#whenever he tells people his name they think of casper the friendly ghost
air-the-diablo · 1 year
I hc that Coffin's name is Casper, it's silly and funny I think
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curious-minx · 4 years
Brian Wilson’s Ghost Theater: The Radiant Radish Story
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Somewhere hidden on the isle of kokomo the ghostly casper version of beloved musical genius and heart and soul of The Beach Boys Brian Wilson is starring at a bowl of ice cream melting on top of his piano. The flavor, coconut rum sultana, the ghost of Brian Wilson perks up and smiles a little and looks away, he’s a shy spirit. 
Hey dudes you might be wondering why I’m a ghost when I’m not even dead yet? Well that’s the whole point of Brian Wilson’s Ghost Theater. We’re going to get to the bottom of these mysteries. I have been mainly using this digital forum as a way to write cool reviews about cartoons and good vibrations, but then, well you know, The Beach Boys have fallen into worse company than Ol Charlie. Don’t worry just because I’m a ghost doesn’t mean I pal around with Charlie Manson and the rest of the ghoul gang. You’ve got to cut those toxic people out of your lives. Come, let’s go to my garage. It’s easier to tell a story in there. 
The Ghost of Brian Wilson floats away from his piano stool wrapped in kelp. I am trying to get visual proof of the existence of the Ghost of Brian Wilson but my iPhone is sparking. There are rumors on the island that Kate Bush has relocated here and has built her house on an even more precarious cliff. I take one last glance at the splashing glades of dark and foreboding ocean slapping against the cliffside. I wonder how the Ghost of Brian Wilson’s piano stays in such pristine condition despite the wet conditions? 
The path to Brian Wilson’s Ghost’s Garage is covered in thick overgrown vines from papaya trees, I have to always make sure I am looking down or else I could get snapped up by the foliage. A furry hermit crab is ushering into a sandy cove with the air of the conspiratorial. There are two glowing theremins outside of Brian Wilson’s Ghost garage attracting moths larger than a grown adult man’s head flapping against the glow. I walk inside the garage and the door does not slam shut and lock me inside like I had feared but the sun seems stuck in a sunset. Brian Wilson’s Ghost pats upon a plush plum colored loveseat indicating a place for me to sit. There is an ash tray full of wrapped unsmoked purple joints and more ice cream. 
This Story Begins In the Summer of 1970
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Leading up to the release of our album Surf’s Up, the one album I was taking a back seat on. I had left my physical body for the first time in 69 sometime after I started using coke. Van Dyke Parks and I were messing around in the medicine cabinet and doing the whole, “This isn’t my coke, this is your coke” routine and I felt my heart bum bum bumming at a vicious “Be My Baby”frequency. I needed a boost to keep up with the fruits and vege-tables at Radiant Radish. I was trying to get this specific chime sound right for my cash register, and I really meant my cash register. It was important for the rest of the store’s six cash registers to still sound like cash a regular cash register. 
(At this point in the story Brian Wilson’s Ghost vanishes and reappears with large cylindrical recordings of cash register noises and we listen to them for a few excruciating minutes)
And my cash register would ring this real pretty tone for whenever a real sexy lady bought some beet root powder and unruly arugula. I was imagining “Deidre,” Bruce’s ex-lady’s sister. As soon as the cash register burst open my ghost leapt out of my skin. I really like the actual Brian Wilson, but he never wants me around. He calls me a drag! I tried helping out with Radiant Radish, but I wouldn’t stop tinkering with the cash register. I more or less inhabited his bath robe and mostly hung around. Sometimes I help the real Brian catch a certain chord shape floating by and haunt Murry, my dad. 
“So, you’re a coke ghost?” Are the words I eventually gather and casually toss out for Brian Wilson’s Ghost.  I am hoping that somehow this all connects with the present and explain how Mike Love ruined the band. 
“I’m a health food store ghost!”
“Okay, but I’m not going to buy a subscription to this vitamin supplement program!”
“Then why did you bother coming all the way out to Kokomo? I am not supposed to let anybody onto this island! I should have left you drowned!”
“Hey that’s not fair!” I am really hurt right now but I don’t want to lose Brian Wilson’s Ghost so I check my back account, and of course it’s too low, but I sign up for the $15.99 antimicrobial surprise package and Brian Wilson’s Ghost finally stops doing his heart wrenching pout that makes me want to jump out into the ocean.
