#when i woke up it wasnt very sudden and the dream was still lingering
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Dude I had a Mechanisms dream again and I'm going quite insane and also I am upset at my body for waking up at a very bad moment for no reason at all much earlier than I'm supposed to get up.
Basically I was at my cousin's, she lives in a very big city. It's summer, so there's a lot of festivals and shows and all that, both huge expensive ones and small in random locations. There was some sort of small unknown artist festival in some theatre or pub or whatever that was going to last a few days. Unfortunately I couldn't afford it even though it was fairly cheap, but they had an artist I wanted to check out on the first day. So since I couldn't buy a ticket, I decided to sit by the building where it took place and listen through the walls and windows, and in the end I had a pretty good time.
The next day, I'm thinking if I wanna do the same thing even though I didn't know any of the other artists, when it turned out that the Mechanisms are gonna play there, a decision made last minute because of some planning issue, there was an empty slot between other bands or something? But in that dream it wasn't the actual pirates, but it wasn't just straight up their actors either, something kind of in-between, they weren't their fictional characters but they weren't exactly real people, I'm not sure what was the deal with that. Like, it wasn't the real man Jonny Sims, it was still Jonny D'Ville, but if Jonny D'Ville was just a regular guy. Either way, the mechanisms died a few years ago and this wasn't supposed to be a huge reunion, more like old friends playing a couple of their songs together. So of course I wanted to go see them, but I still had no money, so I decided to do the same trick as before and sat near the door to the venue a little while before they were supposed to begin. In the end I managed to somehow sneak in unnoticed, and the place was pretty empty, no one really cared for this festival. So of course, since there weren't that many people and no one noticed that I entered without a ticket, I sat in the first row. Eventually the mechs entered the stage, which was just a designated area of the floor in the main room on the same level as the audience. Not every mech was there, there was a bunch of people I didn't know at all, because not every original band member was able to come. They didn't have their costumes either, instead wore casual daily clothes. It seemed like the decision to play there was really last minute. There was Jonny, Brian, Tim, and I think Marius. I was, obviously, extremely excited to see them, even if the whole band couldn't be there. They weren't going to play a whole album, just a couple random songs from across their discography. I remember that when they started playing due to some dream bullshit my sister was suddenly in the audience with me? They started with Old King Cole, and it was great. I don't remember the next song, but it was one of the ttbt ones.
And then, almost everyone left the stage except for one person I didn't know that was supposed to play a few very rare unreleased mech songs, and in the meantime the rest of the band just hung out in the venue. So because it was a dream and some dreams are pretty much just fanfics that your brain unconsciously writes, Tim and Brain sat next to us. And like I said, they all were something weirdly between the immortal space pirate character and the real person. Like, they were all still fictional characters, but they weren't these specific characters? Kind of like if they were actually immortal guys with silly names and their silly personalities, but the space pirate part was made up. Anyway, these two sat next to us, and I tried extremely hard not to fangirl all over the place. We all were watching the short solo performance, and at some point my chair turned into like an office chair on wheels or something, idk dream logic. Gunpowder Tim was sitting slightly behind me, and I wanted to casually roll back to kinda have him in my field of vision while he's there, for fangirl reasons. But I accidentally rolled my chair across his foot and I panicked, I just hurt the guy I was a fan of, he's surely gonna leave because of that and he'll hate me. I started apologizing, but he was just like, chill literally nothing happened my toes arent made of glass it's not a big deal. I still felt horrible though so I kept saying I'm sorry and if there's anything I can do as an apology. My sister was just kinda laughing at me for embarrassing myself, Brian didn't have any big reactions, he was more focused on the performance. Tim eventually laughed that as an official apology I could write a letter to his character. He said that half jokingly but I got excited at the opportunity to, as I put it then, write a lil bit of fan fiction on request of the og creator, so I agreed. He was like, cool, then write it right now. It kinda seemed like he wanted to like, embarrass me further but not in a mean way, more in a playful friendly way. So I produced a piece of paper and a pen out of nowhere and started writing something with the paper on my lap, hurrying before the main performance resumes and they all go back on the stage. While I was working on that Tim moved his chair closer and I shit you not he leaned his head on my shoulder and watched my writing. I was, of course, internally screaming and exploding. Like he was fully leaning on me while I was writing a silly letter to the character he played. It felt like he was very aware of how much I was fangirling in my mind and making me flustered amused him.
Aaaand that's when I woke up. I have no idea why, it was 5:40 in the morning, I'm supposed to get up in like two hours, there wasn't any noise that woke me up or anything, but in the last couple days I've been waking up weird early. Just sucks that it happened while I was having a very silly nice dream lmao
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
both a little crazy // d.m
request: Hi! Just noticed ur requests r open! Can u please do a Draco x Slytherin Reader in which the Reader is a bad boss biatch and is TOTALLY savage, but her and Draco hides feelings for each other?
warnings: very brief mentions of torture, language?? not proof read bc i am sick and dont feel like it i am sorry
word count: 3.1k
a/n: don’t mind the fact that i based the reader off of rosa diaz. :)))) enjoy! (also yes i reposted this bc my tumblr wasnt working and tags were wonky!)
