#when lawrusso is good they are SO GOOD
gay-caveman · 1 year
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this song is so them STOP
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zannolin · 3 months
i love you mixed media fics i love you social media posts in fics i love you text messages in fics i love you blog posts and news reports and tumblr dashboard simulators and ao3 emails, i love you interview fics and transcriptions of fake youtube video fics and everything else i'm forgetting or have never come across. i love you fic authors who spend painstaking time on unusual formats and povs. i love you fic authors. i love you fics. i love you weird people. i love it all.
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Daniel @ Johnny
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seeker-of-stories19 · 2 months
Season 6 Pt 1 Kiaz Thoughts/Observations
- Miguel and Robby choosing to sit in the backseat together when the passenger seat is open in the very first scene
- Miguel asking Robby to bandage his knuckles for him even though he also has a roll of tape in his hands. Just the symbolism of that moment with what their relationship has been like and they’re not fighting each other anymore they’re protecting each other.
- Miguel being so invested in watching Robby hit the punching bag at Golf N Stuff
- Literally a double date but Kiaz are the only ones even interacting- it totally gives boyfriends who are trying to set up their bffs so they have another couple to hang out with
- Miguel being the first one to check on Robby after Shawn shows up and immediately agreeing with the girls that they’re all on Robby’s side
- Miguel stepping into yet another fight to protect Robby
- “That could’ve gone better” “It could’ve gone worse” literally Robby being pessimistic and Miguel being optimistic is my favorite dynamic
- Miguel being so desperate for Robby’s feedback on his college essay and so worried about hurting his feelings
- Miguel immediately reaching for Robby when the sewage pipe breaks
- Literally Miguel and Robby are never not next to each other, they’ve got more chemistry than any of the actual couples
- Miguel reaching for Robby in the background when Johnny comes in with the pink powder on his shirt
- More scenes where Robby is with Miguel and Sam and Tory are together than with the people they’re actually dating, I wonder why…
- Robby immediately putting his hand on Miguel’s chest when the Sekai Taikai announcement comes out
- Miguel looks so put out at the thought of having to fight Robby again
- He is so offended he got blown off for Robby’s actual girlfriend even though they had a pretty good reason not to train together
- Miguel seeking Robby out to make sure he knows that he’s not mad at him and doesn’t want anything to change their relationship
- Robby immediately checking where he stands with Miguel after winning the captaincy
- Miguel’s little smile when Robby is checking to see if he’s upset during the speech about Barcelona
- Miguel is so disappointed but he also can’t help being proud of Robby it’s so cute
- All the looks I can’t even count
- Really excited to see Shawn come back and have more character development
- Daniel being willing to give up the miyagi do name for Johnny is giving me major Lawrusso vibes and I’m not even a hardcore shipper
- Johnny in a Miyagi-Do gi is literally unbelievable
- Demetri’s shocked expression every time he does karate
- I’m not on board with Kyler’s mini redemption, not after what he did to Sam in season one
- Beer with blue and pink labels for a baby shower, only Johnny Lawrence
- Just laughing over the fact that Johnny even knew what tampons are
- Samtory is also amazing this season
- I’m excited about Kwans arc
- Me literally expecting Yasmine to walk in on Eli and Demetri making out when she shows up at the Dojo
- Kenny winking at Anthony
- Pissed we got a American flag Mohawk and not a bisexual/nonbinary pride one (not that that was ever gonna happen but it would’ve been nice)
- I still really hope Kenny somehow ends up with a Sekai Taikai spot after what Devon did and that Anthony and Kenny don’t have too many problems for too long over it
- While I wanted Hawk to have a spot as well- I was annoyed they just gave it to him instead of letting Kenny and him have a rematch which would’ve been more fair
- I’m worried that Kenny vanished
- ROBBY IS A CAPTAIN!!!!! I’m literally so excited as much as I love Robby and Miguel both there are so many reasons I want to see Robby get a win and I’m so excited for the possibility of him winning the Sekai Taikai
- Tory ditching Robby sucked, he’s been hurt by yet another person he cares about
- Also Daniel not letting her fight sucked, as long as Sam was okay with it they should’ve let Tory process how she needed to. Daniel made assumptions about the situation and while Tory was obviously emotional she was fighting for this specific memory of her mom that shaped her life not just using karate as an ongoing negative coping mechanism and the way everyone ignores what she’s saying she needs in that moment really rubbed me the wrong way
Finally I’m just going to say this is my favorite season yet and I’m more excited than anyone will ever understand to get actual Kiaz interactions. I feel like this season took me from I ship them because I think they’d be really compatible and they already have this super intense relationship to actually seeing moments between them that feel like more than friendship and it means so much to me I’m so excited!
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The first one of these did so good I figured why not make the second part to it so here’s the continued part for random Lawrusso family headcanons:
Anthony has a special container/box type-thing for his many notebooks
Daniel actually had to place a limit on Anthony and his notebooks (Anthony is only limited to having two notebooks monthly but if he’s good he gets three of them)
Sam and Johnny have a habit where they’ll speak to themselves when no one is around
Anthony out of everyone has the least amount of clothes while Robby has the most amount
Sam tends to donate a lot of her clothes to places where they can be recycled into other items
Robby saves every single birthday, holiday, note he’s ever received from the family
Sam has a random chocolate bowl in her room that Robby and Anthony steal chocolate from
Sam and Daniel started a savings and checking account for both Robby and Anthony
All the kids drink different milks for different reasons
Robby drinks lactose free (he found out he was lactose intolerant at a doctors appointment), Anthony drinks almond milk (he likes the smell, taste, and color of it), and Sam drinks 2% (she claims it makes her coffee taste better).
Everyone likes different types of coffee depending on the day they just had
Johnny has arthritis and Sam has it mildly but both are bed bound whenever it rains because it hurts too much to move
Sam on her period, especially if it’s heavy, can hardly move so whenever she butt scoots or rolls down the stairs
Anthony and Sam enjoy going to Goodwill for cds and beanie babies
Johnny has given Sam the most of his old stuff and vise versa with Daniel and Robby
Sam has every type of charger or plug you’ll need for things and at the airport she’s in charge of the technology for the whole family
Everyone has noise canceling headphones for plane rides and has a particular seat on the plane
Sam sits either in the aisle or the window seat, Robby prefers to sit in the middle (because he likes getting both the arm rests), Anthony likes the aisle seat (because he gets to pee first without shimming through people), Johnny mostly sits by the window on the plane, and Daniel sits in the middle or aisle seat.
