis concepts and stripped everything bare. We’ve entered a period of transition that is both frightening and exciting, promising a time of experimentation with new concepts amid the uncertainty, and new horizons for the watchmaking world.
In these unprecedented circumstances, we interviewed several CEOs representing a variety of economic realities to find out their assessment of the effects of the crisis and learn how they intend to bounce back, particularly with regard to the presentation of their new models following the cancellation of almost all physical shows.
Manuel Emch (Louis Erard, Raketa): “The logic of our launch strategy is being reversed.”
For the former head of Jaquet Droz and Romain Jerome, who now works as a consultant and board member for various brands including Louis Erard and Raketa, the “forced march” toward a more digital approach will eventually lead to a much more hybrid system for the watch industry: “Success comes from the multiplication of distribution channels,” he says.
Manuel Emch has witnessed the transition for himself: while Louis Erard hasn’t focused on e-commerce until this year, the independent Swiss brand should achieve 15% of its turnover online in 2020. While that’s not enough to make up for lost in-person sales, it’s a decent result, particularly as the onset of the pandemic crisis served to hasten a transition that had already been planned, albeit over the longer term. “Within five years, it is quite conceivable that half of the brand’s turnover will be generated online,” says the expert.
The system set up by Louis Erard now also allows its representatives to order online. “This was not part of the initial plan, but it’s one of those unintended consequences that occurred with the interruption of physical transactions,” explains Emch. “Our relationship with our retailers is being digitized, with positive effects on financing, stocks, and transparency.”
In fact, Louis Erard’s entire launch strategy has been modified or even reversed. Rather than waiting for one or two major events to present its new products, the brand founded in 1929 will from now on “flatten” its production calendar throughout the year and seize opportunities as they arise. For instance, drops are planned for next year’s Salone del Mobile in Milan, and Art Basel.
The brand is also planning to multiply creative collaborations with “outsiders” such as industrial designers, in order to extend its reach outside the traditional watch world and its traditional clientele. “The idea is to offer a continuous animation of our collections throughout the year,” says Emch. “This is key in a highly saturated digital communication environment.”
For the manager, the industry has entered a new era of permanent crisis whose only stable component is… instability: “Only a creative, light, and agile structure can adapt to shorter and more violent business cycles. Louis Erard and Raketa, as smaller independent brands, have always had to navigate a hostile environment, which means they have developed a corporate culture that has become a competitive advantage today. In previous times of crisis, everyone tried to imitate Rolex, but that’s an impossible model to replicate. Brands have to find their own path.”
Maximilian Büsser (MB&F): “We quickly saw who we could rely on.”
It may seem paradoxical, in view of the immense uncertainty that reigns in the watch industry today, but if the pandemic has one silver lining for brands, it is in the way it has “clarified” their relations with partners, both in production (suppliers) and sales (retailers). It’s a crash test that demonstrates with stark clarity which partners can work effectively with a brand during a crisis.
Maximilian Büsser, the founder of MB&F, is well aware of the phenomenon. “In such difficult times for the industry (and the planet), we quickly saw who we could rely on, and it is with them that we will build the future.” Just 10 of the watchmaker’s 26 representatives worldwide account for 75% of its turnover.
“We had to develop a binary approach because we have neither subsidiaries nor volumes of new products to send around the world,” says Büsser. “These 10 retailers will each receive prototypes of our new releases for a few days, to allow them to explore the timepieces. The others will have digital presentations.”
Word of mouth and social networks, as well as a strong partnership with retailers, will continue to form the basis of MB&F’s business strategy: “For almost ten years now, the company’s goal has been not growth, but rather the realization of our creative projects,” Büsser emphasizes. “The first half of 2020 actually saw historic sell-out levels for the brand (volumes were up 45% over 2019, our reference year), despite the fact that the majority of our retailers were closed for several months, and travel was impossible.”
The brand is taking part in the Geneva Watch Days, which focus on European customers and media. “Before COVID-19, I hadn’t heard of Zoom or Microsoft Teams,” says the entrepreneur. “Today it is the new standard. But when you put so much love and work into finishes like ours, it’s virtually impossible to convey that digitally — even our photos don’t do them justice.” As for 2021, it’s still terra incognita as far as presentations are concerned: “If Watches & Wonders takes place in April, we will continue to participate, but nothing is confirmed at this point.”
