#when she had the same conversation with Michael and gave her a through the looking glass book instead
ikolit · 3 months
that strange new worlds had the episode premise of having Spock temporarily turned fully human and then managed to miss in every aspect of his characterization and how that would affect his relationship with the rest of the crew is truly amazing
#Somehow worse than fanfiction the wasted potential alone#I do appreciate how insane they make amanda and that is the only reason I'm making an effort of watching this awful awful episode#But the way it makes me want to pull up a word document and just rewrite the entire thing#Why does no one in the crew actually like Spock#That they choose to go ooh he's like an hormonal teenager because he is experiencing emotions for the first time in his life ?? What????#Amanda's I'm going to teach you about your human side being strictly about lying to his future in laws#when she had the same conversation with Michael and gave her a through the looking glass book instead#She and sarek really are doubling up into making the most insane children in the galaxy psychology majors across the enterprise must dream#Of studying those two as a couple#Like what are you on ??? I love you queen you deserve the world#I feel like each new kid they got they decided to go a completely different route for the bit sarek got dibs on Michael so Amanda was like#I'll handle spock's whole personality by making him think that everything outside of the Vulcan norms is a human trait so I can get away#With commiting high treason and just pass it as a quirky human thing#They missed such a huge opportunity with both just have Spock continue acting the exact same but being perceived differently just on accou#Of no longer being othered by the crew#and also of just having him go Vulcans don't lie to Amanda's bit and both of them knowing that is an inside joke to their family#I don't even go into this show I just saw that Amanda showed up for this episode and I wanted to check and boy do I regret it
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klausysworld · 2 months
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Nik Michaels
Klaus had been going back to the same little art shop for weeks now. His studio at home was stacked with paints but it didn't stop him going back at least once every few days.
The little bell chimed gently above the door as he stepped inside the cozy room. The scent of lavender floated through the room whilst the soft hum of music drifted past the selection of canvases and shelves.
His eyes immediately searched for her familiar face.
Y/N was handing a customer their receipt along with a beautifully decorated paper bag which contained whatever supplies they had bought. He moved out the buyers way when they headed for the door and took their place at the till.
"Hi Nik." She greeted, a smile on her face which he couldn't help but mirror.
"Busy day, sweetheart?" He asked as that damned bell rang again and a fellow artist made their way inside.
"Always busy in New Orleans!" She chirped, her eyes bright and keen as she waved at the other woman in the shop.
Klaus hummed faintly and tapped his fingers gently against the wood that stood between them. He waited relatively patiently for her to serve the woman before waiting for her attention again.
She turned back to him and gave him a cute little head tilt. "You can't possibly need more paint?" She laughed, the sound ran right along his spine and he felt his hairs stand on edge.
"Well paints aren't all you sell now are they, love?" He grinned and she shook her head.
"Pick whatever you like." She told him, gesturing to the contents of her shop making him push that little pout to his face.
"You aren't going to come out from behind there and help?" He questioned, tone playful. Her cheeks went an adorable shade of pink as she pushed the pointless gate that separated her and her customers to come over to his side.
Klaus smiled as she came over to him. He loved when he got to be so close. She was the kindest, most gentle hearted person he had ever met.
His eyes took in the soft, beautiful features of her face before trailing downwards. Her dress was a soft shade of blue in colour, one of his favourites. The bodice was fitted perfectly, the built in cups showing the perfect shape of each of her breasts before the aline skirt hid the rest of her curves. He glanced to the comfortable but never less than pretty flats that adorned her feet. Klaus loved that she never wore heels, kept her small and dainty.
Klaus was certain that even without his superhuman strength, it would be easy to pick her up, spin her around, lift her up, catch her, anything.
His eyes snapped back up to hers, taking in the way her irises swirled with colour. Suddenly the realisation dawned on him that her soft lips were moving, he tuned back into the conversation.
"Canvases? Or do you want something else like uh the dream catchers and things? I know you don't usually but there are some more...masculine ones you could have..." She offered, eyes darting round the room as she spoke about different things and thought of anything else she could offer him. "I have candles and incense? Uh...evil eyes? Some things to bring luck and stuff? You don't seem like a crystal guy..." She murmured, thinking aloud and he couldn't help but feel a little amused.
"Not particularly, but for you sweetheart I could be." He smirked and Y/N looked down with a smile.
"What did you come in for Nik?" She asked and he clicked his tongue.
"Well.." He muttered, his expression never dulling. "I came in hoping for a date...perhaps you have a spare evening this week?" Klaus proposed, his eyes wondering over her again without meaning to.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, it wasn't the first time he had asked for a date; in fact he asked pretty much every single time he walked in there.
"Nik-" She sighed softly and he huffed.
"Oh come on sweetheart! Just one dinner, one glass of wine...one kiss...one touch...one-"
"Nik!" She scolded and he groaned unseriously.
"Y/N..." He borderline whined and she giggled. "I'll buy every last brush in this store. Every last tube of paint, every sheet of paper, everything for one evening where you're mine and mine alone."
"If you buy everything it'll take me forever to restock." She shrugged and he swallowed down the little growl that his wolf produced.
"Then I'll spend all week helping you stack the shelves," He grinned and looked down at her, wanting nothing more than to grab her perfect little face and kiss that teasing smile right off her face. "I'll have to lift you up to help you reach those high shelves. Do tell me love, how did you get those up their?" Klaus asked as he eyed the beginners painting gift sets that rest far to high up for her adorable height to reach.
"Hm? Oh. My ex put them up there...they're just display ones, thats why people ask for them and I get some from out back." She explained and his light mood lowered.
"When was this ex last around?" He questioned, desperately trying to sound casual however it was anything but.
"Oh he doesn't come around here anymore." She told him simply but there was an underlying tone to her words.
"Did you end on good terms?" Klaus asked, curiosity obvious but also his concern.
"Uh...sure...you know, all breakups are messy." She mumbled, her attention on a little feather that dangled from a dream catcher she was fiddling with.
Klaus nodded silently, understanding that the topic needed to be dropped for the time being. He cleared his throat and picked the decoration from her hand.
"I like this one." He decided, whether it was because it was pretty or because she had touched it was unclear.
"You sure?" She checked, that smile on her face always contagious and it made him nod.
"I'll bag it up for you" She told him, taking the dream catcher back and going back behind to the till. Klaus leaned against it, gazing at her as she picked a bag out for him. Each paper back was hand painted by her to be unique, there must have been hundreds ready and he couldn't help but wonder how much time she spent each week preparing them all. His eyes watched her hands wrap the item in a couple layers of tissue paper before gently placing it in the bag and placing it up in front of him. "Cash or card?" she asked, eyes back on his.
"Cash" He answered automatically, pulling out a fifty and she shook her head.
"Nik, no. No more big tips." She told him, borderline whined and he grinned.
"Oh love, you deserve the tips. Think of it as me paying for the bag." He offered a solution and she huffed.
"The dream catcher is $5. The paper bag is not worth $45." She argued and he shook his head.
"The bags are as beautiful as the item. And the dream catcher is worth more than $5" He countered and she sighed softly to herself as she reluctantly took the money from his fingers. "So...about that date" He brought up and she shot him a playful glare.
"I'm...very busy." She muttered and he hummed, clearly unconvinced.
"Perhaps you could schedule me in for next week then? Morning, afternoon, evening, middle of the night, it doesn't matter." He listed, becoming all the more eager, bordering on desperate.
"I'm just not ready for a relationship at the moment Nik and I don't think I could go on one date with you without wanting another." She sighed and he softened.
"Alright" He whispered with a nod. "I understand that..." He paused for a moment as he took the bag. "I can wait." He shrugged and her brows furrowed slightly.
"Wait?" She questioned and he nodded.
"I'm a patient man, I can wait for you to be ready." He told her and he meant it.
Y/N was human. She didn't know who or what he was. He wasn't Klaus Mikaelson the crazed hybrid, disgrace to the wolves and tyrant to the vampires, father to the tribrid and son to the original witch. He was just Nik, an artist. So simple yet it allowed him to be so much more. A man instead of a monster.
It was nice having Y/N's attention, she didn't have any twisted intentions. No ulterior motives, she wasn't evil or calculated, she was just kind and genuine.
"I'll still be coming here every week for paints and what not, then when you're ready I'll take you somewhere fancy." He winked and she laughed softly.
"I'll see you in a few days." She told him as he stepped back toward the door.
"I'll see you soon sweetheart."
And obviously he did. He came back all the time. Often giving her little paintings he had made with things from her shop. They could be seen hanging up in the back. Y/N lived in the apartment above her shop and almost never left the building, she had no need to unless she needed to go shopping. She went out for her weekly visit to town on Monday as it was the only day her art job closed. Klaus would almost always be roaming around the supermarket, waiting for her to show up so he could help pick out her dinners for the week and carry her bags home for her whilst she scolded him for trying to pay for her groceries.
Back home his family never knew where Klaus was going so often. All he said on a Monday morning was that he'd be back later to Hope and then would be gone for hours.
Never would any of them have thought he would be pushing a trolley round each aisle or juggling cartons round a shop.
Once he helped her get everything inside he would carry the bags up the steep steps leading from the back of her store but he never went into her apartment. She hadn't ever invited him in. He would just pass her bags over the threshold whilst she spoke to him from her kitchen as she put things away. When she came back out he would help her organise out back and sometimes he got to decorate the paper bags with her, swirling beautiful patterns and scenes across the material.
He'd only leave when it got dark and she became hungry, not without offering to take her out of course. Inevitably Klaus would go home in a strangely good mood, taking Hope to bed and reading her a story before going to his own room with only one thing or person on his mind.
Hayley, Rebekah and Freya would all hold the same look, knowing that Klaus was in over his head. Elijah would shake his head every time at their childish giggles and tell them to leave Niklaus alone, not that Klaus seemed the slightest bit aware. He was sure that he was very discreet about his visits.
But they all would get nosey each time he came down the stairs, skip in his usually dull step, a smile on his usually grumpy face. The girls would start to whisper and even Marcel would crack a joke every now and then. Klaus however, remained oblivious.
He hung around Y/N like a love-stuck puppy, bringing flowers and sketches for her to enjoy. But one day when he walked in, the little bell didn't ring.
A frown settled upon his face as he noticed the item on the ground. "Y/N?" He called, picking up the bell and walking further in. He heard a crash from out back and immediately pushed past the gate. Y/N was yelling incoherently, crying and backing away from a very rageful man.
A switch flicked in Klaus's mind.
Y/N sat in the corner of the room, face in her knees and hands over her ears whilst Klaus mercilessly beat the man until he couldn't blubber a word. The guy was dragged out into the alley round the back of the building, propped up by the bin and told that should he try to move, Klaus would pick him apart limb by limb.
Klaus went back to Y/N, his hands bloody so he wiped them on his shirt before taking her face into his hold only to see light bruising starting to form across the top of her cheek. His arms moved to pick her up, carrying her upstairs.
"I need you to invite me in, love." He told her, ignoring her confusion and making her say the words that allowed him inside. Once she was sat down on her sofa, blanket draped over her shoulders and an ice pack in hr hand, she started to calm down.
Her gaze stayed on Klaus as he cleaned his surprisingly unbruised hands in the kitchen sink. His henley was stained, finger smears of blood that made her feel sick.
"Who was that man?" Klaus demanded, voice much colder than she had ever heard it. It frightened her.
"He's my ex-" She told her, voice wobbly as she sniffed.
"I thought he didn't come round here?" He snapped and she flinched.
"He's not meant to...I have a restraining order" She whimpered and Klaus swallowed, trying to push his anger down. It wasn't directed at her, it was at the man bleeding out downstairs.
He wasn't thinking straight, but he knew that he needed to stop yelling. If Y/N had been in a presumably abusive relationship before then witnessing Klaus almost killing a man would not bode well for him. Being too loud, too aggressive in his movements would scare her more.
His hands rubbed down his face, trying to conjure ideas on how to fix everything. Klaus considered compelling her but he was certain that it would come back to bite him in the ass. He didn't want to be a vampire to her, a hybrid. He couldn't heal her, it would complicate things further.
What would a human do? He wondered, glancing over at her tear-stained face as she looked up at him silently begging for help.
"Should I...call the police?" He sort of offered, feeling strangely nervous. He thought maybe it was the right thing to do. He would compel his way out of any charges of course but at least to Y/N he would be a good person doing the right thing.
"No..." Y/N whispered and he was a little surprised when she shook her head. "You'll be in trouble."
"I won't...it'll be ruled as defence of innocent life, I didn't attack him, he attacked you and I stopped him. He's in the wrong." Klaus argued, voice much gentler now.
"You don't know him...he has ties and connections, the police will ruin you, you'll be taken away. He's not gonna come back...you scared him but if you take him to court he'll win. I only got the restraining order because I gave everything for it." She explained. Klaus hated how vulnerable she was because of that man.
"Okay" He murmured, nodding. "We should get you to a doctor though, you're still hurt."
"It's just bruising, nothings broken, I'd know." She uttered, her eyes glancing down momentarily in shame.
Klaus knew that he would have her ex strung up by his own intestines. Tearing him apart from the inside out and watching the fear and horror leave his face when death took his filthy soul.
Cautiously, he sat down beside her and helped her over to him to hold her in a comforting hug. Her tears began quiet before they developed into broken sobs that she must’ve been holding in for so long. Klaus understood now why she wasn't ready for him but he made her a promise that he would wait and he would continue to uphold that by being there for her so that she may heal.
Later that day once Y/N had cried herself to sleep, Klaus went out back to move her ex-boyfriend. He put him down in the dungeons of the abattoir before returning to the shop and cleaning everything up. Putting every last piece of paper back on their shelf, he picked up the torn bags that Y/N had made and put them in the bin before spending his night making a hundred more to replace them.
The next day Y/N didn't come downstairs, he could hear her lead in bed, sniffling away to herself. He didn't want to make her come down so he ran the shop for her, serving customers and packaging things the way he had seen her do and restocking shelves at the end of the day so that everything was perfect like she had it. He locked the front up for her and went upstairs, going through her cupboards to cook her something for dinner.
Her tired little self had shuffled into the room once the inviting smell travelled through her door and enticed her presence.
Klaus brought her the plate of food to the little kitchen island and helped her onto the chair. "It wasn't too busy today but it wasn't too quiet either." He told her whilst getting her some water.
"You worked for me?" She whispered and he nodded.
"Course I did, I'm not the only artist who relies on your shop." He told her, a playful element to his words to make her smile.
"Thank you" She whispered earnestly. "For today and yesterday."
"We don't need to remember yesterday." He murmured, shaking his head.
"You didn't do anything wrong... you saved me."
"Right place, right time." He argued and she scoffed softly but he wouldn't let her contradict him.
Eventually they just agreed to disagree and they tidied everything up before Klaus went home.
He got in and went straight to Hope's room, apologising for being gone so long and promising to take her out for the whole day tomorrow.
They went for ice cream, to the park, for afternoon tea and to a soft-play. All women loved seeing a dedicated father, especially an attractive one. However no matter how many mothers hit on him or how many by passers would flirt, Klaus wouldn't bat an eye. Y/N was at the centre of his mind all of the time when it came to women. He barely noticed the amount of eyes on him, the attention he usually craved.
Now the only eyes he needed on him were hers.
Weeks passed by of him continuing his routine of dropping by. Her ex-boyfriend was long gone and very mutilated. He fell harder and harder for her, he could've stared at her for lifetimes. Sometimes he would linger around the shop until she gave in and asked if he wanted to use her art studio upstairs, it was smaller than his at home but felt much more intimate. It was as though he could see her every feeling sprawled out across the walls, the floor, everything everywhere. He ended up with his own rack on canvases in her studio which he would add to as often as she let him.
He waited a fair amount of time before he got to take her out. She met him outside of her shop, dressed as gorgeous as ever when he pulled up beside her in his car. He got out to open the passenger door for her, making sure she knew how much she brightened his evening.
Y/N was a little quiet on the drive there, her walls were up when it came to dating and he knew that and made sure not to push his limits.
Dinner was as sweet as expected, he behaved as the perfect gentleman to charm her and treat her correctly. There was never a moment of doubt or a second she felt even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Everything seemed to flow perfectly.
At the end he brought her home and made sure she got in okay. There were no kisses but he had expected that and didn't mind. Klaus was too overjoyed that he had finally gotten to take her out to be stressed over a kiss.
Oh but once he got that first kiss, he never wanted a day without one.
Klaus wasn't a touchy person usually. However whenever given the opportunity to have hand on his girl? Whether it be the small of her back, her hip, her waist, her hand, her knee? It didn't matter where, so long as she was happy and comfortable.
Once the relationship started rolling, it seemed to have a smooth journey. Klaus had practically moved into her apartment.
He was always curled up around her on the sofa, tickling her sides and nuzzling her hair while she tried to finish a drawing off. Often they would both be in her little studio, getting paint everywhere as they tried to create a joint painting. Klaus would always be there for at least one out of the three meals.
After a couple months of dates and kisses, he told her something really important; that he was a father.
Y/N had been shocked and a little upset that he hadn't told her sooner but eventually she understood why he didn't want to broadcast it.
"It's nothing to do with you, my love. I wouldn't have told any woman until I..." He paused, he wasn't sure this was the right time to say he loved her. "Until I really care about them, If I had told you then I would have introduced you and I couldn't do that unless I was sure...everything's much more complicated when a child's involved." Klaus explained.
"I get it Nik, I do. I just- I need some time to digest it, okay?" She sighed and he felt his heart sink as he nodded, kissed her head and headed home.
