#where did matt get ‘chucklefuck’ from
genderlesssinner · 2 days
Alright nerds I'm back
Here we go with 108
SAMUEL we are 3 minutes into this episode. Holy shit.
Some weird shit going on with the gaurds okay okay
It's Ira isn't it
He's so creepy and I love it
How did no one react to "tying up daddy and gagging him" holy shit Tal
Sometimes I love watching with subtitles for the description of their fuckery. [Batman's Bane nonsense]
Ashton hold on what do you mean by take care of this
7th fucking level Psychic Lance woof. Talk about burn all your stuff
Yeah no he ded
Well this could go so poorly
"Did this just completely backfire?" Yes yes it did
Okay okay maybe we're not totally fucked
Hopefully Nana can help. Okay so gonna have some flying groups? I def agree that Nana should meet up in case Gloamglut does come back
An hour, short rest it up bitches
I can't help but picture the temple put back together with gold in the cracks, like that one method of fixing pottery
The 'play' idea isn't a bad idea I just don't know if these chucklefucks can pull it off
I love Robbie so much. Gaes is a badass spell when it works and I also do not know how tf to pronounce it
They've been talking for like 20 minutes and I still don't know what they're doing great job guys
"You knocked him out. I just wanted them to do the scene." beautiful
Oh my god.
Ash playing director for these idiot is hilarious
Oh fuck okay well shit Zathuda is gone okay okay okay but Laudna knows where he is
Back in initiative and everyone is tapped or close to it,,,, grrreaaat
Get his ass Chet he can't have many hit points
Yeeeep there's the dragon
Okay if they *just* got the short rest Nana should be here soon RIGHT??
Oooh shit okay Zathuda is dead um this is gonna have consequences Gloamglut is bout to be real mad I bet
Yeah mhm okay
Yes Fearne get the dragon GET YOUR PONY BOO
Ashley just became Mister for a second 😂😂
This could be good or it could make it worse
Oh no he saaaddd 🥺
Dorian is like nope not ready for the dragon
Yeessss Fearnie
The little guys are gonna have shaken baby syndrome from being in the dragon's hands while he's flying
Come on, horse girl!
Break! We have a fucken dragon boys. For the moment, anyway.
Back into it - flying to Nana's
Ooh interesting Gloamglut doesn't wanna land at Morri's
Oop Nana put Gloamglut on a leash
What does the Loom do what. Nana.
I definitely think they should ask Zathuda some things. They could ask about bonding to Gloamglut and also about moon stuff
Ooohhh Nana really has it for Ira huh. Spooky
I wanna see the Loom. That did not answer any questions.
This should be interesting and maybe (likely) scary
Mhmhm gruesome but also cool af
Ashley and Marisha grinning while everyone else is in various stages of horror is great
Okay look I get them checking in with Fearne vecause the guy was her father.. But like. She didn't really know him. Like someone said a bit ago, he was her father, not her dad. And yes she's lost the opportunity to know him but it's not like she lost a parent that raised her.
"It's not as nice as yours" Jesus Braius
Fearnie getting feral on us hm
Oh Ashton my love. We know you have parental issues hun.
"Are you okay Matt?" "I'm fine."
Are. Are we sure Matt's okay? (joking, mainly but like damn creepy shit this ep yall)
✨ Generational trauma ✨
I'm worried about what this conversation is gonna mean for Ashton a little bit honestly though they've had one hell of a look this whole time
Ah here's the good stuff. So something about Ruidusborn, particularly the strongest Exultants, can unlock magic similar to the Divine Gate?? The implications
"I wish I had more empathy." "You *are* my daughter." oof
Ooo a hemocraft ritual for the dragon?? Up your game Chet
Failure brings an eternal enemy, no pressure
Exaltants disappearing?? Uh oh. Maybe Ludinus has a Version 2 of the funnel thing
Oooooh maybe he's throwing them at the Gate holding Predathos eesh
Oh my god maattttt the Misty Step
Okay okay Nana got this
I would now be like side eyeing all of the ...everything in Nana's place. Especially if it still has a face. Eugh.
