#where both his and her names' on the trending tabs were literally just different sides of that argument over and over again
thedroloisms · 7 months
like ultimately speaking i don't even think that public discussions into the identity of shubble's ex are that necessary. at a certain point i think it's up to personal discretion, especially in terms of different platforms - for example, having a certain amount of discretion when it comes to spaces where it's more likely for shubble to see. that being said, at a certain point, it was obvious that the calls to Not Speculate, to Not Bring Up Him why are you saying his name he doesn't have to do with this i'm going to wait until shubble makes a statement if she wanted us to know then she'd say his name :) were doing a shit ton more harm than good?
like, shubble wasn't making an accusation. why people were flat out expecting her to say more in itself is beyond me. at the end of the day, people's willingness to continue supporting a content creator is a personal decision - shelby certainly wasn't trying to frame her stream as an allegation with proof. it was an ancedote about a personal experience with relevant details. along that same note, taking up pitchforks and banging on the door of the person in question is ??? again, the stream was hardly framed as an accusation & proof, and that was on purpose. whether or not one believes that he deserves a platform, with the great pains that shelby has taken in order to keep themselves from directly pointing at any specific person and making a direct accusation, brigading in their name in ways meant to directly attack the person in question feels...distasteful, literally for her sake.
like, any fan is capable and has the right to withdraw their support at any time, and giving other people reasons to withdraw their support isn't wrong either, as stating one's opinion is obviously perfectly fine. but uhhhh direct attacks without an explicit accusation being made are a bit of a different story.
but back to the first point, watching people in real time go Oh Don't Bring Up [Name] Sweaty :) was ???? like, it's impossible to go without acknowledging that if it wasn't him, that the amount of coincidences between her ex and the cc would be EXTREMELY high. "there's millions of ccs in england" and shubble was spending hours a day and in the apartment of every single one of them??? like be fucking fr??? this isn't even a case of it's a 50/50 between him and some other guy just based on the number of coincidences as described by shelby's one (1) stream alone, not to mention the corroborating evidence of things like the year's worth of content they produced with each other in recent years. and like, the literal album. which meant that even with the extremely likely possibility of him being the person, people were fucking tripping over themselves to scream NOT TO SPECULATE !!! DONT SAY IT'S [NAME] !!! to the point where when i clicked on the trending tab, tweets along those lines made up at least half if not more of the results. tweets she clearly saw, based on statements by her and her mods. like, look, even if the calls not to speculate came from a place of good intentions, they were all getting swallowed up by the noise of people explicitly telling other people Out Loud not to bring up the possibility of the man who was very likely the person she was talking about as being her ex - all while claiming to speak in her name #believevictims [words they continue to put in her mouth].
like, yeah, when you're going DONT TALK ABOUT HIM!!!!! this totally looks like you care about her and her story and not like a silencing tactic.
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 67
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 67: Planning a Wedding
This was the first time in a while that you had woken up completely alone. You were thankful that the sleeping pill put you to sleep because if it didn’t you were pretty sure that falling asleep would have been hard since Kylo wasn’t wrapped around you. The bed felt empty, but you weren’t alone for long. Adlez and Olivia-Rose were there a few minutes after you became conscious.  
You went about your usual morning routine of getting dressed, having breakfast, learning your schedule, and so on. Somehow it all felt rather monotonous. This repeated for the first few days until you were informed that the dressmaker would be arriving to take your measurements and to design your dress.
You were expecting to meet a man but were surprised to see a rather older looking woman greeting you, “Good morning Lady Ren, I am here to design your ceremony gown.” Her voice was that characteristically sweet old lady voice that always comforted you.  
“It is nice to meet you, I trust my lady-in-waiting sent you some of the designs we need to beat. This is a rather important dress and I would like to get it right.” No, you had to get right, and she knew that.
“Of course, the dresses she sent over were some of the best ones worn by Queen Padme Amidala . Are they something you would like to emulate or are they just something to compare to?” You watched as her kind gray eyes watched your face, they were rather comforting.
“Something to compare to, I also believe she sent over some dresses from my planet as well, some dresses that royalty have worn .” You had seen some of the royal wedding dresses splashed across tabloids at the supermarkets. You knew people always loved them, and you had to admit that they were rather pretty.
“Yes, the main theme from those dresses that I could see were white lace gowns that were modest and featured long trains. Is this something you would like to start with?” She seemed to read you very well, in many ways she seemed like another person you could trust.
“Yes, I want a white dress as it is traditional where I come from. But I would like to include something from Naboo if possible.” You had seen the dresses Adlez had sent over, none of them were really your taste, but you knew Kylo’s grandmother was famous for her fashion sense. And he had a deep devotion to his grandfather, so you wanted to honor his wife.
“We could include some specialty embroidery or lace, Naboo is famous for it unless you would like to have a stuffed bodice?” You did not want the horrid puffy sleeves of her dresses, nor did you want the rather elaborate hairstyles she favored.
“No embroidery or lace will be fine. I am not a fan of large puffy sleeves. I sort of want something sleek and timeless. Something that will be spoken about for millennia.” You hoped the galactic fashion trends were similar to Earth’s in that some things were considered timeless.
“May I ask where the ceremony is being held?” She started to take out her sketchbook and jot down some notes.
