#when their realization has the same impact as a near death experience like woah
okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Flustered Feelings
Harry Potter : Fic
Fred x Reader
Word Count: 1664
Warnings: I LOVE IT! I don’t think it’s as angsty as I would have liked it to be - but it definitely brings out the feels 
Request: “Hi!! First I just wanted to say that I love your writing and I absolutely loved a “mini series “ with Fred 💕I wanted to ask if you could write something with Fred Weasley like a soulmate Au where they can feel what their soulmate is feeling low key angsty but a happy and cute ending pleaseee 💗💗” - @itsp-erf
A/N: Still at a loss as to who your soulmate could be, you keep a sharp eye out when you grow suspicious of a boy you notice at the grand Weasley wedding
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(Y/N) put a hand to her chest and felt a sudden wave of panic fly to her limbs. Though she was resting calmly in the living room, a pang burned in her head as her stomach dropped. This had become a regular occurrence for the last year or so. At the most random moments she’d experience significant feelings of loss or dread.
It didn’t necessarily surprise her – their world was currently being controlled by the darkest wizard of the age. Whoever this mystery soulmate of hers was, he was constantly being thrown into the pits.
Her godmother, Tonks, came into the space with two cups of tea in her grasp, “Oh no. Something happen again?”
“Not as bad as the other day,” (Y/N) responded, taking the cup and saucer Tonks offered her. “That was almost like he lost someone. I wouldn’t be surprised with everything that’s going on.” The strange panic subsided slightly.
“I suppose with the number of disappearances and deaths, this soulmate of yours could be tangled right in the middle of it.”
(Y/N) warmed her fingers against the teacup and wondered, “That’s going to make it hard to figure out who it is. With everyone being in a constant state of panic.”
“As long as you keep him as soon as you find him. You know it took Remus months to accept the fact that I was the one for him,” Tonks took a sip of her drink. “But you know you’re never really happy until you find your soulmate.”
Ever since the war began, (Y/N) had moved in with her godmother and her husband, wishing to be closer to the Order. Her parents disapproved, of course, but this was a time for wizards to gather against the common enemy.
“Dora,” came a small voice from the kitchen. “If we’re going to make it to the wedding at all we’ll have to leave now.”
Remus Lupin stood in the shadow of the doorway, his shabby coat making him look thinner than normal. (Y/N) gave him a warm smile and gazed at Tonks for a response.
“You’re right; you still coming, (Y/N)?”
With a nod, (Y/N) followed suit, watching Tonks stand from the couch and rub an ache in her back.
“Are you feeling any better?” Lupin asked, moving towards his wife, hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I’ve stopped throwing up all my organs if that’s what you mean,” she laughed to convince him it was a joke, but he kept his stony gaze. “Honestly, Remus, I’m alright. Let’s go! I can’t wait for (Y/N) to finally meet everyone.”
The following wedding ceremony of Bill and Fleur Weasley was absolutely breathtaking. And what with everything that’s been brewing in the community – it was nice to have something as normal as a wedding happen.
(Y/N) remained close to Lupin and Tonks, being sure to introduce herself only when necessary. She discovered that a defining quality of the Weasley’s was their flaming red hair and freckled faces. It was even more evident after Tonks pulled Ginny Weasley aside for (Y/N) to become acquainted with.
Of the many siblings of the groom, Ginny was the one closest to (Y/N) in age.
“So, you’re Tonks’ goddaughter?” the ginger asked, straightening her pale gold bridesmaid dress. She looked rather pretty in it.
“Yes. Our families have always been close, and my mother made a promise that she could be my godmother, even though she was way underage when I was born,” she smiled, sipping her champagne.
Ginny nodded, “We love Tonks over here. She’s always been the life of the party. Do you live with her?”
They walked around the dance floor, noticing couples pull each other to get in on the slow song.
“I do. My parents find it ridiculous that I support Harry Potter and the Order. But I told them there was nothing they could do that would stop me from helping the cause. They’ve basically turned me into the Ministry – a blood traitor. Tonks and Remus are professionals at not being seen, so it helps me stay hidden.”
Ginny sneered, “That’s horrible. How could your parents be…”
“Hey, Ginny!” Another red head rammed into her as he attempted to catch a couple of gnomes scuttling across the ground.
