#when ur half english half german comes out <3< /div>
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juderoths · 4 years ago
what’s poppin , el here. i’m 21 & from the uk.  i go by she/they. this shit got erased cause my laptop died so heres a shitty summary i’ll write a better one someday i apologise in advance. but anyway heres my himbo child,  J U D E  &  if you would like to plot with him, give this a like.  tw  for  abandonment  &  learning  difficulties
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⌜ZETHPHAN SMITH GNEIST, CIS MAN, HE/HIM⌟ welcome to chatsworth academy, JUDE ROTH. it says here, that you are TWENTY, in SECOND year and that you’re here for your ATHLETIC skills? is it true high school you were voted most likely to WIN THE LOTTERY AND LOSE THE TICKET , well, that’s interesting.╱ awkward love poems scribbled on toilet paper , late night phone calls with his family after feeling homesick , a bin full of energy drinks ╳
full  name  :  jude  roth
age  :  twenty
hometown  :  berlin  ,  germany
gender :  cis  man  -  he / him
sexuality  :  heterosexual
karl zimmerman met eudora roth on a business trip while she was waitressing yada yada yada. BOOM. dating. then BOOM babies. specifically : jude & mona.
KARL IS A MAJOR DICKHEAD. turns out the dude was already married with kids. and also richer than he made out. eudora found this out and went to his wife with this. as you may have guessed, both women dumped the man on his ass. don’t let the door hit you on the way out, karl. hate him.
eudora, the angel that she is, let him visit for mona’s sake cause she was a lil baby gremlin at the time. but nooooo mr business is everything over here had to go fucking ruin things again. he stopped visiting, he stopped the money. he fucked off like the lil piss baby he is.
money was tight for ages after this. his sister was often sick and constantly in and. out of hospital. his mum was working relentlessly. jude was struggling with dyslexia. but the three of them had each other. it wasn’t much but they loved each other SO fucking much.
fuck school. that’s all i’ve gotta say. being a kid with learning difficulties at a shitty school is never fun. but sport helped him through that a lot. he felt his PE teacher was the only person who hadn’t given up on him yet. 
college was out of the question for him in his mind. he’d pick up some job somewhere, probably at the local tech store fixing phones. he didn’t see himself making any money doing sport which SUCKED ASS. but, he’d rather help out at home than waste money on some degree that probably won’t mean shit cause the unemployment rate is so high for graduates.
but by some miracle, a rep of chatsworth was at one of his football games at school and he was approached with an offer. what jude didn’t know was that his lil piss baby father was the one that arranged it, cause the bitch felt guilty. the dude he swore he’d never get any help from getting into a prestigious college. not a dick move, but also dickish at the same time
don’t get me wrong. jude felt like a fish out of water his entire first year at school. it was only at his mother’s insistence that he accepted.
I HAVE PLANS TO FUCK THIS UP THO. turns out his half siblings also go here. basically their mum was a model & karl had become a CEO eventually. so obviously they got in. he didn’t really talk to them in first year so didn’t know them. but jude doesn’t know they’re his siblings but they’ve recently discovered that they’re his siblings. and they know about their father’s role in getting him in. it’s all very confusing i know. i like convoluted plots like that.
you can find his pinterest here & playlist here (will put in links later cause neither is finished)
my guy is a soft jock himbo with slight fatherly abandonment issues. he doesn’t like to admit how much it affects him. just wants to prove he can do shit without help ya know. 
fluent in both german and english, but speaks with a berlin accent
no common sense
honestly just wants to chill 
bin is always full of energy drinks
he’s on the football team and on the runners
surprisingly good with tech. will fix ur phone if u need it. when u break ur phone like three times a week it comes in handy
he’s a hopeless romantic. will write love poems at 3 am on toilet paper cause he’s misplaced actual paper
has always had an unhealthy obsession with parkour
calls his family up at least once every couple of days
hufflepuff. nuff said.
gonna keep this short and sweet cause i’m a broken human being right now, but i’d love to see like his number one ride or die, best friends, crushes (dude loves people), unrequited CRUSHES cause i’m an evil bitch like that, sport team mates, someone who tutors him, frenemies, enemies (maybe in the form of elitists at the school) tho he tries to keep it to none if ya get me he doesn’t like having enemies what’s the point why not get along, comfort buddies, buddies that just comfort and shed tears together (he makes for a great cuddling pillow), and of course, his half siblings cause i’m a sucker for pain. but, honestly i’m open to anything you throw my way. 