“The castle on Mustafar,” you stood by your agreement to have it there, even if a small part of you wished you could have it back on Earth.
“Ah, so I must make you stand out from the architecture. It features a lot of harsh lines and symmetry. And you must stand apart but yet together with the Supreme Leader. I trust the Supreme Leader will have something special made by one of the First Order tailors.”
She started sketching design after design, eventually; you settled on one. Something that would make you look feminine and delicate against the architecture, but yet regal and powerful. It would feature lace from Naboo, and a long train and veil combo that would bring in the royalty vibes you were hoping for. She took the final design and informed you she would be back in a few days with the dress.
All the excitement of designing a wedding dress dissipated after a bit. You were then left to your regular routine of learning, going to meetings, and meeting with your staff.
Kylo had been gone five days before you heard from him. He had yet to make any real headway in finding the scavenger.
“I’ve missed you,” you said as you saw his face appear on the holocall.  
“I’ve missed you too, Kitten.” Gods how you missed his voice. You hoped all of this would end soon because you couldn’t take it for much longer.  
“Are you lonely without me?” If he asked you that question back you would beg him to come home. But he didn’t.
“Terribly, the bed is cold, I miss my morning kisses. My nightly showers are even worse, as there is no beautiful woman to climb into bed with afterward.” He gave you a wink that had you blushing all over. You were glad the holocall gave you a blue cast as you were sure he would tease you about it. “As much as my knights are my brothers, they are no replacement for you. I also don’t think Ushar and Cardo would appreciate playing with me like you do, Kitten.” Now you were fully beat red. “Although Cardo does seem lonely himself. Maybe you could talk to that lady-in-waiting of yours to message him, to cheer him up?”
Of course, Adlez was up to shenanigans when you weren’t with her. “I know nothing of their relationship. If he is feeling lonely, then he can message her himself. “You truly didn’t know anything, and you kinda preferred it that way.
You heard a chuckle come from his deep resonating chest, only muffled by the audio of the holocall, “You are lucky you don’t hear their talks about her then. I am afraid your lady-in-waiting might tarnish my knights.”
“Hey now, she is the one you picked for me. I think she’s just whipping them into shape.” He did pick her out for you, a decision he should probably regret.  
“Literally,” he said with a smirk. You could see the playful water swirl in his cauldron eyes. Eyes that you really wanted to drown in.
“I did not need to know that.” Now the image of Adlez with a riding crop popped into your head, an image that would scar you presumably for life.  
“Well, Kitten, it might be something we can experiment with too once I get back.” And for the first time since you’ve met him, he actually winked at you. You had no idea where this truly flirty side was coming from, but you hoped it didn’t leave.
Your face was now completely on fire. In an attempt to change the subject, “How are you advancing on your mission?”
His face turned into a scowl. “She has been difficult to find, It hasn’t been easy. Once Rey is dead, my mother will hand herself over quietly. But for now, I have to go, we will be dropping out of hyperspace in a few minutes and we will be searching the planets in this system.”
“Where are you off to again?” You haven’t heard directly from him in the last few days, but you have been receiving updates. But you had still yet to learn about the galaxy and its many planets.
“Pasaana, we have a lead that she may be headed there. I will call you when I can.” You could hear some of the knights moving around in the back of the call. You hoped he would just finish what he needed to do soon so he could come back to you.
“Return to me in one piece, please.” If he got hurt or killed, you wouldn’t know how to handle yourself.
“I will.” You watched as his image faded from in front of you. The call ended. And you were alone once more. Alone to face the next few days by yourself.
In the rush of being able to talk to him again, to see him. You had completely forgotten about the need to chew him out for not actually proposing to you. To just leave you in the hands of the rest of the First Order to plan a wedding. But you missed him, you were lonely.
The last few days you had just been eating dinner by yourself. You knew Adlez was eating with the knights and that Olivia-Rose and Mitaka were probably together. All in all, you felt rather more alone. Everyone around you seemed to have a life outside your chambers. Not that you didn’t, but you hadn’t the true freedom of being able to walk the halls or to meet new people to just be friends with.
You had been keeping tabs on your friends back home on Earth. Hayden and Carter both seemed to be doing fine. Hayden had applied for the ‘trooper corps that would be stationed on Earth and Carter seemed to be excelling at work. You knew that calling them wouldn’t be the same as before all this happened. All of you had changed. You dreaded knowing what they were like after the education had fully set in. You were different to but in ways you could not describe. For better or worse you were a different woman than when you first met Kylo. You were becoming more like him every day, and it should bother you, but right now it comforted you. He was gone but was still with you at the same time.
You also did not want to call your parents or siblings. Your parents had been disrespectful to you before you left. You wondered if they would attend the ceremony, your wedding. Or if they would just watch the broadcast like every other First Order citizen. Hux would know, but you didn’t really care either way. Kylo was your family now, and maybe one day you would make one with him. In many ways, Olivia-Rose, Adlez, Mitaka, Hux, Phasma, the Knights of Ren, and your staff were your family. But Kylo was home, and no one could take that away from you. Not Rey, not his mother, no one.
You got yourself ready for bed, as you had been for the last few nights. The only person who saw you was the doctor as he administered your sleeping pill. You took less time to get ready as really; you had no one to get ready for. There was no Kylo to warm the bed or to wake you up. It was just you.
