#when i was a kid i used to get scary sounds from games and tv stuck in my head for hours and cry about it
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daedrabela · 1 month ago
very strange that when i’ve brought up my OCD symptoms to my psych and my counselor they kind of try to explain it away? is it so hard to believe i can have that given that i’m also schizoaffective? i’ve probably had it since i was a kid, too…
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bugs1nmybrain · 9 months ago
Bipolar!Tomura x Reader
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Warning: Bipolar Disorder (implied to be type 1), gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, Shigaraki is mean to the reader, psychotic symptoms, substance use (weed and alcohol), short
note: Shigaraki refers to himself as "being bipolar." I'm aware this is pejorative language, but it made sense for the context of Shigaraki's condition in this story. I also have Bipolar Disorder for reference.
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The TV was barely audible over the obnoxiously loud video game music and sound effects coming from Tomura's bedroom. It wasn't like he was ever quiet, but this loud? The neighbors might mistake you two for having a break-in. It definitely didn't help when Tomura would cuss out his screen.
"are you fucking KIDDING ME?! You SCUMBAG CHEAT FUCK!!"
You weren't unused to him talking shit to people on voicechat. It's just he was particularly erratic at the moment. You wanted to check in on him but you weren't sure if that was appropriate. The stabbing decibels would surely blast you away.
Suddenly, all the sounds stop, only leaving the sound of your ears faintly ringing from the absence. It was soon that you smelt..*sniff* .. pot. You hoped he had a fan going and you also wished he'd share. Tomura was already on it though. He opened the door to his room and zipped into the kitchen. With his joint still burning in his hand, he reached up into the cupboard to grab a glass and then a bottle of whiskey. Damn, maybe he should ask for some help?
You watched as he attempted to open the bottle, with his joint in his left hand. His quirk certainly was to be taken accounted for, and he knew it too, because he got too impatient and dusted away the cap, only for the disintegration to fall into the bottle.
"fuck," he said abruptly, but just decided to pour the alcohol in his glass, dust particles included.
"Tomu?" you questioned, watching him try to multitask putting the shit back while smoking his joint.
"Yea, I know, I'll share. Just hang'on."
"Can I help you?"
"Uh.." he spent a moment pondering as if it was a weighted decision. "Here, hold my joint."
You walked over to him and took it from his hands. You contemplated if you really wanted to smoke now, given his state. You knew early on that Tomura had a condition and this wasn't the first time you'd seen him manic. The fact that he wasn't on medication also meant that his episodes could get carried away, and he'd scare you. Not because he was scary...or maybe he was, but you knew it was because he had tripped into a heavy episode.
Tomura turned back to face you when he was done, noticing the joint burn down.
"Why aren't you smoking?" He asks. His tone was normal, though a little jumpy.
"I don't really wanna."
"Why? I don't like smoking by myself. Makes me feel like shit."
"You seem restless."
"Mm, how'd you guess?" He said with a blissfully agitated staring at you.
"Like..you're fast."
"I'm so speedy fast wanna watch me?"
"When's the last time you slept?"
Shigaraki paused and tried to sort through his recent memories but he was unsure. "Uh, maybe..five? Five days ago? I've probably had a nap or two though."
"Maybe we should calm down. Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Why're you talking to me like a kid?"
"I'm not, I'm worr-"
"Yea I know that, I can tell it's all over your fucking face. Listen, I'm well aware I'm batshit crazy right now but I'm NOT some tragedy, alright?"
"I didn't mean it that way," you stood shaking, trying to fight back your eyes watering.
Tomura sighed seeing you standing scared in front of him. He'd been trying to be fine for weeks. Tomura was never "fine," but when he was paranoid, hyper, determined, and careless beyond proper function, it was a major hindrance. Impacted his goals, though he was great at brainstorming when he was manic.
"You meant it. I'm not even like, mad. I don't know why this happens though, you've seen it before, right?"
"I have. Tomura, can I say something without you getting pissed?"
"I think you have Bipolar Disorder."
"Oh really? Turn in your psychiatric report because I'm sure I'm many other things too!"
Tomura huffs and plops down on the living room couch. His adoptive father never gave him access to anything like mental health treatment. AFO told Tomura himself that issues of this matter where only problems that could help his passion for destruction. But Tomura would even admit, being manic beyond belief was scary. He heard voices, saw things that weren't there, sometimes his family, and it was a total living nightmare.
You snuck up behind the couch and began playing with his hair gently. He let out a "hm?", confused considering he just raised his voice at you.
"I just say it because I notice patterns. Like you'll be motivated and nonstop for weeks and then super depressive and bummed out. And it repeats over and over. Usually within the same time frames, too. I'm not trying to insult you, but it might explain things, right?"
You ran your fingers through his scalp. It was definitely a while since his last shower, too. His hair was greasy and dry, but you kept touching him. You could feel him relax into your fingers and whine.
"Sounds like bullshit. I'm not taking any pills."
"I'm not telling you to."
"Well, are you leaving or something? Gonna punish me for being Bipolar?
"No. I want to help you."
"Ain't you some fucking hero."
"I mean it. I can tell you're overwhelmed and just need some sleep or something. I'm not mad Tomura, I never was, I just want you to be ok."
His shoulders began to tense and shake a little. He may have been tearing up but you didn't look and he sat silent.
"Can we order pizza and play Mario Kart, instead? I don't wanna just sit. I'm too awake."
"Yes, baby. I can make a pillow fort!"
"Fuck yessss. Um. I'm also really sorry for yelling at you that wasn't cool."
"I understand Tomu."
You ruffled his hair and kissed his head quick before bolting off to grab your phone but he pulled you down to his lap before you could escape! mwah-ha-ha!
"Stay here for a bit."
"You're trapping me!!" You protested.
"You want me to settle down? Then stay."
Tomura rested his head against yours and held you like you were a stuffed animal. Soon, you could feel his body relax and heard snoring. You turned to see Tomura finally sleeping, but decided to sit still and drift off with for the rest of the night.
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mixtape-racha · 2 years ago
it's a scream, baby! | hyunlix
chapter one: do you like scary movies?
words: 1.51k // warnings: minor character death, cursing
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heejin jumped as the monster in the movie claimed another victim with its knife-like fingers. why did she even choose to watch this again? nightmare on something? beech road? no, that wasn’t right… elm street! stupid fucking elm street and stupid fucking freddy kreuger with his stupid fucking hands. she wasn’t even supposed to be watching it alone, let alone throwing her popcorn around the living room every time something scared her, but her dumbass boyfriend never turned up for date night. it was his choice of movie too!
when the phone rang, she rolled her eyes and paused the movie. if that wasn’t suho calling her with a good explanation, she was going to be pissed. he’d sworn he wouldn’t be late tonight, and further sworn that he wasn’t going to flake again like he did everytime their date night coincided with a lacrosse-team party.
“goddammit, suho, you promised you’d be on time tonight, i–”
but the voice at the end of the phone was not that of her boyfriend. in fact, it wasn’t a voice she recognized at all, so how did they have her number? and why were they calling her at 10:30 on a wednesday night?
“all alone tonight, heejin? what a shame. seems like a waste for a pretty girl like you to be by herself.” the voice almost sounded distorted, like someone was using a voice-changer on the end of the line.
“listen, if this is some sort of stupid prank, its not funny. who is this?” 
between the stress of upcoming finals, and a flaky boyfriend who seemed to enjoy the company of a football more than he did his girlfriend, heejin wasn’t in the mood for jokes. 
the voice chuckled, in a way that sent a shiver up heejin’s spine. “i think the better question is; where am i? you should really learn to lock your doors when you’re home alone, kid.”