“George, I swear if you…”
He yelled back, “No time to talk!”
A flouncy girl with big eyes and streaming blonde hair followed him in an airy fashion, “If you see George suddenly sing Opera or begin speaking in Mermish, please tell me. Thank you.”
After she floated away towards the gnomes, (Y/N) gave an exasperated puzzled expression, “Mermish?”
“That’s Luna,” Ginny laughed. “She’s a bit odd, but we love her all the same. I think she believes that gnome bites give you random talents.”
(Y/N) laughed along with her, “And who was the red head? Another Weasley I assume.”
“One of my brothers – I swear I have a hundred of them. I wonder where Fred is. They’re twins, see, they’re usually not far from each other.”
They scanned the dance floor when (Y/N) suddenly got a fluttering in her stomach. Heat was rising in her neck and flooding her cheeks as her chest seized up.
“Someone’s gotten a bit flustered,” Ginny smirked, eyeing her new friend. “Spot something you like?”
“No, I’m sorry,” she shook her head hard, pushing away the sudden feelings. “It’s the whole soulmate thing. It’s been acting up lately, I think I’m closer to him than I think. He’s getting butterflies – it’s him that’s gotten all flustered.”
Ginny crossed her arms, “I get it. That’s Fred by the way – over there across the dance floor. The one that’s staring at you.”
(Y/N) turned her gaze and found a tall, slender guy standing close to the tent. He looked remarkably like George, whom she just saw, but there was still something different about him. He turned away immediately after realizing that she was gazing back at him.
She suddenly got a suspicion.
“Ginny, will you kick me in the knee?”
“What?” she whipped around and scoffed, “I’ve known you for twenty minutes and you’re asking me to kick you…”
“In the knee, yes.” Her eyes remained on Fred as she asked this.
In the next second, Ginny squared a sharp tap to her shin and (Y/N) bent slightly on the impact but didn’t turn her eyes away from her target.
Fred suddenly jerked to the side, his hand reaching down to his leg with a puzzled expression.
Could he really be?
But a bolt of bright blue shot into the tent, a delicate Lynx standing in the midst of surprised people, its mouth open and a deep voice emitting from it.
“The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming.”
Chaos ensued as couples and families scurried to each other to Disapparate. Members of the Order began casting Shield Charms, (Y/N) noticing Tonks and Lupin. Dark shadows grew overhead as many flying objects came crashing around the yard.
“We need to go,” Ginny cried, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and darting for outside the tent. But a handful of Death Eaters appeared and aimed their wands.
(Y/N) lowered hers from her sleeve and muttered, “We’ll have to fight our way out.”
“Stop there and we won’t hurt you. We have questions,” one of the hooded figures stated, advancing. “Where is Potter?”
“Not here. Not anywhere near here,” Ginny frantically replied, “You should be doing something more useful with your time than investigating places he wouldn’t be.”
(Y/N) made to move past them, but another Death Eater flicked his wand, sending her flying to the ground, “Did I say you could leave? Stay there!”
“Move along, boys. What you’re doing is pointless with Harry not here. No one knows where he is.” It was Fred. And he was cautiously making his way over to the two girls.
(Y/N) attempted to get up off the ground, but was struck with another spell, making her wince.
“Do you just not follow orders?” the Death Eater asked.
“Not from monsters like you,” she grimaced, the last paralyzing spell still lingering in her limbs. She paused to glance at Fred who held a slight twinge of pain in his face.
It had to be him, she thought.
One of the Death Eaters stepped forward, “Lay off ‘em. They’re just kids. There are plenty members of the Order by the house we could question. Don’t waste your time on this insolence.”
The cohort agreed, jetting past the one figure still pointing his wand at (Y/N), “Don’t think I won’t forget your pretty face, eh sweetheart?” He jabbed his weapon towards her and relished in the sharp intake of breath she gave, holding her side.
When he left, Ginny rounded on her new friend, “Are you alright? What did he do?”
“Some kind of stinging jinx.��� Fred was the one to reply, him rubbing a spot on his ribs, “It’s almost like it’s burning.”
Ginny flickered her eyes to her brother before standing, pulling (Y/N) up with her. A slow smile filled her face as she gestured between the two people adjacent to her.
