#where i just am not a person anymore im a piece of furniture you can do whatever to
hecksupremechips · 4 days
Ah its great when you’ve repressed everything you’ve ever felt and thought and then can’t tell if the things you “feel” are your true feelings or if they’re just what you think you should be feeling because those two things look exactly the same 😵‍💫
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seabass17 · 3 years
All that’s left | Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
A/n: This is my first time writing something based on a video I found on TikTok, it’s not exactly the same, but it is kinda the idea. I hope you like it and please let me know if you might want a part two. Also, I apologize if you find some errors, im doing my best since English is not my first language. Anyway, happy reading!!
All that’s left masterlist
Pt. 2
Warnings: angst, mentions of injuries (broken ribs, cuts, dislocated shoulder)
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: She still can’t get used to the feeling of being left behind by the people she once called family. After being hurt, she decides that she will give them a chance, and when they failed, she then makes the decision to disappear and start brand new. Of course, she leaves a letter that will left the team standing in the dark, and with more questions than answers about a lot of things, while discovering that she has more of one past that she let to know.
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The sound of the rain hitting against the window of my living room was the only thing that could be heard in the silence of my apartment. I looked over my desk where the paper is waiting for me to pick up the pen and get this over with, but somehow, somewhere deep inside of me, a part is waiting, holding on to the smallest of hope that maybe, just maybe, he is going to come knocking to my door asking why the i haven’t showed up to the compound for the last three days, or why i didn’t text nor call the rest of the team. I wanted to see if they would notice my absence so I left the compound on Thursday. I got the answer to my question when Sunday arrived and my inbox was clear; no one noticed. Today is Tuesday, my apartment is thirteen minutes away, fifthteen if you literally fly or speed up, but still, no one came or text.
To be honest, I'm not surprised, that doesn’t mean it hurts less though. I know i should probably think this through instead of making the impulse decision of grabbing my things and get the hell out of here, going somewhere i can start fresh, somewhere i can start over and get a chance to get over all the things that happened,  find people that actually cared for me, or maybe not finding anyone at all and die alone.
I stand up from my bed and go to my desk, it’s time to get this over with. I start writing the only thing that they get to keep.
“Dear Avengers, You’re probably wondering where I am, or you just don’t care, maybe you don’t even find this. If someone from the building finds this, keep it in case they ever come looking for me; thank you. So, this is it, this is my goodbye. You should consider yourselves lucky, given the fact that none of you even deserves a goodbye because you are the ones causing it. I could tell you the reason why I'm leaving, and you know what, I will tell you. I chose to trust you. The one thing I feared the most was trusting people, but when I joined the team, I thought ‘well, maybe i can trust them, they are my team’, guess what, I was wrong. You should really look out for your teammates Stark, oh, and by the way, you might want to look deeper into why the operation that saved those 30 civilians on may 20, didn’t go south, you might even discover its the very same reason of why i didn’t showed up in the compound for a week, yeah, they were busy torturing the information out of me for a week; information that, by the way, i didn't give, hence why the operation went great. Something even more funny, is that behind every mistake, every wrong that each one of you have ever done, I’m the one that suffered the consequences. Don’t believe me? Then you might want to do your homework, because dear teammates, I’m the one you couldn’t protect. By the time you find out the things you’ve done, I will be long gone. I'm very good at disappearing, Natasha (once she figures it out) can confirm that. I wish things would be different and we could be… family, but that’s never going to happen; not anymore. As of now, there will be no record of my name ever existing, everything that once belonged to me, will be burned, and as of me, well, I am no one.”
I fold the piece of paper and put it in the envelope, once sealed, I write down the word my name in the center so they know. I take a last look at my apartment. Everything is intact, the furniture that came with it is the same as always, the only thing different is that it seems empty without all my belongings. I grabbed my luggage and exited the apartment and then went downstairs.
“Hey Richard”  I say to the man that is in the reception like I always do
“Hey miss, what can I do for you?”
“Well, I'm leaving, for good. If someone comes asking for me, my friends, you tell them that you haven’t seen me. Oh, I left a letter for them upstairs, could you please make sure that it gets to them? Only if the show up, do not sent it”
He looked at me a little sad and confused.
“Oh, well, you will me missed miss, I hope you find happiness and yes, i promised i will make sure they get your letter”
“Thank you Richard, for everything, oh, and this is for you” I handed him an envelope with some cash. He looked like he was about to say something about how he couldn’t accept it but I cut him off. “Please, just take it, please”. He sighs but takes the envelope.
“Thank you miss…”
I smiled at him and then turned around to grab a cab. I'm supposed to be in the airport in 30 minutes. Once in the airport, the only thing left is to start again, be someone brand new.
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*3rd person POV*
Friday morning was a little colder than usual in the avengers compound, everyone on the team was up and in the kitchen having breakfast. Everything was normal, until someone noticed that someone was missing.
“Hey guys” Bucky said right before taking a bite of the pancakes Wanda made earlier for everyone. “Have any of you seen y/n?”
The team stayed quiet, realizing that they haven’t seen her for quite a while, not until Barnes brought it up.
“Uh… maybe she took a trip?” Steve broke the silence while the rest started thinking when was the last time they had seen her.
“No, she was here when we arrived from the Jersey mission, it must have been like what, two days, maybe three?” Tony said. Bucky could feel his insides burning and twisting.
“No… that was eight days ago” Vision intervened. The avengers felt like someone just blew up the white house. Her teammate was missing for eight days and no one even noticed. Bucky was the first one to react by getting up and running to her dorm, only to find it exactly the way it was when he last saw her. He searched her dorm looking for something out of place that could tell him that maybe you were in trouble and that he has to come save you, but he is left desperate when he doesn’t find anything.
“She’s not here, everything is intact” He informs once he is back in the kitchen.
“Everyone” Steve calls out, “get dressed, we’re going to look for her. Let’s start in her apartment”
The team leaves to change their clothes and next thing they know, they are in her building. Without saying a word to the receptionist, they all made their way up to her apartment.
“Hey! wait-” he goes unnoticed because the avengers are already on her door. Wanda knocks on the door.
“Y/n? You there?” no one responds. “Y/n come on, don’t be mad at us” Natasha says.
After a few seconds they all start to worry when the door is unlocked, and they worry even more once they see the apartment completely empty.
“What the-” Bucky says
“Where are her things?” Wanda asks to no one especifically
“Where is she?” Thor says
“What the hell is going on?” Tony says a little louder
Bucky storms out of the empty apartment and goes to the man in the reception
“What the hell happened to apartment 108, where is y/n y/l/n?” he asks with worry and anxiety in his voice.
“I’m sorry, but, who are you?” the man asks the rather intimidating group of people in front of him.
“We’re the Avengers man” Peter says and the man suddenly realizes and his face changes from a confused one, to a sad one that makes the team’s stomach drop.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…” he sighs, “She left me indicated to give this to you” he hands them an envelope that looks like it's been sitting there for a while. Bucky stares at the envelope like it's some kind of nuclear weapon that if you touch it, it could kill you. Wanda notices, grabs the envelope and stares at the paper in her hands.
“When did she leave this?” She asked
“Three days ago”
“And why didn’t you send it to us?” Tony asked, getting angry at the poor man.
“Because she specifically said  to handed it to you, if you ever came looking for her”
Bucky could feel the tears in his eyes start to form.
“She said that? `Ever’?” Bucky asked almost to himself. The man slowly nodded. Natasha could feel how her stomach started burning from the guilt and the pain of not noticing that her friend was missing for eight days, little does she know that the entire team felt exactly the same.
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“F.R.I.D.A.Y pull the records on the mission on may 20 and also show me the status of y/n on that time” Tony said to the AI and after a few seconds later, pictures of the building that that was about to be blown out by HYDRA with 30 civilians inside showed up. While the avengers were sitting in the conference room looking at the pictures, the AI started talking.
“Mission of may 20. Information was given that HYDRA kept 30 civilians inside the building with the intention of blowing it up with them inside. Source of the information unknown. The Avengers  came to the building and successfully rescued the civilians safely moments before the building was blown up. Agent y/n y/l/n was on an undercover mission on a HYDRA facility at the same time, the communication was lost three days before the civilians situation, and around the same time, the information about the building was given anonymously the very same day that communication with Agent y/l/n was lost; Agent y/l/n returned a week later. Medical record found, access denied”
“Override, Tony Stark” Tony said after a good couple of seconds, the pieces starting to fall in place.
“Access complete. Medical records of Agent y/l/n on may 27th. Access restrained: Agent y/l/n. She presented with several cuts all over her body, three broken ribs, a second grade concussion, a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder. Patient refused treatment and was only given medication for the pain”
The seconds were passing and no one in the room would break the silence. The pieces were starting to fall in place, Tony felt nauseous. He yelled at her for being irresponsible for staying a little longer than she should have in the undercover mission, given the fact that she checked in on june 10th, meaning that she waited two weeks for her injuries to heal enough so that he could yell at her for not being good enough. He fell down to his chair, feeling like if he stayed up, he might throw up.
“She was the one that gave us the information about the building” Sam broke the silence. “She was the one that got tortured, and still managed to pass through the data so that we, could be the heroes while she was the one that got beaten up”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, where is she?” Natasha asked the AI, and it responded after a few seconds.
“No information found”
Natasha frowned, Bucky looked up to the screen to see the red sentence. It only made him want to scream more.
“What does ‘no information found’ mean?” Bucky asked on the edge of falling apart.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y” Steve called
“No information available” it said this time.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, look for y/n y/l/n” Tony said, thinking maybe he needed to check what was wrong with the AI.
“No records found for y/n y/l/n”
“Detail,” Stark said.
The AI showed what it said before, there was no record of her name, it was like it never existed. No phone number, no mail address, no nothing, just a little picture of an abandoned building or mansion somewhere in the world.
“Wait” Natasha said, “I know that building, F.R.I.D.A.Y, do a close up on that picture”
“What is it?” Wanda asked
“It was where The Red Room used to operate” tha AI responded
“Why does it appear related to her?” Bucky asked, fearing the answer
“The picture was taken when a girl escaped The Red Room in 2002, she eliminated four people on the way, the age or who it was is still unknown” the AI responded.
“Oh god…” Natasha whispered but Bucky manage it to hear it
“Natasha, what is it?” he asked
“2002, that’s three years after i managed to escape, there was a girl, we were some sort of friends, i promised that i was going to get us out of here, but i couldn’t take her with me so i left her. Two years later I contacted someone on the inside so that I could get to her and plan her escape, but she was angry at me and said that she was fine, a year later she did escape, killing four people on her way” Natasha explained. Everything makes sense now, why she looked familiar, why she had exactly the same skills as Natasha. The team noticed it too, but they assumed it was because she had trained very hard to be an avenger.
“What was her name?” Vision asked.
“Eliza” Natasha said
“Wait a minute…” Bucky said, lifting her head looking at Natasha. “Was that her real name?”
“No, she didn’t wanted to say her real one” Natasha said
“Eliza, that’s y/n’s grandmother’s name” Bucky said and the room fell into a silence where you could hear the wind outside.
“In the letter…” Steve started, “She said that you could confirm that she was good at disappearing completely once you figured it out, so, does this mean that…”
“Y/n is Eliza” Natasha concluded
“She was in The Red Room” Bucky added.
“She said in her letter that all of us did her wrong,” Sam said, “how are we supposed to know what the hell we do to her? She’s been in the team for what, two and a half years? And just now we realized that she was the one that gave us the data that saved 30 people and got her tortured, and that she was trained in The Red Room like Black Widow here. What else are we missing?” he added.
“Guess there’s only one thing we can do” Steve said, looking at Tony.
“And what’s that?” Wanda asked
“We find her”
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threeleggedart · 2 years
from discord: 2, 3, 9, 19, 22
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
depends on if the characters asymmetrical but generally dont have problems with either + i flip my canvas to check for inconsistencies. forward is weird because depending on character design its either super easy or a nightmare (ie any characters who were never meant to be viewed facing forward)
(next one was a text doozy so making this a read more!)
3. What ideas come from when you were little
this ones gonna be weird bc i dont think i can be sure on a lot of these lmao
bio/zoology + monster stuff definitely came from childhood interest, i likea tha critters :) i wanna say my interest in bots/mechs + funky inanimate object stuff too? i did play metal slug a lot as a kid and a bunch of childhood favs were mechanical characters. also ive found fanart of putt putt, captain underpants villains, and the brave little toaster in my childhood journals lmao
oc -wise, selena herself (and vicks) also are funny in their own ways. i can say for sure they were always distinct ocs in my mind but i never actually Materialized them till very very recently. selena was based on a childhood pokemon trainer oc (but noot entirely self insert? its hard to describe) and vicks is kind of. a catharsis character for me. i have been thinking about making an entirely split oc from vicks recently bc the character i view in scenarios i want to visualize has been vicks, but i dont really wanna anymore bc she deserves to be her own deal now
...i also would argue probably the reason why mws huge cast + me just being able to. establish how they interact with each other so quickly also came from childhood ocs i never put down on paper or knew how to articulate as characters. its something im very weird about bc i straight up had a "cast" of fundamental ocs (proto-selena was one of them actually) from childhood to high school that were so personal to me i never wrote or visualized any of them bc Crinj they were just for lil ol me lmao. they liked to hang out with each other :)
finding connections between my fixation on my current characters and stuff i thought about as a kid is a thing i think about a normal amount teehee
9. What are your file name conventions
stupid and goofy but still understandable to infer what it is for personal stuff, labeled straight for work stuff. "sketchbook" files have scratchpad in the name, pieces that include characters that arent my own usually include the persons username, and annual based stuff have the year
i like to be sillay but also i am a freak about keeping my files organized lmao
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19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
sid industrial machinery is really fun for me, buildings tend to be too basic and geometric for me to enjoy drawing... i wanna do more extremely stylized furniture and prop stuff (i really like those drawings that are character inventory layouts), i actually do wanna make fake object assets for my settings eventually bc i love that kind of stuff. bottles and containers are aesthetically pleasing but havent figured out rendering the sweet spot ive seen other drawings hit, at least for me
environments are something i wanna do bc those pics of super expansive landscapes with either huge structures or so open you can see the horizon stretch for miles are really cool, but still in the general learning process so itll be a while before i can even try reaching for that effect
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
i sometimes do a little wrist wriggle or crack it a bit, or ill wring my arm/shoulder, but unless my arms got a weird feeling i dont really do too much...
i squeeze both my biceps with my hands too sometime bc thats actually where i normally experience soreness from drawing
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
so next week im moving into an apartment close to my college campus and while i am big excited i am kindof nervous. i also won’t be able to play dbd anymore until like december so bummed about that. so would it be ok if i requested some hcs for moving in (maybe post entity?) with dwight, jeff, quentin, and zarina? - adam anon
That is exciting!! I hope moving and college go well for you, and I'm sorry you can't play DBD for a while ;( Maybe videos/streamers will help get your fix lol. I hope you enjoy these~ <3 <3
Survivors Moving In HCs
<200 words each
Dwight: He's the kind of person who has everything written down, meticulously checking off what he needs and scrambling to get everything together even though he does so way ahead of time. He doesn’t want anything to go wrong at the last minute, so he makes damn sure he’s communicating with the rentor and that his documents are in order.
He’ll ask for help from friends to get him settled in, but they know how much of a control freak Dwight can be, so they take it easy and follow his pace. It’ll be smooth sailing so long as everything ends up where he wants it to end up, and he’ll be grateful to have had some extra hands. God knows he isn’t exactly fit for heavy lifting, but luckily David is!
Once he’s settled in, Dwight can relax again without worrying about anything. He’s comfortable and happy in his new apartment, and it shows when he invites his small group over for a movie night.
Jeff: He’s also very particular about the way he goes about his list-making, but he’s much more laid back about it than Dwight is. Jeff scribbles four different checklists on the same piece of paper he ripped out of a sketchbook and keeps it in his pocket until he’s fully moved in. Truthfully, he remembers most anything he writes down, so the visuals in his head help him more than anything.
He’s a bit of a lone wolf and a lot stronger than he would appear to be, but that doesn’t mean he can haul his furniture inside by himself. Jeff doesn’t like to bother people too much, especially his friends, so he won’t ask them for help. Instead, they’ll approach him, and he’ll cautiously accept their offer. They know he appreciates it, so his small thanks once everything is said and done is enough.
It doesn’t take Jeff long to become accustomed to his new place, and only days after moving in will his art begin to clutter the walls, and a new life will begin.
Quentin: He may be a little too laid back, so his more responsible friends will be there to help him out from the get-go. It’s not that he’s incapable of doing anything on his own, but his severe lack of sleep makes him quite forgetful, and the paranoia he still lives with can derail him in an instant. As such, he’d much prefer to live with at least one roommate, but preferably two so he can feel safer.
Speaking of roommates, Quentin moves in with only his closest of close friends—those he doesn’t hesitate to call family—and he’s beyond excited to live with them. In his mind, they’ll have all-nighters every night, but he knows that’s just a fantasy that he won’t even fulfill himself. The truth is that his sleep schedule will be the inverse of his roommates’ so he doesn’t have to sleep in the dark.
Zarina: Like Dwight, she can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to getting everything in order; from agreements to payments, she’ll take care of them immediately. She’s more efficient and clean-cut in her ways, never losing track of anything and remaining calm the whole way through. She’s dealt with enough in her life that she’s numbed to any stress she might cause herself, and here it works out in he favor.
Moving in on that first day, Zarina looks around and puts everything where it still is in her head from her previous apartment, (i.e. utensils going in the top-rightmost drawer, her desk going in the corner of her room). She has “comfort patterns” in her day to day life that ground her and make moving an enjoyable experience for everyone involved, and so she doesn’t feel so disconnected. She always likes having people around, so get/togethers are frequent. She’s fun when she wants to be!
