#where as a lion is 27-34%
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violet-knights · 10 days ago
Was reading a buddie fic and they where at the zoo and mentioned the cheetahs and it got me thinking about cheetahs (one of my favorite animals as a kid) and how at our zoo they said that they are really bad hunters based on their hunting success rate and I was like “I should check that fact to make sure it’s true” (I wanted to leave a comment talking about it) and so I then went on a 3 hour Wikipedia/research deep dive about Cheetahs hunting success rate and comparing them to well known big cats like lions and tigers and came to the conclusion that cheetahs don’t seem to be nearly as bad as my local zoo said but also that hunting success rate is not the best way to calculate these things because I could barely find any literature backing up the numbers and when I did try and find the source it all led back to itself in a fucked up ouroboros and also things like gender and if they are hunting in a group often affect the numbers a good amount.
And then I remembered I was reading a fanfic and I should probably continue with that.
That’s the story of how two lines in a fic ended up making me go crazy for 2-3 hours trying to get some answers.
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sabertoothwalrus · 11 months ago
Dungeon Meshi Episode Breakdown Predictions
I know people have done this before but I didn’t feel like looking them up so I typed up my own
13. Thistle
14. Orcs
15. Dryads
16. Kabru
17. Laios learns magic/cockatrice
18. Shuro & Kabru’s party reach Laios’s party
20. chimera falin pt 2 Laios Gets Punched
21. Shapeshifter (BARK BOY BARK!!!)
23. Marcille’s nightmare
24. Ice golem & barometz
the nightmare seems like it’d be a better place to end the season, so maybe they’ll change the chronology of those last two eps?
Season 2
25. Canaries arrive/Golden Kingdom
26. Griffin
27. Changelings
28. Canaries enter the dungeon/giant mushroom/thistle & falin/kabru & mithrun fall
29. Changelings pt 2/ BICORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
30. Dullahan
31. Succubus
32. Kabru & Mithrun
33. Phoenix
34. Rabbits
35. Curry
36. Thistle pt 1
37. Thistle pt 2
38. Canaries interrogation
39. Marcille dungeon lord & THAT GAYASS KABRU SCENE
40. That bit where they pretend to be parasites in the familiar to reach marcille
41. Doppelganger
42. Cunty Black Dress
43. Rescue Marcille
44. Lion stuff
45. Laios becomes a monster
46. Final battle
47. Help Me Eat My Sister :)
48. Dinnar
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months ago
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Image © "Evanatt", accessed at their Pillowfort here
[Part 2 of a three part series on Icelandic Christmas folklore, following the Yule Lads. Which means yes, a Yule Cat is forthcoming. Earlier Icelandic writings emphasized Gryla's monstrousness; there are versions where she has three heads and forty tails and forty sacks. I quite like this design as a compromise between some of her most extravagant forms, and just making her an ogre]
Grýla CR 16 CE Fey This huge ogress has a crown of horns and four eyes, two in the normal places, one on her forehead and one on the back of her head. She has cloven hooves and clawed hands, and fifteen tails which she keeps tied up in two bundles. She carries a large sack thrown over her shoulder.
Grýla is a fey troll, a vicious giant who devours children. She lairs in a lava tube among frozen volcanic mountains. She is happy to feed on wild game and the occasional traveler for most of the year, but ventures forth in the wintertime begging for food in civilization, disguised as an old woman. In said disguise, she often offers to “take care” of disobedient children, by which she means murdering them, stuffing them into her bag of holding, and returning to her lair to cook and eat them. Unsurprisingly, Grýla is used as a bogey in areas where she has roamed long after her own attention has gone elsewhere.
Grýla prefers to pick on creatures weaker than her. She uses her fey magic and mastery over stone to disorient and hinder opponents, winnowing them down so she can fight one at a time. If she is feeling playful, she will use her many tails to disarm, trip, blind and annoy opponents, but once playtime is over, she merely tears them apart with her hands like fresh bread. Grýla values her own life, and will flee if she feels overpowered by using long step to take cover, then distracting enemies with mislead or project image.
Unlike a number of other bogeys, Grýla is the matriarch of a whole clan. These are her Yule Lads, a gang of fey miscreants who harass towns and farms during the winter solstice. The Yule Lads are friendly to their mother, and treat her consumption of humanoid flesh as more of an uncouth habit than a horrific crime. Grýla is on her third husband (having killed and eaten the previous two); this is the ogre glutton Leppalúði. He is as lazy as he is ravenous, so is happy to have his wife be the primary provider for their household. Their pet is the Yule Cat, a monstrous feline that more closely resembles a domestic cat the size of an elephant than any lion or tiger. Like many cats, this beast roams free much of the time, but always comes back around the home for a good meal.
Grýla CR 16 XP 76,800 Variant fey creature mountain troll CE Huge fey (augmented humanoid, giant) Init +3; Senses all around vision, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +24
Defense AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+3 Dex, +19 natural, –2 size) hp 225 (18d8+144); regeneration 10 (acid or fire) Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +13; +4 vs. mind-influencing effects, +8 vs. charm and compulsion effects Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 27 Defensive Abilities rock catching, stubborn; Weaknesses vulnerable to sonic
Offense Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 40 ft., long step Melee bite +23 (2d10+12), 2 claws +23 (2d6+12), 2 tail slaps +21 (2d6+6 plus vexing blow) Ranged rock +15/+10/+5 (2d8+18) Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 2d6+18), rock throwing (120 ft.) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +21 [+25 casting defensively]) At will—stone shape 3/day—dancing lights, spike stones (DC 17), stone tell 1/day—confusion (DC 17), deep slumber (DC 16), earthquake (DC 21), entangle (DC 14), faerie fire, feeblemind (DC 18), flesh to stone (DC 19), glitterdust (DC 15), irresistible dance (DC 21), major image (DC 16), mislead (DC 19), project image (DC 20), summon monster VIII (earth elementals only)
Statistics Str 34, Dex 17, Con 25, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 10 Base Atk +13; CMB +27; CMD 40 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Deadly Aim, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quick Draw (B), Toughness, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +18 (+22 when jumping), Climb +30, Disguise +10, Intimidate +21, Perception +24, Sense Motive +22, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan SQ change shape (human or ogre, alter self or giant form I), rocky stride
Ecology Environment cold mountains Organization unique Treasure standard (bag of holding type IV, other treasure)
Special Abilities Long Step (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, Gryla can teleport up to 180 feet as a move action. Rocky Stride (Ex) Grýla can move through any difficult terrain created by natural rock or stone without penalty. Spell-like Abilities Grýla uses her Wisdom modifier for the purposes of determining the DCs of her spell-like abilities and for concentration checks. Stubborn (Ex) A mountain troll gains a +4 racial bonus on all Will saving throws. In addition, if the troll fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, it can immediately attempt a second saving throw against the same effect on the next round to end the duration of the effect early. Vexing Blow (Ex) When Grýla hits an opponent with one of her tail slap attacks, she can make a disarm, trip or dirty trick maneuver against them as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. Grýla gains this ability and her tail slaps instead of a fly speed from the fey creature template.
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indiestsnake · 4 months ago
here’s a personal ranking of every single fish in a birdcage song currently released, worst to best. cuz why not.
#39: Roots. Not my style, not what I rlly listen to fish for, and paced a bit too oddly for my taste.
#38: Otherside. Again, I don’t rlly come to fish for more electronic sounds, unless it’s in tandem with more acoustic stuff. Also, it’s repetitive.
#37: Movies. This is where the ranking gets infinitely harder, because I literally like every single fish in a birdcage song. Even the last two. Movies is just a bit too lyrically simple and unevocative. Doesn’t make me feel, just a nice tune.
#36: Lion. Again, nice tune, bit to simple with the lyrics. Or rather the lyrics just… don’t conjure much for me.
#35: If Trees Could Talk. Nice wrap up to the album, and an enjoyable tune with good lyrics. Just not personally my taste, a bit too slow n simple.
#34: Gideon. Kind of a fusion of Still and Drunk on Pride if memory serves, but that’s the thing. Memory doesn’t serve. It’s a lil forgettable, especially since so many songs in the album are rather similar.