Stéphane Waser (Maurice Lacroix): “We have already gone to Plan B.”
For Stéphane Waser, the reality of the post-COVID-19 world has made possible scenarios that had hitherto remained mostly experimental. The Managing Director of Maurice Lacroix is uncompromising: “We have already gone into ‘Plan B‘ mode because we will never go back to the previous situation.”
He shares his observations about the last few months: “Digital is a possible tool for introducing new products, but the presentations must be designed and developed specifically in this direction. More effort is required in terms of preparation to reach the same level as physical interaction. An in-person event with 200 to 300 guests transformed into a Zoom session is not efficient, and the impact is very minimal. Some car brands experienced this last spring, following the cancellation of the Geneva International Motor Show.”
The technology itself has taken a leap forward as a result of the crisis, notes Stéphane Waser — in fact, we have seen an increasing number of launches of new teleconferencing solutions, which allow for better online interaction. The brand will be present at the Geneva Watch Days and will simultaneously host video conference sessions for retailers and journalists who cannot attend.
The manager shares another observation: given the interruption in tourism and travel, it’s vital now to “think local” first and foremost, as well as to take into account the probable drop in customer purchasing power as a result of the pandemic: “In times of predicted recession, consumer confidence calls for caution.” Maurice Lacroix, which returned to more accessible models under Stéphane Waser’s mandate, notably via the Aikon line, intends to engage with this new reality.
Wilhelm Schmid (A. Lange & Söhne): “Online shopping still plays a minor role in our business model.”
Like several brands in the Richemont Group, A. Lange & Söhne (A German, not Swiss company) will participate in September in one of the few physical trade fairs of 2020: Watches & Wonders in Shanghai, strictly reserved for the Chinese market. “I am looking forward to this event, where we will be able to showcase our new timepieces once again face-to-face — with all the necessary safeguards, of course,” says the German brand’s CEO, Wilhelm Schmid.
Before the coronavirus, Schmid was very often on the road, presenting high-end timepieces whose value is best appreciated through touch and feel. Over the past few months, he has relied on videoconferencing. “Among our customers who have spent the last few months in the confinement of their homes, there is an increased interest in new watches. After we presented our novelties digitally, I talked to customers from all over the world via Zoom. Such conversations take place in an equally pleasant atmosphere as in a one-on-one meeting. (…) In doing so, we have gained valuable new experience and insights from which we will benefit in the future.”
However, the CEO stresses the temporary and limited nature of this type of presentation: “The pandemic has taught us how flexibly we can adapt even to the most radical changes, at least for a limited period. (…) But however good they may be, my personal assessment is that entirely digital presentations will never be able to replace the feel and touch of our watches.”
In the price segment occupied by A. Lange & Söhne, e-commerce remains very limited, despite the acceleration of the digital transition in recent months. “For the time being, online shopping still plays a minor role in our business model. In most cases, the purchase decision process has been prepared online. But the majority of our customers come to the store to confirm the expectations they have established on the internet before reaching their final purchase decision. (…) I would not rule out the idea that purchasing habits may eventually change and that recent events will accelerate this development. Either way, we will be prepared.”
Like many executives, Wilhelm Schmid advocates the need for “an intelligent interaction of different channels and techniques” and for more touchpoints between the brand and its customers. The omnichannel model seems tailor-made for the watch industry, and the pandemic crisis is certainly accelerating the digital component of this strategy.
Photo credit: Johann Sauty
Sascha Moeri (Carl F. Bucherer): “An ever more personal approach to luxury.”
As the world’s leading watch retailer, with dozens of physical points of sale in Europe and the United States, the Bucherer Group has naturally been very heavily impacted by the pandemic crisis. The Lucerne-based giant also sells its own watch brand, Carl F. Bucherer, headed by the energetic Sascha Moeri, who remains confident in the resilience of his brand: “Our company has gone through many crises in the past and will also manage this one. We focused on what we have done best in the past 132 years: watchmaking.”
In the last two years, the brand invested in e-commerce, notably through JD.com in China, as well as on the Bucherer and Tourneau (acquired by the group in 2018) online sales platforms. “In the future, the most successful brands will be those that are able to orchestrate the right balance of on- and offline touchpoints,” says Sacha Moeri.