“this isn’t funny. fuck off.” heejin hissed, slamming the phone down and heading back towards the comfort of her couch. kid. she wasn’t a kid. who the fuck where they to talk to her all patronizing like that? but just as she attempted to take her seat, the phone rang again.
huffing, she picked up the handset. “what?”
“now, thats not nice. i just wanna talk.” the voice laughed, something eerie about their tone putting heejin on edge.
“yeah, they’ve got 900 numbers for that. bye, now.”
tossing the phone on the counter, heejin headed into the kitchen to make herself a glass of water. what kind of weirdo called up girls on a wednesday night to scare them? men were weird. but she barely managed to cross the threshold of the kitchen when the ringing of the phone pierced the silence again.
heejin was beginning to get upset at this point. why wouldn’t they get the hint? if it was suho or his friends pulling a prank, she was truly going to get mad. but, she’d give them one last chance to piss off and grow up.
“listen here, asshole-!” she shouted, but was quickly cut off.
“no, you listen here you little bitch! hang up on me again and i’ll gut you like a fish!” the voice growled, catching her off guard. “yeah, thats right. wanna play a game, blondie? it’s called ‘guess how i’m gonna die’.”
trying to stop her voice from shaking, heejin ran across the lower expanse of the house, locking all the doors and windows she could see. what the fuck kind of joke was this?
“what do you want? please- don’t fuck with me.” backing into the living room to draw the blinds and grab the first weapon she could see - a letter cutter - she hid herself behind the tv display. she’d quickly realized this wasn’t suho or his friends - even they knew when a joke went too far.
“well, then. if you wanna see your pretty, little boyfriend again, you better be smart about this.” was the only reply she received as the voice laughed. the house was quiet - too quiet - heejin thought as she curled herself further into a corner. and what did suho have to do with this? holding back tears, she prayed her parents would come home soon.
“round one of the game, blondie. its no fun if you hide. why don’t you come out where i can see ya? if you don’t, i’m afraid its an automatic win for me.”
taking a deep breath to calm herself, heejin pulled herself out of the ball she was curled in and took a few cautious steps into the middle of the room. maybe the voice was bluffing? as long as she stayed inside the house, not going outside to “investigate a noise” like the dumb bitches in horror films, she’d be okay.
“good,” the voice on the other end of the phone drawled, the tone making heejin’s skin crawl. “now, round two. did you lock me out of the house, or did you lock me in?”
the call dropped, making heejin’s breath catch in her throat. the silence surrounding her was ridiculously loud, and she was scared to make a step or turn, even slightly. surely, this was just a prank. the guys had obviously just taken it too far, and were probably laughing at her wherever they were hidden. the minute she found them, she’d give them a piece of her mind.
it had to be a prank, didn’t it? stuff like this didn’t happen in woodsboro, it was the safest town she’d ever known.
any slight whistle of the wind outside sounded like an ever-growing closer breath, every tick of the clock like a creaky footstep reverberating throughout the house. clutching the letter cutter to her body, heejin tiptoed towards the hallway, hoping that she could get to her bedroom and hide in there until her parents returned home.
but that never came.
instead, she turned the corner to hear loud, clomping footsteps approaching her. a tall figure was inching closer to her, a father-death costume donned, and a large kitchen knife in their hand - her own kitchen knife. she feared she was about to die by her own utensil, unless whichever jock was pranking her took the mask off now.
holding onto hope that this was just a joke gone too far, although deep down she knew that wasn’t the case, she held out the letter cutter, swinging it.
“suho, i swear to fuck. if you don’t take that mask off right now and apologise, i won’t be held responsible for my actions.” her voice trembled as the faux-confidence slipped from her aura.
surprisingly, the figure did take the mask off, but much to heejin’s horror, it wasn't her loving boyfriend, or any of his stupid friends, and he continued to approach her, knife clutched tightly in his fist and a sadistic smile on his face.
“please, don’t do this- please, i’ll do anything!” heejin pleaded, tears falling freely down her face as the man grabbed a fistful of her hair and traced the edge of the knife against her throat.
the last words she ever heard were a simple, yet arrogantly cocky “i win.” before the knife was plunged into her stomach.
(y/n) climbed out of her car in confusion, wondering why so many people were around campus today. did she miss the memo for an event? it was only 8:20am, why were the emergency services on site?
barely anyone seemed to be walking alone, people grasping each other tightly. she spotted at least 6 girls crying, 4 boys pale and sickly in apparent shock. she couldn’t even begin to count the amount of students and staff talking to news reporters or journalists. what the hell was going on?
spotting jisung climbing off his bus, she jogged over to him, her confusion ever-growing and ever-present on her features. being her best friend and the biggest social butterfly she knew, surely jisung would have an answer to the gossip swirling around her in hushed voices.
“ji! what’s going on?” she called, grasping his attention, confused further as he ran over and picked her up in a hug, the relief clear in his aura.
“thank fuck, you’re okay. everyone’s been trying to get hold of you all morning. did you lose your phone or something? don’t ever fucking scare us like that again!”
(y/n) was slightly shocked, jisung had never raised his voice at her like that. none of the boys did. what the hell did she miss last night? everyone was acting so… weird. she didn’t know what she’d missed during her study night with yeji, but clearly it was something major. something bad.
“did something happen on campus? why are the news here? was there a fire or something?” she questioned, arm slung around her friend’s shoulders, but her expression soon dropped as the boy turned to face her - a look of what could only be described as sheer terror on his face.
“did you not hear? kang heejin was murdered last night.”
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @downtherabbithole01 @amara-mars @queen-klarissa @demetrisscarf @velv3y @KarmaGolden @queenfelix @taeriffic (red means it wouldn't let me tag you)
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neoarchipelago · 2 years ago
Hi! I hope you’re having a great week an day!! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons or a blurb(whatever you want) of the guys playing the riley(the doggo)? I think soap would have fun playing with him an whatnot! Love your writing an can’t wait for the part 17♥️♥️♥️
Hehehehe yes. Love it. Had fun writing these.
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Soap would absolutely love Riley. That guy is goofy, and with Riley, they get goofy together. They love Playing. Soap buys a whole bunch of toys that Y/N and Simon keep having to pick up from various rooms. They run to exhaustion. Once they both played outside in the rain and came back full of mud and wet. You had picked up Riley to go give him a bath while Simon picked up the garden hose and sprayed Soap. You had to run to stop him telling him to let him come inside and shower, he'd clean the hallway later. Now Riley knows that when Soap calls for him, it's fun time.
Price is the usual dad. The 'I don't want a dog even if he's cute.' 'ok we keep the dog.' 'ok he can sleep on the couch' 'no I'm not letting him on my chair' and then you find them asleep in said chair, Riley on top of him both sound asleep. Price would love to go on walks with him. Absolutely loves to take him to the forest with him or when he goes fishing. Once GAZ joked that he attracts all the ladies when he's out with Riley, making Price smile embarrassingly.
Gaz likes to chill with Riley. Sometimes they play tug. Sometimes they're both on the couch watching TV. You had let the boys babysit Riley once when you had to travel for a very important meeting on a weekend. He had sent pictures non stop with cute messages. Price napping with Riley 'grandpa is sleeping with his grandson'. Riley eating and Ice cream with Soap 'we had a snack, kid got hungry. Sorry kidS' .
One where Riley and soap where sitting on the ground with Simon arms crossed in front of them. 'They broke something again. Dad is scolding them'.
It would make you laugh and smile. He'd facetime you at night so Riley could see you and you were grateful for it all.