He loved Y/N and it would break his heart but if she couldn't be apart of Hope's life ever then she couldn't be apart of his, not truly.
A few days went by, he gave her some space and didn't come by the shop, before he received a message from her asking if he would come over. Klaus knew he would never let her go after that. He let her meet Hope only a week later, watched as she pushed his daughter on the swings and went down the slide with her on her lap. Hope was still young, only just getting ready to start school so she latched onto Y/N easily.
Everything moulded together so beautifully. To him, they were the little family he had secretly craved. A family where hatred was non-existent. Love was truly boundless and honest.
Arguments were rare and were over surprisingly fast. Klaus was used to endless grudges and growing hatreds against everyone but not her and Hope. There wasn't a bad thing to say about either of them.
But it was getting difficult for a few reasons.
The main one being that he was keeping a lot of secrets. She didn't even know his name. To her he was Nik Michaels. Not Niklaus Mikaelson. He was human, an artist who was doing really well and had lots of foreign buyers. She knew he had a big family, he had mentioned some names and stories here and there but it was strongly implied that they didn't speak anymore. Y/N wouldn't have ever guessed that he was living with them. She didn't know where he lived, just assumed he hadn't ever taken her before because she'd never asked and because of Hope.
Another growing issue for Klaus was his need for further intimacy. He had so much understanding for how she felt and how she had been treated in the past, he wouldn't voice his desires but they were slowly driving him crazy.
The amount of masterbation he had engaged in since he met her was making his balls hurt. As a man who had never really had such tight loyalty to a woman or had to wait so long for any sort of sexual contact, the past months drove his body crazy. Especially with how perfect she was.
Sometimes when they'd snuggle up he'd feel himself get all hard again, he'd ignore it for as long as possible before it became painful. It was unclear as to whether Y/N was unaware or choosing to ignore what was happening when he would disappear to another room to try to ease the tension.
There had been a lot of times that he had smelt her lovely arousal, often when making out or lead in bed but she never addressed it either so he knew she wasn't ready.
Klaus knew she wasn't ready to have sex but he wondered if she was ready for anything else.
So when she was laid against him on the sofa beneath a blanket with a romantic film playing in front of her, he let his hands slip downwards. He mirrored the actions of the man on the screen, letting his fingers disappear under her waist band and graze over her panties. Y/N's hand held onto his shirt at his shoulder, she was tense but nodded silently. Klaus's fingers pet her clit through the cotton barrier, varying his pressure and direction. A series of little mewls and gasps left her soft lips whilst her head went down, her face pressing into his shoulder as her hips rolled against his hand and wrist. "You feel so lovely." He whispered as he pulled her underwear aside and coated his fingers in her wetness.
Y/N held onto him so tightly, her breathing messy and unpredictable as she whimpered. "Please Nik, please keep going."
Klaus groaned at the sound of her begging and eagerly obliged. He leant down to kiss her forehead softly to keep her comforted as he circled his fingers over her sweet little jewel. He was slightly hesitant to let his middle finger sink into her but after another minute of her delicate little moans he let her tight heat encase his skin.
The sound she produced was pornographic and her hips thrust forward with desperation. Klaus felt her nails break through his shirt and dig into his skin making hiss in a pained delight and pump a second finger within her velvet walls.
"Nik!" She cried beautifully and he leaned down to kiss below her ear before nipping her earlobe. Her moans fuelled his wrist to move faster, push deeper. The slippery swollen clit beneath the pad of his thumb felt as though it was buzzing as her face pushed right into his neck, a muffled call leaving her as she came undone.
Klaus eased his fingers out of her gently and gradually slowed the stroke of his thumb before pulling his hand out from under the covers and sucking her taste from them. His eyes rolled back and his tongue licked over his bottom lip to catch the drip.
He looked down to look at Y/N as her chest rose and fell dramatically with each breath and her hair stuck to the back of her neck making him push the blanket down a bit to help her cool.
Klaus kissed her cheek before turning her head with his hand to feel those lips he loved so dearly against his own. He loved how she panted into their kiss, stealing all the air from his lungs and letting him be blessed with another soft little moan he had dreamt of for months.
He pulled away slowly and kissed her lips a few more times, looking down at her eyes through his own and enjoying her disheveled state.
"I love you." Klaus whispered, his eyes darting between hers to gage her reaction.
"I love you too." She replied without missing a beat making him release a breath and kissing her again for a little longer to really saver that feeling.
From that day Klaus almost lived in her little apartment. He restocked shelves in the evening, helped her cook, helped clean and then snuggled until bed. Hope had been coming round a few days in the week, not sleeping over because he didn't want to raise alarm bells with his family and also because there wasn't room but she came over to play after the store closed and on Mondays when it was closed they would often drive out of town to go to softplays and parks.
A couple times Hope had accidentally called Y/N 'Mommy'. Every time Hope would either feel really bad and cry or wouldn't notice at all, no in between. Klaus would calm her down and tell her that Y/N didn't mind and that they knew she didn't mean it to upset her real mommy. Y/N would just soften even more. Being a parent was something she did want one day and knowing that to Hope she was good enough to be called her mommy gave her such joy and love for the sweet child.
Klaus and Y/N never mentioned having children. It was a little difficult with them living separately and her working nearly everyday so it wasn't brought up. They didn't think nor worry about that.
Well...not until she wound up pregnant.
Klaus had just unlocked the door to come inside, bouquet of flowers in his hand and smile on his face before he heard her soft sniffles from the bathroom. His face dropped and he quickly shoved the door open.
His brows furrowed before his eyes widened as he looked around. At least five pregnancy tests were littered on the floor around her as she curled into herself and cried.
Slowly he picked one up and read that magic little word. Klaus swallowed thickly and knelt down to wrap his arms around Y/N's frame.
"It's alright, love." He whispered to her. His hands rubbed her back and sides gently whilst he focused his hearing on her body, listening for that faint little beat of their baby's heart.
Her head shook with a sniff as she leaned against him. "I can't afford a baby...it's too soon. I'm not- I was gonna wait at least a couple years, we haven't been together long enough-"
Klaus tried to shush her gently but her breathing became more and more rapid and her words started to blur together. Klaus could feel the worry building except he was worrying for two now.
"Y/N" He murmured, cupping her teary face in his hands. "We'll figure this out. I'm gonna be here, I can afford this okay? You can't worry about that. Just... just worry about your health and our baby." He trailed as his hand slid down her front to her tummy.
Y/N looked up at him through glassy eyes before glancing at his hand. She was quiet for the longest time, staying on the floor as he cleaned up the tests, throwing all but one out.
He made sure she ate something for dinner before going to bed with her, snuggling close and whispering about how beautiful their little boy or girl would be.
Y/N went back to work the next day, despite Klaus trying to persuade her that he could run the shop whilst she had a few days to herself.
So whilst she ran the art store, he started looking at real-estate nearby. He knew that they would need a house with at least three bedrooms if not four; one for them, one for the baby and one for Hope. If he could get a four bed it could be a playroom and then one day another bedroom. Klaus worried a bit over how his family would be, if they'd let him take Hope. Of course Hayley would have her half the time but he knew Hayley and he knew she wouldn't want split custody. But he couldn't leave Y/N and their child so he'd have to get it to work.
In the early months of Y/N's pregnancy everything was normal. Klaus kept up his visits, took her to doctors appointments and hid little sonograms in his room at home.
Though they didn't stay there long before he found a house.
It was perfect.
Five bedrooms, two of which were en suites with showers. A separate bathroom upstairs with both bath and shower and then a smaller one downstairs. The kitchen was spacious and had a lot of potential which Klaus immediately took advantage of and had people in and out all of the time to fit the marble countertops. Then he had an island fitted for the mental image of his cute little family having breakfast still dressed in their pyjamas and slippers. He still had a dining table for their evening meals and for when Hope got older and wanted to invite friends over or anything. He also furnished the living-room to be comfy and inviting with a beautiful fireplace and everything.
Klaus had lived in many houses, mansions, apartments but they were never a home. They were soulless, empty buildings that he just floated around so this time he wanted to make it homey and special. Warm, comfortable and full of life.
Once Y/N was six, almost seven months pregnant, Klaus told he had a surprise for her that required her to be blindfolded. She had yawned and told him that she was too tired which made him chuckle before leading her into the car.
When he took the cloth away from her eyes she was faced with such a stereotypical sight; that big white picket fenced house with a lovely lawn covered in flowers and berry plants.
Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting both hands on her now prominent baby-bump whilst placing a kiss to her temple.
"I know you were worried about raising our little one in your flat...The house is all ready for us, I'll keep your apartment above the shop so that you still have it and I’ll run the art store whilst you’re on maternity- We can have your things moved here- though I did buy some new-" He kept rambling but Y/N spun round and pushed her lips to his to shut him up.
She pulled away after a moment and rest her head in the crook of her neck, Klaus nuzzled into her hair before he realised she was sniffling back tears.
"What's wrong, my love?" He whispered and she wiped her eyes.
"Nothing...it's just perfect...you're perfect." She whimpered and he smiled, holding her tight. He chuckled softly, her pregnancy hormones had made her so teary over the smallest things but he didn't mind.
"You want to go see inside?" He asked her and she nodded vigorously, holding onto his hand as he lead her to the doorway.
He showed her the downstairs before taking her to their bedroom. On the bedside table was a framed sonogram and a framed positive pregnancy test. Y/N was a sniffling mess in seconds and Klaus was kissing all over her face to try calm those cries away. She was a mess when he brought her to the nursery, it wasn't decorated yet, only a simple crib in the room.
"I couldn't design this room without you." He whispered, stroking her bump as he did so.
That night Y/N and Klaus cooked for the first time in their new house, snuggled by their never before used fireplace and then went up to their new bed.
Klaus helped her our of her maternity clothes, shushing her when she told him she was gross like this. "You're gorgeous like this, I love that you're pregnant with our baby." He told her as he unclipped her bra making her whimper.
"I just want it out of me now." She sniffed, trying to cover her body with her arms and hands but he wouldn't let her.
"I love your body, it's always beautiful." He promised while pushing her to lay down on her back. Klaus wiped away the little tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes and kissed her sweet lips. His hands slid up to gently cup her swollen breasts, caressing them softly and kissing her jaw.
"We can't have sex like this...I look like-"
"You look like an angel." He cut her off, refusing to hear her talk bad about herself. He trailed his lips down her neck to her chest before sucking little red marks into her breasts. Klaus listened to her whimper, glancing up to check she wasn't hurting from how sore she was becoming lately. He smiled when he saw the look of pleasure in her eyes and slipped his hand down between her thighs where it belonged.
He stroked her pussy gently, feeling how wet she was without him having to do anything. Klaus knew Y/N needed him, his body, much more then she would ask for because she had become so self-conscious since getting a little bigger. Klaus found it silly that she could think being full of his child would make her less attractive, if anything it made her ten times sexier. Of course he knew that sometimes she was too tired but there were many occasions when she needed him and he knew it but wouldn't want him to touch her.
Tonight he felt the strong need to satisfy his love. So he circled her clit rhythmically whilst getting his pants off as swiftly as possible.
Y/N had no time to protest before his cock was burying inside her. She whimpered loudly and rolled her head to the side. "Nik..." She moaned and he groaned, leaning down to kiss her cheek round to her lips.
Y/N was desperate for the feel of his mouth on hers, the thrust of his cock between her walls and the grip of his hands on her hips but she couldn't help but worry about how she looked and she only knew she was going to get bigger in the remaining three months. Her eyes glanced down at her belly and the was he tried his best not to touch it as his hips rocked up against hers. Their lips parted and he cupped the side of her face.
"I'm just making sure I don't hurt the baby is all." He whispered, noticing her sad stare. "Don't think I don't want to touch you all over." He purred into her ear before sucking her earlobe between his teeth. "Once our little one is born and you're all rested I'll make sure you remember how good it feels when I get rough, hm?" He murmured whilst kissing the side of her face.
Y/N nodded stiffly and pushed her face into the crook of his neck, just focusing on the heat of his skin on hers and the electricity running in their veins.
Klaus kept his body moving, bucking his hips just right to make her moan into his skin. His hand kept playing with her swollen clit, teasing her closer and closer.
He grew more needy for her cunt to clamp down as he felt himself leak a few drops inside her. Klaus was grateful that she couldn't see his face when his eyes went gold and his fangs elongated, threatening her flavoursome flesh. Y/N could feel his breathing against her shoulder as his fingers dug into her sides.
"That's it, love-" He gasped, thrusting faster before slowing and giving a few slow, calculated plunges of his cock before feeling her sweet pussy squeeze tighten and gush around him. Klaus released a fast breath, urging his hybrid features to go away when he felt her shift beneath him, whispering if he was okay. He forced the fangs back in, the gold away and the veins to fade beneath his eyes as he felt her insecurities start to bubble.
Klaus pushed up on his arms, leaning down to kiss her deeply. His hands caressed up and down her body, making sure not to leave an inch of her untouched before he pulled himself out of her and slid his hands under her.
"Oh god- Nik don’t even try-" She protested but he picked her up with ease, much to her surprise, and carried her to their en suite bathroom.
Y/N went quiet at how easily he seemed to hold her as he ran a bath. Then lowered her into the warm water and continued to clean the sweat from her body and lean down to leave a display of kisses on her already marked up skin.
She couldn't help but just gaze at him as he let her relax amongst the bubbles and washed himself in the glass shower. The hybrid smirked to himself as he felt his love's eyes on him as the water ran down the length of his body. He cast a few looks her way, admiring her shy smile as she sunk into the water though that beautiful bump of hers still peaked up at him.
Once they were both out they laid down in the now clean bed. (Klaus had managed to secretly use his vampire speed to change all the bedding). They curled up together and drifted to a peaceful sleep.
The weeks seemed to go so fast, Klaus kept forgetting to go home to the point where his siblings actually thought something bad had happened.
Which was why when Klaus had gone grocery shopping for the two of them, Y/N was home alone to answer the door to three of his siblings.
Rebekah, Elijah and Freya all held threatening stances as they glared down the door, expecting a witch or a vampire. None of them were expecting nine-month-pregnant, overly emotional and tired young woman to answer the door.
She looked back at them a little confused and frightened when she realised they did not look friendly and she did not recognise them form the little neighbourhood she and Klaus had been getting to know. She shifted on her feet and placed a protective hand on her pregnant tummy.
"Can I help you?" She asked, voice soft and clearly nervous making the three siblings share a few looks. Elijah was about to apologise and claim they had the wrong house but Rebekah got in first.
"Do you know Klaus?" She questioned, tone coming out too harsh making Elijah wince.
"Uhm no...I'm sorry, I don't think anyone called Klaus lives close. Uh... two streets over theres a Clyde?" She tried to be helpful and it was obvious to all three of them that this girl wasn't going to have the answers they were looking for.
"We're very sorry for the intrusion miss." Elijah apologised, silently urging his sisters to leave this woman alone. "I think we got the wrong street, I hope you can forgive us." He told her earnestly and she nodded.
"It's okay...theres a lot of roads its easy to go down the wrong one- oh!" She cut herself off with a cry and they all went tense. Elijah stepped forward offering his arm for her to grab and squeeze painfully and she yelled out in pain.
"Rebekah! Start the car!" He called, wrapping his arm round the woman and helping her out the house. "Freya? Where's the closest hospital?" He questioned whilst squeezing her hand as her breathing started to level out.
"It's okay" Y/N whimpered, not wanting to give birth without Nik.
"Of course it's okay darling. Has your water broke yet?" Elijah asked, guiding her to the car.
"Yeah- It went just before you knocked... I was about to call- Oh god Nik- my phone I can't-" Her breathing picked up again but this time in a panic before another contraction came and she cried out, clutching his hand for dear life.
"It's alright, it's alright. The hospital will have his number, is he your next of kin?" He asked and she nodded, relaxing at the realisation and letting him ease her into the car.
Rebekah drove like a mad women, trying to keep conversation flowing; name, age, family, future plans. Freya was talking through breathing exercises and Elijah kept himself as a human stress ball.
Once they pulled up at the hospital they were all rushing in, yelling that they needed nurses, doctors anything to help this woman.
Surprisingly they all remained in the waiting room for a couple hours after feeling a strange bond with the mother-to-be after finding and helping her.
None of them really linked the fact that her boyfriend’s name being Nik could have been Niklaus, especially with how confused she was when they said Klaus.
So nobody was ready for Klaus to come rushing through the hospital, barging past anything and shoving the door open.
A silence fell over the three for the first time in years as they just stared at the closed door. Nobody moved for ages, even as Klaus dashed in and out of the room for more ice-chips, they just stayed put.
Occasionally one of them would go to the bathroom or to get a sandwich from a vending machine but they didn't even consider leaving the hospital until they heard the cries of a beautiful newborn baby.
Rebekah physically relaxed, collapsing in her seat when she was sure that the baby was okay. Hayley received a vague text that they'd be home sometime in the next couple days before they got back to patiently waiting for Y/N To be well enough.
The next morning the door opened and all three of them got up to their feet at the sight of Klaus with his arms around Y/N and her arms around the sweetest little baby ever.
"Oh. Those are the lovely people I told you about." She told Klaus, looking straight at them making Klaus turn his head.
His face dropped when he saw them and her heart-rate spiked. He tried to shake his head, to get out of this but he was panicking.
Y/N didn't know about the supernaturals. She didn't know about all his siblings. She didn't know he was Klaus. She didn't know anywhere near enough to be dealing with any of it right after giving birth.