THANK YOU LAUDNA for actually checking in with my boy. Orym is being so strong for everyone all the time 😭
Are Fearne and Ash gonna cuddle the dragon? I love this
Ooohhh Doriaaannnn same though
Oh man okay blow all the spell slots Laudy
This is fucking insane what even
Oop he's a tree okay
Several Ludinuses slapping him for several minutes, wonderful
These fucken rolls tonight damn
Oo using the spirit horse awesome awesome
Orym's speech and Ash leaving like that ajxbjdv
I have lots of feelings but no words for them
Now I want them to take Laudna back to the Vasselheim temple for some lake of blood action
Robbiiiieeee damn 'if a god can see the future.. I would imagine the one you can't see is the one where the gods come to an end.'
Oryyym an Doriaaannnn 😭😭 boooyyssss
Look at that, character growth. Ash left instead of starting shit
Oo okay Braius oh wait shit okay which god
Chase the rest away. So the betrayers would stay?? That's *bad* yall
Braius is bout to get some Nana and I don't know how to feel about it
MILF Manor : Morri I'd like to Fuck. Oh my god
Cursed demon armor
Bet you if you fail the save it stays
Bompers. Wild.
Oooohhhhhh Gloamglut just saaaddd but he seems thankful that Fearne plans to let him go free
Aww he's a good booyyyyyyyy
I love Fearne and Ashton's interactions so much aaaaaaaa
Horror cozy that's totally an aesthetic isn't it
And that’s it guys. These posts are so long but I normally don't have a good place for a page break.. Eesh. I just have a lot of Thoughts and Feelings about these idiots we love so much. But also like sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be doing this and I just zone out and listen to them and then I'm like fuck I had a Thought and didn't write it down damn..
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aspiringsophrosyne · 2 years
The Mighty Nein are getting a series: let's talk about, arguably, the make or break moment of a possible season one.
So, let's talk about some of the things the CRew can do with an animated adaptation of their second group of adventuring, world-saving chucklefucks.
EDIT and NOTE: This is based on the pacing of The Legend of Vox Machina seasons one and two. If we can take it slower with the Nein, all the better; I would love stretching things out so that all this goes down in a possible season two. But this is the set up I see where they go as fast with the Nein as they have with VM.
MAJOR SPOILERS for episode 26 and every episode after of Critical Role Campaign 2. Last chance to turn back if you care about those.
Let's get right to the elephant in the room: Molly's death. This is a bit that's incredibly important to get right because: it was a big moment on stream for both the viewers and the characters, there was a lot more time with Molly in the stream before it happened than we will get in the animated series, and because this moment sets up the endgame.
Matt, Taliesin, and the cartoon CRew may take advantage of the opportunity presented here: to do more with the backstory Matt originally had planned for Molly that he didn't get to use. And there are pros and cons to doing that.
However, we can't know what, if anything, the cartoon CRew will change or add to Molly's story, at least as of now. So just for this thought experiment, we'll assume it will play out more or less the same as it did in Campaign 2. And assuming that...
Structure of Season One:
Here's a place to end season one: Lorenzo's defeat. If you do that, let that be the focus of the last episode and 1-3 before that dealing with Molly's death: the fallout from it, then Cad's and Nila's introductions. For the rest of the season prior? Focus on the group as a whole, particularly on Molly.
While I think everybody needs significant attention in the first season to set up character establishment, future events, future revelations, and future character development, I'd like to focus a little more on Molly in particular at this point in the show; for three reasons: 
He will be out of the story for a long time afterward.
It can make his exit hurt all the more and come as that much more of a shock to show-only fans.
It will make the quotes in Cognouza hold that much more weight if they get enough focus here.
Otherwise, keep the rest of the season comparatively light until Fjord, Jester, and Yasha's abduction. Keep the ominous dreams, but make one significant change: move Caleb's backstory revelation to after their first fight with Lorenzo. Have it still happen in the show when it happens in the stream (while Molly's being the worst roommate ever and dropping that "Long may I reign." quote) so we can keep some of the mood whiplash, but with none of the sound.
Show Beau, Nott, and Caleb sitting around a campfire. Show the ladies reacting to something Caleb's saying, but don't give us any sound. Leave the newbies wondering what the hell is going on, and don't clue them in on what's being said...until later. (This has the added benefit of giving us stream fans narrative blue-balls for a bit.)