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narrie · 3 years ago
resal would you recommend doing a masters degree in a german university if you arent german nor white and you just started taking german lessons? and if so, which city or uni would you recommend (generally speaking, i know it will also depend on my field). Im from latam, but i have EU citizenship, i have half japanese and half white european ancestry so i dont look white, most people think im either from thailand or that im native american bc my skin is not pale. I know a lot of people that went to study abroad but they are white so... idk i wish id be fluent in german at least but thats not the case lol, also im 25yo (26 in july) i dont wanna be too old or too late for it? Im worried bc 1) im from a third world country 2) im not white 3) i dont speak german (i speak spanish, english, bit of japanese and french but france sucks, spain is NOT an option, uk is out of the question bc of brexit and japan is r xenophobic so) 4) i might be too old. Im sorry i know this is an incredibly privileged ask but google isnt helping bc all the info is meant for 18yo American students
henloooo, well let's see
idk what the visa etc regulations are so u'd need to look into that but uni is pretty much free in germany and student housing is pretty cheap too. we have a program for financial support and i think eu citizens can apply for it too but there might be special conditions, not too sure about that. would u do ur full masters degree here or just do a semester in germany but be enrolled in ur home country?
that shouldn't be (as much of a) problem! u can find racist ppl in every country and germany isn't different but there a lotttt of ppl from different nationalities/cultures living and studying here and especially younger ppl, who u'll mostly be in contact with, tend to not be racist (at least not outright/consciously, there is a thing called "alltagsrassismus"). u should be fine in bigger cities!
depending on what ur studying that should be fine too (are u gonna study in english?). obviously u'll experience some language barrier bc germans translate EVERYTHING, english isn't a standard here at all, but most ppl at uni should know english pretty well and if u need help outside of uni (like asking for directions) ppl will know some basics at least. most unis also have programs/events/courses where u can meet other international/german students which can be fun and help u meet other ppl!
ur not too old at ALLLLL!!!!!! i've studied with moms who were 40+ lmao there are loads of ppl at uni who decided later on in their life to change their career path - bc it's free in germany and u can get support from the state! i had no clue how old most of the ppl were who i was close with at uni bc that never even came up, ppl just assume ur over 18 and that's it
city/uni does depend on what u wanna study bc not every uni offers every degree or u might wanna study in english etc, but there isn't much prestige about unis in germany compared to us/uk. yeah some unis do have a reputation and unis in bigger cities are more popular (which is why it's harder to get in) but ppl mostly decide to study at their "local" uni - if they offer the degree they wanna study. re: city, i'd say come to hamburg<3 idk feel like germans know of the reputation of cities/locations (e.g. dresden is very racist, munich is EXPENSIVE etc) so it's hard to say but in general i'd probably recommend staying in a bigger city, especially when ur a bit worried about racism, but that can also mean that u might feel a little lost
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sa1bo · 7 years ago
Y'all got any other anime recs?
i can just give ya all my fav anime fdfhdghk
sailor moon*
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne
Ao no Exorcist / Blue Exorcist*
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (16+)*
Kill la Kill (16+)*
My Hero Academia (duh)*
Tiger and Bunny*
(anime with a * have GREATLY influenced my art and or writing style and idea of what a good story is; AKA THOSE ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVES)
longer explanations under the cut
Sailor Moon (the oringinal one from the 90s; watch as sub if u want to go in all serious, but the dub is fun too if u like watching it more relaxed ((or with friends bc shits funny)))it has 200 Episodes and 5 MoviesThere IS a remake but I’d say watch that after you’ve seen the original.Summary:Usagi Tsukino is a normal 14 year old girl.. she’s like you and me... sleeps in, loves to eat sweets, loves to play video games, has bad grades, kinda nervous about making friends, kinda broke and just wants to have a good time. But one day her life turns over when suddenly she’s supposed to become a magical girl to defend Tokyo from evil and find a mysterious princess from the moon. (this also involves a talking cat how cool is that)Noteworthy mentions: gay and trans characters? hell yeah! (even if they join the party really late)
Inuyasha! I never saw the english dub, nor japanese dub so no info on which one to watch. just go with preferencehas 193 Episodes.Summary: Kagome Higurashi is yet again an average girl; but she lives at a shrine that has been home to her family for a long time. One day she falls into the well inside the shrine when trying to get her cat (iirc i didnt watch it in 10 years oops) and ends up waking up in feudal japan. She doesn’t really know what happened but thats when she meets inuyasha, who is nailed to a tree with a magical arrow. She saves him and that’s kinda how their destinies collide. again; inuyasha is a half-demon who jumps into fights with a huge fucking sword and its a tru adventure.