“Why did you wrench me out my revery..I feel like I was almost really back there. Dang dude.”
“Weren’t 69 and the start of the 70s pretty brutal for you Brian?” I look for that noble sorrow hidden in the depths of the phantom’s eyes and come up empty. He is completely vacant. “Fuck Mike Love!” I take my own self off guard by how passionate I get when I say this. Brian Wilson’s Ghost only responds with a fuzzy frown. “What? Don’t you get agree? You, or at least the real you, called him a piece of shit that stole The Beach Boys name. The reason I came out here was because I want to steal the Beach Boys name back for you.”
“So then it really will be safe to listen to The Beach Boys again, huh?” Brian Wilson’s Ghost continues doing that perpetual tear suspended in the corner of his eye wounded puppy dog eyes and I really wish I could give this ghost a swirly. 
“What? Um, Sure, but I doubt we’d be converting any new fans like Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu who took to Twitter to let everyone know that he always hated The Beach Boys.”
“That was our slogan back in 70 and 71, “It’s Safe to Listen to The Beach Boys again.”
“Ugh that’s terrible and this was an attempt to make yourselves seem cool again?”
“Our new manager Jack “The Super hurtful Man” came up with that one. What do you have against Mike Love? He’s not a bad man! Come on kick back and let me put on  “All I Wanna Do” could a true asshole sing a song that nice?”
“Yes!  I mean yes I have heard the song, it practically invented chillwave, and yes an asshole can sing a nice tune every once and awhile.  Don’t think I didn’t notice all of the Wanted Dead or Alive Mike Love posters on Kokomo, even the people of his own island can’t stand him. Brian Wilson you are The Beach Boys! The Beach Boys were about spreading love to everyone and encouraging friendly ecology! “Take A Load Off Your Feet” prevented my foot being amputated from lounger’s foot. We’ve got some before the election! Brian Wilson’s Ghost can make his debut and show the world that The Beach Boys do not support Trump!” I feel like I have gone rabid by the end of this tirade and the fuzzy hermit crab is using his pinchers to snap at my toes to shoo me away. 
Brian Wilson’s Ghost licks his dry mouth and gives me his award winning smile. He vanishes inside of his deuce coup and turns on the engine. He opens the door and once again pats on the seat letting me know that the seat is warm and accepting of my sorry ass. I reach into my breast pocket and wave two cassettes, one of Sunflower and the other of Surf’s Up trying to entice Brian to put them in, but he waves them away. Instead, Brian Wilson’s ghost takes out a red blank disc that is labeled with a Radiant Radish sticker. 
Brian was right, these cash registers really are the best part of the store. 
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reesewestonarchive · 5 years
other things about cas, my newbie and who managed to get me writing again (along with a corvid friend):
Enjoys 50s music (a la Fallout).
Eats primarily sandwiches and milkshakes.
Doesn't often share his past. Probably something cryptid-related happened and he doesn't like to share the story.
Is fairly skeptical, in spite of his profession.
Introduces himself as "Cas" and doesn't tell people his full name until he trusts them.
Politely smiles at "Casper the Friendly Ghost" jokes.
Very calm and collected, not easily brought to strong emotion.
Likes working with ghosts and whatnots because they're less complicated than humans.
Doesn't sleep much, so probably has a hobby that he doesn't talk about.
Something wholesome and web-based I think... like photoshopping photos or restoring photos on reddit for free. He won't take donations; just tells people to donate to charity.
Doesn't know his family anymore. Hasn't spoken to them in years.
Wants to photograph ghosts, like portraits.
Lives above a convenience store.
Enjoys rollercoasters.
Hard to tell if he enjoys things. Casper does enjoy things, but he doesn't always like to show that.
Despite being so... quiet, and having few friends, he's very open with his "I love you"s because he doesn't want them to go unsaid.
Many people have told Casper he must be depressed, but he's not. Just quiet, and different, and doesn't feel comfortable sharing his happiness whenever.
Knows Latin. (Fun fact: I don't!)
Favorite sound is the sound of waterfalls.
Wants to travel to every country.
Has been a sex worker in the past, for to get the money to make rent.