"That's...that's very...kind of them." He choked out, trying to get anything out of him.
"We should thank them, they didn't need to stay." She whispered to him and he hesitantly nodded.
"I'll thank them, you get him into the car okay my love? He needs to get away from all these sick people." He told her, kissing her head and then his son's.
"No- Nik, come on lets just go say thank you." She argued, tiredly and made her way over making him hurry after her and keep his hand on her so they couldn't get too close.
He glared them down, daring them to say a word as Y/N thanked them so so much for getting her there safely and talking to her. She showed them the baby and Elijah worried that Klaus might actually snap when Rebekah asked to hold him.
"I think he's a little tired, probably best to get him home. Come on love, we all need rest." He urged and Freya nodded, putting a hand on Rebekah's shoulder.
"He's right, they need to get settled. Maybe one day we'll get to see the little man again." She agreed but the underlying question was there as to whether Klaus was ever planning to come clean about whatever was going on.
He let out a sigh and slipped his hand round to hold his son's tiny hand.
"Perhaps. Now we really need to leave." He was getting frustrated and Y/N was confused.
He lead her away and she looked up at him.
"Nik...is something wrong? Do you know them?" She asked as they got out the door and a frown swirled across his features.
"It's...I'm gonna explain it later okay? I just need you both inside and safe and comfy, I just..." He swallowed down his worry and strapped their little boy into the carseat. "I love you." He told her, standing up straight and cupping her face.
"I love you too...I don't understand what that-"
"It doesn't, I just need you to know how much I adore you." He whispered and she smiled.
"I love you too." She kissed his lips softly. "Nothing's going to change that." She promised and Freya, Elijah and Rebekah listened from round the corner with soft smiles on their faces.
Everything was going to be different when they got home. Klaus was worried. His son had just been born, healthy and perfect. He had planned to bring them home, feed her a lovely dinner and possibly propose to her.
He had chosen the most gorgeous ring. Klaus wanted to be with her forever, especially now that they had a new little angel that they shared. He hadn't ever had such a normal, domesticated relationship.
The house, the kids.
If they got a pet his life would be every movie ever.
But now he had to ruin it all. He had to reveal the worst parts about himself.
How would his darling Y/N react when she found out he was a serial-killing monster who's haunted millions of people for hundreds of years. Or that he daggered his own siblings, tortured innocents and sacrificed teenagers.
Could she forgive that? Should she love him? Would she even want someone like that near such a delicate baby boy?
Klaus stared at himself in the mirror, tucking the ring box back into his hiding place and taking a breath as he tried to ready himself.
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marvelobsessed134 · 11 months
Halloween party shenanigans
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Pairings: Early 2000s!Tommy Lee x Fem!reader
Warnings: drinking, drunk reader and her shenanigans,Tommy punches a guy for hitting on you cause I think it’s hot, age gap, reader has an Elvis obsession because yes.
Summary: you go to a Halloween party with your boyfriend
You’re dressed as none other than Priscilla Presley this year because your obsession with Elvis is ever growing and your love for his wife was growing too. You love her hair especially. So you have a black wig with the giant beehive. You’re wearing a shorter version of her wedding dress with a veil on top of your head. Her iconic makeup adorning your face.
You walked down the tile stairs to the foyer where your boyfriend was waiting. He was dressed as spiderman, ever the kid at heart. Especially after the new Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire came out.
The drummer heard your heels clacking and looked up to see you walking gracefully down the stairs. “Holy fuck, babe. You look beautiful.” Tommy had nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.
You giggled, “Thank you. You don’t look to bad yourself.”
“Yeah well, I definitely don’t look as sexy as you holy shit.” He held his arms open for you and you walked into them after reaching the floor, the two of you in an embrace.
The moment was interrupted by his cellphone buzzing. “Ugh, it’s probably Nikki saying ‘where the fuck are you?’ He can’t stop being an asshole outside of work. So fucking glad I left motley.”
“Oh but you love him.” You gave him a teasing smile.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go before he personally shows up to our house.”
The two of you made it to the party which was being hosted at none other than Saul Hudson’s house or as most people know him, Slash.
You’re pretty good friends with him since you produced a couple of his songs. Yep, you’re a music producer and damn good one at that.
Making your way through the crowd you greeted the man himself, who was dressed as a vampire but still adorned his iconic top hat.
“Slash!” You cheered with open arms. The two of you had a brief hug because someone is a little territorial. You love him for that though.
“Y/n!” He exclaimed back with a wide smile before exchanging a brotherly handshake with Tommy. “You make a great Priscilla.” Slash commented.
“Thanks. See I wanted this one to go as Elvis but as soon as he saw Spider-Man he was dead set on his costume.” You pointed you thumb to the drummer.
“Hey, in my defense it was much easier to get a Spider-Man costume than an Elvis costume.” You playfully rolled your eyes at that, “Whatever. Come on let’s go find everyone else.”
When the two of you spotted nikki who was comedically dressed as Michael Meyers, freaking you out just a little bit until he took the mask off when he realized it was making you feel uneasy.
“Sorry sweetheart, didn’t mean to scare you.” The bassist apologized and you smiled with a shake of your head. “It’s fine, I’m just a not a slasher person.”
The terror twins continued to have a conversation when you were distracted by one of your friends, Holly Madison. You quickly told Tommy you’d be right back as you rushed over to her.
She was dressed as tinker bell looking beautiful as always. “Holly!!” You exclaimed and her face lit up when she saw you. The two of you hugged tightly before letting go. “Oh my god you look beautiful.” The two of you said at the same time looking at each other’s outfits.
“Ok I’ve been waiting for you to show up so we can get drunk!” The blonde cheered and you laughed with a nod.
Four drinks later you were already drunk. Dancing on the counter top, Tommy watching you carefully to make sure you didn’t get hurt. When you got down with the help of some random guy who you didn’t know would cause you trouble in just a few moments, you tripped and almost fell when you were caught by him.
“Whoa, careful babe.” He chuckled and you immediately pulled his hand off of you. “Thanks for helping me.” You said.
He waved you off, “It was no problem. Hey, you’re that music producer. You produced for my band once.” You don’t even know this guy. “I did?”
“Yeah. Always thought you were pretty. You wanna go out someti-“ he was cut off by a punch being thrown at him, knocking him to the floor. Your boyfriend stood over him, anger in his eyes.
“Stay the fuck away from my woman. Got that?”
The man nodded and hissed in pain.
“Oh my god Tommy! You can’t totally do that!” You we’re slurring your words and he knew you were very drunk. “Come on, let’s get you home.” The brunette whispered.
“Noooo I wanna stay right here.” You made a show of stomping your foot on the ground with your arms crossed. Tommy wrapped an arm around your waist, “No, you’ve had enough partying tonight. Cmon baby.” And with a huff, you let him take you home.
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roxygen22 · 5 months
Still Here (Chapter 9)
Summary: Your ex calls and throws off your evening. You and Timothée make love for the first time (again), and you finally say the three little words he's been dying to hear.
C/W: Conversation with toxic ex; NSFW (oral and consensual/protected p-in-v sex, denied orgasm)
Catch up on previous chapters here.
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You walked into the town's elementary school and were immediately hit by a wave of nostalgia. It was the same one you attended, after all, though the hallways seemed much smaller (or normal, really) as an adult. Madison walked alongside you to the office to register for the upcoming school year.
"Oh, that was my classroom for 3rd grade. Ms. Hobbs was my favorite teacher. She had a knack for making stories come alive. She would decorate the classroom based on what we were reading at the time. Oh, we had SO much fun when we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! I found the golden ticket and got to pick a prize out of the treasure bin."
Madison barely acknowledged your story with a "uh-huh" as she looked around, nervously biting her lip.
"I figured that would get more of a reaction out of you given your current obsession with Wonka," you said as you playfully nudged her arm with your elbow.
"Huh? Oh, sorry, Mom. I'm just thinking about my old school. And my friends."
You stopped walking and gave her a hug. "I know how hard it was for me to move across the country and start at a new school, and I was an adult. Well, a teenaged adult, but still. I can only imagine how you are feeling at the moment. If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears. And I'm sure Nana, Pawpaw, and even Timothée would say the same." You squeezed her to you once more. "You're a likeable girl, Madison. You'll make new friends here. And at least you know Emerie already." She just nodded, so you kept your nostalgia as you continued to the office to finish paperwork.
Evening arrived and Timothée came to pick you up for a date. It was a fantastic feeling to have your relationship out in the open now. Your mom was even supportive despite her earlier comments about sparing his feelings. Madison was sitting outside on the porch swing reading a book when he came up the steps.
"Hey, kiddo!" you heard him say cheerily through the front door. You had heard him drive up and got up to let him in, but once you saw the two talking you wanted to give them some space.
"Hey." Madison put her book down.
"I heard you got to see your new school today. What'd you think?"
Timothée laughed and sat beside her. "I'm sure it's very small compared to what you are used to."
"At least I won't have a lot of new names to memorize," she side-eyed him and smirked.
"That's one way to look at it!" He bumped her arm with his. "Alright, I'm going to go say hi to your grandparents and mom."
Timothée lightly rapped on the door as he let himself in. You slightly startled him with your presence right by the door, but he quickly regained his senses and greeted you with a kiss. As he stepped around to say hello to your parents, your phone rang. It was your ex, Michael.
"Hello?" you answered in a questioning tone.
"I'm calling to talk to Madison."
"Oh, uhh, I'm about to go out, but I can give her the phone for a few minutes while I finish getting ready."
"Go out? Like on a date?"
"Not that it's any of your business, but yes." You made frustrated eye contact with Timothée and mouthed "Michael" as you walked to your bedroom. He followed and leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed.
"It IS my business to know who is spending time with my child," he groused.
You felt your ears heat up and your lip curl. "Like you gave me the same courtesy when you started seeing Katie," you spat. "Besides, you hardly reach out to make contact with YOUR child. You can't just call on a whim and demand to talk to her after weeks of radio silence."
"Just let me talk to her."
You muted the phone and grabbed a pillow from your bed to scream into. Despite how much you just wanted to hang up on Michael, you never wanted Madison to say that you kept her away from him. You squeezed past Timothée and walked to the front porch.
"Maddy, your dad is on the phone." She looked up at you in confusion that was quickly replaced with excitement. She grabbed for the phone.
"Daddy?" You couldn't hear what he was saying on the other end, but you heard her start listing off some of the fun things she had done since moving out here. You went back inside but only closed the screen door so you could easily hear if you needed to intervene.
Timothée was sitting on the couch. "What did he want?" he asked attitudinally.
"He just randomly wanted to talk to Madison, I guess."
"Where does he come off questioning you about you personal life?" You just shrugged, unsure of where Michael's behavior was stemming from. A few minutes later, Madison came in and handed you the phone.
"Here, he wants to talk to you again."
You took the phone back and held it to your ear. "Hello?"
"Who is Timothy? Isn't he the guy who dumped you in high school? Is the dating pool in that tiny ass town so small out that you have to resort to your own leftovers?" You didn't validate his insane line of questioning with a response. "Whatever. Why is Madison around him so much? He is basically all she talked about. What kind of influence is that blue-collar, good for noth-"
"Don't you DARE talk about him like that." Your voice was dripping with venom. You jumped up from the couch and stormed out onto the porch. Your mother, upon hearing your tone, took Madison into the kitchen to keep her occupied.
"I do not owe you an explanation for how I choose to fix what you broke," you continued. "EVERYTHING I do, I think about Madison first. Can you say the same? I ran into Timothée a couple of weeks after we got back into town, and yes we reconnected. But you know what. She probably likes him because he has spent more quality time with her in the past two months than you have in the past two YEARS. HE shows an interest in her. HE checks in on her. HE puts her first in our relationship. HE treats her like a human being, and not just to get to me. Because HE is a decent human being. Next time you want to talk to Madison, coordinate a date and time first. I am no longer available to cater to your every whim." You hung up and ran down the steps to the driveway. You angrily walked over to your dad's shed and kicked the tire on the tractor.
"Careful, you could break a toe doing that."
You spun and saw Timothée standing a few paces behind you. You sighed and closed your eyes. "How much did you hear?"
"Enough to confirm that he's an asshole. Though I did enjoy hearing you sing my praises," he smirked.
You laughed wetly as hot tears poured down your face. "I'm sorry that he called right as we were about to head out the door."
"Shh, don't worry about it." Timothée pulled you into a hug and rested his chin on your head. "I know you probably don't feel like eating after getting so worked up. Would you like to come over and chill at my place instead of going out? We can pick up a pizza, snuggle on the couch, and watch a movie"
"That sounds so much better than the original plan right now."
<><><><><> (minors DNI from this point)
Timothée held the door open for you to enter his house. While you had been on the property a couple of times since returning from California, you had yet to go inside his new place. This house was not here when the two of you dated in high school, so you had no idea what the interior looked like.
"Welcome," he said. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get us a couple of plates."
You walked to the couch and leaned against the back of it. "It's less...'bachelor pad' than I expected," you said through a laugh.
"Ah, well, I cleaned up my act once I started pushing 30." You chuckled. "Bathroom is over there," Timothée pointed, "if you need it." He walked around the counter and couch to the coffee table and grabbed the remote. "Here, why don't you find something to watch while I divvy up the pizza."
You sat down on the couch, took the remote in hand, and started scrolling through Netflix. You still hadn't decided when he sat next to you with the pizza and beer. Still feeling the nostalgia from visiting the school with Madison, you settled on 13 Going on 30. He rolled his eyes.
"What? You told me to choose. I was inspired by your earlier comment about getting your act together at 30."
"I rolled my eyes because of the number of times you made me sit through this movie in high school. Some things never change."
"It's one of my faves!"
"Well, I guess I can appreciate the plot line a little more now. Guy in his 30s eventually gets the girl he pined over as a teen."
"Awww, you're getting sentimental in your old age." You grinned.
Timothée pretended to scowl at you, then booped you on the nose. "Are you going to press play or not?"
Once the two of you finished the pizza, you set the plates aside and curled up next to him. He draped his arm around you, allowing his fingers to lazily drift up and down your arm. As the movie progressed, his hand eventually found its way to the space above your jeans where your shirt had ridden up slightly. You shivered as he grazed the bare skin on your waist. You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked up at him. He seized the opportunity to capture your lips with his.
You hungrily opened your mouth to deepen the kiss. You felt his tongue glide across yours in return. You eagerly shifted to sit in his lap. He reached around and squeezed your ass before sliding his hands under your shirt. At first he just snaked his hands underneath, but then began to pull it up. You sucked in a breath and froze, catching his hand at the hem of your shirt. He pulled back to look at your face with concern.
"Timothée, I- uh, I don't have the same body I did as a teenager."
His face relaxed and he smiled warmly. "[Y/N], you were and still are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."
"Yeah, but..." you argued as your insecurities became more evident.
"Let me guess," he interrupted. "Stretch marks? More curves from maturing into a gorgeous woman whose awe-inspiring body has brought life into this world?"
You simply nodded. Your cheeks blushed from the attention.
Timothée pulled you tighter against his body. "Let me love those, too." He stood with your legs still wrapped around him. His hands cupped your ass to support you as he carried you to the bedroom. You wrapped your arms around his neck and clasped a hand in his hair. He placed a knee on his bed and laid you down gently.
"You okay?" he asked as he hovered over you. Your breathing shuddered, but you nodded.
"It's...it's been a while," you whispered.
"Me, too." Timothée gently grazed his lips against yours. Once. Twice. He then tugged at your shirt, and this time you made no move to stop him. He pushed himself up on his arms to take in the sight of you half-naked on his bed.
"Now, why am I more undressed than you?" you teased. You grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled. He sat up and continued to pull it over his head. You sat up on your knees to run your hand down his chest and abs, stopping at the buttons on his jeans.
Timothée grabbed your hips and sucked in a breath in anticipation of your next move. "[Y/N], I want you so badly."
"Not as much as I want you." You both stood and clumsily finished undressing each other while hungrily kissing each other. He snuck a hand between your folds as you freed one leg from your pants. You gasped, having become unaccustomed to the feeling of another's touch. Noticing the reaction, he curled his fingers and rubbed your increasingly sensitive bundle of nerves. You moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck to prevent your collapse.
Just as you started to feel the heat of climax in your core, Timothée pulled away. You whined at the absence of his hand. He flashed a wry smile and licked his fingers. He pressed himself against you and pulled your chin up for a kiss. Then, he backed you up against the bed so your knees buckled, forcing you to lay back. He separated your legs with his body and dipped down onto his knees. You knew what was about to happen, but you were still not prepared for the overwhelming sensation of his warm tongue separating your folds. You involuntarily bucked up into his face. In return, his hands snaked to your hips to pin them down. You moaned and struggled against his grip as the coil inside your belly tightened and tightened. But yet again, he stopped before you could reach your climax.
Timothée reached for the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a condom. Once sheathed, he picked you up and pulled you further back onto the bed. He hovered briefly, staring into your eyes. "I never thought I would get to have this - have you - again."
"Take me," you breathed. "Please. I'm yours." Maintaining eye contact, he lined himself up and gently pushed in until he filled you completely. You both stilled, reveling in the closeness and allowing you a moment to adjust and accommodate his length. He began to work his hips, rutting up against you. The coil inside you quickly constricted again when he reached between you to rub your sensitive bud until you were finally overcome. Your walls clenched around him as you clung to him with all of your limbs, gasping his name.