Digimon!All digimon seasons should be watched in japanese (or german or latinx spanish (because other languages like english and french did not use the japanese soundtrack. and the english soundtrack is HORRIBLE. bad. hideous. please watch in japanese, german or latinx spanish.)You should start watching Digimon Adventure (1 and 2 and 3)but those two together will be 130 Episodes (and this shit is 3 seasons) jkafhaskjafter seeing season 1 and 2 you should watch the Digimon Movie (my fav movie of all times) and THEN move on to Digimon Adventure triThis is the original digimon series and you don’t NEED to watch it to udenrstand the many reboots, but it’s nice to have seen it to get the references (plus its just REALLY REALLY GOOD!)[theres a lot of gay tension between certain characters but canonically ofc its not happening I GUESS but whatever them gay]Once u got all those down you can watch Digimon Tamers!It has 54 Episodes and is my personal fav season! Takato is a dreamer like you and me and he wants fictional characters to be real! He makes a fucking digimon OC and!?!? IT COMES TO LIFE!!!!!!!!! this season is so fucking good yall. It’s so good.I personally don’t like Digimon Frontier but if u want to give it a try go ahead! The kids THEMSELVES turn into digimon here! idk how many episodes it has tbh but the soundtrack is a bop.Digimon Data Squad is also really good!! the characters are more grown up and the approach is generally a tad more mature (to tamers is also pretty mature considering those are like 12) data squad has 48 Episodesanything after that i didnt rly bother watching but if ya want u can check it out
Kamikaze Kaito Jeannea magical girl anime that i liked a lot as a kid? didnt watch it anymore since 2012 but i have fond memoriesimagine that god himself assigned magical girls?44 episodes, watch in japanese
Ao no Exorcist / Blue Exorcist25 Episodes of the original anime; after epsiode 17 the anime does it’s own thing, not following the mangaWatch season 2 after episode 17 (or finish the first anime first, and then watch Kyoto  Saga; and then read the manga (it’s still ongoing iirc? my adhd ass didnt finish the manga yet so idk))The anime is about Rin Okumura, who turns out to be the son of satan. Instead of accepting his fate though, he decides to become an exorcist, and not just any normal exorcist, but an exorcist so powerful that he will defeat satan personally.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica12 episodes and a movie of magical girl adventure.it will get VERY FUCKED UP so  if ur very sensitive or death/unreality triggers u then us houldnt watch it.I’d say u need to be very mature to stomach this.But it’s oh so worth it. One of my all time favourite anime!!!!!!
Kill la KillAgain for mature audiences (mostly because of the very suggestive outfits and the high amounts of blood. also trigger warning for pedophilia and parent abuse and incest :((( its all just one episode where it happens but its. its bad. (the evil doer dies in the end tho. die bitch.))24 episodesand an OVA!amazing soundtrack, characters and story! (we like to joke that this is basically SA2 but with lesbian human shadow the hedgehog jakshfaskj)
If ur following this blog ur already watching My Hero Academia, and if not wHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THIS BLOG IN THE FIRST PLACE???????????
if u want to u can watch the first dangan ronpa anime (and after that watch playthroughs of the games) !warning theres lots and lots of blood and death and the first game/anime is a little transphobic, and Girls Stop Having Giand Bobbies Challenge but i promise its a good series with a really in depth story and characters!!(if u want to know more about what order to watch all the shit hmu after u finished the anime)
if you like My Hero Academia you MUST (i repeat MUST) watch Tiger and Bunny25 Episodes and 2 movies of super hero goodness. It’s MHA but with adults. Gay and trans characters? Hell yeah! Did the creators of the anime drink respect poc juice? YES!