Once the doctor left after you received your dose you rolled over to Kylo’s side of the bed. His pillow still smelled like him and it helped ease the loneliness as the blackness of sleep took over. No dreams to disturb you.
The next few days were as monotonous as ever. The same routine day in and day out, until the general informed you that the ship had arrived at Mustafar two days ago but that they were having trouble preparing the castle.
“So this isn’t a First Order controlled planet?” You assumed it was when it was suggested in the first place.
“It technically isn’t but we haven’t had a problem here in the past, but I suppose that might have to do with the Supreme Leader’s presence at the time,” responded Hux. You were joined by all your staff as you were planning more details for the ceremony.
“So they will continue to be hostile, and the place where my wedding is supposed to happen will be in ruin?” Just what you needed. Your match was out trying to kill someone to protect you, but you were sent off to a battlefield where you were supposed to get married and be crowned Empress.
“Well, the castle isn’t necessarily in the best of conditions in the first place,” said Captain Mitaka.  
“Then why was it recommended?” You had yet to receive any information on your wedding venue, really. You had no idea what it looked like, not that you could really change it now.
“Because it was Lord Vader’s personal residence and his influence on the Supreme Leader’s life has been significant. He holds his grandfather and his legacy in high regard,” responded Hux. You knew the answer but were just frustrated at the current situation. Nothing felt like it was going to plan.  
“So who is attacking the ground troops?” No one had told you who, just that they were being attacked.
“Alazmec of Winsit, Sith cultists. They believe Lord Vader to be a deity,” said Hux.  
A lightbulb clicked in your brain. “Do they know that the Supreme Leader is a direct descendant of Darth Vader? And that he would like to have a wedding at his grandfather’s castle?”
“No, they do not,” said Mitaka.
Why is it that you occasionally felt like the smartest person in the room? “Can we reason with them, inform them of this?”
“We have tried, the troops we have sent have been defeated.” Hux was starting to look easily frustrated. You had no idea how many people they had sent down or how many of the cultists there were, but surely this couldn’t keep on going when you had a wedding to plan.
You had made a decision. “I shall go reason with them.”
“I don’t think that is a good idea. I don’t believe the Supreme Leader would approve of you putting yourself in harm’s way,” said Hux.
“Is the Supreme Leader here?” You have had enough.
“No,” said Mitaka. And this is why he was one of your favorites.  
“Exactly and did he give explicit orders to keep me from going to the planet’s surface?” You were determined to get this whole thing over with.
“No, m’lady,” said Hux. You could tell that he knew he was going to regret saying that.  
“Then I am going down to the planet to reason with them. I will have the knights and Captain Phasma with me. The only way I could be safer is if the Supreme Leader was here himself, but then again if he was we wouldn’t have this problem.” You were starting to understand how a Bridezilla was formed but was it really that unreasonable to get your ceremony space in order? You had promised that you would have your wedding on Mustafar and come hell or high water, you were going to have it there. After all, you were going to be the Empress of the entire galaxy one day, so you should have a wedding to remember.
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Born To Run: Chapter 1
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Mary-Alice Brandon has just returned to her hometown after an incident causing her to relocate just a year ago. Meanwhile, Jasper has become increasingly frustrated with his home life and decides to uncover just what exactly his brother had been hiding. In 1957 two people, with two drastically different personalities meet for the first time. Will their worlds clash or will they realize the only ones they can truly trust with their secrets are each other.
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Her eyes fluttered open at the prompting chime of her alarm clock currently ringing on the bedside table to her right. Mustering up as much energy as possible when one was just pulled promptly frum slumber, Alice rolled from the comfortable position on her side to lie flat on her back. Despite the powder blue clock still ringing throughout her bedroom, Alice couldn't help but to reflect on the wonderful dream she'd been having.
In the night vision, she'd been back in Paris shopping with her step-sister Kate. Being in France the past year had been like a dream come true, a much-needed break from the reality she'd been forced to return to. Kate was newly engaged and thus had decided to return home to Nevada with Alice and her fiance, Garrett, in tow. 
Alice's stomach grumbled loudly and painfully, pulling her from the reminiscing session. She snapped her eyes shut tightly, attempting to ignore the alarm's offending bell and the painful ache in her stomach.  Of course, it was no use; her vacation was over. It was time to come down from the clouds and return to reality. Needing to focus on one issue at a time and the alarm still prompting to her side currently being the most prominent, Alice took a deep breath accepting her fate. Summing the energy to flick the little tab on top of the clock to the off position effectively silenced the alarm blanketing the room in silence. 
Willing herself to sit up fully, Alice removed the pale pink sleeping mask covering her eyes, finally greeting the day. She pulled the plush comforter away from her small body and swung her left over the mattress, placing her feet in the house slippers kept neatly next to the bed. She pulled the think pink satin robe that hung from her bedpost over her thin shoulders as she crossed the room to the window overlooking the back garden. Pulling open the lace curtains, Alice gazed down at the flowers.
It was just before dawn, her favorite time of the day. Alice reveled in the way the dim twilight touched down on the beautiful flowers and the small white iron bench she had coerced her father into placing in the middle of the lovely space. The scene was peaceful; day had started, although night hadn't quite ended. Nature reflecting how nothing was black and white; there were gray areas in everything, in everyone. Nothing like the reality she would be walking into in only a few hours. 