After you caught your breath, you cupped his face in your hands and guided him down to kiss you. He continued to slowly grind against you, trying to postpone its inevitable end. You loosened your grip so he could pull back and gaze into your eyes.
"Timothée, I love you," you whispered as you stared into his emerald orbs.
He came undone at your confession.
Chapter 10
Tag List:
@croatianprincess, @bluizh, @jindongdongie
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priceyprice · 10 months
Prof! Price as a literature professor. He's giving an online class to his students talking about how romance is involved in books. Until one of his students through the computer interrupts him.
"Professor, do you believe in love?"
He won't lie. That question threw him by surprise, halting his words. He stares at the computer for a few seconds, trying to analyze what's the answer. Just then, he raised his eyes to something in front of him.
Or someone.
Does he believe in love?
Well, if love is described as one of his students entering his class on the first day and struck Price the instant she stepped food into his classroom, making him almost unable to greet all the people, then yes. If Love is described as how he found her days later in his favorite coffee shop trying to do her homework, him feeling confused (and strangely happy) because he's seeing her in one of his favorite places, took the courage to stepped closer to her and talk to her for a few minutes as she showed him her precious smile, then yes. If love is how the talk went for hours and hours until the coffee shop had to close, neither the two of them checked the time, just immersed in the conversation and realizing they have so much in common then, yes. If Love is how they got closer when months passed and Price was feeling kinda anxious because he was falling hard for her and she was his student, he was her professor and he is older than her, but one day she walked iinto his office —she had been visiting him— and he couldn't take it anymore, he stepped closer and kissed her lips so softly, as if her lips were some kind of fine porcelain. His emotions exploded then and there, and when they separated, he realized what he had done. He kissed one of his students, he could get in trouble, she could get in trouble or worse... he didn't know if she felt the same as him as she was frozen on the spot. But when he felt her hands go to his face cupping him and bringing him closer to her lips once again, all his worries vanished within a second, as if her kiss had some kind of anesthesia. If love means all of that, then yes.
If love means the two of them in his room filled with gasps, kisses, and whispered words as he thrusts her in a slow, intimate way, demonstrated how much he loves her, then yes.
If love is the woman now sitting in front of him on his other desk, her eyebrows together as she concentrates on doing her homework, oblivious to the topic her lover is teaching. She has one of his t-shirts, her neck showing a few love bites he gave her forty minutes before class started, then yes.
He believes in love.
His lips curve into a small smile. Without taking his eyes off her, he says; "Yes."
Once he says that, she looks up at him, grabbing attention to what he just said. He smiles, and she looks at him with a confused smile.
"I do believe in love."
Her smile dropped a little as she stared at him with surprise, then she smiled again, a warm feeling spreading over her chest. She mouthed an 'I love you too' while blowing him a kiss and looking at him with those eyes he loves.
Fuck, how could he not love her eyes? It was like Van Gogh painted them, and Michael Angelo sculpted them. They are so beautiful.
He doesn't care about the consequences of being with a student, he only cares about her.
And she cares about him too.
Until then, she loves him, and he loves her.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
I apologize for any mistakes or misspelling. Any suggestions are appreciated.🫶
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
Good Morning Honey🥰
I hope you have a good rest of the week🖤🥺
I was wondering Dark! Stepdad Michael x f| reader where Michael has been dating your mother for months and a year he's moved in with you two he starts a relationship with you while mother goes out for work or a trip away for work and something happens, I love your blog <3
Thanks Megan, you as well 😊😉
Man, did this idea make me smirk. I'll give it my best shot - hope you'll like it!
Dark!Stepdad OG Michael Myers (set in modern day) x Fem Reader
Warnings: Cheating / Age Gap: Michael is 38 and Reader is 19
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You looked down into the back yard through your bedroom window with utter dread. Your mom had invited a bunch of her friends and some select few family members for a Saturday afternoon bbq and you were not looking forward to mingling with them.
You knew the same questions would be fired at you, such as have you found work yet? have you met anyone special? i hope you help your mom around the house? when last have you seen your dad? Then they'll go back to ignoring you and carry on with their insipid conversations about their marriages and work life. As always. Leaving you to sit there like a stooge with no one to talk to.
You at least managed to get out of the first hour or so of the bbq by lying to your mom that you had a headache and that you just wanted to take a pill and have a bit of a sleep so that the medication could work before you join everyone for lunch. She believed you, to your own surprise, as the 'ol headache excuse was one of the oldest in the book.
Michael of course was not so lucky. He could not escape the dull chore of domestic entertainment and socializing that was a bbq this time around. Usually the moment mom mentioned the words 'friends', 'family' and 'coming over' Michael would disappear for a day or two and your mom had to make up stories as to his whereabouts.
You had a giggle to yourself as you spied Michael standing with the men around the grill, an apple cider in hand and a 'dear god please kill me now' expression on his usually stoic face.
You looked at him for a bit longer, admiring how the navy tshirt he wore stretched across his broad chest and shoulders, how his black jeans hugged his shapely thighs and ass.
You always felt guilty when you looked at and thought about Michael in any way other than platonic. The Shape of Haddonfield was your mother's boyfriend after all. Lusting after the serial killer seemed wrong for so many reasons.
But you simply couldn't help it. He was too compelling, too darkly alluring, too physically attractive. He reminded you of a jungle cat - beautiful and svelte, dexterous and strong and so very enchanting to gaze upon. But he was also deadly and dangerous, an apex predator. Death in human form - the boogeyman. And that made him all the more alluring for you. Your mom obviously felt the same, otherwise she'd have run for the hills by now.
Michael must have felt eyes on him as you jerked slightly when you again looked at his face and found him staring up and right at you. His usual blank expression was back in place but his eyes always held so much emotion that he didn't need to use any expressions.
His head tilted a bit to the left as if asking why you weren't down there suffering alongside him. You took pity on the murderous man and decided that you had hidden away in your bedroom for long enough.
Let's just get this started and over with
You looked at Michael one last time before you left your bedroom and made your way downstairs, passing a gaggle of your mom's friends who were gossiping and giggling about who-know's-what. You gave them a quick hello and a wave and rolled your eyes as you exited out of the living room's sliding door and out into the back garden.
You were immediately accosted by your two overbearing aunts with their obedient and wimpy husbands trailing after them. They of course bombarded you with the usual questions, judgement in their eyes and fake interest and sincerity dripping from their tongues. All they wanted was gossip fodder and you were glad your life was relatively boring and free of anything to gossip over.
Realizing this, your aunts quickly ended the "conversation" and stalked off to a couple of your mom's friends. You huffed and walked over to the grill, intending to save Michael from his torment.
Before you could take another step forward your mom intercepted you and blocked your view of the handsome man with the butterscotch curls and intense stormy blue eyes.
"y/n sweetie, Angela is driving me crazy with her tales of her and Peter's trip to the UK - she's expecting me back to hear about their casino trip disaster asap. God I just can't get away. Please go to the kitchen and finish making the potato salad - I just managed to cut them into cubes before she found me and dragged me away" your mom huffed and rubbed her temples.
You chuckled and nodded before gesturing to your aunts. "Try sending her and Peter to aunt Yvette and aunt Miranda - they'll keep each other busy for hours with their gossip mongering"
"Good idea!" exclaimed your mom as she pecked you on the cheek before begrudgingly trekking back to her friends Angela and Peter.
You turn back to look over at the grill and see Michael staring intently at you again. You blush and clear your throat before you walk up to the intimidating killer.
"Sorry boys but I need help in the kitchen and I'll be taking Michael along with me" you say as you gently grasp Michael's wrist.
The men barely heard you over their own boisterous laughter and storytelling with you only receiving a few half-hearted grunts and "no problems" in return.
Of course they wouldn't miss Michael, he was practically a piece of garden furniture standing beside them. Silent and still as a statue.
Michael let you drag him through the throngs of guests before the both of you stopped in the now empty kitchen with everyone else enjoying the music and sunshine outside.
"Next time you're taking me with you to wherever you disappear to when mom has one of these get-togethers, ok?" you say as you get a spoon out of the drawer and reach for the ground salt and pepper.
Naturally you were met with silence but you weren't fazed. Despite his stillness you knew he was taking in your every word and movement. Which was both comforting and disconcerting at the same time.
To your surprise Michael went to the fridge and pulled out the onions, green and red peppers, chives and mayonnaise and handed them to you before silently moving to your side again. You smiled up at him and mouthed a thanks before you began the task of dicing up the veggies to add to the potatoes.
Your concentration on your task was at level zero with how close Michael was standing next to you. His presence was larger than life, engulfing you in a sort of tangible energy that threatened to swallow you whole if you allowed it.
You felt his eyes raking over your form and your heart began thrumming wildly within your chest. Your eyes were glued to the cutting board but at this point, with the atmosphere Michael was setting you were simply working on auto pilot.
Ever so gently - which was a miracle in of itself coming from Michael - he ghosted his fingertips along your forearm, circling your elbow before moving up your bare upper arm. Goosebumps formed on your flesh, the fine hairs on your body stood to attention and your nipples hardened and pebbled beneath your sundress.
You didn't know what in the hell had gotten into Michael but your body didn't want him stop. And stop he didn't. Your nerves felt like they were set on fire as the tall man moved to stand flush behind you, both of his hands softly caressing your ribs on either side, his lips gently brushing over where your neck meets your shoulder.
You let out a small gasp, your eyes closed and you stopped cutting the veggies. This was wrong, so so wrong. You shouldn't give in to this, you should yell and push him away and march to your mom and tell her what her boyfriend just pulled in the kitchen. But you don't listen to your head. You fall into your body's desire and succumb to the ministrations Michael is performing on your flushed skin.
"Michael this is wrong" you try and tell him but your words lack conviction and are instead laced with lust. "We can't do this" you try once more but your eyes shoot open and a loud breath leaves you as Michael lowers himself to his knees, lifts the hem of your dress and drags his index finger along your cotton clothed slit.
Little jolts of electricity bounce to every nerve and cell of your body as Michael repeats the motion while his soft lips press chaste kisses against your bare bottom. You nervously look out through the empty living room and into the garden where you can see the guests drinking and chatting away, none the wiser of what's happening in the kitchen with their friend's daughter and her boyfriend.
Michael moves to sit on the kitchen floor, his back against the kitchen cabinets and his face right in line with your now dripping pussy. A wanton moan escapes you as he pulls your cotton thong down to your knees and grips your throbbing clit with his lips, giving it a deep pull, his teeth gently scraping against the sensitive flesh.
"Michael!" you gasp as your hands drop the red pepper and knife and instead grip the curls atop his head as Michael continues to caress your clit with his lips and tongue. You find yourself grinding against his face at the pleasure wracking through your heated body as Michael's large hands grip each one of your ass cheeks, firmly squeezing and massaging them.
Eventually you feel the blazing tightening deep in your core as your orgasm fast approaches. "Michael... I'm gonna..." you can't form coherent sentences with how good the serial killer's mouth is abusing your pulsing clit. Michael gives your ass cheek a firm, hard slap - his way of commanding you to cum for him.
That hard slap sent a pleasurable jolt through to your pussy which pushed you over the edge. Your hands flew to your mouth to cover your euphoric cry as the orgasm which wracked your body was the most intense you had ever felt - your own fingers had never and most likely could never bring such an orgasm about.
You panted and gripped the counter while trying to steady your breathing as you came down from your high. You looked down onto Michael who was staring back up at you. The bottom half of his face was glistening with your juices, and while his features showed no emotion, his eyes were smoldering with satisfaction and something else you couldn't identify... something dark.
A few weeks had passed since your and Michael's initial escapade in the kitchen and since then the two of you had been indulging in one another and simply spending more time with each other whenever you could - you of course enjoyed the carnal pleasure that Michael brought you but more than that you found you really enjoyed his company. His mere presence calmed your otherwise natural nervous disposition and you found you shared a lot of things in common such as your music, movie and even food tastes among some other things and interests. You were never the one to initiate though, you were far too shy and guilt-ridden for that.
You couldn't believe what you were doing to your mom. She loved Michael but Michael clearly didn't love her. So why was he in a relationship with her? Was it perhaps one out of convenience? A roof over his head, food, a body to keep him warm and satisfied? You could imagine his barren old childhood home didn't offer much of anything, not like your and your mom's home could.
You didn't really know how to feel about that. If that was the case then he was simply using your mom while she in return was giving her resources, time, heart and body to someone who held no true feelings for her.
With an aggravated huff you pushed those ruminations to the back of your mind, where you had been trying to keep them caged and out of sight so that the guilt didn't eat you up while you fell deep and hard into the Michael abyss - you were treading dangerous terrain with Michael and you were afraid to where it would lead to.
"You seem deep in thought y/n" you jumped, startled by your mom's voice as you sat on the sofa, with you only partially paying attention to The Last of Us showing on the tv.
"Oh! Uhm, yeah.. sorry. Just thinking about the interview yesterday. I hope I get the job" you lie nervously as you look up at your mom.
"Don't worry hun, you'll get it. That job is perfect for you, Mr. Jenkins would be a fool to let you slip through his fingers. You would be so happy in that little bookstore. Just you, your boss and a ton of books. I know you'd hate to work in a large office building with hundreds of people, bright lighting and loud constant noise like myself"
You blow out a small breath as you rake your fingers through your hair. "I don't know how you manage that, I would never be able to get any work done and I think half the time I'd just hide away in the bathroom"
Your mom chuckles and pats your head before grabbing a chocolate covered pretzel from the bowl in front of you. "By the way, I just came to let you know that I'll be leaving for a couple of days with Don. Some seminar in Seattle and he wanted me to tag along"
Your eyes narrowed as your mom carried on speaking about the business trip, though Don was more on her tongue than the actual details of the trip itself. She raved about his big house and red Porsche, and how many new business ventures he was wading into. She had stars in her eyes and a dusting of pink on her cheeks as she practically gushed about her wealthy boss and all his possessions.
You couldn't believe it. Was your mom really feeling some type of way about Don the Douchebag? You hated that guy - you'd never met anyone more smug, self-important, materialistic and pretentious as that man. You had to be wrong about this, you just had to.
Michael was 100 times more of a man than Don could ever hope to be! Sure, Michael didn't have any material possessions or financial resources but he outshone Don in all other ways.
Michael was handsome, he was strong, capable, had an indomitable will, he had an endless pool of determination and conviction. He was sure in and of himself and let nothing stand in his path. His skill as a lover was to your limited knowledge, skilled perfection. He was smart and had a subtle humour that resonated with you which often left the two of you snickering while your mom stood there not understanding the joke.
When you felt down he would sit close by you, he never spoke but his presence comforted you - he had even allowed you to hug him on occasion when you had had a rough day at school and you needed physical affection - your mom was always working of course and you were often left at home with Michael. Sometimes you'd come home to a sandwich having been made for you by him, which always softened your heart to the ruthless killer.
He wa-- you stopped your inner defense and monologue of Michael and realized you sounded just the same as your mom who was raving about Don. You paused and alarmingly wondered where all those thoughts and praises came from - and they came so quickly too.
As your inner self had spoken so vehemently about Michael a warmth had spread throughout your chest that set your heart racing. Spooked at this, you quickly shut that train of thought down and focused back on the now retreating form of your mom who was informing you that she'd be up in her bedroom packing for the business trip.
You felt eyes on you and looked to the doorway that lead to the garage. Michael stood there in his coveralls and mask, a shiver ran down your spine as those two empty black voids of the mask bored right through you. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when he turned around and went back into the garage.
Michael had been a bit distant from you and scarce from the house since your mom had been away, only showing up for dinner and two lunches. You worried at this change. Did you do something to upset him? Was he angry at you for some reason?
You didn't quite understand it, but you felt hurt by his absence and distance. You shouldn't though, he's not your boyfriend - he belongs to your mom. So why is that fact starting to hurt too?
You were lying flat on your stomach on your bed doodling in your sketchbook the night before your mom was due to arrive back from the seminar. Your thoughts were everywhere except on your drawings.
These past few weeks had unlocked something within you which had perhaps been there for a long time and only now after certain events had been transpiring was it bubbling to the surface.
That something was Michael.... and your feelings for the masked killer. You knew you shouldn't feel the things you did for him - he was a serial killer, an escaped patient... or inmate? Honestly you felt he was a bit of both. He was way older than you and most importantly he was your mom's lover... not yours.
But you had crossed that line already, had you not? None of those burdensome thoughts crossed your lusty little mind when his mouth and tongue were attached to your wet little pussy, when his long dextrous fingers were inside of your tight hole or when your lips were wrapped around his lengthy, girthy cock. You had no right to bemoan your issues with Michael and your feelings when they meant so little during your desire filled hazes.
Suddenly you felt a dip in your bed from behind you. Your eyes grew wide and your heartbeat sped up. You felt a large body lean over you, caging you between their legs and arms - the white tip nose of the familiar latex mask brushed up against your cheek and down the column of your neck inhaling your scent.
Heat and moisture immediately pooled between your legs as Michael ground his groin against your ass. You could feel his hard length through his coveralls and your thin lacy panties. A small whimper escaped you as Michael moved his hand between your legs and palmed your clothed pussy. He grunted at the warm moisture which had soaked right through the thin material and now coated his calloused skin.
A startled gasp left you as Michael flipped you with ease onto your back - that expressionless sinister mask staring down at your prone form. You noticed his coveralls were stained with darkened splotches here and there and then you spied a little bit of crimson close to the left ear of his mask - he had just come back from a kill... or killings, no doubt. A sickening thrill shot through you and to your core at the thought, your breathing visibly picked up and your pussy clenched.