i bet theres more but im so tired.................... ask me fore specific genres and i’ll have a rec some other time
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calumcest · 5 years ago
you were so funny when you were 16! i just read the one based on the you belong with me video again and it's so cute and so funny. NOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THE 1950 FIC!! listen you can't please. you already didn't give us an end for the office and the train buddy au don't take the 1950 fic away too. this is wonderful news i mean i'm living for your writing and 100k of britpop drama will be soooooo great 😅 (1/5)
(2/5) omg 🙈😊 oh no i don't mind at all! technically i have to thank one direction for teaching me 😅 i mean i learnt the basics in school but i really didn't grasp the language until i started listening to one direction which led to more time on tumblr, watching interviews and reading fanfiction. then i started watching tv shows and reading all my books in english and that helped a lot as well and gave me like an overall understanding of the rules and stuff so i just go by what feels right
(3/5) i mean i haven't listened to a single english version of their songs so i can't really judge 😅 can't bring myself to do it they are like inherently german to me but i'm also shocked your friends even knew the song?? always shocked to find out german things are known somewhere else as well. you are correct this is like the only time cases managed to produce a very nice distinction bc in die nacht is so so so much better.
(4/5) omg you are right calum makes this so perfect with his football experience & michael as i think her name was vanessa fits as well.. she was kinda sassy and pretty badass if i remember it correctly. luke as nerv so everybody can be annoyed at him. idk who ashton could be.. honestly forgot everybody else.. atl as the rest of the team. can you tell i'm too invested in even just the idea of this au?
(5/5) oooh really? 😊 that'd be so great i love get together fics so much and the beginning of this one is so great 🙈 that's so understandable driving in the city is like the worst and most stressful thing ever 😅 very happy you didn't crash the car though! 💕 -spoiler twin
omg stop that one is so badly written it makes me CRINGE i cant believe u like it...we need to have words spoiler twin we really do. however i don’t want to get your hopes up but i have potentially maybe started another chapter of the train buddies au but i can’t be promising anything just was toying around with it a few weeks ago...
omg thats wild? thats so cool that u managed to learn it so perfectly through media like that damn your talent...i wish i could pick up other languages like that FRENCH i’m looking at u 
omg dont theyre so weird like why would you listen to him saying running through the monsoon beyond the world when you could scream ICH MUSS DURCH DEN MONSUUUUUUUUUN HINTER DIE WELLLLLLLT also it just sounds strange because you can clearly tell its not as comfortable? maybe its different now bc theyve lived in the states for so long but definitely in the early english stuff it doesn’t flow as nicely as the german stuff and also i love their german accents. theres one german song we had to listen to at a level which is uhh (google help me please) nur noch kurz die welt retten by tim bendzko and i genuinely LOVE the way he says ‘vierzig’ the only line i remember of that song is noch hundertachtundvierzig mails checken because i looooove the way he says vierzig like fürzig but yes! tokio hotel were actually quite well known in the uk at one point ages ago surprisingly ALSO on that topic theres a tv show called deutschland 83 that is big in the uk and loads of people love and its a german tv show but NOBODY in germany has ever heard of it???? its so fucking good i dont understand 
OMG YEAH...god you’re absolutely right and ashton can be calum/jimi blue’s brother who gets really aggy about everything luke as nerv is seriously just so accurate i love it so much he is the nerv of 5sos 
yoou’re CORRECT and everybody in london seems to think the highway code is like. optional. nobody follows any rules and it stresses me out 
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footballghana · 5 years ago
St Gallen goalkeeper Ati-Zigi talks about life, family, career and rave about him
Fourth floor in the St. Gallen Kybunpark. The Ghanaian Lawrence Ati Zigi (23) appears in his apple-green work dress for the interview appointment.
In addition to the neon-coloured clothes, he wears yellow studded shoes and holds his yellow gloves in his hand. The greeting handshake is surprisingly gentle for a goalie. Zigi’s fingers could be that of a concert pianist. Only the little finger of the right-hand shows a noticeable bend. The consequences of a break say Zigi in English.
VIEW: Lawrence Ati Zigi, over 50 different languages ​​are spoken in your home country Ghana. How many do you master?