Turning her attention back to the clock, the small teen accepted that she had been staring out the window, lost in thought for far too long. Something her step-father, whom she was meant to meet for breakfast shortly, was regularly scolding her for.
She didn't remember her biological father, and her mother rarely spoke of the man. The facts she had were that her parents had been wed young in an arranged marriage in 1938, Edgar Brandon had been drafted to join the war just two years after Alice was born. The man had gone missing in action, presumed dead. 
Shortly after Alice's fourth birthday, Lilian had met a charming man by the name of Eleazar Burke. Before the year was out, the happy couple were married. Eleazar was the only father Alice had ever known. The now seventeen-year-old adored her unusual family; Kate was more than she could have ever asked for in an older sibling they, of course, fought at times but very close. While they may not be biologically related, Alice couldn't imagine a kinder, more understanding father in Eleazar. He loved all three of his daughters, including Alice, equally never playing favorites. He didn't play favorites, distributing the wealth and opportunity attached to his name evenly between the three girls.
Once she'd gotten moving, preparing for the day came like second nature. She now stood in front of the mirror with her hair and makeup done. She was fully dressed in her favorite skirt and sweater set, complete with the new petticoat she had picked up shopping with Kate over the summer. She'd been saving it specifically for her first day at school back in her hometown since the incident. The way it flared out the red skirt was both fashionable and made her hips look just a bit thicker. The matching cardigan hung somewhat loose, also in line with the current trends while slightly masking the frailness of her frame. She smoothed down the skirt and straightened out her pan collar perfectly before pinning both sides down with the lucky pearl collar pins inherited from her maternal grandmother. Alice took one final look in the mirror with a deep breath and silent prayer. She plastered a smile on her face, ready to face the day.
Meanwhile, across town, Jasper Whitlock was in for a quite literal rude awakening. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We're gonna' be late for school." With a groan of annoyance, Jasper opened his eyes to the familiar face of his cousin Rosalie. The sassy blonde was simultaneously one of his favorite people yet also the curse of his existence. Jasper frequently shifted between feelings of gratefulness for having such a fun-loving relative living next door and wishing her family had never moved across the country to help out after his mother's passing.
With her presently standing next to his bed, hands on her hips, very likely fully prepared to throw something at him if he didn't get moving. He was currently feeling the latter. "Since when do you care about school?" He groaned, sitting up on the thin mattress lying on the floor. "More importantly, why are you here, and how did you get in my room?"
"The door, your dads passed out again and it was unlocked." Rosalie shrugged, crossing the room to take a seat at the only chair not covered in clothing, sheet music, or records as she examined her nails. "Anyway, I don't care about school, but I don't want to miss the fireworks, so we're at least going to morning classes. Now, get up and get dressed."
"What are you yammering on about?" Jasper responded as he threw the worn, tattered blankets to the side and grabbed a white t-shirt from its place, lazily shoved into an already open dresser drawer directly to the side of his mattress.
"Mary-Alice Brandon is coming back today."
"Yeah," The other teen rolled his eyes. "Well fuck Mary-Alice Brandon."
"Oh, come on, tell me you don't care about the inherent entertainment of watching everyone flock back to following her lead and leaving poor Charlotte in the dust."
"You're demented."
"You know how petty high school politics amuse me so." The tall blonde woman shrugged before she stood straightening out her leather jacket as she crossed the room. "At least come to support your best friend? Charlotte is either going to be elated or upset. If it's the latter, it's going to make Pete upset. Relationships are kind of like dominos that way. Now hurry up, Riley's waiting outside, and we need a ride, oh favorite cousin of mine."
With that, Rosalie confidently strutted out of her cousin's room, down that hallway. In the Whitlock's living room, her mother and uncle were engaged in the same decade-old argument they'd been having from the moment Ruth and Joseph Hale had packed up their family moving from New York to Nevada. Rosalie had only been one at the time, having no memory of what actually happened. The backlash, however, had caused a ripple effect through the lives of everyone in the family. Because of this, it was no secret that Irene Whitlock had passed away shortly after Jasper's birth. That uncle Thomas had fallen into deep despair losing his job and drinking the days away. 
It was concern for the boys, James and Jasper, that had prompted the move. Her mother so worried for her nephew's well being that they'd relocated their entire lives to be there and help take care of them. It was meant to be temporary until Thomas got back on his feet. Seventeen years later, the siblings were still arguing over it. Her mother pleading for the man to think of his children. 
Unwilling to witness the same fight yet again, Rosalie left the house and headed to the street where her twin brother stood leaning against Jasper's car. "Is he coming?" Riley asked, disinterestedly kicking absently at the pavement, scuffing up his shoes in the process. 
"Yeah, I had to guilt-trip him, but he's coming."
Just as the words had left Rosalie's mouth, the seventeen-year-old in question came shuffling out of the house. Once the door was carefully and quietly shut behind him, Jasper's demeanor shifted, and he confidently stalked down the sidewalk, climbing into his car without uttering a single word. No sooner had the twins piled into the vehicle behind him than Jasper had peeled out of the driveway headed in the direction of the local high school, barely giving Riley enough time to pull the door shut.