You should be disgusted and ashamed with yourself at the fact that his killing actually turned you on so much or at all, but as usual, as The Shape lifted your short nightie up your body and shimmied it up over your shoulders and off your head your reservations and warnings fell to the wayside.
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You stared up at the killer in eager anticipation as his large, calloused hands began to roam your soft, warm body. You sighed contentedly as his fingertips gently ran down over your ribs, beneath your breasts, down the center of your belly and over your hipbones only stop atop your soft pubic mound.
Your eyes bored into the two shadowed holes of his mask, feelings you didn't understand and maybe didn't want to understand swam at the forefront of your mind as Michael worshipped your body with a sensuality and gentleness you didn't think him capable of. But should you really be shocked? Michael had been surprising you for the last 3 years by proving all the preconceived notions about him wrong. Even your mom took him at face value and never delved deeper into the man behind the mask.
You smirked not so innocently inside your mind, this was something you had of Michael that she didn't. Michael showed you and you alone the real him, the man beyond the one dimensional aspect of the serial killer, the true Michael Audrey Myers and you would savour this for as long as you could.
Michael then trailed his warm hands back up your body to your breasts, cupping them in his hands and giving them a firm squeeze before his fingers began rolling and pinching your pebbled nipples.
You mewled and squirmed at the sensation as his ministrations on your nipples sent small jolts of electricity down to your aching clit.
Michael then took his right hand and brought his fingers to your mouth, pushing his middle and index fingers past your lips for you to suckle and lave with your tongue. You stared up at him again, your half lidded eyes making contact with his own as he finger fucked your mouth. Your ears perked up as you heard the faintest of moans from behind his mask - you smirked to yourself as you found that there were few things sexier than a man who was vocal during sex, even if it were on the softer side. Not that you had been with other men to personally know and hear them moan, as you were a virgin - but you did watch porn.
Him removing his fingers from your mouth broke your chain of thought as you watched him move his hand down to your pussy where he then inserted his wet fingers into your clenching, eager hole.
You squirmed and mewled as he began pumping his long thick digits in and out of your slick pussy, his other hand was rubbing circles around your throbbing clit.
The pleasurable sensations made you tweak and pinch at your nipples which sent you over the edge. With a cry your orgasm shot through your body, your pussy spasmed and clenched around Michael's fingers, your clit pulsated and you sighed in satisfaction with your head hitting your pillow as you came down from your orgasm.
You watched lazily and contentedly as Michael removed his fingers and made to unzip his coveralls. You admired his fit form as more and more skin was revealed the lower his zipper went.
Once his coveralls had pooled below his hips and his throbbing, red tipped member was released you assumed he was after a blowjob as the two of you had not had actual sex with one another yet.
Your eyes widened when Michael brought the head of his large cock to your slick pussy and dragged it up your slit before circling it over and around your sensitive clit.
Was he planning to-- was this the night!? And with Michael Myers??
Your heartbeat sped up again and your chest visibly rose and fell. Michael looked towards you and tilted his head, seeing your sudden nervousness.
He reached for his mask and pulled it off, tossing it on the floor before returning his attention on you. His stormy blue eyes were darkened with lust yet held a softness to them that you were unused to as he gazed into your own e/c eyes.
Your breath hitched as bent forwards and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. You closed your eyes and felt his tongue slide across your bottom lip asking for entrance. You obliged and opened your mouth, allowing his tongue access. The kiss, at least from your end was sloppy and amateurish as you had never kissed anyone before this. Michael didn't seem to care as he moaned into your mouth. His bare chest was now flushed against yours, his hold on both sides of your head became firmer as the kiss deepened and became more desperate.
You raked your fingernails across his back and gasped into the kiss as you felt the tip of his cock poke at your entrance. Michael pulled away from the kiss leaving you panting and smiling up at him. Never did you ever think a kiss could be so good.
You looked down to where Michael's length was gently resting atop your pubic mound and wondered if you were ready to lose your virginity... to your mom's boyfriend.
The easy reply was yes, a thousand times yes. You wanted this so fucking badly and with nobody else but Michael. And before the other voice in your head could list all the reasons of why you shouldn't do this and why it was wrong you pushed it to the very back of your mind and smiled up at Michael once more before spreading your legs a little wider - your permission for him to continue. For the both of you to go through with this. For Michael Myers to take your virginity.
Michael dragged his nails along your hips and along your thighs before he gripped them and pushed them as wide apart as he could. The cool air hit your moist pussy causing you to whimper. Taking his cock in his hand he ran the head up your slit before rubbing small circles over your clit, you moaned and cupped your breasts. You had never wanted anything more than this before. This is feeling was so unfamiliar, so strange and yet felt so right, so good.
"Michael, please... I need you.. now" you whined as you tweaked your nipples and ran your hands down your flushed body.
Needing no more confirmation Michael aligned the head of his cock with your entrance before carefully pushing inside. You gasped and whimpered at the burning and stinging stretch, gripping Michael's forearms tightly as they rested on either side of you.
Tears welled in your eyes at the painful sensation and looking down at your now joined bodies you knew that Michael's impressive girth was not helping.
Michael began moving in and out of you at a steady pace and slow rhythm, giving you time to adjust to the new sensations.
Soon the sting and burn began to dissipate and pleasure washed over you. You moved your hips forward to meet his thrusts which had now picked up pace and strength.
"Yes Michael... harder.. faster!" you moaned louder as Michael obliged. His pace became thunderous, your hips and thighs visibly rippling as his pelvis slammed against your sweaty, heated skin again and again and again.
Your nails scratched at his back, your toes curled. You never would have thought sex could actually feel this fucking good. The stretch of Michael within you was overwhelming as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with each deep thrust causing you to let out obscene moans of intense pleasure.
As the both of you chased your orgasms, Michael too became more vocal. His low, throaty grunts and moans sent thrills down your spine, hastening the euphoria that was fast approaching.
Michael leaned down for another desperate kiss as his fingers lavished your clit with needed attention.
The kiss broke as Michael let out a pornographic moan at his orgasm, thick ropes of warm sticky cum coated your fluttering walls and with a cry your own orgasm assaulted you at hearing Michael. Your pussy clenched and gripped his shaft, milking it of everything it had to offer.
Michael collapsed on top of you, his weight and him still sheathed inside of you comforted you in a way you didn't know you needed.
You brought your hand up and began running your fingers through his curly sandy blond hair, a content smile gracing your lips. You didn't want to speak to ruin this peaceful moment, so you closed your eyes and continued your ministrations on Michael's head as he hummed in sleepy approval.
There were so so so many things to contemplate on now and to consider going forward but as sleep began to take you, you would worry about everything tomorrow.
If only you had heard the key being slotted into the front door downstairs....
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Megan, girl, sorry lol I got carried away with this one - its way longer than I anticipated. Hope you don't mind 😄
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salchat · 1 year
I went to Basingstoke Comic Con last Friday with my son Gregory - following a break in my chemo schedule due to emergency surgery resulting in fewer inside bits and an ileostomy. I'd thought I wouldn't be able to go - and it wasn’t easy, but I did it anyway.
Here’s what happened:
First I had my photo with Rachel Luttrell who was lovely and liked my feltie Teyla:
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Then my son took the role of photographer for me in my Impala cosplay with Baby herself (or one of them)!
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Then there were some strange clashes in the schedule - Stargate Q and A sessions when the Stargate guests were supposed to be signing autographs, so we weren’t sure who was going to turn up or how to be in two places at once.  But in the end, it worked to our advantage, because nobody else was sure either, and so when Joe and Rachel came along, there was hardly anyone else there so we got more time and more conversation than we would have.
Joe remembered me from the Wales Comic Con in 2021, which I definitely wasn’t expecting and he said he still had the little book of drawings I gave him there!  (It was a ridiculously stuffed little book - I’d gone way overboard.)  He took a photo of my art and put it on his Instagram!
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Then we went to Rachel’s table and she was really nice and liked my art and gave me her phone to put my Instagram name in.  There was no one else at Joe’s table at that point so he was wandering about behind her and it was lovely just to see them interact as friends!
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We managed to get Gary Jones next, who was really funny.  I told him it was my son’s first Comic Con and he shook Gregory’s hand.  But then he said, ‘No, that’s no good,’ and got up, came around the table and proceeded to give Gregs a lesson in firm handshakes.  It was hilarious!
I’d wanted to draw all the guests but just didn’t have time, with all the chemo and being in hospital shenanigans, so had to use the photos provided, which were nice, if not the same.
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Next, after some hanging around and listening to the Q and As (which were all really good and Michael Shanks just kept spinning on his stool and being really silly) we got Paul McGillion and Rainbow Sun Francks.  They were both really lovely and nice to Gregory and, again, there were no queues so we had plenty of time!
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Then we hit a bit of a hurdle because the day (and my energy) was running out and it didn’t look like Ben Browder or Michael Shanks were coming back.  Michael had a private Meet and Greet going on but Gregs really wanted to meet him, in particular because he wanted to introduce his homemade Goa’uld.
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But then somehow we ended up in an impromptu session in the hotel bar - just a handful of con-goers with Ben and Paul and Rainbow! And Paul came up to me and told me how much he liked my art, because a friend had brought one of my pictures to be signed and pointed me out! And then I got to sit down opposite Ben and have a little chat and he signed my art.
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But we still hadn't got Michael Shanks. So I pestered various organisers until I found one who knew what to do. And she got us in on the end of his Meet and Greet and then when the meet-and-greeters had gone we had a little private session where he, predictably, attacked himself with Gregory's Goa'uld and then signed my art and then before he went (blush - hides behind hands) I got a kiss on the cheek! 🥰
So, a memorable day! And then we had the fun of trekking home from Basingstoke, through London, on costume, me in my Impala outfit and Gregs as my little Gate-mission-ready military escort. We should just dress like that all the time...
I hope you liked my little Con Diary, @massharp1971 and @colonelshepparrrrd and anyone else who's interested!
Thanks to @hermscat for getting me an extra key card for her hotel room so I could flake out when needed and for transporting us to the station!
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zippiestdraws · 10 months
Choking Curiosity Ch 18
Michael Myers x ftm reader
Read on ao3
Laurie picks up on the last ring sounding out of breath.
You frown towards the phone. “You good?”
“Yeah, I just had to run up the stairs to reach the phone.” She breathes out. “So, you want to talk about yesterday?”
It’s less of a question and more of an expectancy with a verbal cringe.
“Mhm” you grimace, remembering. “Was he always like that? Because I can’t imagine you wanted to work with someone so…”
You blank on the descriptor. Perky. Flirtatious. Touchy.
You can hear Laurie’s twitch over the phone “Ugh, He wasn’t like that when we met. He actually sounded smart, like an investigative reporter, ya know?”
“Yeah, I didn’t think you’d send him over if he was creepy.”
“What do you mean?”
“He came over while I was decorating outside a couple days ago and said you sent him, for like, an interview and stuff.” You gently remind her.
“I didn’t do that.” Her tone was grim, but your brain quickly rationalizes it for you.
“Well, it’s not like he couldn’tve just found the house on his own after talking to you, so it’s not that bad.” It wasn’t great either, but it’s easy to accept.
There’s a pause before Laurie responds.
“Hmm, maybe, but I still don’t like how he treats this like a game.”
You open your mouth to reply but she cuts you off in a fury.
“-use you as bait? Is he crazy?-”
“-Yeah, I didn’t like that very much. I mean, how does he expect me to-” you interject but then look around and speak softer like someone might hear. “Get a picture with his mask off?”
“Exactly. The shape wouldn’t take its mask off if it was on fire.” She sounded annoyed and angry, so you’re glad she couldn’t see the reaction on your face.
You draw a blank on what you were going to say next as the weight of her words hit you. The image of Michael’s face under the mask floats into your mind followed by a seeping guilt. The heat of attraction and shame burns across your cheeks as you spit something out to keep the conversation flowing.
“Do you- do you think we could pull it off?”, before you even finish your sentence you’re shaking your head and clarifying yourself with a stutter. “I mean, like physically take it- the mask- off, but I guess it could be the same thing if we could get away with it at all? anyway…”.
“Geez, you need to take a breath. But…I know how you feel. How scary the idea of seeing him again is after what he’s done to you.” Her jesting tone softening with empathy.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” The resoluteness of her statement is jarring, and you agree almost too quickly.
“I know. I mean- I trust you and I could always get a taser, so…” you end with an awkward laugh.
You already know that you aren’t in any danger. Or at least much danger.
Laurie makes a disapproving noise at your confidence but doesn’t say anything further. You suspect that she wants to quip about a taser not working against the shape, but holding back so as not to scare you. Thinking back, if he can stop a bat with his bare hands and survive gunshot wounds, you don’t think a taser would stop him either.
You have to excuse yourself to get ready for work later, but with a promise to get together at some point. Just the two of you, no Jed.
Your hands pull at your hair. It sucks to have to deceive Laurie, but now it feels like betraying Michael. Talk about a rock and a hard place.
He wouldn’t take his mask off if he was on fire. But he took it off for you.
Your shift ends after the library closes, but you put the books you borrowed in your bag to return through the book drop. Michael’s room is a mess and you find the one you gave him underneath the blankets where he sleeps, luckily not too worse for wear.
He isn’t home, so you don’t know how he’d react to you touching his things, but a small fantasy plays in the back of your head as you step out the door to work.
You can’t help it- living together is intimate and every so often your mind will wander to that tight black t-shirt and soft pink lips. And your hands will wander when you hear Michael’s soft groans under the shower spray…
The nippy weather is enough of an excuse to shield your flushed face with your hands by the time you arrive for work.
A steady stream of shoppers keeps you and Quentin pinned to the registers while Dwight makes the rounds and maintains stock. By the looks of it, Halloween is still on, considering nearly every customer has snagged one of the bulk candy packs from the sale section.
Out of the corner of your eye you see a child run towards the candy aisle.
“Oh-hey no running!-'' your words don’t land. You, Quentin, and the child’s parent watch as the child runs gracelessly into the M&M's display. The child hits the ground first, followed by the crash of cardboard and chocolate 3 long seconds later. After the kid notices everyone watching, they begin to cry.
Dwight, appearing at the other end of the aisle, simply sighs and heads toward the broom closet.
Finishing the last transaction at your checkout and flipping your light off, you nod to Quentin-the two of you have an almost nonverbal understanding at this point- and start performing first aid on the cardboard M&M man.
Dwight returns with a broom and dustpan and scoops a split bag of loose candy into it, before stacking up the intact ones to pile onto a spare shelf.
As you work, Dwight looks in your direction once before making some conversation.
“Oh, by the way, you left early from the cookout…”, he states rather neutrally.
You sweat, it had just seemed like time enough had passed that it wouldn’t be brought up.
“yeah, sorry about that, I was a little nervous to drive home after it got dark. I got lost a couple times trying to find the place.” you’re glad he isn’t looking you in the eyes. Had he seen?
“No wait, sorry, I mean-”, he apologizes in return, “I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad, I was going to ask cuz you missed it, David wants to throw a halloween party. Do you want to come?” Dwight stands and wipes his hands on his kakis.
You chuckle in relief, thinking of David, “you didn’t seem like the halloween type, but I’d love to. Where and when?” Laurie’s plan flashes in your mind after you reply, so you quickly tack on that you can’t make it on the 31st.
“I’m not! I had to have David promise not to jump out at me.” he looks exasperated. “Same place, on the 30th. Don’t worry, I have to work until six on Halloween, so I’m not going out either.”
He promises to tell you the time for it when he figures it out himself, and you head back up to the registers.
You stop, confused for a moment, when you see that there isn’t anyone up there. More specifically, Quentin isn’t at the register, but there’s only one person who seems to be waiting.
“Sorry about that, I hope we didn’t keep you wait-”
Brown curls, square glasses, beanie, smug looking face.
“Hmm~ hey (Y/n), fancy meeting you here.” Jed looks at you like you were exactly what he was waiting for.
“Yeah, hi…”, you log into the register to look anywhere but him, “I didn’t know you lived in the area.”
“Oh you know, I just had to pick up some stuff to get ready for the holiday, that’s all.” You look at his items. Bulk assorted candy, duct tape, trash bags, bleach. You swallow thickly.
“Now that I have you, is there any chance you’ve had a change of heart? I know you probably think you’re safe, but you never know what could happen.” He leans on the counter with his forearms and looks up at you with a pout as you finish the transaction. “I’m here to help you, (Y/n), but you act like you have some huge secret you’re keeping.”
You’re thankful that another customer enters your line and you don’t have much room for more than a ‘see you later’.
You finish your shift with a cold anxiety in the pit of your stomach and don’t look at Quentin whenever he returns.
*** Hugging your jacket close and looking behind you often, home doesn’t run up to greet you as fast as it should. Crossing the threshold suddenly drops the exhaustion of the day on your shoulders and you trudge up the stairs, wanting out of your work clothes an hour ago.
It takes a second to register in your brain, the sight of your bedroom door wide open with Michael in the middle of the room. Caught red handed (though, not literally) with his hands in your underwear drawer.
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silverlining317 · 2 years
I did Something Bad
Listening to the taylor swift song gave me vibes of doing something bad and enjoying it and I think Ginny thinks the same. Hope you like! 
For @Hinnyfest, prompt #2: I did something bad
-"Michael, can I talk to Ginny for a second?"