#33: Man O’ War. Do I need to explain? It’s Man O’ War. Pirate shanty incarnate. Great, but doesn’t really make me feel. but like. MANN OH WAR, OOH-III-OH! FERRY US ALONG, WITH FREIGHTS OF GOLD!!!
#32: Sand. Wonderful. Calm, melancholic, bittersweet. The only reason it’s here is cuz you have to be in the right place to like it. Too slow n sad to listen in an average playlist, too melancholy to be comforting at times. Still good.
#31: Still. I really like still. But still is also, as they say, weird as shit. Gives me a very specific image all the way through, just a bit odd to listen to. Do not put this in your sleep playlist, you will enter another reality.
#30: Calamity. Ohh, calamity. Boss battle music!! And great for it. Bit generic tho. *lightning strike sound effect*
#29: Two sides. Finally out of the Man O’ War barrage lol. I like it! It’s simple, enjoyable. That’s… about it. Not insubstantial, just exactly what it says on the tin. Two sides.
#28: Blessed by a Curse. Fan-fuckin-tastic chorus, but i wish they’d let the instruments speak for themselves more. The “woawoawowoho…” messes with it for me. But that piano hit!! And the STRINGS!!!
#27: Poet. Poet’s damn good! For like. A minute and a half. lol. The parts with the vocals are great, the end is wonderful, but it’s mostly made of instrumental that isn’t as good as the rest.
#26: Brothers. Guys. What if we took Drunk on Pride and Man O’ War and merged them?!? Wouldn’t that be cool!? And it would, but… again, a bit generic. We’ve heard this before, in those songs. Tbh a lot of Man O’ War as an album feels vaguely based around Drunk on Pride and Gideon. It’s weird. I like it.
#25: Moonlight. Lovely. Makes you cry when you need to, and comforts you when you don’t. Like sand, but more applicable.
#24: Amigo. Dabudabudabudabaduadadudabadatdye, dadatdababudu, dabudabubaddudatdudaba dabudabudadubatdadatdadada! Lyrically simple, absolute vibe. Love it.
#23: Drunk on Pride. Great, fucking love the strings here. Especially that crescendo at the end of the first chorus, I ascend this mortal coil every time I hear it.
#22: Magic. The first rule! A bit boring in subject compared to those above it, but great. That violin riff is holy, and the “DA badabada DA” in the melody is great.
#21: Child of the Stars. Really cool, like if you took all the good of Otherside and mixed in some Waterfall, and a bit of poet. Motivational, and those violin riffs… ough. Love em.
#20: The secret rule, Rule #6!! Also known as- Fuck it either way. lol. For those unaware, this rule isn’t published due to some personal preferences of Dusty(the project lead/singer). Mainly cuz it has fuck in the title. There’s a few vids on YouTube of it if you wanna listen. ANYWAY. Great tune, great melody. If a bit lyrically on the nose.
#19: Like a Rock. Like a Rock is slept on. It’s a weird, experimental end to a weird, experimental album, and it shows! The pacing is a touch syncopated, tone can be odd. But man, that fucken guitar melody. And the instrumentals. And, the one part at the end. If you’ve listened, you know.
#18: Rule #34. Had to come eventually, eh? Yes, that was a juvenile joke. Anyway. The strings, the piano, all of the instrumental goes so hard. Especially after the last chorus, when the piano really comes in. And yes, the lyrics do make me vaguely uncomfortable, and that means it’s a bit detached meaning wise. But it is too good to simply leave at the bottom. And yes, all of that wording was intentional. I know what I said.
#17: My Dream, My Addiction. What a song name. I love the strings, the way it’s slow and loud and so many things. It’s hard to decipher, and I love it. It’s just a bit odd for an average playlist, but it’s here mostly on principle anyway. Just too personally interesting to leave low.
#16: Angel Tango. It’s like. The same as My Dream, My Addiction. But a bit less obtuse and weird. Only a bit tho, still kinda odd in a real good way. One spot above feels right.
#15: Lore. Lore! Recent-est song as of now. I fuckin love it, I genuinely just wish it had a bit more. The cello, the ethereal vocals, the everything. But a bit too short, feels kind of insubstantial. A few more lines per chorus would’ve gotten it quite a few places higher.
#14: Momento Mori. ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUUUUST! Absolute vibe, the lyrics are my favorite kind of esoteric and odd, the guitar is great, all real good. At this point, the only thing placing songs higher is them doing what others have done, better.
#13: James Picard. Gorgeous. I love this one so much, the strings are just heavenly. Vocals are wonderful, the harmonies, and the story, ough. Love it.
#12: Throne Room. Again, the cellos and violins. This one is similar to the rest of the album, but unlike many others, it’s so damn unique. The feeling of majesty and mysticism, the lyrics, that chorus of ominous chants before those beautiful strings kick back in. The flare sound effect, ough, it’s all just great.
#11: Microphone. We’re getting into the interchangeable zone, everything below is amazing. For this it’s the starting cello, and the ending cello. Oh, and the middle cello! And the vocals. And the cello!!
#10: Four Aces. More than the sum of its parts. The chain sound effects, and the dull, venomous delivery. The shout in the middle, the story it tells so perfectly and simply. The last lines, where the vocals rise just slightly, making you prep for another shout-! And then they fall. No release, just a few strums and the sounds of shackles, chains, shovels and spades. It all fits like a puzzle.
#9: Fiddler’s Heart. Like, c’mon. It’s Fiddler’s hearts. Fiddly, jovial, simple and lovely on the ears. The story and character, the constant variety of wonderful violin in the back. Great. Perfect, and I mean PERFECT, to listen to on a summer walk.
#8: Long Way From Home. I love the electric guitar in this so much. This is everything good about Roots, Otherside, all of the more electrical stuff they’ve made, raised up and properly realized. It’s repetitive, but it works, because the variation in the instrumentals, and tone, and delivery. It just works. It is Otherside’s heroic father figure whom it looks up to. I love it.
#7: Fish in a Birdcage. The icon! All of the band’s stranger and more strings-based stuff, given the Long Way From Home treatment. Or I guess it’s the other way around. Whatever. It’s weird as shit, it sounds awful on first listen but it somehow sounds amazing after a few more. And the sound is not something you get in any other song, period. Acquired taste incarnate, and I love it for that.
#6: Arizona. The other secret rule!! For the unaware, Arizona is a song that has been recorded and made, but they haven’t decided what rule number it should be. Thus, it’s regulated to a YouTube video if you’d like to listen. And if you didn’t notice the placement, you should. It just… I don’t even know. The vocals and the guitar fit so perfectly, the melody has that quiet quiet, LOUD thing like in magic but perfected. It just works for me. Something about it.
#5: Pyre. Ohhhhh, Pyre. How I adore you. The accordion(actually it might just be two violins but whatevs) that you get nowhere else in their music. The warmth, the vocals, it’s like the motivational parts of Child of the Stars taken to its peak. The type of song that makes you believe people care about you. Fantastic, wonderful, beautiful. I adore it.
#4: Birds of a Feather. I LIED!! THIS is the best summer walk song. Jovial, happy, tells a wonderful story (that’s based off a real Irish pirate queen), has hints of pyre in its tune. And, lemme talk about the importance of preserving history like this. Ireland got fucked over by the British. A lot of culture got erased. And that two-sentence summary really doesn’t convey it. But things like this preserve a truly vast and enthralling culture that is halfway lost to time in modern day. I’m not Irish, but I am a lover of history. And knowing the culture Ireland and so many other places lost, the culture it’s still bleeding today… it makes this song mean a lot more.
#3: Through the Tides. This song is a goddamn lullaby, and that is said in the best way possible. The ethereal and misty melody at the beginning, the gentle and constant picking of an acoustic guitar. The beautiful high notes on a violin to accent it, the almost mystical and mythologized story told through the lyrics. It makes me care so much, feel so comforted, by a theoretical whale that I have never once heard of before. Calm and peace incarnate, makes me feel like a cloud of mist. A blade, gently gliding through the tides.