Anthony unironically says he’s going to start “tweaking” if he doesn’t get his 24 pack of Dr. Pepper for the month
Daniel also had to limit him on his Dr. Pepper intake because no such child should be “tweaking” from not having soda and claimed it was making him addicted
Both Robby and Anthony are on the minimal while Sam is more of maximal type of person
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Anthony and Sam share a jack-and-jill bathroom
Robby mostly sleeps downstairs in the media room while Anthony sleeps in his gaming chair down there
Sam keeps the guest bathrooms stocked with bath products for whoever
Sam tends to do Anthony’s hair treatment also braids his hair time-to-time
Daniel buys the kids random gifts on weird days
Sam is the one who made them a new kitchen table after the first one broke on itself
Robby self assigned himself as the mail boy of the house so every morning he would go out and get the mail
Sam is the self assigned cleaner of the house - she tends to stress clean a lot and they just let her get at it and not disturb her
Johnny often makes fruit salad for the kids for how much they consul of fruit
Robby and Anthony unironically say or text to each other, “What’s up brother 🤓☝️”
The kids have a group chat outside the main family group chat
Anthony steals Sam’s perfume to smell nice
Sam can 100% fit into some of Johnny’s clothes
Oh gosh, there’s still so much I can add to this list but I’m going to cut it off right here and of course these are all loosely based on my own family. If you couldn’t already tell that my family is a weird bunch then, I’m going to hold your hand when I say this to you hun… 🧍‍♂️
Parts in order: one
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garlimcbread · 5 months
OKAY SO BACKGROUND: Johnny (Lawrence) and Daniel share a room on a school trip and there's only one bed 😼 but Johnny threatens to beat Daniel's ass if he lays with him so Daniel takes the floor (i would too)
the second night Daniel pushes the boundaries a little and lays on the VERY EDGE of the bed with Johnny and Johnny is like "MAN he sleeps like a chick 👿👿👿 cause he has those lashes.... and those lips..... and that hair......... and he smells like cherry blossoms bc of his soap................." and UH OH Johnny starts thinking "if he was a girl I would kiss him.............." AND "I wonder what flavor of chapstick he uses........." 😈😈😈
Daniel wakes up and hes like "oh maybe he needed a cuddle 😊😊" bc hes DANIEL and hes a CUTIE PATOOTIE and hed probably hold this over Johnny's head if Johnny didn't look so CUTE.
so Daniel suggests they cuddle more bc "you looked like you needed it 😊😊" and Johnny does NOT refuse
"Johnny just rambles on and on about how pretty he thinks Daniel is and how good he smells all the time and Daniel just holds him and looks at him with those pretty brown eyes Johnny loves so much and while Johnny is still rambling he chokes on his words for a second because now Daniel is tracing his jawline with a single finger and pressing kisses to his neck all sweetly and Johnny can't help but wanna feel Daniel's soft, full lips on his own lips instead of on his neck and Daniel giggles and tells Johnny he talks too much and presses their lips together and now Johnny knows Daniel uses some stupid novelty coca cola flavored chapstick but it tastes so good on Daniel's lips"
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
😂: A fic that made you laugh out loud
striking me out by @qlala 😂 gotta love idiots in love, and poor Cisco is so in love with Barry but so clueless
👀: A fic that you love a normal amount
i’m higher than the hopes that you brought down by @frosty-the-killer-doll. So so normal about finally getting a fic that acknowledges Jesse’s trauma and PTSD and how she actually wouldn’t be totally excited about having the same powers as her captor in s3 💞 I will be up on this soapbox forever, so glad to have a fic that validates me
🛳️: A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
different but same, a two-part Samtory/Lanichols series (with a bonus third Lawrusso fic) by the amazing @jenpsaki. You’re incredible, and so is this series, and I thank you so much for opening my eyes to this ship!
📚: A fic you wish you could display on your bookshelf
When May Met Sally by @seek--rest, featuring a wonderful friendship between two underrated and very similar women (May Parker & Sally Jackson) whom I adore to no end. I’ve always wanted a fic like this 💞
😭: A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
So in my other answer, I mentioned 12 hours. For this one, I’d like to mention @angst-is-love-angst-is-life’s current devastating WIP, Trophy, which has stomped on my heart multiple times (especially Chapter 2). Like...oh my god. Barry whump CENTRAL
fic rec ask game!
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
Prompt: Serial Killers
for @ckhalloween23
(Scream au. Lawrusso. Little fast paced. Just one of a couple variations I’m going to make and build on. Wonky timeline)
Johnny slams the fridge closed dramatically, huffing and stomping towards the ringing phone. He’s pissed all day about various things. One is the fact that no colleges have gotten back to him yet. Is he really that…dumb? He could have sworn despite the various times he’d skip classes in school and flunk, that all the debutante bullshit Sid forced him into would at least work for something. Bobby assured him
(“Oh, come on, Johnny. I don’t hang out with stupid people—“he glanced at Tommy and Dutch, then back at him “Actually, scratch that. All I’m saying is that you’re not *educationally* a dumbass, alright?”)
It helped yet didn’t at all. Of course Bobby isn’t stressed, he and Jimmy have always been the smart ones. Johnny would go as far as to say they’re Harvard material. That comfort was fine and dandy, but Dutch was never good at reading the room, he was always just even more affectionate when Johnny was struggling. Arm around his shoulders as Johnny vented about it all. He just wants to get out of his stepfather’s hands, maybe become a doctor, make good money, and be on his own. Make a family at some point. How can he do that if no school wants him? What if he ends up as a plumber? Dealing with shit for shit money. What if he has to strip for perverts? And he wishes he could stop fucking thinking about that annoying little worm, LaRusso. The fighting and tournament are all over yet he seems to run into him everywhere…he can’t even say he hates it. He almost feels excited every time he sees him, especially when Ali isn’t there—so much less tension. So much more time to chat civilly with less filter. He finds himself hoping they broke up and not because he wants her back. Every date he’d been on recently never called him back. It’s like no one wants him except the cobras—and god is he thankful for them even when they say he’s wrong
(“Hey, at least you look cool even when you’re acting like a total diva.” Dutch teased, and Johnny stiffened. They always called him that and he usually scoffs, but right then it just felt like a way to tell him he’s over reacting.
No, it WAS. “I’m not being a diva. Why do you always say that shit?”
“I think you meant drama queen—“ Tommy started, mouth snapping shut at Bobby’s firm look. “Sorry.”
“What’s so great about college? Can’t you just, I don’t know, work at a diner?” Dutch shrugged
Jimmy raised his brows and nudged Johnny’s shoulder with his, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Don’t listen to him. We understand, okay?”
Johnny smiled at him. Jimmy once said he was one of the only people who never made him feel irritated, even with all his chaos. He’d even let him snag one of his grandpa sweaters, which he was usually such a prissy princess about, and just rolled his eyes when Johnny showed up to school one day wearing one. The day they met, he and Johnny were more alike than different, and that always stuck.
