#when i say ignoring it i don't mean ignoring the problems like i've criticized endgame and obviously i have a lot of criticism about this
dashiellqvverty · 3 years
lmao based on what i’m reading i think i’m just. not gonna watch the fatws finale like GOD it sounds bad. and the whole shows been bad and i just don’t want to put up with it anymore. ive been disregarding any canon post-winter soldier (or civil war, depending on the circumstances i guess) for years now and thats not about to stop now but god they have fucked these characters up so badly and i would so much rather they had stayed having almost no characterization at all
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mansouthere · 5 years
Okay so. I agree, and imma explain why.
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Before you get on my case, I wanna let you know I love Ant Man and his presence in the MCU. When 2012 Avengers came out I posted all over Facebook about how ant man should be the next character added and everything, I think he's great and I've loved the comics since I was 11. But we don't need Ant Man 3.
What would Ant Man 3 be about?
The biggest chance would be the inclusion of Stinger/Stature (Cassie Lang)
Now, does anyone, truely, want another young science smart character? Because what would Cassie really be able to stand along side Shuri and Peter and be just as interesting even though she isn't as smart, we've seen her abilities used before and the character she is technically a replacement of, Scott Lang, is along side her.
I'm sick of every character having to be science smart otherwise they're treated as dumb or just ignorant. And Cassie Lang would have nothing to add as a science smart character. Because if they make her too intelligent then she will seem too similar to Shuri and it wouldn't be believable.
Now, perhaps we could put a twist on this? Instead of being science smart (like in the comics) she instead uses the ability to shrink and grow to create art? For example. She could go into her back garden, shrink and draw something no one has ever really seen from that view. Or be a photographer who uses ants and her smaller size to capture the world in a different way.
(and before any of you get pissed because 'ShEs SMarT iN tHe COMicS!' well so was Scott but no one cared about that and Sam was a super soldier but no one cared about that.)
Now for another issue which is already present in the other two Ant Man films, the concept of a new gen character when the existing character is a factor in the story. Scott, as a super hero, never really comes into his own. Scott is strange because unlike every other character in the MCU (other than Hope but I will get to that) is not the first person to carry that mantel. He is not the first Ant Man, he will never be considered 'The Ant Man' Hank Pym will always be that. Doesn't mean Scott is not interesting as a character or can't carry a story, look at Miles Morales he's never going to be 'The Spider Man', that belongs to Peter Parker but he is great.
Now what does this mean? Well, in the comics this happens when writers want to end a characters arc but still keep the abilities and recognisably with the title of the super hero. But the MCU is different, before Ant Man this had never happened before. There was no first Black Widow, or Iron Man, there is only Natasha and Tony, for example. And even in cases where there are, now, other examples Steve for Sam or Janet for Hope. Steve or Janet, as the first incarnation of that mantle are either: minor characters or taken out of the action, and had their arc finished. Hank is such an overpowering character in his own concept that it is impossible for Scott not to be overshadowed by him. Steve, in a way, cannot overshadow Sam because Steve has come to the end of his story, he's done. Hank, while being done as Ant Man, still had character development needed and is critical to the progressing story.
So why is this a problem for the inclusion of Stature? Well. Would you say Scott, or Hank, have come to the end of their arcs? I wouldn't really either of them have. A lot of Hanks backstory and actions as the Ant Man have no yet really been used or shown, which leads to a lot of gaps in our understanding as him. And for Scott, as I previously mentioned, I don't really think he's come into his own. And I think we see the start of that at the end of Ant Man and the Wasp, because at the end of the day he is half of a package. Which is also the impression given in Endgame, he is only half of himself without Hope. And even if you believed Scott had come to the end of his Arc, would you say Hopes has? Probably not. And it's already been established that they are partners. So for Hope to complete her arc she would need Scott along side her to complete that, just like he needs her alongside him to complete his.
What would Cassie add? Nothing.
She would add nothing but stretch thin the ideas of what interesting things they can do with their abilities and take spot light away from three characters who have yet to complete their arcs. She would have no new abilities, and tbh she isn't that interesting a character in the comics.
Maybe an introduction of another Ant Man, most likely being Eric O'Grady.
Now, most of the points stated about Cassie apply here as well. There is no need for another character with the ability to grow and shrink when we have four already who all would be easy to write another story about. Hope, Scott, Janet or Hank all have gaps or space to grow. While Eric is pretty cool as a character I think, we have kinda covered his growth with Scott as they do kinda share a similar characteristics. Eric just lacks something to keep him on the straight and narrow.
Or perhaps we would see a Prequal about the 1980s adventures of Hank and Janet.
This is the idea I could probably get on board with the most. Because I think Hank and Janet in the comics are so interesting, I think that they would need modernising and obviously we couldn't have the abuse subplot as they are still a couple in current day. But I think it would be interesting to see superheros before superheros were a thing. Janet is cannonically a mutant in the comics so maybe include a bit of that to explain a connection to the X men? Nothing massive but a few drops here and there would be cool.
But, even though I like this idea the most it is kinda a dead stone. We know the outcome to their story. We know Janet goes subatomic, we know Hank drives off his daughter and becomes a bit of a recluse. So how much story is there with the set up the MCU gave them?
I mean, imma always be a bit disappointed that they chose to write a Scott lang movie over a Hank Pym movie because tbh Hank is waaaaay more interesting and has a lot more storylines to choose from. I think people forget how little Lang was in the comics before the film came out.
But we could also see another low stakes comedy/action summer film to break up the other Marvel films.
Which probably wouldn't have many issues a previously mentioned, give hope and Scott the chance to shine as a duo and really come into their own. But ... They could probably do that in the next avengers film or as a cameo in another film. It's kinda a wasted slot for a new hero with abilities we have never seen before.
What I'm trying to say is:
If I see another post about Cassie Lang being a great inclusion imma scream because we don't need three (kinda five) hero's with the same ability it will get boring.
And the only kinda ant man 3 imma accept is a Hank Pym focused film.
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