#2: Paperwork. Paperwork! PAPERWORK!!! This feels like a thesis for Fish in a Birdcage as a band. Freeing listeners from routine patterns of thought, the warm resonations of a wayward writers guitar. Also, I adore the tone and message. It criticizes industrialism, but it’s not angry, or rude, or vitriolic. At worst it’s jokingly chastising the listener. Relax, my guy! It’s a fixable problem! Kick back, don’t have a fucken heart attack over it. Just plant some trees, live your life, create things. Don’t get caught up in the paperwork. I love the meaning of the song, if you couldn’t tell. The music is great too, the relaxed, happy tune. The one-minute monologue at the start that they honestly make work really well. It’s just great. I love it.
#1: Waterfall. Are you surprised? I don’t think you are. The vocals are goddamn perfect. The melody, waxing and waning between gentle picking to rhythmic strumming. The drums always different, the beautifully timed symbol crashes that accent everything perfectly. The little “Hey!” In the background after every verse, the fucking transcendent basswork. God, the basswork. I posted about it earlier and that genuinely inspired this list. The story of two people the song tells, the genuinely perfect, and I mean perfect way of conveying the spark of love. It makes my heart flutter. Just… thinking about the scenario in context of most anything, it makes me get it. It being… love. That spark. Why do you think I refer to love as flame more often than not in my writing? And!!! It’s four and a half minutes too! This is the opposite of insubstantial!! Everything about this song is near-perfect, and I will never get tired of it. It’s mixture of meaning and restraint and simplicity and sheer just being nice on the ears is a solidification of everything I love about this band. It deserves my number one.
That’s the list! Except for Fish in an 8bitcage but somebody else technically made that and also I haven’t listened to it so shh. Feel free to comment on my opinions, tell me I’m wrong, right, whatever. You can comment your own opinions too! Or maybe you’ve never listened to a single song from this band, then you can comment about that. You get the memo. Have a nice day.
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 months ago
Transiting Sun enters Leo
Monday, July 22 - Thursday, August 22, 2024
Leo the Lion*:
• Fire (identity - enthusiastic, energetic, creative, passionate, assertive, freedom-loving)
• Yang (levity - outgoing, expressive, logical, left-brained)
• Fixed (stabilizing security - concentrating, consolidating, persevering, stubborn)
• Interpersonal (social - focused on others)
• "I show"
• Ruler - Sun; exalted - Pluto (in Ms M’s opinion)
• Color: warm reds, sunburn pink, all the colors in a tequila sunrise, gold lamé
(* Gleaned almost completely from the book Astrology for Yourself by Bloch and George; the color is my own theory/belief.)
Leo season is supposed to be a joyous, (re)creative time. We deserve to be noticed and applauded! As astrologer Steven Forrest wrote,
There is a part of you that is colorful and interesting, worthy of taking up some space, worthy of claiming time and attention from other people. You are the hero in your own story and that story is worth hearing - take the risk of acting as if you believe that.
This month, in addition to having fun, you also should pay attention to your own authenticity - “true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise,” per mindtools dot com. Authenticity and integrity, mixed in with the partying and drama.
Monday, July 22 - Sun/Leo opposite Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°52’. A confrontation? A choice? This is one aspect where authenticity is very much at the heart. How do we stay true to ourselves without completely alienating everyone else?
Thursday, July 25 - Friday, July 25:
Sun/Leo sextile Mars/Gemini, 3°36’
Sun/Leo (3°51’) sesquiquad Saturn Rx/Pisces (18°51’)
There’s a lot of energy, but also some minor timing issues. Recklessness, too; plowing on ahead heedlessly.
Wednesday, July 31 - Thursday, August 1:
Sun/Leo inconjunct Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 9°21’
Sun/Leo trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 9°35’
Authenticity and integrity again; growing pains. We have to be mature about something, and we actually enjoy it.
From here on, most of the aspects overlap quite a bit - they seem to flow into one another.
Sunday, August 4 - Wednesday, August 7:
New Moon, 12°34’ Leo
Sun/Leo (13°38’) semi-square Juno/Virgo (28°38’)
Sun/Leo (14°36’) sesquiquad Neptune Rx/Pisces (29°36’)
Sun/Leo sextile Jupiter/Gemini, 15°32’
The New Moon is a powerfully intense one. We may not completely trust our own judgement, especially when it comes to our partners, although we’re also confident about getting it right eventually. Lots of enthusiasm and optimism.
Friday, August 9 - Sun/Leo inconjunct Saturn Rx/Pisces, 18°05’. Adjustments; perhaps some ill health. We may feel like giving up, instead of doing the hard, necessary work.
Wednesday, August 14 - Tuesday, August 20:
Sun/Leo (22°51’) sesquiquad Ceres Rx/Capricorn (7°51’)
Sun/Leo trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°21’
Sun/Leo (23°48’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries (8°48’), semi-square South Node/Libra (8°48’)
Sun/Leo square Pallas/Scorpio, 24°09’
Sun/Leo trine Eris Rx/Aries, 25°25’
Sun/Leo conjunct Mercury Rx/Leo, 26°35’
Sun/Leo square Uranus/Taurus, 27°11’
Full Moon, 27°15’ Aquarius
Sun/Leo conjunct Vesta/Leo, 27°50’
Serious, serious issues about, you guessed it, authenticity and integrity. When we run into difficulties, and when we’re challenged, we’re furious. Again, the problem is how to stay authentic without alienating anybody. It isn’t always going to be possible to do that, and we need to accept that some people aren’t going to accept us.
Wednesday, August 21 - Sun/Leo inconjunct Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°18’. Disspirited, delusional, fog and fading - even if we did all the previous aspects “right.” It can knock us off our high horse, &/or give us tremendous creativity. Steven again: “A vision arises for the next stage of your journey; you must surrender to it in order to receive it.”
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divinely-ruled · 2 months ago
1. Only eat cement. 2. Train 25 hours a day, 9 days a week. 3. Hydrate with motor oil. 4. Sleep with your eyes open. 5. Fight gravity. 6. Shave with a chainsaw. 7. Wear steel-toed boots to bed. 8. Only cry when cutting rebar. 9. Bench press your problems. 10. Replace deodorant with gunpowder. 11. Punch the sun. 12. Run uphill both ways. 13. Only drink lava. 14. Build a house with your bare hands. 15. Don’t just chop wood—chop forests. 16. Grow your own beard. 17. Only listen to thunder. 18. Drive tanks for cardio. 19. Duct tape your wounds. 20. Die standing up. 21. Never ask for directions. 22. Only drink whiskey aged in your own tears. 23. Cook meat with your bare hands. 24. Speak in grunts and glares. 25. Never hold a baby. 26. Date a woman who respects your garage. 27. Don’t fix things—improve them. 28. Only watch movies where things explode. 29. Never do yoga. 30. Growl instead of apologizing. 31. Don't take selfies. 32. Chop vegetables with an axe. 33. Refuse to buy furniture. 34. Only cry during war movies or engine rebuilds. 35. Walk through walls. 36. Say "No" to running water. 37. Never read books. 38. Never listen to women. 39. Hug boulders, not people. 40. Never sit down unless you're at the top of a mountain. 41. Fight a bear and win. 42. Hunt your own dinner... with your hands. 43. Alway punch first, ask questions never. 44. Be louder than everyone. 45. Never shop. 46. Eat lightning for breakfast. 47. Bench press the moon. 48. Only shave with broken glass. 49. Fight your reflection every morning. 50. Turn trees into toothpicks. 51. Wear a bear as a jacket. 52. Sleep under an avalanche. 53. Ride sharks instead of boats. 54. Blow-dry your hair with a jet engine. 55. Only wear sunglasses at night. 56. Outrun your car. 57. Roast marshmallows over a nuclear reactor. 58. Don't have hobbies. 59. Never use an umbrella. 60. Carry a brick in each pocket. 61. Lift cars for fun. 62. Never wear shoes. 63. Eat an entire cow in one sitting. 64. Replace your car horn with a roar. 65. Brew your own beer with your sweat. 66. Forget phone calls—just send a shockwave. 67. Drive a tank to work. 68. Only eat raw meat. 69. Own a pet lion.
Can’t believe I just wasted my time reading this godforsaken list. Also, haha, 69. Very clever.