He quotes Jörg G. Bucherer, the third-generation family member at the head of the group, who once said: “You cannot replace a handshake.” But in these times when even handshakes are off-limits, the CEO continues, “obviously (…) digital communication is more relevant than ever.” For Moeri, luxury is going to be defined above all by an increasingly personal shopping experience.
This is key to Carl F. Bucherer’s future strategy: to increase the number of individual appointments to present its models around the world. The brand is inaugurating a new concept of physical launches, the first stage of which will take place in Geneva at the end of August.
Jean-Marc Pontroué (Panerai): “Think national rather than international.”
With its design center in Milan, Panerai was confronted early on with the effects of the pandemic, which first hit Europe in northern Italy. “Our priority was to protect our employees and to ensure a certain level of activity,” says CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué. “With regard to our 740 employees and 19 subsidiaries, we had to show common sense and agility. In particular, we adopted a new approach to working via videoconferencing with our employees, as well as with our 150 stores and 400 business partners.”
The supply chain was also reviewed, with the aim of allocating additional quantities to markets such as China, which experienced “massive growth” after the end of the crisis in the country. “However, we have limited all shipments to countries that were suffering from total or partial closure,” explains the CEO, who also stresses the importance of organizing presentations “nationally rather than internationally”, a strategy the brand has found to be “effective”.
Panerai has also invested in new digital concepts: In July, the brand launched a new digital platform called PamCast offering virtual trips, from a tour of Florence to the ocean depths.
“I firmly believe that we are much stronger today than in the past,” says Jean-Marc Pontroué. “Panerai has demonstrated its strong resilience and its ability to adapt very quickly to a new scenario. One of the great assets of digital is that it allows us to address everyone. This period should serve to strengthen links with the members of our community, through the multiplication of points of contact. We are ready to take on the challenge of improving the shopping experience.”
Final thoughts
The impact of this pandemic crisis can be divided into two major effects: In the short term, the past six months have been a period of intense experimentation, resulting in the implementation of strategies (particularly digital) in just a few weeks that would have taken months in the normal (and long) course of things in the watch industry.
This experimental phase has happened across the entire watchmaking spectrum, regardless of the size of the brands in question. The fact that Patek Philippe now authorizes e-commerce in certain cases is a clear indication of this.
In the long term, the risk is that the effects of the pandemic crisis will lead to a deep economic recession. Watchmaking has already been hit hard by the halt in transcontinental travel. Chinese visitors will be staying at home for an indefinite period – one that will certainly be counted in years. For watch brands, this means re-exploring national clienteles and local markets, and knowing how to appeal to new generations, particularly in the more mature economies.
This return to a domestic strategy will certainly be the most lasting effect for an industry that has been buoyed by the wave of globalization over the last two decades. In concrete terms, it means empowering local teams, who are best able to understand the expectations of their compatriots. The way in which watchmaking operates is bound to undergo a profound transformation.
In this new landscape, it remains to be hoped that national economies will resist the effects of the pandemic better than expected, as the future of watchmaking will increasingly depend on local purchasing power.
Serge Maillard is CEO of Europa Star, a family-owned publishing house founded in Geneva in 1927, which specializes in the world of watches. For almost a century, the company has been circulating print publications globally, and has recently started to make its horological archives accessible online.
The post Swiss Watch Industry CEOs Speak Out About How To Do Business Post-Pandemic appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
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gesteckt1 · 6 years
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After ensuring the laptop booted properly, I powered it down and took off the back cover. Nine screws and a lot of clips hold it in place, but once removed, you have access to the M.2 solid-state drive (SSD), two slots of RAM, and Wi-Fi card. These can all be easily replaced down the line, so you can save a couple hundred dollars now on smaller storage and less RAM and wait for a third-party deal to come your way. Unfortunately, there's no hot-swappable battery, but I did get about eight hours from a charge when going about usual tasks. When in dire straits, the USB-C charger can get it back up to about 75 percent life in an hour.The laptop is respectably thin at 0.74 inches (18.8 mm), and you still get a wide selection of ports that can handle older and newer devices. There's no Thunderbolt 3 or Ethernet, but you do get two USB-C and a Mini Ethernet port that's compatible with Lenovo's extension cable. HDMI 1.4b makes it easy to hook up a display, and two USB-A 3.1 ports mean you won't be looking for a dongle for your older accessories.