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•Lillies and daisies• Pt. 1
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Summary: Billy ends up stuck with a girl who stumbled into his place one night only to faint right after, when she wakes up she remembers nothing about herself or her life, now it’s up to billy to help her figure out what comes next.
A/N: After literally forever im back. I’m really excited about this story and maybe it’s starting to make some type of sense? I haven’t figured out the name thing yet butttt I’m sure I’m keeping the first person narrative. Let me know what you think
Warnings: Angst?, language, mentions of amnesia.
I was starting to wake up, and as soon as I took a deep breath, I knew something was missing. I didn't know what but it felt like a void.
I opened my eyes and saw white curtains hiding a bright sky.
Wait a second...  where am I?
This wasn't my room, in fact, I didn't remember what my room was like, but this wasn't it. 
Drowned on my thoughts, I slowly started realizing that my room wasn't the only thing I couldn't remember. My house, my family, my friends, myself, I couldn't even remember my name. I could barely notice that what I was wearing wasn't mine, merely because the t-shirt with "Pink Floyd" written on it was at least three sizes bigger.
It would be an understatement to say I was freaked out. I started breathing heavily and my eyes started getting watery, it felt like my head was soon going to implode from how fast my train of thought was going, it almost made me feel dizzy.
Before I could panic any longer, someone opened the door. A guy, with the bluest of eyes i’ve ever seen, probably due to my state. If I would have been in another situation, I probably would have... well, I don't know. I didn't remember what I would have done.
"So, sleeping beauty is awake. How was your nap, princess?" The guy said closing the door and coming closer to me.
Out of fear i hugged my legs to my chest sliding away from him "Who are you?" I asked, feeling how my voice cracked. Even my voice felt unfamiliar.
He seemed to have taken the hint and stayed right where he was standing. "Well, that's what I'm asking you". I could see the muscles of his arms tense while he crossed them.
"What do you mean? This is your house isn't it?" The amount of questions I had on my head were making me even more dizzy than before.
" Yeah, house you ran into without invitation last night,only to pass out right after." I was about to tell him I wasn't in a mood for jokes, but I could tell how serious he was, his eyes were darker than they had been seconds ago, and they seemed to be lightly tinted with concern.
"Sorry, I-I did what?"
"So you were that drunk huh?" I, for a second, thought he was as confused as me, but his face was so expressionless, I just couldn't tell.
"What? No... I mean I-I don't know"
"Right... Lets start with easier questions, princess. What's your name." I closed my eyes, I tried to remember as hard as I could but nothing came to my mind. "It's not that hard"
" I'm... i-i... I'm sorry, i can't remember." A single tear rolled down my cheek, while I pronounced those words.
" Shit" i heard him whisper "Do you remember where you live?" I shook my head silently " Do you remember anyone you know?" No, again.
" What's happening to me?" I said so low he almost couldn't hear it.
“Im no expert but i think you have amnesia, let me check your head.” he waited a couple seconds until he was sure i wouldn’t freak out if he came any closer, then he walked to the opposite side of the bed and sat behind me. His hands delicately started parting my hair and pressing softly. Nothing hurt until he got to the lower back of my head, as soon as his fingers touched that area i felt a pulsating pain so strong i had to hold my breath.
He quickly removed his hands apologizing for the pain. “It looks like you took a pretty rough hit here, i think there’s blood too but i’m not sure. I’m gonna bring you some ice, that might help with the pain.”
I heard his steps behind me and soon enough i saw him walk out of the room leaving the door open. When i looked behind me i noticed the pillow had some specs blood on it as well, not enough to get worried but it was still there. Not long after he was back with a pack of ice wrapped around a towel, he handed it to me and i carefully placed it on the wounded area.
I exhaled heavily trying to put all the pieces together. The fact that I didn't know where I was, who this guy was, who I was, and most importantly, where I came from. I believe neither of us knew what to say on a situation like this so we just stayed silent for a couple minutes.
He was the one to break the silence "Look, I gotta go out for a couple hours. You can spend the night here if you want, I don't mind." He started to pick up some stuff from the night table. As almost every other piece of furniture on the room, it was a medium light brown with an old looking vibe.
"Thank you so much, but I don't think it's reasonable to stay in a strangers house." I looked down and started playing with my fingers. For some reason the way he looked at me made me feel really nervous and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make a coherent sentence with his eyes looking into mine. "I'll get out of here as soon as I can, don't worry."
He stood there for a couple seconds just analyzing me, and then said:
"I'm Billy, I love music and I work at the record store. Lucky for you we are not strangers anymore." He winked at me and then walked out of the room.
I sat there with a racing heart and a racing mind, feeling all types of ways and absolutely nothing at the same time. Nothing made sense, i was confused and scared, and i didn’t know how i was gonna get myself out of this one.
I heard what I thought was the front door closing and I decided to stand up and go look for a bathroom. That didn't take me long because it happened to be inside his room following a walk-in closet, where I found some clothes that I supposed were mine, and if they weren't I was going to wear them anyways.
I walked in, and as soon as I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt shame tinting my cheeks a light pink. My makeup was completely fucked, I had worryingly big under eye bags, and my lips where pail and swollen for some reason.
While washing my hair I noticed something interesting. The smell of the shampoo almost made me feel like normal again, it felt like something i’d felt before. I thought it was so ironic I found this stranger's hygiene product more personal and close to me than my own face. I didn't think anything else of it.
Half an hour later, i was putting on a coat that seemed somewhat my size. Billy must have had a girlfriend I didn't know about, a roommate or a sister, I don't know, but I was sure that coat wasn't his. I felt bad taking it without permission, but in my defense it was fall, which I figured because of the browny-orange trees outside of curly guy's window, and that meant it was gonna be windy and cold.
Before getting out of there I looked around. Something made me feel warm about his house, it looked rustic, everything was brown or warm toned, which matched perfectly with the season outside. I wondered if that was intentional.
On my way out I closed the door and spent a solid minute trying to decide if I should go right or left. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I would have been lost either way, but a small dandelion seed flew right in from of my face, dancing with the wind going east, making the choice for me.
Just when I couldn't see the apartment behind me anymore, I realized how screwed i was, why did i think it was a good idea to walk out of the apartment in the first place? God, i didn't even knew which city I was in. I was starving and had no money to buy anything, or so I thought until I slipped my hand inside the coat to get it a little bit warmer, and I felt a handful of bills there. Lucky for me it was a ten dollar bill and two dollar bills, it wasn’t much but it could save me from starvation.
I started looking around for a place to eat from where I was standing and not far I saw something that seemed like a coffee shop. Without a second thought i walked in that direction feeling my stomach growl every time louder.
The smell of warm bread and coffee that smacked my face as I opened the door was glorious. I closed my eyes and smiled before walking to one of the empty tables and sitting on one of the dark wood tables closer to the window.
I was so distracted looking at the place, I didn't even noticed when one of the girls that worked there walked to my table and started talking to me. "Good morning and welcome to Harvey's, can I help you with your order?" She was looking at me with a bright smile on her face.
"I... umm..." what do people ordered on this type of places? My cheeks started to blush once again. "I want whatever the hell smells so good. What is it?"
" Oh, is a combination of our fresh bread and season special Hot cinnamon chocolate, should I bring you that?" The girl said on a sweet whisper, that made her British accent a little bit more obvious. British accent... did that mean i was in England? But then again Billy didn’t have an accent, which made me even more confused.
"Please" I smiled back, letting myself pick a little on the contagious happiness she expelled
I ran out of things to analyze moments later, so my mind went back to to everything that was wrong with me and my life.
It felt so terrible to be alone, and in the most literal possible way, I was. And then I started thinking if it was all my fault. Was I so bad that all the people and memories decided to run away from me? It sounded so dumb but in that vulnerable moment that’s what it felt like.
It was almost as if there was a void inside me and every thought was making it bigger and wider, which made me feel like if I was standing at the edge, like if at any moment I was gonna fall.
Tears slowly started to run down my cheeks, i almost didn’t notice them until one dropped to my hand placed on top of the table.
"Oh love" I heard the waitress next to me, gently rubbing my shoulder and then sitting in front of me. "Are you ok? Here, take a sip of your chocolate" I did as she told me, and took the napkin she had brought to wipe my eyes dry.
"I'm ok, just a little overwhelmed... that's all"
"Do you want to talk about it? The place doesn’t get busy until 10:30 so i’ve got a couple minutes free."
I really wanted to, so bad, and I couldn’t find a reason not to, why would I care when she was a stranger, just like everybody else? So, I told her everything, from the moment that I opened my eyes a couple hours before, until I walked into that place. And she listened, with that a sad look on her eyes that made them look a little more green “I’m so sorry, you must feel terrible. I wish I could help more, but all I can do right now is help you call Billy ."
“Do you know him?” I asked confused as i wiped my tears once again.
" Of course i know him, he’s pretty well known around here, specially by the girls. Such a pain in the ass but he’s a good guy. You got lucky there, you could’ve picked a creep’s house to break into and that would’ve been an issue.” she chuckled a little in hopes of lifting up the mood a bit.
" I... don't think calling him is such a good idea. Look, he has been very kind to help me and let me stay at his place last night, but for what I hear, he must have other people to welcome there, and I don't want to bother anyone. I’ll crash there tonight and i’ll figure something out tomorrow” i wanted to believe that so bad, maybe if i kept repeating it to myself it would come true
"I’m sorry, did you say he offered his place for tonight?" she said changing the sad expression on her face for an annoyed one. I nodded a little confused. “He did take you to the hospital, didn’t he?”
“No, he seemed really hurried to get out this morning, besides i’m fine, my head is hurting a lot less now.” that didn’t seem to relief her a single bit but before she got to say anything else, her eyes looked right behind me with surprise and I could only imagine who it was.
My heart dropped and unconsciously, I stopped breathing as soon as I heard his voice.
"Speaking of the devil” she said looking right at him, i still didn’t turn around, for some reason i felt he would be angry at me for leaving his place.
"I see you already met my guest, Mikie” he said in a relaxed tone. "I told you to stay at the apartment, you could’ve gotten lost." that was now directed to me, so i turned around to look at him.
Before i could reply, Mikie stood up from her place and said “She was starving dumbass, god knows how long it has been since she last ate something and you didn’t even think of offering her anything?” he didn’t reply, i guess he was as shocked by the situation as i was and the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. “I need a word with you out side” that last part wasn’t a question, Mikie walked through the door and when Billy didn’t move, she yelled “Now Hargrove!”
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the-settingsun · 5 years
We're all gonna die - Edward Nygma x reader. Songfic
Please listen to the song as you read.
Quick songfic about my dear Eddie. Because he needs to be protected. My precisious baby boy. Feel free to request and give feedback I'd appreciate it. Also I dont proofread so point out any mistakes to me.
Tumblr media
Gif credit to the owner.
Warnings : Blood, mentions of abuse, injuries.
The evil it spread like a fever ahead
,,What can be lost but never found?" Your boyfriend yelled at you while he took another bottle of alcohol and drank it in one go. The thunder encouraged him to put down the bottle on the small wooden table beside the window. He slowly started approaching you, you were expecting him to insult you again and his words schocked you. He wiped his nose with his hand and smirked ,,Do you like riddles?" He fake frowned ,,Or just the riddle man?". You froze, he found out about Eddie. Only man who treat you right. The GCPD was a pretty small after all. You knew what was this man infront of you capable of. ,,Please dont hurt him" you whispered looking down at your bare legs. ,,Honey, you know its for your own good" he purred into your ear. ,, Please stop" you said as quietly as possible. There was no point in fighting him, he always got what he wanted.
It was night when you died, my firefly.
After he was done with you he left like always. Broken glass, broken furniture and broken bones.
You didnt feel anything, your body wasnt yours anymore, your mind was black. But oh the floor the cold floor that make your skin crawl. Was is the floor or the blood? No one can tell. Cold, as the raging storm outside. The thunders couldnt be heard anymore but the lightning helped you see, always for a split second.
What could I have said to raise you from the dead?
Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?
As you watched the same picture appear before you for hours you gave up. The pain was not worth it. It was time to move on, past the small ligh provided by your eyes that got already used to the dark. You were ready to see the light. It was silence, you cried softly as you slowly pulled your hand from the wound caused by the glass shards.With the very last strenght you had you managed to reach broken table, with one leg missing. Your whole body weight was now relying on it. The crimson shined for a brief moment, another lightning. You fell again getting tiny pieces of wood stuck in your already bloody arm. The pain kicked in as you tried to reach the phone. Every step you took was followed by lightning, displaying the silluettes of broken window on the floor beneath your feet. You reached the phone and pushed yourself against the wall. Looking at your wound and bloody hands putting pressure on it. You sensed you had last few moment infrotn of you. And so you dialed the number
Edward Nygma
Well you do enough talk
The moment you heard the dial tone you broke down. There was so much you didnt do in life, you wanted to
tell Edward everything, have amazing dates, help your daughter with her boyfriends, cry during your son's wedding. But now it was all gone in the clouds. ,, Hello this is Ed.Im sorry I cant currently talk leave a message" you put the phone down on the ground anf sighted.
My little hawk, why do you cry?
,Ed? Are you th-there?" Your lips slowly moved ,, (Y/N) is that you? Whats wrong? Where are you? Are you hurt" Ed spoke quickly through the screen. ,,Im home, I dont have much time, I-I-I think I-I'll die Ed. Im afraid" you heard him curse quietly,the some rumbling and door opening. Meanwhile you tried to adjust your position but your hand couldnt support you. So you sat there against cabinet slowly bleeding, looking at the ceiling above, clutching your stomach. You couldnt make out anything from the call except : Jim, help and Ed's panicking voice ,,(Y/N) talk to me please)"
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
You glanced at the clock, it was past midnight. ,,Ed can you believe it? I made it to another day" you chuckled and hissed in pain right after. ,,(Y/N) please hang on, Im coming, the ambulance is coming, you are gonna make it" This time it wasnt his typical panic voice. Ed was crying. You blinked and more tears fell down on you sleeves.
,,Ed, Im sorry"
We're all gonna die
You heard him sight,,No, (Y/N) there is nothing to be sorry for. Its all my fault" he said and his voice broke ,,I should have seen it, I should have protected you" he let out a sob and began crying and sobbin more. ,,Eddie? I-I, you're right I should have told someone. But please dont blame yourself. Dont" you whined and put your hand over your mouth. You focused so much on your sobs you couldnt hear Ed. ,,-I cant lose you (Y/N), you are the only one that ever accepted me" he went silent. Or was it you?
Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head
Was it all a disguise, like Junior High
Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction
Now, where am I?
My fading supply
It was all too much, everything too fast and too slow at the same time.
Your cries overpowered the sound of now returned thunders as you heard cars going by below your window. ,,It hurts" you screamed in pain as you moved your arn away to overlook the injury again. ,,We're almost there (Y/N) just hold on."
,,Did you actually mean it?" Once again you asked but now with smile on your face. ,,Or is it just faded memory?" Remembering events of last weekend when you two attended police ball, he pretended to be your ,,scary" boyfriend infront of bunch of arrogant officers. Ed cleared his throath and gulped
,, The ball?" there was silence. You knew you couldnt stand up so you carefully started sliding yourself closer to the floor. ,,I did, you (Y/N) are the most beautiful, trustworthy and inteligent person I know" you stopped, only youd neck was now againt the cabinet. ,,Funny I thought you were just bluffing"
Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
,,What happened (Y/N) I thought you two were happy" you went silent letting the thunder be answer. You used your free habd to push yourself away from the cabinet. Now you were just laying there ,,I thought so too Ed. I loved him I did. I told myself" he kept silent you presumed he was close. Despite thunders you heard a train on the other line. The train station. He wasn't gonna make it. There wasnt enough time for him to hold you in his arms. ,,I love you Ed" you whispered loud enough for it to be heard. He took a deep breath. You messed up, but he deserves to know.
,,I love you so much (Y/N), now you cant leave here alone. I-I cant make it withouth you"
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
My little Versailles
,,Isnt it funny? I was always too scred to tell you and now" you coughed and gasped for air ,,we cant be together anyways. Maybe we could be another tragic pair of lovers like in the books" you softly laughted before you strated coughing again. It was blood, but at your state there wasnt place around there wasnt blood. ,,(Y/N) It was me who bought you the flowers not officer-" you stopped him ,,I always knew, the wws this little voice in my head that i-i-it was y-you." You winced as breathed. Last minutes.
The hospital asked should the body be cast
Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky
Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth
Do you find it all right, my dragonfly?
,, Eddie, we both know how is it going to end. I just do-do-ont want you to blame yourse-lf" you both inhales sharply. You because speaking makes you weaker and Ed because he was having a war with himself right now.,,No" you were silent. ,,No, there will not be anything I'd have to regret!" He yelled and cried at the same time. Poor Eddie, you knew how vulnerable he was. ,,If I die" I dont want you to visit me. ,, I wouldnt want you to dwell on the past. I'll be a dead end. Literally" you giggled a little before Ed screamed through the phone ,,FOR GODS SAKE (Y/N) YOU ARE DYING. STOP JOKING ABOUT IT."
,,Sorry, sorry. I am serious. Do-Do not attend my funereal, dont bring me flowers, dont get involved in the case." whispering you wiped your tears for the first time.
,,Why (Y/N)? So am I supposed to forget about you? If you are telling truth and you do love which I certainly hope you do. You are the love of my life (Y/N)." Once again the muffled cried from the other side of the phone were drown out by the now stronger storm. ,,Because I would break you"
Shall we look at the moon, my little loon
Why do you cry?
,,Tell me a-a-a ridd-d-riddle Edd-Eddi-Ed" you sighted as you felt your breath slowing down every minute. ,,What are the three words that are said too much, but not enough"
,,I love you"
,,So do I"
Make the most of your life, while it is rife
,,H-H-El-Hell-Hello?" You coughed so hard your head raised from the ground only to fall back there.