Dark hair, light brown eyes.
He can be a little intense because he's so unemotional, so it's often better if he doesn't have direct contact with most folks.
Does his own version of an exorcism that comes from a place of understanding of ghostly needs.
Never once considers his sexuality in terms of a label. He doesn't even experience attraction much, because he never connects with anyone.
Orders items online. Hates shopping.
Better on camera than in person. Finds it much like talking to Felix, which is not unsettling for him.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Carter Bialar → Lucas Till → Lion
→ Basic Information
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: July 24
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Animism
→ His Personality Carter is a classic hot nerd. He is in shape and popular but also likes technology and software coding. Having the brains and the body has greatly played into Carter’s ego and has led to him becoming quite conceited. He is the only child and suffers from the only child syndrome despite Greer being his adopted older sister. He is used to getting his own way and can seemingly talk anyone in the pack into anything. Carter doesn’t do this with negative intentions. Despite his generally self-involved nature, Carter cares deeply for his clan and would never take advantage of his people. He is empathetic and compassionate. This has made him an obvious favorite within the clan and for a while Carter was one of the few gleaming bright spots in their clan after Tatiana’s death.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: IT technician and Coding instructor
Scars: None
Tattoos: Multiple large ones on his chest, arms, and back
Two Likes: Human women and Custom computer setups
Two Dislikes: Feeling off kilter and Being showed up
Two Fears: Hypershift and Flying over open water
Two Hobbies: Axe Throwing and Extreme Sports
Three Positive Traits: Persuasive, Unabashed, Big-hearted
Three Negative Traits: Lazy, Conceited, Over-Confident
→ His Connections Parent Names:
Chris Bialar (Father): It’s been Chris, Greer and Carter for as long as he can remember. His dad was there for everything he needed, sometimes more than he wanted, but there was never an event or activity that Chris didn’t find time for. He loves his dad and does want to make him proud. He has started putting more effort into being ready to take over the pack for his dad when he wants to retire.
Tatiana Bialar (Mother): Carter only knows what he has been told about his mother. That she was fierce and strong and that she loved his dad and Greer and the pack. Carter wonders what she’d think of his actions and what she’d want from him often.
Sibling Names:
Greer Finley (Adopted Sister): Greer has always had Carter’s back, no matter how stupid he’s been and he’s had hers. What no one knows is how far he’s gone for her. He caught Cameron cheating on her and ran him out of town, with a clear messaged he stepped back into the Midwest Carter would kill him. He didn’t know if Greer would be able to do it and so he took it into his own hands.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Eun Hae ‘Esther’ Yoo (Past Fling): They may have flirted more than once. And they may have gone on a few casual dates but neither of them knew what to call it. They eventually moved on and agreed to be ‘Just Friends’.
Ebony Anderson (Ex Girlfriend): Carter had been dating Ebony for about a month when he introduced her to Amaria and Greer who promptly told him to ghost her since she was a hunter. He did and will leave if he sees her.
Simone Campbell (Interested): When he first met Simone she was dating Isaac Owens, but he recently found that she is single and he wants to ask her out. She’s gorgeous and definitely someone Carter could see having a lot in common with.
Platonic Connections:
Hank Swanepoele (Best Friend): Carter met Hank on his second trip to Africa when he was 10. They hit it off instantly, and kept in close contact until Hank moved to Chicago at 18. He’s the only one who knows the true Hank past the partier most of the pack sees her as. They have a deal that if neither are mated or dating anyone by the time they turn 60 that they’ll have a kid for the sake of making sure a lion shifter continues on.
Amaria Crais (Good Friend): Amaria was always more of an older sister like Greer. She helps keep him in line, and is one of the few people Carter listens to when she tells him something has gone too far.
Malia Agyeman (Annoyance): Carter takes perverse pleasure in irritating Malia. She is just unrelenting with her civic activity, and he likes pushing her buttons.
Joshua Lonewolf (Friend): Carter quickly took to Joshua and began inviting him Axe throwing and out on the town. He’d like to get to know him more, but getting an introvert outside and doing things has been a harder challenge than Carter was anticipating.
