#when i physically feel like i will explode unless i yell 5 fun facts about
cicada-dyke · 2 years
people need to stop assuming that just cuz i’m quiet i must also be smart, im just as dumb as the next guy i just don’t fucking like you guys
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Do you have any science project group headcanons like for groups like Nagisa, Kayano, Maehara, and Kataoka that were grouped for science class like in season 1 episode 5 (Assembly Time)
Oooooh! Love asks like these!!! 💚
And thanks to this post by the awesome @/greengargouille, we know all the canon groups!
Itona and Ritsu aren’t in official groups, so I put them in where I thought they’d fit in best!
1. Isogai, Mimura, Nakamura, Okano
Wow...I forgot that Nakamura and Okano were ever in the same group
But I love it because I HC their friendship to be a casual but hella fun one
Isogai and Mimura are old friends from last year! I imagine there’s slight awkwardness on Mimura’s side given that they’re in different friend groups now. But Isogai is very friendly and aware, so it passes pretty soon
Nakamura is one of the biggest causes of Isogai’s headaches lmao. But hey, at least they’re on the same wavelength academically.
Well at least she’s interested in science and it’s her best subject. She still feels bored unless they’re dealing with physics, then she’s completely on top of her game.
Nakamura and Okano are the chaotic half. Isogai and Mimura are the ones who wanna get shit done. Unless the girls manage to drag poor Mimura into doing dumb stuff
Have I ever told you guys that once in my Chemistry lab, one of my friends and I managed to break the sink faucet? Like we destroyed it lmfao
That is Nakamura and Mimura friendship energy ngl
Okano is one of Isogai’s most dependable close friends, but she also loves to annoy him for no reason sometimes.
So she’ll ask obvious questions with a smug smile, trying to watch his patience explode. But jokes on her because Isogai has an infinite amount of patience sadly
2. Kurahashi, Yada, Takebayashi, Kimura
They’re a...fairly productive group lmao
Tbh I don’t think Kurahashi is the type to really pay attention to any science outside of biology like me
So she’ll be a BEAST when it comes to that and get 100′s on everything. But like in chem and physics, she’s not as great
Yada is the best at design and organization, so she always takes that job. Making colorful presentation slides? She got it. Need to type up the final report in a google doc? Yep, she’s your girl
Kimura is a gremlin, like I always say. He’s the clown of the group lmfao and will spend more time stalling and messing around than doing actual work
He also tends to lowkey distract Kurahashi with unrelated convos. He tries to talk to Yada too, but she goes into girlboss mode and ignores him
Guys, everyone give it up for Takebayashi. King is hard carrying this entire group
He’s the one who stays the most focused but on occasion can be distracted by Kimura bringing up topics they’re both into, like certain comics or something.
Kurahashi and Yada also can get caught up in their own conversations since they’re besties. Also they will roast the boys all they want, if they feel like it.
All around, they’re kind of a mediocre group haha
3. Nagisa, Kayano, Maehara, Kataoka, Ritsu
Woah I LOVE this combination of students
I couldn’t help but add Ritsu here hehe. I also like the idea that she’s kind of attached to Kataoka in the beginning, considering all their moments together in canon.
Nagisa and Kataoka act like parent friends, as usual. They’re the ones who wanna work diligently and just get things done.
Maehara and Kayano are the more lenient ones haha. They’ll claim that they have low attention spans. Both Kayano and Maehara much prefer labs and getting to do cool science stuff, at least. 
Also!! It’s good that they’re in this group because they’re social types who can reach out to other groups and get help/answers from them ^^
Kataoka, sighing: “Well, Maehara, at least you have a talent for networking, I guess.”
Ritsu is in between the lenient side and the diligent side. She’s very good at science and can do her work very well!! But sometimes she gets swayed by Maehara and Kayano’s fun attitudes and doesn’t concentrate haha
Kayano keeps getting flustered whenever she’s sitting right besides Kataoka haha. Bonus points if their arms brush or she has to lean over her or something.
Also best believe there’s lots of Big-brother-Maehara and Little-brother-Nagisa moments
4. Kanzaki, Hazama, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Terasaka
So...this is basically just AU where Kanzaki joins the Disaster Squad lmfao
Hazama, Yoshida, Muramatsu, and Terasaka are already besties, we know this. They’re probably totally used to working together.
Enter Kanzaki. A newcomer.
Lmao I don’t think she’d be totally friendly at first. I think she’d be polite but distant, and barely speak up unless they were discussing.
Sgsjhakdj who thought putting the squad together was gonna lead to productivity, they’re probably gonna create so much chaos lmao
Something definitely explodes at least once.
They’re dealing with an acidic chemical and literally the whole class manages to not get burned, except for Terasaka. 
Yoshida voice: “dude you had ONE job”
After a couple classes, Kanzaki breaks out of her shell more and more, and she gets pretty chill with them.
She’s closest with Hazama, and they like to roast the boys at times. Also have random literature discussions that drive Terasaka crazy. “Can y’all not? Like this is literally physics class?”
The squad teasing Yoshida about his crush on Kanzaki whenever he blushes or stutters talking to her
Idk why but I really like the idea of a Kanzaki and Muramatsu friendship
5. Hayami, Okuda, Karma, Chiba, Okajima
My bestie Nao made a post on them before which I love
And yeah...I don’t have much to add lol.
Chiba and Karma definitely join forces to insult Okajima at some point
Okajima kind of constantly digs himself into a grave with stupid comments. He almost dies after pointing out how Karma and Hayami act like cats
Okuda doesn’t have to carry the group that much since they’re all fairly smart for the most part. But if you want verified answers, then yeah definitely check in with her
6. Sugino, Fuwa, Hara, Sugaya, Itona
I think this is a really cute and funny group
Sorry, couldn’t resist adding Itona mainly because Hara is in it, and I would love their interactions in a schoolwork-group setting
Tbh?? None of them are very sciency lmao, so they’re that one group you always see in irl class that are very lost. And they’re super vocal about how confused they are adjkhjda
Sugaya, yelling across the room: “Can someone help us? Please?”
Hara takes the reins as leader but more in like a “getting everyone organized and harmonious” way
Sugino takes the charge in the actual lesson work and lab stuff, but he really shouldn’t lmao. I love the boy, he’s a talented genius in so many ways, but he leads them to chaos
Fuwa surprisingly isn’t as vocal in these groups as she usually is. In fact, it’s a little concerning how quiet she- WAIT FUWA ARE YOU REALLY WRITING FANFICTION IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR LAB
Itona, as usual, is around to make blunt and sarcastic comments that are in no way helpful. If you voice this to him, he will insult your intelligence even more while still looking adorable
He especially comes at Sugino and Sugaya, who feel very attacked. Like?? WHAT DID I DO TO YOU ITONA?
I feel like...while the group descends into confused chaos, Itona just watches with blunt criticisms. Then in the very last seven minutes of class, he takes over and finishes the assignment with 100% accuracy
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