A fingerprint reader for Windows Hello is set into the palm rest, and while it looks like it would hit your palm while typing, it's placed strategically to avoid any rubbing. It logged me in quickly and easily every time, with no need for a password. A discrete Trusted Platform Module (dTPM 2.0) security chip is also included for added security, and you can upgrade to a Core i5 vPro processor (CPU) for remote management.In everyday usage, the L380 seems like a competent worker. I didn't notice any hiccups from the 8th Gen Core i5 CPU and 8GB of RAM, and testing with Geekbench and PC Mark came back with standard results. I saw a single-core 3,945 and multi-core 9,775 score with the former test, and a score of 2,762 with the latter test. These are average results, and while you won't beat the more expensive ThinkPad models, you shouldn't be disappointed with what you get here.
Finally, the keyboard, touchpad, and TrackPoint system are what you'd expect from a ThinkPad. The keys are slightly cupped, they have a lot of travel, and they make a satisfying click. The appropriately-sized touchpad uses Precision drivers for the full range of Windows 10 gestures, and the TrackPoint system remains intact, with three physical buttons and red pointer. It all works as it should, and comfortably at that.Like a lot of Lenovo's cheaper laptops, the ThinkPad L380 suffers from a display with low brightness and poor color reproduction. The brightness issue is a bigger deal here, with the display hitting just under 250 nits. It has a matte finish that helps cut down on glare, but in a well-lit room you'll probably find yourself wishing for a few more increments of brightness. Testing color accuracy, the L380 hit 66 percent sRGB and 49 percent AdobeRGB, both pretty low results. This isn't a huge deal on a business-oriented laptop — as long as you don't plan on any photo or video editing — but it's still something to keep in mind.
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The other main grievance I have is with the SATA SSD. Here Lenovo's gone with a Samsung PM871b, with a faster PCIe option available. In testing, I got a 545 MB/s read speed and a 528.9 write speed, which is average for budget devices. The great thing, though, is the ease with which you can swap out the SSD down the line for something far faster.Other than the dim display with poor color reproduction and the slow SSD (which can be upgraded at checkout or easily swapped out after purchase), Lenovo's ThinkPad L380 has a lot to like. Its 13-inch size hits the sweet spot for many people, there's a good selection of ports that will cover accessories for the next few years, and it's built well, true to the ThinkPad line. It's also priced competitively, opening it up to a large audience that can't splurge on the higher-end X- and T-series ThinkPads. All-day battery life and versatile USB-C charging ports means most days you can leave your charger behind when heading to the office.
Who should buy this laptop? If you're in the market for a business companion and don't mind a display without great color reproduction, the ThinkPad L380 is a cost-effective laptop for students and professionals. It's durable, it's the right size to carry around, and it has great battery life to get through a work (or school) day.Most of the electronic gadgets we use are powered by lithium-ion batteries, and very occasionally, those lithium-ion batteries can malfunction. When they do, they have a tendency to burn or explode, and the results can be catastrophic. Exhibit A: Security camera footage from a plastic fabrication company in Letchworth, England.The video shows an HP Envy laptop catching fire when left on charge overnight, eventually burning down the owner’s entire office. As spotted by Motherboard, some models of HP Envy laptops are under recall by HP due to faulty batteries, which “have the potential to overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard to customers.”
Steve Paffett, the owner of the plastic fabrication company and also the laptop, told his local newspaper that he “was sat at that seat earlier that day and I swear it would have taken my face off or killed me.” He said he was woken up by the intruder alarm for his office, which was triggered by the fire. He logged onto the CCTV app and saw the fire, and called emergency services before running to the office and fighting the fire with extinguishers. By the time the firefighters arrived, the damage was done.“The ground floor is ruined, all the stock is written off – luckily none of it caught fire, but it’s just covered in smoke – the whole building is filthy and reeks. The fire and ambulance crews were amazing and could not have done more under the circumstances. I’ve already been given a small insurance payment – just enough to continue to trade – but it’s not quite the same thing as being able to get on with your day,” Paffett told The Comet.