Dot Evers (Friend): Carter was one of the first people who met Dot when she came in. He immediately felt the need to defend her when Greer, his dad and Amaria were questioning where she came from. In those first months the two became really close, and Carter still regularly checks up with her whenever he goes to his dad's office.
Tim Boaz (New Friend): Carter began exploring some of the extreme sports in the Underground a few months ago. He, Tim and Lee all clicked and began riding together.  Lee tends to stay on the sidelines but they’ve all grown into real friends.
Lee Boaz (New Friend): Carter began exploring some of the extreme sports in the Underground a few months ago. He, Tim and Lee all clicked and began riding together.  Lee tends to stay on the sidelines but they’ve all grown into real friends.
Ben Miller (Friend): Despite the age difference between them, Ben and Carter are good friends. He is one of the few cats who can keep up with Carter and he is a go to friend for nights out on the town.
Miles Agyeman-King (Friendly): Miles will occasionally come with Malia when she hangs out with Riley. They’ve become good friends and Carter has started inviting him to go and throw axes with Josh and him.
Riley Anderson (College Friends): Carter and Riley met doing their undergrads. He was the first non-Cat shifter that Carter really interacted with and found they clicked. They spent the next four years inseparable, and stayed good friends after they left.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Friendly): Carter started going to Jia’s parties with Riley. He’s had a good time, and is trying to get other cats to check it out with him.
Angel Landyn (Friendly): Angel and Milo are a part of Riley’s old fraternity. He introduced them to Carter and they’ve become good friends. Carter hasn’t spent a lot of time with the human shifters, but he was shocked when he found out he was the same age as Carter. They’ve hung out a couple times in the court alone, and he’s been invited to join the bowling team.
Milo Vasu (Friendly): Angel and Milo are a part of Riley’s old fraternity. He introduced them to Carter and they’ve become good friends. He and Milo have gotten into some really interesting debates over the social justice work that Milo is studying.
Hostile Connections:
Casper Colt (Distrusts): he has purchased a few things from Casper, but he’s learned his lesson from Ebony and keeps his distance.
Jalissa Toll (Dislikes): Carter found Jalissa in the house one day and attempted to take care of their rat problem. He doesn’t like Chris’s plan to deal with the rats and doesn’t trust Jalissa specifically.
Grant Anderson (Dislikes): Carter is sure that Grant, and Ebony, have it out for him and the rest of the cats. He’s seen Grant too many times for it to be a coincidence.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot
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3d3nsr0s3-blog · 5 years
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Jake T. Austin, Male, He/Him -——- Izaya Matias Pryce had been identified as a eighteen year-old resident with florakenisis/Ghost physiology. Their files indicated that they worked as a student and may have been closely linked with the heroes union (though he had connections with the underground as well). They had been known to be familial and easily controlled, and knew the deceased because of his public image.( 1amc3a10t, she/her, 20, PST)
Izaya was born in Guatemala to a pair of young parents who had just begun to understand how the adult world worked. His father had come to Guatemala from the east coast of America and met Izaya’s mother, they fell in love rather quickly and got married. What Izaya’s mother had failed to tell her husband was that she was a mutant, the man had openly expressed his hatred for the race and she feared that coming out may result in danger or the end of the relationship. The family was nothing but normal until Izaya began showing signs of a mutant ability at the age of four. It started out small with buds popping up in the dirt he rolled around in, or plants being brought back from wilting when he spoke softly to them. Knowing that this was something special he ran to his parents excitedly to share the news. His father lashed out. Taking pity on her only child his mother paid for two tickets to Diamond City, California and left the boy near the closest police station. Confused and unable to speak the countries native language Izaya shoved himself into the nooks and crannies of a nearby building and waited in fear until his mother would come back and rescue him. His mother never came, but after a long and restless night, a beat cop doing his daily patrols stumbled upon the child and took him to shelter.
It took him only two weeks to find a home in the loving arms of the bright-eyed beat cop and his two weary husbands. Although they all struggled to understand each other these fathers refused to give up and enrolled in both supplementary English courses and Spanish classes. It took Izaya a while to learn and he had to enroll in school a year later than his peers but once he began to understand, he began to thrive. At home on the outskirts of the city, they lived a quiet life in a secluded cottage with acres of supple land that Izaya almost immediately turned into a garden. After the initial excitement of watching the life bloom slowly quelled he was struck with a deep fear that his new family would throw him out just like the other, but their reaction was quite different, he began to pull away and cower when they ran to him with arms open wide but they didn’t seem angry, rather…they were excited. Izaya’s ability was heavily celebrated, two of his fathers were mutants and immediately began teaching him to control his powers, while the other quietly reminded him that abilities don’t make the person, personality and actions do.