Of all the people at Hogwarts, if there was someone she didn't expect or want to hear those words from, it was precisely Cho. Michael looked at her for a few seconds trying to figure out what the two girls could possible talk about, before nodding his head and giving her a goofy grin. The same expression that Harry gives Cho each time. Wasn't it enough for her to have a date on Valentine's Day with Harry? She had to hypnotize her boyfriend too? Ginny didn't even try to put on a sympathetic face.
-'' I wanted to talk to you about something delicate''- Cho began sliding her fingers through her soft and shiny hair.
-"Is it about the DA?" -Ginny tried to smile at her.
-'' No, its about Harry actually ''- Cho said blushing- ''I've been thinking about it for days and... He invited me to Hogsmeade for Valentine's Day''
-'' How romantic''- Ginny bit her lip without having the slightest idea what she had done in her life to deserve to endure that conversation.
-'' To tell the truth, I'm a little nervous about it'' - Cho kept twisting her hair- ''There's something that has me insecure and I don't know who I can talk to about it. So I thought of you.''
-''How thoughtful''- Ginny tried to smile-
-'' I know that Harry is very close to your family so maybe he has talked to you about what happened that night with Cedric.''
-'' Bold of you to think that we talk about anything at all''- said Ginny
- ''Aren't you two friends?''- asked Cho
-'' Harry only really has two friends. If you want information about him, you better talk to Ron or Hermione''- Stated Ginny- ''But of course, I wouldn't recommend anyone in their right mind to talk to my brother about anything related to the world of dating. Why don't you go find Hermione instead? She will be more helpful
"Yes, of course, she always knows everything, " Cho said under his breath with very little happiness. Something Ginny couldn't help but notice.
"Harry and Hermione are very close" -Ginny added, watching Cho's eyes take on a jealous streak.
-'' Close''- said Cho- ''I think so, it's impossible to talk to Harry without having to...''
Cho looked up as if suddenly realizing what she had been about to confess.
-'' Cho, I understand you- Ginny said- ''Trust me. I do. It is something that would intimidate anyone. Knowing that they spend all their time together, that she is the only one who he listens to, that he treats her to ice cream and beers and buys her gifts all the time...''
-"Gifts?" -Cho said.
-"Randomly, for no particular reason" -Ginny added- "Like those super expensive binoculars at the Quidditch World Cup even though she doesn't even like Quidditch. But at the end of the day, she's his best friend.''
-''Sometimes it seems like it's more than that''- Cho said and took a deep breath- ''Cedric told me last year they spent all their time together and then you have all this photos and reports. Oh Ginny, it feels so good to finally be able to tell someone about it''
-''Cho''- Ginny took Cho's hand giving it a strong squeeze- ''They're just friends. Harry is desperate for you. So who cares if they spend every summer together and sometimes sleep in the same room when there's no other space? Or if he constantly describes her as the smartest witch he's ever met? It is you who is going out with him. Not her''
"But..." Cho said.
-''I have to go''- Ginny said smiling- ''Good luck on the date! and don't think anymore about the photos of the two of them embracing after the first challenge. It won't do you any good!''
"But..." Cho said.
Ginny ran out of the study hall, forgetting about Michael on the way, with a rush of adrenaline and happiness that could only be matched to flying. Ginny was flying, and maybe that was why she didn't see Harry as she came down the stairs almost knocking them both down.
-"Happy?" -Harry asked with the slightest bit of interest.
-"I just did something bad, and it felt so good," Ginny confessed- "the funniest thing I've done all year."
-"Ah, that's nice"- Harry rearranged the bag on his shoulder and continued his walk without deigning to look at her. a somber expression on his face. For a second Ginny regretted sabotaging the only thing that could make him feel a little less sad.
But if what she did was so bad, why did she still feel so good?
Ginny continued down the stairs, jumping and running, ready to burn off more of that energy trying to tell herself that what she did was bad, but also fun, and that she would make it over and over again.
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
DC Universe Holiday Special #1 (2008)
Another of my favourite Christmas Specials.
The Man In Red – Santa Claus. An origin story for Santa Claus, modelled on Clark’s histoy. (Hits all the beats of a Last Son of Krypton recounting)
Somewhere Beyond the Sea – Aquaman! You know who I haven’t seen in any of the compilations yet? Arthur! We’ve had Garth, but no Arthur. In any case this is uh quite a story. Arthur rescues a couple lost at sea in a boat, the woman extremely pregnant. He's guided to shore by his father's lighthouse...only to realise it was a star behind the lighthouse, not the lighthouse itself. When the couple gets ashore they're met by two men 'dressed like kings' (this is the point when I groaned). Yes, Arthur's the third Magi/Wise Man here.
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Instinctively, willingly, I join them and knee before her and her unborn child. I look at the other men, who came bearing gifts. I feel ashamed because... "I'm sorry. I have no gifts to give." "No, Sea King, you gave me the most important gift of all." They walk away. I know I will never see her again, never meet her child, I should feel empty, but this is the most special of nights. I fight every urge to join them. Instead I make my way to my one true home, the sea.
Good King Wenceslas – this is a Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen team, if you need selling on it. It's just the main verses of the Christmas Carol, but it's done as an Elseworlds where the King is the Bat and the Page is a Robin (The peasant is Alfred).
A Day Without Sirens – Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Oracle. The premise is the city bands together for a day without the need for emergency calls or police intervention. Jim gets a little bit of hope (Oracle actually diverted the phones for a day and had Supergirl doing all the work, as a Christmas present for her dad).
Reminiscent of and in conversation with The Silent Night of the Batman from Batman #219.
It’s a Wonderful Night – Nightwing and Robin. This one I know inside and out. Tim goes to a Christmas Eve showing of It’s a Wonderful Life because it was Jack’s favourite Christmas movie. He runs into Owen Mercer there for the same reason, which makes things awkward as their dads killed each other. Dick, who’s been looking for Tim, arrives and gives Tim his Christmas present: one of Dick’s original costumes, a gift that he manages to sneak in RIGHT under the deadline of oncoming events, as Battle for the Cowl starts only three months later.
Christmas With The Beetles – Blue Beetle. The story of four generations of a criminal family and breaking the cycle, through the lens of three generations of Blue Beetle. (It's sweet. It's exactly the sort of ethos I love to see in a Blue Beetle story).
An Angel Told Me – Huntress. 'Teacher!Helena and her students'. In this one Helena lends a hand to one of her students, Alejandro, who is about to be suspended for bullying and who has an abusive homelife. She gets the kid's father locked up for drug possession and illegal firearms, so he'll be placed in care with his grandmother, and gets his suspension transferred to helping her with the 'Reach' program, which is community assistance for disabled students. (The depiction of autism in this is very stereotyped, and it's clearly not the ONLY disability in play)
The Night Before Christmas – Teen Titans. They all go to a Christmas market.
Jaime and Traci are an adorable couple in this.
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But the meat of the story is Cassie and Tim, who are both more settled now, after One Year Later has finally fully spooled out, and able to talk about their losses.
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(Also I've always adored the art and colour in this story, which is by Michael Dimotta and of a style you really don't see in superhero comics much)
Party Animal – JLA. John Stewart and Roy Harper capture Shaggyman right during the start of the JLA holiday party. Vixen, who's organising it, orders them both up there asap so the two decide to bring Shaggy along.
It's very much an office party.
Let There Be Light – Doctor Light. This is basically a character history piece of Kimiyo Hoshi for people unfamiliar with her backstory and motivations. The villain fight she's in knocks out the Metropolis power grid, so Doctor Light turns it back on.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
Season 4 did Malex so dirty! All that hyping up that Michael was going to go 'feral' when he realized Alex was missing only to have it be two minutes of reacting that was condemned as a 'tantrum'. And Alex just... stopped being allowed to have negative emotions? Couldn't even be afraid of dying, or angry about it? Even the proposal was done as 'marry me because it'll make us happy' instead of 'because I'm scared' which did both of them an injustice. Made Alex difficult to relate to and denied Michael a chance to step up as Alex’s emotional support - he can't support someone who's not allowed to be upset in the first place! (I honestly hated the proposal going down like that - could do an essay on how gross it was for all parties involved, especially Michael not knowing Alex was dying when he was asked)
The perfect way to sum up Alex's storyline (and "arc" according to CAM) is your point exactly, anon; he was deemed too much trouble when he was afraid and angry, so the solution was to just never let him be afraid or angry anymore. And still he was given the consequences to deal with for both of them on his own.
Here's honestly my whole thought on their wedding. The writers saw that Shadowhunters had done the same thing at its end, saw how much people loved it, and thought, Yeah! We could do that!
Never mind the fact that Magnus and Alec spent seasons openly communicating, confessing their fears and anger to one another, dealing with problems together, and trusting each other. Never mind the fact that they had open, adult conversations (AND ALEC IS SUPPOSED TO BE, LIKE, TEN YEARS YOUNGER THAN MALEX) about how Alec doesn't need to date other people to know who he wants and loves. Never mind the fact that Malec's wedding was earned through trials and tribulations that they faced together, with never any doubt that they were allowed to confide in each other and depend on each other.
So you know what that proposal and wedding always was to me?
A copy of malec without the hard work. It worked for Magnus and Alec, it should would work for Alex and Michael.
A "cure-all" for all the damage that was done with malex in the past. Instead of, oh I don't know, having Michael or M*ria face any consequences for their actions and betrayals, eh! We'll just have them get married and let M*ria walk Alex down the aisle without anyone having learned anything or faced any guilt or hard self-reflections! That immediately erases all the harm of the past!
A dried up well of imagination. We have no idea how to properly end the series with these two because we never actually gave much of a crap about them. What is at the center of Alex's universe? Michael! We'll just marry them then, that ought to make the gays happy! Look at how tolerant and diverse we are! We give so much screen time to a woc who is essentially the worst of the villains because unlike them she never faced the consequences of her own actions or acknowledged having done anything wrong, while Alex gets what he's always wanted; Michael Guerin! How lucky is he? Sure, he's a complex character with a rich history, story, and personality, but more important than all of that; he's queer. So let's focus on that and ignore everything else about him because seeing him married is surely more respectful to him as a character than seeing him get the acknowledgment, friendship, apologies, and love he's owed, right?
Golly gee, how the CW just gets the little guy, huh?
That proposal was done as a way to weasel out of the fact that Michael treated Alex like crap. But having them marry automatically makes everything better and totally evens out everything he's done. Because that's all queer people want, really. Seeing two guys marry instead of seeing two guys genuinely love and respect one another. And unfortunately, it seems the writers on that show never really understood that difference.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 9 months
WIP What The Hell...
I've several pieces for the Poly!Verse that are basically just me exploring various background things and are probably going to wind up on the scrap heap as a result. No plot. No climax. No resolution. No interest, really. But there's a scene or two I actually like, so I might stick them here for posterity.
This is one of them. If I ever do decide to do something with it, it's going to need a lot more research, but for now...eh, why not? Have a thing.
BTW, if anyone looks over my collected works and reaches the conclusion I've no real use for tabloids...that is accurate. If it didn't run in the World Weekly News, I was not interested. Give me Bat Boy!
“But it turns out he doesn’t have three boyfriends, he only has one. It’s his boyfriend who has three boyfriends,” Michelle was griping to David when Sam walked into the break room.
“That is the wrong conversation to walk into the middle of,” Sam noted, crossing the room to the coffee machine. There were days he regretted taking a job in A&E rather than getting himself a nice private practice in a surgery someplace. Even if you weren’t directly dealing with the screaming child who’d broken their foot, the sound carried. Hopefully a cup of coffee and a bit of food would be enough to cure the headache.
David laughed. “Michelle was just complaining that her tabloid had a misleading headline, if you can imagine such a thing.”
“You mean tabloids aren’t the pinnacle of honest journalism?” Sam asked, reaching into the cupboard for a clean mug. He shoved it in place, popped one of the capsules into the machine, and hit the button. “You’ve destroyed my faith in the system right there.”
“Hah hah you two,” the radiologist rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying they could have come up with a better headline, that’s all. ‘Guy Dexter Announces Poly Relationship’ has just as much shock value as ‘Guy Dexter Reveals He Has Three Boyfriends’.”
Sam had to admit, she had a point, not that he particularly cared. He didn’t have much use for the tabloids, or for Guy Dexter, although he’d heard the man was going to be in the latest Agatha Christie adaption. He liked mysteries. “How many bets the next headline is ‘Guy Dexter Contracts Nasty, Possibly Terminal S.T.I.’?”
David gave him an unimpressed look. “Way to be progressive, Dr. Barrow.”
“You were the one just criticizing the tabloid’s accuracy, Dr. Fletcher,” Sam countered.
“Eh, okay, you got me there.”
“I admit, I never understood why they’re so fond of announcing people are dying and only have two months to live. Do they think readers won’t notice when, two months later, the person is still alive and kicking?” Michelle flipped through her magazine, frowning a little. “I mean, the Queen and Camilla both started dying of cancer in what? 2002?”
“Pretty sure that started in the ‘90s,” David snorted. He then leaned in and looked over Michelle’s shoulder at the page in front of her. He frowned. “Hey, Sam? What was your little brother’s name again?”
“Michael, why?”
“Just curious,” the nurse asked. “Mr. Dexter’s fellow has the same last name as you. You know, the one with three boyfriends.”
Sam rolled his eyes and, waiting just long enough for be sure there were no drips left, lifted the coffee cup to his lips. “Not bloody likely. Mike would probably jump off a bridge if he thought three guys were even interested in him.” He couldn’t imagine Mike even knowing about poly relationships, honestly. The younger man was a chip off of their father’s close minded block. “And Barrow is a common enough last name.”
“This guy sort of looks like you, though,” Michelle admitted, frowning at the page. “Maybe a cousin or something? I don’t know, do you have any relations at all named Thomas?”
Sam about spit his coffee across the room, to the surprise and alarm of the other two. “Thomas?” he sputtered. He then slammed the cup down on the counter and crossed the room in three long strides, hand held out for the magazine. “Let me see that.”
Michelle mutely handed over the tabloid, her expression shell shocked.
Without quite meaning to, Sam snatched it out of her hand and stared at the picture they’d been looking at. It was like looking into a mirror, only his reflection styled his hair differently and had his mother’s pale, blue grey eyes instead of the brown the rest of the family had inherited. It felt like he’d stepped into an episode of Dr. Who or something…not that he actually watched that, but it seemed like half the rest of the staff did.
The other two exchanged looked, then David cleared his throat. “I, ah, take it he is a cousin?”
Sam shook his head. “He’s my brother. The older one.” He gave a shaky little laugh. “I haven’t seen or heard from him since he left home. It was on his sixteenth birthday. We didn’t even bother getting presents or having cake, he just… I woke up and he was walking down the road to the bus.” He closed the tabloid and looked at the cover. The picture there just had Guy Dexter’s face, with three silhouettes in boxes around it, each with a question mark over it’s face. Michelle was right, it was a horrible presentation for that story. “Now this…”
“Damn,” David eyed him, clearly uncertain how to react. “That’s…well, that’s one way to find out he’s alright, I suppose?”
“Yeah.” Sam opened to the photo with Thomas again. Did Margaret and Mike know? Did his parents? If not, they were bound to find out eventually, with news this big. “Well, that’ll finish Dad off.”
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singingshutin · 1 year
Islands: Sunset
alex feels alive again.
Read on ao3 or down below!
The first day after the island came and went like a scene from an old movie: grainy, muted color streaked across the landscape, blurring together in a runny watercolor palette of rain and mud and quiet Sunday stillness. No sun peeked through the clouds—the only hint of the passage of time was the fade of the cold, hazy light into pressing darkness. Even the house lights felt heavy on her skin, casting a grim yellow spell across the distant dinner table conversation. Yes, Mr. Wright, no, Mr. Wright, she didn’t know, Mr. Wright. Her mom was happy, Mr. Wright, and that’s all that really mattered, wasn't it, Mr. Wright?
Sleep, school, dinner, sleep again: three more days passed, the sky heavy with unrelenting rainy malaise. Alex went about her business, a single ant falling in line with eight billion others, all in a mindless march toward a state of normalcy that she wasn’t sure was ever going to come. None of it felt real—not classes, not homework, not even Alex herself.
It was a Thursday evening: her mother was working late again, and Jonas’ dad had run out of milk halfway through cooking—something. The look on Jonas’ face told Alex it was probably better not to get her hopes up. Not like she was hungry, anyway. Being unreal wasn't conducive to developing an appetite.
“We’ll be back soon, Dad,” Jonas folded himself into his green jacket. “Just milk, right? Nothing else?”
“I’ll text if I think of anything,” Mr. Wright smiled through steam-fogged glasses. Whatever he was stirring glopped unappetizingly in the saucepan. “Thanks, Jo-Jo.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Jonas herded Alex out the door with an embarrassed huff.
“Be safe! Be good-”
Jonas shut the door.
Alex pulled Michael’s jacket tighter around her arms, wrinkling her nose at the nippy autumn air. Red and yellow summer trees blurred together in the cold, cloudy light, washed out and stark against the backdrop of green-black pines and grey sky.
Jonas gestured down the sidewalk. “After you,” he said.
Alex obliged.
Perhaps, to an outsider, the silence between the step-siblings making their way down the road would have looked awkward. Uncomfortable. Resentful, even. Michael’s kid sister, bright and quick and smart, and a boy branded by the law—tied together by the thin, thin thread of their parent's remarriage.
Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.