Lawrence Ati Zigi: Four or five. In addition, English, French and German.
If Zigi’s story had continued as usual in the past month, he would enjoy his day off on Sunday in the French workers’ town of Sochaux. Two days earlier, he would have sat 90 minutes as the number 2 goalie in the away game of second division FC Sochaux-Montbéliard in Valenciennes on the Belgian border. But at the beginning of the year, everything suddenly turns out differently for Zigi (and the FCSG).
January 8th. The FCSG is preparing for the second half of the season in the training camp in La Manga, Spain. And suddenly stands there without a goalkeeper. Regular goalie Dejan Stojanovic (26) changes bang on case to English second division side Middlesbrough. Transfer fee: CHF 1.2 million. St. Gallen’s mammoth problem: The two substitute keepers Jonathan Klinsmann and Nico Strübi are long-term injuries. The FCSG would have to bet on number 4, the only 17-year-old Armin Abaz. Panic in the training camp!
The search for a Stojanovic successor is in full swing. Trainer Peter Zeidler remembers Zigi. He trained the student of the Red Bull Academy Ghana at Salzburg’s FC Liefering branch, later also in Sochaux. FCSG goalie coach Stefano Razzetti watches application videos all night. There are three candidates to choose from. Zeidler: «The day after, Razzetti said like Pep Guardiola once:‹ The one or none! ›»
Three days later, Zigi is at the gate of St. Gallen for the first time in a friendly against Urs Fischer’s Union in Berlin. In the championship, the new one quickly became the fans’ favourite. “Zigi, Zigi!” – calls echo through the stadiums. The FCSG climbs to the top with Zigi. Last Sunday, he saved the three points in St. Gallen with four brilliant parades. Trainer Zeidler: “I was so calm, nothing can happen to Zigi.” On Sunday, Zigi will stand between the posts during the away game in Lucerne. By the way: Zigi is a real bargain for the FCSG. The transfer amount? “Ned six digits,” says Zeidler in his Swabian dialect.
Mr. Zigi, take a look at the white hills behind the stadium roof. Do you love snow as an African?
It’s nice to look at. But it doesn’t suit me so much to be inside.
When was the first time you saw snow in your life?
First on TV. Then in Austria.
When you were transferred from Red Bull Academy in Ghana to Red Bull Salzburg in 2015 …
No, I almost forgot. Before I came to Austria, I played with Red Bull Ghana at a tournament in France. That was in winter, I really saw snow there for the first time.
When you talk to your loved ones back home in Ghana, what do you tell them about St. Gallen?
You don’t really know the team.
We meant the city of St. Gallen, the mountains, the snow.
My problem is: I haven’t really been able to go into town since I’ve been here. We almost always had training.
Where do you live?
Like Musah near the stadium.
Your compatriot Musah Nuhu comes from Accra like you. You both don’t speak the same language, do you?
Yes, in my family we speak “Ewe”, Musah doesn’t understand that. I talk to him in «Twi».
How was the first day in Europe for you?
I think it was a little difficult. Because of the language. When we arrived in Austria we couldn’t speak German. I was very young then.
Only 15?
Yes, but luckily other players from the Academy in Ghana accompanied me.
Have you been a victim of racism in Europe before?
I’ve seen forms of racism, some people who have behaved racially, but I’ve never been a victim myself.
No, but I don’t really deal with such things either.
But they are very religious. Is this common in Ghana?
It depends on the circumstances under which you grow up. I grew up in a Christian family. We always pray, we have this belief in God.
Do you pray every day?
One or two times?
It can also be more.
Do you also pray for a victory?
Yes. You pray for everything in life.
On Facebook, you wrote, “Lord Thank you for the victory”.
It also says: «In the same boiling water, potatoes become soft and the eggs hard. It’s not the circumstances that count, but what you’re made of. Stay humble. Respect!”
Yes, that’s motivating for me.