“Woah, woah, wait a minute. Fred – are you saying that…”
Fred advanced (Y/N), concern in his eyes, but also something else. Admiration? Confusion? Hope? (Y/N) wondered.
“Is that what you’re feeling?” he muttered, pointing to her side.
She subtly nodded, “But you weren’t hit with anything.”
“Didn’t have to be,” he smirked, sticking out his hand. “Fred Weasley.”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” She reached for his hand and suddenly felt those same fluttering feelings grow in her stomach. It was because Fred was looking at her. “You’re feeling a bit flustered at the moment.”
The slight confidence that was growing in his gaze began to fall, “You feel that too?”
“How many butterflies do you have in your stomach?” she giggled, a newfound blush creeping on her cheeks.
“I’m thinking we have a lot more in common than you think,” he grinned.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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archive-of-fics · 6 years
Reach Out to Me - Male!Porrim
Porren Maryam: That's when a stern voice makes a very firm command to you. "Come down from there, now." The voice is low and velvety, each sound pronounced with a clarity of practice. The over all authoritative tone sends a stream of obedience through your nerves. Calm, and clear, and terrifying all at once. There is no room for arguing. Turning rigid, you bite your lip. With a slow pace, you ease yourself to face the one who spoke to you. Once your (e/c) orbs lock onto the figure of the person standing there, you possibly become even more stiff, paralyzed. Paralyzed with what you would probably deem as fear. The man standing at the sidewalk of the bridge wears a pair of sleek and well kempt, black, skinny jeans tucked into sturdy leather boots with buckled straps. A stylish, intimidating, and loose tank top drapes over the frame of their artfully tattooed torso, designed with embroidery of jade green. Piercings dot this person's face, one lip ring, and matching pairs of rings on their eyebrows. Glowing, enraged, green eyes stare at you from a sharp featured face. All framed by a silky black fringe from an upper cut hairstyle. This man in front of you is a mixture of intimidation, classy style, and vicious  beast. His voice suits him well, striking fear to your core as you stand atop the bridge banister, legs shaking. You notice one of those green eyes twinge slightly, causing you to hitch your breath before his pierced lips part to speak again. "Did you not hear me? Get down from there, right now." The man repeats as he crosses his arms and stands with his legs slightly parted. With robotic movements, you descend from the dangerous spot on the rail. As the cement of the sidewalk touches your feet, you begin to tremble further. You wonder if this person is going to kill you? Are they planning to scream at you more. Shout like others have when you mess up? Drag you back home or get police involved so you're forced into therapy sessions you know from experience won't help? It only takes one person tattling. You hug yourself tightly, trying to hide your shivers. Your lips are pursed so tightly, they turn white. The (e/c) haze of your eyes dashes around madly as you shift your gaze timidly across the ground. "Don't think of the other people, but think of yourself at least. Think of what you may not realize by yourself." The man states before you hear him step towards you. His voice is what first draws you from yourself, and then his nearing form is what has you whipping your gaze to his as he touches your shoulder. His free hand remains open in front of you, a gesture of invitation for you to come into his embrace. Perhaps it is foolish, to even think of accepting this offer at this time of night from a random stranger. Regardless, you do. You find your face scrunching up in pain as the tears start to stream. Stepping into his arms, you let your face fall onto his chest. His arms wrap lightly over your back. A comforting hold with strength, but enough give that you could easily back out. Bawling into this man's arms, you feel the night's strain shifting though you. Some things making you cry harder, body shaking with the immense impact of the feelings. You can also feel his soft hands pat your back, and rub soothing circles. Hear the soft shushing noises he makes, lovely hisses that resound into your mind. "Hush hush, it's okay. Cry as much as you like. You deserve to cry as much as you want, let it all go." He whispers, a sympathetic and sad smile on his lips as he keeps an eye on you. This goes on for a while until you finally feel yourself beginning to calm down. When your sobs begin to subside, you pull back slightly from his chest, cheeks turning somewhat red. You just soaked this guy's shirt after he caught you doing something you would have preferred to have been unseen. "I'm sorry." You whisper hoarsely as you paw at some tears. "I got carried away, and you got dragged into this, an-" "I don't want to hear any apologies, you are not in the wrong, I assure you." He disrupts your nervous rant. "Please be at ease. I should apologize if anything. I was rather harsh earlier, and to a stranger no less." He