At the age of six, a new Pryce entered the family, a toddler by the name of Zachariah. The first day together was spent staring each other down, the second-day Izaya decided this child was a demon. Years later Zachary became Izaya’s biggest fan and constant support system, although Izaya never stopped believing the kid was a demon the little devil did become his best friend.
At the age of fourteen, he approached his papa with a fake sort of confidence that oozed the fear of rejection and demanded to be included in the Heroes Guild. He knew he may be young but he was capable and was well aware that the control over his abilities were amazing. He was immediately rejected. Papa explained it wasn’t safe, and although he would make a wonderful hero when he was older this was not the time to dive headfirst into a dangerous career. So, he went to Papi and begged, but he said the same thing. In a huff, he approached his dad, who also said the same thing but in a bit more supportive manner. After a lot of thinking and days of watching Izaya mope around the house his father’s let him tag along with his Papa for one day. That day turned into years, and the public came to know him as the flower wielder Eden.
At the age of eighteen, he died. It was supposed to be a routine fight, nothing hard, nothing new. He was just…in the wrong place at the wrong time. He can still feel the piercing pain that rang through him when he was shot, the alien power that coursed through his body as he slowly turned to stare his killer in the eyes. It was an ally, it was a friend. He had collapsed to the concrete with a thud, hands pulling him onto someone’s lap, frantic talking he couldn’t understand but…none of it was his fathers’. Papa wasn't there today, he let Izaya go without him, that was a mistake. He desperately tried to reach out to someone who wasn’t there, grasping at memories of his life as they flooded his vision. As his breathing got harder and his body went limp he could hear the familiar whirl of news trucks, his last thought was a hope. A hope that his family wouldn’t find out from the news.
Papi - Draxton
Papa - Vincent
Dad - Theodore
Brother - Zachariah
Izaya had always been closest to his Papi despite him being an extreme helicopter parent. Vincent was a bit too aloof for Izaya’s tastes and Theodore was the one who was the most grounded. Though, he did, and still does, love them all very much.
D: *kicks open door*
D: Hey bitches, I’ve got the child you ordered. They only speak Spanish but Theo you’re fluent in it-
T: Wrong. I took 2 years in high school.
D: Vincent you’re fluent in it-
V: Russian. I’m fluent in Russian.
D: Well I’m fluent in it-
T/V: You’re Australian.
D: Fuck.
Papi- Plays the role of a detective but works in the underground manufacturing and distributing whatever is needed.
Papa- Hero in the Heroes Union.
Dad- Owns a bar and does bounty hunter work when needed.
Random Headcanons:
-Living in Guatemala for the first four/five years of his life has caused him to speak in a somewhat heavy Guatemalan accent.  
-He enjoys music and it has a calming effect when he becomes anxious and/or worried. Surprisingly he is a wonderful singer and a decent dancer.
-He will hoard objects that he finds ‘pretty’ or ‘cute’, if he gives someone something from his collection that means that person is special.
-He’s slowly learning how to cook but he can bake fairly well, especially recipes that include lavender. He also knows how to make body butters and perfumes using flowers.
-He’s just a bit touch-starved and will hold on a little bit too long when it comes to hugs. For those that don’t understand what happened in his past, it’s kinda awkward.
-He loves animals and they happen to be the one thing that will always get him to smile.
-He’s naturally curious but doesn’t like asking questions. So he’ll follow people around and/or stare at individuals until he receives some suitable answer.
-He may cause arguments here and there but he hates when others get into fights.
-He has a fear of older men that stems back from the emotional abuse and abandonment caused by his father.
-His ‘hero name’ is Eden.
-He is rather perceptive of individuals feelings, though he doesn’t always act on that knowledge.
-He speaks with a slight lisp.