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Your head was held rather high as you entered the Great Hall, your eyes pointed straight towards the Slytherin table in hopes that no one would talk to you as you walked over. It was way too early for conversation, in your opinion. Any attempt would just be sour.
You took your usual seat next to Pansy, who’s head was down on the table as she breathed slowly — quite possibly sound asleep. It wouldn’t be a surprise. She was not one for early mornings either. Quite possibly less so than you were.
The empty goblet in front of you was quickly filled with pumpkin juice before you took a big gulp, hoping the familiar liquid would help bring a bit of energy into you. However, that was a failed attempt as you felt your eyes stay heavy, your head swaying to the side slightly before a loud voice startled you out of your dozed out state.
“Crabbe, shut your mouth,” you snapped, silencing the boy sitting across from you who looked over with wide eyes, his mouth closing slowly, “You just woke up half the bloody hall with your laughter.”
Pansy jumped up from next to you, thick red marks across her forehead that resembled the wooden carvings on the table she was just rested against. You let out a low chuckle, eyes darting towards the entrance to the Hall — what you saw made you stop your laughing and sit up straighter.
Draco, accompanied by a brunette Slytherin, waltzed in with a smile on his face. You looked down immediately, hating the bubbling jealousy that threatened to emerge. You had seen the two together before but it didn’t help the sudden onslaught of negative emotions every time you saw him with her.
Maybe, possibly, you’ve had dreams where you use muggle torture techniques to keep her out of your life.
But no one needed to know that.
“Ah, Malfoy’s brought his admirer,” Pansy sighed, resting her chin on her hand, “What a surprise.”
You scoffed, trying to play it off, “When doesn’t he?”
No one knew of your little crush on Draco Malfoy. And if things were to go your way, no one would ever know. Being sly was always one of your specialties and you were rather proud of that. You didn’t let people in on a lot of secrets and you were bound to keep this one to yourself too.
“Fair point,” Pansy said lowly as Draco walked towards the table with an arrogant smirk on his face. A pleasantly attractive smirk, yes, but it was arrogant nonetheless. And you wanted to bite your own tongue off at the knowledge that the brunette was the one that put it there.
He sat across from you, seated between Crabbe and Blaise, but you didn’t greet him. Pettiness was overtaking your mood and you sat quietly, not even turning up to face him as you picked at some breakfast foods to put into your plate. Your day already felt like it was ruined — as dramatic as that was.
“You ready for tonight’s Quidditch game?” Blaise asked nonchalantly, taking a sip of tea and raising his eyebrows at Draco. You hid a scoff.
“Yep, can’t wait,” you sighed, leaning forwards, “The rain will really up the fun factor.”
You looked up at the bewitched ceiling, the heavy rain clouds pouring down on the students below. The drops obviously never reached anyone, but it was still awfully gloomy. You always hated playing in the rain. You’d end up in bed, shivering and wet with the early signs of a cold.
“Only reason I joined the team was to take down Gryffindor,” Draco sneered, “Will gladly get to do that tonight.”
“That’s if we win,” you scoffed, “Potter’s always got one up on you. You should probably fix that.”
After saying the words, you felt guilt blossom in your chest. You knew Draco’s weakness was the fact that his ‘sworn enemy’ Harry Potter always beat him — you had never really thrown it into his face until now.
You could see the change in his mood from the way his eyes grew slightly darker, glaring at you as if he wanted to retaliate. His shoulders slouched downwards and he leaned forwards on the table.
“Well, what’s got your wand in a twist this morning?” the corner of his lip curved up into a smirk and you had to force yourself to look away from him so you wouldn’t cave.
Shrugging, you kept your voice neutral, “Just saying. Maybe it’ll give you more incentive to win and prove me wrong,” you picked up your cup, avoiding eye contact if at all possible.
He eyed you, confusion laced into the creases of his forehead. You had never snapped at him like this before but you just couldn’t help it. The faint smirk quickly vanished and was replaced with a scowl as he turned down to face his plate.
You bit the inside of your cheek, absentmindedly picking at the scraps of bacon and toast on your plate. This section of table grew awfully quiet at your outburst, an awkward air surrounding all of you.
Being friends with Draco, it wasn’t rare that the two of you bickered. He always carried his nose and chin high, and sometimes you liked to knock him down a peg, no matter how much you swooned over the platinum headed boy. His charismatic charm was just one of the endless reasons he always thought he could get his way.
“Seriously,” Pansy leaned over and whispered in your ear, “What’s up? Why’d you say that?”
A blush rose to your cheeks and your snapped your head to her, “Out of my business, Parkinson.”
Her eyes widened and she held her hands up in surrender, “My bad.”
You let out a huff and went back to eating your meal, very much aware of Draco’s eyes piercing the top of your scalp as you kept your own eyes facing down, attempting with all of your might to avoid any more conversation than necessary.
Tonight’s match should be fun.
As usual, Potions class was a complete drag.
Snape was in his usual foul mood, nitpicking every single damn thing. You were used to it by now, having been in Snape’s house for nearly six years now, but it didn’t mean you particularly enjoyed it.
Least of all now, after being paired with Draco for a potions assignment.