Alex was older than time. She’d watched the universe explode into being a million times, and watched it fizzle out a billion more. She’d seen countless lives, sailing across the churning seas of time and space like tiny ships—some sticking together in tight fleets, others breaking off and disappearing over the horizon all alone. Each time it was different, pasts, presents, and futures all converging and diverging in endless different ways simultaneously.
But for all that, for all the eons she’d existed—she was still only seventeen. Seventeen and infinity at the same time, all tangled up inside her, whirling in a frantic loop of never-ceasing contradictions. She had seen possibilities on possibilities that could have, would have, should have happened. She knew every single way the earth would end, every single way humanity would go down with Terra’s sinking ship, every single way it could live on among the stars—and yet she had no idea what was for dinner tomorrow.
And that was painfully lonely.
Jonas had believed her. Every single time, every single loop, he believed her when she told him “we’ve done this all before.” He always tried to flip the breaker switch, always fussed at her reckless leaps across the island cliffs, always cracked the same bad jokes. He was always there, and when he wasn’t, he always found his way back.
He was always her brother.
And for Alex, that was enough.
"You doing alright?"
Alex looked up. Jonas was next to her now, his eyebrows knitted together in a concerned frown. "You've been really quiet since…well—you know." He gave his beanie a quick, awkward tug. "Since we got back.”
Ah, yes. Hell.
“I—hah,” Alex cut herself off with a sigh, folding her arms in a tight knot, squeezing herself against the foggy undertow of swirled-up feelings. “I don’t know yet. I’m…thinking. I think. Processing? I don’t know.” She tilted her head towards him. “And you?”
Jonas looked down, treating the asphalt passing beneath their boots to a humorless smirk. “I was kind of hoping you’d have an answer so I could figure out how I feel.” 
Alex bumped her shoulder gently against the sleeve of his jacket. “We’re on the same team, then, bud.” 
“Bud?” Jonas pulled a face at her. “Who are you, my dad?”
“Champ,” Alex shot back, unable to stop the smile creeping onto her lips. “Kiddo. Big guy.”
“Little sis,” he retorted.
Alex faked a gag. “No one really says that.”
“I could start.” Jonas’ threat didn’t hold much weight when compared to the wide spread of his lopsided grin.
“Fine.” Alex tossed her hair over her shoulder. “But I get to call you Jo-Jo.”
What little Alex could see of Jonas’ ears flushed beet red. “Ugh,” he groaned, “I give up, I give up. You win.”
“Dork.” Alex flashed him a grin of her own.
The fog of unease had gathered over Alex’s mind once again by the time they reached the corner shop, and the old feeling of unreality was slowly creeping its way back into her body. The sensation was both blurry and stark: her feet didn’t feel like her own as she floated up and down the narrow aisles under the deafening hum of the fluorescent lights. She could barely feel the chill of the cooler on her skin as she picked out a gallon of milk at random—a bright blue cap, she noticed, the pebbled plastic of the bottle an alien texture on her fingers as Jonas slid it from her grasp—and she hardly registered the cashier’s voice as she handed over a crumpled bill gone soft with time. The register dinged and slid open with a mechanical click. Cold metal clinked into her palm, and she closed her fingers over the smooth coins. Huh—what little remained of her dark nail polish was chipped and peeling…
Back out into the open air they went, the hiss of the automatic doors accentuated by the thick smell of tar and the heavy glow of the street lights against the darkening blue of the sky. Blue as the cap on the milk jug.
A forgotten something stirred in Alex’s chest.
“Clouds’re gone,” Jonas remarked. The thin plastic grocery bag hanging from his arm rustled with the movement of his long, slow stride.
Alex nodded.
“Wonder if we’ll see the sunset tonight.”
The something in Alex’s chest clenched.
“Sunsets in North Valley were always, like, this weird muddy yellow, I—hey, where are you going?”
Alex’s feet were moving on their own, shooting off the side of the road in a flailing sprint. Blood thrummed through her veins as she flew up the nearest knoll, wind rushing across her eardrums, drowning out Jonas’ shouts behind her. Grass and weeds and wildflowers all fell before her boots, the sharp, clean scent of green flooding her head in an intoxicating rush: faster, faster, faster, she had to see, she had to see it—
She skidded to a stop.
Red and yellow and orange and purple: the most vibrant flames she had ever seen licked at the bottle-cap blue sky, wreathing the dazzling golden sun in a crown of paradise. The tiny corner store—before so plain, so sleepy, so everyday and grey—lay beneath the face of the heavens like a pendant, windows gleaming like rubies and diamonds set in silver. Bright and hot and heavy, the whole scene dripped with scintillating splendor, the thick oil paints of nature running down and mingling in brilliant rainbow smears that she could see, that she could taste, that she could hear, that she could breathe—
“Hey—! Ho—holy shit—” Jonas’ voice wheezed up behind her. “What the Hell—”
Alex whirled with a shout of laughter that echoed off the trees. “Just look at it, Jonas!”
He swallowed, eyes fixed on the sky over her shoulder. “...whoa.”
“Don’t you feel alive?” Alex whirled around him in a wild dance, her chest heaving in something between a breathless laugh and a happy sob.
“It’s—wow, uh—” he took a shaky breath. “Holy—damn, it’s—”
“Yes,” Alex crowed in triumph, spinning into his chest with a thud, wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she could, squeezing him like her life depended on it. “It’s all that and a bag of chips!”
“Careful—” he wheezed, catching himself from a stumble, “you’ll knock us down the hill—”
Alex laughed. “God, I feel drunk.” She buried her face in Jonas’ shirt.
Jonas chuckled at that. Alex drank in the sound—oh, so, delightfully Jonas—raspy and dry and low, laced with a light cough and accented by a gravelly huff. It was warm and soft and familiar: just like the time-worn fabric of his jacket clutched in her hands and the wrinkles of his shirt pressed against her nose.
“Everything’s gonna be okay,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
“We’re gonna be okay.”
“Yeah.” Jonas folded her into an all-encompassing hug. “We are.”
And—you know what? In the end, Mr. Wright’s weird casserole-soup-thing was the best meal Alex had ever eaten.
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away-ward · 1 year
Hey, replying to that love language conversation, i definitely believe that emmy's are: physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and maybe words of affirmation. My opinion of quality time is pretty much the same with the both of you so i dont really have much to add to that.
As for physical touch, Emmy is definitely someone who loves to be touched: from the hug in the pool, the kisses, loving gestures, and sex she watched others doing since high school (school hallway, bus scene, etc.) to the train scene. And yes, she never shown much aversion to physical threats even after all the weird threats she got from aydin and taylor at the start of the book, she just felt like she needed to run away because she was scared of being alone there, kidnapped, stranded, and might die from the climate or by the hands of the people around her at that time. Aydin and emmy bonded not only through shared experience, but also physical touch, from the moment they met, the lilith scene, her wearing his clothes, her being casually touched by aydin when she watched will shower (even with no romantic undertones), i dont remember her being weirded out about it at all, only rolling her eyes at his words lmao, even if she knew he might not be good from the start (Imagine alex watching this from a peephole, emmy being touched by aydin so much like she was kissed, hugged, in his lap, in his bed, in his clothes, fed her strawberries, he ate her handmade brownies, had private conversations with Em, and Emmy always said she heard noises in the wall and they always happen to be whenever Emmy was near aydin or with aydin's stuffs lmao, i dont think this was talked enough! Aydin and emmy just hit it off well and weirdly from the start, as opposed to alex who didnt even get to touch him even after everything betwen them, so no wonder Alex was jealous of Emmy in the train because Alex's pov must be like emmy's with Will/Alex. Worse is when she watched how aydin could get along well with Emmy right off the bat, but never even gave two fucks about his ex-fiance, less than a week. This puts a much clearer perspective of Alex's pov in the train tbh).
The same goes when micah was washing her hair and carry her away from michael in the train, or when rory and micah was sleeping beside her in the train, or when michael, rika and alex was guiding her in that chase-and-run, or even when taylor was jerking off with her panties. When she saw danger, it doesnt weird her out physically like banks did, Emmy just sensed danger and runs away or fights when she can, but then banks only felt like that because of her fucked up relationships with Damon, Natalya, Gabriel, her biological mom (who's a shitty prostitute, opposite to Alex's character) and all the useless women and men she grew up with in that Torrance manor. Banks had serious issues of being touched, except by Lev and David, who had been her guards for a long time. Oh yeah, speaking of Lev and David, didn't Emmy walked naked with a rope around her neck, and guided by Lev and David to her cubicle, with post-sex look i bet?!!! I almost forgot that scene. And when she met the girls again, her only auestion in her head was "is there gonna be consequences?", not any kind of shame about taboo sex or physical nude with others like winter had, lmao. Emmy didnt even have any problems slapping alex's breasts too when she found out about her in blackchurch, or when alex was casually touching her, or walking around naked around strangers, or remember when damon touched her multiple times in the past (without any romantic or secual undertones), be it in the first shower scene, or the second shower scene and she wasnt repulsed to touch? So yeah, physical touch is definitely not a problem for her, AT ALL, in fact, might be her number one way of connecting to others. Not ony she like to be kissed, she also loves to touch and kiss others, even in innocent ways, like with Madden and Ivar in the epilogue.
As for acts of service, some of hers didnt need physical touch but some can turn from physical to acts; when micah and rory cared for her in blackchurch and train, then she appreciated them very much by caring for them and making them food, then actually wishing them to say longer by her side, when damon gave her the key to the carfax room, and built her a gazebo and she was so touched she teared up, when Will gave her that godzilla plushy and snack bar because he knew she loved the movie and was fasting that day and got a gist of her religious practise (judaism) and it wasnt even a religion that the majority of the thunder bay believed in (christianity), so not only did she had to fast alone, she could only go pray in meridian city's synagogues with her family on weekends, as compared to thunder bay itself having the church as one of the many historical building of the area, so Will himself had to do his own research about it without much help from anyone. And probably some others that i dont remember. Maybe it also stems from her not always being loved through acts of service freely and not being weaponised as a "debt" against her because of the way Martin "loved" her, but it made it even more memorable to read these scenes on page, because when we were shown how she reacted to them and how much these acts impacted her, we saw her being quite positive and appreciative of them, as opposed to words of affirmation.
Now, on one hand, I put words of affirmation the last because i dont really agree with anon about this one. I think someone who has gone through so much betrayal from her "supposed" loved one, as well as someone as logical and rational as emmy, she would not care much about words by mouth rather than actions by hands; she got over a lot of things that was said to her, but not things that were DONE TO HER. When Will said good or mean things, she didnt fully believe him, but when she ACTUALLY saw Will DOING said things, only then she outwardly intensely reacted. Examples: Will looking happy with pretty rich girls at school--Emmy had to skip classes, Will burning the gazebo--Emmy believed that he hated her so one of the many reasons she never came back was because she thought he deserves and NEEDS someone better, Will smiling while hugging alex and sleeping in the same bed together when Emmy herself never saw him smile anymore or never slept in the same bed with him--Emmy feeling so sad about the whole situation and wanting to run away because she cant watch him be happy with someone else (same with rika's thought process about michael's reaction to her infertility in conclave, ironically), Will confronting emmy and damon in the locker room--Emmy cried while trying to vaguely explain about the situation, when she watched how much will deteriorated in the questioning room + martin's threats--Emmy was so sad and angry she nearly wanted to kill martin in a LITERAL police's workplace.
On the other hand, many of her hesitation to be with will was BECAUSE his words didnt match his actions, like when he said he "loved" her but his actions were aggressive and cage-y (almost similar with Martin's), when he said she was the only one but then he went to flirt and sleep around with anyone in a skirt, then fucked around with Emmy's mind afterwards, and even threatens her to be with other girls when she rejected him, instead of using that rejection to correct his methods by showing his feeling's sincerety through actions (and we saw how he regretted this later), when he said he cared about her and will kill anyone for her but did not check up on her health and safety ever again afterwards and AGAIN regretted not doing so for the next years to come, when Will said Emmy was everything but then he was absent from her life for nearly 10 years, and wasnt even there for her even knowing she was always alone, wasnt as privileged as he was to access expensive caring needs (education, oldfolks house, housing, job opportunities etc.), and could be in potential danger! His words were not always equals to his actions. They just dont match up (a big factor was because he was ashamed of his failures and kept on destroying himself, BUT STILL), and thats why I dont always fault emmy for everything, because as much as emmy had her push-and-pull-bitchy moments, Will was NEVER painted as a kind hero, or a reliable romantic interest.
This was probably also one of many reasons why Emmy cannot accept Will's love then, because Martin did similar things like Will, but WAY WAY WAY WORSE. She saw Martin's patterns' of contradiction in Will's and the contradictory of words not matching with actions was only one of the many reasons why she held back her want to trust Will. And that's the sad thing about willemmy's love languages, we saw how Will was actually the opposite of her. I remember he mentioned a couple of times how much he needed to hear her say she needed and loved him even knowing through actions that she did loved him, but not knowing she needed him (for a different reason than he though, which was not for survival, but for her own happiness) and it was mentioned several times; when he beat up martin and was expecting a call from her, when emmy unexpectedly confessed her feelings to him in blackchurch, when he locked her up in the catacombs and emmy begged him to stay, when emmy (again) unexpectedly verbally proposed to him in front of everyone, and in fire night when he asked if emmy loved him during their dance etc. Will's the kind that needs words to reassure him, before he can believe that he can and would do something, thats why his Grandpa was his main support system and damon's manipulation hits him so hard. "You were a lie, she was a lie". When Damon talked down to Will about how much Emmy will never choose him at that bonfire, because he said Will was shallow and all, instead of uplifting him to be the kind of person Will always wished to be: more and better, just because his personality fits Damon's selfish needs and narrative at that point (even though we understood where damon came from, it only gives context, not excuses for his words and actions), and then Will just completely broke down, and who was there for him again? That's right, Damon. Just like what winter said, damon wanted to be the poison and the cure for his people, so his manipulation worked with some people, especially Will and Banks. But Did it worked on Emmy? No. Emmy cut him off right off the bat, so good for her. (Also noticed how the fandom only talked about how much sex Will/Damon had, but never mentioned that all three of them were born out of dubious consent, intoxication and manipulation? Right. Queerbaiting and MLM Fetishization. PD should go to jail for this queerbaiting, because Will didnt even want to admit that he fucked and fooled around with a man. In his mind, it was all Emmy that he gets off to. Wasnt this sexual dynamic similar to Will/Alex too? Ugh, they're all so icky, we cant even have queer moments in peace without all these baits, and then we got the whole fandom salivating over these two men as if their sexual moments weren't weird and so heteronormative. Was damon potentially queer and his sexuality could be fluid? Sure, but was will's? Nah. Will was just a voyeur to taboo sex, like Michael and Kai. + Will called damon out for always trying to sexually control and manipulate others, including him. Like damon would even fuck michael and kai if they would let him, and knowing that he only did this with will because others didnt want it, watered down Will/Damon's "special" bond to me. Also, Thankfully, i never expected a good queer rep from PD, because if i did, I would be even more pissed off and aggravated by their books tbh because there were so many questionable queer moments in DN but this is a discussion for another day, and something that no one in this fandom is ever ready for).
Which was why i said willemmy's love language in the past and until the train scene were sad, because i feel like if that whole Martin-abuse thing didn't happen, i bet emmy would have probably caught onto this earlier and loved Will so good the way he wants and needs to be loved. When Will said that they were from two different worlds, i thought it wasnt just about their background and pasts, but also about their core personalities and love languages being quite different too. Sure, Will would definitely love to touch emmy (physical touch), and spend time with her (quality time), but i dont think it was as assuring as listening to emmy saying how important he was in her life. He loves to do things with emmy, but he's the kind that will asks his partner "do you love me if i'm a worm?" In the middle of an important situation, and expects a serious sincere answer from her. Might also be why when Emmy said hurtful things to will in blackchurch, alex was angry on behalf of him (still didnt grant her the permission to insert herself in willemmy's situation though) and when Will was mad at aydin because he wrongly misunderstood that aydin's words had more control in emmy's brain than his own. It escalated even more after every threatening words from aydin and intimate actions (like the feeding strawberry thing, emmy baking a brownie and making food for some other men she just met but denying Will to cook for his meal and eat at his table after everything lmao, wearing other men's clothes but never his-damon and aydin-and then poor Will had to witness emmy being kissed, hugged and touched by aydin, and saw emmy caring about aydin before the train scene. And remember when Will always remember everything emmy said (and do)? Right. No wonder he was so mad in the train. Emory was Will's girl, why was she hanging around aydin or other men so much-thats what will probably thought then. I remember PD saying that Will didnt like to share (putting asid ethe train scene) and when you look at his reactions about all these little things, he really hated sharing her. He's one of those boyfriends that will say something like "if you cant peel shrimps for yourself, then dont eat shrimps at all" to his friends that emmy tried to peel shrimps for. Got mad at aydin for cleaning her wounds! Cleaning her wounds!
Unfortunately for the both of them, time was not their biggest friend, and they both werent healthy and mature enough to figure this out earlier, so even if they got together earlier, they still would have so many misunderstandings, and those problems will just be amplified with all the hurt and miscommunication that were already going on at that time or way before that. So yeah, in the rare moments where words matter, maybe Emmy would seek words of affirmation (like will LTERALLY confessed to her on the train, and she still wanted to run away lmao), but it's definitely not her go-to love languages, but Will's the opposite, and by fire night, we saw how they've worked this one out and knows what kind of ways they love to be loved. I wished PD had shown us this instead of whatever bullshit that was the last 20% of Nightfall. Even in Fire night we just cant have them alone! The torrance's bloodlines always had to be in everyone's businesses somehow 🙄
Anyway, i love your latest fic, but a comment i'd like to add, i wish everytime you post something sad in a fic, you double up the fluff, your fluff writing is just so!!! 🥹🥰🫶 i always reread your fics just to saw more glimpses of willemmy frfr, so thank you for the boost of serotonin!
