#when we were 16 we were lion against sjws favorite punching bag and got into SO MANY FIGHT LJFDSLKGFDS
greggorylee · 4 years
i mean this in the nicest way possible but i don’t think you should be interacting with freaks as much as you do even if it’s to call them out. it can’t be good for your mental health, in fact engaging with zoos/pedos/racists/etc instead of blocking them, especially as much as you do, is giving them a platform, even if you don’t intend to be doing so. it’s always better to spend your energy boosting good things rather than putting down bad things. i wish you well and hope you stay safe.
i get what youre saying but at the same time like ignoring the problem doesnt make it go away. pointing out who predators are may give them more attention but it also lets ppl know who to avoid yknow??? like what am i supposed to do, NOT warn my peers that a literal predator is in our community and within reach of them?
ive gotten asks like this so much like. i get asks like this every single time i call some predator out. i get it. and i appreciate it. but literally no one else is stepping up to warn others about these people, and it actually makes me MORE stressed to just sit there and do nothing about it
i know what im doing, i know what its doing to my mental health. its not an entire detriment like you may think. its quite uplifting to us to be able to help others stay safe and block and not engage for their own health
that being said my positivie vs negative energy has been skewed for my entire life, and we do need to balance this with more gentle love. thank you for your kindness
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