If this were any other day, your heart would be doing leaps inside of your chest right about now — however the idea of just the two of you having to work together and talk was slightly nauseating after this morning’s outbreak.
“So,” he sat next to you, sliding awkwardly into the empty seat, “You still mad at me?”
You scoffed, flipping through the pages of you book, “Wasn’t cross with you.”
Fun fact about Draco Malfoy; he always saw right through you.
“C’mon,” he nudged your shoulder, causing you to look up from your book, “Don’t think you’ve ever spoken to me like that before.” His soft voice and piercing eyes were so hard to lie to. You always found yourself tempted to spill your deepest darkest secrets.
“I said I wasn’t mad at you,” you forced a smile, “I’ve got... other things going on.”
He didn’t believe you for a second, “What other things?”
You blessed Salazar and all of the Hogwarts founders that Snape decided to do his rounds, cutting your awkward conversation short and placing a piece of paper on your desk — the name of the potion you’d have to make.
Grinning, you re-opened your book and began scanning through, landing on the very worn down page with said potion on it. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve made this, which was great since you could do it easily and get away from Draco as soon as possible.
“Stop ignoring me,” he pushed, a small smile on his face, “We’ve gotta team up and play well together tonight so you might as well come clean.”
“Stay out of my business and I won’t have to hex you,” you said through gritted teeth, your voice low so no one could overhead. You reckon that’d be quite embarrassing.
He leaned even closer to you — close enough that you could smell some sort of faint cologne and laundry detergent lingering on his house robes. Close enough that you could see the small strands of brown hair in the sea of bleach blond. Close enough that his eyes weren’t just blue; they were turquoise. Green stars scattered amongst a sky of blue.
Close enough that you nearly forgot to breathe.
“I’ll find out eventually, you know?” he looked over the page in your book and began writing the ingredients and steps down on the parchment in front of him.
You fought back a chuckle at his childish handwriting.
He offered to go get the ingredients and you let him do so as you cleaned up your desk, preparing it to become a potion station. You hated working in a dirty environment and so you attempted to make the dingy desk as spotless as possible.
Your partner had been gone for quite a while as you felt slightly guilty. There were quite a few ingredients to Wiggenweld and it’d be tough for him to walk back with everything in his hands. You gazed over to see if he needed help, your heart leapt up into your throat.
Draco was leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest and a smirk on his face as he chatted to the same Slytherin girl from breakfast.
You bit down on your tongue, fighting a deep breathe that would surely give away your overwhelming jealousy. After taking a good long moment to calm down the rapid, angry beating of your heart, you balled your fists behind your back and walked over to him.
“Give me these,” you snatched the bottles and ingredients from his hands, looking anywhere but his eyes as you turned away from him, “When you feel like actually doing the work, that’d be great.”
Storming back to the table and placing everything down in a somewhat organized fashion, you decided to turn over to Blaise at the table next to you, “Wanna switch partners?”
He let out a low chuckle, looking over to the quiet Hufflepuff boy that was chopping away at the other half of the ingredients, “Mine’s actually working so I’d say no.”
“So selfish,” you scoffed, shaking your head, “Mine’s off being a git.”
Dropping the tool he was using to grate a unicorn horn, Blaise crossed his arms and walked over to you, “Lucy? She’s great.”
You let your hair fall from behind your ears to hide your frustrated blush, “Yeah, she’s real great. Taking his time while he should be here working”
If you had looked away, you would have missed the smirk that overtook his face. However, you noticed it, and it only made the blush on your cheeks grow even deeper.
“Oh, I see what’s going on,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“No you don’t,” you snapped, “Go back to work or I’ll cut your tongue off and use it as an ingredient.”
He stepped back, but the smirk and amusement never left his face. Blaise was intuitive, yes — but you were being incredibly obvious, that much was certain. Him putting the pieces together was your fault, really.
“Oi, don’t attack me. If you’re to go after anyone, wouldn’t it be her?” he nudged his head in the direction of the girl that Draco was now walking away from, “after all, she’s the one stealing your man.”
“Shut your face,” you spoke lowly, glaring him down with all of your might as he walked back to his table with a chuckle. You watched as he went back to work before you decided to do the same yourself, picking up a tiny bottle and reading the label before unscrewing the tiny lid.
Draco’s bright head popped up on the other side of the table, “We getting started?”
Fighting the urge to snap, you nodded your head slowly, “So kind of you to join. Now get to work.”
He brushed your comment aside, stepping closer to you and ignoring your demand to get to work, “Do you know Lucy?”
Biting down on your tongue, you shook your head, “Nope. Your girlfriend?” You hated how bitter and insecure you sounded but at the moment, that was really the least of your concerns. All logic has been thrown out the window.
He rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh, “Bloody hell, no. She’s actually interested in Zabini. But I was wondering—”
“Wait, what?” you asked, nearly knocking a tiny bottle over as you leaned into the table, trying to get closer to him as if your hearing was off. Which, by the sound of what he said, you assumed it might be.
“What?” he stopped, “I’m trying to help her get with Zabini. He keeps talking about her.”
Suddenly, you felt like a complete idiot. The blush on your cheeks resurfaced and your heart did a leap against your ribcage.
