#where he MAY nibble and lick but when he bites I yelp a little 'ouch!!' and he always stops and corrects like a puppy should
gottalovecatss · 1 year
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He NEEDS to nibble your fingers, okay????
For puppy SCIENCE.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 6 years
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Hi babes! Um- so, when I don’t write smut for a long time- I get pent. Here is the fruit of that, I suppose! Long live tripod writing- @dirtystyles gave me all caps, and @bleedinglove4h is a citrus fruit! Woohooo!!
Big, fat thanks to @emulateharry for the read through!
As ever/ thanks for reading- reblogs are love and anons are 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 10- Onsen
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"Fuck, Harry!" Ada was barely through the door when he caught her up. He hoisted her like she weighed nothing and it was more than enough to get her hot. Hotter. His hand, thumb hooked through her belt loop and huge palm all over her lower body, coupled with his voice in her ear had been kindling on the embers of last night. She was sure 10 minutes ago that her long, long day had snuffed out those coals. Ada had been so frustrated about her lack of sleeping quarters ten minutes ago, she hadn't thought about the upside.
And he was up. And hard. All up against her back for the quick walk to the cabin. The onsen had been pretty quiet, she'd only seen a member of the staff and none of her own crew. That was a godsend. One look at her and Harry, him hustling her like a track coach to a nearing finish line, physically prodding her along with a proprietary arm around her body, and there was no denying what was up. What they were to each other. Lovers, they were gonna be lovers. Who knew if they were in love. Ada wasn't sure she ever had been, that may have to be their pillow talk tonight. A shared things, that uncertainty. All she knew was that she really liked him, and the way he smiled and looked and smelled and tasted. The way she thought about him all the time. That their backgrounds were just similar enough that she didn't have to explain everything to him. He got part of it, that single mom/child dynamic with the estranged dad that you wanted to hate but still wanted approval from.
Ada had been a people pleaser once upon a time, was, right here. Couldn't wait to please him, her wrapped around his waist and shoulder with her mouth full off his ears and neck and her hand full of his tresses. "Your hair is so silky!"
"So is your skin, Smoky. God! I've wanted you so bad. Do you want me too? Have you waited for me?" He stopped his progress and she huffed at his slow down.
How much clearer could her desire be. Words, maybe he needed words.
"I want you, Harry. I have. Can't you feel that?" She ground against him as best she could from her perch on his lithe hips. He smirked smugly. He was on her collarbone instantly, for once she was over the moon it was so prominent, it was like a map of her erogenous zones.  Pointing down like a beam of light onto pleasure.
"Seven." She murmured to herself, and his head came up from where it had drifted to the cleavage he'd had scent of before and not forgotten.
"That's surely not seven?"
"That a question?" came out, deep and sultry. "Smoky?"
"Yeah," he breathed. "You're like a banked fire, throwing off steam, when you're mad, or frustrated or..." he leaned in and licked her lip, tilted sideways and took her mouth. She was blazing, fire had caught.
"Alright. I'll have to come up with something better than Styles." Had she evaded her own silly 'Friends' reference?
  "Nope," she didn't say that out loud, right? "Not so fast. I would guess this is three, maybe four, if you prefer it to the neck." He went in then and she loved the pointed teeth for just a minute, right on her jugular.
"Three." She conceded.
"Ahh!" He laid back on the bed and put his palms up for her to use. "Give me a map."
She didn't want to do that. She wanted him to figure it out. She didn't sulk, at least it wasn't a proper full body one. However, she must have been obvious, because he seemed to follow along, catch a ride on her train of thought.
"I don't mind finding all your spots, the ones that send you to a pillow, make you bite down. But I can have you coming in minutes if you tell me where 5, 6, and 7 are." He tweaked her pointed peak. She yelped. "4 or 3."
"Oooh! Fun, I'll find 8 on my own." But Ada sat up and rocked her center over his proud agreement while he ran his hands over her body. She kissed his palm and let gravity carry his fingers down to her lips which she pouted then licked out to catch the tips. "Two."
"Two?" Ahh? He'd forgotten the most important spot besides six. She realized. She liked this side of him. Sexy, and much more secure than he'd shown himself to be so far. But wanting guidance, valuing her input. Who knew her body better than her? Nobody. Not yet.
She curled her head down until he cradled her face, his fingers now at her temple. She tapped his painted nails. "One."
His face dawned with understanding. "Yeah, that's definitely one." He looked pleased with her assertion, himself, all of it, "have I been working on that one for a while?"