Outside the school, Peter, Jasper's best friend, a tall boy with dark hair, was standing in the parking lot talking to Charlotte. The pair had begun dating over the summer, much to Jasper's annoyance. Their relationship had started in the fall when the girl had entered the antique shop owned by Jasper's uncle that Peter worked in part-time. The two had hit it off as instant friends. Despite a plethora of drama involving Charlotte's now ex-boyfriend Demetri and her friend Jane, the pair had entered into a romantic relationship.
While Jasper didn't particularly care for the girl or her crowd, Peter was gone for her. So the teen put up with Charlotte, and more often than he'd like the teenage queens who followed her around like puppies. Over time, though he would die before admitting it to anyone, he'd even begun to almost like her.
So, when he exited his car, Jasper nodded in greeting to the new couple from across the parking lot before turning to his own social circle in the parking space next to his own. The teens were gathered around admiring Benjamin's new car that he'd won in a race just a few weeks prior. Maria, one of his oldest friends having grown up in the same neighborhood, was already stretched out across the hood leaning back against the windshield. A cigarette burned from its place tucked loosely between her fingers as she chatted with Lucy and Nettie about their plans for the afternoon once they'd ditched.
Jasper was well aware that most if any of the assembled teenagers would be ducking out before the end of the school day. Personally, he intended to be long gone as soon as Rosalie's attention was elsewhere. Which, judging by how engaged she seemed to be in her conversation with Benjamin and Randall on the mechanical details of the new car, wouldn't be long. However, he was already here, and it wouldn't hurt to at least stay for first period. So he elected to join in on Riley, Makenna, and Charles's conversation about the new Buddy Holly single.
Jasper had just made plans with the latter two to head to the local diner later and play the song on the jukebox when Peter, followed closely by Charlotte, headed over to collect his best friend for homeroom. Bidding his friends goodbye, Jasper followed the other boy, his girlfriends, and the group of students she associated with into the building where their lockers were located. As always, because lockers were assigned alphabetically by surname, Peter and Jasper's lockers were right next to each other. 
Not planning on being an active student, let alone showing up at school more often than necessary, Jasper hadn't brought alone anything to warrant keeping in a locker. So, he took a seat on a bench located under a window next to the set of lockers letting the other teens chat as they placed their belonging in the metal storage structures. 
"Is that Mary-Alice?" Eric Yorke, a rather talkative and, in Jasper's opinion, annoying boy gasped out capturing his and Charlotte's attention. The latter turned away from her conversation with Bella and Jane to look at the boy in confusion. 
Charlotte had known her best friend was back in town, but when they'd spoken earlier Alice, as she'd decided to begin going by dropping the first half of her name, had stated her parents would allow the tiny teen to skip the first week of classes. Being an exceptional student well on the way to becoming valedictorian, and taking the incident into consideration, the school had happily accommodated.
"I thought you said she wasn't coming back until next week Char?" Bella spoke quietly, her eyes now following the same trajectory of Eric's
"Looks like the reign of Charlotte is over." Mike snickered, also staring at the top of the stairwell. Following her friends' gaze, Charlotte's expression quickly morphed from one of confusion to that of utter delight. 
Jasper didn't care much for the particulars of high school politics. Prior to Peter's entanglement with Charlotte, the name Mary-Alice had been nothing more than a blip on his radar. The two ran in vastly different circles, he being a proud greaser surrounding himself with like-minded truants who cared more about races and the newest records than anything else. She, a spoiled overachiever. The goody-two-shoes type who headed every committee whose word the majority of student's hung on. Still, even he'd noticed when the girl had disappeared a year ago. So, he turned his attention to the sight that had captured everyone's attention, curious as to what the commotion was about.
 He was met with the sight of a girl who's smile was so pure she almost seemed to glow. Short despite her blatant attempt to make up the difference with the kitten heels she wore. Her slightly curly hair was a chocolate-colored brown rested just short of her chin. Based on the perfect angles of her collar and the way she kept nervously smoothing out her skirt, it was apparent that she'd taken great care to ensure every aspect of her appearance was perfect. His dislike for the teen was instant; he hardly tried to hide the scowl from his face as he watched her scan the hallway. Once her blue eyes landed upon the small group, she burst into a bright smile and a somehow graceful run down the stairwell.
"Charlotte!" Alice exclaimed in a melodic chirp as she reached the gathering. 
"Alice!" The taller girl responded with equal enthusiasm throwing her arms around her friend. "What are you doing at school?" She questioned the smile never leaving her face as she released her friend.
"Papa thought it might be best to just jump right in if I was up for it since I'm home already." Her smile faltered at the statement but returned quickly. "Who are our new friends?" She asked catching sight of Jasper and Peter eyeing the two with curiosity. The former of whom rolled his eyes at the assumption, he was not nor would her ever be her friend.
Jasper opened his mouth to inform this 'Mary-Alice' of as much, but Charlotte responded before he could get the words out. "Alice," She stated grabbing Peter's hand. "This is Peter, my boyfriend. And that's his best friend Jasper."
"Wow," Alice's eyes widened. "I have missed a lot. It's lovely to meet you both." She smiled once again as she took a seat on the bench next to Jasper, expertly tucking her skirt underneath her slim legs as she descended. "The four of us should go bowling after school; I'd love to get to know the both of you better."