“Oh,” you looked down, letting out a humourless chuckle, “I’m so sorry.”
Of course, you had jumped to conclusions. That’s what you always did. And now here you were, looking like a complete idiot and making your feelings blatantly obvious. The one thing you had been trying to avoid.
“Sorry? For what?” he was now the one to be confused, “What’s going on?”
“I—,” you blinked rapidly, looking over at him and trying your best to come up with any sentence that could make sense, “Nevermind. Let’s just get back to work.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly put off by how oddly you had been behaving all day so far, but he didn’t press the subject. You knew he’d ask you about it later, but that was for another time. You couldn’t exactly blame him either. If the tables were turned and he was the one behaving oddly, you’d be on his rear about it too.
You made a promise to yourself to talk to him after tonight’s game. The conversation might end up going against your one goal, and it might end up going really badly for you, but you had to tell him. It was time.
The Quidditch match ended up being a breeze. You guys ended up victorious by a landslide, Draco catching the snitch with a massive grin on his face. The relief spread through your body like a tidal wave as you watched him hold up the tiny golden ball — but what was even better was watching Gryffindor stalk off the field with glum expressions.
A real victory.
The Slytherin team gathered down on the pitch, surrounding a boastful Draco as he held his head high. A part of you wanted to go down, give him a hug and apologize for the rude comments you made this morning — but the other part of you thought that he was fine celebrating without you. You’re the one who made him feel like complete crap this morning; why would he want to celebrate with you?
You smiled from afar, walking into the Slytherin tent. You were alone, obviously. Everyone was still shouting and cheering on the pitch and you highly doubted the partying would end anytime soon.
The perfect escape for you.
You hung up your broom and removed your uniform, bundling yourself in a comfy sweater and leggings so you could walk back up to the castle without getting too cold now that the sun was gone.
Hoping no one would catch you sneaking off before party plans were made, you began to open the tent door, only to be interrupted by a voice.
“Not sticking around?”
You spun on the spot, facing a rather sweaty and satisfied looking Draco. You cursed his good looks under your breath, knowing that you’d have a hard time saying no to him while he looked like this.
“Not feeling well,” you lied, shrugging and looking down at the ground.
He stepped closer to you, “Right, you’ve been odd all day. What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing again.”
You took a deep breath, biting your lower lip as you gazed back up at him, looking into the eyes that made butterflies fly wildly in your belly.
“I spoke to Blaise and I think I know what your problem is,” he stepped even closer, the space between the two of you now only a few inches.
Letting out a small laugh, you shook your head, “That little git.”
He pursed his lips, placing one of his warm hands on the side of your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat and you leaned into his touch, not sure where he was going with this but enjoying every second of it.
One step closer, and he was nearly flush against your body. He was radiating warmth, his entire body still high off of the win, and you swore he could feel your rapid heartbeat.
Why else would he be smirking like that?
His smirk didn’t last long, however, as his lips pressed against yours.
Many people say their first kiss with their crush is soft, delicate — this wasn’t the case here. His lips pressed against yours with feverish passion, bringing the temperature in the small tent up by at least ten degrees. His lips were hot and wet as they moulded against yours, both hands cupping the sides of your face as he locked his body up against yours.
How many times you dreamt of this, you couldn’t count. But by Merlin, was it better than you could have ever imagined. You felt as if you were dancing with him, letting loose and moving to a rhythm of heartbeats. It was truly a beautiful feeling; one that you hoped you’d get to experience again.
“Well,” he muttered against your lips after pulling away, “Guess I was right.”
You wanted to retaliate and give him a sarcastic comment, but your mind was too numb and flummoxed to do so.
“Sorry I was acting all crazy,” you sighed, looking up into his blissful eyes, “Perhaps it’s true when they say jealousy makes people do crazy things.”
“It’s alright, love,” he smirked, placing hands on both sides of your waist and pulling you even closer, “We’re both a little crazy then.”
It felt like hippogriffs were fluttering around your belly as he kissed you once more, hands tightening their grip as he deepened the passionate act.
This would be awkward to explain when the team walked in, but for now, the two of you were perfectly content as you were.
Finally together.
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lilacjaemin · 6 years
sublatis ancoris et margarita
pairing: pirate!jeno x gender neutral reader (bulleted)
genre: fluff and angst
word count: 2.8k
summary: sublatis ancoris et margarita (latin): anchor and pearl
a/n: this is the first time ive been able to write something so easily in such a long time. this one just kinda flowed out of me. ive been in such a terrible creative rut lately. it means a lot to me that this one came together. i was very scared i was losing my ability to write. im so so proud of this one.