"Probably since before you knew it." He was tracing her lips and she was undoing his bowling shirt.
"I am very sexy." He smirked while he untied her sweater and pulled it off her arms.
"Oh, yes the Bambi legs and puke, very hot."
"And yet." His fingers stroked softly the sides of her neck. "3?" Then over her shoulders and down.
Ada nodded. She knew her eyes closed, hard on sensation. Her hips were going fast.
"You may wanna slow down with seven. Remember I have fewer zones, so they are more sensitive." He cautioned, all teasing brow and red pink lips.
"That's more six. And you really think that you have more sensation. Number six there has more nerves than any of your parts." Mmmmmm, she moaned when he held her fast to circle their hips a minute.
"I've heard that. We will have to have a sensation test." He got her bra over her head and gave her tit a squeeze. "Show me the rest." Ada was smiling and just moving Harry's hands from four down to five when the knock sounded.
"Harry?" Fuck Ayae. "You make it? Everybody is going in the water. Have you seen Ada? Nobody can find her."
"Yeah, I've definitely seen Ada," Harry raised his eyebrows at her and her nipples.
She narrowed her eyes at him and gave his nipple, the one she thought of as number 2, a rough twist in response.
"Ouch." He whispered but looked, well, hot for it. Then he sat up and hooked his chin over her shoulder in a sort of coitus interruptus hug, and called. "I'm here. Just getting undressed to come out. I saw Ada." He turned his head and licked 3. "She's here." He made a goofy face. "I'll text her, she seemed tired though."
He whispered in her ear and she thought she had to redefine her zones, maybe there were nine. "You feel up to seeing everybody. Or do you want me to go throw off suspicion?"
She laid her head on his shoulder and they looked across her collarbone at each other.
Ada was tired, and the tightness between her thighs was so thick it was bothersome. Yet, The idea of him going without her, of her missing out on seeing him across from her with steam rising from blue grey water and sending his curls into a tizzy above his slick shoulders, no nap was worth that.
She'd sleep when she was dead, or after they had finished what they started here.
Ada shook her head and kissed his collarbone sweetly, added a nibble. "No, I'll come."
"You most certainly will. Hopefully because of me, sooner rather than later." She shook her head at him but accepted the kiss he offered, sighed into it. "Speaking of coming." He made a ridiculous face, "I'm going to make a stop in our bathroom before we head out there."
"That's a good idea, I'll have to make my own stop and meet you out there—"
"Um, no." He was shaking his head and standing with her still in his arms. "I'd like you to sit on that orange." Ada yelped when he cupped her over the swelling. "It'll be very juicy when I get to it later."
"Ahh!!" Ada wanted to be pissed, protested, "that's completely unfair." But, damn, she liked that he gave an order.
"You don't have to, only if you want to." He placed her on her feet. His breath curled around her ear. "But I know you want to."
That was sexy enough, but the nonchalance, self assurance he went to the bathroom with. Damn, she liked to give Harry solid feedback. Confidence looked really good on him. Ada sat down. She needed a breath, a drink, and his dick. Sitting wasn't enough. Maybe she should go watch him.
The vision of him stroking over the swelling she'd started in her mind's eye was lovely, had her curling around her tight tummy. There were a few details she was missing behind her tired eyes unfortunately. Size, shape, color, and modifications were unknown. She kept her eyes closed though and plotted out where she hoped it would go, her watching him stroke, and what he'd look like doing it. She'd go check her accuracy in just a moment.
20 minutes later, Ada felt a nuzzle of wet hair against her cheek and woke up to a droplet on her cheek.
"Why are you wet?" Was the groggy question that made it out of her rattling vocal chords.
"There is a little washing station, I saw one by the springs when I was looking around, before I ran into you. You're supposed to wash before you go in. Hygienic. Figured I'd do it now." He brushed under her eyes with black tipped nails. "Are you sure a nap wouldn't do more for you than the springs? You didn't sleep last night."
"Do I look that bad?" she winced.
"Never, but you passed out while I was washing. Must be tired."
"I am, but, we have a long day tomorrow, and I've been looking forward to coming here since I got the scouting stills. It's so beautiful I wanted to experience it. Also to the bonding time." She wasn't the most outgoing person, but a solid crew family made a good movie, and good memories. She couldn't very well encourage it if she wasn't there. "Go. I'll meet you there."