After the battle at Glory Run, have Caleb flashback to the night of his backstory reveal; the audience sees the same scene again, but now with sound. Splice it with Nott's talk about surviving vs. living, possibly Beau's eulogy (if you don't want to move that so it's later, with all the Nein together again), and have Caleb deliver the soliloquy he makes in E26 of the stream here, at Molly's makeshift grave, but with some changes.
("Look at this one. He is....was like a walking rainbow, what was this? Why were you with him? It made no sense. He is a circus performer; he isn't going to help you. Was. Wasn't. Couldn't.")
This tells newbies not just that Caleb is about ready to bolt but why, and it makes it that much more of a relief when he doesn't. It also makes the darkness of this season (and by extension, seasons yet to come) hit harder if they hold off on it until here. The CRew can give a false impression of the M9's adventures: that they will be lighter fair than VM's. (After all, until we meet Lorenzo, there won't be a Sun Tree equivalent.) Only to have the first-time viewers realize they're in for something just as nasty, if not more so, than anything VM faced once we get where we're going.
Plus, they can save on animation; they only have to animate a scene they use twice once.
The fights themselves:
None of the fights in the animated adaptation of Critical Role's campaigns will be as long, tense, or stressful as they were in the original stream. Nor should they be. Those fights were sometimes longer than two episodes of TLOVM together at their shortest. That will not work for an animated series; for several reasons.
However, the CRew can pull some tricks to make some fights longer and more suspenseful (or feel longer and more suspenseful) than just a shot-for-shot action-for-action adaptation of them would be.
Let's talk about editing and cutaways.
If any fight should be a little tense, (at least) it should be the battle of Glory Run. We need to make this battle seem longer than it is. To do this: flashbacks and flash-forwards. For this purpose, don't show Molly and Beau's fireside talk ("What's the best lie you ever told?") until now.
When the focus is on Beau or Molly in the fight, show a flashback to that fireside talk. Show these two characters, who have been at each other's throats up to this point, opening up to each other. Starting to see things from the other's point of view. Do this a few times until we've seen the whole talk or as much of it as the show wants to include.
Then, as the fight starts to go south, you flash forward. You show Beau freaking out and Caleb coming up from off-screen: taking her by the shoulders and telling her she has to calm down.
Go back to the fight.
Flash forward, now Nott comes up to the Empire Sibs from off-screen, yelling at both of them, doing terribly at de-escalating things. Everyone's words are getting more indistinct, and the arguing figures fade farther into the background.
Go back to the fight.
Another flash-forward. Now Kegg joins the argument. It's impossible to hear what anybody says now, just that everyone's very worked up. It looks like, in the foreground, there's some splash of vibrant color near the camera, near the ground.
Back to the fight, Molly's knocked on his ass, bloody and beat to shit.
Flash forward. Everyone's still fighting in the background, and the camera focuses on a limp, blood-splattered, lavender hand lying across what is now obviously Molly's coat. The audience is given a second to realize there's no changing what is about to happen/what's already happened; we've been in the room with the body the whole time.
Cut back to the fight. Molly's "With blood." and Lorenzo's final blow. (Possibly, all of Molly's eye tattoos glowing, as if in protest.)
Then cut to black.
In place of similar notes on the final Lorenzo fight, here's all that I know I want right now: to let Yasha, Fjord, and Jester participate. Not much, because they are in bad condition; it should show, but let them get in a few good hits.
Have one of the Nein either accidentally or purposefully destroy a cage with slaves inside during the fight at the nest. The freed people run off, find some keys and start unlocking some cages. This can be something we can cut back and forth to keep this fight slower paced, but don't show the rest of the Nein's escape. Don't let us see them until, at some point, we get an eldritch blast from off screen. Then a healing word or a guiding bolt (Laura's choice) from off screen. Then we hear an unholy scream and see skeletal wings unfolding from the shadows like a spider's legs. Yasha, Fjord, and Jester emerge, all exhausted and beat to shit but determined and angry.
For bonus points, we could cut to them in the trailer, bound and gagged, during the first Lorenzo fight.