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pirate jeno
he’s sailed for as long as he can remember
he’s pretty sure he was conceived and born on a ship
he learned to walk on the wobbly deck of his father’s boat
which resulted in him having to get his land legs, rather than the other way around
jeno was attached to the ocean
sea water ran through his veins
he came from a long line of sailors
but he wasn’t a violent pirate
the lee family wasn’t after power, and they already were wealthy
they truly just loved sailing
the art and everything that came along with it
they loved to travel the seas and visit new places
discovering new islands and finding pretty things along the way
sure, sometimes they found treasure and sold it for money
sometimes they kept the treasures for mementos
but they never fought or got into trouble
the crew was intimating enough to where they didn’t have to fight
the ship was ginormous and beautifully crafted
intricate flowers on the side
plus with 18 men onboard just to keep jeno safe and a big crew
what small boat would even go near them
they pushed themselves to travel farther, go on longer voyages, find shinier, bigger jewels
jeno loved jewels and precious stones
he loved the meaning behind them
whenever his family found them amongst the treasures, they would immediately go to jeno
pearls became his favorite
not only were they something beautiful created from something rough
but different colored pearls represented different things
some meant perfection, prosperity, love, protection, etc
he loved the idea of giving them as gifts and the look on people’s faces as he told them the symbolism
and he always carried pearls with him
once his parents had gotten older they decided to stay on land for the rest of their days
they handed the ship and crew down to jeno
now captain of The Flora
his friends adored him and the crew respected him
he didn’t think he could be happier than he was on the open ocean
from time to time in between journeys jeno would visit his family
he thought the small village where they settled down was adorable
he couldn’t find a place like it no matter where he sailed
it was a quaint island and a tight knit community
small houses and businesses lining the cobblestone streets
lanterns and candles on every corner, casting an amber glow across the whole town
at first the townspeople were afraid of him
a huge ship docked at the edge of their tiny shore, and what seemed to be at least 100 scary pirates filing off of the deck
it really was about 30 lanky men who enjoyed singing sea shanties in their free time
but jeno’s warm smile and honey like voice immediately put them at ease
kids would run out to the beach when The Flora came into view
they gravitated towards the lure of a pirate lifestyle
johnny and yukhei loved to bring the children on board and let them explore
yuta and doyoung loved to show them the bounties they brought in
renjun and donghyuck told them ghost pirate stories while kun and jaemin were there to comfort afterwards
everyone greeted the crew of The Flora with big smiles each time they entered their shops
sometimes he’d be bearing gifts, other times they would send him off with goods for his travels
although he loved the town and his parents, he could never stay away from the sea for too long
it was like it called to him
the freedom he felt was like no other
funnily enough, jeno hated anchors
anchors meant being tied down, having to pick a place to stay
the idea of being somewhere for longer than a few days made his skin crawl
that is, until he met you
you worked in the small outpost for sea trade your family owned
the little shed was tucked into the rocks by the beach
you watched every time The Flora pulled in
you hoped one day your dream of a handsome pirate would come true
but anytime one walked in they reeked of fish, had unkempt hair and stained clothes
yeah you didn't want to kiss any of those bearded faces
you thought you saw some cute boys leave the ship but you had never gone out to meet any of them
you kinda hoped they would come by instead
one day you were writing in your journal, daydreaming to the sounds of the waves you grew to love so much
someone knocked on the door to get your attention
when you looked up, you were breathless
he walked in with sun kissed skin, saltwater making his hair curly
he wore a white button up blouse with lace details at the collar and sleeves
black pants and tall, black boots
his smile was unlike anything you had ever seen 
he had clean teeth!! white teeth!! who knew pirates could have nice teeth!!
and his eyes
his eyes sparkled and when he grinned at you his eyes turned into crescent moons reflecting off the water
he was beautiful 
you introduced yourselves
you found yourself rolling his name over and over on your tongue quietly
little did you know he was doing the same
he showed you the few silver treasures he had hoping to sell them
among them was a small anchor pendant he had received from a blacksmith on a far away island
jeno noticed how your eyes lingered on it a little too long
his gaze moved from your awestruck expression to the journal you had been writing in when he entered
an anchor was stamped into the front of the brown leather cover
before you turned back to count up how much he would be getting, he pulled the charm back into his sleeve
“oh, how did that get in there? this isn't for sale, im sorry about that.” he mumbled
he saw your face fall slightly, as you had planned to buy it back from your father once it was the store’s
you two had a small conversation and exchanged the items for money
your hand brushed against his and his skin was dry from the salt and sun, but it still made your heart skip a beat
he bowed a little and thanked you for your kindness
you tried your hardest to wipe the longing from your face as you watched him head back to the boat 
jeno entered the captain's quarters with a feeling in his chest he couldn't explain
as he began to put the money away, mark, a crew member he had known since he was little, walked by
he noticed the change in jeno immediately and asked him if he felt okay
the younger boy nodded, hoping the red on his face would be mistaken for sunburn
he made his way to his parents house, determined to find out more about you
after many questions and “no reason, just wondering” responses, jeno was even more intrigued
he made a note in his mind
new voyage, new treasure
jeno returned a few times, each time flirtier than the last
some days he didn’t even bring any treasures, visiting under the pretense of “just checking your stock”
“jeno, you’re the only ship at the island, how could we have new stock?”