Jasper's annoyance grew at the suggestion, unable to put up with anymore he stood in a haste. "That's never going to happen." He shot the small girl a glare and stormed down the hall out of the building. Forget Rosalie, he thought approaching his vehicle in the parking lot. Forget school, and most of all forget Mary-Alice Brandon.
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Kastle incomplete Drabble (SMUT!!)
For once, Ellison didn't spend half the day leaning against her doorframe or pacing back and forth in front of her. Mitchell had gone easy on her since she caught the Rand. Co story. Karen did a Google search on the week's trending argument and wrote a quick column of her take on the discussion. Then Marci and Foggy took her in to lunch. The place was in the lobby of their building, but at least it wasn't Josie's or takeout.
The three had a light lunch with a side of drinks and laughter, followed by a really good coffee to go. The cafe was in the lobby of a law firm but shit, it was good coffee. Even more since she didn't have to pay ; Marci insisted Foggy be a gentleman and pick up the tabs to which he complied and complained.
Marci went back first, letting Karen and Foggy catch up in private. Then Foggy's pager beeped and his secretary came down and Karen knew it was time to go. She thanked him for giving her a minute just like the old days, but refused his offer to have the company car take her back to work. Instead Karen walked down the block in her black heels, reflecting on the not shitty day she was having.
Maybe the universe finally decided to give her the day off, God knows she deserved one any time now. Or maybe the universe was playing a joke on her, giving her peace and calm right before the storm broke.
"Hey lady, I'm real hungry. You got any change? Please?"
Karen stopped. Why the hell not? She'd just saved some by NOT buying herself an expensive cup of coffee. Maybe if she made some hobo's day, she could keep the good streak going. $10? $20? Have $40 buddy! It's your lucky day. Maybe some luck could rub off on her too.
"Thanks Karen."
This was the storm the universe was preparing for her. Her punishment came in the form of The Punisher.
Karen grabbed the strap of her purse and turned back.
"You're still all heart, huh?" He said, holding the two 20s in his hand while he held the shawl together with the other.
"Things got this bad, Frank?"
"Wanted to say hello. I thought I'd try my luck out here and not get my head blown off."
Karen threw her head aside and scoffed. Bullshit
"You still got that hand cannon?"
Karen patted her purse. "You better believe it."
A small part of her felt proud that the Punisher was proud of her, but she brushed it off.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Can we talk?"
Karen was walking shoulder to shoulder with a dead man. Regular people would have fainted or cried, but they weren't Karen Page. She was pissed! He had been alive this whole time and only now decided to show his face? Where the hell had he been? Did he know all the hell she had been through?
Screw him! fuck him!
Karen had meant these as insults, but the second she saw him standing in her apartment without the shawl, looking like that, the same curses became orders.
"Drink?" she was almost all the way inside the fridge herself trying to distract her mind.
"I wasn't sure if you'd still talk to me."
"I wasn't either. You look well, rockin the whole, uh hipster thing."
God, when was the last time she was fucked up good? The universe didn't count.
"Been flirting with the idea of going full man bun. You, uh, think I could pull that off?
Frank Castle was attempting to make light conversation before he jumped straight to the point. He felt he owed it to her, after letting her believe he was dead, only to show up when he needed a favor. He was doing a piss poor job.
Fuck no! She was dying to run her fingers though his buzz cut hair, like in all of her fantasies.
"Where have you been?"
Who the f was he, coming out of the the shadows just like that? Like nothing had happened; like she hadn't secretly begged the universe to send him to come save her while she thought he was dead.
"I had business, Karen. I had to finish it."
Damn it! Here we go.
"And you finished it?" Karen asked as she made her way to the couch.
"Look, Karen, there's, uh there's somebody that knows I'm still alive. I need to know if you said anything."
"God no! No, Frank, you should know me better than that, I would never."
"You want to say no, you say no, but I could really use your help."
"You want me to help you find them?"
Of course he needed her help. When was he actually here to spend time with her, or on her.
"I do."
Yup, he'd let her think he was dead, while he knew the shit she went through, and here he was asking her a favor. Hell, he never wanted to hurt Karen Page.
"Look, this guy calls himself Micro, right? Like that's supposed to mean something. He's been watching me. I think he's some kind of spook and he's gotta be a good one, 'cause I didn't see him coming."
"And all you got's a name?"
"He said something about us both being dead men, right? About me not being the only ghost in New York."
"How do I contact you?" Karen noticed as Castle made his way to the table, damn! That ass! and scoffed at seeing the most wanted human fugitive in Devil's Kitchen placing a pot of flowers on her kitchen table.
"You bought me flowers?"
Oh he wasn't leaving tonight without Karen jumping his bones. He OWED her. And she was pretty sure his thoughts weren't so different either.
"Yeah. I'm an old fashioned kinda guy. I was thinking if you had something, you could put the flowers in the window. I'll call you."
Damn it! That look on her face, and he knew he wasn't gonna be leaving anytime soon. She looked so damn sad, and it was because of him. He owed it to her to make her happy.
Karen nonchalantly nodded her head.
Okay, let's fuck the Punisher.
Shit! That was one too many okay's. He was done for.
No, he was the Punisher. Karen Page didn't deserve to be caught up in his life. He should go. He's going to leave. Screw this Micro guy.