,, Im here (Y/N), Jim is here. You are here. Im not losing you now."
He hanged up.
While it is light
The front door opened and the lights turned off. It shocked your body and you gasped. A figure was kneeling next to you. It was Edward Nygma. The one you loved.
Well you do enough talk
,,I wanted to grow old with you
(Y/N). I still want to. Dont.leave.me" Ed held you tighter and put his hand on your cheek and as he slowly sobbed. Hie glasses were wet from his tears and rain. He was a shaking mess. You looked into his eyes. And smiled.
My little hawk, why do you cry?
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
We're all gonna die
You lifted up the hanf that was on your wound. Ed quickly put it back, applying the pressuee back. Being confused and still pouring his soul out through tears. You sturggled and released yourself from his grip. You hand was now cupping his cheek. With every little strenght you had you barely leaned forward and pecked edwards lips he was just starring at you, knowing its the end. With that, he pressed you towards him harder and frantically held you thinking you could disappear in every second. With that the ambulance arrived and...
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
Name : (Y/N) (L/N)
Date of death : 4th of july
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
You've got a lot to learn p.2/3?
Request from Anon
Becca x Older Woman (O/C)
Nsfw as it goes on...
As becca arrived home, still caught up in her own thoughts, she took a minute to compose herself before opening the front door. Already she could hear her housemates inside, talking and laughing amongst themselves. She walked through the open door and all eyes quickly landed on her. Chris was leaning back on one of the beanbags, Zack was drawing at the dining table and Kaitlyn was sprawled out on the couch with Milly's head resting on her chest. With a sigh, becca turned towards the stairs, trying to escape the oncoming conversation.
"Woah... Oh no you don't!" Zack called, pushing away his sketch pad and rushing over to becca. "We're all waiting to hear about your first real day at work!"
"Hell yea! I'm dying to know what a working day is like for the legendary Miss Davenport" kaitlyn grinned, earning her a slap on the shoulder from Milly.
"For real becca, how was it?" Milly asked, chris glanced over at becca expectantly and with an optimistic smile. Becca took a moment to think of where to start and what to share.
"It was ok. I wasn't working with joaquin today which was kind of a bonus..."
"So, who were you working with? They didn't just leave you on your own did they?" Chris asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"No. I got put on... someone else's team. It was... it was fine."
"I think someone is holding out on us..." kaitlyn said almost mockingly.
"Urgh! I was put on a team with Robynn, my new team leader. We assembled furniture all day." Becca said as she shrugged off her jacket to hang up. "Am I free to go now?"
"Uhh, sure..." Chris responded.
With that, becca walked up the stairs to her room. Once the door was closed, she let out the breath that she hadn't realised she was holding. Quickly getting herself settled, becca changed into her pyjamas and started wiping away her makeup. She climbed in to bed and started scrolling through her phone. In a state of curiosity, she typed Robynn's full name into the search bar on her social media app. The picture that came up was of robynn, taken from the top of the cliff she was abseiling down. Even in the picture, becca could see the definition of her muscles and the sheen of swear that made her upper lip glisten. Her mind started to wander, thinking of the firm hands that gripped her shoulder earlier that day, how soft the touch really felt underneath the strength that it carried.
As her thoughts took her deeper in to remembering all the characteristics that made up Robynn, Becca's door suddenly knocked. She quickly locked her phone and readjusted her pyjamas that had become creased as she lay in bed.
"Becca, can I come in?" Chris' voice called from the other side of her bedroom door.
"Of course" she said, trying her best to pull herself away from her thoughts and back in to the room. Chris entered, looking a little concerned. He gave a smile and sat at her desk chair while she sat up on the bed, swinging her legs over the side.
"Becca. Are you ok? You didn't seem like you wanted to talk about work. Did something happen?"
Becca almost felt herself blush as she realised how she avoided giving anyone any real details. "No, nothing bad happened. It was just... different. Im still learning."
"Your new team leader isn't pushing you too hard? I know how it can be when you're trying to impress someone and..."
"WHO SAID I'M TRYING TO IMPRESS ROBYNN?!" Becca snapped back at him before he could finish his sentence.
"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." Chris began sheepishly.
"No. Its fine, sorry. Just trying to wrap my head around something." Becca said with a sigh.
"Well, maybe we can talk about it?" Chris asked, trying to sound inviting.
"Its just... I don't know. I tried working hard because I want to be good at this job. I want to be able to make my own way in the world but..." she sighed again. This time sounding more exhausted. "... I think I was only trying so hard to impress Robynn."
"I could guess that..." Chris laughed. "...He's literally all you mentioned about your day at work."
Becca decided not to correct the pronoun. She hadn't told anyone yet about her attraction to females and now didn't seem like the right time. Not when she was so confused herself.
"Well, Robynn made it a lot of fun... not just because they're fun to look at."
"Wow, so this already sounds kind of deep, right?" Chris asked calmly, ignoring the slight tinge of jelousy he felt in his chest.
"Don't get me wrong, Robynn is fun to look at too. Such amazing eyes and teeth that pretty much 'ping' with light. And those arms!" She trailed off.
"Ohhh he sounds hot!" Zack called from across the hall, where his bedroom door was open a few inches.
"Damn it Zack!" Becca screamed before throwing her head down on to her pillow.
"Becca, I'll leave you for the night. But if you ever want to talk... just call me ok?"
"Thank you Chris" she said earnestly. "I mean it." With a smile and slight nod, chris left the room and becca lay back on her bed. Her thoughts began circling her head. Knowing she was clearly attracted to robynn was one thing, but now working along side her most days would be difficult. She thought back over the times she caught her looking for an imperceptible second before looking away. The times that a wink or bright smile had made her heart flip. 'Was she flirting with me? Or did I just want her to be? She didn't have to ask me to work with her directly...'
Becca's mind flew back to watching her lift the different pieces of furniture. The way her arms swelled with tension, the definition of them. The way her abs looked in the tight vest that hugged her curves. Becca let out a weak sigh as she drifted further in to her thoughts. The idea of Robynn's arms flexed around her, those deep, burning green eyes staring at her longingly. She found herself dreaming of brushing her fingers, lightly down the hardness of her abdomen.
Gripping her sheets with one hand, becca let out a slow breath as her other moved lazily from her stomach, downwards. All at once, images were flashing in her mind, some from what she remembered, others that she put together herself. Before long, becca could almost feel robynn there with her. Her fingers moved underneath the waist of her pyjama bottoms, then lower. A gasp escaped her lips as her fingers went to work, pushing a small amount of pressure where she needed them most.
Biting her lips to try to hold in any sound became pointless as her fingers moved faster against her. Every thought of robynn touching her, kissing her, using her strength to hold her down when her hips tried to buck. It brought her closer to the edge, where she held herself for a few minutes before giving in to the sensation. Dreaming of Robynn between her legs, tasting her, made becca come undone. Her legs bent and her toes curled down as she felt the sensation pulse inside of her like electricity. Becca lay on her side bringing her knees up, with her hand still between her thighs as she caught her breath. With one last movement of her fingers, she gasped, trying to hold in a small laugh at how quickly she had given in to thinking about her boss this way.
Becca had cleaned herself up and settled back in to bed. Checking the time on her phone, she noticed she was still on her social media app, on Robynn's profile. Almost blushing after what she had just done at the thought of the woman in the display picture, becca closed the app. Moments later, she had drifted to sleep, filled with dreams that matched her fantasies perfectly.
The next day before leaving for work, becca took some extra time to apply her makeup and made sure that her hair was perfect. Putting on her work shirt made her effort seem pointless. It was difficult to imagine anyone looking attractive in it. At least Robynn's was just plain white with the stores logo printed on the chest. She picked up her keys and walked to the front door when her name was called.
Turning around, at the top of the stairs, Milly was making her way down, having obviously just woken up. "Good morning Emily"
"Good morning. You off to work?"
"Yep. Bright and early" she said trying not to deviate from the small talk.
"Cool, I hope you have a good day" Milly gave a bright smile before turning toward the kitchen.
"Emily... I..." Becca started. Milly stopped and turned to face her. "Can we talk? Just for a minute?"
"Yeah sure" she answered gleefully.
"So there's... this person..." Becca trailed off.
"At work?"
"Yeah. I think that maybe I..." she sighed. "Em... Milly, how did you come to terms with being attracted to women?"
"Ohhh..." Milly's eyebrows flew up in realisation. "...so you're.."
"Yeah. I've known for a while that I... like both, I guess, but it's been easy to ignore before. I like guys too so it just seemed easiest to be with them. People are less likely to ask questions, you know. As for my family, they're not big on anyone being different in any way, really. So I've never really considered being with another girl."
"But you don't want to do that anymore?"
"No... I want to... There's a girl that just, I don't know. She seems worth it."
"Well, if she's good enough to make you want to take a leap and finally see where this path goes; then I'd say go for it. She must be pretty special."
"Oh god, she is. Beautiful too, and she never stopped trying to help me. She was so thoughtful and sweet and..."
"And you're those things too becca, and more. She'd be lucky to have you. Anyone would." Without another word, becca wrapped milly in a brief but tight hug. As she let her go, becca pushed her emotion down and adopted her best stoic look.
"Thank you milly"
"You're welcome. Have a GREAT day at work" she winked prompting a sigh from becca. With that becca left for work, trying to hold back a smile the whole way there.
As she arrived, the staff were just finishing their coffees in the staff lounge. Becca's eyes scanned the room, looking for Robynn's impressive frame amongst them. When she didn't see her, becca poured herself a coffee and sat on one of the small (overused) couches.
The chatter in the room died down as more staff went on with their day. Becca's eyes closed as she tried to find the enthusiasm to get to work. Suddenly, she felt the couch shifting next to her and she let out a sigh.
"Could you not sit so clo..." she opened her eyes and saw two deep green pools looking back at her.
"Sorry. Guess I'm attracted to the smell of coffee" Robynn grinned before moving down the couch a couple of inches.
"No... its fine!" Becca stammered. "I thought you were... I don't know what I thought." She blushed.
"Yeah, I get that way in the morning too. Good thing this is just a work partnership. Could you imagine the two of us trying to cook a breakfast between us" Robynn laughed.
'Yes... Yes I definitely could. Straight after we built up our appetite in bed' Becca thought to herself, only throwing a small chuckle at Robynn's joke.
"So... shall we get to work?" Robynn asked, slapping her knees before pushing herself up from the couch. "I wanted to talk to you about something anyway..."
To be continued
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lokbobpop · 3 years
early 15c., "encouragement;" c. 1600, "something that tends to excite," from excite + -ment. Meaning "condition of mental and emotional agitation" is from 1846.
something that excites or rouses. 2 : the action of exciting : the state of being excited.
Excitement excite meant ex cite ment exc it e ment ex cite ment
Writing the word excitement
I thought about kryon saying on a recording the other day how he and anu played in all the energy that we created and didnt care about the hell people were living in creating this energy how they would lie in it mountains of it all for them only how they only let those below have small amounts and kept it to themself i want to say you awful mother fuckers i want to say get your ass down here now and really live what we have all lived within us for millions and millions of year how come not once in all that time did you not think about the people who were in hell everyday children being malested how could they not see what that did and aloud just so they could just wallow in others misery with out even a single thought of what they are doing then i looked how i have done the same within the animal kingdom where i have millions of animals die in horror so i can eat them they cry desperately not to be killed they cry for days for there calf back because we want there milk it all wrong we dotn have there best interest at heart we dont even see them as sentinel beings just animals less than ourselves it’s horrific how could i do this to them then i can go into blame well they did this to me and made me do this but i cant if they are not help responsible that means i cant be and i have ot be for what i do hand had done ot another. But i see this is something i still have to work out ive been hiding it from myself and others that I actually feel this way like not wanting ot look at it because no one else looks at it and i do see that im just as bad and do the same things as them i see the point of them ever actually thinking about us for one minute knowing the pain most life goes through down here i g=have thought about what i do many times how come they never did how do you do that with no thought for another what they are going through am i i the same no no in all ways is that why i never did what they did I to me and millions of other?
Reading excitement
Having fun laughing playing then the thought of this doesnt last very long its so short lived you might have excitement for a moment a few hours and if you are really lucky a few days but its not something you live all the time is it it cant be tapped into like now i want to live excitement for the rest of the day it’s like something has ot happen for you to be excited right you just cant bring it up at will and if you do it lasts moments what if you could just like excitement when you pleased and forever how long you pleased you decide whe you are and for how long? Well you can cant you really who said you cant but you cant i an energy why ot has to be from you your beingness not outside of you but you saying right now i want to live excitement but without the energy it brings within me as stable calm alive creating it within me being alive as me right now yes as me not in energy i see it the way to go.
What gets me excited I ask myself winning money getting something i really like a piece of furniture making love being with my family with dogs animals many things make me excited it just for short term and then you have ot pay the penalty of the polarity of that excitement because it wasnt real you were living in energy no your true being.
Boyfriends yes when i was younger the excitement i=of a new boyfriend was awesome for me i was so excited to meet an new guy and get to know him and what it would be like to be with this person i was taken away with the energy and living within it until it fell out and it wasnt so exciting anymore no it would go flat id get bored and want out of it.
I think of fair grounds and the excitement of there rides but mostly im afraid of all rides like i get scared easy but maybe thats the excitement of the ride so how do you do a ride and not go into energy of the ride but just enjoy it mm interesting thought
Saying excitement
When my heart trembles with excitement and i cant control the way it feels its out of my control
Fun and excitement looking for it within my relationship
Does this definition support me no i see i want to be excited but not sure how to handle it within me without going into energy like they say when someone has won a lot of money there whole mind is resetting everything within them now they have money its like has a complete upgrade to now see things in a new like the energy that comes up within the excitement is used to reset you in the mind constructs
Excitement ex see cement
To be full calm with enjoyment to bring about an open awareness within me
I will live this word with looking into how to be excited without energy like to see what its liek to live this word without energy at my own free will yes i will live it in my ex next word and maybe with parts of my day i can live it cleaning my teeth yes whey not i choose when and that seems a good idea.
0 notes
I never told anybody about the reason why I never went to prom.
I always said it was because I just couldn't find somebody to go with.
The truth was, I put so pressure on my self that when I didn't accept that my body was beautiful the way it was, just because it was big.
Lumpy, and I would hear guys that I like talk about other big girls and say "she's too big" or "she had stretch marks" as if me being the almost the exact same size as them made me feel indifferent to ever being accepted by a man and/or finding a girlfriend later on.
I still feel intimidated if I see a woman I thinks beautiful, gorgeous, cute, classy, sexy....but there's no chance because I couldn't be her size in a month. It'll will take me over 2 years to lose 100 pounds.
And still build up the muscle to even look good and not have saggy skin in my arms. Because if you lose the weight too fast, it comes off fast, but now you gotta wait to grow muscle to look tight, clean firm or you gotta pay for surgery to get your arms and your tits redid to look even more perkier and firmer, because I'll be real...my tits aren't naturally perky like these instagram models who can wear tops without a bra and it looks tight, firm, poking out.
I have to build a whole lotta muscle and lose a lot of weight to get my tits to look the way I want them to. To get my legs to look strong, but not too strong like a guy's or I lose more men suitors.
Because I like attention and I like to have more suitable options to pick from. Cause lets be real, with us plus size women...its hard for us not to settle when we don't feel loved and feel competitive, like me, to get the guys to stare at your boobs because you don't have a smoking, hot, hard ass, or even nice, big perky ass that shows off your body in just the right sized t-shirt that fits you.
So many times, I've felt like I've missed out because I didn't have the right body type to be liked enough to get committed to by someone I loved or even liked. Its a misjustice to myself that I even feel surprised and so quick to rush to accommodate another person who accepts me, as I am, and they're ok with my weight or at they say they do, but I don't. Because I don't believe that I'm beautiful enough to even date a nice, sweet, guy like mike or to even date someone who is way nicer and hotter looking than Mike, because I assume skinny, white dudes (based on what I've seen) want to hookup with me, but I've never met one person yet that took me seriously when it came to dating.
And that we actually had a reciprocal, mutual feeling scenario. I've only been with 5 people sexually. The first person I fell in love with was in middle school, and this Jay person....who I probably never will, never want to (logically) speak to...hurt me to my ever most softest core of my world, so I neglect to think....
That there is somebody more special than Jay that will make me feel like that person did when they showed me affection, when they kissed me, when they held me, when they told me I was beautiful, loved everything about me..
But what I'm most scared of now is...How can I trust another human being who sees that in me, but chooses to hurt me, trick me, and even use me for just meaningless, casual sex.
When every time I wanna have sex or even kiss somebody else, I'm thinking about Jay...and Im thinking wowwww.
I must really not be over them. And then I hate myself all over again. That my heart just won't let that memory of them die. Those cherish able moments, not the bad ones, but the good ones. Why can't you see that there is plenty of more capable men, women, whoever, cause I try not to care about gender that much rn, but im sensitive around trans people, because Jay was...
But how do I know for sure, somebody won't make me feel better and make me feel sicker, all at the same time? Cause my heart has been broken by so many other timers and triers, and I'm like wow, why do people disappoint me? And why does disappointment and rejection hurt this much?
Can I be ok, when the next guy ends up not being interested?
Will I be ok, being single and alone for awhile when I finally get my driver's license and move to somewhere safer and freer. Away from my family's prejudices about who and what I do for the rest of my life?
Cause I really do want to give polyamory a try, but im just not that confident enough, because I don't feel secure in love.
And maybe I did sorta fall too fast for Teddy, maybe thats why I never felt so hurt by a man who reminded me of my father, but totally depreciated my value to hooking up with me, and sleeping with toxic people who was only out for a place to stay. He risked our commitment, for somebody who probably never even thought to buy him food when his fridge only had real milk and he was lactose intolerant. I showed more care for him, and I got lower class treatment, that girl got to move in with you and she had a dick and a butthole for you to cum on/in. That was wayyyy more important to you, than spending time with me and getting to know me. It was sex, magic cards, and money. That was all more important than me, to you.