“well you know, someone could've docked overnight or something...”
you two became fast friends
you loved hearing of his adventures, he just loved talking to you
now you just expected him to be there each morning
you didn't expect for him to be holding a sweet from the bakery, however
“is this okay? we've never talked about our favorite foods and i didn't know what to get you but if not i can go back-”
“jeno, it’s perfect.”
each time you interrupted his rambles you loved to watch his furrowed brows smooth out and see his mouth pull up in a grin
he was always worried he was doing something wrong
but you were always there to reassure him
one morning, he arrived surprised to find you asleep on the counter
he smiled, taking in your features
he hesitantly raised his hand to push your hair away from your face, hoping not to startle you
as his fingertips brushed your cheek, he heard the message loud and clear ringing between his ears
you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on
you woke up to jeno staring down at you 
he apologized profusely for waking you
you explained profusely that it was okay
he cleared his throat 
"i was wondering if i could see you,” he started
“like, see you somewhere other than your job. maybe i could take you out tonight,”
your heart thumped against your ribs
“i mean only if you’d like to,” he scratched the back of his neck, realizing this was a little sudden considering you just woke up
“and it would seem a little weird if a scary pirate took you on his ship for the night and i dont want your family to freak out, so do you know of a place we could go? only if you want to-”
“jeno, i do.”
his face lit up like the summer sun
“you do?”
it took all of his self control to not hug you right then and there
“i do, and i know just the place we can go.”
jeno glowed all day
that night as the sun dipped below the horizon you led jeno to the top of the rocks above your outpost
you two talked under the stars for hours
you didn't leave until you knew you were barely gonna be able to function at work the next day
you felt a light in your chest that wasn't there before
jeno became a part of your routine
he’d greet you each morning, go off to do “pirate business” as he put it, and meet you at your spot each night
you found yourself opening up to this “intimidating” pirate and questioned if this was the right thing to do
soon it became impossible to watch the night sky without holding him
he’d tuck you under his chin and you'd wrap your arms around his waist
your ear pressed to his chest gave you your new favorite sound 
the waves were drowned out by his heartbeat and the vibrations of his voice
just having him near felt warm and safe and right
he wasnt scary, or anything like anyone you'd met before
he was just jeno
jeno with sun dried skin and soft moon eyes and lips you desperately wanted to know the taste of
jeno with incredible stories of islands and treasure that you desperately wanted to be a part of
but what was scary was falling for him so quickly
“im so sorry,” he whispered into your hair one night
you felt your eyes shut, knowing what was coming, expecting it
you knew he was a traveler, you couldn't take that away from him
you would be an anchor
a burden
he had already stayed on your island for a month, he was going to have to go back out eventually
and it would hurt both of you
you couldn't leave home forever
and he couldn't stay forever
you began to push him away
you would say hi in the mornings and leave your spot early on into the nights
you'd force yourself to get out of his grasp and trudge away with a heavy weight on your shoulders
and jeno swore he could hear his heart break in his chest
when he watched you come up with excuses to leave the rocks each night he wished on every star in the sky that things would be okay
he knew what you were doing, and it was terrifying
for the first time in his life, brave pirate jeno was afraid of something
losing you
you pushed him away night after night, closing yourself off to him
you wouldn't let him hold you close, you barely spoke
‘just until he leaves,’ you kept telling yourself, ‘once he's gone it’ll be easy to forget him’
the night before his ship was scheduled to go, he was already at your spot when you arrived
jeno waited until you sat down beside him, staring off at the water as he spoke
“i've never had a home,” he started
‘this was it,’ you thought, ‘he’s gonna sail away and take my heart with him’
“ive traveled all over the ocean. ive stopped at countless places. ive met so many people,”
“ive never had a home. ive never wanted to stay anywhere for more than a few weeks. there never was any reason to,”
‘here it comes’ you felt like you were going to fall and tumble into the sea below
he turned to face you, a look written across his features you've never seen before
“you are my home.”
you waited, not realizing you were holding your breath until he began again
“you are my home. home isn't a place, its a person, a feeling. and i would stay anywhere if it meant being with you. i would stay forever if forever was in your arms.”
“please hear me out.” his voice cracked with an emotion you couldn't pin, fear? urgency? 
“i know its unfair. its unfair that i did this to you. i leave. i fell for you and forgot that leaving is what i do. i cant ask you to come with me. but if you want me to stay, id give the ship to one of my men and stay right here with you.”
“jeno you-”
“please let me finish.”
“ive been attacked by other pirates, ive been on a sinking ship, ive sailed through shark infested water, but ive never been as scared as i am right now.” 
he picked up your hand and placed it over his heart
it was beating just as fast as yours
“you are the greatest treasure i could ever find. i love you and i would be foolish to leave you on this island in search of more silver cups or red rubies-”
you pulled on his shirt and brought his mouth to yours
his lips were chapped but they tasted of coconut
they were warm against your own
he moved slowly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek
his other hand found yours resting against his chest 
the rhythm of your kiss matching that of the waves kissing the shoreline
“jeno-” you whispered against him, pulling away just enough to see into his eyes
“i can’t ask you to give up sailing, but i love you too much to let you go. i can wait for you. i can stay here and be yours, and you can be mine, and when you come home ill still be yours. ill always be yours. i can-”
this time it was his turn to quiet your rambling
he pushed you to lay back onto the rock and pressed open mouth kisses to different parts of your lips
he kissed you for what felt like hours, until your lips were puffy and red and you two were breathless
he helped you sit up and then he rested his forehead on yours 
“i have something for you.”