Everyone raves about Zigi
“Zigi is a really, really good goalie,” says ex-YB and -GC manager Ilja Kaenzig, who works for VfL Bochum today. It was Kaenzig who transferred Zigi to FC Sochaux in summer 2017 at the request of today’s St. Gallen coach Zeidler. Kaenzig on SonntagsBlick: “African goalies always have the wild component with them. Not so with Zigi. His incredible bounce, the reflexes, everything was great. I’ve wondered a few times why no one brought him. It is a bargain for St. Gallen. A very exciting story in perspective. If things go well, the FCSG will do big things. » St. Gallen Sports Director Alain Sutter: “I am extremely happy that we managed it that way, Zigi was my absolute dream.” The Swiss ex-international Philipp Degen, who has been Zigi’s advisor for three years: “I am convinced that if Zigi stays on the ground, he will really get started in his career.”
How does it feel to be the darling of the fans at the first game? They played their way into the hearts of the green and white fans in their first appearance in the St. Galler Dress.
It was a very good feeling for me. I joined a new team in the middle of the season, with new players, a new game philosophy. And received such support from the start. The reception by the St. Gallen fans was very warm. It was great, really, really nice for me. I couldn’t imagine what to expect.
In your first game, away from Union Berlin, you were the darling of the St. Gallen appendix.
I agree.
It’s incredible, isn’t it?
Yes. I believe in God. And behind everything is God.
They also wrote on social media: You give me more than I deserve, thankful sir.
Yes, that’s my opinion.
What conditions did you live in Ghana? Was your family rich or poor?
We were neither rich nor poor. We were happy with our situation.
What did your father do?
He was a farmer. But he died when I was 12.
How old was he?
Only 44.
Surely a big blow for a 12-year-old?
It was difficult, but it did happen.
Zigi then grew up with his mother, two sisters and a grandmother.
Are you sending money home to your family?
Yes, from time to time. If you need anything.
Let’s talk about football. How important is trainer Peter Zeidler to you? You worked under him in Liefering and Sochaux.
For me he is an important person, he is really very good to me and he is also a very good coach. He is like a father to me. He loves to support the players. He is always there for his players. He is really very good to me.
With St. Gallen you have been leaders in the championship for two weeks. Do you believe in the possibility of winning the title?
We still have some games to play. We cannot decide what will happen. We just have to focus on every game now. Game by game. And then we see what comes out.
How much do you rate the Super League compared to the Austrian or French championship?
I’m still relatively new here in this league. But I know FC Basel and YB from the Champions League. These two clubs have some good players. The league is a bit tougher because there are only ten teams.
Have you already tried a St. Gallen veal sausage?
No not yet.
But if you had to catch up soon, this sausage is very famous in St. Gallen.
How is it done? With pork?
Yes, it also has a small amount of pork in it. But veal must be more than 50 percent.
I do not eat pork.
It is our family’s custom. In our religion, there are people who eat pork, but not in our family.
What are you eating here in St. Gallen?
What the players get at the buffet. And at home, I sometimes try to prepare Ghanaian food.
The specialty is called Jollof Rice, isn’t it? Spicy rice with vegetables and tomato sauce.
Yes exactly.
Are you a good cook?
It works. But I keep trying. When I’m cooking, I often have to call one of my two sisters or my mother. And then they tell me what to do and how to do it. I’m not that good after all.
You don’t drink alcohol either, why?
Because it’s not good for health.
But do you know what Schützengarten means? The lettering is on the upper arm of the games.
That is the name of a St. Gallen brewery.
(Press chief Daniel Last explains to Zigi that Schützengarten also produces non-alcoholic beer).
And cigarettes? You now know very well that “Zigi”, your surname, is the reduction form of cigarette in Swiss German.
Yes, I know that. And no, I don’t smoke.
About Zigi
Lawrence Ati Zigi was born on November 29, 1996, in Accra, Ghana, to a farmer. The goalie is trained in the Red Bull Academy in Sogakope. He left Africa at 18 and joined Salzburg’s FC Liefering farm team in 2015. There, as at Sochaux, he worked with today’s St. Gallen trainer Peter Zeidler. He has been under contract with FCSG as the successor of Dejan Stojanovic since January 2020 and was number 1 for the first time in his career. In 3 games he celebrated 3 victories. He played5 caps for Ghana.
