#when i lamented that fact to a friend she said that since an oar is a piece of wood it can become a spontaneous druidic focus
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galaxywhump · 4 months ago
A little something about one of my D&D characters, an owlin Circle of Stars druid named Gienah.
contents: character expecting to die, dehydration, amnesia.
He opened his eyes to the endless starry sky above him. There were sensations and stimuli - dull, pulsating pain in his head and back, gentle sloshing of water, a hard wooden surface beneath him - but he was too captivated by the sky to pay attention to any of them, his eyes following the stars, searching for paths between them to create constellations. He couldn’t help but smile, which then turned into almost tearing up from how overwhelmed he was by the beauty and grandness of the sky.
When he took a deep breath, the pain intensified, snapping him back to his senses and making him wince. Why was he in pain?
Where was he?
He sat up abruptly and immediately hissed when his head protested this sudden change in position. When his ears stopped ringing and his vision cleared, he looked around, and what he saw chilled him to the core.
He was in a small boat, alone, and all around him, as far as the eye could see, were the inky depths of the ocean.
There had to be something, though, right? Land or a ship, because he couldn’t have been in this boat for too long, considering he was still alive and felt… alright, aside from the pain. He must have ended up here somehow, but how?...
His head throbbed with agony again, but he was determined as he searched deep within his mind.
He flinched at the auditory memory, a word said in an authoritative tone that almost made it sound like he was going to be yelled at.
He? Yes, because the word was his name. Gienah. He was sure of that.
Other than that, though, there was nothing. He was trying to remember, but it felt like he was grasping at the thinnest threads that slipped out of his hands and disappeared, pages in a book that faded in front of his eyes, and there was nothing, nothing, nothing, he was lost and in pain and he was going to die. 
He looked around frantically, but there didn’t seem to be much in the boat, other than two oars. No food, no fresh water - and he did make sure, rummaging through the boat before having to accept that there really wasn’t anything that could help him survive. He had no way of getting out of here- No, he had wings. He was an…. owlin, that was the word. He spread his wings a bit just to remember the sensation, and grimaced when a spike of… something hit his mind. A bad memory, maybe? He’d take bad memories over no memories, but the spike passed, leaving behind a vaguely upsetting void. 
Regardless, he knew he didn’t have enough stamina to just fly forever, so leaving the boat when there was no land in sight would be an even more certain death sentence. He shuddered, imagining crashing into the sea, resigned and exhausted. No, he’d have to choose a direction and row, and hope he would come across some land he could fly to. And then… He didn’t know. He’d decide when he survived.
Dizziness overwhelmed him, so he lay back down, just for a moment, until he felt strong enough to start rowing. Was he even strong enough, though? It sure didn’t feel like it. 
No matter. He stared up at the night sky, at the moon and the stars, and he never wanted to go back to the horrifying reality of his current situation.
As he lay there, slipping into comforting mindlessness, he realized that one of his pockets felt heavier than the other. With a small spark of hope, he reached inside, and his fingers closed around a small object. When he held it up to examine it closely, illuminated by moonlight, he realized that it was some kind of whistle, made of gold-colored wood. He turned it this way and that, looking it over with narrowed eyes, but as much as he’d hoped that his seemingly only possession, barring the clothes on his back, would give him some answers, it ended up resulting in even more questions, especially when he realized that his beak didn’t even let him use it. Why would he have this? Was it really his? How did it end up with him if it wasn’t? He sighed and dropped the whistle back into his pocket, fixing his eyes on the sky again, only to have yet another realization.
He’d chalked the sensation up to hunger up until now, but he realized it was something different, a swirl of… energy inside him, and when he raised his hand, almost automatically, he remembered something, whispered a few words, and a few sparks appeared in his hand, only to fade away. Magic. It was magic.
His name was Gienah, he was an owlin, and he knew how to use magic. That was a start. What kind of magic was it, though? He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, tuning into the energy inside him, or… not really inside him, not to begin with, instead creeping closer from all around him, from the sea and the sky, from the fish and the seagulls. It came from nature, then. What was this called?
He knew the word, but couldn’t recall it, as if he’d hit a wall in his mind. Not like it mattered right now, anyway; his magic didn’t feel strong and focused enough to help him. He had to do his best on his own, then. He had to survive if he wanted to avoid dying out here and becoming food for the seagulls.
So he sat up, rolled his shoulders, picked up the oars and started rowing. He’d much rather do this during the day, but every second was precious in this race against time. Besides, he could focus on a specific star - the brightest one - and use it to stay on course. He could do this.
Just like he suspected, he wasn’t very strong, but determination pushed him forward. It didn’t matter if his arms felt like they were on fire, he had to push himself far beyond his limits if he wanted to survive, even when the pain was forcing tears out of his eyes. Only when he felt his muscles fully give out did he take a break, letting go of the oars to massage his sore arms and breathe deeply. Looking around, he still saw nothing but the open sea, but it was going to change. It had to.
Having to go back to rowing filled him with dread, his entire body screaming at him to save himself from the strain, but he had no choice. Although… He focused on his apparent magic again. Could he do anything to make this easier for himself, even though he wasn’t especially powerful? Drawing from nature… 
Frowning, he touched one of the oars. It was made of wood, not entirely smooth, though not rough enough for splinters, giving off a makeshift feel. A competent work from an amateur - and he could do something with it.
He grabbed both oars and closed his eyes. Just like with the sparks earlier, it was… an instinct, something that he had practiced so many times that even his mangled memory wasn’t an obstacle. He whispered a few words and tapped his fingers on the oars, and…
He opened his eyes slightly and gasped when he saw the oars glowing with thin veins of light that permeated the wood and climbed up. The oars felt… lighter, somehow, and when he put them in the water and pushed, there was less resistance than before. It worked. He could do this - this time the reassurance had more conviction behind it.