you couldn't imagine how he could make your heart happier than it already was
he reached into his pocket and placed his hand inside yours, depositing the small anchor pendant into your palms
it was on a beautiful silver chain, and when you examined it closely, there were now two small pearls on the tips of the anchor
“the black pearl represents protection,” jeno opened the clasp to place it around your neck, “i will always keep you safe.”
you turned around and felt yourself shiver
at his words or his breath against your skin you didn't know
“the blue pearl symbolizes true love.” he said into the shell of your ear, pressing a small kiss to it
he held you until the sunrise, falling asleep to the sound of your heart
when he woke the next morning, you were still there, fingers intertwined with his
he knew you'd always be there
you always were there
you sent jeno off with a full heart and the taste of coconut lingering in your mouth
but you knew he’d be back
he always came back
anytime you missed him you touched your necklace
anytime he missed you he would write you letters in your brown leather notebook
sometimes he took you on small trips to nearby islands and you got to watch your boyfriend in action
you became his pearl, his greatest treasure 
and when The Flora did return from voyages, the kids still lined up, the townspeople still smiled, and you still felt your heart race
jeno, a little sunburnt and homesick? yes, but leaving? 
you also became his anchor, but it wasn’t such a terrible thing to stop and stay for a little while
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imakenightmares · 6 years
I was at home, alone, sleeping off a night of drinking from a casino bar. It was a very spartan home, not much happening on anything. So I was on my bed, lying on my back, and snoring. I dont normally snore but this was a prominent fact. I was stuck in sleep paralysis again, as if I were still asleep but could see a bit.
And then came up, so silently, was a black-robed man. A hood hid his face, which wore a mask that shifted from a plague mask to a shy guy mask, yet i never really saw it. For some reason, I wasnt scared, and he just stood (maybe sat?) next to me. Then he punched me in the gut.
Yea! A sudden hit to my stomach, a thump, it hurt! And I was still asleep, paralyzed, but now snoring through gasps and breathing quickly. I was terrified, the pain in my stomach lingering. Then he just watched as i struggled to awaken. It lasted a long time. Eventually, it felt like I was making progress (but who knows, right?) by bringing a hand down to my stomach, but he gently and effortlessly and maliciously holds it back. I kept losing breath and suffocating, then a gasp of air would bring me back. I think he got distracted because, though I felt paralyzed still, I grabbed his pinky. I grabbed it fast, then he lunged his face at mine to headbutt me. He misses, and I get a second hand in. He misses again, struggling to keep me down, and I jolt awake. The dark painting on the wall, combined with the black computer chair, looked like the man standing above me, though I was alone.
Writing this at 4am, I am filled with fear. I have never been hurt in a dream nor seen a monster in sleep paralysis before. I fear sleeping ever again, I was on my side when I fell asleep but woke up on my back (very dangerous). The sleep I had afterwards was amazing, and I am not hungry all the time anymore.
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silverfoxsofy · 7 years
Incubus AU (CHAPTER 7)
Ahh~ fuck... I could feel something wet slapping itself against my stiff member. I held on hard to my sheets as I felt it pass over the tip of my dick, dripping onto my shaft. So good... I woke up right then, realizing I'd just woken up from a wet dream. No way. No way was that a viktor incubus dream. I didn't even cum! It couldn't have been right? Viktor promised. Should I ask him? Would he get offended? No it didn't feel as vivid... I sat up in my bed, wondering if I should just ask to make sure. There's no way he'd break his promise. Not after we've been dating for a month now... right? Maybe I'd just mention it when he comes over tonight. *** "And then I told them, if they wanted to see it, they could've just asked." Viktor babbled away. "Mhm" I hummed. "Yuuri. Is something wrong? You've barely spoken this whole time." Bingo. "It's nothing... I just... did you come over last night?" I looked towards his eyes, keeping my glare. "No. Why would you ask that?" He looked visibly hurt. I felt a bit of regret for asking. Maybe it really was just a normal wet dream. "Yuuri, do you think I did something?" "No no, if you say you didn't. Then I believe you." "Yuuri." Suddenly, in an instant, I felt my body being pushed down onto my bed. I felt immobilized, and realized I had my arms held down. When I looked up, I realized I was starring up into Viktor's white incubus eyes. This time, his wings were opened fully, and he had a serious look on his face. "Why do you trust me so easily." "W-what. What do you mean?" I started feeling nervous. I knew very well what the word demon meant, but this was the closest I'd ever seen viktor look or act like one. "I mean, I'm a demon yuuri. If I wanted to do something, I could just go ahead and do it. You wouldn't be able to stop me. After all, I know exactly what to do to get it." His eyelids lowered, and his gaze became more concentrated, his brow furrowed. "I thought you said you never-" "My physical form may never have needed anything, but don't forget yuuri, I get to eat if I turn men on." I felt a shiver run through my spine. What was this feeling? I wasn't scared. I trusted viktor. This wasnt a feeling a fear. Viktor may have looked scary, but he wasn't. My answer came as soon as I felt my member stiffen. "Can you... can you show me?" I looked into his eyes, determined to get my message across. He leaned upwards, his