Johnny pushed Dutch’s arm off him hard and Jimmy’s off gently. Dutch frowned as Johnny walked to his bike, the other cobras watching and sharing looks.
“What’d I do?” Dutch all but whined to Bobby who smacked him over the head. “Don’t leave, man, please?”
Johnny shook his head and straddled his bike, grabbing his helmet. “Thanks for the pep talk, guys. I’ll see you later.”
“Call me when you get home!” Bobby shouted as Johnny sped off.)
It must be one of them. Dutch or Bobby in a coin toss. Dutch calling with a sheepish apology, asking if he can bring a pack of beer over. Bobby calling to cheer him up a little and give him tips on making better applications. Maybe Jimmy calling to talk about some movie or book, focusing on the action because he knows Johnny likes it most—a great storyteller. Or maybe it’s Tommy with a laugh in his voice, ready to make him cackle so hard his stomach cramped.
He picks up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi,” A strange voice answers. It’s like they’re using some sort of modulator.
“Uh, who is this?”
“If I tell you, will you give me a chance?” the voice croon.
A chance at what? “Sure, whatever. Who the hell is this?”
The man chuckles, “So feisty. I always liked that about you.”
“What's your dating life like? Wait, Let me guess, not going so well?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“What’s your fucking problem?”
“Hey, hey. I’m just curious, you never tell me about those kinds of things when we talk.“
“I never tell you?….Who is this?”
Johnny swears he hears something in the background. Something like wheezing, scraping.
“You wanna play twenty questions?”
“You wanna stop playing games and get to the point or did you want to keep prattling?” Johnny counters, walking back to the fridge with the phone pressed to his shoulder.
“No, I want to play with you for a long time.”
Johnny’s face heats up. “Maybe I’ll let you “play” with me if you tell me more about yourself. Like your name, for example.”
Why is he enjoying this?
“Well, sure!” the voice answers cheerily. “What do you want to know? Other than my name. If I gave you it now that’d be no fun. ”
Johnny thinks about it. It's someone semi-close to him at the least with how he speak. Must be some lame prank.
“Do you…live with your parents?”
“Interesting choice. Yes. My ma was very adamant that I stay until I have everything together.”
Johnny’s ears might as well have physically perked up. “Ma”. He knows a lot of people call their moms that but…
“You know, the way you talk reminds me of a boy who’d be *dead* if this were him.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. This prick from New Jersey….Kind of changed my life. Mostly for the worse I’d say.”
A hum. “You don’t sound like you hate him all that much for someone who change your life for the worse. Do you?”
Johnny stops pouring the coke staring at the half-filled cup and chewing on his lip “It’s not your turn to ask me things yet.”
“Oh, come on. Humor me.”
“Well, I guess not anymore. I kind of… appreciate him. I’d have stayed with him if he never came around. My buddies too.
“My teacher. Bad guy. Tried to kill me.”
“Should have killed him.” he sounds angry. surprisingly so, like a switch had been flipped.
The mansion is so…eery without his mom and Sid there. Unsettling in a different way than when they’re home. He rests his elbow on the counter, pulling his sleeve over his cold fingers. Will he get drilled into it for turning on the heat? Racking up the bill. “Great idea but I don’t really want to go to jail because I’m actually trying to have a life.”
“I wasn’t talking about you killing, I was talking about me.”
Johnny goes silent. So he knows all about it—what Kreese did—and only so many do.
“You look pretty in that sweater, Johnny.”
It takes Johnny’s brain a moment to process that and when it does he stands up straight, looking out the windows he can see.
“Wha—How do know what I’m wearing?” He changed after he got home. There’s no way he could know that unless…
“Are you all alone?”
Yes. Painfully so.
“I—I’m over this. Bye.”
“Did you lock all the doors?“
Click. He practically slams the phone back in the holder, nerves haywire all over again. He dumps his drink out in the sink in favor of some of the scotch stashed in the cabinet
Pouring it hurriedly then going upstairs to get loose and pass out for a good night's rest.
Johnny startles awake, his eyes darting in the direction of the sudden cracking noise—heart jumping in his throat when he sees someone successfully breaking into his room. How did he not wake up sooner?
A big white face with a gaping mouth, gloved hands pushing open the window and stumbling in: clumsy.
Adrenaline hits him like a train.
He slinks off his bed and onto the ground just as the intruder's feet meet the floor
They’re not exactly tall, and their flowy black attire makes it hard to determine their stature
He stands up quickly and runs toward the person but a glint makes him stop in his tracks.
The person tilts their head like a dog, bringing out a kitchen knife smeared with blood.
They step towards him, and he steps back, that pattern continuing until Johny only has the corner of the wall behind him, nowhere to escape. He was taught better than this—maybe he can still run.
The intruder sweeps his legs causing him to fall on his back and lose all his breath, lungs feeling like they were punched, his head knocking on the floor making him see stars. The person gets between his legs easily and puts a hand on his chest to hold him down (though it feels more like a grope) and the blade still held in warning
Maybe he could get it away from him. Maybe he can get himself to move if he just takes a deep breath. Wills away the dizziness.
Heavy breathing comes from the mask, and he trails the blade down Johnny's body slowly. Toying with him. Staring at him with big black eyes. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d catch yourself better, you’re usually such a cat….” he leans in “You’ve been drinking again, haven’t you? Bad boy.”
“Are you going to kill me? Johnny asks, voice high and tight.
“Are you scared?” his voice is strange like he’s impersonating someone, like they’re going as deep as they can. Breathy.
Johnny grits his teeth, eyes on the blood smeared on the mask.
“I…I’ll give you whatever you want of mine. Just please don’t take my parents’ stuff—“
The boy shakes his head. “Don’t be scared.”
Johnny’s hands tremble where they’re clutching his sweater. He could wrap his legs around his waist and squeeze tight, roll him over, and surprise him enough to escape.
But the knife—but the butterflies in his stomach.
He was always fascinated by knives. The way they reflected things. He used to play with the switchblade his dad left when he was young. He hid it from his mom until the day he accidentally sliced his hand and needed stitches. She was furious, he was thinking about just how dark his blood was. Not at all like the movies he’d watch that looked like ketchup. He thought it was beautiful
“I know you like blood on your hands but — “ The intruder swipes the red off his mask with a finger, leather shining with it. Johnny’s eyes follow widely, “Is it like I do?”
He almost sounds hopeful. Vulnerable. Johnny’s heart thumps loudly. he hates murder. Murder is wrong. It’d make him a bad person if he sometimes thought about going further than a strike. More than just his hands and high kicks and words. He says nothing, and the boy tuts his tongue, wiping the blood on Johnny’s lips like some sort of fucked up lipstick.