Amy would be a bit scared at the beginning. Riley is a big dog, and she's small. It took a little adaptation for the both of them, some supervision but eventually they become best friends. Riley is a sweetheart with her. He lets her nap with her head on him and Y/N finds it adorable. Once you had let them play outside with Soap. You panicked when you notice Soap picking up a juice box from the fridge.
"why aren't you with Amy??"
"just came to grab juice, besides, no one would touch Amy. Come see."
You had frowned, following him. You had indeed understood as soon as you stepped outside. Amy was playing around with her Legos and dolls while Riley sat, alert looking around at any sound. He had quickly decided on his own to become her private little bodyguard.
Konig and Riley would be weary of each other. The mask would make Riley stand his ground and Konig would be so sad and terrified to make a move. It took time for them to get used to each other. Now you often find Riley sleeping on Konig's bed as he's playing videos games. Sometimes Konig would sneak downstairs to grab snacks and take some for Riley. You'd be suspicious and follow just a few minutes later to find them munching on chips or treats of even plain ham or cheese.
"Konig, I told you! No eating in between meals! Both of you!"
You thought you had big dog privelege? Now you have two big scary dog privelege. You already felt safe with Simon, now you felt overprotected. Simon and Riley just love to train together. They'd run together. Combat training, field training. Riley would follow him anywhere and Simon would gladly take him unless he'd rather you have him.
They'd share cuddles, Simon laying with his head on your stomach, arms around your waist while you played with his hair and Riley with his head on your thighs, Simon petting him. You'd love your Riley's, and they would love you just as much.
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obsessivelyloved · 1 year ago
I'm obsessed with this youtube video on exploring old dead games
The upbeat tunes were eerie to listen to as he explored the game. It sounded quite similar to things he heard growing up, from commercials for these computer games he was never allowed to play. The family computer was really just his parent's computer. And they never trusted these types of games. 
His parents had claimed that anyone talking to people online was a weirdo. So. Anything with people in it was a no-go. It was his handheld game or nothing. 
 So it was cool, in a way, to explore this online game. It was empty, devoid of life, but it was interesting. Even with the unnerving tunes. 
It made Edd wish a little that his parents hadn’t been so strict about online safety when he was a kid. He would have loved making new friends on this game's servers in its hayday. Because contrary to their beliefs, not everyone online was a gross weirdo trying to get kid’s home addresses. 
Ugh, Edd did not miss seeing those PSAs on the tv or hearing about them in school.
Edd sighed as his avatar stopped moving. The building he was trying to enter was trying so hard to render and load. It had been so long since this particular server had been updated, let alone used by people. He had to wait a lot for textures and stuff to load. 
It took a few minutes, but shop after shop started appearing. Then the floor texture loaded, then…. a person! 
Edd wiggled his mouse and tapped on his arrow key, impatiently wanting his character to move already. This was the first person he’s seen in this game! And he tried six servers already! 
But as he got closer to the other person, his face fell. There was no username hovering above the avatar. It was merely an NPC. Or a statue, since it wasn’t moving. 
“Aw man,” Edd muttered, slumping down. He’d just have to keep an eye out as he explored forgotten worlds. 
Still, he moved closer to check out the statue. Finally close enough to see it, he stopped.
What the hell? Edd thought to himself. The statue was plain, up until you got to its eyes. It appeared to be a man, with black pants and a blue hoodie. With large, black empty eyes. 
Edd huffed. It was probably someone’s last project, a way to scare anyone exploring. He moved around the statue, giving it one last look, before he moved on. 
As expected, the game freaked out as he left the building. Slowly, the world loaded, grass and buildings popping up. 
Edd moved on, lagging as he interacted with things. 
He found the statue again. 
This time, it was sitting on a park bench. Watching him, no matter which direction he went. And it kept appearing in places Edd’s avatar stopped at, while the world loaded. Whoever’s idea it was to scare new players, it was working. 
Edd went to click on the leave server button but…. nothing happened. Goddammit. He was going to have to close the game and then wait forever for it to load back up. 
Tom: leaving so soon?
Edd stared at the chat, baffled. He spun his avatar around, searching for another player. Not a single user name popped up in sight. Let alone another avatar. Who was talking to him? 
Colalover15: hi! have you been following me? 
Edd nervously typed. He didn’t feel like getting jumpscared by some random player. This game was unintentionally scary already. 
Tom: yes. you are the first player I’ve seen in a long time. no one joins anymore. 
Colalover15: I bet! I’ve joined six servers and haven’t seen a single person lol. do you play often? where are you? 
Tom: I’m right in front of you. 
Oh hell no. The only thing in front of him was the statue. That’s it, Edd was done. He was not participating in a creepypasta or urban legend. 
He clicked the X button on the window and waited. And tried again. And again. 
He frowned, his heart beginning to beat fast. 
Tom: why are you trying to leave? aren’t you having fun? 
Tom: are you bored of this world? 
Faster than the game had been loading all night, the world changed. A new map appeared, a different set of cheerful music playing. Edd grimaced, quickly muting his volume. This one was actively giving him a headache. 
He was in a room now, the walls gray and furniture scattered around. Things he was sure kids in the early 2000s would have loved popped up. 
Obscure and old pop artist pictures, ads, and activities flooded the walls of what Edd assumed to be a hub building. The statue was still standing in front of him. 
Tom: is this better? 
Colalover15: it’s very interesting! i haven’t seen some of this stuff in years. how did you do that? are you a dev? 
Edd hoped this was just a weird dev messing with him. But, still, it was best to be polite. Just in case. As he waited for the person’s reply, he ventured closer to the pictures on the walls. As expected, the links on them were dead. Each webpage was long gone.
Tom: Is it not 2004? 
Can of worms. This was a can of worms Edd did not want to fucking open. Since closing the game window wasn’t working, he clicked his power button. To his horror, nothing happened. Perhaps it was a bit over dramatic, but he yanked out the computer’s power cord. 
His screen flickered, then turned off. Ugh, Edd really hoped that the game hadn’t turned out to have a virus or anything malicious in the code. He really couldn’t afford to replace his desktop. And his parents would be so mad at him… 
Speaking of parents, it was a school night. It was best that he got to bed before one of them got up. 
He laid down on his side, facing his wall. With his heart still racing, he snuggled into his blankets. As scary as that was, he was pretty excited to tell his friends at school about it. At the very least, Tord would like it. Then, they could explore it together at his house, on his computer. 
Just as Edd was falling asleep, cheery pop music played on a low volume. 
Someone was standing behind him.
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rabid-orannge · 2 months ago
so, i played epic mickey rebrushed recently, and now im OBSESSED with some things from it to an unhealthy degree. /hj
second: the atmosphere!! it's dark and gritty yet beautiful in it's own way. like the scenes from disney classic animated movies that scared us as a kid (Ursula from Little mermaid movie, or a boy turning into a donkey in Pinocchio, or the Evil Queen turning into a hag and making the poisoned apple) + it's somewhat post apocalyptic, considering the thinner disaster. And Mickeyjunk mountain straight up gives me "abandoned by disney" vibes with all the decrepit and worn down mickey merch lying around and looking like something straight out of a horror game (and i already have a few ideas on my own spin on the whole mickey mouse public domain horror movies/games/whatever), and the snall world section is also one of my favorites, because...