Credit: Blick
source: https://footballghana.com/
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soccernetghana · 5 years ago
THE BIG INTERVIEW: In-form St Gallen goalkeeper Ati-Zigi talks about life, family, career and rave about him
Fourth floor in the St. Gallen Kybunpark. The Ghanaian Lawrence Ati Zigi (23) appears in his apple-green work dress for the interview appointment. In addition to the neon-colored clothes, he wears yellow studded shoes and holds his yellow gloves in his hand. The greeting handshake is surprisingly gentle for a goalie. Zigi's fingers could be that of a concert pianist. Only the little finger of the right hand shows a noticeable bend. The consequences of a break, says Zigi in English. VIEW: Lawrence Ati Zigi, over 50 different languages ​​are spoken in your home country Ghana. How many do you master? Lawrence Ati Zigi: Four or five. In addition, English, French and German. If Zigi's story had continued as usual in the past month, he would enjoy his day off on Sunday in the French workers' town of Sochaux. Two days earlier, he would have sat 90 minutes as the number 2 goalie in the away game of second division FC Sochaux-Montbéliard in Valenciennes on the Belgian border. But at the beginning of the year everything suddenly turns out differently for Zigi (and the FCSG). January 8th. The FCSG is preparing for the second half of the season in the training camp in La Manga, Spain. And suddenly stands there without a goalkeeper. Regular goalie Dejan Stojanovic (26) changes bang on case to English second division side Middlesbrough. Transfer fee: CHF 1.2 million. St. Gallen’s mammoth problem: The two substitute keepers Jonathan Klinsmann and Nico Strübi are long-term injuries. The FCSG would have to bet on number 4, the only 17-year-old Armin Abaz. Panic in the training camp! The search for a Stojanovic successor is in full swing. Trainer Peter Zeidler remembers Zigi. He trained the student of the Red Bull Academy Ghana at Salzburg's FC Liefering branch, later also in Sochaux. FCSG goalie coach Stefano Razzetti watches application videos all night. There are three candidates to choose from. Zeidler: «The day after, Razzetti said like Pep Guardiola once:‹ The one or none! ›» Three days later, Zigi is at the gate of St. Gallen for the first time in a friendly against Urs Fischer's Union in Berlin. In the championship, the new one quickly became the fans' favorite. "Zigi, Zigi!" - calls echo through the stadiums. The FCSG climbs to the top with Zigi. Last Sunday, he saved the three points in St. Gallen with four brilliant parades. Trainer Zeidler: "I was so calm, nothing can happen to Zigi." On Sunday, Zigi will stand between the posts during the away game in Lucerne. By the way: Zigi is a real bargain for the FCSG. The transfer amount? "Ned six digits," says Zeidler in his Swabian dialect. Mr. Zigi, take a look at the white hills behind the stadium roof. Do you love snow as an African? It's nice to look at. But it doesn't suit me so much to be inside. When was the first time you saw snow in your life? First on TV. Then in Austria. When you were transferred from Red Bull Academy in Ghana to Red Bull Salzburg in 2015 ... No, I almost forgot. Before I came to Austria, I played with Red Bull Ghana at a tournament in France. That was in winter, I really saw snow there for the first time. When you talk to your loved ones back home in Ghana, what do you tell them about St. Gallen? You don't really know the team. We meant the city of St. Gallen, the mountains, the snow. My problem is: I haven't really been able to go into town since I've been here. We almost always had training. Where do you live? Like Musah near the stadium. Your compatriot Musah Nuhu comes from Accra like you. You both don't speak the same language, do you? Yes, in my family we speak “Ewe”, Musah doesn't understand that. I talk to him in «Twi». How was the first day in Europe for you? I think it was a little difficult. Because of the language. When we arrived in Austria we couldn't speak German. I was very young then. Only 15? Yes, but luckily other players from the Academy in Ghana accompanied me. Have you been a victim of racism in Europe before? I've seen forms of racism, some people who have behaved racially, but I've never been a victim myself. Never? No, but I don't really deal with such things either. But they are very religious. Is this common in Ghana? It depends on the circumstances under which you grow up. I grew up in a Christian family. We always pray, we have this belief in God. Do you pray every day? Yes. One or two times? It can also be more. Do you also pray for a victory? Yes. You pray for everything in life. On Facebook you wrote “Lord Thank you for the victory”. Yes. It also says: «In the same boiling water, potatoes become soft and the eggs hard. It's not the circumstances that count, but what you're made of. Stay humble. Respect!" Yes, that's motivating