“I think you do. I know you, Johnny. Better than you think I do. Better than you know me.”
“No. No. I don’t like it.” Johnny chokes out, tongue threatening to peek out a lick his lips clean.
He can just sense he’s smiling. “Okay, pretty boy.”
He knows him. He *knows* him.
The intruder covers his eyes, shushing soothingly when Johnny goes tense
“No more dates for you. ” he whispers, and Johnny flinches when he feels the heat of their mouth hovering over his. “I’ll keep making sure of it. And since you *don’t* want blood on your hands, you should probably just give up because next time, I’ll stab them when you’re still there.”
It clicks in his head like a phone getting hung up: All the failed dates, they’re dead. All because of him. All because this man is… is what? Obsessed with him?
He kisses Johnny out of no where and it’s eager, rough like he had been waiting forever. Like he’s trying to eat Johnny like a blood-glazed cake lips first and he just lays there and takes it. Opens his mouth and tastes his tongue: iron and mint. Something interesting.
He turns his head abruptly, hand still covering his eyes firmly, and the kiss breaks with a wet noise that has Johnny’s feeling warm. He breathes through his nose, tears welling at the corner of his eyes. He’s striking first and Johnny hasn’t struck him once
“Aw. I’m disappointed you’re done so soon, but that’s okay. I’m not pushy. I wasn’t even sure you’d let me…You chew on things so much, you have no idea the things I think about you.“
A rustle, then the moonlight filling Johnny’s vision again.
The murderer gets up and saunters to his bedroom door, looking back at him with his hand on the knob
Johnny sits up his elbows, licking the roof of his mouth to savor.
“One day, I won’t have to make calls, ‘cause you are instead,” he tells Johnny like a promise before he opens the doors with a creak and steps out.
Johnny lays back again, shaking with it all. No want in him to close his window or see if the boy is burglarizing the mansion or just going out the front door like he owns the place.
He might ask someone out tomorrow.
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thecranekick · 1 year
the way ralph always calls lawrusso the perfect yin-yang……the way johnny is absolutely the perfect good in the bad……..daniel being the bad in the good……. they literally are THIS ☯️ like! literally!! always drawn to each other always circling always inevitable i am sick!!!……when they are at their strongest they have some of each other’s qualities in them……two complementary forces that make up everything……all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites in HARMONY!!!!…. johnny being the yin…(feminine energy (i believe in this so strongly. part of my unwritten johnny lawrence thesis) (fights emotionally, strong-willed, doesn’t let it go until it’s finished, cyclical emotions, wants to take care of, etc), dark, softness, water, moon, valleys, all things just soft and beautiful, provides spirit, represented by the color orange (close to red btw), tiger!!!??? a broken line?!?!?!?…daniel being the yang…masculine energy (fights to protect, defend, etc., confident, outspoken, expressive, ambitious, likes having control) light, fire, sunshine, warm, mountains, provides FORM to all things?!?!  HELLO? represented by the color BLUE!!?? a DRAGON???????? they were born from chaos but exist in harmony, and when they’re out of balance that’s when thing go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it writes itself.  also the juxtaposition of daniel’s training being all ~balance~ and defense only, etc., and his personality is entirely offense when it comes to anything but fighting??? and johnny’s training is no mercy, fuck you, etc., but what that’s covering is DEFENSE!!!!! he’s always on the defense, he even said he can’t let his guard down, all of that bs he puts on is a front for a scared helpless little boy trying to survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  he’s generally quiet and less sure of himself etc!!!!! we see this especially in s1 when daniel is more kind of the instigator and johnny's just trying to run cobra kai and be left alone.  also, not to mention the obvious…..the bright blond hair and blue eyes w the dark hair and dark eyes, johnny being perfectly bigger than daniel they literally FIT! TOGETHER! like a puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!! screaming crying sliding down the wall standing in traffic etc 
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lulamadison · 3 months
Here's a little Lawrusso comedy fic for a Sunday afternoon...
It's called Safe Word
Safe Word
“I can handle it, man,” Johnny said, sounding like he was on the verge of arguing.
“I know you can,” Daniel sighed, “but that's not the point.”
They hadn't been together long.
After the divorce it had taken Daniel a while to notice that every time Johnny insulted him it was actually a ham fisted attempt at flirting.
Johnny didn't have the vocabulary or experience to express what he wanted, Daniel eventually realised.
While the world had moved on since 1984, Johnny simply hadn't. He was stuck in high school, pulling pigtails to let Daniel know that he liked him, or in his case, calling him Danielle or Princess every chance he got.
After Daniel had figured out what Johnny was actually doing, he asked him out to a bar. It was a date, but Daniel wasn't sure that Johnny realised it was a date.
He picked Johnny up at 8 and opened the car door for him.
They went out for burgers and Daniel picked up the check first, saying, “No, no. This is my treat.”
They went to a bar, where they drank round after round of Banquet and shots, and as they closed out the tab at the end of the night, Daniel handed over his card to the bartender.
“You trying to get laid, LaRusso?” Johnny asked, as he leaned up against the bar. “You're treating me like a chick on a first date.”
“Maybe I am,” Daniel replied as he put his wallet away. “Maybe that's what this is.”
“Oh yeah?” Johnny asked.
“Maybe I'm trying to woo you,” Daniel said with a grin.
“Woo?” Johnny asked. “Like a ghost?”
“No,” Daniel laughed. “Like I want to be with you.”
“Oh,” Johnny said quietly, even though Daniel could practically see the gears in his head whirring. After a while he added, “Well, maybe I want to be with you too.”
“Good,” Daniel replied with a nod, trying to keep his cool.
He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He'd told Johnny this was a date and he hadn't beaten the shit out of him? It was going way better than Daniel expected.
They went out into the parking lot, and Daniel decided to leave his car at the bar, so he booked an Uber.
As they waited for the car to arrive neither of them spoke. The air around them felt heavy with the anticipation of what would come next.
They were heading back to Johnny's place.
Daniel made polite chit chat in the car, discussing some local news story about the state of the roads with the driver, just to make the journey go faster and to break the unbearable tension.
When they arrived, Johnny opened the door, then stepped back, letting Daniel enter the apartment first.
The second the door was closed, Johnny was on him. Kissing him roughly as he pushed Daniel against the wall.
Johnny's lips moved down to Daniel's neck, making him moan loudly.
Johnny broke away and breathlessly asked, “You wanna take this to the bedroom?”
“Yeah,” Daniel replied. “I really do.”
That was 6 weeks ago now and Daniel had never felt happier.
It turned out that Johnny had hidden depths under all that bluster and he was surprisingly sensitive in a way that Daniel had never expected. Johnny cried easily and he was quick to anger. He was a bubbling cauldron of swirling emotion hidden under a tough exterior, and Daniel could never predict how he'd react to anything.