"Thanks Karen, thanks for the beer." He placed the untouched beer bottle on the table next to the flowers. He'd only turned back half way and her long fingers were wrapped in his hair, pulling his face down to kiss him.
Frank's eyes closed but he was shocked, keeping his hands away as far from her as his brain would allow. But then Karen tucked her body against his as she further kissed him, and his hands flew to her back, holding her tight. He tugged her closer and she opened her mouth to gasp, giving way for Frank to slip his tongue inside. Her hands went to his bare collarbone as she walked him backwards, up against the pillar.
"It's really good to see you."
Hearing words put some sense in Frank's mind and he started to back away, but Karen didn't let. She bit his lower lip and dragged it out, resting her forehead against his.
"Shut up! You don't get to come back unannounced just to ask a favor." Her breathing was rugged and she quieted to catch her breath.
"I needed you, Frank. I was in deep shit and I needed you. But you were too busy playing dead. But now?" She closed her eyes and dragged her face against his like a cat.
"Now, right now, Frank. I need you. I need you to-"
She didn't need to finish for him to know what she needed, and he didn't even let her. He grabbed her soft, creamy face in his big calloused hands and kissed her real good. Karen's hands were on his neck and back, drawing him into her further. Castle growled and pushed off the wall, spinning so that Karen was now pinned against it.
He ground up against her and she moaned his name. He loved it. Her hands went to the back of his sweat, tugging at the neck, and he dragged himself away for just a second so he could peel off the thing and throw it away.
Karen pulled away to put her hands on his chest, quickly running her long fingers over every inch, every scar on his body. Frank grabbed the top of her shirt and ripped down and went in for a kiss as she tried to shrug out the shredded cloth hanging on her arms. His mouth slipped off her lips and kissed her jaw, then down her long neck; his hands wrapped around her neck as if he might choke her.
She moaned as he kissed the top of her breast as his hands fell down her body, hooked in her skirt. Frank looked up at her as he kissed her stomach and gave her skirt the same treatment as her shirt, revealing her matching black underwear. Karen grabbed his hair as he kissed the rim of her panties, and a loud gasp escaped her as he kissed her through the cotton, his tongue pressing hard against her spot.
Frank kissed back up her body, grabbing her neck tightly in one hand as his other stayed below. As his tongue forced entrance into her wiling mouth, his hand slowly slipped under her panties. First his calloused hand cupped her heat, then his middle finger went up and Karen keened, her head banging against the wall.
With her head thrown back, Frank had to lean in further to kiss her, making his body press against her. He humped her against the wall as his finger went in and out of her, quickly adding another.
The pressure was building but she didn't want to come on his hand. She needed a good fuck.
"Frank! Bedroom!"
He pulled his hand out, cupping her ass and assisting her to jump on to him, wrapping her legs around him. She tugged at his hair to lead him to her bedroom door, which she noted to get fixed since Frank had kicked it down.
Inside, his legs hit the bed and he literally tossed her down. Karen stayed up on her arm strength Frank lowered himself to her. She tilted her back to kiss him, and his hands went around her back do undo her bra.
He flung it off her and pushed her back down to the bed, but she sat up again. Her hands went to the button on his jeans and he let her do it, but was surprised what she planned to do when he was all commando.
Imagine that, Karen Page giving the Punisher head.
He was already wet when her little mouth took him whole, spreading his spilled essence down his length. His hand dug in her hair when her lips touched the base and his head threw back.
Oh Fuck!
Karen pulled off with a pop and looked up at him slyly, and went back down on him. He could feel the hot liquid running up and he didn't want to do it in her mouth. Frank pulled her by the hair, paining her, and he finally managed to drop her to the bed. Karen's knees dragged up his this and his hand dragged down her front, pulling her underwear down her legs. 
His hands went back up her legs and he pushed them apart, positioning himself between her. He was the Punisher for God's sake! He wasn't going down easy. And he didn't. He fell onto her, ramming into her already wet hole. Karen screamed and he kissed her, swallowing her wailing. Her back rose up, curling agains his body, and he pulled out, then thrust back in mercilessly.
He was a military man. He was an assassin. Karen should have known what to expect. And she didn't complain. It was just like her fantasies, but a thousand times better. He was actually here, in her, pounding into her.
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729renegades · 5 years
Hello, today I’m with Julie Williams whose part of the Maple Mastermind Group and we’re going to be doing the Up Close & Personal interview for the Renegade Magazine so we’re going to get to know a little bit more about Julie. Who is Julie?
Julie Williams: I think at the moment a very busy working Mum. I’ve just left a corporate life to follow my own dreams and start my own business which has been quite nice.
Andy Stace: It’s good to see and nice to watch your progress. So, what do you do exactly Julie?
JW: In my working career I have a business that I’ve been running for 12 years where I sell children’s books, which has always been my passion. Accountancy has been my profession; however, I’d say that I’m more of a business consultant and trouble shooter than a general accountant in that almost all of my career has been about solving problems, getting people out of difficulties and all sorts of different kinds of things actually. So, I’ve had lots of past experience and I think what I do is very diversified and really enjoyable.
AS: Good stuff! So, where are you from Julie?