"I think you go in the women's side. Get ready. I'll meet you there, and try not to let on I just saw you topless, ok?" He flashed his brows and dimpled and they kissed. This was going either be the most fun couple of days or the most frustrating of her life. When he left the room and she saw his case right next to her things, and the one white linenned bed, she doubted she wouldn't find relief. Ada got herself up on the idea of Harry wet, as he was when he left, but steaming too. She was steaming for him, still.
When she made it to the springs to discover her whole cast, Harry's entourage, and assorted crew she decided it would be frustrating. At least for the next little while.
He was sitting in the corner, holding court, his laugh ringing out and she realized it was at his own joke from the assorted head shakes. Harry could be very funny. Mostly when he got to make off color jokes. His dirty mind she'd only caught bits of, that night at the bar, last night in her room, and when she heard him joking with Masa or Yuki. She'd seen a bit of his dirt now though. It was either funny grains of grit or dad jokes. She guessed this one was a dad joke.
And still.
He was so sexy. The water was blue tinged and the steam rose up, in the whole spring, but all she could see was it rising up around him, making his bright pink lips stand out and the chocolate curls get tighter. He was chuckling with bright teeth and full dimples. There was someone on either side of him and she was thankful. It definitely kept her off his lap.
"Ada!" Lara called and everybody looked at her. She was so glad that her towel was wrapped right around her and huge. She was also glad they had the place to themselves and that they had made arrangement to use the springs in a co-ed fashion. And with bathing suits. She liked the free love idea, but not in front of her cast and crew. She was from California, but not that California.
A small voice in the back of her head was a little sad Harry wasn't naked. But then she remembered she'd have him naked, and they had their own tub in their own room.
She was suddenly thankful for the room drama. She probably wouldn't even look into it. Just be happy they were sharing a bed, and there were no 'your place or mine' moments.
She hadn't met his eyes yet. She was afraid to look, would everybody know that she was still juicy for him?
"Hey everybody, looking hot!" They all chuckled at her Harry style joke. "Sorry! I fell asleep." Not entirely untrue. She was careful not to look at Harry first or last. But she looked at him. And her towel dropped when they connected, by coincidence.
They all laughed at her and she did too while she walked down the stairs into the waters. She sat by Lara, carefully adjacent to and not across from the tattooed boy she wanted to memorize. Luckily, the conversation was lively and relaxation the mood.
The communal feel was awesome and laughs and jokes were plentiful.
Ada was sure she had calmed down, that the heat Harry had generated during their make out, had abated. She thought that until she felt a foot glance her own. At first, she thought it was an accident, but the foot stilled and swirled under her own to the sensitive sole an inch off the ground. She could feel his gaze. His foot was soft, but that wasn't surprising. He was a groomer. His nails painted in his off time. They'd have to get pedicures together. She loved that indulgence.
She also loved the realization that she was still on the boil.
And he kept her there, with a wrap of his foot around her calf and occasional steamy looks across the pool for the hours of relaxation they all enjoyed together.
Slowly, the numbers dwindled. Until it was just Masa holding court. Ada looked up and caught Harry's eyes. Then turned to Lara. "I'm gonna go back. I'm ready to go to bed."
"Ok girl, see you. Call time is 8 tomorrow. Breakfast spread at 7." Ada loved her organization.
"See you in the morning!" She leaned in and kissed her cheek, lifted her eyes to her bedmate. Would he follow?
He did.
Ada wasn't even sure how exactly she'd wound up on her back with her bikini untied at her neck and each hip so fast. She supposed they had simply picked up like they hadn't left off.
"I can still taste you, over the water." And he dipped his tongue back in her channel and she was sure the tide was rushing in.
"Fuck, fuck."
His hand covered a goodly portion of her ass and she lifted her hips to chase the wave. Except he leaned back and focused his attention on her ripening center. It was almost enough. But not quite. Her walls tightened a second time, and maybe she didn't need his tongue, that mouth.
"Harry!" She whined. She definitely needed it, to come to shore. It was so close, one length of his tongue over her from opening to top of hood and she'd be there. Saying his name in an entirely different attitude. Screaming it.
"Just a minute." He stared and it was enough to keep the waves in sight, but her tide was receding.
"No, no, no." Ada lifted her hips again, offered all of her salt to him. "Please! I'm close."
"I know." He was so calm and it was infuriating. She could feel her ire sliding into the crack of her ass. "You're tightening, and getting redder. I like to watch." And at that he looked her in the eye.