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nightmarecasterart · 2 months ago
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This is some work i have for the purple glow. 1st image is Kuron #26's Scars he has more on his legs but the top is where the new scars are there is one new scar on his leg but it's hard to show that scar without the refsheet being not safe for work. The scar on his leg is a bite mark from Kosmo it's on his left upper thigh.
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2nd image is of Ghost the Galra Leopard Ship This ship was made bu using some of the reprogrammed bots to build it Kuron# 39 takes the credit but #26 was the one that made the ship. The Ship holds the soul of a child that was lost many years before, and about the time when Shiro joined the Garrison. The kid doesn't show up till the 2nd part of The Purple Glow as a cat that Pidge thinks is a stray and puts food out for it. Well, the other people in the garrison keep seeing the ghost of a small child in the loading hanger. Allura gives the name of the ship Ghost for a story Shiro tells Allura of an old book he was told when he was a kid. Of a Lion with white fur and yellow eat. Ghost's ship eyes go from purple to yellow to Blue depending on who is in control. purple for Kuron/Shiro Yellow for Older Shiro/Kuron #26 Blue for Ghost.
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3rd Image is the eye chart for the fan comic. Shiro's eyes are full of life well #39 is more laid back and then #26's is eyes are sharp to a point it can make a person feel fear. Pidge's mother gets to see those eyes at some point making her yell out that Shiro has been replaced with a monster.
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The Kuron Fam drawing of all the Clones that are in use. #26 was the 1st to keep is shape and helped them make the other after him until they got to #39 where they did something different where he was different from the others. The other Kuron's had a connection to #26 they saw him as the leader and wouldn't listen to anyone else marking them off as failures. When they got to #39 they changed something that made #39 never have the connection like the others making him more aggressive over all. He was good and listened to what he was told but he was the one to break out in a fight with the others. #37 has two robotic arms because of #39 takes both of his arms off for not fighting back giving him the name weakling. #26 picked off Kuron's that could not be useful to him so numbers 27-33 were taken out. The Garla know that as the day that #26 lost it and got the name Monster and was removed from the Kuron project. #26 was marked too dangerous to keep alive but did he really die or was his mind just overwritten by someone else. #37 shows up in the side story with Sam talking about his time in the galra. #34, 35, and 38 were all sold off after the Kuron Project was over. #34 was sold to a collector of rare creatures. #36 was sold to a place of much NSFW. #38 was sold to someone who was using him as bait for a beast but the creature didn't even want the bait so #38 got left tied to a cactus.
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 2 years ago
From the Ashes Pt.6
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Pairing(s): one sided! Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader
Warnings: new characters :), changing povs, Cersei POV, MC POV
Words: 3689
Summary: A shadow assassin is sent after Jaime and Reader.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22 Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26 Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39   Part 40 Part 41 Part 42
Book Two of Heir of Ash and Fire
Book One of Heir of Ash and Fire
She wouldn’t let the sight of the man intimidate her. The very sight of him had her chest flinching with fear. Knowing what this man was, what he did, it made her all to conscious of them being alone.
Cersei purses her lips and pushes the fairytale that her mother had told her long ago out of her mind. There was no time for that. That kind of stuff wasn’t real. Even if it was, well, the best for her she supposed.
“Half now, the rest when the deed is done.” That’s what the daughter of the golden lion had told this assassin. Inniros Orelelion. There was a power in her narrowed green eyes. It was nowhere near the somewhat bored stare that came from Inniros’ single blue eye. The other. . . well, the other was closed, sunken in by what was lost. When he moved his head, his shocking red dreadlocks moved to cover it as to not offend a lady of her pedigree. Cersei could hardly care. What she did care about was what this man could do. She had searched high and low for someone of his caliber. Once part of the Golden Company and even more important was the rumor that clung heavy on him. “I’ll throw in extra if you return my brother to me, alive.”
“It will be done, Your Grace.” His voice, not used to talking, was gravely and low as his eye lowers to the sack of coins she had hefted onto the table.
Grimacing, Cersei leans back in her seat; worried glances at the door then back to Inniros’ sickly pale face.”We shall see. I have sent the finest assassins after them. None have succeeded.”
Inniros stood and swiftly grabbed the bag, measuring the weight in his hand. “I’m not the finest. I’m the best there is.”
Abruptly jumping out of her seat, she stares with disbelief at what she had just witnessed. With complete ease and nonchalance, Inniros had walked into a corner that was dark with shadows and completely disappeared within them.
She stares hard where the assassin had once been. It was true. This man who was born from the shadowlands of Asshai was a shadowdancer. A darkin like the one from her mother’s stories. Someone who could control shadows at their beck and call.
A chill ran up her spine at the thought that they had been alone together. Someone who had a capability like that. . . an evil capability that came from the Stranger.
Breathing deeply was able to calm her nerves. What’s done was done. A handsome fee had already been paid just to get information on Inniros Orelelion. Not that the Casterly Rock vaults would miss it. They were swelling with gold.
The cost didn’t matter. She would spend as much as was necessary. Eyelids lowering at her fingers, lovely and flawless. “Come home to me Jaime. . .”
“Lady Cersei? Lady Cersei?” A servant is heard calling her down the hall.
A sigh heavy on her lips, Cersei gets up and pokes her head out of the council room. “Stop all that yelling. What is it?”
Collecting her breath, the maid holds out a neatly folded letter from her apron. “His Grace Prince Rhaegar has been injured!”
“Is it fatal?” Cersei snatches the letter and skims over it.
Slash across the face.
Protecting Robert Baratheon.
Still advancing.
She had thought Rhaegar a coward at first and highly doubted that he would win even with the help from House Lannister and the Dornish.
But Rhaegar was now causing fear in the Crownlands.
Since the battle in the Reach, Rhaegar’s army had been advancing quickly; cutting down anyone that got in his way. A sudden switch in him that seemed to turn the tides. It was only a matter of time before he toppled Aerys off the throne. He would be king and Cersei would be married to Oberyn and living in the hot sands of Dorne.
“Has my father said when they estimate on Rhaegar’s army arriving in King’s Landing?” Cersei closes the council room door behind her and follow the maid to her father’s apartments.
“Not yet. He’s dealing with a raven he received from King’s Landing. Aerys is scared and running to Tywin to fix everything.” A few more doors to pass and they would be at his library. “The king makes his own doom too easy.”
Quickly knocking to announce Cersei’s arrival, the maid bows and takes her leave.
Cersei puts the meeting with Inniros out of her mind and walks into the library. How boring the life of a lord must be to consistently be stuck in a room; signing this, writing that all sounded tedious to Cersei as she finds her father permanently stuck to his chair. Keen eyes focused on the note that was no doubt from Aerys.
“What tidings does the Mad King send to you, father?” Leveled and cool, Cersei perches herself on a chair, eyeing the new lines around Tywin’s eyes; a reminder of his age and the toll of Jaime’s disappearance had on him..
He hardly looked in the mood for anything. If Jaime didn’t return, Tywin would have to name a new heir. Long ago when Jaime first decided to be a knight, it was decided by Tywin that no matter what, little Tyrion would never inherit the title of lord. Beyond everything, Cersei’s father held out hope that Jaime would eventually come to his senses and come back to Casterly Rock where he belonged. Now everything had fallen around Tywin as he tasted bitter ashes of his empire.
“He wants me to send my troops to defend King’s Landing when Rhaegar arrives.” Stating simply, Tywin set aside the king’s notice and looks up at his daughter.
Cersei offers him a smile. “None the wiser.”
Even with this news Tywin did not smile. “Do not be too confident just yet. Rhaegar still has to overthrow Aerys.”
She scoffs and leans back in the chair. “He might as well already be at the gates. Do you not smell the fire that he set in the Reach? How it has begun to engulf the Crownlands? We should be calling him King Rhaegar.”
“Much can happen.” He warns, making Cersei purse her lips. “A Targaryen uprising like this hasn’t happened in centuries. Not since the Blackfyre Rebellion. People forget how easily the tides can turn. Caution is required now as are calculated moves.”