Friendly Fire- It was an accident, they never meant it to go that way. Why in the hell would they ever want to kill a kid? This individual, from the heroes union, caused the end of Izaya’s life. They had been allies, worked closely together, but they were both in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Earthy Possessions- Izaya may have known them during his life or they may be complete strangers but the ghost has become particularly enthralled by their presence and enjoys being around them. Whether he’s invisible or fully present depends on
Casper the Friendly Ghost- This particular individual is mortified by even the slightest sight of Izaya. They hold a strong opinion that ghosts are things of fiction and should not be casually floating around their city. Whether they lash out at the specter for even daring to be real, or run away in a panic the moment they meet eyes is up to the writer.
Polter-guys, run- Izaya absolutely despises this person, but he’s not entirely sure why? Whenever he’s around this individual he is filled with disgust, hate, and anger. He has yet to lash out and become violent though he isn’t sure how long he can keep his temper in control.
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kurlykookster · 7 years
Pleasant surprises: Part 1
Pairing- Jimin x reader
Type- Fluff, spooky, ghost!Jimin
Word count- 1,277
Warnings- Spooky things happening. Mentions of death duh
A/N-soo like…. um… i did a thing? for the good ol’ october spirit ahahahaha spirit
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist |
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“BOO!” the phantom shouts mysteriously, as they jump through the wall in front of you and proceed to then accidentally fall through a table as they trip over their own feet. They lay on the floor, half stunned and half inside a table, and then they promptly crawl away in a panic, too embarrassed to try and scare you anymore. They weren’t cut out for the haunting thing, yet that’s what was destined for the poor boy. You snicker at the clumsy show in front of you and don’t hesitate to run after the ghost boy that glowed ahead of you, trying his best to take back some of his dignity.
You only recently moved into this house, and the gullible little ghost thinks he hasn’t been noticed yet, but little did he know what you’ve seen him do around the house, like randomly turn the kids channel on the TV, rearrange the books into different orders on the shelf, swap around pictures in their frames, all little things a child would do, or in this case, a ghost with no true haunting experience. A sane person would’ve moved out already in fear of their life, after all, this is a haunting, right? He thinks his cover is intact and that his tactics are working, but his hiding skills are, lets say, not up to par. However his determination to be a successful haunter made you feel pity towards him, so you never blew his cover and pretended to be surprised by the humorous events, though you could never hide your smile. But even after all that, you never expected him to actually try scaring you and you really didn’t think he would go for the classic “boo”; he must’ve been extremely desperate…
You couldn’t hold back anymore. You just had to be this cuties friend. It wasn’t hard for you to chase him down to say the least. The bathroom door was left ajar, and a chilling breeze came from inside. Carefully, you peak through the opening and quickly spot the glowey blonde haired ghost sat huddled in the bathtub with a saddened look on his face. Despite his ghostly appearance, a tinge of pink manages to show through his pale complexion on his cheeks.
“Hey!” you enthusiastically announce your presence as you step through the doorway. He flinches and stumbles back with wide eyes as he slowly fades away. “No no! Don’t dissapear! I want to talk to you! Please~” you throw your hands up in defence and cautiously creep closer to the bathtub.
“I-I’m sorry…” a meek voice speaks up somewhere in front of you.
“For what?”
“For being a nuisance… I’m not good at being a ghost.” he mumbles
“Well, you may not be good at scaring, but your cuteness has just gained you a friend. So can you please show yourself?” you smile around the room, hoping for an answer. Seconds of silence later, he appears with a single blink, still timidly huddled in the tub.
“Friend? But I’m not even alive…” he looks up at you, a strange glint in his lifeless eyes.
“What’s your name?” you try to open him up.
He pauses unsure if it was ok for him to talk to you like this. “Jimin.”
“Well Jimin, it’s nice to finally meet you in person, I’m a fan of what you do around here.” you scoot closer.
“Either I’m even worse at being a ghost than I thought, or you’re just completely mad to be talking to a dead person like this, no offence.” he mumbles under his breath and avoids your friendly stare that he wasn’t used to receiving in his ghostly existence.
“You’re not that bad; don’t be so hard on yourself. Not all ghosts have to be scary, I actually prefer that you’re like this, makes me want to stick around.” You sit yourself down onto the toilet lid, less than a metre away from Jimin who was still too timid to properly look at you.