soothes in his velvet tone. You nod your head, face still red. "I appreciate it. I'm still sorry to have troubled you. I should be going now." You state as you turn back in the direction to your house. "Woah, hold on there!" He speaks up. "Isn't there someone you can call to take you home? It's hardly safe to be walking alone out here at night." He calls. "Do you want to be alone right now?" Your shoulders drop, and your eyes turn downcast. You aren't sure if you want to be alone or not. You have felt so lonely, everyone has been leaving you, and your best idea to fight that has just been stopped. Maybe you're better suited alone. "I can leave you alone, but I can also try to help you too. It's an option." An option? There are options? You suppose there are, but they've never seemed like they'd be of help. You wonder though. You could give it a try. You could take up his offer and try something. One more thing you can try before you find yourself on this bridge again, and without him to stop you. "You can help?" You ask. "I can try if you'll let me. I don't know you, but it's not fair that you should think death is your only option." "I-I'm (y/n)." You mumble as you hug yourself. You don't see it with your eyes at your feet, but you company smiles. "Porren. Porren Maryam." He greets in return. You recognize the name, and look at him with a new perspective. "Maryam?" You ask. "Yes, do you know the name?" He inquires. "A girl in my school, Kanaya." "Kanaya is my little sister. That's wonderful. You must live close to hear then, right? Would you let me walk you home?" "S-sure." You reply. Porren gestures for you to lead the way, and soon falls into step beside you with graceful strides. His posture is amazing, and you slowly find your own frame lifting up to match his, though your head still hangs somewhat lower. It's interesting to say the least. He's interesting. As you come to your house, you turn to Porren. You can feel tears brimming around your eyelids and frown. "Do you you really think you can help me? Will you really help me?" You question, wondering if perhaps you should have not come home with him. Porren's eyebrows knit together in worry before he smiles softly. He points to your ears and you grow confused. "You have a pretty good style going on, have you ever thought of getting your ears pierced?" Porren asks with a grin. "I don-" You begin to protest. Before you can finish speaking, Porren flips out a card, and holds it out to you. The small parchment is jade green and black with golden writing. It's a nice design, but it's Porren's name on the card that draws your attention. Maryam's Ink Parlor. His number, an email, and an address. You are in awe as you stare at it. "Even if you aren't interested in a tattoo or some piercings, I have a nice lounge space too." Porren states. You wipe away some tears and smile. "I'll have to plan a trip then." ------1 Year Later------ Porren stayed true to his word, and that paper is still in your possession. A reminder you favor that tells you you didn't return to the bridge after Porren took you home. A reminder that you had options presented to you that you find yourself so lucky for. A marker to show that even though you still find yourself having times where only curling into a ball and disappearing from the world helps, you can still bounce back to Porren and he'll let you know it's okay. Everyday after school, you join Kanaya in walking to her brother's shop. She has become good friend to you, and a welcome mother-figure when your own is never home. Oddly enough, Porren also tends to act somewhat motherly as well. He's good at it, but you also get other feelings from him too. You get nervous when Kanaya returns home leaving just the two of you. Your mind turns into mush when Porren invites you to his apartment above his shop for a cup of tea or a movie day. When he buys you small gifts, or compliments your wardrobe and fashion choices. When he even greets you, it's all you can do not to turn into a cherry faced wreck. Even now, as you walk to Porren's shop, preparing for your first piercings, you must remind yourself to stay calm. You twiddle your thumbs as you walk, a small action you don't realize you're doing. Your teeth go to town on your lower lip, and your head is scanning through a million possible methods you could try and use not to start crying from the anxiety right now. You no doubt like Porren, but what if he doesn't return the same like feelings you have? You suppose you'd be fine with that, but what if he doesn't want to stay friends if you tell him? You can't bear the thought of losing him. The one who has come to mean so much to you, the one who reached out in your biggest time of need. "Stop that." You scold yourself in a whisper as you stop in front of the door to your destination. "Just say it, and deal with the consequences." You mumble before pushing the door open. "(y/n), welcome." Porren greets as he looks up from his work at the front counter. "You ready to get your ears pierced?" You gulp, then nod nervously. "Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about something first." You say. Porren nods, coming over to lock the front door