Victory had already been on Cersei’s tongue though. Once Rhaegar took the throne he would wed Elia Martell, sister to her own fiance Oberyn. She would be that much closer to power. In Dorne, women were more revered and weren’t thought of as the weaker sex. In Dorne, women were allowed to rule. She was already coming up with her own plans on how to take rule of the sandy dunes of one of the most difficult kingdoms that Westeros had ever fought against.
Lowering her lashes, she knew that her father had much wisdom in the art of war. “Caution. . .”
Something Jaime never took heed of. Internally, Cersei scolds herself for thinking of him. By now Cersei was convinced that Jaime had fled, possibly rescuing (y/n) from the flames that Cersei had let loose. Somewhere in Essos they were together now.
Indignation fanned Cersei’s cheeks just thinking about it. He had made his choice. Now Jaime would pay for it. He had deftly taken down each assassin sent. Not this time. This one was different. Cersei witnessed it herself. Inniros was no ordinary man.
It was hard for her not to get her hopes up.
Caution. She needed caution and to hold her breath. Trust that this killer birthed from shadows would get the job done. * He watched them diligently atop of one of Volon Therys’ many towers as they entered the city. How hard could it be? Jaime Lannister may have been a former King’s Guard but that meant little to Inniros. He had taken down men twice as strong as this young cub. From what the Lady Lannister had divulged to him, he had need of caution around her brother. That he was an expert with blades. Blades could do little against a shadow though. His main goal however was the sister. The young girl that walked happily at his side. Even though they were but a speck at the height Inniros was at, his hawk-like eyes were able to see true that these were the ones. Both blonde of hair. If he succeeded in getting the young maid alone then his job would be that much easier. Innocence plain on her awestruck face, Inniros felt like a cat with a tiny bird in his claws. Easy.
Inniros reached out to the shadows at his feet as he slowly dissolved into them. This river front city had plenty of shadows for him to walk through. A voice inside of him spoke of the trepidation; everything about this assignment was proving too simple. Never the less it was the easiest money he would ever make. ** You and Jaime deserved to rest. With Bastard having taken all of your belongings, including your money, there was no way that you could afford to rent a room.
Jaime finds a spot for you to sit and wait. “I’ll go get some money. Just wait here for me and don’t talk to anyone. Keep your hand on your sword. We don’t know how dangerous this place is.”
Your brother was always scared when he was forced to part ways with you. He didn’t like the idea of not being able to keep an eye on you. “I’ll be fine, Jaime. I know you’ll get funds in no time. Be careful.”
Rough hand patting the top of your head, it lingered as he chews at his bottom lip. Growing self-conscious with the knowledge that your hair hadn’t been washed in days you take a step back. His hand falls to his side. “I’ll be back. Two hours tops.”
“I’ll be waiting.” You smile up at him and watch him as he reluctantly left. As he had instructed, you kept your hand on the pommel of your sword; eyes observing the daily going-ons in Volon Therys. You and Jaime had arrived in the city in the late afternoon. Being so, there was a decent flow of people walking around; too busy to pay you any attention. Finally you felt the weariness of your travels weigh you down. A night’s rest would have you ready for your final destination: Volantis. Already fantasizing of sleeping on a bed, your body relaxes a bit. Jaime had set you down on a discarded barrel, out of the way of the main street but still in sight of the pedestrians. Tented stalls that sold various items were alive with business. Above you was a stone archway that provided shade from the descending sun.
Your stomach grumbled at the scent of someone roasting meat. Mouth filling with saliva you shake the hunger from your head and instead pull your sword out of its scabbard. Your sword wasn’t anything grand. Jaime had just picked it up from a thug that thought he could pull one over on your brother. The blade was dull and scratched in several places. Something you would have never seen in King’s Landing. Knights and soldiers took great care with their weapons, priding themselves with keeping their swords sharp and glistening. This sword had not been well loved before falling into your hands. You had tried to get the scuffs out, polish it a little bit but it was no use. Years of mistreatment had taken its toll.
You turn your wrist in practice, the way your brother had taught you. The sword becoming an extension of your arm as you set on simple practice drills as you sat waiting. All while humming The Dornishman’s Wife.
Humming halting, you feel something in the pit of your gut. Sick, cold and slithering inside of you. Something you had never felt before.
You didn’t feel good.
Out of instinct you stand up and lean forward as if you were going to vomit.
Just in time to catch the metallic sound of a sword swinging in the air behind you. Abruptly you spin around, sword at the ready to catch a glimpse of bright red hair and a gleaming blue eye. The face disappears before reappearing off to the side. Astoundingly tall, this stranger emerges from his blanket of darkness. Shocking red dreadlocks tied together in a ponytail rests over his shoulder. The bottom half of his face was concealed by a black cloth.
Hand immediately becoming sweaty, you move to take a step back to prepare yourself for a fight. Only. . . you couldn’t move your feet despite attempting to lift your leg up. A thick shadow was holding your feet down to the ground, forbidding you from moving.
You panicked as he moved to strike you.
“Darkin.” Your mother’s voice came to you. A memory as she held you in her arms. Her chin rested atop of your head as she kisses your crown. In a scary voice she continues reading the book that was in front of you; your little hands holding it up as she read. “These creatures give up their souls to become one with the shadows. To shape, control, and even walk in them. They come from the shadowlands of Asshai where the people there even fear them as well.”
“Are there any darkin in Westeros, momma?” You tilt your head up. She smiles. “No darling. These are just stories. They aren’t real.”
Gods. . . this couldn’t be-
Sword blocking his attack, your body moves backwards as you tried not to fall over. Knees buckling, you use all of your strength to swipe him away. He moved easily, not like he was fighting. Like he was dancing. Taking a step back he disappeared again only for you to feel him behind you again.
Everything was happening so fast. Your heart didn’t even have a chance to beat when you felt his presence.
This was how you would die. Unable to move to defend yourself. Pitiful and weak.
Then he hissed, the shadow at your feet quivering.
“Let her go. Unless you want another lash.” A heavily accented female voice laced with venom.
That didn’t scare off your assailant. The noises you could hear behind you were that of a struggle.
Cracking of a whip filled the air and made you inwardly flinch. The woman spoke in a foreign language that you couldn’t pinpoint. Hisses and grunts could be heard from the male until silence.
“He’ll be back.” She grunted. A weight was lifted from your feet. The moment you felt it you turned to face her. Beautiful dark skin, face framed by a wealth of thick black curls and a proud, furrowed brow. “We must make sure that you’re at the Red Temple before he strikes again.”
So many questions. The urgency in her hazel eyes told you that there wasn’t time for any of that.
You were wary though. This new stranger mentioned the Red Temple, something Thalina had told Jaime. That didn’t give you cause to trust her though.
The hand that held her weapon, a golden whip, went slack as her features softened. “You are (y/n) Lannister, yes?”
Keeping your mouth shut you eye her, vaguely nodding yes.
“You can call me Sirvart. I am a servant of the Lord of Light. Thalina sent us a letter telling of your arrival. It was my duty to wait for you here in Volon Therys for as long as it took so that I may safely escort you to Volantis.”
Thalina. A mere stranger wouldn’t have known who Thalina was.
You lower your sword feeling exhausted all over again. Sirvart offered you her hand. “We must leave before the darkin returns. I lack the power to kill him.”
“W-Wait. My brother. I’m supposed to be waiting for him.” Fearfully you gaze at the closeby shadows, wondering if your assailant was still there. Waiting for another opportunity to strike.
Sirvart nods. “We shall retrieve him then.”
She seemed to know where she was going, this mysterious woman as she lead you through the streets with ease. Her eyes never stopped scanning her surroundings though. Always alert and watching the shadows closely.
“Do you know where my brother is?” You hesitantly ask.
“Yes. My companion alerted me. That’s how I knew you would be here too. She told me that there was a young man with hair like gold making trouble in a tavern nearby.” Sirvart’s pace was brisk and business like.
Thinking of the shadow man, you dared to speak up. “And. . . that man. . . was he really a darkin?”
Stopping, she meets your concerned expression. High cheekbones lowering a fraction as she frowned. “Yes.”
“I thought they weren’t real. My mother used to tell me stories about them.”