“That’s the opposite of the purpose of being a ghost. I’m supposed to scare you away from here, and then whoever lives here next, and so on.” He pouts.
“Well, you don’t have to conform to the expectations. Why not just embrace yourself. And isn’t it easier to just… not scare people away? It seems tiring to have to do that for everyone that lives here.” You rest your chin on the palms of your hands as your elbows dig into your knees.
“But I didn’t die and become a ghost that haunts this place to welcome everyone that comes here with open arms.” He argues with a scowl.
“Then why do you haunt this place, because that doesn’t seem to be your purpose.”
“I died in this bathtub. I wasn’t discovered for days and the landlord didn’t even replace the bathtub to save on money. So I’m kinda attached to this place. But don’t worry, it’s been deep cleaned at least, and it all happened a long time ago.” His words didn’t ease you as you looked at the tub with discomfort.
“If the tub was replaced, would you be put to rest?” you spoke up.
“Dunno. I doubt it’s that easy.”
“As bad as this sounds, I don’t really want to put you to rest anyway. I like you here.”
“I don’t really want to scare you away either.” He mumbles so that you can’t quite make out what he said.
You both sit in silence for a bit and ease into each other’s presence. “Want to watch TV with me? There are some good movies on tonight. Ghosts can watch movies, right?” you begin to stand yourself up and smile down at him.
“Um… I guess. I have nothing else to do since scaring you has gone down the drain.”
“You can still try scare me whenever if you want, I don’t think you’d cause much harm anyway.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Thanks.” He says almost sarcastically.
“Oh and don’t stop that thing where you do weird stuff around the house with the objects. It’s pretty fun. What I’m basically saying is, don’t stop doing your cute ghosty stuff just because your cover is hella blown.” you explain as you walk towards the door and gesture for him to follow as he nods reluctantly and gives a meek smile.
Ironically, the movie that you both ended up watching was Casper, which only happened to be on because Halloween was just around the corner. Although he sat only a metre away from you on the sofa, the only presence he held was a cool breeze that tingled across your arm that was facing him. He sat huddled like a child in need of a blanket and watched the movie with undivided attention. You would’ve given him a blanked if it wasn’t for the fact that it probably wouldn’t make much of a difference to his body temperature. 
Eventually, your eyelids began to droop deep into the night and the white glow of the TV and your new friend eased you into the darkness that surrounded you as you drifted off into nothingness.
The warm glow of sunrise gently awoke you from your sleep, and pained groans escaped your lips as you stretched your muscles that had uncomfortably rested against the cushions of the couch. Your eyes scrunched as you looked at your surroundings. The TV was turned off and there was something visibly missing, well… rather someone.
“Jimin?” you called out with a raspy voice, but the house remained still, not a sound or a single sign of life haunting. Not a single ghost in sight.
A/n- do y’all want a part 2 or?? also drop by the ask box or something and tell me what you think, i wanna know if i should do more of this kinda stuff for october if i can  :)))
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ruinousveins · 7 years
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hola lovelies ! i’m casper, cas, ur local friendly ghost, whatever you want to call me, & i’ll be playing this pocket rocket, ball of hellfire, has probably punched one too many people for her own good – harriet sloane ! just for reference, i use they/them pronouns & i live in the gmt timezone ( being online when nobody else is ? my speciality ) . if you wanna’ know more about harriet take a peek beneath the cut, & feel free to im me / like this if you want to plot !
TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, murder, execution, possible child abuse.
harriet’s life before the apocalypse could easily be described in one word – shitty. her father had bailed on their family when she was born, leaving herself, her older brother and her mom stuck in poverty, struggling to make ends meet. this, of course, led to the sloane’s tiny one bedroom flat very regularly falling into a state of disrepair and, perhaps in a moment of desperation, harriet’s mom decided to start hiding her in a cupboard whenever child protective services, or anyone that could report the state of the apartment, came knocking.
her brother, oliver sloane, was only a few years older than her, around six years, but because most neighbors already knew about him, they turned a blind eye to the squalor he was living in to keep their mother happy. therefore, olly was able to go to school, play outside, and have a fairly decent life whilst harriet was stuck inside, learning what she could via books and whatever television reception they got on their old set.