...three, THE CLOCK TOWER!!! I'm a huge sucker for clockpunk stuff and i loooove the clock motifs! (not sure if it's an old thing or a recent development) And also because it has the GREATEST bossfight music, like, seriously, the world's catchiest and one of the most whimsical song about peace and friendship having a deranged orchestral cover while still sounding whimsical? sign me the hell up! and also, the look of the tower and the fact that it literally has mechanical hands (get it? because clocks have hands) and a silly face (and a scary face while you fight it)
four, the blotlings! My personal favorites are spatters and sweepers (they're just silly little guys that make silly blubbing noises). I also love the fact that you can turn them friendly, and if you do they will run up to hostile blotlings and throw hands with them. i also love how spatters in different levels wear silly little outfits that match the level's theme. and they also look silly and adorable when watching TVs you place down.
five, the projector screen levels that are references to classic Mickey Mouse cartoons, both black and white and technicolor ones! my personal favorites are Steamboat Willie, Clock cleaners, Mad doctor and Fantasia). before you throw tomatoes at me, first off: Mickey is public domain now, second: i despise the corporate money-hungry shitshow that the company is (screw the CEOs, they don't do shit, animators, directors and artists are the people we should thank for their hard work (also, the corporation as a whole has become just cartoonishly evil at this point, it's just ridiculous), and third: i have never ever paid them a cent, all the movies i watched were either aired on TV or pirated. This game just solidified my love for animation trivia. And lastly, this remake isn't published by disney
And lastly: the paint and thinner mechanic! it's funny how they just let a little rat bastard (affectionate) freely run around a toon world wielding a powerful artifact that shoots either blue restoring paint or green destroying thinner. surely there will be no consequences for leaving this rodent to his own devices! (sarcasm). And I also love how your preference in using thinner and paint affects the environment, stories and even cutscenes; you can either act like a goody-two-shoes and help everyone you meet while painting the world to try and restore at least some of it, be a complete dick and wreck havoc with thinner or keeping a balance between these two extremes
to summarize: epic mickey is a cool game with cool atmosphere, the clock tower is the best boss fight with the best battle music, blotlings are adorable silly little guys, the references to old cartoons are great (unhinged and silly little guy Mickey Mouse is way more superior to the sanitized corporate mickey) and i love animation, and paint and thinner gimmick is neat.
Now do an epic mickey 2 hd remake.
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read-and-write- · 1 year ago
Get to know me, double edition
Two tag games running around at the same time so I'm copying some people and doing both at the same time, and for the people who tagged me in one, this is your tag for the other.
Thanks to @myheartalivewrites @happiness-of-the-pursuit @littlemisskittentoes @heybuddy-drabbles @suseagull04 @14carrotghoul for tagging me in this! I finally did it!
There's two versions of this so this is a double tag game, reduce, reuse, recycle and all that, answers under the cut
First Set
Last song: María La Curandera - Natalia Lafourcade
Last film: I can't remember which basically tells you everything you need to know about how many movies I actually watch
Currently reading: Gideon the Ninth bt Tamsyn Muir, and I'm rereading Loveless by Alice Oseman because I want to anotate the physical book that i got half a year ago
Currently watching: Interview with the Vampire, I'm in episode 6 and seriously considering just putting all my tbr aside to read the novel
Currently consuming: Chocolate Ice Cream and a cheese sandwich (✨girl dinner✨)
Currently craving: This specific fries with pulled pork and cream cheese and BBQ sauce from this specific place that are bomb every single time.
Next Set
1. Were you named after anyone?
My great-grandfather, Manuel
2. When was the last time you cried?
On friday my cat needed to get surgery done, needless to say I cried more than once during that day.
3. Do you have kids?
i am just a baby (no)
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did Artistic Roller Skating for a long time, branched out to Figure Skating for like two months but tropical country couldn't keep up and went back to my roots until around two years ago when I started having Adult Schedules for Work. I have also done Gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, and also suffer the "everything I say sounds serious" sindrome
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Hair generally, if we are speaking in Spanish, accent.
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown that leans to black.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I am a coward and proud.
9. Any talents?
I am very good at knowing things, I am a fun fact girlie, if you have a random question ask me because 8 times out of 10 I have the answer, if I don't just give me 2 minutes and I'll have it.
And I also sing.
10. Where were you born?
Medellín ✨en la playa con la oriental✨ if this means something to you seamos amiguitos
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, singing, spending my money in silly little gadgets, walking around a mall just looking (o lolear, my mom would call it)
12. Do you have any pets?
My soulmate, best friend and child, a cat named Iglesia.
13. How tall are you?
1,56m or for my american friends 5'1
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Spanish, Art and Philosohpy, long ago the four nations lived together in harmony-
I was indeed a humanities nerd.
15. Dream job?
Right now? mantenida, now if I had to chose and ignore if it's possible or not I'd love to work in the production crew of Doctor Who or any other big fiction TV Show, turning your hyperfixations into profit and all that.
OKAY now tagging some people, no pressure y'all, if you have already done it I apologize @raysletters @ssmtskw @rmd-writes @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @firenati0n @anincompletelist
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candy-fae · 1 year ago
HELLO CARLIE I am here to get u to talk about batman stuff
What got u into batman and why is the riddler ur fav? I am hella curious and i don't remember if we talked abt it!
-Chris! (@worldtravelercv)
LET ME BEAM YOU BACK TO THE RIPE YEAR OF 2004!! I am fresh to the world, 4 years old. I know what Batman is, because I have three older brothers. But I only watched live action silly Jim carry villains, and the colors and Tim burtony city were what stuck. Cool. Neat.
Fast forward. 200000007? Probably. BOOMERANG. I grew up without cable, and the internet for a while. Didn't get a phone until I was 14. so, late at night, while I'm watching the brand new box tv, what comes across my screen?
Well at that time certainly not robot chicken. The theme song was scary. So, the 2004 Batman reruns catch my attention on boomerang, and BOY did they hold it! Feral joker. Penguin being a greedy little criminal. And the Batman. Everything was dark, and angular, and when there was color it was BRIGHT. but it was used so well it made things seem intentional and wacky.
That's actually my favorite version of Bruce. I'm not really a batfam fan at all haha. Hard to keep track of the robins for me. But he was animated like a shadow, or a vampire, and was sharp like a villains design. Kevin Conroy has the best Bman voice, but this guy was my OG and a different spin on the hero's I'd seen so far.
the best version of everything is the the version we were exposed to as kids.
And I loved it! Penguin was definitely my favorite, and I'm actually not a big fan of the Batman 2004's Riddler lol. Just not my style, but INTERESTING. story wise sorta reminds me of the fox gothams Riddler.
He's different, very much so. We get NOTHING of Fox riddlers story before we see him which. Is usually such a big part of his character haha. He doesn't have the same "I'm better than you" energy either that I'm use to. But you know who's got it down just about right?
Arkham Eddie. I played the game at a friends house once, and he explained to me how Riddler progressively learns to outsmart you through the entire series.
He's like an underdog villain, who has SO much potential, but is sparingly used, because he's hard to write, and I hate that haha
To write a good, Compelling Riddler, you have to be smart enough to make, and solve, a complicated obstruction. He's never a toll bridge for the Batman, he's ALWAYS a speed bump. At first. Then he's a boulder, then a mountain, until you can't ignore him anymore, then he's not something you can keep beating up, you actually have to outfox him, and he's aware of it.
He's a good villain because super intelligent people often see things from all angles, and to keep a guy who's called the world's greatest detective on his toes guessing, is pretty impressive for a guy we don't get to see too much. And I think it's a shame.
Personality wise, I think he's funny. Like, accidentally. Have you ever played the Arkham games? HOURS of failing that stupid race track to the sound of him taunting you makes it very full filing to finally catch him, but I WOULDN'T know. That jerk.
At current though, zero year is my favorite. Greg Capullo has such a good understanding of drawing movement and lots of Eddie pictures portray so much action in a still frame, it's crazy, but, now you've got me rambling.
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duckyfruitbat · 5 months ago
Hello Neighbor: MORE CONTENT!