“Many share the same assumption. Darkin are all but gone now so they might as well be stories. A hand few of them are still around, make no mistake about that.” Pensive, Sirvart continues a much more leisurely stroll. “For one to attack a follower of R’hllor though. . . That’s unheard of.”
“Why is it unheard of?”
“Without light, there can be no shadows, only darkness.” She states matter of factly. “Many darkin worship R’hllor and would never do harm to his followers. That one must have been a rogue.”
Why had he been after you? The question was left on the tip of your tongue. You didn’t really want to know the answer. The reason why this man made from the tales your mother had told you wanted you dead.
Soon enough, you and Sirvart had made it to the seedier side of the city. Where crime seemed the only way to live. There was an area like that in every place you had ventured to. Even King’s Landing had Flea Bottom. You knew that’s why Jaime left you behind whenever he had to go to places like that. They were dangerous. Silly, you should have been used to that threat by now. It never ceased to surprise you though. The coarseness of humanity and how life could turn out so cruel for so many.
Reassuringly, you pat the handle of your sword to make sure it was still hugging your hip.
Outside a rundown looking establishment was a slip of a girl. Coming closer, she turns her pale face toward you and Sirvart. Sleek black hair that comfortably reached her shoulders as she stood patiently outside of the door. You noticed a few men eye her, but quickly avert their gaze when they see her face. A mass of scarlet freckles decorated her cheeks almost making her look like she had some sort of disease. They were off putting against her pale skin. Two strips of red were tattooed on either corner of her mouth, running down to her chin. She was an oddity but somehow they made her look pretty in an ethereal way.
Sirvart calls out to her. “Alizah.”
Even though her face was turned toward you, she seems to perk up at her name and smile. She was blind. “You found her.”
“Aye. Is he still in there?”
Alizah nods. Black unfocused eyes glittered like the night sky. “It’s so nice to finally meet you (y/n).” Even though she was blind, it felt like she was actually looking at you. Like she saw you.
“Alizah, there’s a darkin after this one.”
Alizah blinks owlishly, her smile dipping down into concern. Realizing how urgent the matter is, Alizah opens the door for you and Sirvart to enter. The tavern is incredibly noisy and filled with a dense cloud of smoke. Smoke from what, you hadn’t a clue. Confidently leading the way, Alizah moved through with grace and ease while you couldn’t help feeling self-conscious of the many men that stared at you and your two female cohorts. The three of you obviously stuck out.
There was a group of men gathered at a table, but you could clearly make out Jaime’s voice among the hoots and cheers.
“Alright men, pay up!” Jaime shouted, cockiness thick in his tone. He was met with a few grumbles and quite a handful of nasty glares as men handed over their money to the golden boy who spoke the Common Tongue.
Squeezing your way past a few grubby men, you get to the center where you catch Jaime’s attention. Frowning at the sight of you there, he collects the money and promptly puts it away. “(y/n), what are you doing here?”
Sirvart pushed her way through to stand next to you, sending deadly eyes at men who looked your way. “I was attacked while waiting for you. This is Sirvart. She saved me and is here to escort us to Volantis.”
“Attacked?” Jaime immediately stood up. Panic made his eyes wild as he moves away from the group and ushers you and Sirvart out of the circle to where Alizah stood patiently. He eyes the other girl but is too concerned about you.
“I tried to fight back.” You claim defensively. “But. . .”
Shoulders drooping, Jaime lets out a sigh and rests his hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re alright. That’s all that matters.” Now he addresses Sirvart and Alizah. “Thank you for helping my sister.”
“Thanks are not needed.” Alizah replies in that dreamy voice of her’s. “If you’re done with your business here I suggest we leave for our boat.”
Gnawing on his bottom lip, Jaim glanced at you. “What about resting?”
How you wanted to rest from your long journey. You couldn’t though. That wasn’t an option now. “It would be best if we keep moving. They’ve been waiting here for us all this time. Plus whoever attacked me is still after me.”
Your safety put in danger was enough to make Jaime nod. “Okay. Lets go.”
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pugzman3 · 11 months ago
Psalms chapter 104
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.
2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.
6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.
8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.
10 He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.
11 They give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst.
12 By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.
13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.
14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.
16 The trees of the LORD are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted;
17 Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house.
18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.
19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.
21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.
22 The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens.
23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening.
24 O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.
26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.
27 These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
28 That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good.
29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.
30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
31 The glory of the LORD shall endure for ever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works.
32 He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.
33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.
35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the LORD, O my soul. Praise ye the LORD.
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mearnsblog · 1 year ago
"Zootopia" (2016)
Let's get one thing out of the way first: "Zootopia" is a treat to watch. Their animation team received quite a bit of praise in wake of its release, and it's extremely deserved. All the different terrains they travel through in "Zootopia" are imaginative, clever, and well-considered. The visual jokes are top notch, and the bits with the sloth DMV and the timber wolves are a hoot.
I think there's a lot to like about the story here, too, and it's not a given that I'd say that since I figured out the twist halfway through. There are important lessons about not painting with too broad a brush, and we see the protagonist, Judy Hopps, on both sides of the coin. She's constantly striving to earn respect within her department despite being a small bunny, but she is also just unsure enough about foxes that it sets up a crushing conflict with her new nuisance-turned-friend, Nick Wilde. Tolerance, forgiveness, and understanding are all as important to this movie as basic heroism, and it deserves praise for that.
In short, it looks fantastic, touches on important life themes not always glimpsed in Disney movies, and has its fair share of humor as well. So… why did "Zootopia" sometimes struggle to hold my attention and ultimately fall in the middle of the pack of my rankings?
It's hard to say. This may just one of those good, old-fashioned subjective opinions. While I enjoyed the story from a thousand-foot view, the execution of it was not super-duper compelling. It wasn't bad by any stretch -- far from it -- but something was missing with the characters. Maybe part of it is that I don't find Jason Bateman as funny as I did when he was on "Arrested Development," though he did a good job with Nick's indignant turn on Judy. And if the the second top-billing isn't quite delivering the goods, then the lead has to crush it, and Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy just wasn't it. Again: not objectionable! Just not capital-g Good. The side characters mostly didn't do it for me, either, and while she only popped up occasionally, Shakira was just distracting. It takes you out of the movie to have her gazelle character pop up on the news and just… be Shakira.
So this one was tough for me because I know how much some people like "Zootopia." Hell, it won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film and this wasn't a "Brave" situation where people watched with raised eyebrows (yes, "Wreck-It Ralph" clearly should have won, why do you ask). But I can't pretend like something was better than I thought. That's OK, too! Taste just varies. So it goes.