I never wanna reduce myself to a relationship that makes me feel sexless, petty, aggressive, and provoked jealousy or settling for once a month dates. I need more contact, affection, and love than that.
And Im not a move in sex slave for you to have fun with on the weekends you gf or your wife isn't interested in sleeping with you.
Im tired of being "omg you're so hot, so beautiful" but oh, you're serious?? I dont really have time, money, or a place to fit you into my life, so let me just reschedule you as always available and objectifying me as a lustful piece of furniture always waiting on you to text me or call me, cause you're busy.
Imma start being busy too. Imma wait up on God, cause this casual, short term, not as interested in you, but ok, cool I'll date you just because you look good shit...is annoying.
I want someone better than Jay, emotionally available, healthier minded, into the same interests, doesn't mind what I do, what I say, what I sing about and doesn't call me out my name or degrade, dismiss, or bully me. I dont wanna be pushed away anymore. Work towards love, success, and commitment, and careers. Somebody with a healthy work/play/life balance. Where I dont have to feel like im settling for less time, nor any silly shit.
I'm ready God. Send me the right man who will love me right and be there for me when I feel like life is kicking me in the ass.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Opposite Dog Hybrid!Mingyu
Requested by anon: Helooo Mom™ can I have a fluffy Hybrid! Mingyu Or Jeonghan Au? 😊 thank you 💘💖✨💫🌈💘💝💫✨💗💖 
aaa here it is my love emoji anon!!!! i tried to make it super fluffy i think im gonna die from this sweetness!!! 
warnings: fluff that makes u wanna dIE AND MURDER MINGYU BUT ALSO SQUISH HIS FACE
You recently moved in your new apartment for the first time ever since graduating college
You were able to pick up some temporary jobs that would barely be enough to make a living but hey you wanted the freedom and you wanted to prove yourself to your parents
As you were carrying your boxes to the third floor, you were about to colLAPSE BC SO MANY STAIRS YOU WISH YOU DID BETTER IN PE
After you finally finished carrying all of your stuff you thought maybe i should show some hospitality and introduce myself to the neighbors!!
But you’re also a cat hybrid and you’re like um well do i really have to tho i’d rather just sLEEP MY ARMS ARE GONNA FALL OFF
But you’re determined to do something adult!!! You are now living alone and have jobs and bills to pay!!!!
So you gathered all of your willpower and got out some of your homemade bomb af cookies before heading to your next door neighbor
You were like ok chill all you’re doing is saying your name and giving them some cookies nO bIgGiE!!!
Shortly after you knocked you heard a “coming!” and some feet shuffle shuffle
A tall, dark boy sporting a casual button up and dark jeans was looking back at you like hello
Hello handsome
You noticed his droopy cute little ears on the top of his head that blended in with his caramel hair and a tail hiding behind his legs
And you were lowkey staring at him bc who is this magnificent being
“H-hi!! I’m y/n your next door neighbor i just moved here like rn ahahaha” *cue nervous high pitched laughter*
“Oh cool!!! Welcome!! :DDDD I’m Mingyu!11!!1” and he points to your bag of cookies like are those for me
You suddenly remember why you came and you’re like oH RIgHt yes here u go i baked some cookies hehehe i hope you like them!!!!! and me
you practically shove them in his arms and disappear in your apartment
“What a funny girl” he shakes his head laughing, looking at your door close before closing his own
A few days later you’re in the middle of rearranging your place when you suddenly get a knock on your door
He’s all smiles and greets you im gonna actually melt i love mingyu appreciate him
“Hi y/n!! I was wondering if you needed some help rearranging?? I feel kinda bad since im right next door but i didnt do anything to help you….”
And you’re like omg. How pure is he.
And you’re like o H! !! ! ofc you can help if you want to!!! So you step aside and let him in
He’s like uh did a tornado hit here um
He helps put away your kitchen stuff its a sign hubby material
And you’re in the living room rearranging furniture and whatnot
Two hours pass and you both are in desperate need of a break so you’re like ok i kinda want 2 sleep
Mingyu is insistent that you guys grab some Real Food for a lunch break and you’re like but,,,,, my bed,,,,,,,,,
“y/n it’s past one and we haven’t eaten anything cMON WE’RE LEAVING NOW”
“mingyu no i am tired!! we are staying her -- oH MY GOD PUT ME DOWN!!!”
“NO CAN DO MISS” he laughs as he runs out the door gdi mingyu why do you have to be such a fast dog hybrid
He decides to take you out to eat at a cute little lowkey restaurant
He orders a five course meal and you’re like,,,, can u pls order fish thx
“We came all the way here and you wanna eat fish???”
And he’s trying not to burst into laughter by how pouty you are and how your ears keep going up and down you’re so smol and cute
“Ok fine,,,,, lunch is on me only for u kitten ;)))))”
Fuck u mingyu who tf aSKED
How is it this hot in the fall
You awkwardly clear your throat and look away
Once the food arrives you’re like omg yAY FISH!!! And you’re happily chomping on your lil meal
Meanwhile gyu is inhaling that piece of steak and finishes 2 other plates in 5 minutes
You’re just like oh,,,, kay,,,,,
And he’s looking at you with such a playful grin and he giggles mINGYU PLS STOP
And you’re just like o k a y if you wanna play that game mingyu you can’t be mad at him anymore rip
After your meal you’re walking back to your apartment and he’s all giddy and hyper and swings his arm over your shoulders
plS!!! HAVE MERCY!!!
And you’re sO flustered that you just stiffen up so hard and you try to walk normally but he’s practically pushing your body towards his body heat is gr8
And he’s just all showing his canines and :DDD i think im blind
He’s so overly friendly and caring and you’re like :(((( this lil tol puppy doesn’t deserve my quiet nature!!!!
A few weeks pass and mingyu has taken the time out of his day to regularly visit your place and help you out with anything else involving moving and getting adjusted how cute!!!
You’re always telling him he doesn’t need to do ANY of this but ofc his heart of gold is just like what are u talking about y/n i want to!!!
Sometimes he thinks you’re gonna overwork yourself into unpacking way too many things for a day and he declares he’s gonna make you relax while he cooks hUSBAND MATERIAL!!!
And he digs through your fridge and manages to cook a decent meal with the very few ingredients you bought for the time being
He’s in the middle of mixing when you approach him bc you feel bad for not helping him so you ask him what you can do
“Sit down y/n i’ll take care of this!!”
“No pls let me help this is my apartment gyu mY rUlEs!!!”
“Fine you can start chopping up those veggies”
You grab a cutting board and a knife and start slicing
He sees you struggle and he’s giggling at the cute sight of you
He practically bounces over to where you are gdi i love dog mingyu
“Hehe you’re so cute y/n these slices are way too thick here this is how you should do it”
“Ah..haha….. Thank you” you manage to stutter out
He slightly turns his head to gaze at you so fONDLY AND HE’S SMILING SO SOFTLY MY HE A RT
You’re both looking at each other really,,,,, intently,,,,,,,,
Without realizing you’re both leaning in… the space slowly closing,,,,,,,,,,
You both jump back in embarrassment and he hurriedly turns around to switch off the stove
You’re too busy looking anywhere but him to notice that once he switched it off he immediately turns back to you
He takes your face in both hands and presses his lips to yours aND IM NOT STABLE
And you’re like hO L Y,,,, WHAT,, WHAT IS HAPPENING
You’re melting in his arms and have to clutch onto his shirt to not have your knees buckle underneath you
His kiss is passionate yet playful, very much like his personality
The kiss leaves you both breathless and you’re like,,,,,,,,, omg did this just happen
You kissed a dog hybrid what is this you’re supposed 2 like cats!!11!1 your own!!11!1!
And you seriously liked it
“Why,,,, why did you do that?” you looked in his eyes and asked even though you already knew the answer
He only smiles
“Didn’t I say I do what I want?”
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Barry Allen x Bria -Better 13
Cisco, Joe, and Barry walked through the breach to earth 2 and soon they find Star Labs and walk inside to see Harry fixing some kind of tool.He looks up and looks at the men with a confused face.
“Barry…Cisco…and Joe what are guys doing here"Harry says while coming from around his desk
They all look at each other and Barry tells him all about Bria and what happened from start to finish his voice cracking in the process.
“I’m sorry kid but I can’t help you"Harry says and turns around going back to his desk
"Now wait a minute you’re a genius and you’re sitting here saying you can’t help there’s got to be something you can do that girl was like a daughter to me okay she was an orphan…SHE CALLED ME DAD please help us get her back” Joe says and you can tell he was still heartbroken Bria didn’t deserve to die she was a ball of joy.
“Fine there’s this rule that if you are killed by a speedster then you don’t actually die you go into the speedforce” Harry says
“Wait so I can save my parents too"Barry says excitedly
"They been in the speedforce for so long Barry that its too late they passed on and plus you can only bring one person from the speedforce anyway”
Barry looks down at the floor and nods his head “Oh okay so how does this work ”
“What time was it when Savitar killed her”
“10pm” Barry stutters
“Well at 10pm thats when you have to go in the speedforce Cisco here can vibe you there but also since you’re trying to get Bria back the speedforce is going to be kinda different”
“What do you mean” Barry asks while stepping closer to Harrys desk
“I mean that the setting is going to be Bria’s past. Since she was an Orphan and didn’t have a family you may have to explore until you find her but you only have an hour or you too get stuck in the speedforce so you have to find her and fast”
Barry nods he would do anything to get Bria back even sell his soul to the devil (That MJ reference tho🔥✋️😎)
“Thank you Harry” Joe says and he nods and continues working on whatever he was fixing
Joe and Cisco and Barry goes back to earth 1 and its only 8pm
“Guys we have to get ready"Barry says and changes into his flash suit
"Barry we have a whole hour to spare just relax we don’t have to do much” Cisco says and looks at joe. Joe opens his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Iris
“Barry hey are you guys okay"She says and places her hand on his shoulder
"Yeah we’re fine um we actually found out a way to get Bria back” Barry says with a smile on his face
“Oh that’s awesome um how you gonna do it"Iris says with a fake smile on her face.
"I have to go into the speedforce”
“What no Barry you know what happened last time with zoom and you went into the speedforce I thought you wasn’t gonna come back you’re not going in there” Iris says raising her voice slightly
“Iris please this is Bria okay I have to get her back before its too late I promise I’ll come back stop worrying”
“Barry NO you’re not going”
“Wait a minute you can’t make that decision”
“I have an opinion and I think you shouldn’t go okay listen to me I am your best friend ”
“and Bria is my life” Barry shakes his head “and I’m not going to let her slip through my fingers again so stop trying to convince me to not go okay” Barry says and walks away
“Dad are you seriously okay with him going”
“Yes…I know it’s risky but he has to do it Iris…Bria meant something to all of us and now that we have a chance to get her back we can’t just not try… dont worry baby girl he’ll come back” Joe says and hugs her
- 10pm-
“Cisco you ready"Barry says
"Yeah man… you?”
“Okay now do you remember what harry told you ”
“Yeah yeah Bria’s past, orphanage explore, only have an hour” Barry says rushing through his sentence he just wants his girl back.
“Alright grab my hand”
Barry grabs Ciscos hand and suddenly clouds started to form around him and lightening was everywhere he soon sees a building in the distance it read “Little Ms.Hudsons Orphanage”
He flashes there and walks in the building
“Hey I’m Barry Allen and I came to see Bria Jones ”
“Um yes follow me wait…what are you to her”
“I’m uh her cousin I heard about her being in an orphanage I just wanted to visit” Barry lied straight through his teeth and the lady bought it telling him to follow her.
As he walled further and further down the hallway it was getting darker and the building started to fade so he picked up his pace only to realize the lady wasn’t in front of him anymore he was by himself. He stopped at a red door it looked old the paint was peeling off and the wood was chipped he opened it to see Brias back facing him.
She was wearing the same outfit that she wore the day she died. She turned around and Barry saw all the blood she was covered in and the massive hole in her shirt. She had blood all down her chest and neck. Her eyes were watering and she had a bruise on her cheek.
“Barr” she says quietly
“Oh my god Bria” Barry runs up to her and gives her a hug only for her to disappear. He turns around and sees Bria behind him and suddenly he hears a man yelling.
“barr save me please” Bria whispers frantically as tears rolled down her face
“Barr please i-i… go to my old house Barr RUN BARRY RUN” she screams as she turns around in horror as she disappears completely.
Barry was heartbroken and scared he immediately started running to Where Bria use to live before she moved in with him.
Barry barged in the door to a completely silent house and he looked around to find her things scattered everywhere and furniture torn and her pictures now off the wall and in pieces on the floor. He picked up a picture and he suddenly had a vision of Bria screaming at someone to stop please and the vision ends .
It looked like Bria was in an abandoned hospital and Barry ran but it felt like he wasn’t fast enough as Savitar killing her appeared in his mind again and he pushed and pushed. “BRIAAA” Barry yelled
-with Bria- imagine the song stuck in the speedforce playing from the flash soundtrack
Bria was fighting her farther he beat her badly but she was trying her hardest to fight back. She hopes Barry comes and saves her.
“You little bitch it’s your fault your mom died she didn’t like you” Brias dad spit in her face and she runs up the stairs but he grabs her ankle and drags her back down her head hitting each step. When she hit the bottom her vision was blurry she was seeing spots her hair was wild and she had bruises everywhere she was about to pass out until she heard her name being called it sounded far away.
With all the strength she had left she kicks her dad in the face and gets up running as fast as she can to the door. She made it out but she forced her legs to keep running she heard her dad calling her name but she never turned around she just kept running. “BARRY IM HERE” she yelled as she sees Barry in the distance running towards her .
Everything around them starts to disappear and become clouds and lightning was everywhere. It was 10:55 they had to make it to each other in time or Barry would be stuck in the speedforce and she dies but he seemed so far away.
A large tornado formed in between them and Barry got caught in it and he couldn’t see anything.
“BRIA BABY RUN IM STILL HERE” Barry yells from inside the tornado but it was quiet and all of a sudden Bria jumped in his arms wrapping her legs around his waist
(The music starts to go crazy)
Then they’re back at Star Labs Barry and Bria didn’t say anything to each other as tears streamed down their face but Bria runs up to Barry and bear hugs him "I missed you ” Barry sobs but Bria responds by tucking her head into Barrys neck. After 3 minutes they pull away and Bria makes eye contact with Joe and she bear hugs him as well. “Dad” she sobs and Joe’s eyes water “It’s okay Bria you’re safe now” he says as he rubs her back and kisses the top of her head “I thought you left us forever” Joe says as they rock from side to side Cisco runs up and joins the hug and Bria laughs “God I missed you so much” Bria hears Cisco say “I missed you too” Iris was silently watching all of this go down she was furious with Bria calling Joe Dad and also furious with Barry for going into the speedforce. “Bria” Iris says sternly and Bria turns around and smiles at Iris. “Iris hi” Bria says and walks up to her “how you been” she ask quietly bit Iris looks at Barry and he nods his head at her. “Bria…how did you get in the speedforce” as Iris says this Barry freezes he didn’t expect for Iris to ask that. “After Savitar "killed” me i was surrounded by darkness and then a storm started and I was standing in front of my old orphanage" she says weakly she was beaten up after all. “I was in the speedforce for 3 months” Bria says quietly and everyone was confused “Speedforce time is different from our time"Savitar says as he walks into the cortex and Barry immediately stands in front of Bria and she grabs his shoulders. "I’m not gonna hurt her” Savitar whispers “Then what do you want” Barry says sounding angry “To apologize” when Savitar says that Bria got a strange feeling as she started to walk around Barry and towards Savitar “Bria stop get away from him” Cisco says but Bria didn’t listen. She places her left hand on Savitars burned face and looks into his eyes. “It’s okay” Bria says quietly and when Savitar looks back at her he remembered why he feel in love with her in the first place. “I killed you” Savitar whispers “I’m still here…its okay look at me...I forgive you barr” Bria says quietly and everyone was looking at them confused. Savitar kisses her hand and looks into her eyes “Thank you” Savitar says and looks at Barry “You can kill me if you want Flash I’m not gonna stop you” “Why the sudden change” Barry asks “Truth is I still love Bria and we’re connected so I felt all the pain that you felt after her death and it was unbearable” Joe pulls out his gun and aims it at Savitar “You killed my son’s happiness” he says “Dad hey put the gun down” Iris says and stands in front of Joe and he lowers the gun until gun fire was heard and everyone turned around to see Eddie holding his gun and Savitar on the ground dead as his body becomes nothing. “NOOOO” Bria screams and Wally holds her back “THAT WAS BARRY” she screamed again trying to fight her way out of his grip “Caitlyn sedate her” Iris says as Caitlyn walks into the cortex to see all the commotion but Barry wasn’t having it. “No Iris we’re not sedating her” Barry says as he looks at Brias bruised face “Bria baby calm down its me I’m the real Barry Allen okay the one that fell in love with you at jitters the one you made love too and conceived baby allen okay the one who would be nothing without you… the one that loves you” Barry says and holds his arms out wide as wally releases Bria and she runs into Barrys arms where she sobbed and sobbed until she felt tired. “Are you okay” Barry asked as he looked down at her and she looks up at him and smiles “Yeah I’m okay…you okay”? She says quietly “Yeah I’m okay as long as you’re okay” Barry says and kisses her forehead and Bria smiles as she remembers the last time her and Barry had this same exact conversation. “I love you Barr” “I love you too baby girl”
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ያ ድምጹ (That Voice)
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  The next day in her apartment’s lab, Anika was looking at the blended blood sample of her last victims through a magnify glass and took some notes. “No trace of any diseases found. This is good for feeding. The others will be happy.” She took off her white lab coat and gloves placing them on the counter before leaving the room. Anika played her stereo to hear Nina Simone’s ‘Sinnerman’. She let her hair down out of its ponytail to massage her scalp as she moved around her apartment to the instruments that surrounded her in the room. She wore small biker shorts with an over sized white crop top. She moved her hips and arms to the sway of Ms. Simone’s vocals, singing every word.