for me. Everyone raves about Zigi "Zigi is a really, really good goalie," says ex-YB and -GC manager Ilja Kaenzig, who works for VfL Bochum today. It was Kaenzig who transferred Zigi to FC Sochaux in summer 2017 at the request of today's St. Gallen coach Zeidler. Kaenzig on SonntagsBlick: “African goalies always have the wild component with them. Not so with Zigi. His incredible bounce, the reflexes, everything was great. I've wondered a few times why no one brought him. It is a bargain for St. Gallen. A very exciting story in perspective. If things go well, the FCSG will do the big things. » St. Gallen Sports Director Alain Sutter:"I am extremely happy that we managed it that way, Zigi was my absolute dream." The Swiss ex-international Philipp Degen, who has been Zigi's advisor for three years: "I am convinced that if Zigi stays on the ground, he will really get started in his career." How does it feel to be the darling of the fans at the first game? They played their way into the hearts of the green and white fans in their first appearance in the St. Galler Dress. It was a very good feeling for me. I joined a new team in the middle of the season, with new players, a new game philosophy. And received such support from the start. The reception by the St. Gallen fans was very warm. It was great, really, really nice for me. I couldn't imagine what to expect. In your first game, away from Union Berlin, you were the darling of the St. Gallen appendix. I agree. It's incredible, isn't it? Yes. I believe in God. And behind everything is God. They also wrote on social media: You give me more than I deserve, thankful sir. Yes, that's my opinion. What conditions did you live in Ghana? Was your family rich or poor? We were neither rich nor poor. We were happy with our situation. What did your father do? He was a farmer. But he died when I was 12. How old was he? Only 44. Surely a big blow for a 12 year old? It was difficult, but it did happen. Zigi then grew up with his mother, two sisters and a grandmother. Are you sending money home to your family? Yes, from time to time. If you need anything. Let’s talk about football. How important is trainer Peter Zeidler to you? You worked under him in Liefering and Sochaux. For me he is an important person, he is really very good to me and he is also a very good coach. He is like a father to me. He loves to support the players. He is always there for his players. He is really very good to me. With St. Gallen you have been leaders in the championship for two weeks. Do you believe in the possibility of winning the title? We still have some games to play. We cannot decide what will happen. We just have to focus on every game now. Game by game. And then we see what comes out. How much do you rate the Super League compared to the Austrian or French championship? I'm still relatively new here in this league. But I know FC Basel and YB from the Champions League. These two clubs have some good players. The league is a bit tougher because there are only ten teams. Have you already tried a St. Gallen veal sausage? No not yet. But if you had to catch up soon, this sausage is very famous in St. Gallen. How is it done? With pork? Yes, it also has a small amount of pork in it. But veal must be more than 50 percent. I do not eat pork. Why? It is our family's custom. In our religion there are people who eat pork, but not in our family. What are you eating here in St. Gallen? What the players get at the buffet. And at home I sometimes try to prepare Ghanaian food. The specialty is called Jollof Rice, isn't it? Spicy rice with vegetables and tomato sauce. Yes exactly. Are you a good cook? It works. But I keep trying. When I'm cooking, I often have to call one of my two sisters or my mother. And then they tell me what to do and how to do it. I'm not that good after all. You don't drink alcohol either, why? Because it's not good for health. But do you know what Schützengarten means? The lettering is on the upper arm of the games. No. That is the name of a St. Gallen brewery. (Press chief Daniel Last explains to Zigi that Schützengarten also produces non-alcoholic beer). And cigarettes? You now know very well that "Zigi", your surname, is the reduction form of cigarette in Swiss German. Yes I know that. And no, I don't smoke. About Zigi Lawrence Ati Zigi was born on November 29, 1996 in Accra, Ghana, to a farmer. The goalie is trained in the Red Bull Academy in Sogakope. He left Africa at 18 and joined Salzburg's FC Liefering farm team in 2015. There, as at Sochaux, he worked with today's St. Gallen trainer Peter Zeidler. He has been under contract with FCSG as the successor of Dejan Stojanovic since January 2020 and was number 1 for the first time in his career. In 3 games he celebrated 3 victories. He played 5 caps for Ghana . Credit: Blick source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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