When he decided to ask Johnny out on a date he'd thought that he'd probably react badly and have some kind of nervous breakdown over his precious masculinity, but he seemed to be oddly relaxed about the fact that he wasn't actually as straight as he'd made out.
Their sex life so far had been pretty frantic, with all the excitement of having a new partner, made even more fun by the fact that this was Johnny. Daniel still couldn't believe it sometimes.
They'd quickly graduated from kissing and fumbling around, to hand stuff and going down on each other, but Daniel didn't think it'd go any further than that. Johnny had been great about the whole thing so far, but Daniel knew he'd likely have him limits.
They were in a diner having breakfast one morning when out of nowhere Johnny said, “I think I want to try anal.”
Daniel choked on his coffee, spluttering across the table.
“Wow that's gross, man,” Johnny said, wiping his hand.
“You want to try what?” Daniel said, still coughing.
“You know,” Johnny said, leaning across the table, as if he'd finally realised there were kids sat not far away from them. “Butt stuff.”
“Oh my god,” Daniel gasped. “You could have waited till I wasn't drinking to say that.”
“It's just my ass,” Johnny said, said shrugging his shoulders.
Daniel sat back. “Your ass?”
“Well, yeah,” Johnny said. “That's what I want to try. So can we?”
“I think we need to do some research on the logistics of the whole thing first,” Daniel said, as he raised his coffee cup again.
“Well, yeah. It's not like I'm asking you to bend me over a table now, man,” Johnny said.
Daniel choked on his coffee again.
Daniel spent some time doing research.
He worked out what supplies they needed and how to prepare for what they were going to do.
He found an online sex store and ordered lube and other things.
In his heart he knew this was going to be a big deal, despite how casual Johnny was being about it.
Daniel didn't think Johnny had really thought it through and he knew there was a chance that despite his eagerness to go ahead with it all, there might be a chance he might have a change of heart, and wouldn't tell Daniel because he didn't want to seem like a pussy.
“I can handle it, man,” Johnny said, sounding like he was on the verge of arguing, when Daniel sat him down for a discussion beforehand.
“I know you can,” Daniel sighed, “but that's not the point.”
“What, do you think I'm gonna wimp out the second you touch my ass?”
“And that's exactly what I'm worried about,” Daniel said. “The fact you think changing your mind if you realise you don't like it makes you a wimp.”
“I'm not gonna change my mind,” Johnny said.
“But if we do this and you realise you don't like it and you don't tell me, do you know how that would make me feel?” Daniel asked. “I'd feel awful about it. It'd ruin the whole night.”
“Yeah, OK,” Johnny conceded.
“We need a safe word,” Daniel said.
“Safe word?” Johnny asked. “What's that?”
“It's a word you use when your exploring your boundaries during sex to indicate to your partner that things are starting to get a little too much for you.”
“Are we going somewhere?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because I thought we were gonna do it on my bed, right here.”
“Huh?” Daniel asked, his brown wrinkling in confusion.
“We could go to Vegas,” Johnny suggested, in a way that sounded like he thought he was being helpful.
“What?” Daniel asked.
“Boundaries,” Johnny said. “Is that like the state line or something?”
Daniel couldn't help but laugh. Johnny never failed to amaze him.
“A boundary is like a line you don't want to step over,” Daniel said. “Like you told me you don't like it if touch your neck, so now I don't touch your neck. That's a boundary.”
“OK, yeah,” Johnny said. “I get it. So how does a safe word work?”
“We choose a word now, and if either of us doesn't like something the other is doing we say the word and the other person has to stop what they're doing,” Daniel said. “But it has to be a word that you'd never ever say during sex.”
“OK,” Johnny said thoughtfully. He paused a moment, then said, “How about Miyagi?”
“Johnny…” Daniel said through gritted teeth. “The last person I want to think of during sex is the man who was practically my father.”
“Yeah, but say we're doing it and I realise I don't like it,” Johnny said. “I says his name and it's an instant boner killer, so you have to stop doing the thing I don't like.”
“Huh,” Daniel said, thinking about what Johnny just said.
“I mean, I know you'd stop anyway. I trust you,” Johnny said “But I'm also a guy and I know sometimes that's really difficult, so think of it like an off switch, but for your wang.”
“Hmmm…” Daniel said. “You know what? That's actually a good point.”
“So Miyagi it is?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Miyagi it is.” Daniel replied with a smile.
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nuwandassaxophone · 1 year
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Lawrusso AU, where Daniel and Johnny broke up. However, this posed a problem, as one year ago, the couple had booked and planned a trip abroad together, and that was unavailable to change now. They would have to both travel together — same flight, same hotel, same destination — in spite of the recent breakup.
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Johnny and Daniel had been together for five years when they decided to plan a romantic European trip during the summer. Planning for a romantic getaway a year in advance, they dedicated every month paying for the plane tickets, booking hotel rooms, and researching tourist attractions—all while being in a very happy relationship.
Fast-forward a year, and the couple had separated. Neither Daniel nor Johnny wanted to break up - but their relationship had just run its course. Daniel was heartbroken, while Johnny just seemed ready to move on, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong.
The air was stifling as Johnny and Daniel trudged through the airport and to their shared gate. A year ago, they would have been talking and laughing as they excitedly made their way to the same destination of their getaway trip. But now, there was nothing but an uncomfortable silence between them as memories of their now broken relationship was all that seemed to linger in the air.
After a tense check-in process, they settled into their seats on the plane. Everything felt so surreal to Johnny as he looked around at the airplane and contrasted it to what he was feeling inside.
When they arrived at their destination, though, the tension only seemed to increase. Each of them were too stubborn to bow to one another and make necessary arrangements, so they were left to book the same hotel they had planned for before. This was something that neither of them wanted to do, but they had no other option.
The first two days were uncomfortable, full of silence and avoidance of each other. They both pretended that the other wasn't there and tried to make the best of the situation, enjoying the activities that they had chosen to do separately.
The nights were the worst - lying in the same bed each night, feeling the uncomfortable tension of their broken relationship.
Johnny had had enough of the awkward silence on the third day and suggested that they take a boat out to the nearby island, something that had been on their agenda before the trip had been booked. Daniel wasn't sure that was a good idea, but he was feeling lonely enough that he agreed.
On the island, they talked a little about what had gone wrong between them, mostly focusing on their own individual faults. Johnny and Daniel realized how much had made them good together, and by the end of the day, both were laughing and enjoying spending time together in the way that they used to.
Deep inside, Daniel felt a new spark of hope. Even the worst turmoil could be leavened with a little peace.