“Don't you see I need you, rock? Good Lord, Lord All on that day So I run to the river It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', all on that day So I run to the river It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', all on that day.”
     Anika imagined herself as she was there when she performed this song live back in 1965 when her mother was still alive. Queen Kamili loved this song and whenever the ladies heard it, they couldn’t help but move. They always ended up doing their tribe’s dance moves. Anika moved around in such a full force as she imagined the last few minutes she had with her mother. She felt her soul become stronger within every move like she did whenever she was with her mother. When the song came to an end, she felt tears draining from her eyes, looked into the mirror across from her and saw the gold tears fall. She tossed her hair out of her face and sat on her knees looking at her reflection. 
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  She heard a cough and when she turned, she saw her third eldest sister, Princess Eshe Maraki of Season Beginning’s. She wore her fluffy afro with pride, a bedazzled sequin top with a purple strapless bra , bangles up her arm, matching hoops and a purple fluorite stone around her neck with low ride cuffed jeans and matching stiletto boots. “Hello, beautiful baby sister. Why must you cry whenever you hear that tune?” Anika stood on shaky legs but Eshe caught her. “Why are you here, Eshe” she asked as Eshe wiped her tears away. “I am here to visit you, love. I see you are still not over our Queen’s death.” 
“How can I be over it when I am the reason she is gone?” She held Anika’s head onto her lap and started to twirl the braids in her hair. “Dear Anika, none of us all saw this coming and besides you were no where near the scene of the crime. You did nothing wrong.” Anika tried to get up but Eshe pushed her back down. “Listen, Anika. Our women have only one rule and that is never blame ourselves or others for the death of our people. We have to stay strong in our mother’s memory. I know you and I are not close as yourself and Zoya but trust me when I say that you are not to blame. The attack was fast and before we could stop it, it was all over with. Mother is back in her tomb at peace with our Goddess Genat.”
“She was not supposed to die, Eshe. We are im-mortal for a reason. We do not die like the human beings.” Eshe let out a small chuckle and said “this is true but things happen all for a good reason even if they started out terrible. The tribe in question will be punished soon once we find them. Do not worry and once we find the heart and a cure, you will be our queen. You will wear that crown with pride and joy like our mother wants and imagined for you.” Anika closed her eyes and took in her sister’s sweet scent. It was true they weren’t close but when they made up, there were already sweet memories. Eshe was traveling the world so much she barely checked on her sisters. She honestly blamed her mother’s death on her because she was not there to stop it. As her sweet sister fell sleep in her lap, she watched her and caressed her cheek. Eshe lied her head back looking up to the ceiling with gold tears of her own. “inē it’ebik’ishalehu ina k’alihini it’ebik’alehu, ihiti ānīka (I promise our queen that I will protect you and I shall keep my promise, sister Anika.)”, she said as she soon drifted off as well, all to Nina Simones’ ‘Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’.
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    In his apartment across town, Malcolm looked at his house phone that was staring him the face. He sat on the couch and just staring at white phone like it owed him money. It had been a whole three days since he met ‘Anne’ but he still didn’t call her. He was scared. Of what he didn’t know why but he just knew he shouldn’t. What if she was busy? What if she wasn’t really feeling him like that? He had called plenty of females, all the time actually so why was he being such a wimp, he thought. His train of thought was interrupted when the phone rung. He got up and answered.
      “What’s up, nigga? You called her yet?” It was Shane of course. Mal took the cordless phone to his couch. “Shane, why and how are you always in my fucking business?” Shane rolled his eyes as he watched Martin reruns. “Da fuck you waiting for, Mal? It ain’t like she gonna call ya ass. She don’t even have your number.” Malcolm thought about it but maybe too hard because he felt he was brain was about to strain. He placed two fingers on his forehead moving them clockwise. “Shane, you my dogg but I don’t need no lecture from you, my nigga. Ima call when I am ready. I’ll call you later.”. He hung up and felt something, like a certain urge. He looked at the phone number he copied on a sheet of paper as soon as he got home and picked up the phone dialed the numbers. “13235558794″ he said and held the phone to his ear leaning on the couch. He waited for the dial tone and it kept ringing he was about to give up but then he heard…
“Hello”, Anika answered as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. He thought she even sound more beautiful like she did in person. She looked around to see that Eshe was gone and so were the containers. She repeated. “Hello? Is anyone there?” He cleared his throat and said “is Anne there?” Her voice eased to his eardrums. “Yeah. Hi, Mal. How’s it going’?” He smiled and leaned his head back relieved. “Good. Were you sleep?”
She yawned and said “yeah but it’s okay.” 
“Sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been hella busy.” She laughed and said “it’s coo, Malcolm. I figured as much. I’ve had my hands tied, too. So, how you been though?” He became more relaxed and said “I was stressed but now I ain’t anymore. But, what about you?” She lied in bed now and said “nothing much. School and stuff.”
    He was quiet for a little, trying to think of what to say next. “So, what you got goin’ on for the rest of the week?” She took a breath and said “nothing much. What about you?”
“Same as you. You not hanging with you friends.?”
    She had to come up with a lie and fast. “Oh, they actually went back home to Texas. They were only visiting, remember.” He smiled and asked “I know this is sudden but would you like to hang out today or tomorrow? I would uh..” He cleared his throat and said “I would really like to see you again.” She looked around in a very paranoid state of mind and asked “why you wanna see me?” He chuckled nervously and said “well, I would like us to be friends and I was always raised that to be a friend, we should build a connection.” The last time she did something like this, her sisters found out and had to take him out; he ended up being take out. But for some, something told her to say …
“Okay. Tomorrow will be fine.”
He smiled. “Great and where would you like to meet?”
“You know where Fox Hills is at?”
“Yes, of course. What time?”
   He leaned in and said “cool, I’ll see you then.” She nodded and hung up slowly, dropping the phone. Anika sat there in bed thinking out loud. “What in all of Ethiopia am I doing? I must be foolish to think that this will end well. So, why am I fine with this? I am the leader of a royal tribe for mother’s sake. I can not go. I must not.”
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    She lied on the cold golden floor in a sacred temple somewhere in deep Ethiopia but she wore a white gown that hugged her figure and her hair in two braids and matching afro puffs. She wore a gold head piece on her forehead as as she sat up to take in her surroundings. The walls were a white marble and the ceiling was high with a gold chandelier. “lijē, inikwani dehina met’achihu (My child, welcome home.)”, she heard a sweet woman’s voice but saw no one around. “selami. yeti nehi (Hello. Where are you?)”, she asked but no answer. She walked around the room that suddenly faded in as she saw furniture fading in. A king sized bed with black silk sheets with millions of golden throw pillows. There was also a vanity table and a huge wardrobe with two matching lions on each side of the bed. She looked in the mirror to see her mother in a shimmery gold and white gown with a crown that resembled Queen Nefertiti's crown but white and gold. Anika turned to her and felt tears drop down. “nigisiti imayē? (My Queen Mother?)”
  “le’inē minimi iniba, lijē. inē lezele’ālemi wisit’i bebētemenihi wisit’i nenyi. inē huligīzē izīhi inoralehu. inē beberikata sewochi dehina nenyi. (No tears for me, my child. I am in our palace for all of eternity. I will always be here. I am safe and loved by many.)”, Queen Kamili opened her arms to her beloved daughter with a warm smile. Anika ran to her arms with so much emotion she couldn’t think right. “imayē, bet’ami āzenishalehu. (Mother, I miss you dearly.)”, she said not wanting to let go. The queen gave a light laugh and held her closer. “Ah, Anika my love. You have a lot to learn. I am amazed that you have not visited me earlier. (ānī, fik’irē. bizu yemīmaruti negeri ālewoti. k’edemi biyē silaligobenyehubinyi desitenya nenyi)”, Kamili said as she rubbed her child’s back.
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     Anika looked at her with baffled eyes. “What do you mean, mother?” Queen smiled and said “follow me, dear Anika.” They left the royal palace and walked to a secluded ocean where the water was clear and aqua and the rocks were a magenta shade caused by the sunset. “Our people were the first to be on earth ever. The bible say that there was an “Adam and Eve”. No, there was Adam, Eve, Amani and Fassil, Yonas and Nyala but we were separate for a purpose. You see, there is their God and we have our Goddess, Genat. Genat created our kind on the other side of the world because their God couldn’t handle our power. He hated the idea of beings more powerful than him.”, Queen Kamili stated as the dug their toes in the warm toffee sand.    Anika said “so, mother. We were able to populate with the male species?” Kamili smiled and said “yes, but only beings like us. Strong, resourceful, and highly intelligent. We used to be guarded by the royal family, the Sahle tribe. They were are protectors and partners before the Serwit tribe. But we had our difference in 1708 due to some issue we do not wish to discuss.” Anika looked on the water with her arms in front then to her mother. “Mother, why am I here?”    Kamili looked at her daughter with caring eyes. “the man, you will befriend. He is a good man. He is not like the others we have fed to our kind. Someone I like for you. You need to relax a little, my child. That young man is something special.” Anika turned to her mother and asked “what about the others? What would they think of this issue?” Kamili held Anika’s shoulders and said “ānite merīhi nehi. inesu melikami yihonalu. (You are their leader. They will be fine.)” She smiled and Anika hugged her again. “inē ānichīni iwedachiḫwalehu. (I love you, mother.)” “lijēni iwedachiḫwalehu. kuratenya ina gezhī ādirigenyi. (I love you, my child. Make me proud and rule.) 
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    Anika woke up the next day to realize it was all a dream. Her eyes looked to the sun and she thought of what her mother said and smiled. “Maybe I should give him a chance. As a friend of course.”, she said aloud then saw the time on her clock. It was eleven am and she had to meet Malcolm across Los Angeles at Fox Hills mall. “For the love Genat” she yelled as she ran to the shower then looked inside her closet for something to wear; a paid of Adidas biker shorts, plain red turtleneck crop top, and red converse with a red & black flannel. She wore her hair in high ponytail with two braids out, grabbed her keys and was on her way.
[Elevators (Me & You) by OutKast plays]
   She pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked in a spot by the food court. She realized that they never said where to actually meet but when she looked up, Malcolm sat at a nearby table. He wore a pair of red sweats with a black sweater and black Kswiss. He saw her and smiled with a lip bite. He stood as he approached her and said “hey, hope you don’t mind but I just came from class.” She nodded and said “it’s okay. I literally just threw anything on.” He looked her up and down. “You like fly to me, Annie”, he gave a warm smile and she felt hers coming in slowly. They began walking through the mall looking at all the customers running around. “So, Annie. I wanted to actually apologize for not calling. It’s been really busy lately” he said with his arms crossed, looking down at her.
     She waved him off and said “it’s fine, Mal. Really. I’ve been busy, too.” He looked down at her, watching her with close eyes again. He watched her lips move as they talked every sweet word. Her eyes were like dark chocolate covered orbs that had a shine to them. Her skin was smooth as if it was touched by A God them self; any God. Her body was a vision that he would to take in all of eternity. She was overall a piece of art and he couldn’t help but just stare. She looked up at him and smiled. “You aight up there”, she asked him. He nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, I’m fine. So, do you have any relatives?” She looked at him then ahead.
“Yeah, I’m the baby of seven women.”
“Whoa. So, no brothers.”
    She shook her head. “Nope, what about you?” He smiled and said “I’m actually the youngest of a bunch of men. Just imagine the fights.” He laughed as she looked at him. He was a very handsome man with amazing dark skin, a smile that can make anyone do anything. His arms were tone but not too overbearing. His eyes were like the dark sands that surrounded her royal Ethiopian palace. ‘Why am I thinking like this’ she thought to herself. ‘He is of the human male species and I am an immortal princess who is two hundred years old and also feeds off his brothers’. He looked at her and asked “are you okay, Annie?” She looked at him and said “I’m fine. Just hungry.”
“Well, since we just walkin’ around, let’s hit Denny’s then.”
   She smiled and nodded. “We can meet up there.” He nodded once and said “I’ll see ya there. Right down the street, aight?” She smiled. “Okay, Mal.” They walked away each other slowly and surely. He got in his car and couldn’t help but smile as he made his way to Denny’s. He pulled into the parking lot and as he waited his brother called.
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“This Mal”, Malcolm said. His brother let out a deep breath and said “hello, Malcolm.”
“Hey, Sal. How’s it going?”
  Sal was in his loft in New York city. He was also an attorney; probably the best damned one in all of his law firm. “How is Los Angeles treating you”, he asked his baby brother as he entered his lavish loft. He slipped out his gray tailored coat and placed it on the coat rack before settling in his wooden lounge chair. “It’s cool out here. How is New York , big bro?”
“Fine. Same old. Same old. Have you talk to the other brothers?”
“Nah, why what’s up?”
   Sal loosened his tie and said “we will be all going to T’s place for our monthly family gathering. Dad’s wishes before he passed.” Malcolm totally forgot about it until now. His brothers liked to visit him more than anything due to their father’s death. He was scarred after the fact and went through a tough battle with depression. They usually liked to talk about his progress in person but Malcolm never could face him because it felt like they were secretly judging him. “Oh yeah. Okay then. Just lettin’ you know now. I am fine. I am stable.” Sal poured a cup of whiskey into his chilled glass at his kitchen counter. “Yes, I know but it was our father’s wish since you are the last of us. So, we will be there and discuss whatever.” Sal sipped the whiskey and said “aaaah. Smooth. Little brother, we are doing this because we care about your well being. You must stay strong for all of us. We are a team.” Malcolm felt a tear and wiped it with his thumb. “I know, man. I know.”
   He turned his head to see Annie’s car pull up to a nearby spot. “Hey, Sal. I’m gonna call when I get back, man.” They said their goodbyes and Mal hopped out to stand by Annie’s door; she smiled and opened her door. They walked in side by side and went to sit at table with two chairs across from each other. He ordered them two chocolate milkshakes and as Anika watched the waitress walk away, she turned back to see Malcolm looking at her. “What”, she asked with a chuckle. He smiled at her and said “nothing. I just feel like, we met before. Is that weird?” She looked into his face still trying to read his mind but she couldn’t. “No, it ain’t. Why do think we met before?”
“Not sure but I feel like maybe in the past we did.” She took a deep breath and felt as if she needed to change the subject. “So, Malcolm. How was your classes today?” The waitress came back with their milkshakes and asked “are you ready to order?” She looked from her menu then at the rose quartz stone on her chain then at the name tag; Idna . “Uh, yes. I’ll just take a cheeseburger with no tomato.”
“I’ll have the same.”
   The waiter took the menus and at went to the back. She excused herself to go to the ladies room but before she did, she saw Idna the older white woman go inside. Anika walked in and said “really, sister Ife.” Ife transformed back into herself and smiled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself and besides, he is kinda cute.” Anika rolled her eyes then asked “how on Genat’s green earth did you know we were here?” Ife looked to the stall, pointed but when Princess Anika went to go open it, no one was inside. When she turned, she saw Chereka standing right behind her as she screamed. “Damn it, warrior Che. Will you please stop that? If I was a human, that would have killed me.” Chereka laughed and apologized. “Any who. Why are with that, young man”, Chereka asked her with a raised brow. Anika walked around her and asked “who is the leader of this tribe, again?” Ife said “you are, Princess Anika.”
“Exactly. So I should not have to explain, my self sister. Anyways, have you heard from the other sisters?”
“Yes, sister Faizah is in Hawaii and have took over two hundred men in the past two years for feeding. Sister Jamila is in Florida and had sent back fifty while sisters Kia and Eshe are back in Brooklyn, New York taking rappers out. And sister Zoya is back home tending to the sick.”
  Anika nodded and smiled. “Very good, sister. Let them all know they can rest for now. We have plenty to feed off of for years to come. We need our women to socialize more to seem the less suspicious. You two go back to Texas and have fun.” They heard a toilet flush and a woman walked out to see them with her terrified eyes. Ife transformed back into Idna and looked at Anika as Chereka guarded the door. Ife and Anika’s eyes glowed gold as they lifted their right hands and they said “yetewededikewini yesemachiwini negeri ātirisa. irisiwo bedehina yinoruwotali (Forget what you have heard, dear woman. For you are safe)”. The woman’s mind was completely cleared as Chereka pretended she was going to the stall. Anika said in her hood voice “that skirt is nice as hell, giiiirl”. The woman thanked her as she swung her hair and left. Anika looked to her sister and asked “ihiti āyi’īni be’āfi meficha k’wanik’wa kemenagerachini befīti megenyeti ālichalinimi (You could not check the room before we spoke  in their native tongue, Sister Ife?)”. Ife looked to her sister and smiled; Anika patted her shoulder and left back to the table.
  Malcolm sat there, patiently waiting while tapping his fingers along the table. “Is everything okay”, he thought to himself. He was starting to think more. “I have never been this protective before so why am I now? What is so different.” He felt something behind him and turned to see Annie walking back. She sat and their milkshakes finally came. She took the straw out, placed it inside hers and swirled the straw around before taking a sip. “I have to her hear talk”, he thought. “Annie, what do you like doing besides being at home?” She looked up at him and said “I like reading. I have a tall bookcase back at my place filled with books. I’ve been reading a lot of books since I was little.”
“For almost two hundred years now” she said to herself in her head.
  “What do you like reading? Anything in particular?”
She smiled after taking another sip. “I, uh, really like fantasy, poetry, science fiction, anything that will make me want to stay up for hours in my pajamas and just read all day. What about you?” Malcolm sipped his and said “I like to paint and sculpt. I also am a photographer. I just take randoms pictures of certain areas around LA.”  She was so interested in him. It was like he was not at all like the other men she had dealt with. He was … different; the food came and they ate. “So, how long have you been into art for?”