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Do y'all remember Hello Neighbor? For those not in the know it was planned to be a stealth horror game where you try to get into your shady neighbor's mystery basement after hearing strange sounds coming from it. During early development while it was in early access it had a lot of potential. The main selling point was the adaptive AI of the neighbor who was not very diddly doddily doodily. It could track your favorite hiding spaces, set up traps in paths you tend to take, and in one of the earliest builds it will find a way to get to you in a locked room. Things were looking good for a while, but then the updates kept coming.
The updates were less focused on polishing the game and more on adding lore and lots of puzzles. The game also got more sanitized, it is believed that this happened to be more marketable towards kids. It was also trying to lore bait big content creators like MattPat, but this all came back to bite the developers in the ass because they got tired of how bloated the game was. MattPat publicly stated that he just didn't care anymore, and Markiplier just got plain tired of it.
Let's focus on the sanitation part first. It's no secret that these mascot horror games are in some way trying to market themselves to a younger audience, but even then they have plenty moments that remind you that it is indeed a horror game. Well with Hello Neighbor as time went on, it got less and less scary. One example that perfectly encapsulates this is the music. In the finally game, when the neighbor sees you and starts giving chase the theme is this droning bass being played in a constant manner. I mean it could work, but it's not really being used right. Back when it was in early access however, when the neighbor sees you it sounds like the conductor tossed away his baton and decided to swan dive into the orchestra pit giving the double bird. It is the musical equivalent to "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" It is the near perfect chase theme, and it was scrapped. In the second half of the game, there is an entire massive portion of the house that the Neighbor just never reaches, so chances of a jump scare start to dry up pretty quick, unless you slip off of the shingles of the roof during a platforming section.
Now this game was full of theory bait, it kept things very vague, and when the franchise expanded into books and TV shows, it just did not let up. Which is unfortunate considering that the first game ended in half of it being a dream sequence that concludes in an obvious metaphor for overcoming a childhood trauma. There's also something about the neighbor losing his daughter to a roller coaster accident, oh and he may have built said roller coaster.
Then there are the endless puzzles that felt like they were created by taking the worst puzzles from the old point and click adventure games and then snorting a mountain of cocaine. This is one of those games where you'll need to keep a walk through open at all times, especially if you want to complete it within the decade. There are many puzzles that don't push you in the right direction, and many more that are just so overly complicated for no reason.
On top of all that, it is very buggy. There are plenty of times when the neighbors AI will bug out and either stand still or get stuck on some furniture. Other times he'll just de-spawn entirely, this is actually so well documented that it is a common occurrence on streams. It's also incredibly easy to launch yourself across the map, and levitate.
The next game fell into the same trappings. It was revealed in an ARG event. That also introduced us to a new character like the neighbor, and probably was the neighbor, called the Guest. He seemed to be a return to what the original idea was, being this strange little cryptid bird man who would hang around the corner watching and waiting. There was a lot of potential with the Guest, he even was the antagonist in previous builds, but then he was pushed aside in the final release of the second game. The issues in the first game weren't as present, but they were still there.
Today the game isn't exactly loved, it does have an audience that's sticking around but it is mostly remembered as a cash grab for the mascot horror genre. It started with a lot of potential and had a sharp decline when it found some success as a mascot horror.
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tickletastic · 1 year ago
Taking 'Scream' a Little Too Literally
Fandom: Abbott Elementary <3
Ship: Zach/Jacob, Barbara/Melissa, absolute crumbs of pre-slash Gregory/Janine
Summary: Movie night at Jacob and Zach's is uneventful for everyone but Gregory. Day six of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: movie!
“Gregory, my man!” Jacob greets cheerfully, opening his door fully, “dap me up!”
Gregory narrows his eyes, bringing his hand up to force Jacob’s down where he had left it for a dap. “Hi, Jacob.”
“No worries, brother,” Jacob smiles, “give me your jacket!”
Gregory tries to suppress a smile at Jacob’s awkward affections, handing him his jacket and the bag with the wine he had brought. “Thanks, dude.”
Jacob grins wider, grabbing both from Gregory and walking towards the kitchen, “Ava cancelled, but everyone else is in the living room.”
Gregory nods, walking towards the living room, following the sounds of conversation. He makes his rounds, saying his hellos to Zach, Barbara, Melissa, and Janine. Barbara and Melissa are cuddled up on one of the loveseats, sharing a bowl of popcorn, raisinettes sprinkled throughout. Janine is on one side of the couch, Zach on the other, space for both him and Jacob to sit if he’d like. He considers it for a moment, looking between the spot and the other loveseat, until Janine pats the cushion next to her. He complies, flopping down, barely any space between the two of them. 
Jacob returns with more snacks and some drinks, struggling to hold everything before inevitably dumping it all on the coffee table. “Alright! We have wine, beer, and extra snacks in the kitchen, but this should do us for now!”
Jacob slumps down, cuddling into Zach, who has the tv’s remote in his hand. He cues up Scream, the franchise the group had decided to binge this weekend. Janine had recommended they try to watch all the classic horror franchises throughout October. Of course, it took some convincing for Barbara and Melissa, though Gregory had been in from the beginning since it had been suggested by Janine, he found it hard to ever turn her down.
The group gets comfortable, getting all of their snacks and drinks while the movie pulls into its opening. All is calm and serene in the beginning, or, as calm and serene as the atmosphere of watching a horror movie can be. About halfway through the movie, while Billy is making his appearance at the video store, Gregory notices Jacob squirming. He assumes he’s just getting restless and fidgety, knowing that Jacob is not the type to stay still for long, until he hears quick breaths coming out of his nose, as if he can't breathe.
“You ok-” Gregory turns his head to look at Jacob and sees that his face is red, nose scrunched, and he observes for a moment. When he sees Zach’s fingers moving quickly over Jacob’s side, he puts the pieces together, and can’t help the grin spreading over his face. Yes, Jacob can be over the top, and sometimes, only sometimes, Gregory is annoyed by it, but mostly he just puts on a face to hide his fondness. This time, he's not doing such a great job at hiding it.
He watches this game between Zach and Jacob, he thinks maybe he should look away, they may not be able to see him since the room is so dark: is he intruding? Either way, he can’t tear his eyes away from how cute and unguarded Jacob looks.
In the background, the movie’s score swells as another death happens on the screen, and Gregory sees Zach’s fingers move down to Jacob’s tummy. Jacob screeches, arching forward and covering his face with his hands.
Melissa laughs, throwing a kernel of popcorn Jacob’s way. “C’mon kid, the movie’s not that scary.”
“S-sorry,” Jacob stutters in response, and Gregory almost thinks he can see Jacob’s ears turn pink in the dim light, “t-took me off guard.” 
Janine scoffs, though she can’t see Jacob’s predicament from her spot, “Really, Jacob? I totally saw that coming.” 
Gregory watches as Jacob takes a shaky breath, Zach’s fingers having returned to his sides, “I-I must’ve g-gotten distracted.”
“Whatever you say, scaredy cat,” Melissa teases, another kernel of popcorn flying in Jacob’s direction. 
Gregory turns his attention back to the movie after the interaction, though he does hear Jacob’s laughter continue nearly silently throughout the movie. He figures it’s best to keep the secret to himself for now, though he can't stop himself from thinking about the fact that Jacob had never tried to pry Zach's hands away. Planning on keeping his knowledge of the incident a secret, Gregory decides that maybe he’ll ‘accidentally’ discover it another time, maybe it’ll finally make it easy for Gregory to show Jacob his appreciation for their friendship.