Maybe, he thought and dared to whisper, the shared adventure of new places could help them heal and reignite the flame.
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newlacesleeves · 3 months
*slams this fic on the counter* Okay, look. I've been thinking about the parallels between Sam/Tory and Daniel/Johnny for far too long now. And then then season 6 trailer dropped and my brain would not let me know peace until I wrote this fic so I wrote it over a 48-hour period until I could finally get it all out. Enjoy.
AFTERBURNER | Lawrusso, Samtory, Johnny Lawrence & Samantha LaRusso | T | 8,634 words | non-linear narrative & parallels all the way down
The thing about history is we're doomed to repeat it. That's what Mr. Murray says on Sam's first day of AP World History. It's human nature, he says, to make the mistakes of our ancestors. The only way to anticipate these mistakes is to learn of them, learn from them, and hope we can use what we've learned to avoid the same pitfalls as our predecessors.  --- A fic about patterns, trusting, and how history is always just repeating itself.
The inciting incident, like most things in Johnny's life, is a punch to the face. 
Before the twerp manages to land it — right into Johnny's mouth pow! right in the kisser! — it's just a game to Johnny. Here's this skinny kid moving in on his girl, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, like a gnat in the sand just buzzing around. And Johnny, sure, he toys with him. Dances around him and lets him try to land one. But it's only when he manages to get a good one in there that Johnny sees red and nothing else. Because who does this kid think he is? Who does this kid think Johnny is? Doesn't he know who he's dealing with here? He can hear Kreese’s voice in his head: the enemy deserves no mercy. And Johnny doesn’t know who this kid is by name but he knows he’s just made a new enemy.
So Johnny shows him. With fists and kicks and a hard landing with a mouthful of sand. Forces him to cover up the dark bruise around his eye with a pair of aviators on his first day of school. Hide those Bambi soft brown eyes from Johnny's field of vision before he can even think about losing himself in them. 
That one punch sets each of them forward on a trajectory they are powerless to change. Their moves are now set in motion, each one preordained: LaRusso ducks left and Johnny swings right, LaRusso runs and Johnny chases. The interference by deus ex sensei only prolongs the inevitable moment: the pivotal accident that the tournament is only a few weeks away. That Kreese will do anything to win, even asking Bobby to fight dirty and deliver that crushing blow to the knee: it’s all a set up for the perfect storm that ends with Johnny’s face getting kicked by what shouldn’t be a long graceful leg but somehow it is. A beautiful kick. And if Johnny’s going to get kicked like that, it had better be a beautiful one. 
Johnny finds himself wondering what would have happened if that fist never swung his way. How different 1984 would have ended. First ever three-time All Valley Champ. Would Daniel LaRusso have found karate without punching Johnny Lawrence first? Would Johnny have found Daniel some other way? 
It's useless to wonder what could have been but Johnny does it anyway. He wastes years on it until one day he’s forced to walk into LaRusso Auto and sees the smug, charming, ageless face that’s plagued him all this time. Another hit, this time a hit and run, that resets the board and puts them in motion again. 
Three and a half decades later, LaRusso swaps a punch for a kiss — another pow! another pop in the mouth! — and just like that first night, Johnny doesn’t see it coming until it’s already happened.
He doesn’t see red but he does strike back. Uses his hands to tell LaRusso just what Johnny thinks about that, one with a grip on his jaw, the other threading through his stupidly soft, dark hair. Pushes him up against the wall of the dojo because this is just another fight that Johnny’s going to win.
LaRusso pulls back with puffed up lips and heavy dark eyes. His hair’s a mess and his grin is infectious. 
Another inciting incident. 
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isindismay · 1 month
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @goblininawig!
Unusually for me, I'm working on new chapters for two fics at once, and here's the proof!
First up, chapter 4 of Stronger Together, Cobra Kai, (primarily) lawrusso
Daniel takes the flask and takes a sip, then starts coughing. “Oh god, what is that?” Johnny nods and takes the flask back. “Good stuff, ain’t it?” “What are you drinking?” the driver asks. “You want some?” Johnny asks, holding the hip flask out towards her. “I really shouldn’t, but-” Daniel grabs Johnny’s wrist. “Hey, knock that off,” he says. “I want us to get to the bar in one piece.” Johnny freezes, and lets Daniel pull his arm away from the front of the car. It’s just a casual touch, but after that time at the hospital, he’s so hyperaware of Daniel’s touch. He’s not applying the full force of his strength, in fact he’s being pretty gentle. Daniel doesn’t immediately pull his hand away. Johnny thinks about how easily he could just curl his fingers around Daniel’s. The hip flask slips out of his hand, spilling cheap whiskey on the floor of the car. “Oh, crap.”
And the long time coming chapter 21 of Question of Time, Disco Elysium, trantjean
“No. I thought you were funny.” “Funny?” “Your sarcasm, your quick wit. I always liked it when you walked past my desk. I would sometimes make excuses to go to your part of the building.” “You did? I didn’t notice. You started in A-wing, right?” “That’s right. Before you stole me.” The way Trant smiles and flutters his eyelashes makes your breath catch in your throat. “And I was quite happy to be stolen.” You clear your throat. “Yes. They weren’t making good use of your talents.” “No. But you appreciated me.” “Which is why you stayed and accepted several pay cuts.” “Yes,” he says. “I’d say it has paid off well.” He smiles. “I finally got you to notice me.” You stare at him. It’s hard to believe that Trant had an interest in you from the start. You shake your head. “Why didn’t I notice you?” you say aloud.
tagging: @lullabyes22-blog @hannibalcatharsis-zero @gay-victorian-astronomer @harvestar (as always totally optional & anyone i haven't tagged is also welcome to join if you've got WIPs to share!)
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landslided · 10 months
Sorry if it's boring, but continuing with LawRusso AU Johnny princess, I really like the "enchanted" movie and I can't stop thinking about Johnny being Giselle singing to the rats and cockroaches to clean Daniel and Sam's house lol
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as a rule of thumb it is NEVER boring to send me asks, especially ones like these where i can have fun and think of AUs! and you picked a movie i love so this is just a win win for me!!
let’s get into it:
lawrusso enchanted AU is such a good idea im almost jealous i didn’t think of it myself!!
i think daniel and amanda got divorced amicably a few years ago and she still lives in los angeles but daniel moved back to jersey to be closer to lucille and he took sam with him (im imagining this as a story without anthony because it fits better, sorry anthony).
daniel still works as a divorce lawyer because that is just funny to me and it’s canon to the movie and he has this perpetual look of "im one shirt sleeve caught on a door handle away from snapping" look because being a single father is hard work and yeah, he and amanda co-parent but sam is with him most of the time and by moving here he’s always made himself more prone to special lucille larusso mother attacks of "you never visit even now that you’re so close" "you’re so skinny, do you cook actual food or just eat take out?" "are you coming for christmas? all your cousins will be there and also that nice girl you liked when you were a kid, judy? maybe it’s time to get back into dating, daniel!"