“Since I was younger. My father was  also into and taught me a few things.”
   “What about your mother?” Malcolm looked at her, away then back at her and said “I never knew my mother. My father remarried a lot so my brothers and I have different moms. I heard she passed when she gave birth to me.” Anika looked up at him with saddened eyes; she felt awful for bringing this up to him. “I, I’m sorry, Mal. I didn’t-”. He held up his left hand and said “it’s okay, Annie. You just asked a question and I decided to be honest with the answer. We good. Don’t trip.” He smiled and she returned a small one. “So, Annie. I was thinkin’ if you would like to go hang out sometimes. We can go to the beach or something. You can read and I can just take photos all day.”
  “When will you like to go” she asked with a smile. “Are you free tomorrow afternoon? I have a pretty tight schedule for next week but I would really like to sew you again”, that smile he gave her tugged at her heart strings. She felt like the world was in that smile and she couldn’t help but say..
“I’m down. Wanna meet there?”
“I was thinking. I can pick you up. We can get to know each other more.”
   She didn’t usually let humans near her home but for some reason, she was fine with him coming to her. What was happening? “Sure. Call me tomorrow and I’ll give you the address.” They sat with smiles on their faces and eventually ended up back home. Anika kicked her shoes off and looked upon her bookcase to see what to read; her heart chose “Romeo and Juliet.” She made a cup of tea, sat in the middle of her bed with legs crossed and opened to Scene II; Capulet’s Garden.
“Juliet. Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night; It is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say It lightens. Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!”
  She continued to read as her eyes became heavy and looked to her clock that was eight pm, now was midnight. She placed her finished cup and bookmarked novel on her bed side table and lied her head on her pillow until her eyes had shut into a deep slumber.
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    Her eyes opened to a stream of pink and blue shaded water beneath her feet. She wore the same garment from the last she saw her mother. Queen Kamili was picking her child’s afro puffs with a golden pick. “widē lijē. zarēwinu irefiti newoti (My sweet child. Have you enjoyed your rest today)?” Anika smiled up to her mother and said “āwo, nigisiti. āmeseginalehu (Yes, I have. Thank you, Queen Mother.)” Queen Kamili said “be’irigit’i yihi liji be’irigit’i yeteleye newi, negeri gini t’atiwoni belayu layi mech’emeri āyichilimi (This child is indeed different but I can not seem to put my finger on it.)”. They sat as she continued to put an ancient oil in Anika’s hair.
  “li‘iliti ānīka, yezīhi gosa merī talak’i neshi ina ānite lezelalemi inidemitalifi āwik’alehu. āhuni mayeti ichilalehu. bek’iribu, ānite ina lēlochu inidegena yemebazati ina hizibochachini ke’inya gari inidegena līnoruti yichilalu. inēni inidefet’erinyi lēlochini desitenya tihonalehi. ye’irisiwo wibeti ina t͟s’ega irisiwo kemīyawik’uti belayi lēlochini yanesasutali. (Princess Anika, you are a great leader of this tribe and I know you will lead for all of eternity. I can see it now. Soon, you and the others will be able to reproduce again and our people may live again along with us. You will make others happy like you have made me. Your beauty and grace will inspire others more than you know.)”, Kamili said as she rested her hands on her child’s chin. Anika looked at her mother and fell into her hands; feeling safe and wanted in her warm touch.
    Meanwhile at Malcolm’s, he was in a pair of his painter jeans and shirtless with his feet on a plastic tarp covering the whole floor underneath him. He seem to not be tired as he began working on a new piece; too eager for what God knows what. He stood in front of canvas that started from the top of his ceiling to the floor. He stared at the beginning of his new creation and thought that even though it was not nearly done, he knew it will be beautiful once finished. He looked into the painting and smiled at what he knew will be breathtaking.
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
4-2 Reaction (WIP)
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Turnabout Corner. Sounds nice enough.spin thingCARconstumes?3DNOoh so we die nowhehe the office is a mess i hate it whatever
Apollo's special talents: having a V for hair
hat is all i can think of
hehe this girl is great
SHE is the best person here
-Apollo punched my boy and
-Phoenix is being stupid
lol hahahahaha...
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she's 15? she looked younger than that
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Trucy: He's in the hospital WHAT
yesss she is coming with me
hey hotti: die
i wonder how old he is now
to be fair, Phoenix did risk Apollo's entire career with that with little move.
I mean, as far as I"m concerned, he was justified, but Polly did have a right to be miffed. I'd have felt pretty used, too
haha and Trucy kind of gives off that air on purpose.
If i think about it that way it does make sense --- Phoenix: Thankfully i hit a telephone pole with my head Apollo: You hit a telephone pole with your head???!!? Me: Don't worry he's gotten assaulted many time he can handle it
it's more pronounced in the Japanese, but there was no good way to translate her speech patterns
BASICALLY she has a stage persona that she keeps on almost all the time, and it's a very cute one.
aw... man
these two are guilt tripping me into joining. ahahaha.
but she'll drop it a bit when she's talking about the things she's really proficient at, which tells you that she's honestly VERY smart
hahah if they'd tried to translate it fully, it would have given her a speech pattern that comes across as more annoying than endearing to an English speaker, so they had to lose some of that nuance for us.
makes sense.
dangit! It seems i can't present profiles anymore...
hey phoenix I'm carrying on the tradition
Hi client! you remind me of instant noodles
and he owns a harmonica
Guy: It was stolen! My stand! Stolen! Oh ya now that guy walking around with a cart behind him in the intro makes sense
sir that's not a whistle
sounds like you like him!
Eldoon is great hahah
Apollo keeps insisting he's a lawyer not a detective but he has no idea how much detective work it seems a lawyer usually needs to do I probably shouldn't use the first three games as an example because apparently phoenix is evil or smthn BUT
what did who steal Trucy
oh no
dangit so maybe sense that was brought up it has to do with the guy who stool the cart accidently running past or something
have a biiiit more faith in Nick hahaha
stop crying about panties I'll buy you new ones I LIKE HIM A LOT I'm just talking from apollo's perspective because he apparently is mad at him for something im not allowed to hear about. Otherwise, im almost 100% with Phoenix
I still refuse to use the nickname 'nick' haha
Oh, no you know. He's miffed about the forged ace from the last trial, and he's also just mad in general that that trial resulted in him losing a steady job.
YES IT WAS FOR THE GREATER GOOD, but Apollo did end up being out of work for a month or so
DANGIT phoenix i understand and also Kris is probably evil BUT dangit whater I'm still mostly on your side
Now my age old tradition of: Examine everything because dialogue
Mr. Charley... I remember that... HEY
hahaha yeah, but no...I'm bang on Phoenix's side too, but you still have to consider that from Apollo's POV, in a single trial, he found out his trusted mentor wasn't the person he thought he was, AND he had his hero use him as a pawn.
Apollo don't judge my boy about a potted plant. Especially when you yell at the top of your lungs before every trial. you have no wright to judge puns
AGAIN, for the greater good...Kristoph wouldn't have been the best mentor to continue having in the long run...but that all still has got to sting.
Phoenix explain more and be nicer and be better and you know what you're mostly fine and Apollo im sorry for what he did please move on
....I need to sleep now. I got a lot done though!
hahaha okaaaay
let's recap on what happened when i last played: Apollo had to suffer through an extremly hard tutorial level and then punched a homeless man. Homeless man and his kid guilt tripped into helping some awesome noddle guy find his stand, help homeless guy find out who ran him over, and help his kid find her panties. ALRIGHT
not sure if i examined everything yet so
Trucy apparently uses the split box for furniture. Very smart. Apollo is creeped out though.
Apollo: But you can't play the piano with all of the stuff on it I thought you already knew that nobody around here is going to be playing piano
i should really sto examining everything and actually start doing stuff
to the accident scene
THUMBFACE!!! i remember seeing a picture of her
i like her
Hey so apollo likes tea too! Awesome!
Apollo let her handle it she's obviously doing much better than you are
i hate how we can't present profiles anymore
who is this yellow person
I told you someone was coming back sooooooon~
once again i am so mad i can't present profiles anymore. H
Q: yes. How could she.
Q: she is doing that glasses thing she did i love her
hey miss can you help me go to talk to ema
BF: hahaha Ema being a grouchy pants?
I got you on this. Go talk to HoboNick
BF: lol I'm not sure how many people agree with me on this, but I actually love grumpy Ema.
so do I love her
just LEAVE ME ALONE I"M EATTING. *angry munching*
dagit where is he
well i can't find him so im going to go to that room i havn't been at yet
oh hey it's the eldoon guy
i bet you expected i already met with him but nope
met with whom?
eldoon... you told me to meet up with phoenix but he wasn't there so I assumed i needed to do something before he reappeared or he was in a different place i should no about already.
how did i mix up know and no
awww the dog needs food
hmmm maybe I misremembered...have you tried back at the office?
i need to get to the office to get to the clinic place. Now that i'm done here maybe it updated
nah it didn't. I have another room to go to now though!
looks like i found the panties
so that is why they were son important to her! They were magic!
Apollo: Look, it's a folding ladder Trucy: That's called a 'step ladder' oh my god
Admit it Trucy your father's logic is flawed
get used to those, they will be mentioned a LOT
oh boyphoenix still isn't back. I'll keep checking in to see what is going on and if he is back
Hmmm. maybe I was wrong about that.
i think you were right but you were wrong about what time
When you're stuck: CHECK THE TALK BUTTON
and present everything to everyone!
ow could they do this to me.
I think they decided that was too complicated hahah
oh ya! I forgot! I can examine the examined!
yay i found another peice of evidence
i only have 5
im stuck
talk to Little Plum again?
I know she has more than one piece of evidence
hey! Trucy found stuff in the trash can!!
it's the mirror to the car!!
yesss i think we can talk to phoenix again now
yaaaaay hello homeless person
why is yellow girl at the office/home
Well sure i'll defend. You look like you could pay me so I'm sure apollo would be glad.
hahha BINGO if Alita's around and you've got a confirmed corpse, you are definitely on the right track
oh and yeah I should have asked if you'd checked the trash can
aw he looks cute IS THAT A BLUE BADGER SHIRT :OOO --- it's fine, haha
hahaha THIS GUY
and YES AND NO. this doesn't spoil much, I think, to say that's a character from the Badger universe
like Bad Badger or something. You can tell he's up to no good because he wears SUNGLASSES
it's fancier looking now is all hhahahah
remember to examine everything~
oh ya!
whoop brb but I'll tell you one thing...you'll KNOW EXACTLY when you are about to meet the rockstar prosecutor
it's another mr. gavin
what the
Ema: Anyway! This scene is off limits! NOT ANYMORE
I thought i would be happy to meet that guy but that just confused me so much hahaha
she's not talking to me but she'ss till great
well she isn't talking with me but i found eldoon's cart
Phoenix: Apollo. Tell me about this 'prince' of Trucy's. Well uh he's apparently bisexual and flirted with me and was very nice to your daughter and absolutely shocked me even though i thought i saw it coming
Apollo: White power...? I hope it's not what i think it is... THIS GAME
i forgot where he said it was
i am terrible with instructions apparently because i remember this happening before
and it doesn't look like he's going to repeat himself. Dammit.
Phoenix: Some kid i know keeps sending them to me oh hey was that the not-by name reference to Maya?
i need to find the white power stuff but i don't remember where it is
it's in the office!
ahahah and yes, that's almost certainly a Maya reference...the only character who's even close as much of a Steel Samurai fan as her is Edgeworth, and I don't see Edgey sending Nick DVDs and making him right reports
whaaat Edgey likes steel samurai? BACK TO GAME
to the office.
(where in the office
hahaha yeah it's kind of a subtle side gag in the original trilogy, but there are hints. the biggest one being the fact that he actually displays the SS figure Oldbag gave him in his office
it's more of a blatant running gag in other games.
nice haha
(this office is so cluttered where the hell is it)
and IIRC it should be on the split cabinet thing. the one used for the saw trick
I mean in cluttered rooms like that examine everything anyway, but I think that's where it is. or Very near there/
examined it and i can't find it :( I'll try checking near it
found it!!!
Trucy: I thought it was sugar so i looked it... He got mad at me DON'T LICK IT
yay :D
now that i am over the initial chock of meeting him i decided i like Klavier btw
Ema: A pistol... Not that easy to come by in this day and age let's hope so
but they DO look absurdly alike.
I know right? Can you believe that Kris is like 8 years older that Klavier?
EIGHT??? whaaat
7-8...I forget which. it's a big age gap.
but if you slapped glasses on Klav, you'd have a hard time telling them apart
I'm going to come back. This is great.
hahah OKAY
Trucy don't act so surprised. Like, there has been no time i can recall when the evidence when first presented has been directly helpful.
ema is great i love her
....though i think we're done talking with her for now
more underwear!
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Which is worse: increased taxes, or a high insurance premium?""
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, I'd pay any tax to fund socialized medicine thrown my way rather than pay $13,375 a year for a family of four. and you'd be crazy not to yourself. and besides...the tax would never be 4,824, which is the average a single person pays per year.""
Would insurance for a 1991 Camaro RS v6 be affordable for a teen driver?
Would a 1991 or any other 3rd gen Camaro's insurance be affordable for a 16 year old with the good student discount?
Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?
Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish""
Do you have life insurance?
If so, at what age did you obtain your policy? How much did you purchase? How much do you pay a month? Is it a Term or Permanent?""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 21 and I'll be getting a new car in a week or so. I've been in a few accidents (mostly little fender-benders that we didn't claim on the insurance) but about a month ago I flipped my car. I'm wondering what kind of car will be the cheapest to insure? What kind of coverage should I get? And what insurance companies should I look into?
How much might mototcycle insurance cost a 20 yr old male?
I am getting a SV650, and i neeed motorcycle insurance. but i need to know how much it can cost me at an -Average- for me age. the bike itself cost around 7,000$ and it is a sports bike. any thoughts?""
Is there affordable Health Insurance for a jobless 23 year old?
Hi. I'm a 23 year old female college student and I don't have a job. I turned 23, May 23 and am untterly confused about how to obtain health insurance. I don't have a job (not from lack of trying) and I desprately need to see a dentist. I don't know how this insurance thing goes. I usually just ask my mom who to go see and I go and see them, but since I'm cut off this is difficult/impossible. I appreciate all answers (though I beg you to make them useful answers). Thank you!""
What is average increase in car insurance rates after you get a speeding ticket?
Ausome that this is the persons second ticket and they cannot go to traffic school to erase the ticket
Can you get business insurance online?
I'm taking over my dads tree care business and need to get business insurance but would rather do it online than have to go in somewhere. Can I do this?
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Annoying dilemma about factoring age into car insurance rates?
Okay this is annoying me. My car insurance policy is up for renewal very soon. It is a 6-mo policy. I am currently 24 yrs old but turning 25 literally 7 days after my policy renews. As you might know, generally car insurance rates decrease when you turn 25, because 25 is the age threshold that is no longer considered to be a high risk age group. However, my car insurance company insists on rating my entire 6-mo policy as a 24-yr-old...which means that for literally 96.2% of my policy period, I will be 25 yrs old but paying the higher rates of a 24-yr-old. This does not make me feel happy or appreciated. >:( So I was wondering...what would you do? Should I switch insurance companies shortly after turning 25 so that I can get a better rate, and then perhaps switch back to my old company sometime shortly later? Is there a way I can negotiate with a manager so that he/she will re-rate me shortly after my 25th birthday? Thanks for the feedback.""
Proof of insurance before transferring title and registering car?
After buying a used car from a private party, how do i purchase insurance if the title has not been transferred yet? I'm planning on switching to Geico. But, before i can purhase their policy, the title has to be under my name. For the title to be under my name, i need to transfer it to me; however, i need proof of insurance for this. HELP please. I need some answers.""
HELP! Car Insurance!!?
I know theres no cheap car Insurance... but anyone know any Insurance that an 17 year old can aford.. ill be 18 in a week... but some people want up to 5,000 every SIX months! i have no one 2 help me out, or to put me on their Insurance.... and ive been going nuts for the past 2 weeks and i need a car for work... PLEASE HELP!!!""
How much would insurance cost for me if I have a Classic Camaro and I am a 16 year old male with State Farm?
I am thinking about getting a classic car. Probably a Camaro (year 1990 and lower). I have State Farm, and I am a 16 year old male. Anyone have a clue about how much insurance would cost? Thank you.""
How do I go about finding people who are interested in getting auto insurance?
I am a sales producer for an auto company who everyone who doesn't live under a rock has heard of. I am wondering how you would want to be approached in a daily setting that would make you think about auto insurance or want to get a quote from me, and what about that quote would be the selling point is price wasn't an issue?""
Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
How much does motorcyles insurance run??
I want to be an inexpensive bike to save gas money (like a ninja 250) and I'm curious how much laibility insurance is... my car insurance is only $30 a month and I have a perfect driving record, no accidents. thank you""
Car accident - insurance policy?
3 days after renewing car insurance in April this year, a total baboon slammed into my car whilst I was driving home, writing my car off. 3rd parry has admitted liability, and all costs for car replacement, car hire, paid for by them. since cancelling my old insurer , and going with someone new to save 200 bucks a year, they ( my old insurer ) are saying I will be charged for the time you have received insurance cover as well as cancellation fee . Now , I can possibly swallow the cancellation fee crap, but, I have already paid them the premium over the period concerned ( insurance renewed on 20th April, accident on 23rd April). so what do they mean by their statement ? NOTE : all trolls, dumb *** replies will be reported
First time Insurance Buyer!?
My parents recently told me that I have to pay for my own insurance (Damn economy). I would be driving a 2005 Chevrolet Suburban and a 2004ish Suzuki Sedan. Sorry I don't know the makes and my parents don't want to tell me because they are afraid I am giving away their emails to all of the insurance companies. I am 16 years old, and have a 3.3 GPA. I noticed another answer somebody said attach to the parents. My mom was rear-ended and has 1 moving violation, my dad has been accident/ticket free for 40 years, if that makes a difference at all.""