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abeinginsand · 2 years ago
A Message In the Dark
Whenever Nicky dies and his demon body goes through the regeneration process, he's stuck in a mental limbo. He can't see or move, its only darkness and....pain. Its happened before. At least two times: once when bodily protecting a certain lovewolf and another time while being a distraction so the rest of the boys could escape. So he expected the quiet and the intense sensations as soon as he felt the sharp portal magic digging into him-- And yet, its scary anyway. ---- Now on AO3! (link here) or read the rest under the cut: ----
Panic scatters his thoughts for a moment as he tries to move but nothing happens, trapped in this void and alone with his thoughts. He's trying to breathe in and out but its hard to do when there's no feeling of his chest rising and falling or his wings flapping. Nicky knows he just has to get it together and wait it out. It never lasts forever.
Just wait, it doesn't last forever.
Its a familiar chant at this point. Like when he waited for his dad Glenn to come home after a tour. He clung to any video call or text session they had and tried really hard not to look so worn out when his dad got back. Their 'cool' reunion hug sessions were his favorite thing (and it was easy to hide his expression when he was tucked into the hug or focusing on their games).
Or like when he waited with Mom for his dad Jodie to come back from the hospital. There'd been an incident on the highway that was all over the news. He remembers hiding his face in his mom's chest to avoid the brightness of the tv screen and her muting the tv to read the subtitles instead. When he was a kid, he was so proud of his dad's work and excited to let everyone know at school but this was one of the few times--that he wished his dad wasn't a cop at all.
All of these memories bubbling out didn't make Nicky feel any better. He feels....feels gross and frustrated and worried about his own kid and instead of any comforting words--all his mind slaps him with is his hell king-cringe-dad nagging him. If only he'd just listened to Jodie like a "good son" maybe things would be different. Maybe him trying to forge his own path, make his own choices--to just be himself for once was pointless, would always lead him down a path of failure, of betrayal.
Nicky wanted to scream and so he did--voice echoed for a few minutes and the indifferent quiet returned. He did it again and again and again until he got tired of it. Soon, the quiet lulled him to sleep and time passed. It didn't make any sense for a demon to pray--but a little part of him did anyway.
Prayed that he'd wake up to all three of his parents near him, even if one of them might be disappointed again. (He didn't want to be alone anymore.)
Instead, he groggily wakes up in what seems to be a messy bedroom. Everything is too bright and the fabric of the sheets scratches his skin. But from the soft metal Christmas music playing from a radio, he assumes this must be his dad--Glenn's room. He's never managed to wake up in his own room...
Nicky blinks and groans, tries to take in a breath. The relief that he can feel his body again is almost distracting enough that he nearly misses the murmuring. But the voice gets louder and louder each second, almost as if what someone using caps-lock might sound like.
The hell demon squints and finally notices the floating magical message in the air slightly above him. Its a good thing there's still a dark Glenn close trio poster on the ceiling, the message would have been hard to read in its mostly white font otherwise. He rereads the message in full and its seems the spell itself can sense that. The voice--his baby boy's voice--reads out the message once more.
He's body still hurts even after waking and sitting up, his mind not quite taking in that his injuries are no more or that he won't be in that chilling void if he closes his eyes for too long. But all the pain, fear, and anger is sliced apart as he bursts into laughter at the strange shimmy effect on the "cum" written in the air in glittering green.
And when he catches his breath, its feels safer to close his eyes and lay back down. He re-listens to the message once again.
"Hang on!"
"I'll save you!"
"I love you!"
He takes each of those lines to heart, to think to himself if he's ever in the dark again. For the first time in awhile, Nicky lets himself cry about something, about someone. He hopes Taylor got his gift. Hopes he'll be able to say an "I love you" back to him too. Wants so badly to be a better father, to make more memories with him and not have to take anymore away.
As he tries to form the return message, exhaustion hits him. Just before he's pulled fully into unconsciousness, he blinks and sees Glenn walking into the room, saying something. The bells on his horns softly chiming with each step. Nicky has no idea what Glenn is saying but the concern is clear and the sudden pull into a hug feels good. He hazily feels Jodie and his mom joining in to look him over too. So he musters a genuine, tired smile, laughs weakly, and---
Passes right back out without explaining a thing. 
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fizzingwizard · 1 year ago
Time for some semi-ritual bitching about one of my favorite bitch-worthy topics, Yugioh
Why couldn't they have just done Memory World properly
Why make us suffer through Doma... and especially KC Grand Prix, a single episode of which is more boring than filler in any other fandom... and they made an entire filler arc out of it! Like Doma has lots of faults but at least it tried to do something interesting. It tried to develop characters, which proooobably shouldn't have been undertaken by a filler arc with no canon script to follow, but gold star for trying! Had a shitty finale not remotely worthy of its awesome beginning, but did we really expect any better? lol. KC Grand Prix tho, no. That's just there to Idk be mean to men with pink hair and dumb names?? In the ridiculous hair dumb names anime???
cut because Fizz has the curse of long-windedness thanks my evil fairy godmother
anyway back to Memory World, maybe the issue was the story in the manga still lagged behind where the anime was. I don't remember. If so I guess there was no choice but filler. Still, did they have to blow the budget on it? They lost most of their good animators during Doma, where they also introduced a couple new crap ones who stuck around till the end of course -___- And no doubt the animators were getting paid peanuts for long hours of work, and if they'd run out of budget to even pay that... well clearly the show should have been shorter. Like two whole filler arcs shorter. Just take a break, take a pause, come back when you're ready to do Memory World the way it should be done. Back then no one took breaks, "The fans will forget us," nowadays TV shows just up and away for multiple years at a time x'D before returning suddenly with a new season.
The reason I'm still salty and plan to be salty to my grave is just this. Memory World is the one and only YGO arc since season zero that was not explicitly about card games. They'd been dropping hints since the first that we could expect ancient Egypytian shenanigans in the finale. We were supposed to find out about Atem's lost memories and recover his name. That was the driving force behind everything that wasn't filler. I specifically became a fan as a kid because I enjoyed reading about Ancient Egypt and thought the idea of a millennia-old feud between a pharaoh and whoever Bakura really was sounded neat. So I watched hours and hours and hours of card games all for the sake of making it to Ancient Egypt.
(don't get me wrong I enjoyed the card games lol. Never ask a YGO fan to explain how watching characters stand around and yell "Pot of Greed allows me to draw two cards from my deck!" for hundreds of episodes somehow stayed fresh and interesting)
So we reach Memory World at loooooooong last and. And the animation is the worst. Atem falls off a cliff it's just like "ow." Bakura isn't have as intriguing anymore now that he's a poorly drawn anime guy with scars. He arrives toting Atem's father's mummy it should be scary. It should be shocking. But instead, for some reason we watched dancing girls of questionable historical accuracy repeat the same frame several times, while Atem makes a face like a baby trying his hardest to go number two in his diaper. In the manga this scene is really funny, with Siamun being Sugoroku in every way, and Atem in his awkwardness being more Yugi-like than we've ever seen him. In the anime they are just going through the motions. There's no life in anything.