amanda has planned to come into the city to spend the holidays with her daughter and ex-husband and i see her as a platonic nancy role.
sam is in her full princess era and she’s making both her parents crazy with all the singing and dancing (and kicking furniture because she’s a karate princess)
meanwhile, in andalasia, johnny who is both prince(ss) and hero dreams of finding his one true love and sighs at his window. he’s been locked away in a tower by his evil step-dad kreese and he’s waiting for someone to come and save him (or at least just open the door of his magically locked tower because he can surely save himself).
carmen who happens to be a princess and hero herself has gone on a quest to save the lost prince of andalasia and with her help, johnny manages to escape the tower, defeat a forest troll and take back his throne from kreese’s claws. he and carmen tentatively get together (but deep down both feel this might not be the right fit for each other) and as johnny makes his way to his own royal wedding he’s sent to Real Life New Jersey and meets daniel and sam.
i kind of see giselle’s wedding dress for him but with pants for a more Realistic outfit but… screw realism i want johnny lawrence in that EXACT outfit!
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also imagine scott mccall the equalizer soft mullet with a tiara, it’s just too good. ALSO imagine carmen IN THIS!!!!
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you KNOW she would rock this!!
oh and yeeees, johnny summoning rats and insects in daniel’s apartment to clean and sam is SOOOOO excited because that’s a real life prince(ss) who also happens to be a great fighter and they do karate moves while also talking about johnny’s best friend, a chipmunk called bobby.
sam and johnny going on a shopping spree and buying a bunch of stuff and eating ice cream. johnny going to the hairdresser and having his hair cut to look more traditionally masculine (daniel doesn’t want to look into why it makes him sad) because he he keeps getting looks from people in the street for his dress and long hair.
johnny making clothes out of daniel’s curtains and daniel is all you could just ASK me for MY clothes you are not THAT much bigger than i am. johnny making a gi for sam out of pastel pink flower fabric from an old blanket and daniel is like okay… i have to admit that’s pretty adorable.
johnny in the park singing to daniel, who has been wondering if he should take his mom’s advice and try to get back with amanda, hoooow dooooes she knooooow you loooove heeeer (johnny stop, people are looking at us) and johnny has that giselle/animated princess innocence but there is still very much an edge of assholery to him where every time he can he embarrasses daniel as much as possible.
(carmen running around new jersey trying to find her prince(ss) and being like i kind of hate this i wish this was more sunny, also why do i keep getting questions about being on broadway what is a broad a way)
daniel and johnny fighting because johnny keeps saying carmen will come get him and daniel is so fed up with it ("no, johnny, it’s just not gonna happen." "no? is that the only word you know, larusso? no?! oh my god you make me so, so so!!!" "so what?" "so angry!" cue sparring in the living room because that’s how they deal with emotions )
kreese coming to new jersey to finish the job, daniel and johnny going to the ball and daniel giving johnny a true love’s kiss, kreese turning into a dragon and kidnapping daniel, johnny chasing them on the roof with carmen’s sword in his hand and finally getting rid of his evil step-father to save his one true love!!
"is this an habit of yours, daniel? falling off of stuff?"
"only when you’re there to catch me."
lawrusso new jersey happy ending and carmanda los angeles happy ending because amanda wouldn’t go to andalasia when sam is there and hey! carmen would love a break from being a fairytale hero! she wants to go to the beach!
daniel quits his job because it makes him miserable and he and johnny open a dojo together which sam is very excited about and lucille is so happy that her son has found someone and seems to be happier than ever.
they all go to andalasia once in a while to visit bobby and the other three chipmunks (you know who they are) and they all live happily ever after.
the end!
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miyagi-hokarate · 2 months
(Shows up late with boba tea) WHAT A SEASON AMIRITE FELLAS?
Random assortment of season 6 part 1 thoughts:
(tl;dr: not a lot of satisfaction with this season for me. Lots of spoilers and sarcasm under the cut ahfksjfjdkg. )
we still haven't gotten that goddamn fun Lawrusso spar 😩
Okay jokes aside, I'm...not a fan of this season :/
A lot of things felt off, like the characters (more on that specifically later) to the plot progression
Of the things I liked, Sam and Tory's developing relationship — especially them having a dialogue together — was incredibly refreshing and felt good to see grow!
Tory's character in general surprised me and it felt much stronger than in previous seasons!!! Of all the potential flashbacks, a Tory-centered one was serendipitous
I also liked that Robby won the role of being team leader!! Much of his character had been centered on guidance, both receiving and giving it, and it makes the most sense narratively to give him that ultimate chance to prove himself as a leader, being one who is meant to be one half to represent the skill and prowess of his dojo
As FRUSTRATING as some things were; Daniel and Johnny butting heads, Devon doing everything in her power to earn her spot in the Sekai Taikai (even resorting to cheating), Tory lashing out after the loss of her mother; these were all to me understandable conflicts that didn't feel forced or like pulling teeth (especially Tory. I'm so sorry girl 🫂)
Okay...hater moment fr now...
A lot of everything else I have some problem with or feel strongly indifferent to; the Sekai Taikai (but there's no stopping that, so I'm just :/ whatever), Mr. Miyagi's secret, Daniel and Johnny butting heads (yes, I know, repeating myself...), Johnny in general, everything about the fucking baby, everything about Sensei Kim and her students. Arhagrggagrggfhgh
AS I FEARED, I'm not a fan of the contents and fallout of Mr. Miyagi's secret box. Oh great, Mr. Miyagi's dark secret was that he committed crimes and was involved with the Sekai Taikai or something. What shock. I can't believe Mr. Miyagi hurt people and hide that from Daniel. Can you hear my thick and heavy sarcasm.