..Yeah. More ideas to come, but that's my take on the possible climax of Season One.
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gothedralhoe · 4 years
Tumblr media
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rhdcarts · 7 years
"take. it. off." + "come over here and make me" for braggwood if you don't mind! i love ur stuff and sorry for the late prompt
Oh wow thank you buddy!!!
This Is almost 800 words and I kind of love it so I hope you enjoy it too!!
“Now, where the fuck–” Ryan mumbled to himself, scratching his head. He stood, staring into his closet, rifling through the clothes hanging there for what had to be the fifth or sixth time.
The thing is, Ryan distinctly remembers hanging up his jacket the night before. Or, at least, he thinks he does. He’d barely been able to strip off his clothes and climb under the covers before he’d completely passed out, so his memory was a bit fuzzy.
But, the fact still stands, the jacket should be there, hanging up exactly where he put it.  And, it clearly wasn’t.
So, either Ryan was losing it (which, yeah, okay maybe. But, like, he might not have been the youngest of the crew, but he wasn’t nearly old enough to be going senile yet. Check Geoff in a few more years, but Ryan was still doing pretty damn good, thanks), or one of the other chucklefucks he lived with was doing something and Ryan would be the victim.
And, Ryan really hated being a victim.
Giving one last forlorn look at his clothes, because maybe he missed something the other six times, he sighed and walked out of the bedroom, intending to get some answers. And, more importantly, get his fucking jacket back.
He’d been all over the penthouse, angrily questioning (or accusing, if he saw fit) each person he saw. Ryan was at his wits end on this mission and it was wearing down his already thin nerves.
Geoff had just laughed at him, and provided some insulting, and just overall unhelpful, comments. Ryan threatened bodily harm. Geoff laughed harder.
Jack had just  given him a look that Ryan could only assume translated roughly into, “ if you even think about blaming me for this shit, they’ll never find the body.” So, he changed tactics, asking her very politely whether she had any information or not. She didn’t, but suggested maybe checking in on the lads. Ryan thanked her and then thanked his lucky stars that he’d managed to avoid making her angry. He’d learned his lesson last time.
Michael and Gavin both seemed sketchy as fuck, and Ryan was, understandably, extremely suspicious. But, any further questioning, and any promise of retribution if they fucked with him, went in one ear and out the other, and Ryan was forced to give up that particular route for now.
He might have been a little desperate by the time he’d gotten to Jeremy, but he figured that was perfectly reasonable at this point. He just wanted his damn jacket. And, he really couldn’t have been held accountable for the way he tore out of the room as soon as Jeremy had given him a stupid, knowing smile and told him, “Dude, go ask Matt.”
So,  much like he did in front of his closet that morning where this whole debacle began, Ryan stood outside of Matt’s office (or what he’d claimed as his office. Really, it was another bedroom in the penthouse that Matt had installed more monitors than Ryan could ever imagine him needing, but, whatever, he wasn’t the hacker), completely ready to tear him a new one.
“Hey, Matt.” He called, pushing open the door. “You seen my jack-”  Ryan stopped abruptly, staring at Matt in confusion.
“Asked and answered, I guess.”
Because, yeah, obviously Matt has seen his jacket considering the fucker was sitting there, wearing it.
“Matt,” Ryan entered the room cautiously. “What the fuck?”
“Hey, Rye.” Matt greeted, absentmindedly raising his hand in a half-assed wave.
“Yeah, Hi.” Ryan waved back. “I repeat. What the fuck?”
“Hmm, what?” Matt finally paid attention to Ryan, turning to face him with a raised eyebrow.
“My jacket.” Ryan explained, gesturing toward Matt’s chest. “Take it off.”
“Nah?” Ryan parroted incredulously. “Take. It. Off.”
Matt clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
“Don’t really feel like it, sorry.”
He didn’t sound sorry.  And, the smirk he was giving Ryan sure as fuck didn’t make him look sorry, either.
Ryan took a deep breath, letting it out in a very frustrated huff.
“Give me back my fucking jacket, Matthew.”
Matt’s smirk widened to a full out grin.
“Nope.” He said, popping  the ‘p’ obnoxiously. “Come over here and make me. he challenged. “It’s big, warm, and it smells like you.”