when she was fourteen, when the outbreak began, harriet noticed her brother had stopped going to his job and, instead, had bolted himself indoors with himself and their mother. neither of them would tell harriet what was going on so, in the middle of the night, she grabbed a crowbar and pried the boards of wood away. at first, all she felt was free, breathing in the air without a care in the world, yelling out in excitement as she turned to see her brother and mom barreling outside, desperate to shuffle her back in.  harriet wanted none of it though, having been sick of being locked up her entire life, though admittedly she had no idea of the horrors that faced her.
during all of the commotion, a group of the undead had shambled towards them, gripping harriet by the arm and nearly taking a bite out of her. instead, her mother jumped between them and took the blow, telling her children to run as she was devoured by the swarm. harriet and oliver did as they were told, taking off into the night, forcing themselves to learn how to survive.
it would be easy to say neither of them were ever the same because they weren’t, but there was a brief respite for harriet when she was eighteen where she believed things might improve. herself and her brother settled into a local community of survivors, one in which her brother thrived as an uptight, by the book enforcer with plenty of bullshit power, but she suffered. she hating being inside walls no matter how large the boundaries were and so she found herself sneaking out often, knife strapped to her thigh, only her wits to keep her alive.
her luck ran out one night when she was attacked by survivors from another group, a group whom had been treated terribly by the group her and her brother were now in, wanting to kidnap her as bait or punishment. harriet, of course, fought back, making sure to let these ‘sons of bitches’ know she belonged to no group. belonged to no one. this only served to make the survivors angrier, each of them ready to put a bullet in her skull when one of their own turned against them, killing them each in quick succession before taking a wounded harriet away to bind her wounds and keep her alive.
his name was will and, after what had happened, the two thought it best to stay away from both survivor groups for a while, spending the weekend tucked deep away in the nearby woods. despite harriet’s difficult personality and unwillingness to trust others, she found a fast friend in will, his outsider status causing the two to form a bond she didn’t exactly recognize. 
eventually, the pair returned to harriet’s group, with harriet requesting will be accepted into the community based upon the fact he saved her life. she promised she would finally start giving back to the community by becoming a mechanic, putting the skills she’d learned from books all those years ago to use, and will, with his vast knowledge of fighting and hunting, would be able to train others. the group reluctantly agreed, oliver and harriet’s relationship became strained beyond belief, but if they were outsiders, at least harriet and will were outsiders together, striking up a romantic relationship soon after. he taught her how to fight, how to hunt, and harriet taught him life wasn’t all about surviving, using her childhood as an example of why he should enjoy his life.
they lived like this for two years before one of the higher ups, one who had always been wary of will and his origin, decided he had stolen from rations. stealing from rations was a death sentence offense and everybody knew it and, due to how often they kept to themselves, no one dared defend them. even oliver, who still maintained that he loved his sister dearly, did little to fight for the man she loved. will was executed without trial, harriet beat her brother to a bloody pulp, and left the community behind.
during the time she spent on her own, harriet found herself drawn in further and further by the idea of vengeance. she killed many, mainly to satiate the empty pit she felt inside her stomach, the insufferable feeling that refused to wane even as the months dragged by. wherever she went she left a trail of undead and human in her wake, hands nearly stained red from her travels, the carefree girl who had been happy to simply see the outdoors was dead before she had the chance to live.
she spent a year on her own before finding the current community, only settling because she’d severely injured her left ankle. she quickly showed them her capabilities as a mechanic, though keeping her other talents hidden and her entire backstory hidden, and made sure they knew it’d be a mistake to turn her away. 
in the six months she’s been here she’s kept entirely to herself, the scowl on her face usually enough to turn people away, though when that isn’t enough she’s happy to be a total, unjustified asshole. her first solution to problems used to be violence but, since she’s not keen on searching for a new safezone rn, she tries to keep her temper under wraps. super impatient, only trusts herself to do a job correctly and thinks everyone is shitty underneath whatever facade they put on. she’s a bit keener to accept people like her however, aka people that don’t quite fit in, and if she were to make any close bonds they’d either have to try pretty damn hard, be persecuted by someone like she has been, or be willing to put up with her. 
LITERALLY . summary ? bitter af . just super bitter . think the most bitter coffee you’ve ever had and times it by ten . she’s that bitter .
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