before going to his work station. He sets things up as you stand to the side awkwardly. "Right, yes, well, Porren I-" "Here, pick a pair you'll be fine with wearing for a while as you're starting off." Porren interrupts. You take the basket he held out to you and start to rummage through some of the packets. Not really paying the different studs any attention, you try to talk to Porren again. "Anyways, I wanted to say something to you." "Anything, (y/n). Those the ones you want?" He nods his head to the pair of plain silver studs in your grip. "Ah yeah, sure. Porren, I-" "Good choice. " He smiles and takes your hand, leading you to the chair. After having you take a seat, he proceeds to load the small ear piercing contraption. You watch with curious eyes as he grabs the alcohol and prepares a cotton swab with the liquid. His eyes meet yours and you feel your body freeze. Porren pushes your (h/l) (h/c) locks out of the way from your ear and dabs at the skin. He takes up the device from where he had set it and draws nearer to your ear. Only now is the concept of how this ear piercing thing works becoming clear and you purse your lips. Will it hurt? What if you don't like them? What if your ear gets infected? Porren still hasn't let you tell him that you like him! Jesus, he has no manners in this situation... "Porren! Stop!" You shout as you slam your hands onto the arm rests and clench your fingers around them. Porren complies with a look of shock as he retreats with the piercing device. He remains silent, eyeing you to make sure you're okay, but remaining silent. "I-I...Is it...Um. Porren, the thing I had to say, and oh god." You aren't sure what to ask him first. What's getting a piercing like? Do you like me? "Am I going to hurt?" You settle on asking. The question slips out, and you cringe at the way it sounds. It could relate to the piercings, but it could also mean a lot more. You avoid looking at the refined male, and a pink hue dusts your cheeks as you start to feel embarrassed. Porren notices your avoidance, and attempts to process the events in his head. Jade green orbs grow wide with his first presumption, and he turns his gaze onto you with your pink face. Your expression alone is all it takes for the last wheels to turn, and Porren gets a shade of pink for his own face. "(y/n)? It isn't all that bad. I promise." Porren states with a soft smile. Leaning over you, he grabs your chin to lift your gaze to his. You can only stare with wide eyes as your heart stops and your body becomes paralyzed with the venom of this vampire standing in front of you. Porren moves closer, his lips only an inch from yours, and then they touch. Your lips are soft against his and he keeps it gentle so you're able to ease into an understanding of what happens. His slender hand caresses your face as he turns his head to deepened the kiss. His warmth is what draws you to reality before you find yourself kissing back eagerly. Joining the brawl as you grasp for very taste you can manage. Unfortunately, just as you get fired up, Porren pulls back with a smirk. His pierced tongue dabs out to lick his lip in a way you can only describe as seductive, and you feel yourself melt just from watching. Your mind a puddle of mush, void of all current worries. "(y/n), piercings hardly hurt. Just a pinch for the first bit. Over before you know it." Porren explains, his voice a husky whisper. You feel your face heat up as his words set in and you look into your lap. "Porren, the thing I wanted to say is, I like you." You finally confess, feeling the instant weight drop from your shoulders and into the pit of your stomach as you wait for a reply. Surely he didn't just kiss you to tease. "I'm glad. You are so strong (y/n), and I love that. I like you too." Smiling at Porren, you feel relief. You finally got it out. "I think I'm still a bit afraid to get those piercings though." You state with a sly tone. Porren stares for a moment before understanding crosses his face and he grins. Leaning forward, he touches his lips to your temple, and then hovers them over your ear. "Oh no. I guess I will have to just kiss you again until you feel better." He purrs. Porren draws near your lips and before he can tease any longer, you push forward, crashing your lips against his with a fierce passion. His lip ring is cool against your skin as you battle. Your arms wrap around his shoulders. One of his hands grabs at your back and the other tugs you closer by your thigh. He straddles you in the chair as heat forms between the two of you. It only intensifies as the small prod at your lip begs for entrance. Smirking into the kiss, you allow it. That metallic flavor from the tongue stud is intoxicating and you moan as his tongue fights with your own, searching and roaming. When you two must pull back for air, you stare into his eyes, panting. Your entire body is flaming with an immense heat, and you take Porren's hand that had roamed to your side. You hold it tightly and smile at him. "So it only hurts a bit?" You question, as you look to the discarded tools with a smirk. "Over before you know it." Porren smiles.
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