Updated ranking
1. “Beauty and the Beast” (review) 2. “The Lion King” (review) 3. “The Little Mermaid” (review) 4. “Cinderella” (review) 5. “Mulan” (review) 6. “Tangled” (review) 7.  “Wreck-It Ralph” (review) 8. ��Frozen” (review) 9. “Sleeping Beauty” (review) 10. "Big Hero 6" (review) 11. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (review) 12. “Aladdin” (review) 13. “The Emperor’s New Groove” (review) 14. “One Hundred and One Dalmatians” (review) 15. “The Jungle Book” (review) 16. “Lilo & Stitch” (review) 17. “The Great Mouse Detective” (review) 18. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (review) 19. “Fantasia” (review) 20. “The Rescuers Down Under” (review) 21. “Tarzan” (review) 22. “The Princess and the Frog” (review) 23. “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh” (review) 24. “Alice in Wonderland” (review) 25. “Lady and the Tramp” (review) 26. “Pinocchio” (review) 27. "Zootopia" 28. “Robin Hood” (review) 29. “Oliver & Company” (review) 30. “Hercules” (review) 31. “Pocahontas” (review) 32. “The Rescuers” (review) 33. “The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad” (review) 34. “Bambi” (review) 35. “Peter Pan” (review) 36. “The Aristocats” (review) 37. “Fantasia 2000″ (review) 38. “Dumbo” (review) 39. “Bolt” (review) 40. “Meet the Robinsons” (review) 41. “Treasure Planet” (review) 42. “Chicken Little” (review) 43. “Fun and Fancy Free” (review) 44. “The Fox and the Hound” (review) 45. “The Sword in the Stone” (review) 46. “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” (review) 47. “The Three Caballeros” (review) 48. “Make Mine Music” (review) 49. “Brother Bear” (review) 50. “Winnie the Pooh” (review) 51. “Dinosaur” (review) 52. “The Black Cauldron” (review) 53. “Saludos Amigos” (review) 54. “Melody Time” (review) 55. “Home on the Range” (review)
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christmascookiediary · 7 months ago
Famous people that people think are good looking but i dont:
1. Micheal jordan - nothing about him is attractive except his bank account
2. Brad pitt - he is quite average looking but he aged well so ig
3. Leonardo caprisun - i used to think him and leo da vinci were the same person, but anyways this one i truly dont get he has a weird face and kinda short
4. Nate jacobs - his eyes point downwards and just not it
5 Jennifer aniston - her face is flat either way a big chin but she kinda looked nice in that zoom call w brad
6. Angelina jolly - she isnt that pretty
7. A whole bunch of rappers like xxtentacation
8. Scralet johnason - absolutely not
9. Candice swanepeol - her body banging but her face got banged into a wall
10. Miranda kerr - very wide face and i dont like dimples but atleast the eye distance balances out her nose
11. A bunch of vs models like rosie hutchen she also got a big nose
12. Those russian doll models from the 2000s
13. Gisele bunchden - look like a a lion that got squashed between two elephants
14. Selena gomez - moomoo girl
15. Emma stone and a bunch of other mid female actors and emmas
16. Ryan gosling and reynold - mother nature, may you just please space people’s eyes correctly
17. Nina dobrev and all the other mid actresses with bug eyes like emma stone,
18. Most white passing people with brown eyes and brown hair
19. A whole bunch of models especially female because theyre so malnourished they lose female hormones
20. Tyra banks - crazy eyes, its not unique and fierce its just nutjob and freak
21. Those chicks that look like sandra bullock and gal gadot
22. Anyone with bug eyes, nasties
23. Jenny from blackpink
24 wongyoung - i dont like ‘puppy’ eyes because they just look low intelligence, whiny, and less attractive that upturned eyes
25 - douyin makeup - i hate you and the people that do it
26 a bunch of chinese celebrities, just looks like discount white people
27 those black or lightskin dudes that arent even attractive for their face but for their dreads
28 men who look like felons - mentally ill women, its not cute
29 anyone who gets told they look like brad pitt
30 - overly bulky dudes - just like women with a stupid bbl, you guys only attract ghetto weirdos
31 - austin butler - i dont think anyones actually calling him cute
32 people like shawn mendes, slightly above average with a massive money status halo
33 people who arent actually good looking but just grooms themselves alot, like shawn mendes
34 big booty latinas - highly overrated
35 people with annoying accents and voices
36 girls who are attracted to older men or men with masks or military uniforms - no, everyone knows youre a rank girl officer
37 basic people, mainly because for some reason youre all mean on average
38 people who have annoying mannerisms
39 people who are rude
40 people who let their anger out on others
41 anyone who i deem as a waste of oxygen
42 unkind people - youre ugliness is showing xx
43 ratchets who are always looking for a fight
44 people who think theyre gang but have no reason to be - go and move to the streets if you wanna be from the hood so badly
45 people from the hood in general
46. Basically just anyone who is think is not good looking and people who have rotten personalities no inner light
Dishonorable mentions : ann hathaway - she kinda cute, joghnny depp - not as cute as people say he is but he alr
People that i dislike - no explanation needed
People who i hate - at the bottom of the list where you should be in life
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lebaronlordking · 2 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King May 6, 2023 [email protected] kpoo.com
4:00 PM Yabby U - Jah Over I 4:04 PM Devon - Ghetto Cry 4:07 PM Pressure Busspipe - Jah Is Real 4:11 PM Luciano - Use Jah Words 4:18 PM JahMan' - The Truth 4:23 PM Big Youth - Such Is Life 4:26 PM Junior Roy - High Grade 4:31 PM Tilibop - Ganja Plant 4:35 PM Lila Iké - Dinero 4:38 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Mr. Rastaman 4:41 PM Junior Delgado - Merry-Go-Round 4:45 PM Half Pint - Mr. Landlord 4:48 PM Robert Marley - Do You Still Love Me 4:51 PM Hymn Marley - Since You've Been Gone 4:55 PM Inna De Yard - Baltimore 4:59 PM Dezarie - Not One Penny 5:03 PM Shaggy - Mad Mad World 5:07 PM Protoje - Late at Night 5:11 PM Matisyahu - One Day 5:15 PM Sister Nancy - Bam Bam 5:18 PM Luciano - No Night In Zion 5:23 PM Ras Kidus - Where Is Jah Love 5:27 PM Sevana - Lowe Mi 5:31 PM Jaz Elise - Gratitude 5:34 PM Cedric Myton - Rat Trap 5:38 PM Yaadcore - The Calling 5:43 PM Dennis Brown - Africa 5:46 PM Toots & The Maytals - Do You Remember 5:49 PM Peter Tosh - I Am That I Am 5:54 PM Droop Lion - We Pray For Them 5:58 PM Lutan Fyah - Bla Bla Bla 6:00 PM Steel Pulse - Roller Skates 6:05 PM Garnett Silk - Evey Knee Shall Bow 6:15 PM Eek-A-Mouse - Ganja Smuggling 6:19 PM Eek-A-Mouse - She Feels It 6:23 PM Massagana - Haile Him 6:29 PM Irie Souljah - Jah Jah Children Rise up 6:33 PM Chezidek - Dem No Worry 6:36 PM The Wailers - Redemption Song 6:40 PM Samory I - There Is A Spirit 6:46 PM Dre Island - Take Me High 6:50 PM Jesse Royal - Natty Pablo 6:53 PM Vanessa Bongo - Jah Send Me 6:56 PM Sean Paul - No Fear
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zalrb · 2 years ago
ok let’s see if i can make it through this -- bridgerton edition
1. skipping the recap because fuck that shit.
2. just do the voiceover already. i hate anticipating it.
3. oh maybe no voiceover??
4. oh my god, i don’t care.
5. of COURSE the writer is one of you, she’s writing ABOUT you, WHO ELSE would write about you? who else has access to you?? WHAT?
6. clare from derry girls is the writer person right?
7. “just remember to stay composed” isn’t that just supposed to be upper british society? shouldn’t this be second nature to her? they’re repressive AF.
8. shouldn’t this conversation be something they did BEFORE the carriage ride? it’s the queen.
9. i don’t think you understand how much i hate everyone talking.
10. i should be drunk for this.
11. jesus christ it’s only been 5 minutes.
12. there’s the fucking voiceover.
13. “is she truly that good a writer” no, they never are on TV.
14. when i see anthony i just see danny
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15. the soundtrack is good but it’s more charming than the actual show.
16. why do i care about what danny, i mean, anthony wants?
17. i’m supposed to find him in this open white shirt attractive but it just makes me want to watch a kdrama.
18. oh a horse chase/race. how exhilarating.
19. jesus christ.
21. So much talking.
22. This is the fakest fucking market.
23. I need everyone. to shut up.
24. This is a long conversation.
25. “Just remember to breathe, Bon”
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the latter was more fun.
26. These women are gorgeous and the men are basic ass white men, if there’s not going to be a single conversation about it then they should step up their game. 
27. Like, I knew what I was getting into but the complete absence of discussion about imperialism and colonialism and racism is just laughable.
28. I am struggling to not just forward through.
29. Oh, she’s going to put him in his place for his misogyny isn’t she?
30. “I take issue with any man” yadda yadda. BANTER.
31. “Your character is as deficient as your horsemanship, I shall bid you goodnight.” Good one, though.
32. Why is London suddenly a lion’s den? Nothing happened except she heard a man be misogynistic, which should not be a surprise. This makes me miss cdramas where, like, the harem and intended for the harem would sabotage each other, poison each other, cause miscarriages, get generations of a woman’s family wiped out.