I have title to my exes car and pay their insurance. How do I get out of it?
Me and my girl broke up a year and a half ago. She's a real piece of work. We lived together for 3 years and had everything is each others names. Utility bills, cell phone bills etc. She never paid any of her bills on time and it destroyed her credit. I signed for a car for her because she's had multiple DUI's and didn't have the credit to get her own. She made the payments on it and I never put any money down. The car title is in my name and she has paid it off. She can't get insurance because of the DUI's. I just want to be done with it so I don't have to deal with her anymore but she wants me to hold off until she finished her DUI classes to get a reasonable rate on insurance. She's been telling me the same thing for a year plus. I'm not even sure if she's taken or taking these classes yet or not. I asked her about it the other day and she never responded to me. I had left her a voicemail and she never called me back. This really pisses me off. So my question is if I sign the title and make her sign it as well do I have any more resposibility with the automobile? I just want to drop her from my insurance and give her the title. Is she wrecks or, god forbid, kills someone while driving am I liable for anything?""
Independent infertility insurance in California?
hi does anyone know of any insurance companies in California that cover or pay any part of infertility treatment? even if its just a little it helps! thank you
Best Health Insurance???
My husband and are getting health insurance...who's the best to go with?? We are looking at united health care right now...r they any good?
I think this is how much $ i will need for everything to move out..can you review it & tell me anything wrong?
please tell me if im forgeting anything or if i am expecting to pay too much or too little for something CAR down payment - 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 HOUSING security deposit- 2400 rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS food- 300 linens-150 kitchen appliences-350 cleaning supplies-30 shampoo, soap, toothpaste (things like that)-70 tv-300 computer-600 cable- 100 phone- 75 cell phone- 160 internet- 100""
Car insurance lapsed? opposing insurance sends letter saying im liable.?
Long story short my insurance lapsed. I got into a car accident where i was backing out of a driveway and as i shifted the car into drive i was backed into my side driver door by ...show more
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?
it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there's a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
Is car insurance somewhat ridiculous?
ok i may be a little ranting cuz i was at fault for causing my first accident a long time ago, so my rates would go up. this got me thinking, the car was under someone else in my family's name, and the basic idea ive come to question is: after decades of paying for insurance with no accidents, it would probably be more than enough to cover the car repair damages instead of paying for all those years in addition the first accident i got into causing the rates go up? so i mean, isn't car insurance somewhat like a scam since obviously theres not as many accidents as there are people driving without any incidents?""
How much to insure audi 80 tdi (1.9 litre) ?
I am soon to be 17 and take my driving test, I have an audi 80 tdi being offered to me for 50 with the only fault being a broken break light. It is a 1.9 litre diesel and is apparently (according to the internet) cheap to fuel. Insurance no doubt on a 2.0 litre would be expensive. On the car insurance websites I get quotes from around 6500> I've heard however that the price on the websites is exaggerated and actually the price is much cheaper. How much do you think it would cost me to insure ? How could I reduce this cost? Is it worth getting a pass plus certificate? If the insurance on this IS a ridicuous price as it says on the insurance websites, what saloon car is cheap to insure? (preferably with a modest engine size:P) Thanks""
19 year old male car insurance on a peaugot 206 1.4 ltr?
Im looking on how i can get cheap car insurance on my car iv had my licence for 9 months now no driving experience?
Metlife Autoinsurance claim. Will rate increase?
I am under my parents metlife auto insurance.. recently my 03 DTS was hit in a hit and run while parked in the parking lot and my right bumper is cracked and tailight is slightly damaged.. I took it to local body shop and got an estimate of $932.00 for repair. Insurance deductible is $250 There are no claims on my familys auto-insurance, My parents are to worried that it may increase their insurance rate if a claim is filed... When I called Metlife to ask them would there be an increase if claim was filed they gave a B.S. answer saying that they dont know until after everything is done and then they decide.... So from your guys experience do you think rate will increase?........ If I cant proove that it woulnt increase its looking like Im gonna have to pull $932 out of my pockets""
Car Insurance Questions?
How Much Would Car Insurance Cost Approximatly For A 27 Yr Old Male With An Owned Vehicle? Do You Pay Every Month Or How Does It Work?
Whats the best car insurance for teen boys (specific details)?
I am an 18 year old male, african american (if that matters), and i live in a 5 person home. My parents both have cars, my mom a 2000 cadillac deville, and my dad a dodge caravan van. i have straight a's in school and i heard some insurers reward that, so i was wondering what would be the best car insurance for a teen in my position? Thank you for your help :)""
Where can you get cheap car insurance after driving ban is up?
Anyone know any cheap insurance companies after driving ban? Please no trolling I know I did wrong. ;p
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
Grace period on car insurance in nyc?
I'm about to get my drivers permit. Do I need insurance?
I'm about to turn 16 in a few months. I just figured out that I need to complete driver education and am in the process of that now. When I do receive my permit in a few weeks do I have to immediately purchase insurance? I'm going to be driving my dads subaru. He will obviously be in the car with me at all times. Do I still need to buy insurance at all?
Insurance for Photographers?
Where can I buy insurance for my Photography company?
Anyone know about AAA car insurance and there uninsured motorist policy in California?
My daughters agent also mine now says she needs to pay her deductible,. I used to have farmers when the same thing happened to me ( a uninsured unlicensed driver hit her).And my deductible was waived. When I looked over the policy it doesnt say anything about a deductible. Any help would be appreciated""
""What's Cheaper to Insure, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen ?""
I'm 21, Here are my options. 2008 Audi A4 2009 BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI or Golf. How much do you think rates will be.""
""I was in a auto accident, my car was rear ended, now there insurance is saying my car is a loss, can i sue?""
They hit my car rear end and now the repairs seems to cost more to repair then the worth of my car.... I don't know what to do, we were not at fault and I don't have means to buy another car, my car was paid off... and I took care of it, it always ran good and never needed any repairs..... I don't know what to do... Can I sue for the loss of my car?.... Would I sue there insurance company or the owner?""
Best room insurance for a University student?
Which company provides the best deal on room insurance for students? Cheers
Should I be pestered to buy more insurance?
I have the current minimum coverage for auto insurance required by state. About 2 years ago I changed agents so that it is closer to me. At the time I was told how horrible my coverage is and for like $3 month I can get so much more. I just had a car problem and gave a towing bill my insurance covers. He was telling me again how horrible my coverage is. I feel if I have the minimum coverage and it is all I want that he shouldn't be telling me to buy more. Is it fair for me to be asked to buy more insurance if I don't want it?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
Insurance and emergency room?
Why does it matter what type of insurance you have in an ER? I have overheard nurses signify to physicians what type of insurance an individual has. Why would that information be pertinent for a physician?
Getting car insurance on the spot?
I am looking for my first car at the moment and I have a question about insurance. Let's say I go to look at a car that I've found on the internet and I decide to buy it right there...how do I go about getting insurance right away? I live in the UK btw
My insurance is like $300 a month...help?
I just got a free quote from whipers.com but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic?
How do I get maternity insurance?
We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!""
Insurance and car help please?
Hello all my bf was driving my car this morning and fell asleep hiting a mail box. He didn't have no license. So they locked him up my insurance is up to date. Will my insurance pay for it and I pay the 500 dollar deducte or what will happen how will my car get fix thanks
Health Insurance coverage?
I'm now covered by the employer's health insurance (with dental) plan. After I quit/leave current job, how does this health insurance coverage work? Before I'm hired by other company, what options do I have on the health insurance?""
Do you need auto insurance to ride and motorcycle insurance to ride a motorcycle?
Ok i have a couple questions But first off all im 15 1/2 (all ready have motorcycle and car permit) 1) when i get my license do i have to buy auto insurance to have motorcycle insurance, Because my dad said to have your license and to ONLY drive a motorcycle you need both insurances. (even if i dont drive a car) 2) do i need to have motorcycle insurance to drive a motorcycle with a permit? (since you dont need car insurance for driving with a permit) Thank you!""
Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?
it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.
How important is Home Insurance?
I'm in the process of buying my first house and don't know if I need insurance. A friend told me about Globe Life Insurance..any advice?
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
How much do you pay for your car insurance ? (UK)?
I am 19 with a VW polo 1.4 payin 140 a month
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
Insurance Industry?
I'm trying to find out more about insurance industry...i have to make a huge project out of it for Economics...I'm specializing in IT so i don't know much about Economics...do you guys know any sites where i can find out more about Insurance Industry...or like anything you can share about it. Thank you.
First time buying car insurance?
I'm looking to go on my own Car insurance plan, Unfortunately I have no idea what a decent plan should cover. So what're the basic's that I should add to my plan?""
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?""
What type of insurance do I need to run a cleaning business in Michigan?
My son's teacher said that the preschool he attends are taking bids on cleaning there facility but you need to be insured so I was just wondering if anyone knows what type of insurance I would need to carry to place a bid. There current company is not very good cleaners and they want to hire me but I need insurance please help! but please if you dont know the answer please dont post! Thanks
Is insurerance cheaper if the engine is slow even though it is realativly big?
basically a vw beetle or a bay will the insurance be cheaper because there top speed is like 70mph!! new driver
""Car Insurance, passed test today, 18 years old, cheapest insurance?""
Hi, I passed my test this morning and I live in Birmingham in the UK, I was wondering if there was any companies that do cheap insurance for my age group.. The car I have is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, and was looking on paying 2500 maximum. Thank you!!!""
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
What car insurance do u have and how much do u pay?
my mom and my brother have progressive i think i might be in there too but the bill came over $2,000....we don't even make close to that much a month""
How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey?
What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))""
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
Question about car insurance?
a friend of mine parked his car in another friends shed.The car was an 18 yrs old golf.The problem is that the car went on fire and took shed and all.When the owner of the shed checked his insurance he had it under insured.My question is though should the car insurance cover the building of the shed and its contents?The grand total would be 23000 euro.The shed and contents were only insured for 3000euro and the car was only insured for 800euro?
Does a finance company provide car insurance aswell?
Im being financed for aa.car and.just wondering if the.finance company provides car insurance aswell .the car is.used and.has no warranty.
What is the rating on Safeway Insurance?
http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt found it online. by rating, I mean what letter? STANDARD AND POOR'S RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG AA : VERY STRONG A : STRONG BBB : GOOD BB : MARGINAL B : WEAK CCC : VERY WEAK CC : EXTREMELY WEAK R : UNDER REGULATORY SUPERVISION NR : NOT RATED Do small insuarance companies get rated?""
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im turning 18 in November and I feel like it is time for me to buy my first car. Im really interested in buying a 1998-2000 Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Cherokee. These cars are typically on the cheaper side (They usually dont exceed $4000). What I really want to know is how much will insurance cost for a teen with that kind of car. Please correct me if Im wrong but wont insurance for a car like a jeep be less than that of a car like a mustang? Anyways, I dont really have a well-paying job (minimum wage) and I dont want to ask my parents to pay for it because I feel like this is my responsibility. Can anyone give me an average price for what you paid for your car insurance when you were a teenage driver? Thanks a lot for the help!""
Driving without a license and no insurance?
I recently got pulled over in GA im from PA for driving without a license and no insurance on my car and i was sent to jail and i bailed out and i go back to court in April and i was wondering if i should waste my time on actually getting an attorney and what exactly you think they'll do to me. And is there anything i can do to go in there and fix the problem like get my license or will it show up in the DMV that i went to jail for not having one? I figured if i could go get my license and my insurance figured out maybe the charges wouldn't be so harsh. Any ideas?
Car insurance for Audi A4 Convertible?
Personal Detials: 17 years old Male Living at home Car to be stored on driveway Car details: Audi A4 Convertible 2003 insurance group 31-ish How much would it cost for insurance for this?
Car insurance adjustments
If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?""
I need help choosing a health insurance?
I live in Southern California (If that matters). I'm young and healthy but I have been without health insurance for the last year. I was wondering who is your health insurance provider and if you would recommend it. I don't have much money since I just graduated from SDSU and without a teaching job:( But I am willing to pay the little money I have for health insurance. Thanks! I will need one that will cover dental and vision the big ones for me since I need to take my wisdom teeth out (giving me big headaches) and I wear glasses which need to be replaced soon. Thanks in advance.
Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?
it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.
What is required for a new resident in England (from Canada) to get car insurance?
Moving to England shortly, and it will be so much easier to find work and move into a new place if we have a car first. What information will we need to get insurance? We will be living with friends, so we could use their address and phone number until we get our own place. But will we need a national insurance number before we can get car insurance? British bank account? We'll be getting those things, but it would be so much easier to have the car first. Basically, what is required for us to provide in order to get a car bought, insured, and on the road? (We'll be paying cash.)""
What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver?
I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes? Also, i am a boy""
What was your first motorcycle insurance quote in California?
I just have received two; Progressive:1,071 plus per year full coverage and geico: 5041 I was given a quote at a dealership once for 550 for full coverage with progressive, don't know if they just wanted me to leave with the bike the same day or if it was the real deal, back then though I didn't have a license, I also have passed the MSF BRC1. what should I be expecting?""
Can you receive medicaid if your employer offers insurance at an unaffordable rate for a low income family?
My employer offers health insurance but it is not affordable compared to my income. Can I receive Medicaid and opt out of their insurance until my wages increase? It is a financial hardship to pay $115 every 2 weeks when I make less than $12/hr and a single parent of 2 children. I cannot find information on this anywhere.....
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
Cancelling Car Insurance?
Is it possible to cancel a car insurance policy within the first month (UK). My friend has written their car off within days of taking out an insurance policy (third party!). Bad luck or what? Can they cancel the car ins or do they have to pay all year?
Insurance rate for a 16 year old?
what would the monthly insurance rate be for a 16 year old driving a 2013 camaro ss v8 engine? thanks!!
Can you leave modifications off your car insurance if your car is modified?
I am just wondering, if you have to name modifications to your car on your car insurance, or can you leave them off to make the insurance cheaper. And is it against the law to leave them off your car insurance? Thanks for any help :)""
Do I qualify for low cost Health Insurance?
I'm under 21 & still living at home. I live at home with my mother & sibling. My mother can't afford insurance through her work beings it'll be almost 1/3 of her paycheck a month. I work part time as a waitress making under 5,000 a year for now as I look for a full time job. So my question is: Do I qualify for any type of low cost health insurance to cover just myself? I've tried looking on sites like health .gov but because my mom has insurance available through her work it's basically saying i'm screwed out of insurance of my own. I need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled asap, as well as basic medical check ups & such that I can't afford on my waitressing salary. I really need all the help I can get. Please answer. & no, my job doesn't provide any insurance.""
Getting insurance under my name?
In NJ, it states that you need proof of insurance to transfer a title. How can i get proof of insurance if I don't have the title under my name? Can I get insurance before tranferring the title, or can i get insurance without transferring the title? Title is transferring from my dad to me.""
What is a good cheap dual sport motorcycle for starters?
im looking for a dual sport motorcycle 250cc. i need something that is cheap and easy to learn on, good on insurance (yes a dream bike) im turning 16 in august and cant wait to get my first bike. im partialy getting a dual sport because they are easy to learn on but because i live in canada and if im going to have a bik im not letting it sit in the garage for 6-7 months of the year. also if there are any good suggestions for good cheap gear (gloves helmet and jacket) im 16 5 ft 11 and about 180 lbs. im not looking for an extreme bike just something that can handle a some rain and snow and get me from home to school and work. for the bike i am not willing to go over $4000. right now i am considering yamaha xt250, suzuki dr200se (does anyone know if they make a 250? i couldnt seem to find one) yes i fully understand the dangers of riding thats why im only looking at 250cc cuz i dont plan on using highway but i still need a bike i can use for the test which has a highway portion. and are there any suggestions for good motorcycle schools? right now it seems the closest one is at durham college ( i live in pickering ontario)""
My daughter was in a multi vehicle car accident and i cant seem to find an estimate for car insurance?
It was a 2001 hyundai elantra. My insurance was 9 star. My daughter just turned 21 and wasen't given permission to drive the car.
Does the condition of the car affect car insurance?
Does the car appearance (good or bad) affect how much we pay for car insurance. I know insurance companies always ask What condition is your car?..any dents, etc does saying its in good condition make the rates go up or down?""
Cheapest car insurance for tri state area?
i heard cure is the cheapest car insurance? you guys know any other cheap car insurances?
How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers""
At what point should I call up my insurance company & insure the car I plan on purchasing?
New to purchasing a used car, but I notice that DMV will require proof of insurance when registering the car, and even my bank will need proof of insurance to complete the transaction. Do I call my insurance company to setup insurance on the car before even paying for it!? I don't really understand the process.""
Ford Fiesta Zetec s 1.6 Insurance?
turned 17 and just passed my driving test living in london. was thinking of an Ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 Xreg Shape? however is the insurance cheap on it ? or are they any other 1.6's + that are cheap to insure at this age? e.g. E36 318i?
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
Where you could drive a car without insurance and out of state license?
i have a small car i want to register in newhampshire that i dont have to have insurance there, i have ma drivers license, can anyone tell me where i can do this,i dont want to pay auto insurance and i have ma driver license, i can find anyone to provide me with thier address at defrent state
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Pay car insurance if I'm going to be out of the country?
Hello, My car insurance is going to expire in 4 days and I was wondering If I should simply not pay it. I'm going out of the country for 1 month and will not be driving my car. I don't think that Progressive will let me push back my payments. Would it be cheaper or easier for me to just simply not pay, and get insurance when I return? I pay 5 installments of $50. If they charge a fee or something less than $50 it seems like I should not renew my policy. I've been on hold for a long time on the phone, and want a game plan when I finally talk to someone. Thanks for any advice!""