The one thing the anime version got right was understanding that this was the one and only opportunity we'd have to learn about Atem. You know, half of the main character for the whole show. Even the manga is really so busy doing plot stuff it kind of forgets to make us care about the ancient Egyptian cast. The anime took advantage of the need for pacing to give us a couple low key moments about Atem & Friends, but for some reason it decided we should 1) know what Atem looked like falling flat on his nose as a toddler, and 2) show us that from a young age he was making grand progressive speeches about equality. Seeing Atem portrayed as a nice guy who cared about people gave me mixed emotions after watching him struggle for seasons with the possibility that he might have been a bad king and not remember it. Because we got a whole season of him making mistakes and disappointing fans in Doma, and now in Memory World the final answer to what kind of person Atem was is just "well he's a good guy in the modern sense of the word lol" and then we move on. Also, neither that speech, nor Doma, are manga canon, but fans on the whole remember Doma much better than they remember nice guy baby Atem. Which is so very nice -.-;
So Memory World could have been so much fun, exciting, adventurous in a way you can't always be when you have to stay put on a holo-duel stage (card games on motorcycles hasn't been invented yet!), and insightful about a character who has been the central point of everything yet whom we knew next to nothing about. Instead it was a poorly animated clusterfuck of battle scenes that were difficult to make sense of. The Bakura stuff was the best. The Kaiba-insert filler was the worst. I was disappointed with Set's arc in the manga as well, another thing that had been built up for years and years and ended up more about the mysterious waif-like dragon girl than Set vs Atem. If the anime changed something to add in Kaiba, I wish they'd have rewritten the Set vs Atem duel so it was mildly interesting, and Idk maybe Kaiba could have teamed up with Atem against his past self, which would have aggravated him to no end? Instead of just wandering around insisting none of this could really be happening. Or he should just not have been there at all. Personally I go the DSOD route and pretend Kaiba was never in Memory World, same as the manga. It's not like erasing him from the anime version has any impact on events bahahaha. He was included for MONEY MONEY MONEY popular character NEEDS to stick around even if he has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do because MONEY MONEY MONEY
I love DSOD to pieces. But my own dream for the anniversary project was a remake of Memory World. Even if it had been a 90 min movie version instead of several episodes, as long as it was better quality, and invested in Atem as a character instead of simply as a pawn in a game, I would have enjoyed those 90 mins better than the entire Memory World season. Doma and KC Grand Prix were a mistake if they played a role in how awful Memory World was.
But they did the Millennium Duel well. Not astonishing, but really, except for useless Kaiba being there, it was more than adequate. (And although Kaiba himsefl was useless, it was cool seeing him rejected as an opponent for Atem in favor of Yugi. Actually I kinda wish they'd made a bigger deal out of that...) Kid me cried buckets (actually I must have been well into my teens by then bahahaha. I def cried though). Thanks to those final two episodes, the series send-off didn't leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. If it had ended with Memory World it would have been an even bigger disappointment to me than the finale of Bleach. And I despise the finale of Bleach x'D
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spurious · 9 months ago
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @audioletter 🧡 who did hers here
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? m a r r i e d
02) What was your dream growing up? i wanted to be a vet until i realized i would have to deal with animals in pain lol
03) What talent do you wish you had? not to steal audioletter's answer here but also drawing tbh.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? one of those fancy starbucks iced lime drinks with the green coffee beans
05) Favorite vegetable? oooooh hm. broccoli?
06) What was the last book you read? poking at a reread of Catch-22
07) What zodiac sign are you? scorpio sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? several tattoos and 2 ear piercings
09) Worst Habit? according to @audioletter, sleeping diagonally on the bed. according to Lemon, forgetting to refill her automatic feeder
10) What is your favorite sport? i like watching basketball
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? uh. i don't really think of myself as an optimist but i think i kind of am a bit of one.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. two of my chromosomes are stuck together
13) Do you have any pets? cat & borbs
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? if i had to choose one of those adjectives I'd go with scary but i'm not, like, super scared of clowns?
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? i would give myself an ass so that i can sit on hard surfaces in greater comfort
16) What color eyes do you have? blue
17) Ever been arrested? no
18) Bottle or can soda? can
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? we haven't left the country since before covid so. plane tickets
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh
21) Do you believe in ghosts? not actively but like. i wouldn't be surprised if there were.
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? video games, crochet, watching tv, going for meandering walks
23) Do you swear a lot? i don't know what constitutes a lot? i feel like i do.
24) Biggest pet peeve? people who get on a crowded train and stand around by the doors instead of moving into the far less crowded aisles
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? ummmmmmmm. odd
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes! i'm weird at it but i like it.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: probably cheese. least fave: shrimp
28) Do you believe in God? probably?
29) What makes you happy: sound of the cat purring. sitting in bed with my wife and playing our games and talking. sour candy.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Mountain Goats - Jenny from Thebes
31) Favourite place to spend time: i like! to be! at home!
32) Favourite lyric:
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam / And no emotion that’s worth having could call my heart its home
33) Recommend a film: Clue!
34) Recommend a book: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: have you heard of the mountain goats :)
36) Recommend a TV show: Freaks and Geeks
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from metro Detroit, Michigan, and I've lived there, in Ohio for school, and then in Ibaraki, Japan, followed by Osaka where I've lived forrrrrrrr. 13 years or so?
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? Lemon was found after a typhoon when I lived in Ibaraki. Niles and Nesmith came from the bird store where everyone wanted the fancy baby budgies and they were being ignored for being too Standard lol
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? WELL. If you don't know, some regions of Japan eat whale meat, and some regions of Japan use whale meat in their school lunch. So uh. One day when I worked at an elementary school I was blithely eating my school lunch only to be asked by one of the kids how I was liking the whale meat. 😐 (it's not even good)
40) How did you 'find' fandom? i actually don't totally remember? my first fic reading experience was cardcaptor sakura, and i think it was on a fansite or something rather than ff.net....and then i found my way to LJ and HP fandom.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. I'm at my desk at work so: rainbow glitter fountain pen, ps5 devkit, photo from our wedding, coworkers, "everything is fine" 10 of swords card from the modern witch tarot deck
42) How do you style your hair? currently a bob with bangs. i have started carrying a little comb in my handbag for this
I'm gonna tag people!
@alienfuckeronmain @sga-owns-my-soul @stargatebarbie @texasdreamer01 @acrowbyanyothername
@colonelshepparrrrd @queen-x-ishtar @hearteyesmcgarrett
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minnieminss · 1 year ago
JEWELS WITHIN; a wolf story pt.4
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Pairing - Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x 6 year old!oc x fem!reader
Warnings - werewolf au, cold!soonyoung, cursing, hoshi using nicknames for his little sister (baby, honey, etc), painfully shy!reader, but also lowkey childish and adorable, angst, age gap, (4years). Bipolar!josh (he can get so soft and then be an ass but we all know he cares), not the best of writing but I try.. :)
Summary - After being rejected by his mother at birth and parents murdered by hunters, soonyoung is faced with the responsibility of raising his little sister alone… until he finds you.
Word count - ?
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Hana’s pov
It’s been 2 hours since my brother left. I miss him so much! Who am I going to annoy now? Or…or play games with?
Today I’ve realized how boring it is without hoshi.
Speaking of games… the nice girl Aria offered to play games with me, but I didn’t like the idea of playing with someone else without my brother here. It made me feel bad.
So, I sat on the long rectangle like chair (that’s called a couch… I think.) and watched what they call a ‘show’ on a box called a tv!
The show wasn’t all that good to be honest, a bunch of puppets singing and I was already a bit bored by it.
Who am I kidding? This show is great!
I probably watched about 2 episodes of it until I heard people starting to talk due to someone coming in through the door.
“Josh! Your sisters here!” Said somebody.
The scary guy has a sister? I wonder if she’s my age!
No… maybe?
Joshua came downstairs the greet his sister the same time I turn my head to see who this mystery sister is.
She’s not my age. Should’ve known Hana!
“Y/n? What are you doing here?! How did you even get here?” The boy asked. “I… missed my brother?” The girl said quietly, chuckling nervously.
“Y/n…” he said. Sternly looking at the younger girl.
“Can we just talk about it later? Please.” The girl said looking away from the older boy. “Fine. I want you to meet someone, We have a guest.” Joshua said pointing to Hana.
