#when prop wash went under to molt in like october COLREGS got hella depressed because his friend was gone
phantomskeep · 2 years
one time I was at my desk, at 3 in the morning, and I was writing a case study report for one of my classes. My illegal pet hermit crab who lives in my closet broke out of his enclosure and skittered across the floor and pinched my toe. So I did what anyone would do in that moment. I kicked the little fucker into the wall. Did I know it was my beloved Prop Wash at the time? Nope. Did I absolutely think a spider bit me and I was about to become the next Peter Parker? Absolutely.
I still feel bad. Prop Wash the hermit crab is absolutely okay, btw. He wasn't hurt. He still escapes his home at least once a week, the little psycho.
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