And, well, Ryan didn’t exactly have a response to that. His brain was short-circuiting, and fuck, did that one sentence make Ryan’s heart want to beat out of his chest.
“I-” Ryan slammed his mouth shut and swallowed. “Y-yeah, well. Fine. Wear it.” he said, turning around and fleeing from the room. “But, I’m taking your hoodie.”
“Don’t get it dirty.” Matt called back to him, already going back to his work.
And, by God, was Ryan careful not to get blood on it.
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gildedalchemist · 6 years
1 - 100
Well then! I actually have some downtime so im doing this. Post was from a while ago but i saved it for when I have time. I’m not gonna answer a number of these fully bc thats TOO much sharing, but I’ll answer as many as i can.
1. What is you middle name?not answering this one
2. How old are you?24
3. When is your birthday?August 25th
4. What is your zodiac sign?Virgo
5. What is your favorite color?Royal Purple, though I like many shades of lighter purples nowadays
6. What’s your lucky number?Yup, 2. If not 2, then 8.
7. Do you have any pets?I have a family dog at home, hes a labradoodle named Sebastian
8. Where are you from?Southern California
9. How tall are you?I like to think I’m 6 feet tall, but im just short of that I think
10. What shoe size are you?11 US Mens, which i think is 14 in womens? I forget the conversion, and it’s damn near impossible to find anything in my size in that department.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?enough that I’ve lost count
12. What was your last dream about?hanging out with @the-senor-sperm​, Xavier
13. What talents do you have?I don’t believe in talent. Nobody starts good at anything, it’s all skills that must be trained and maintained.
14. Are you psychic in any way?I have very good gut reactions when I first meet people, generally. It has almost never steered me wrong, especially when it comes to my personal safety. If someone is not to be trusted, I generally know pretty quickly.
15. Favorite song?I’m not sure right now, I’ve been introduced to a lot of new music in the last year and I have a hard time choosing.
16. Favorite movie?Clue!
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Someone who challenges me to be the person I want to be. Someone I can trust with my thoughts and feelings. Someone I can spend my time with and be okay when all else is crumbling. Someone I love. Someone who would sit up with me while I’m deliriously I’ll, and make sure I’m drinking water, and eating, particularly microwave cup ramen. ;P
18. Do you want children?I dunno. I used to. I used to feel like I wanted to prove I could be a better parent, but I don’t feel that need, nor do I want that to be my reason anymore. I just want to live and be happy with my partner. Whatever happens after that, will be decided when the time comes.
19. Do you want a church wedding?Oof. I dunno. The thought is nice but I don’t know if the church would be cool with the wedding I’d wanna have ówò;;;  
20. Are you religious?Not really at the moment. I want to believe in something, but that something has no form for me right now.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yes, I’ve even had surgery! (on my sinuses, im fine now!)
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Not really
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Nope, unless you count internet celebrities, which I dont really. I met Arin Hanson before I knew who he even was.
24. Baths or showers?Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing?white
26. Have you ever been famous?lmao nope
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?No, i don’t like that kind of pressure
28. What type of music do you like?little bit of everything, though i do quite like electronic stuff
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?nope, but if i ever have my own pool and could do so without peeking neighbors, i’d consider it.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?2 usually, but i only have 1 right now because reasons
31. What position do you usually sleep in?either on my side if the bed is real soft, or on my stomach.
32. How big is your house?its pretty decently sized, but I’m living in a dorm right now and not at my parents house
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?nothing
34. Have you ever fired a gun?Yes. I wasnt a fan. I didnt like how easy it is to just point and kill, and i especially hate that people think having that power is a right that should be protected like it is.
35. Have you ever tried archery?yes i have. I enjoyed it from a skill aspect
36. Favorite clean word?spaghetti. its real fun to say
37. Favorite swear word?i like saying chucklefuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?about 40 hours. I’ve never done 2 consecutive all nighters. at that point, i start to pass out when i blink.
39. Do you have any scars?Yes, I have one on my shoulder and lower back from the same injury, one on my knee and shin from unrelated incidents, and scars on my hands, face, and shoulders from injuries and acne over the years
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?If I did, they kept it a pretty good secret. Or not. I am quite oblivious in that regard. Its hard when you just assumed for years that youre unloveable.