“Hi! I’m Hana!” The girl said loudly making the girl flinch. “Hello..” the girl said with a small voice.
“I have a brother too! His name is Hoshi!” She said smiling. “How nice… how old are you Hana?” The girl asks. “I’m six years old! Yesterday was my birthday!” Hana says giggling.
“You’re very cute Hana, I can see us being friends..” the girl says looking at Joshua who smiles encouragingly.
“Me too! Wanna watch this show with me?” Hana says turning back to face the Tv with a bounce.
“Sure, sounds amazing”
“Shifts are normally around 8 hours a day, 12 if you do an extra shift.” Aria says.
“I know you wanted to keep as little amount of time away from your sister as possible but this is the best it’s gonna be Soonyoung.” She continued.
“I’m definitely going to hate this but, I really need the money.” I sigh. “When’s the fastest I can start?”
“Well, I can see if I can get you an interview perhaps by Friday, which is in two days so it would be a tight fit but not impossible.” She breaths out. “How about you wait here and I’ll go find my boss so you can chat with him?” She begins walking away before I could answer.
I wonder what Hana’s doing right now… I sure do miss her
Despite the amount of hours I need to spend away from her, I don’t feel anything bad is to go with this chance,
Because I’ll be able to make enough money to get us a new home just for the two of us, raise her the correct way, the only same thing is I’ll keep her homeschooled, nobody will change my mind on that.
She deserves so many great things and life and I just know that I’ll be able to give it to her.
Although I do wish she could have some type of woman figure in her life but even if she doesn’t so what? So many people raise their kids alone, besides I’ve been doing it for 6 years, what’s decades more?
Hi everyone! I apologize for the delay in this series and also for a short chapter, writing isn’t my strong suit and I do so many other things out of this. Plus I really wanted to get something out as it’s been soooo long 😅. I plan to have a but of a dramatic time skip in one of the chapters but I won’t say when or which🤭…
Here’s some other things to look out for (hopefully)
New writing layouts
New master list
New one-shot (let’s hope hard on this one)
So thank you all for being patient!
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radstegosaurus · 1 year ago
"Spongebob is ruining our kids" "Video games are ruining our kids"
okay but why is my baby cousin watching instagram reels about hamsters wearing chicken nugget costumes passing by singing toilet paper rolls? Like it sounds funny at first but like
Why is my 5 year old cousin punching the restaurant booth and screaming at the top of his lungs in public because his dad had to take his own phone back in order to pay the bill with it?
Why does he hit his parents when they ask him to turn the volume down from max on these like mindless videos?
Why is he, a 5 year old, in charge of skipping the reels that have curse words in it for himself? They are letting him watch childish, colorful, overstimulating 10 second videos where the music has slurs and cursing and he's supposed to just know that isn't good for him? Or is that just fine?
Why did they allow him to feel ownership of their phones? He doesn't have a phone, but he doesn't realize that; he thinks his parents' phones are more for him than for them.
He is malfunctioning at school. He isn't learning as well as he could have been if his brain wasn't like fully taken up by a bright ass rectangle he stares into instead of doing anything else to keep himself entertained. I'm not trying to be mean to him but he isn't learning well and he isn't on a good path to being a functioning teen or adult.
I'm not a parent yet but people are doing their kids so wrong. It wasn't the video games or the regular tv cartoons or the heavy metal music or the d&d that fucked us up it's this and no one cares and no one talks about it and no one takes it seriously.
And I say this as someone who grew up as smart phones and social media was getting into full swing. And I wish I was less fucked up by it too. But this is another level of internet addiction and I'd even argue withdrawals, in little little kids. It's kind of scary to see and not be able to fix it for him.
Like what the fuck.
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sagiow · 2 years ago
15 questions
tagged by @tough-n-dumb, thanks friend!
Were you named after anyone?
Not “after”, per se, but my dad “discovered” my name after making a new friend in the glorious Montreal Red Light Disco District... who turned out to be an Italian exotic male dancer (he never told my mom that’s where he got the inspiration from until 30-some years later)
My middle name is my mom’s because my frazzled, mid-20s, overwhelmed first-time parents hadn’t thought of one before he went to register my birth so he kinda blanked and went with hers and she was pissed off because she doesn’t  like her name.
0/2, Papa.
When was the last time you cried?
Some time in the last month.
Do you have kids?
Two, elementary school age, although the eldest is solidly in his tweens and giving me a fantastic preview of the fun years ahead.
Do you use sarcasm?
Just did, didn’t I?
Actually, much less than I used to when I was younger. Mostly for joking around  or ranting about our incompetent colleagues with my work wife.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Not to sound like a hippie on Main, but I’d say their energy? Their vibe? Some people come off as very warm, and others colder (and some, downright antipathic). Some have this bubbling, crackling energy to them, others are super chill and calm. Some have this spark of intelligence or quick wit about them, and others make you wonder if there’s anybody home. So a bit of all of that.
A smile, greeting and eye contact (can all be super quick, just acknowledge you see the other person) go a long way in giving off good vibes, so we’ll definitely start on the wrong foot if the other person doesn’t do any of those. Be polite.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like scary / horror movies with gore and torture. I do enjoy a good ghost story (the Gothicker, the better) and some psychological horror.
Love happy endings although unhappy ones definitely inspire a lot more fanfic.
Any special talents?
I never look at the picture when doing jigsaw puzzles and WILL complete it before you do.
Where were you born?
Province of Québec, Canada
What are your hobbies?
Phew... there’s a few, and they tend to be seasonal. Summer is reading, hiking, baseball, gardening, camping. Other seasons have baking, crochet, watching TV, playing old-school computer games, and getting ready for whatever holiday or birthday is upcoming. Puzzles and writing year-round (if inspiration striked and fellow fans are around!)
Have any pets?
2 cats (and often at least another because we are a foster family to our local rescue), 2 rabbits and 4 3 chicken (found one dead yesterday after that major storm / tornado passed. Her ancient 3 year old heart couldn’t handle it. RIP Matante.)
What sports do/have you played?
Phew... there’s a few there too. I’m always down to play pretty much anything with a ball (beach volleyball! street ball hockey!), but on the other hand, will probably get my Canadian citizenship revoked at some point because I do no winter sport except for snowshoeing and some shitty skating.
I played provincial-level softball and badminton in school. I did recreational synchronized swimming, various styles of dance, varsity basketball. Now, I play softball, tennis (although my dad is aggressively trying to draft me into pickleball), try to get in a game of golf or two per summer (every addition to this sentence makes me feel 10 years older). In non-summer, I practice aikido, and love hiking, especially in the fall.
How tall are you?
5′7″, or 170cm
Favorite subject at school?
History and Drama in High School, Anthropology and some of my Forensics classes in University (”no applied science”, you ask? meh, not really. Science was me playing Life on Safe Mode).
Dream Job?
I would’ve loved to study Anthropology further and become an archeologist (although I did take one Biological / Genetic Anthro class that was absolutely fascinating and made me reconsider Things) but I’d had enough Academia back then. I wanted to get a job, stop being beyond broke, and travel.
Nowadays I get this massive urge to dump everything corporate and move someplace with shorter, kinder winters, ideally not too far from the sea, and get a bunch of goats and chicken, fruit trees and grapevines, grow a shitload of tomatoes and eggplant, bake bread daily, and write in the evenings. Just need to win the lottery first but then I’m makin’ it happen.
tagging (apologies for the double tags if you got them, I lost track) @jomiddlemarch, @tortoisesshells, @fericita-s, @combat-librarian, @divinecomedienne, @luarenah
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