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It’s not something you often give a lot of thought to, but the modern consumer laptop battery is a pretty advanced piece of technology. Not only does it pack several dozen watt-hours of energy into a relatively small and lightweight package, but it features integrated diagnostic capability to make sure all those temperamental lithium cells are kept in check. Widely available and extremely cheap thanks to the economies of scale (unless you try to get them from the OEM, anyway), they’re a very compelling option for powering your projects.Of course, it also helps if, like [teliot] you have a bunch of the things lying around. For reasons we won’t get into, he’s got a whole mess of Acer AL12x32 battery packs which he wanted to use for something other than collecting dust. He had the idea of hooking one up to a solar panel and using it as a power supply for some ESP8266 projects but wanted to be able to talk to the battery for status and diagnostic information. After studying the Smart Battery System (SBS) protocol the batteries use, he was able to come up with some code that lets him pull 37 separate fields of information from the pack’s onboard electronics using his ESP8266.
It took some fiddling with a multimeter to figure out which pin did what on the eight pin interface of the battery. Two of the pins need to be shorted to enable the dual 12 VDC pins to kick in. Technically that’s all you really need to do if you want to utilize the battery in a low-tech sort of way. But to actually get some information from the battery, [teliot] had to identify the two pins which are for the System Management Bus (SMBus) interface where the SBS data lives.Once he knew which pins to talk to the battery on, the rest was fairly easy. SBS is well documented, and the SMBus interface is very similar to I2C. Like all the cool kids are doing these days, his code publishes the battery info to MQTT where he can plot it and get finely grained info on the performance of his solar power system.
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With RAID 6, any two drives can fail, and I nevertheless have my data. Matchless desktop performance. If you are a writer or do not plan to be utilizing a desktop pc, a writing desk or bureau is a functional and pared-down compact workplace unto itself. As with most desktop PCs, you will need to provide your personal monitor, but HP does provide an optional mounting bracket ($27, element quantity N6N00AT) that lets you hide the compact workstation behind a monitor, and one more VESA-compatible sleeve ($45, element number Y7B61AT) for mounting the workstation behind a monitor or under a desk. The Z800 sits at the leading of HP’s most current variety of workstations, a successor to its xw series, even though the latter is still available to get on the HP internet site The Z series is a new platform based on Intel’s Nehalem architecture , and HP’s Z400 and Z600 systems accompany it reduced down the variety.
The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Retailer token has an invalid name. This is the type of trite rhetoric that flourishes in today’s media and blogs within South Africa, and it is time it is now exposed. Ultimate CPU performance and multi-GPU expansion. The HP ZBook x2 enables designers to effortlessly generate with quad-core Intel® Core processors two, twice the memory of any other detachable Pc three and NVIDIA® Quadro® Graphics that deliver 73 percent greater graphics functionality compared to the Surface Pro four. A quiet, dual-fan active cooling program is created to dissipate heat from the strong graphics card and processor. Assuming you want to use a dedicated graphics card and want extreme performance we’ll suggest one particular of two CPU, the Intel i7-990x and the i7-960.
An error occurred in processing the dynamic disks involved in the operation. I am operating for a business that ask me to build 3 of these beasts for this summer and I’m actually excited about it. I had few experiences with hackintosh, but by no means with a larger CPU than a core i7. We use Intel MBs for single socket and Supermicro MBs for dual socket. A personal computer workstation desk is also needed for organizing a person’s workspace, and that’s why it is ideal to know what sorts of elements and components one particular is organizing to shop in his or her workstation ahead of one buys a desk. The replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance sort. If you can afford it, obtaining multiple SSDs (1 for the OS and AutoCAD and a second dedicated for active projects) along with a larger standard drive for storage is even greater.
Our Z840 Dual Octo-Core Tech Select is just the most powerful NLE workstation you can purchase for under $5K! If you are over six feet tall and need to have a monitor arm to use with an adjustable standing desk , we advocate the Ergotron LX Desk Mount LCD Monitor Arm Tall Pole In our tests, we found that the 7-inch pole in the regular LX arm wasn’t very tall enough to properly position a monitor for tall folks, and the 13¼ inch pole in the extra-height version was necessary to accomplish ergonomically excellent monitor heights. The SAM database on a Windows Server is substantially out of synchronization with the copy on the Domain Controller. Shivji insists that in order to recognize forces of alter in the lives of African folks emphasis must be placed on examining the sources of agency within African communities.
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