41. Are you a good liar?I used to be but not much anymore
42. Are you a good judge of character?Almost always
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?Nope, it is embarassing for me to even try
44. Do you have a strong accent?people say they dont notice an accent from me until i say certain words, like dude, or awesome.
45. What is your favorite accent?New Zealand accents are a hoot
46. What is your personality type?Timid, but caring
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?honestly not sure. most of my stuff isnt that expensive. by original cost probably a cashmere sweater, but I bought it at a thrift shop. 
48. Can you curl your tongue?yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie?innie
50. Left or right handed?right
51. Are you scared of spiders?somewhat, but I dont react as badly as I used to at the sight of them. only if they touch me.
52. Favorite food?spaghetti? pizza? Xaviers cooking? hard to say
53. Favorite foreign food?sushi!
54. Are you a clean or messy person?clean in many ways, except for my room
55. Most used phrased?“aww, gay.”
56. Most used word?at this point, probably “fuck”
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?if im in a hurry, minutes, if im not, hours.
58. Do you have much of an ego?I can, but i’m working on it. I dont think I do though.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Bite
60. Do you talk to yourself?Usually, mostly to walk myself through things
61. Do you sing to yourself?Rarely
62. Are you a good singer?I think i’m better than i used to be, but im not great
63. Biggest Fear?Losing my best friends. I lost one in a very bad way, I cant stand the thought of losing more.
64. Are you a gossip?Once i got to university I became one, but I didnt used to be. Thats just kinda the environment I’m in. I feel like if i didnt people wouldnt trust me as much or even at all.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?i dunno, im not sure what constitutes “dramatic”
66. Do you like long or short hair?on me, Long. I cant stand how ive looked with short hair anymore. On other people I have no preference.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Fuck no lmao
68. Favorite school subject?Chemistry, after that Psych or English
69. Extrovert or Introvert?Extrovert with anxiety that makes me present like an introvert, i think is what ive settled on
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?nope
71. What makes you nervous?So many things oh my god
72. Are you scared of the dark?Yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?I do for some people but it is seen as inappropriate to others, and in some cases makes people think im trying to be superior, so I try not to anymore unless asked. Its not my place, unless they want to be corrected.
74. Are you ticklish?Don’t fuckin touch me. I am but I’ll bite.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?No. I had too many false rumors started about me, I wouldnt do that to someone else unless it was true and people needed to know the truth.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Sort of? I’ve been in classrooms and worked with kids, so i’ve been in situations where they answer to me, but I’ve never really been the main figure head so I’d say no overall.
77. Have you ever drank underage?yes
78. Have you ever done drugs?yes
79. Who was your first real crush?Honestly? I dont even know anymore. I know I had some, but what counts as “real”? I’d guess the one that lead to my first relationship. that was in 2011.
80. How many piercings do you have?none
81. Can you roll your Rs?“nope
82. How fast can you type?pretty fast
83. How fast can you run?I can run pretty fast but only for short bursts now.
84. What color is your hair?brown
85. What color is your eyes?blue-green
86. What are you allergic to?a variety of weeds, trees, grasses, molds, and dust mites
87. Do you keep a journal?not physically. what i post online and in recordable formats count as my journal, so i may look back on what ive said.
88. What do your parents do?my mom is a housewife, my dad works in law
89. Do you like your age?y...yes?? what does this even mean?
90. What makes you angry?injustice and unfairness
91. Do you like your own name?Not my full name, I like my first name’s shortening, so thats why i go by Matt
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?Only John. To honor his memory, and all that he did for me. He set me on the path to become who I am.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?I want my kid to decide that for themself, if I ever have one.
94. What are you strengths?Tenacity
95. What are your weaknesses?Cowardice
96. How did you get your name?My dad named me after his best friend first, then his karate instructor for middle
97. Were your ancestors royalty?not to my knowledge
98. Do you have any scars?wasnt this #39?
99. Color of your bedspread?light blue
100. Color of your room?the one at home is sort of yellowish i think. the room i’m in right now is white.
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