Harassment at Comic Book Conventions
Hi, my name is Jay,  I have this survey as a part of a research project and it is intended to gather information on the harassment of attendees at conventions and if harassment policies put in place are effective. Any and all responses will be kept anonymous.
Harassment at Comic Book Conventions
Thank you!
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gay4maclay · 7 years
what a lot of fun (my Big Gay WhedonCon post)
so getting back to real life sucks (although I get to see the pretty girl tomorrow and that decidedly does not suck) and I almost don’t want to write this recap because it’ll probably make me miss WhedonCon even more than I already do :/ BUT I have things to say so here we go!
First, I know @kathubs and I said we were gunna livestream and then we definitely did not livestream and I am so so sorry! Our Wifi sucked 90% of the weekend which was an issue, and also we found ourselves really pressed for time throughout the day and exhausted by the time we got back from con festivities. there may or may not be a drunk!video we took after the festivities Saturday night, though, but it shall never see the light of day – at least not without some major editing whoops
ANYWAY Friday was great but we got a late start because 1. traffic and 2. my eyebrows and subsequent eyebrow panic (don’t worry about it, just know Katie is an angel for putting up with me and my craziness – thank you for being patient with me, Katie!). also we got in-n-out!!! which was amazing!! because I love in-n-out so fucking much!! But anyway once we got to the con (we did our Seeing Red cosplay Friday) we traumatized everyone and it was great! people thought we were so rude and I loved it. and we met @jenny-calendar and @scienceofficer-willowrosenberg and @sunnydaleslut and @whedoncon and got some pics that I’m sure you’ve seen floating around and then we kind of just hung out and made a game plan for the rest of the weekend and then talked about Buffy!
I have to say that one of my favorite parts of the whole weekend was getting to have endless and various conversations about Buffy with so many different people. outside of the internet, I don’t have the space to discuss Buffy to the extent that I’d usually like, so WhedonCon  was truly a blessing on that front.
SATURDAY WAS AMBER DAY! We were just dressed in street clothes in the morning because Katie, Celia and I went straight from the Ladies of Whedon Panel to Amber’s book signing in Burbank. Also I lost my badge because I’m a big dummy. Then after buying a replacement badge, I found my old badge because I’m a BIG dummy (more bonus points to Katie for putting up with my nonsense and dummy-ness). The panel was awesome, by the way. Robia LaMorte was gorgeous, a very good story teller and had some interesting things to say about playing Jenny and about her time with Prince. Miracle Laurie (who I really didn’t know much about at all) was impressively well-spoken and kind of mesmerizingly pretty? And Dagney Kerr was so fucking funny. I loved her stories about auditioning for Buffy and I now want an entire show about Kathy – like, Kathy: Life After Sunnydale idek. Celia asked Robia an awesome question and Katie and I were so proud and truly it was just a great panel. THEN we went to Burbank for the book signing and Amber came in with her friends (SARAH KUHN WAS THERE WE CHATTED WITH HER TOO) and when she saw us in line, she was adorably confused and asked, “what are you doing here??” and eventually we told her we came for WhedonCon and, hey, her book signing too, and it was funny and cute and we had such a good conversation!
she’s working on a screenplay for a lifetime movie about Oscar Pistorius which is actually right up my alley so I’m very excited about that. OH and Amber wrote “under your spell” for Katie’s tattoo! and she said, “don’t get my handwriting tattooed, I have scrawl!” and I replied, “it’s not scrawl it’s just ‘stylized’” and she said she liked that and naturally I fell even more in love. she’s such a sweetie. she asked us if we wanted pictures (because duh) and she hopped up on the table to take them with us and ugh she was wearing those quirky plaid pants of hers again which I adore! but not her red shoes! she had maroon vans this time (WHICH I OWN BY THE WAY AND WOULD HAVE WORN HAD I KNOWN). annnyway we hung around and waited for @buffylovesfaith and Tasia and the rest to get to the signing too, more photos were taken OH and we met @fuckyeahamberbenson which was great because she’s cool as fuck and also because I feel like I absorbed so much more Amber knowledge just by being around her.
wow this is getting long I’m sorry if you’re still reading this but after Katie got a hug from Amber we went back to the hotel to eat fast and change into our OMWF cosplay for the contest at WhendonCon! and we looked fabulous and my god I have never felt more social in my entire life?! so many new friends were made and photos were taken. and also Celia KILLED IT as Giles! She cleaned her glasses up on stage for the contest and everyone ate it up! (also this cute little Buffy was way into her, I’m just sayinnnn). And then Katie and I went up and we were cute as hell (Katie you did so good okay don’t even worry) and we ended up placing forth! woohoo!!! and then we hung around the con with Celia and Clem, listened to some terrible and hilarious slash fiction being read by drag-queen-nuns, Katie and I got free wine, and eventually made our way to Prom at the Bronze hosted by Spike and Dru (the most kickass beautiful drag queen). Where we drank some more wine. And Dru pulled me into a dance for the end of Lady in Red which was fun though I’m such an awkward dancer, at least it sort of worked for my Willow cosplay lol. AND THEN THEY NAMED ME AND KATIE PROM QUEENS. God, I love that everyone loved Willow and Tara. it was fantastic. and we celebrated and got a beer with Drusilla who also let Katie try on her Judy Garland coat (yes, an actual coat worn by the actual Judy Garland, you guys). what. a. night.
Sunday morning, we got up early to go to the cemetery they used for the first two seasons of Buffy before building their own set, to be interviewed for the Squee documentary! (which you should check out ASAP and hey, Amber did an interview for Squee too!) We got to talk about being Buffy and Amber fangirls and had a great time with Hansi and Christine! Then it was back to get changed into our cosplay (once more, with feeling ;) ) and we participated in the OMWF sing along! OH also I met Brenna @brennatheslayer who was so sweet and pretty and I was totally captivated by her cute outfit – Brenna, you should definitely come back to WhedonCon and do a Buffy cosplay next year! The rest of the day was spent in various fan panels, and a screening of the Tick where David Fury photobombed our group picture which I love so much. Then it all seemed to come to an end so soon! I wish we had more time to spend with our friends. Next time we’ll just have to book a longer vacation ;P
Seriously though, it was amazing to get to meet so many awesome people in person! WhedonCon was my first experience doing a weekend-long con and my first experience cosplaying and it was wonderful, and that’s mostly to do with all the lovely people we spent our time with. Thanks again to Katie who is always, always looking out for everyone, reminding us to eat, making sure we don’t get lost, etc, and for being my all-around partner in crime for our crazy Amber and Buffy-related adventures!
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