#where benrey takes that whole “a boy is picking on a girl because he likes her!!” thing entirely to heart
mylarena · 4 months
Benrey was back again.
Gordon could feel his blood pressure starting to rise at the sight of that worn-down hoodie the boy seemed to be perpetually wearing. Does he not have any other shirts? It's not even cold out! Not to mention his stupid fucking hat. Gordon doesn't think he's ever even seen Benrey's hair. Who knows, he might actually be bald under there.
That's besides the point. The point is, Gordon can see the moment Benrey catches a glimpse of him from across the room, and he internally braces himself for the ridiculously mediocre bullying he endures daily.
Gordon isn't sure why Benrey decided he was the ideal target for his harassment, but he's put up with it for the past few years anyways.
"yooo, feetman!"
Gordon takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, then tries to release the tension in his shoulders with it. He doesn't bother responding to the nuisance pestering him, instead trying to direct his focus on the math problems on the notebook in front of him.
"heyyyy," Benrey throws an arm over his shoulders, leaning his full weight onto Gordon, "you being a nerd? little- little nerdman? little nerdman doing. doing his math? mathboy? mathman?"
Gordon grits his teeth as he feels a tug on a lock of his hair that had fallen from his ponytail. God, why is this boy so touchy?
"psssst, feetman?" Benrey presses his face right next to Gordon's to look at the page, entirely dismissing any notion of personal space. "what are you working on, nerdman? numbers? workin' on numbers? numberboy? numberman? numb-"
"Jesus Christ, have you never heard of personal fucking space?" Gordon leans away and shoves Benrey off of him, finally looking at him with a scowl.
Benrey blinks at him. "whuh?"
Gordon groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. He can feel a migraine building.
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