#whenever i talk to christine i feel the demons presence
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slunch · 18 days ago
my ideal existence is not knowing about the oscars or the super bowl or any of that horseshit...I jerk off to clear running water and live off whatever wanders into my open mouth
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 6 years ago
001- Bates Motel, 002-Cordelia/Angel :)
001 - Bates Motel
Favourite character: Norma Bates.
Least favourite character: As you pointed out, there are a lot of assholes on thie show so it’s hard to pick, but if we’re talking about main/reoccurring characters I’d go with Shelby.
5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Norma/Alex, Norman/Norma (non-romantic), Norma/Dylan (non-romantic), Dylan/Bradley and Dylan/Emma.
Character I find most attractive: Dylan or Bradley.
Character I would marry: Eh, none of them exactly make for perfect life partners lmao, but probably Dylan. 
Character I would be best friends with: No one. 
A random thought: Initially, I loved the idea of Dylan and Emma as a ship, but as they progressed I found them to be really overrated and didn’t like their development at all. Emma’s character was completely sidelined in favour of making her Dylan’s love interest and it made no sense for them to have a child so soon and so young. I didn’t see any longevity in their relationship and them having a child and playing house when they were 21 and 17 respectively when they met was so forced (particularly since neither Emma nor Dylan seemed remotely interested in having children or settling down, they were both trying to figure out who they were as people). Also, in the final season Emma just didn’t even seem that loving towards Dylan. They already felt like an old married couple whose relationship had gone stagnant and were on the brink of divorce. 
An unpopular opinion: I feel like I’ve already stated my unpopular opinion above - I don’t really like Dylan and Emma that much. Another unpopular opinion is that I actually like Bradley and think that she had a lot of potential. 
My Canon OTP: I wouldn’t necessarily call them an OTP, but Norma and Alex.
My Non-canon OTP: I don’t have one.
Most Badass Character: Norma.
Most Epic Villain: Norman. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: Norma/Shelby, Norma/Christine’s brother (he’s so insignificant I can’t even remember his name lol), Norman/every love interest he has. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Definitely Emma, and I’d probably also go with Alex. 
Favourite friendship: In the early days I thought Norman/Emma and Norma/Emma’s friendships were cute, but unfortunately, both were kind of abandoned.
Character I most identify with: No one.
Character I wish I could be: Good god, no one haha.
002 - Cordelia/Angel
When or if I started shipping it: I started shipping them a couple of months ago after watching Angel. The first time I remember really being aware that I was starting to ship them was probably ‘To Shanshu in L.A’ and by season 2 I was completely in love with them. 
My thoughts: I can’t believe how underrated and misunderstood this ship is. When I knew about them before watching Angel I couldn’t understand it at all, but now I do completely. Angel and Cordelia are two people that had something missing in their lives at the time when they found each other in L.A - a sense of purpose and identity. Angel had been through so much with the whole soul debacle and his break-up with Buffy that he din’t know who he was or where his place was in the world. Cordelia was the high school prom queen whose entire identity was embedded in popularity and the admiration and validation of others. Angel without Buffy, and Cordelia without high school, meant they were both uprooted and searching for a new meaning and purpose. By working together, creating Angel Investigations, forming a friendship (not just with each other but Doyle, Wes, Gunn, Fred etc.) and helping the helpless, they both found that purpose. When Cordelia died I truly believe Angel lost his purpose and that throughout the entirety of season 5 he was deeply grieving for her loss (although it wasn’t made obvious until ‘You’re Welcome’), because despite having the rest of his friends around him, Cordy was really his center. Emotionally, she was the one that reached him and kept him grounded. Their development was beautiful - they started out as acquaintances that only knew each other through Buffy, then they were colleagues, friends, family and they slowly fell in love. They fought together and grew together and complimented each other in every way. Cordelia’s vibrant personality and sense of humour brought Angel out of his shell, whilst Angel’s compassion and empathy made Cordelia open up to others in a new way and stop being so self-involved. What I love about them so much is that it’s not the kind of all consuming passionate if-I-can’t-have-you-I’m-going-to-die kind of love, it’s so much more realistic. They’re just two people who are a constant presence in each other’s lives for years, they go share each other’s ups and downs and share life-altering experiences in their fights against evil and come to realise that they need each other and love each other in a way that goes beyond friendship. Honestly, I could talk about them all day, so I think I should stop here. But basically, I think they’re an amazing ship that suffered hugely due to the writing and that if the writers had committed to them completely they could have been absolutely incredible.
What makes me happy about them: Urgh, everything? I love them so much. The way they laugh and smile together, how Angel turns into a blithering fool when he’s around her because she makes him nervous, how distraught Angel is whenever Cordy’s life is at risk because he can’t live without her, how they need each other, how they protect each other no matter what, how they’re always there for each other. This list could continue. 
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they were never able to truly admit how they felt for each other or even had a chance to be together. That season 4 destroyed everything they had and could have had. That the writers never fully committed to them as a romantic ship and so wasted all of their potential. That Cordelia unfairly died. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read much fanficiton about Cordelia and Angel because there isn’t much out there. However, I wouldn’t really like to read any that bash other ships (e.g. Buffy/Angel), because I’m just not about that. I believe in respecting all ships and being true to the characters previous loves.
Things I look for in fanfic: Stories that are as close to canon as possible and true to the characters. 
My wishlist: I’m not sure what this means, but I assume it means my wishes for them as a couple? In which case, I’d wish for Cordelia to still be alive, Cordelia to not have become a higher being, all of the events in season 4 to have never happened and for the two of them to have had the opportunity to meet at the beach that night and admit their feelings for each other. From there, I’d have them struggle with their feelings for each other, but agree they want to give it a go and be together. They’d have difficulty transitioning from friends to a couple (particularly with the rest of Angel Investigations and how that impacts the group dynamic) and come up against the looming issue of The Curse. From there on, I don’t know what I’d wish. It would be too cliche for me to wish for Angel to become human and the two of them to live happily ever after, and I don’t really think it would be fitting for them as a couple. But I’d definitely wish for them to have an opportunity to give their relationship a go, because they at least deserved that. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Angel, Buffy and Cordelia, I don’t really know. I’m not overly fond of any of Cordelia’s love interests except Angel.
My happily ever after for them: This might seem weird and I have no idea how it’d ever happen, but my happy ending for them would be that Angel becomes a demon (not a vampire, but a demon, maybe a half demon like Doyle) and he and Cordy continue to run Angel Investigations (screw W&H, let’s pretend they’re gone haha). That way Angel, as a demon, would still be physically strong and able to fight to help the helpless, he’d have his soul without The Curse and he wouldn’t be immortal (so he could grow old with Cordy) and he would be able to go into the sunlight. No matter what, for Angel to be happy he’d always need to feel like he had a purpose and for him, that was helping people. ‘I Will Remember You’ proved that. He had the opportunity to be human with Buffy but he chose not to be. He made that choice for a lot of reasons, including the protection of Buffy, but I strongly believe his primary reason for doing so was because he simply couldn’t see how he would live in a world where he couldn’t help people in the same way he was able to as a vampire with a soul. 
Thanks so much for asking, lovely! And sorry this got a little long, as you can tell I have a lot of thoughts/feelings about Angel and this is the first chance I’ve had to talk about them.
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