smirk growing mischievous. "You asked for it." Right then, Viktor's expression became angrier, his charcoal body hovering over me. I realized, this was a different kind of viktor. Not easy going viktor, not nervous viktor. No, this was demon viktor. The kind I read about in all those forums. The incubus who lives off of sex with humans. And although viktor may not have needed to physically touch anyone, I remembered that first night, and how vivid that dream was. It FELT like the real thing. Interrupting my thoughts, I felt a clawing sensation slide up my thighs, leaving the lingering sensual sting behind it's trails. I shivered. This was the real thing. What real incubi do. I looked up at viktor, who began licking one of his claws, leaving his own saliva to drip on its sharp end. "You want to know why I didn't touch anybody for 4000 years?" He whistled seductively, cutting my shirt in half in a single swoop of his claw. "None of them were as tasty as you. If I could, I'd eat as often as I wanted." I quivered as he lustfully passed the tip of his claw onto my nipple. He lowered his head near my thighs, lifting one leg up with his free hand. I trembled as I felt the wave of pain from his previous claw marks. He looked up at me, the hard look in his eyes was still there, no sign of the viktor I'd come to know present. I could feel my body temperature rising at the sight of the real viktor. Viktor hadn't moved an inch, his glare never leaving my eyes. He opened his mouth slightly, and out slid a long, snake like tongue. I gasped, I hadn't seen that part of him before. The long skinny tongue made its way to my backside, flicking away at my opening. At first, it tickled, but after a few licks, I began to feel a strange sensation build up. Not only was my dick getting harder, this felt... good. Suddenly, his long snake like tongue lifted and wrapped itself tightly around my dick, while viktor began rubbing his claw slowly around my opening. I shivered and blushed as the end of his tongue flicked at the tip of my dick, while moving the rest of itself along my shaft. "Vik-TORAHH" I gasped, as I felt viktor push his claw into my opening. Not only did I feel it's sharpness, I felt the sensual sting inside me. It was as if a cloud of ecstasy was spreading itself within me. Viktor grinned devilishly. He knew exactly what he was doing. I arched my back as he began moving his finger in and out of me. The amount of pleasure was beginning to mask the pain, and I wanted nothing more than for viktor to continue. "FUCK" I yelled as I felt him slide in a second finger, this time the slight pain present again. It quickly dispersed however, when Viktor's tongue began moving along the sides of my shaft. I could do nothing but hold tightly onto my sheets, as my arms were still pinned down, now by one hand. His tongue let go of my dick, and he leaned himself towards my face. "I'm going to mess you up the way an incubus is suppose to." He hummed lustfully into my ear, flicking it with the end of his tongue. I trembled as the sudden verbal attack only succeeded in making my member stiffen even more. All signs of the viktor from the past month were gone, and I was marveling in it. In one quick swoop, he lifted both my legs, having a firm hold on each side of my hips. And without warning, he thrusted himself into me. "Ah! Ow!" I yelled, as I felt my opening suddenly widen much too quick to my liking. But that didn't stop viktor from continuing to thrust into me, which I had to admit, I was enjoying. No, I was more than enjoying it, I could feel myself melting into it... the pain, the pleasure, the hot touch of his demon hands gripping tightly onto my hips for leverage. "V-vitya!" I whimpered, as he let out breathy sighs with every thrust, filling me with himself. Soon enough, he began thrusting deep enough the sensation changed from a good burning sting to a now more pleasurable throb. Even my vision began to blurr as all around my body I could feel all sorts of sensations. But they were all viktor. I was enveloped in viktor. Everywhere my gaze went, anything I touched, every thing I was feeling, viktor. The pressure in my hips was going to reach its limit. "Fuck yuuri... didya have to be so tight?" He sighed heavily, his brow furrowed deeply, as he looked into my eyes again. And then I saw it. The small blush beginning to form on his nose. I realized, not all of the old viktor was gone, as I witnessed the blush only grew bigger. Viktor growled under his breath as I arched my back and quivered uncontrollably. "...fuck" I could feel his body as he continued his low growling. We stayed this way, lost in each other's body heat and movements, in our cloud of hot air and breathy moans. Finally, the pressure pulled up, where with one more thrust, I was a complete goner. As the shockwaves were sent throughout my body, viktor trembled as I came onto my own stomach, and could feel him cum inside me. Zaps going from one end of my body to his, I saw him clench his teeth hard, finally letting out a heavy gasp. *** "Vitya my moms gonna yell at me if I'm late to work again" I whined. "Cmon, one more! Please! Pretty please!" He looked at me, a childish heart shaped smile followed by puppy dog eyes. How could I saw no to a face like that?! "Fine!" I leaned down, and cheerfully kissed him all over his face, leaving pecks on his nose, eyes, etc. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me, lovingly pecking the tip of my nose, before settling back into the sheets. "See you after work my yuuri" he hummed peacefully. Before closing the door behind me, I looked back into viktor, who was now sleeping soundly, back to his human form. I pulled out my phone, snapped a quick picture of him, and admired him once more, his beautifully sculpted body resting still among my sheets and pillows. What a sight.
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