Ada's stomach rolled over itself and she would have rubbed her thighs together had he not caught her knees in his hands and pushed them back to the mattress. Then he breathed on her until she was babbling and biting the flesh of her arm. Just enough sensation to keep her tense, no slack, and no snap. It was maddening.
His tongue, when he applied it to her clitoris, was wily and wet and made three circuits before her back came off the bed and "Fuck!" came loudly out of her mouth. She'd not come so hard in a long while, not even with somebody else. It was good. It was better when his hands wrapped around the back of her hips and held her fast through the three "Stops!" she cried until the tide came all the way up to her eyeballs and she couldn't even shriek. She'd drowned. Her breath caught and lids closed.
When she was able to open her eyes again, he was perched on her lower stomach, sharp chin on her mons and she thought the thickness was ideal, designed. Maybe for him to place his adoring face on her low, low stomach and stare at her like this.
"You look even more radiant when you're coming your ass off." He rubbed his cheek over the smooth lasered skin.
"Thank you?" She giggled, a sound she didn't hear from herself too often, except around him. Even in the afterglow. "Let's see what you look like when you are coming your brains out. Come here." She reached down for his shoulders and loved the long lines of him, soft but firm over her curves, the dips at the side of his bum were sized well for her calves. She would have had more time to think of that if it wasn't the first time she felt him pressed against her center. She was so sensitive from her multiples, she pulled her hips back. "Wow."
"Wow?" He pulled back with his redolent mouth and smiled at her. "I'll take wow."
"I doubt you need dick compliments. That's what the internet is for, but I can give you wow."
"Uppercase or lowercase?"
"Well," Ada raised an eyebrow at him. "I think I need an actual look, and to see how it works." She raised two eyebrows then, and Harry laughed while rolling to the side.
"Be my guest." He motioned over his still slightly slick body and Ada licked her lips. He was long, lean,  bedecked and luscious. A feast.
"Definitely capitalized." She ran her hand from sparrow to laurel and followed the muscle obscured by ink to fill her palm with him. "Maybe shouty letters, even." Her hand cascaded up over him and down, foreskin swallowing the pearl inviting her to taste his tip. Her mouth found his nipples, the proper ones first. It seemed presumptuous to jump to the main course and skip the delicious appetizers. She nibbled along his torso and caressed his thighs and the sides of his glutes until he was squirming, mirroring her earlier hip ruts. She supposed it was a little cruel to start with strokes over his cock and then move to chest kisses and leg rubs. Backwards, but a beautiful tease.
Ada took pity on him of course, after a fond drag. "Need something, Styles?"
"I thought you were working on a new nickname, Smokes." Her mouth was above his bobbing dick and he flexed his hips to emphasize it. "But yes."
"I don't know what I should call you..." she tapped her chin, then ducked it and filled her mouth with his tip. "Maybe eager."
"Very." She smiled. "Ada, please put it in your mouth, I'm trying not to hump your face here."
"Why?" She queried before taking him nearly to his base. She pulled to the top, "Feel free to help."
"Holy fuck." He lay his hand on the back of her head and guided her that way, groaned when her hand took up what her mouth couldn't fit.
Ada's jaw was getting tired. She'd been sucking him passed the point of inquiry, knowledge, and fatigue, but Harry showed little impatience. Even after all that time in the springs his earlier wank was giving him a stamina she wasn't going to be able to conquer without using her entire body. She picked up her pace though, sucked up with hollowed cheeks, completing the strokes with her hand. She wasn't a quitter.
"God damn! I was right about your lips." Harry exclaimed after one enthusiastic mouthing.
Ada kept stroking. "You thought about my lips?" She slinked up his body. Gave herself a hiatus.
"God, yes, like every morning in the shower."
She smiled, kissed him languidly, and brought a leg over his lap. "I thought about yours too."
"Since when."
"Since always, but especially the bar. You look good with a microphone against your lips." She leaned in, swiped his mouth with her tongue. "DSL's."
"Hmmmmmm, takes one to know one." He rubbed her down. "Was it just my mouth? Or maybe you  have a rockstar fetish." He smiled while opening the condom.
"I do." She smoothed the latex over him. "Want to help me with that?" Her head went to the side and she crinkled her nose.
"More than anything." He swore while guiding her. There was something like completion about sinking down over him to the base. She saw that lake again, wide and flat, expansive. God, he was big.
