#when the reality is that urkaine has been under russian imperialist attack for almost a decade now
qu33rr1t4bl3 · 10 months
Fellow ESC fans, I think we are all disappointed (yet not surprised) about Israel participating in next year's competition.
What should we do as of now (before boycotting the whole thing if we fail to change things)? Do we put pressure and mail the EBU or just national broadcasters?
The EBU also didn't want to veto Russia even after they invaded Ukraine in 2022, and they only disqualified them after some national broadcasters threatened to boycott the competition, so this makes me think going for the broadcasters may work best.
Governments of Belgium, Spain or Ireland, among others, are already sympathetic to Palestine, so I don't think it's completely impossible, especially since RTÉ is already dissatisfied with the EBU too. So, should we focus our efforts into writing to national broadcasters demanding they disqualify Israel?
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