I don't know if the rest of the fandom had learned to love the Big Twist or whatever, but I still don't see that box as anything more than a cheap plot twist. Its existence is practically pointless with what we, the audience, and Daniel know about Mr. Miyagi; we KNOW he's already hurt people in his dark and mysterious past, even people who may not have deserved it. He was drafted into war by the US army because the country would rather Mr. Miyagi would die as a soldier than live as an American for god's sake. Mr. Miyagi is already weighed by the horrors of his actions — actions Daniel himself had learned that didn't make Mr. Miyagi a villain, or a hero, or a tale of woe; they were all done by a man who was human, who made mistakes and who felt regret in his actions. Am I shocked that Mr. Miyagi could have committed crimes in the interim years between internment and The Karate Kid? No, but it feels transparent that the purpose of Mr. Miyagi's box has more to do with the twist of him participating in the Sekai Taikai than anything as profound as what has already been Mr. Miyagi's backstory introduced in The Karate Kid
What is there to say about Daniel and Johnny that hasn't been said already. This is like their hundredth karate divorce. Pick another method of foreplay it's getting old
There were parts that I actually commend Johnny for reacting maturely for; cooperating with Daniel and Chozen about the dojo name; keeping his temper in check when the realtor insults him; but MAN does no one fumble the ball as hard as Johnny does otherwise. Not all of it is painfully incomprehensible, but Jesus what was up with him this season. You have a baby (💀) coming your way. Act like it
Speaking of the baby 😒 I still don't like it. It just...it's still such a disappointing way to try and progress the characters of Johnny, Carmen, Miguel, Robby, etc. That opening shot of that fucking onesie was despicable. It's watching Miguel and Robby smile and laugh through this wackass development still. It's watching Johnny seemingly preparing for a growing family in spite of the countless evidence to everything that would make him ill-prepared. It's the fact Carmen is stuck being Mom of Miguel, Love Interest of Johnny, and now Mom of this new kid. Carmen ESPECIALLY gets the short end of the goddamn stick in terms of characterization regarding this, because she barely has any 😩😩 I know it's too late to be complaining about this baby but AUGH. I hate this
Another thing I hate is how WEIRD Cobra Kai is with its Asian characters — with Sensei Kim, Master Kim, their students, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) Kyler in particular. The show has always had this problem, with the double standards of Kyler stuck as a static bully character while others are allowed to grow nuance and development and abusive Dragon Lady Sensei Kim, but the introduction of Korean Fu Manchu in the form of Master Kim and a mass of intimidating and equally nameless karate students training ruthlessly in the blue-tinted woods of South Korea really hammer in the odd racial subtext
In a similar topic, did anyone else find it incredibly weird how Kyler was made to eat off the floor by those frat bros? I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but it felt uncomfortable on such a different level than any other method of bullying shown in the show. It's never said why the frat bros target Kyler so much, and the only difference I could really make of is how Kyler easily defers to follow if in the face of aggressive leadership. And that he's Asian
I fucking hate that US flag mohawk and I am so mad that Eli is allowed to represent Miyagi-Do Karate in that goddawful thing I am being so serious right now
I'm sure I have other thoughts floating in my head that I can't recall, but here these are ahfjakdhjajd. I wish I could say I'm excited for part 2 arriving this November, but in much of the same way, the strongest emotion I feel is Dread
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msfbgraves · 3 months
I saw the new poster for season 6 and Terry is not in it but Kreese and Kim are UGhhhhHhhhhHHhHh already annoyed and disappointed
If you let Terry Silver in, he completely takes over the show. Which is what saved the show in S4, because how often can we see Kreese go, "This is really your last chance, Johnny. Are ya in or are ya out?" But you put Terry and John Kreese together, out Kreese goes, Johnny Lawrence who?? What kids? (Though I think he would have gone for Samantha, or, much more intriguingly, neglected Anthony in an effort to ensnare his Danny boi 🥰), Terry is impossible to contain! They might have thought that Kreese and Terry would be an epic finale adversary duo, but in my completely biased opinion, Thomas is too good a writer and too epic a fighter compared to all the other actors not to pull focus. We saw this in the third film already! Daniel is not afraid of Kreese, but Terry? There's too much history there. And it's Johnny especially that he completely wipes off the board. And with Johnny the main character, that's rather a problem. So I kind of get that they put him on a bus. You can't go back to Johnny x Daniel vs Kreese with him around. And Ralph and Billy do so love playing together. And they have so much to wrap up.
What I am annoyed about is that they still want Tang Soo Do to be the main antagonistic force. Casting Master Kim, bringing in Da Eun and fabricating some bond between her and their version of Kreese (we've seen how they write Terry, that's not the same character. I can make sense of it in my head, but still), which they seem the audience to want to take at face value, and yet they want to leave out Terry? Tang Soo Do was Terry's obsessions. The Sekai Taikai was Terry's idea. In the way they write him, Kreese isn't that fussed about Master Kim or Tang Soo Do in the first place. He seems to have gone to Korea to indulge Terry, he would have never tried for the Sekai Taikai. So to now make that all about Kreese again because the writers have a raging boner for Kreese and Johnny's bond even if they can't write it well enough to keep it interesting... That annoys me. You're going Tang Soo Do, you're dealing with Terry.
They didn't have to go there. They could have left Terry to his hors d'oeuvres in the first place, but they didn't. And then they tried to make it about Johnny when it never was, and they failed to properly involve Johnny as an adult.
And they're like: "Oh, but this is where the backstory is!" Newsflash, if you're good enough a character writer, you don't need that. Case in point, I saw a Great Expectations adaption lately. And since I'd seen BBC's Dickensian first, I thought that the characters of Arthur Havisham and Compeyson would be major presences in the main story. But they're not. At all. And that's fine, because what the BBC writers wrote in no way contradicts the novel. So even if Johnny and Kreese were originally more thinly drawn, that needn't have stopped the writers from making them characters that could carry a show for six seasons. But they can't! Without backstory, they're lost. So they can't think of anything without building on whatever crumbs of canon they haven't milked yet. And they can't handle Terry Silver, who is an amazingly rich character because TIG created him and is a better character writer apparently. They have trouble containing Ralph because he knows Daniel so well and has lived with him even more intensely than Billy has and is an amazing actor. But for all his gifts, Ralph is not a writer. He couldn't write a series for Daniel. Thomas could write a series for Terry! In fact, he wrote a film for Terry. It's called Excessive Force! Also, TIG himself conceeded that he thought the LawRusso angle would carry the series, and there would be no need for Terry. Apparently, not in these writers' hands. And now they're trying to put him back in a box while still milking Terry's backstory. And I get why, but it shows. It's like how they've replaced Aisha, an interesting well rounded character with ties to Sam and a great love of Cobra Kai, with Devon, a girl who has been given barely any personality. Imagine what Aisha in Cobra Kai in S3 could have meant for drama. Her relationship with Tory, Sam, and Johnny already there. Why not give her Kenny's arc? Because - and I know I'm being salty - that would take skill. What they also could have done? Leave Kreese in jail or write him out for a bit, send Da Eun home, deal with all the kids for five episodes, then once they arrive in the Sekai Taikai, have Terry come out with: "Surprise, bitch. This has always been my dream, and you've now stepped on my turf. I told you not to." Terry could have spun that story about the ref, he could have turned it on Daniel and Johnny and Chozen. And maybe there yet will be a storyline about Terry in there. Because logically, is prison where it would end with Da Eun taking his place? Come on!
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