Ahh nice to see someone who knows what’s going on because I certainly don't! See, I never looked much into love languages because from what I understood, we all require all aspects of the different “languages” to have a healthy, thriving relationship, but it was trying to determine which one communicates love the best way for you, if that makes sense. So it was like, your primary method of displaying and understanding love. So to have multiple seemed redundant to me? But I really love your analysis and explanation! It’s so clear.
Regarding the physical touch, you brought out so many moments that I hadn’t touched on and it just solidifies for me that physical touch is important to emmy – and it makes sense too! She’s a builder. She works with her hand! Touch is going to be one of her most important tools for processing information, whether she realizes it or not.
This shows how much I don’t think about Alex and Aydin – I hadn’t made the connection that the times Em heard noises in the wall, it was when she was bonding with Aydin. It would be a good reason for some of Alex’s behavior. I think it went over my head because, well… aydin. But also I just assumed that Alex had made the same connection I had – everything Aydin did was all for her, so it wouldn’t have mattered if he bonded with Em in the process when she was still clearly his focus. But maybe that’s just the way I’m looking at it. Either way, it would be a good explanation for some of Alex’s jealousy and some of her other behavior.
I think you’re talking about this scene -
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I hadn’t ever pictured her naked, though. In my head, she arrived on the train with clothes (not her clothes, but clothes), and they were all dressed, so it made sense to me she’d be in something too. Besides that, she mentions later that she found the overalls in Rika’s closet but she’s also wearing a black bra, so I just assumed she already had it. Not that it matters either way. It just took me a second to remember what you might have meant, lol
Acts of service and Words of Affirmation are probably going to be tough areas for her, because of the reason you mentioned. They were often mixed and crossed by the people who could cause her the most pain. So she would value actions over words. Words mean nothing if the action isn’t there to back it up. Kind actions are especially valuable to her. Even more so if they’re done quietly, without calling attention to it. That’s such a good observation on your part.
Will did talk a big game, but failed to follow through. It fed into Emmy’s doubts about him, and rightfully so. Emmy made mistakes, but I don’t think they make her a bad person. For me, it’s just easier to point out that neither one of them were perfect. They both made mistakes, and that’s what makes them such great characters to root for. I think Will’s were more serious than Em’s, for sure. I also didn’t expect him to be perfect and I don’t blame him for not being perfect. Sometimes, and again it’s probably just me, it seems like some of the readers are mad at Will for not growing up faster when he had every advantage or they’re mad at Emmy for hurting Will when he “clearly” loved her (though I agree that it wasn’t that clear to Em because his actions didn’t match his words and often it was really confusing because he’d be nice, but the second she didn’t return it he’d remind that the could find anybody to take her place. That’s what some of the die hard will stans call love? Seriously?... couldn’t be me.) And like… yeah. They both screwed up at times. But that’s why they’re so great.
I’m getting off topic again. Anywho.
You’ve got excellent points about Will’s love language too. I’ve discussed some of my HC about his family and background. It would go along with that that he was raised on kind words and never developed any reason to doubt them. Words would be enough for him. And in fact, like you said, something he’d need to hear and hear constantly. I think this would probably be truer with Emmy, considering their history. He might need to hear it more often from her. Her silence might even bother him a little bit, despite knowing he shouldn’t doubt her. It could even take her a while to learn to say it because she’s used to displaying her love through action and touch. And just like empty words mean nothing for her, touch wouldn’t be enough for him. He’s been touched so often by so many. Touching/physically affection doesn’t mean love. It’s just… touching. It feels good in the moment, but it doesn’t last. It lies.
You brought up so many good moments!
These two… they’re so much fun.
(I have noticed the Will/Damon shippers, and it doesn’t really bother me. What canon is and what we make of canon are two different things in my book. I will say, when I wrote the post about Will and Damon I was bringing out the depth of Damon’s affection for Will, and specifically thinking of their friendship, but what people use it for is besides me. I never thought of Will as bi, only desperate. And same for Damon. Desperate for different things, but desperate, nonetheless. I’m actually surprised there isn’t a bigger shipping cultural between all of the characters but maybe this is something I’m blind to since I have a singular focus. And being straight myself, I wouldn’t be qualified to say if it’s queerbaiting. I always thought their relationship was quite clear. I also never thought Will would end up with anyone but Emory – not Alex or Damon or someone else. From Corrupt, the endgame couples were pretty clear to me (except for Banks but that’s because I didn’t know she existed yet). I would even be hesitant to comment on Damon’s sexuality because I think the other Anon said it really well – he used sex to manipulate and bond. It was usually a means to an end with little meaning, until Winter.)
Which was why I said willemmy’s love language in the past and until the train scene were sad, because I feel like if that whole Martin-abuse thing didn’t happen, I bet emmy would have probably caught onto this earlier and loved Will so good the way he wants and needs to be loved.
They would have been so cute in HS if it weren’t for Martin. But now I have the scenario in my head of Will waking Em up in the middle of the night to ask her the worm questions.
And she’s all like “I’m questioning my love for you right now.”
“You serious?”
“No. go to sleep.”
“…but…babe. You do love me right?”
Like he needs to know. He needs to hear her say it. Even at three a.m.
PD said that, about will not liking to share? I feel like that contradicts a lot that in my head, but whatever.
Unfortunately for the both of them, time was not their biggest friend, and they both werent healthy and mature enough to figure this out earlier, so even if they got together earlier, they still would have so many misunderstandings, and those problems will just be amplified with all the hurt and miscommunication that were already going on at that time or way before that.
But the idea of emmy being one of those girl’s who’s scared to hear words of affection is also hilarious. I love it.
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 Will forcing her to listen to him say I love you. Emmy crying on the inside.
I know right? Those damn torrances messing up all my willemmy moments.
Ahhhh! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed the fic. I usually go for the sad stuff. But what can I say, I like problems. I’ll try to put out some fluffier stuff in the future.
Thank you!!
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cruelsxmmcr · 2 years
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♡ beach hut prompt 09: dylan michaels
what are you most looking forward to about reuniting with the other villa? what are you dreading the most?
“I can’t wait to see Callie and Romi and give them the biggest hug in the world. I miss them heaps. Honestly, I miss Naomi, too. That makes me a fucking idiot, doesn’t it? I’m dreading having to talk to her. I’ve been in a limbo stage for days because I’ve been unable to air it out with her, all the while trying to ignore it to focus on the present. Now that the time has come... yeah, I’m dreading it. It’s driving me a little insane actually. Who even knows what’ll happen anymore?”
if you were to stick, why would you? why would you consider switching?
“If I were to stick it’d be because my feelings for Naomi are still very much there and I can’t ignore them. This whole situation has so many ifs and questions that I don’t have the answers to till I talk to her, too and I’d wanna give us a chance to talk things through and figure it out properly. But at the same time, I’d consider switching because of these ifs and questions. I can’t ignore that Josh is there, too, like an annoying fly that just won’t stop buzzing, and that Naomi clearly still has feels for him and is probably taking me for granted after everything. She might even come back with someone. We all know she’s the center of attention wherever she goes. I don’t know, mate... it really can go either way.”
is there a bombshell that’s at the top of you ‘list’? who would you bring back?
“I mean, I don’t have a list anymore. It’s what yesterday was all about for me, wanting to figure out where my head was at with the girls I have been getting to know. I didn’t want to keep prolonging this, but at the same time, I wanted to give myself and them a fair shot at seeing if we can go anywhere. Having said that, if I were to bring anyone back, it’d be Adela. She’s really fun, cute and easy going, our conversations flow so well. I wish I had a little more time with her, honestly.”
if none of the bombshells could come back, who would you miss most?
“Uh, I’d miss them all honestly. They’re a great group of people. We got lucky. Adela, Mali, and Phoebe are great. I know yesterday I had to have a difficult conversation with Phoebe, particularly, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m glad to have met her and gotten to know her... even though things didn’t go the way she might’ve hoped. I gave us both a fair shot and I had to go with my heart, you know? I wasn’t dishonest about anything from the get go.” A pause. “I’d miss Miles, too, he’s a really good bloke. I’m glad to have met him, even if he’s grafting my sister’s partner.” Tone is playful here.
what conversations do you need to have most when you reunite?
“Come on, mate, you already know. Obviously, the impending conversation with Naomi is at the top of my list. The sooner we talk, the better, of course to see where we’re going with this and air it all out. I’ve been waiting too long already. I’ve managed to distract myself for a good while here, but when I’m in my own head about this, it gets a little too much.”
what are you feeling about the decisions of the other islanders? who do you think has made the best connection?
“It’s been a crazy few days, huh?” He chuckles, but it’s not totally humorous. “I hate to say it, but Frankie and Miles seem to have developed something there. I’m betting everything she’s bringing him back. I feel so awful for Callie because I know how into Frankie she was... I just hope she cracked on during that time and met someone, too.” A pause. “Marcus and Val seem to have something good going since the first day at casa amor, but I don’t know if he’s battling his own thoughts when it comes to Romi, like I am with Naomi. It’s tricky. Josh fucking Mali on day one hours after he told me with his whole chest he wants to be good for Naomi is honestly the joke of the season. This is the guy Naomi still has feels for and wants to give another chance?” He rolls his eyes, scoffing. “Let’s see how he’ll get away with it this time.” Probably by downplaying, lying, and gaslighting, but Dylan doesn’t want to say it out loud.
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haberdashing · 2 years
And Freedom's A Fairy Tale Lie (12/12?)
When Michael is transformed just before killing Jon, the face the Distortion next wears is one much more familiar to Jon than that of Helen Richardson.
on AO3
It wasn't entirely dark in the space on the other side of Martin's impossible door, truth be told. There was light there, to be sure--a dim outline of a shape Jon couldn't quite make out--just not enough for Jon to actually see what he was doing.
Jon took one step forward, squinting as he looked into the dim light and the darkness that surrounded it and tried to make out what he was looking at. Was that a square--no, a rectangle, taller than it was long? And taller than Jon himself, for that matter, which meant...
Christ, did he just go from one mysterious doorway to another?
Another step forward, to get a closer look-
And Jon's knee collided with some unseen barrier, making him trip and fall onto the ground, which was cool and smooth--some sort of tile, perhaps? Inside a building of some kind, then, in a room that was nearly but not entirely lightproof, with some sort of--Jon brushed his hand against the barrier that he hadn't seen, found that it was equally cool and smooth, with the end closer to him being nearly straight while the far edge was significantly more curved... what was that?
Jon went from examining the barrier to examining the wound it had caused, a quick brush against his knee revealing split skin and something sticky that could only be blood. That was going to leave a bruise, or worse.
(Still better than most ideas he'd had for how this day would end, though, a little voice in the back of Jon's head said. The Unknowing was over, and he was still alive and in one piece, though he wasn't sure yet if he could say the same for either Tim or Daisy.)
Jon let out a soft groan as he prepared to stand back up, but before he could manage it he heard a rustling sound, footsteps getting closer to him, and suddenly the dim outline provided by the doorway in front of him gave way to an opening of what was to Jon near-blinding light.
Jon squinted up at the now-open doorway as his eyes struggled to adjust to the rush of light. There was a figure standing in the middle of the doorway, holding a phone in one hand and a small but very sharp pocketknife in the other, but that wasn't the detail that got Jon's heartbeat racing...
Despite the circumstances, Jon did his best to summon up a smile as he turned towards the person that had greeted him.
"Hello, Georgie."
"Jon- I-"
The pocketknife clattered to the floor as Georgie opened her hand.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Jon still didn't know where here was, though Georgie's presence did help narrow things down a little, at least. "I could ask you the same thing."
"I live here. You don't anymore. Or did you forget our little conversation about that?"
Oh. Right.
The picture became clearer--the cool white tile upon which he'd been bleeding, the towel hanging on the wall to his left, intricate structures of metal and porcelain to his right...
"I-it wasn't exactly my choice."
"That's really not an answer, Jon." Georgie scrunched up her face. "Alright, forget the why for the time being. How did you break into my toilet, specifically? There's no window, no exterior wall..."
"I didn't break in. I came in through the door."
Georgie glanced back at the bathroom doorway before squinting at Jon suspiciously. "What door?"
"The- the one back there?" Jon used one hand to gesture vaguely behind him.
Georgie looked where Jon had gestured, but her glare became no softer for it. "There's no door in my bathtub, Jon."
"No, no, of course not. I- I suppose he'd say there never was a door there." Jon let out an exhalation that turned into a soft, shaky laugh.
"You're not making sense."
Jon scrambled to assemble his thoughts into something that Georgie might deem "sensible"--not an easy task, especially when dealing with the Unknowing and the Distortion both--but she spoke up again before he had arrived at any sort of conclusion.
"Wait- you mentioned something about disappearing doors before, didn't you? Another avatar you dealt with..." Georgie snapped her fingers twice before adding, "Michael! That was the name, right?"
"Yes. A-and no. It's- it's Martin now. Or so he claims."
"Martin- your coworker who got eaten by the spooky door Martin?"
"That's the one. More or less."
Georgie let out a long breath that might have been intended as a sigh. "Look, we're going to have to talk about this more. Do you need help getting up? Want some tea?"
Georgie leaned down and extended her hand towards Jon, and for a moment he just looked at her hand, hesitating. He was pretty sure he could get up just fine on his own... but then, his knee was bleeding and his muscles ached and he probably looked a fright, and it was a well-meant gesture...
Jon took Georgie's hand and let her help guide him back on his feet.
"Tea sounds wonderful."
Jon tried not to think too hard about all the times that Martin had gotten him tea, before... before.
"On it."
Jon let go of Georgie's hand before they made it too far, and he didn't stumble along the way or have trouble remaining upright, but he was definitely glad once he'd made it to her couch and was able to lie down and sink into its soft fabric embrace.
Georgie went into the kitchen, but her voice was still loud and clear when she spoke up. "Alright, backtrack a bit for me. Where were you before you went through the door that isn't there?"
"Remember how I told you about how- how another group, the Stranger, was trying to end the world- or, or at least change it to fit their whims? Something called the Unknowing?"
Jon paused a bit there, waited for Georgie to put together the pieces, but the only response he got was a soft "mm-hmm?" as she got the kettle out. After a moment, Jon realized that Georgie wasn't going to understand where he was going with this unless he spoke up again.
"...that's where I was. The Unknowing."
Georgie looked back at Jon then, carefully setting the kettle back down as her attention shifted elsewhere. "You were inside the end of the world?"
Jon just nodded and sank into the couch a little further.
"Did- did you stop it, at least?"
Georgie let out another soft breath at that and went back to her tea preparations.
"Or- or Tim did, really. He was the one who pressed the detonator, not me. But then Martin- the Martin that took Michael's place, with the, the Distortion- gave us a way out before the building collapsed on us."
"And... you asked Martin to take you to my flat?"
Jon shook his head vigorously. "I didn't ask him to take me anywhere specific. He just, just chose your flat as my destination. Probably thought it would be funny to watch me stumble around there, or... he did say he would take me somewhere safe..."
Georgie glanced back at Jon, then, with a softer gaze than before. Jon tried to gather the words up to respond to the unspoken feelings stored in that gaze, to put together a speech that was "thank you" and "I'm sorry" and "you were right" all in one... but before he could get too far the Admiral jumped onto the couch and on top of Jon's chest, and the pressure and warmth and loud purring that resulted made it difficult to concentrate on much of anything.
"Tea's just about done, so if-"
Georgie's words were interrupted by a loud thud from another room, punctuated by what sounded like someone muttering profanities.
The Admiral jumped up, scratching Jon's chest slightly in the process, and Jon jumped up too, heading with Georgie to the source of the sound.
A quick flick of the light revealed that Jon was not the only one to stumble over the wall of Georgie's bathtub today, though he wasn't sure if he'd actually spotted the outline of a goldenrod door for a second there or if it had only been a trick of the light.
Georgie glanced down before redirecting her stare back at Jon. "Is this going to keep happening? Because I can assure you, I did not sign up for the spooky door express to make regular stops in my loo."
Jon opened his mouth, but before he knew what to say, he heard Tim, still prone on the bath mat and looking like even more of a mess than Jon felt, letting out shaky laughter.
"Oh, I like you already."
Georgie put her hands on her hips. "Do you know him, Jon?"
"Yes, that's-"
Tim pushed himself up from the floor and spoke up before Jon could finish his sentence. "The name's Tim Stoker. Charmed, I'm sure."
The words sounded like Tim's old self, before... well, before everything, but his voice wasn't quite chipper enough to match them, some exhaustion sneaking into his tone of voice.
Georgie wrinkled her nose slightly. "Right, you work with Jon at the archives, is it? He's mentioned you. I'm Georgie Barker, Jon's... Jon's friend."
"Pleasure to meet you, Georgie. Jon's only said good things about me, I'm sure?" The words and Tim's tone of voice were both equally casual and light, but the gaze that Tim shot Jon was steely cold.
Jon cleared his throat before adding, "...no comment."
Georgie looked over at Jon, then back at Tim, for a long moment. "Hope about I get you both some tea, and then you tell me everything."
Tim's gaze may have been stony, but the grin he shot Georgie was far from it. "I couldn't think of a better way to spend the night."
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