#where do i submit a request for disney to make a two hour poe only movie?
delicrieux · 5 years
Since you’ve FINALLY watched star wars, what’s your opinion on the characters? And will you write more fics for them? Love you!!
i know it took a while for me to get into it, but i did! and i DO have some opinions on the characters that i shall now express in this carefully constructed list. just a btw i watched the last jedi so if u think my analysis is wrong blame the movie 💗 (hope i got their names right haha!)
ben swolo — absolutely adorable. is crying for most of the movie. puppy eyes. i feel like he gives very good hugs. not those lame not even there hugs but that he really hugs tightly and doesn’t let go for a while. 11/10
reyd shadow legends — so pretty. i like her accent. very strong and stubborn but also softTM. she controls the force and my heart. my only gripe is that she didn’t join mr swolo when he asked her nicely (unlike, for instance, i, who would have joined him immediately). 10/10
po dementer — os car iSack really brought this character to life !! bad boy with a heart. drives fast vroom vroom. space latino. hot headed. always has a cause (to fuck shit up!!). like indiana jones but hotter. 11/10 needed him more in the movie.
fin wolfhard — he’s nice i think but tried to escapse ?! stubborn (i see this trait in pretty much everyone @ star wars ). good fighter. rly cares about reyd. 10/10 i wish he had escaped bcs i wouldve hauled ass outta that ship.
look sikewanker — bitter old man. 5/10
yonda — not baby. 0/10
beep beep cute robot — wasn’t it voiced by bill hader at first? 100/10 for bill hader.
rosé — sister died = character arc. sweet girl. but that kiss she gave fin at the end of the movie was hella weak and hella lame. 7/10
spooke — creepy evil man. good cgi tho. yelled at ben me no like!! 😡 -5/10
hackerman — traitor. kinda weird too. gave me icky vibes. 2/10
general horcrux — whiny. pretends to be strong but is actually very soft. kinda baby. tries to be a good leader (emphasis on tries). fails often. he has that failure energy. 8/10
leia — i love u & miss u mrs carrie fisher 🥺💗 infinity/10
i think that’s all!! overall, i liked the story and the cinnamon-tography of the movie, even if the editing was a bit iffy at times:) as for requests, i think i need to watch a few more star wars movies to rly get into it because i’m still confused on what’s happening
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