"Steady." He held her for them both to adjust and watched her exhale. What a day, an evening. Harry had been excited about the menus when he arrived. Kunichi had been telling him about the spreads the Onsens, especially ones like Beppu, put out. There were often dishes even Kunichi had never had. Harry's been looking forward to trying new things, and hanging out with everybody. The minute he'd heard Ada didn't have a room though, he'd decided he'd be fine if he just spent all day eating her.
He'd been sure he was going to get his wish when they'd first made it to the room. He was fit to burst with getting to kiss her and feel her in private, with lots of time and a mutual finish in mind. When he'd realized they were going to have to pause he wanted to throw a fit, say fuck it, and just hole up in the room with her even if the entire cast and crew caught on to what they were up to.
He was so hungry for her, starved. He felt like the kid who was allergic to his favorite food and suddenly grew out of it. A glutton after austerity, tummy sick with peanut butter cups.
The interruption was necessary, he decided now watching her smooth brown skin move over his hips. If he'd gotten to feel that tight pussy slide over him before his bathroom wank, the finish would have been instant and he assumed one sided. He liked to make it last, especially since they had waited a while.
This way, he'd gotten to keep her on a low boil, so her flavors really developed, for several hours, gotten a leisurely taste of them, and bee allowed to fill her mouth as well.
Fuck food.
He'd just live on Ada. Right now, she was rocking back and forth over him, keeping him seated deep within her. She was so warm, ripe, but he wanted a deeper stroke, longer.
He side spanked her ample ass. She blinked open, her pupil had swallowed the brown in her iris. "Fuck me harder, Ada." Her eyes opened wider and she exhaled out of her nose before getting her legs under her so she was able to bounce all the way up and down him. It was a powerstroke.
Harry had felt like he was in no danger of coming because of his earlier wank, but the full length friction was going to erase his earlier emission. Did he stop her? She looked determined and was gripping his palms hard for leverage. Her eyes weren't rolling back in her head though, least not to his liking. She was too focused. He wanted her wild. This was too much for him, and not enough for her. He let go of her palms and that immediate sent her to gripping his torso, but her rhythm was broken. Like he wanted. He leaned up, and pulled her long over the top half of him and flipped her under him. This he could do for ages, he thought as he pulsed into her. There was that eye roll.
"Right there? Yeah." Her bleary nod was bliss. He thought this was sustainable until she nipped him with her cunt. Closed down around him rhythmically until he was groaning. "Yes, fuck, Ada!"
He sat back then, pushed her thighs up and stood. It dislodged him, but he wanted solid ground under him for this. The sheets made a slicking noise when Harry dragged her to the edge of the mattress.
Ada was rolling her head back over the thick cotton sheets. She smiled blearily. "I love it like this. God! Harry!" Her nipples were sensitive.
"How's my punctuation now?" He asked notching the tip just inside and working back and forth until she squeezed him hard.
"Well, I have a feeling we are getting close to a Big O." She giggled, again. He loved that sound, he'd heard it last night, in their moments of levity before it got heavy, and several times today.
"How quickly do you want to get there?" He pushed in thick and deep and her giggle became a moan.
"Fuck, soon, please."
"Yes Smokes, I love that word." Those moments of abandon when motion and sensation took over, he felt them on stage and while fucking. Probably why they were his two favorite things in the world. God, he'd never felt this free, wide open and expansive.
His hips moved faster, and he'd been sweating since they got out of the water. His body temperature hadn't dropped from its peak in the heated waters. He could feel beads rolling down his chest and over his abs. He looked down to see it collecting in his pubic hair and the view of Ada taking him, all of him, was extravagant.
"God, your pussy, I'm gonna come!" He focused on her face and watched her bite her lip. "Can you get there with me? Touch yourself."
Her hand gripped her nipple and he could feel her nails on the base of his cock from where she was doing as he'd ordered.
"Fuck honey." Honey. He hadn't expected such a sweet endearment. She was so much more tender alone, in their room. That what sent him over, his mouth dropping open, her openness and the possibilities. They had three days here, he got this giggly, sweet tongued, and naked Ada, in a private place for all the hours of each night.
"Ada! Look at me!" Her eyes caught his and he felt the pulses start at the base of his cock and work upward. It was her uncontrolled, unintentional clenches he'd remember though.
It took minutes for his breath to catch. And his sweat started to cool quickly. He saw a shiver come over her and he laid down around her to share his body heat.
"WOW!" He said into her ear.
"All caps." She got out and giggled.
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