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#AprilFoolsJoke #PaidInFull #Yeshua #ResurrectionDay #ItIsFinished #HappyPassover #HappyPesach the #AprilFoolsJoke that got me today. movie #PaidInFull 2002 was listed on tv. the 6th thing #Yeshua said #OnTheCross #WhenHeWasOnTheCross was #ItIsFinished, meaning “paid in full”, that He paid our debt #ByHisBlood. so, i thought the movie might be about #TheCrucifixion and #TheResurrection. #Shalom is what God wants for us. He is #SarShalom #PrinceOfPeace. He being punished for us, brought us Shalom - #Isaiah53:5. the movie “Paid In Full” shows the chaos in the world. the opposite of chaos is Shalom. Ace manages to retreat from the criminal underworld and makes a new life for himself and his family, using wealth. Just as Yeshua died a criminal’s death to make a #NewLife for us, by using the most valuable thing in the world, #HisBlood.
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