JW: I’m from the Rhondda Valleys originally.  I moved to Cardiff when I was 21 years old, quite some time ago now. I then moved to Miskin, which is a little rural village in between Cardiff and my home town and actually the location is brilliant as it’s 2 minutes off the M4. I like living there, it’s great place to live.
AS: So, do you have a partner or a husband?
JW: I have a partner. I was divorced about 7 years ago. A very amicable divorce, we get on really well and we’re both very good parents, which is great. We don’t have any issues. There were no solicitors involved so it was quite simple. I have a new partner of four and a half years and his name is Lee. He doesn’t tend to understand the business side of things because he’s an engineer and a motor technician but he’s very supportive.
AS:  I know it’s not polite to ask a lady her age but roughly how many years have you been floating around on this planet?
JW: I’m a year and a little bit off fifty.
AS: Really!  You don’t look it.
JW: Thank you.
AS: You look great. So, what inspired you to run your own business then?
JW: I think that for years I’ve been freelancing as an accountant and helping people out and then I was poached into the corporate banking world 2 years.  It was a great decision because it took me out of the position I was in at that time where I wasn’t particularly happy and felt undervalued.  In the corporate world, the banking industry wasn’t for me in the fact that I didn’t make the decisions and I couldn’t make a difference and help the companies I wanted to help. So, it was always a case of. . . let’s go back and do something that you’re good at. My feeling was, that for 45 years I’d worked for somebody else, why not do it for yourself. I’d always enjoyed my other business and that’s worked quite well alongside employment, so I just thought I’d give it a go and do it for myself. And so far, so good.
AS: So, during those 2 years, what was the biggest thing you learnt? Even though you didn’t enjoy the job, what did you take away?
JW: The biggest thing I learnt. . . I learnt a lot of new skills. Obviously, it was a brand-new career, accountancy and banking is completely different.  People think they’re related but they’re not.  Bankers are not taught to do what an accountant does, and banking is quite restricted. So what I found was, I looked after a portfolio of about 150 plus customers and I learnt that the customers are absolutely amazing and as an accountant and a business consultant, you can help them but in relation to a bank, because it’s a huge, huge monster you’re governed by facts and figures, you don’t see the whole picture of the actual customer. . . . How long they’ve been in business, how much money they have in the bank now, what sectors, their trends.  I’m not saying that these figures and facts aren’t important but sometimes you have to see that business is a rollercoaster, so as an accountant and a business consultant I understand that but as banker, they don’t understand that.  And I felt that I learnt an awful lot about the industry and the fact that it’s a very, very tough industry.  It’s very, very competitive in relation to the banking as well but it wasn’t for me. I liked the job but after almost a 10-hour day, I never felt an achievement. I never felt, oh that’s great, it was almost the feeling of, it’s great to get it off your desk. Where it’s completely different when you actually help somebody, whether they have a cashflow issue, or whether they’re looking for growth or whether they’re looking to sell their business, you have a completely different gratification almost of doing that than you do from a bank.
AS: Sounds very clinical and very impersonal.
JW: It is, very, very impersonal.
AS: Based on numbers and ratios, so it doesn’t actually take the personality of the business owner into account.
JW: No, it doesn’t at all, and this is the issue, as I said, with a 150 plus customers in my portfolio, that was without the people I was covering, there are some really, really good people out there who care about their business. You just have to understand that it’s a rollercoaster.  So, as an accountant and coming from industry, I was almost over servicing these people because it certainly wasn’t in the rule of what the bank wanted, they really only want you to tick boxes almost.  You need to see 6 maybe 8 clients a week, well if you’re going to spend time with clients and understand their problems, that’s sometimes impossible.
AS: So, taking what you’ve learned from the bank, how’s that motivated you on a day to day basis with your new business?
JW: It’s motivated me hugely into helping businesses more.  I’ve always known, that businesses struggle, particularly business owners. Whether they’ve come into the business through hierarchy or whether they’ve come in through entrepreneurship, what they find is, that very often they’re so wrapped up with the operations of the business that they forget about the business side, looking after the HMRC and accounting and all different things like that. They don’t take them into consideration, and I’ve found that I’ve seen it more, even though I’ve always been exposed to it, because this is what I’ve always done, going and looking after so many more customers within a banking field I’ve seen that it’s almost the norm. I’d say that 90% of customers are brilliant at the operations side but the actual running of the business, they almost need a little business avatar to help them so that they can concentrate of day to day activities.
AS: That’s great, but what does success mean to you? What’s your vision for your business?
JW: My vision has been to make a difference, but personally I’d like fulfilment. Financial freedom is on the backbone of it but it’s fulfilment for me.  In the fact that if I’ve actually helped companies grow and helped people sell their businesses for a lot more money than they would have done or helped people to get over those difficult times in relation to turn around. I discussed with you earlier about a business that is really struggling at the moment and I’m literally on the grasp of trying to salvage it. To me, if I do salvage that business, that’s almost like, “come on let’s go out and have a bottle of Verve”, just to celebrate, because I’ve helped that business get through those really difficult times, so the more of them I can do, it’s almost like the vision of bringing people on to help them do the same as me. I want lots of mini me’s to be able to help and make a difference.
  You can listen to the rest of this interview by logging into your travectio account and going to the Resources/Audio tab.
  from Blog | 729renegades https://ift.tt/2PYG0kB
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