#when will they realize that their success formula is the gay angel
I mean I get that a reboot or a continuation of the show right now is too soon and they wouldn't do but still...
There's so many better options for a spn spin off than one focused on Mary and John
Such as:
Cas and the angels in any moment of time (they have seen and done so much, plus we have the whole lobotomy thing on Cas)
The Wayward Sisters again (not need in explain further)
Rowena and other witches in any moment of time (think about a witch show lead by our queen fighting and betraying and allying and dating other witches)
The Bad Place (not so good but not so bad)
One of the AU - like the apocaliptical world(maybe focused on Charlie) (could have potential if they just...)
"Our" Charlie in her time in OZ (needless to say how awesome this would be)
"Our" Charlie hunting (could be a new spn, with the same vibe but better)
Sam in his College years(see his relationship with Jessica and his powers)
Young Sam and Dean hunting (I've always loved those episodes that we've seen they hunting as kids, would be like a darker stranger things)
Jack being a god (I mean does he just sit on his throne in heaven all day? I'd like to imagine him exploring new worlds, creating, fixing earth, having conflicts with other gods idk)
Gabriel and the gods (Can you imagine the chaos this show would be, Gabe hiding his true id from the gods while fighting in their confrontations and falling in love)
Young Bobby and Rufus hunting (another chaotic and funny show)
Benny in Purgatory (Idk but still a better spin off)
Pretty much any other character arc(literally anyone else)
I keep trying to give J and D a chance and trust that they know what they're doing, that they have plans that we can't not even guess, cause I just can't see this prequel as a good idea for show at all, like what were they thinking? What are they planning on put in the story? I thought it had been settled in the show that John and Mary marriage was only perfect after she died, I think Dean himself said this, no? We've seen, they weren't happy, aside from this what will we see? Mary hunting solo behind John's back? Doesn't sound interesting at all, so I just keep thinking sometimes, hoping, that maybe J and D have something else planned, some twist, some Idk... but mostly like will be just another failed spn spin off.
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