33. Like this isn’t even intrigue, there aren’t any plots or manipulations, there’s just so much talking.
34.  Jeez, there’s usually a B story or even a C story I can find mildly interesting and hold on to and there’s none of that here.  I find everyone insufferable.
35. There should be stakes but I don’t feel any. Like I don’t feel anything for Kate or Edwina just because they’re talking about all the things they have to do so they could get money since their fortunes ran low. It’s just dialogue.
36. Oh thank God it’s done.
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Interlude: Where Wisdom Is Found
1 “Surely there is a mine for silver and a place for gold to be refined. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Miners put an end to darkness and search out to the farthest bound the ore in gloom and deep darkness. 4 They open shafts in a valley away from human habitation; they are forgotten by travelers; they sway suspended, remote from people. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire. 6 Its stones are the place of sapphires, and its dust contains gold.
7 “That path no bird of prey knows, and the falcon’s eye has not seen it. 8 The proud wild animals have not trodden it; the lion has not passed over it.
9 “They put their hand to the flinty rock and overturn mountains by the roots. 10 They cut out channels in the rocks, and their eyes see every precious thing. 11 The sources of the rivers they probe; hidden things they bring to light.
12 “But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Mortals do not know the way to it, and it is not found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, ‘It is not in me,’ and the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’ 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, and silver cannot be weighed out as its price. 16 It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir, in precious onyx or sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot equal it, nor can it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; the price of wisdom is above pearls. 19 The chrysolite of Cush cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold.
20 “Where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the air. 22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.’
23 “God understands the way to it, and he knows its place. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 25 When he gave to the wind its weight and apportioned out the waters by measure, 26 when he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the thunderbolt, 27 then he saw it and declared it; he established it and searched it out. 28 And he said to humankind, ‘Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.’ ” — Job 28 | New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE) New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: Deuteronomy 4:6; 1 Kings 18:3; Job 9:4-5; Job 10:4; Job 11:11; Job 12:15; Job 27:23; Job 37:3; Job 37:6; Job 41:34; Psalm 104:14; Psalm 135:7; Proverbs 3:13-14; Proverbs 8:10-11; Proverbs 8:19; Proverbs 8:32; Ecclesiastes 1:13; Ecclesiastes 7:24; Song of Solomon 5:14; Matthew 13:44; Revelation 9:11
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vegibowl · 1 year ago
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So … God says to Job “If you want to ask questions come back when you can make a whale.” But Crowley can make a whale and he was cast into Hell for asking questions.
I think I’m over analyzing everything in my hyperfixation.
Here’s the excerpt from the Bible, I read this and think “Crowley can do that, Crowley was there when you laid the earth’s foundation, etc.” Crowley got screwed.
38 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
2 Who is this that obscures my plans
with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?
8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,
10 when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt’?
12 “Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
13 that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?
14 The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;
its features stand out like those of a garment.
15 The wicked are denied their light,
and their upraised arm is broken.
16 “Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea
or walked in the recesses of the deep?
17 Have the gates of death been shown to you?
Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness?
18 Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth?
Tell me, if you know all this.
19 “What is the way to the abode of light?
And where does darkness reside?
20 Can you take them to their places?
Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
21 Surely you know, for you were already born!
You have lived so many years!
22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow
or seen the storehouses of the hail,
23 which I reserve for times of trouble,
for days of war and battle?
24 What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed,
or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?
25 Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,
and a path for the thunderstorm,
26 to water a land where no one lives,
an uninhabited desert,
27 to satisfy a desolate wasteland
and make it sprout with grass?
28 Does the rain have a father?
Who fathers the drops of dew?
29 From whose womb comes the ice?
Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens
30 when the waters become hard as stone,
when the surface of the deep is frozen?
31 “Can you bind the chains[b] of the Pleiades?
Can you loosen Orion’s belt?
32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons[c]
or lead out the Bear[d] with its cubs?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens?
Can you set up God’s[e] dominion over the earth?
34 “Can you raise your voice to the clouds
and cover yourself with a flood of water?
35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?
Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?
36 Who gives the ibis wisdom[f]
or gives the rooster understanding?[g]
37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?
Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens
38 when the dust becomes hard
and the clods of earth stick together?
39 “Do you hunt the prey for the lioness
and satisfy the hunger of the lions
40 when they crouch in their dens
or lie in wait in a thicket?
41 Who provides food for the raven
when its young cry out to God
and wander about for lack of food?
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empathetixs · 2 years ago
incissam asked:
00:00:00 for Margy from Dany
In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they'll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
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650:25:41 Days:Hours:Seconds.
Margaery had been born with the highest count on her wrist amongst her entire family. Her parents were at zero obviously. She had watched Garlan's finally hit zero when he met Leonette, and don't remind her of how Loras met Renly. The only one of her siblings who had a vaguely similar number, and that was Willas, but even his was finally in the 500s. Whoever her soulmate was they had to be across the narrow sea. She picked up a stone and skipped it across the lake as her brothers had taught her. It was so unladylike, but who cared at this point. She did it again, a sigh escaping her lips softly. Fine…. Fine… She'd wait.
354:27:34 Days:Hours:Seconds.
It had happened suddenly, her wrist felt as though it was on fire, but the numbers rapidly changed. She'd never seen this happen before, but it was so painful. She had been walking the gardens with Elinor when it had happened. They all thought it was a sign, maybe a king from across the sea was on the way. A king who would take her out of this den of lions. The only whisperings she heard was about Queen Daenerys though. Something within her stirred at the thought of the mother of dragons. She had no idea what she looked like but had been told tales of her beauty from others. She wondered, and wondered, and wondered… Was perhaps this woman who she was looking for? She never voiced her thoughts to others.
It was a week later that she learned that the dragon queen had crossed the sea and was in Dragonstone.
35:34:12 Days:Hours:Seconds
The Queen of Dragonstone, that's what the small folk called her. Margaery had been taken back to Highgarden, back to the safety it provided. It was better for her. especially after the death of Tommen. She couldn't believe what had happened. His mother had turned on them all. Margaery had barely escaped with her life. Her cousin Elinor had not been so lucky. Cursed was the poor girl for looking so much like her.
Her grandmother stood behind her pinning a golden rose into her hair, The King in The North would be arriving today, trying to win them over to the side of the Dragon Queen. Little did he know, they were already on her side. "Mayhaps this northern king will be the one, my dear." Doubt it. But it would be so good to see Sansa again.
When they did meet again, Sansa looked so much older than she had before. She was even taller now and more beautiful than ever. "My lady." They greeted. They did not talk like old friends, as Margaery had hoped, but life had changed both of them. When Willas happened upon them in the gardens, she watched as soon as their hands brushed, the timer on their wrists stopped. The stare of hunger they had for one another was something Margaery longed for. Would she meet her soulmate soon?
05:10:25 Days:Hours:Seconds
Margaery was on a boat to meet the Dragon Queen. She was sent along with her grandmother as an envoy. It would take them five days time from the amount to time it would take for the carriage travel to the sea travel. Margaery was watching as the boat was loaded. She was never a big fan of sea travel, it always made her seasick. She stepped onto the ship finally finding herself in the quarters meant for her. She had just taken off her cloak when there was a knock on her door.
"Come in."
Tyrion Lannister entered her chambers trying to smile at her. "Lady Margaery, are you well?" Margaery tried to smile, "I'm just fine, just trying to not get seasick. Tell me more about the queen, please?"
"Of course, my lady."
00:00:00 Days:Hours:Seconds
"You stand before The Unburnt. Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."
Margaery stared at the woman before her, her heart was beating so fast. Everything within her told her, this was her soulmate. This beautiful woman was her soulmate. Her grandmother led the conversation, thank goodness, because she felt as though her mouth was dry. She couldn't help it, she wanted her. Did Daanerys feel this too?
When they were relased to go, Margaery practically ran to her rooms. She wasn't even there for five minutes, before the knock on the door startled her. "Come in…" She whispered. Silver hair was the first thing she saw, then violet eyes. "Your Grace…" Margaery whispered staring across the room at the beautiful woman.
"My lady…" The way she said it like she really was hers. Margaery could scarcely breathe. "Please… Did you feel it too?" The queen before her looked as hungry as she felt. "Yes… I felt it."
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