""People tell me i can get insurance of my own under18, is this true?
i want a vehicle but my father wont let me get one because hes scared that if i wreck than it makes his rates go higher. can i get my own insurance and not be on my parents?
Cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
I am 18 and just passed my test. Any one know of any really cheap insurers that i can go with?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
""When buying car, do i look at the fuel efficient or the insurance price of the car?
should i buy a car that will save me money on gas or buy a car that is cheap on insurance???
Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?
it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.
0 notes
thelibraryshow · 7 years
When you realize
Don’t bother to check Facebook. If they were your friends, they’d call or you’d make plans to do something. Friendships are not sustained by a thumbs up. Those aren’t my friends.. I’ve just known them for a long time. They have little or no idea what my daily life is like, even those I’ve known for almost 20 years. I actually pay attention and pretty much know what they’re up to IF anyone still posts anything real, non-commercial, or non-self promotional. It’s mostly reposts. I don’t even look at people’s pages, I don’t need to see another airbrushed, perfectly lit “candid” of your conventional family, the one you finally built, or your new car- the ford you’ve always dreamed of. I don’t really care about your favorite cartoon and I’m not buying your Tupperware, your paintings, and I’m pretty sure now hat we can choose precisely what we see, I’m on exactly nine lists. How do I know this? I always get nine likes. 23 if it’s something you have to like; a picture of your mom or someone who died young, anything military, your ugly new baby or anything nature-centric. Whatever the trend is, they will “like” it. Give it a try. Tumblr… well, I like the anonymity. This is the kind of stuff you’d share with your FB friends in the past or tell them over lunch in the way, way past. My real stuff got me alienated. I know the exact post that blackballed me with my white friends enhanced my standing with my black friends. My Asian friends love perfection, innovation and art. Girls? Depends on the girl. Guys? I don’t post pictures celebrating how many turkeys I bagged or the antlers of all he bucks I killed this year so… In my flesh & blood life, I get it! The people I’ve been close to the last year split when they figure out I’m really not going to show them how awesomely comfy by bed is.
I’m confused about all of this. From a thriving, overwhelming social life that just fell on top of me to a social life populated with users, losers and people who want to “chill”. I finally figured out that chill is code for sex in certain circles. Yeah, who knew? Not me, because I don’t speak American slang.
I’m lonely as fuck but id almost rather the only people I spoke to today were my mum, Aiden and a few cashiers. The cashiers were friendly enough & my family is always there… if I make the first move. Think I prefer my mother & the cashiers most days. No baggage. I’ve been a hardcore wardrobe slut since I bought my first bespoke blazers to comply with the handbook from my first boarding school. In this big Japanese house, my dressing room is between my room and the library. Typical living room size. I lounge there... I feel the hand-woven vintage fabrics, the suedes, the furs. This room feels more mine than my studios. Because however I want to present myself on a given day is neatly folded and hung behind glass doors? No, because I like shopping and this room is designed as a shopping experience. Mirrors surpass my 6'2". Rack piece of furniture Is a one off, designed for, imported by and beautifully crafted by five generations of my family. The library and every other room are similar. Does anyone know what it feels like to live in a museum spanning early 18th century to landmark mid century modern to early American? Carefully curated. It's everything and exclusively what I want to live with. Nothing more. It has to be... because.. .
I'm Working on getting accustomed to life without much human interaction. But then I’ve been working on that for a decade. I’m very social. How do I extract that trait?
People who like me like me a lot. Too much. People who don’t like me never say so, they just do shitty things- like when your cat gets pissed and poops on your bed. That’s never happened & my cats live in pure feline luxury as do my guests. People rave over my house. My cats? I give them what I used to give people I cared for. Time, attention, whatever they need or want. Try that with most humans. Turns out I don't draw convincing boundaries.
I used to have a lot of money. I spent it freely. I entertained, I traveled, I collected, I surround myself with lush gardens, and at times, gilded interiors. literally. I picked up the bill and ordered the cars... I spent extravagant sums on my art practice. Those same friends either bought or stole so much art I don’t even exhibit anymore. I design and redesign my gardens. Extreme gardening is a great replacement for interactions but even that garnered unwanted attention so, I opened my gardens to the public to raise money for a cause that didn't save one life, feed one person or clothe one kid, though the public library was something I did believe in before I realized they have never been short one dime.. 400 people in my garden, a years preparation.. in return I frequently looked out my window to see a couple of little old ladies treating my space like a public botanical garden. It was amusing the first couple of times. Then I moved.. and took the garden with me. Every tree, every stone. It took six months to relocate an extreme landscape, but it was satisfying. My extraordinarily well heeled gardener had quit by then. Work wasn’t his thing.
I’m alone in my new house. It’s mostly glass and big windows. It’s open with secret passageways between rooms and I love it more and more. I've become attached though not necessarily secure. I know I’m on the clock. Counting the days till I relocate this landscape too. My sources for hedging material and anything related to anything I do have pulled away, so, don’t ask how I obtain my materials. I haven’t figured out if I’m awful or if people like me who always have funds but no visible means of earning those funds are seen with suspicion. A few people continuously try to figure it out. They never get it quite right & the few I told didn't believe me so I never told anyone again.
I’ve been dating someone new. He doesn’t call, he’s autistic, he thinks he’s in love with me… or he did last time I saw him. He too wants something quite physical so I can’t see it surviving summer. It’s okay though, I’m getting good at resisting attachments. It’s painful. I suppose hermits gradually grow thicker skin? Or are they sad, miserable people numbing themselves to what they desire? I’ve Met numb people. They’d given up. They were like me; they never fit in and weren’t willing to sacrifice what they loved about themselves or what alienated others.
So, full circle? I resist attachments and can’t recognize a friend when it appears. I really am preparing to be alone. A hermit more or less. The weird cousin or uncle who’s never around. “ I’m not around because hearing how unusual and exotic I am got old the first time you observed it”.
Kinda lonely. Trying to become accustomed to it. Im to young and I still want... Replacing people with rare plants. I miss being center stage. I miss clubbing all night. I miss making pasta for a house full of people. I miss sharing my house, my food…my music especially. I miss making art in my studio. I miss my big family. I miss the illusion of friendship. I miss my one friend who knew everything about my favorite subject: art and design. I miss my crew: the people you never see by day.. because we’re resting up and shopping for something to wear out the next night. I miss long conversations about ancient, obscure books. I miss my friend Greg. The only solace is he died a year ago. Solace because we never split up. We watched every pre-1950 movie we could get our hands on. We spoke the same language, usually obscure references to films no one in any other part of my much compartmentalized life will ever know. I miss Greg. I miss NOT feeling like this. Crying, but nothing comes out. If I could have a good cry, I think I’d feel better. I miss being 100% sober. I take sleeping meds and anxiety meds now. I have a brilliant new psychiatrist I see every month or two. I look forward to it, but looking forward to it means looking forward to the onset of cold weather which presents a thousand other trials Yeah, I think about suicide. I know how and I know I can go anytime I like, but I’ve kind of promised myself I’d stick around as long as my mother does. She’s the only family I talk to besides my dad, when he’s not golfing and my nephew who’s five and adores Me. I know where adoration leads in my family. These people turn on a dime, especially when he becomes an athletic super star and his father finally gives a fuck. I’m a bit like a place holder when it comes to nephews. Tomorrow is my older nephews HS graduation. I’m not invited. When they’re young, my brother can’t be bothered to do so much as feed them. Then they grow up and do something that pleases him. Then it’s my son this, my son that. The most stunning thing about not being invited to any corner of this kids graduation isn’t that I’m not invited on the trip, it’s that before he was born, my aunt warned me not to get too close to him… and then she died. How was she so spot on? You know what else? Very, very little has come about which wasn’t available info to anyone paying attention to the patterns of my family over generations. If my family were a publicly traded stock, I’d be a trillionaire. As it stands I learned late how to use this to my advantage, though I know how to profit from each of them in some way. it doesn’t make me sad seeing what my nephew is, it makes me sad having to face it instead of guess at it and hear my mother deny what I thought, and now know to be truth. The only think I felt about that was I pretty: I thought of cutting him off financially. It’s paperwork I don’t want to do, it would ignite a chain reaction with My own inheritance, and in the end, he will never need anyone else’s money. If I do nothing and get hit by a bus, this snotty little bastard gets everything I have. I talked to my friend piyush tonight, he’s home in India now. He told me I’m always on my Mind. The best part is he’s always on my Mind too. Lots of people are on my Mind and I like knowing I may see them sometime. Piyush told me he was thinking of me and when he says it, I know he means it. I know it because we have ups and downs. He’s been rotten to me, I’ve been rotten to him maybe, we live in the real world. That relationship has sustained so much. It’s not the conditional, situational relationship one is accustomed to. Some good things happened today.
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berkleydrive · 8 years
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What to wear if...
You get a wake up call from four of GOT7's members.
(Chapter 10: House Party Caller | Love Inside | a GOT7 fanfiction)
"Yoboseo?" [Hello?] I groggily answer my phone without taking off my eye mask. I don't even care who the caller is, I just want to go back to sleep. It's 9AM on a Sunday. I really don't understand why anyone would call me at this hour.
"Good morning! Are you busy today?" The caller says, their thick American accent slightly waking my senses.
"Hmmm... What?" I moan while turning in my bed. "Who is this?"
"Is she seriously still sleeping?!" Says another voice in the background. I can hear scratches, like someone's grabbing the phone from the caller. I finally decide to take off my mask and check the ID. Mark Tuan.
"Hello?" He says. Wait that's not Mark's voice.
"Hello? Mark?"
"No, it's Jackson. Are you awake now?" He says, scruffy voice tickling my ear.
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"Not really. Wae? [Why?]"
"We're on the way to your place right now,"
"What?!" I gasp, bolting upright in the most unglamorous way. Since the last Real GOT7 shoot, Mina and I have gotten closer to the crew and the boys that we were asked to come to all the remaining shoots. Mark and I have been messaging each other a lot—practically every day when he's not busy. The three guys have visited me at home at least twice this month already and it's only the middle of November. I really shouldn't be surprised that they've decided to come over today, but this early and even in this cold weather? Really?
"Because we're bored and we don't know where to go today," Jackson tells me, his American English making him sound like the world's biggest brat.
"UGH. Fine, who's with you?" I ask, finally getting out of bed and heading to my dressing room to change into something decent.
"It's a surprise!" Jackson answers as I struggle to strip off my pajamas.
"Oh my god, can you please just tell me?!" I toss my clothes to the hamper in the corner of the room and hurriedly open the drawers of my white distressed dresser.
"I'll give you a hint. Hyung, say hello," Jackson says, his voice growing fainter.
"Eh? Uh, Hellooo—" Another voice pipes in. Shit. That's definitely JB. I hope Mina's not busy today.
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"Do you know who that is?" Jackson again.
"I think I do," I answer while taking out a pair of denim cutoffs and an oversized pink knit sweater from my closet. "Isn't that JB?"
"Ugh, you're no fun. We brought you breakfast so don't bother cooking, okay? See you in like... 30 minutes?" Jackson says, making me panic as I stand in my bathroom. I mutter a quick goodbye before running downstairs in my underwear to get the coffee started, and then running upstairs again to take a shower.
The doorbell rings exactly 30 minutes after the call which doesn't really shock me knowing how much Jackson hates being late. I glance at the mirror by the door. My hair is still wet but at least I managed to slap on toner, essence, eye cream, moisturizer, and a tiny bit of tint on my cheeks and lips. I look through the peep hole and true enough I see GOT7's leader standing with the foreign members on my doorstep.
"Hey!" I say, opening the door for everyone with a smile. As usual, Mark is the first to come in, giving me a big hug after taking off his shoes. He then sticks his nose up in the air to take a sniff.
"Oh my goodness, coffee! Yes!" He saunters to the kitchen without looking back.
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Jackson comes in after him carrying a huge ass paperbag. "Oh, you smell good! Good job for someone who just woke up!" He winks at me after a quick hug.
"Noona, I hope we didn't catch you at a bad time," says JB politely in Korean before giving me an uneasy half-hug. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit at the unusual close contact because JB and I have never been this close to each other. We've had brief conversations during shoots though, which makes it easy to talk to him at this point.
"Ani, ani, [No, no,] you're always welcome here!" I answer, smiling warmly at him. His smile is so nice, I wish I could frame it and give it to Mina that instant.
BamBam closes the door and stands beside JB, his off duty model look distracting me momentarily. "Awww, you look so pretty today!" He comments, hugging me tight. I tell him he looks prettier in his black sweater, black skinny jeans, pink jacket and pink socks. I offer to hang their coats for them upstairs, and tell them to make themselves at home—something I really don't have to say anymore but which JB seems to appreciate.
The dining table is all set by the time I got back. There's a stack of pancakes on my plate along with some eggs benedict, and bacon. Mark took the liberty of pouring coffee for me and BamBam. JB and Jackson have somehow produced green tea. We all eat in peace, a few chit chats peppering our breakfast table.
Me gustas tu, me gustas tu, stu stu ru ru...
"That's your ring tone?" Jackson asks, clearly surprised when a call came in.
"What?! I like GFriend," I respond before picking my phone up. "Yoboseo?" [Hello?] I see BamBam smiling again the moment I transform into my Korean alter-ego. He seems to find it too cute to handle.
"Omo omo omo omo omo, are they  really there? Is JB there?" Kang Mina is ecstatic as heck.
"Ne, [Yes,] we're having breakfast right now. You're coming over, right?" Everyone around me seems interested to know who the other guest is. I put my phone down as soon as I wrap things up with Mina, who's reportedly dashing to the bathroom as we speak.
"Hey, give me your phone," Jackson orders. I hand it to him, curious as to what he's planning to do.
"Is that Mina-ssi?" JB asks, momentarily taking my focus away from Jackson. I nod and tell him she's coming over too since she's not busy today. I yabber more about her, how she likes really spicy ramyeon, and how she compliments my outfit every day.
"That's why I always try to dress nicely. I want to know what she thinks because she's really good at making observations." I explain in Korean so JB would know how daebak my friend is. It's great to know that he's interested in her, enough to listen to me talk about her quirks.
"Okay, done!" Jackson announces in English before giving me my phone back. "Now I'm calling you!" He then adds in Korean. I swear this table talk is messing with my bilingual brain. My phone starts to light up and we all hear cute holiday tones coming out of it followed by Jackson's low rapping. I look at the caller ID only to find that he not only changed my ringtone, he also took a selfie of him doing a finger heart and made it his contact photo.
"This is so cute!" I squeal, slightly blushing. I wasn't a fan of GOT7 before joining JYPE and I sure as heck don't have a bias list but it's hard to maintain that when you get to see what kind of people they are off cam. "Thank you, this is pretty spiffy," I tell Jackson, my warm smile spreading like melted butter across my face. I really mean it. I like GFriend a lot but it's adorable that Jackson personally made it a mission to remind me that they're my actual friends. He's totally staying on my bias list.
"Ah pali, pali, [quick, quick,] I need to take your caller ID photos too!" I say, standing to take Mark and BamBam's photos. "Oh, JB-ssi, I don't have your number yet." I hand him my phone nervously. He thinks about it for a second, making me regret asking him in the first place. What the heck was I thinking anyway?! The rest of the boys are eyeing us curiously while eating. JB then smiles at me, takes my phone, and types his number in. He even takes a selfie and saves it in his own contact profile. Jaebum Im.
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He typed his name in Romanized form, just like everyone else in my contacts list. I am instantly impressed by his eye for detail because he seems to understand the way with which I organize my phone. Even my brother is listed in my address book as Hope Kangjeon. The only people who are listed differently are my parents (because if something were to happen to me, the first two things people would search on my phone are 'Mom' and 'Dad').
"Ah, it's so weird seeing JB hyung taking a selca," BamBam comments. We can't help but laugh at JB's bashful smile.
"So what do you guys want to do today?" I ask.
"Chill?" says Mark.
"We could go shopping?" BamBam suggests, eyes egging me to say yes.
"Ani, [No,] let's not go out today. It's too cold I think it's better to stay indoors." We all look at JB, me most especially. He's not smiling anymore, but he's gazing at me with a resolute look on his face. Somehow, I get the feeling that he wants to talk to me about something important, which is why he came and why he wants to stay.
"Ah, maja!" [Yes, you're right!] My answer makes the other three members turn to me with surprised looks on their faces. "Why don't you guys just watch a movie or play games, and I'll cook fried chicken for you!" They seem to like the idea.
As we start to clean up, Mark and Jackson volunteers to tour JB around my apartment. They promise not to touch anything in my closet this time. BamBam stays behind to help me wash the dishes. "I didn't know you were such a neat freak," I say as I watch BamBam scrub each plate twice.
"I just got used to it," He answers, reminding me that his family owns a restaurant chain in Thailand. He must've been used to cleaning up well. "You're the neat freak one, your apartment smells so nice all the time."
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I laugh and show him one of the tiny bottles filled with vanilla scented incense sticks that I always keep near the window sills. "It's because I have these around the house near the windows and the vents. My mom taught me that." I yabber on as I put the bottle back to its original place. "When I come home from work, the scent reminds me of how far I've come since graduation and it feels really good."
I tell him more about my first year in Korea; How I didn't have a job, I couldn't speak the language well, and the only piece of furniture in my apartment was my bed. The most I allowed my mom to do for me was to help me find a place to stay and open a bank account. I refused when she begged to buy furniture for me because I told her I'd like to do it on my own, and with my own money.
"I feel the same way when my mom sends me pictures of our new house," BamBam replies. He then shows me pictures of the two-storey house he bought for his family in Bangkok and I marvel at the grandness of everything he's showing me, until we hear heavy footsteps upstairs and booming laughter.
"Yah, what are you doing?!" I scream, leaving BamBam with the dishes to run upstairs in panic. Please not my underwear again. PLEASE.
**To be continued**
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