#when the rest of his brothers don't give a flying fuck in FE16
randomnameless · 2 years
“Sothis forbade trying to resurrect her!”
Indech :
Could you be the incarnation of Sothis? Interesting... Let's test your mettle!
By using the word incarnation, was Indech thinking Sothis would rez herself naturally, on her own, with time, with a different form? 
Seteth “Brother, Rhea made vessels to resurrect our mother! When she forbade us from doing it! We must scold her!”
Indech “ah? I don’t really give a fuck bro, I just want to have fun fighting with humans and with this thing that has Sothis’s powers.”
Seteth “GFDI why must I always be the brother who sermons? Can’t you do it for once?”
Indech *shrugs*
Macuil :
You have the stink of Sothis upon you... Let us find out whether you share her power.
Birdie knows Billy has the “stink” of Sothis - maybe her crest? - and wonders if they share her power. He assumes Billy isn’t Sothis, but something close to her. So what is Billy then? 
Shouldn’t he be horrified - or pissed - at them if they truly were the result of a “forbidden” experiment to resurrect their mom when she forbade it?
Seteth “Ah, Brother. See how Rhea disobeyed Mother by trying to resurrect her, resulting in this person? Even so, can you help us save her, so we will scold her together when this will be over?”
Macuil “Pff. Sothis stinks.”
Seteth “... Yes, but we will scold Rhea. Because what she did is wrong. Right?”
Macuil “I don’t care. I wonder if that thing is as strong as Sothis. But then it’s also part human, and I don’t like humans. And I told Rhea not to associate with those inferior beings, but she didn’t listen. She brought this upon herself.”
Seteth “Macuil, Mother said...”
Macuil “And I don’t care, she stinks. Hey, where’s Cethleann?”
So Seteth is the only one in the Nabatean family who goes “no Rhea you should not have done this it’s totally taboo and unethical and questionable you’re BaD poor Billy” when the other two don’t give a fuck about, Sothis’s apparent wishes not to be resurrected, Rhea trying to resurrect her, Billy being a construct and Billy in general, save for a “wow this will be a good match up I’m rusty!”.
So either Indech’n’Macuil don’t give a fuck about Sothis’s wishes and what Rhea was doing -
Or Sothis only told Cichol “btw don’t resurrect me if I die, I will leave you guys to  deal with the mole people who flattened the world!” when the other two were pestering Rhea with her kitties -
Or this line was only added because Seteth has to be S-support material for Billy, and with their “verse warping powers” Billy has to become, potentially, the closest person to Seteth, so Seteth has to join the “Rhea BaD” red herring/train to effectively cut his ties with his family to swap them by Billy (Flayn is the exception).
And by virtue of not being S-supportable by the player, Indech’n’Macuil escape this “warping”, not having to join the “Rhea BaD” train or pretend to give more figs about Byleth than “oh you have Sothis powers. Cool, what next?”.
Damn, typing this made me realise I’m glad Indech’n’Macuil are not playable in FE16, because they escape the compulsory character assassination needed to make them be able to S-support Billy.
NPCS are the best written characters in this game I swear
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