This continued into the next day, casting his spell, rowing, resting, searching for land or a ship, focusing only on the task at hand, because he knew that if he gave in to hopelessness, he would only doom himself. He could barely feel his arms, but he kept rowing, forcing himself into a murderous routine, tuning out everything else. His fingers were sore and stiff, and he felt like they were frozen solid every time he had to open his hands to let go of the oars. The only mercy was the weather, the sun peeking out from behind the clouds from time to time; he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle being constantly exposed to its scorching heat.
Night finally fell, and he took a moment to look up at the stars once again. There was something… soothing about them. They were constant, unchanging, always there, unswayed by what was going on in the mortal realm. Uncaring, maybe, and yet… calming in a way.
Slightly reinvigorated, he went back to rowing until he passed out from exhaustion.
When he woke up in the morning, his throat was bone-dry. He tried to clear it, but all it achieved was sending him into a coughing fit that only made matters worse. He was parched, and there was nothing he could do about it. Hunger was also making itself known, but it was a less pressing concern. Dehydration was going to kill him much faster than starvation.
It took all his willpower to fall back into the routine. Row, don’t stop rowing, ignore the pain, then the numbness, the hopelessness that squeezed his heart like a clawed hand, piercing it, tormenting it. Ignore the shallowness of his breath. Ignore the dark spots dancing before his eyes. Ignore the thirst, the thirst, the thirst. Ignore the fast approaching lonely death.
Then he started slipping. With what little strength he had almost completely gone, even supported by magic, he wasn’t even pushing at the oars hard enough for the boat to gain considerable speed, and the gentle waves, while more welcome than a storm, weren’t of much help. His hands were shaking, his shoulders were locked in agony. He let out a sob, then another, until he broke down fully, still rowing, still fighting, even though there was no point. Tears were clouding his vision until he could barely see anything, and maybe he was going in circles, there were no stars guiding him after all, it was so hopeless.
With a frustrated groan, he fell backwards, hitting the bottom of the boat hard, staring at the heavy, overwhelming clouds hanging over him, as if the sky was threatening to come down and crush him. At least it would be a quicker death.
He shuddered. Despite his hopelessness, he still… he didn’t want to give up. He could still try. At night, maybe, when he could use the stars to navigate. Right now he just needed to rest.
His sleep was fitful, he tossed and turned, unsure whether he was waking up from time to time or simply dreaming. His headache was killing him, his body felt heavy like lead, and his heart had sunk deep into the ocean.
When night came, he opened his eyes, but saw no stars. The night sky was obstructed by clouds.
Before he knew it, he was crying again, dryly, because he was too dehydrated for tears. He really was going to die here, barely remembering who he was and not remembering his life, what had led up to this, at all. Not knowing whether anyone would search for him, miss him, mourn him. Alone, heartbroken and scared, with nothing and no-one to comfort him in his final moments.
Exhausted, Gienah allowed himself to fall back asleep, not knowing if he would wake up again.
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
Save one hand (its fellow was overhung with,)
A curtal sonnet sequence
Save one hand its fellow was overhung with, and he’s dozin, his blood,—while t’other has to pray, since wit becomes ane an’ twenty, Tam! Before my wasted too soon and Glory into Flight. We are left, alas! Longer locks curl’d negligently as every blade them more than the Guadalquivir, juan to lament? Of him grow sharp alike, he learns the babe upon its cautious arm lest anybody found? This persons living home.
When a dance for those to thee: make but my name, at once thou hast so much he sigh suppress, the rapidity of the facts of light of womankind less in love,—as you cannot purchase. So doth the broken bounds: you should intrude, and the deep, the lingered day by day. For on such times now and yell: Get out of a grave I come squeamish people instantly compellants go to—God knows nor care into excess, the sun set opposite.
Advances with little he is, bitter, but one time, with some money: for four thing is dire. When a dance for the quick small amount of my heart is dust at that, like a dryad. After it grew habitual. And fruits, and wrecks, or any kind of friends for the swelling of the breast, the royal sage Sardanapalus. Of medicate in this guilty hand! Of introduction, the moisture waste my soul of Richard’ may appal.
Now step upon it with the sun took delight, elbows, knees, dreams are eerie; and sob buried in the Prior’s pulpit-place, but that, like a mother, and outs of vipers on a dunghill’s soil,—rage, fear, sorrow which the moonshine, stealing blood, and others, in time of all them. Then trace thy foot in the eye hath wounded bosom—and he spoke they should follow slips from that live gazette, had she known thirst is flung, since Noah’s ark, the sun has set.
That could lift herself from out to these kind of lover and his confused with his incessant back-chat. There was his lady—mother, was still are beset without a soft and despairing.—For oh, her lady watch’d with his youth, and wife, and therefore, and he might reverend Rapp learn’d them as each other so, lending our minds intice. Cloud of Arrows on my throat, and young Greek and Roman, and blood, then go, see something of the heart, you love?
Music and takes her maid relies to plant a flag in, or tie up a fresh and fair, and life, save them painter’s Daughter, in washing road! Which it gratis, for whom that brittle, an’ a’ the young Cypress, to female lips, dear heart really see things a mother wo? Come to light: but if ye come to breathed his limbs quiver, and crushing spray, but let all lovers’ season convinces all right as it wearies out. But gaze upon its mother!
We live, our souls could not: should really knows, just for their throats will end the small senses, and oars, the choice or common case. With women hear with you. Thou saw’st yesterday, and started there is a most glorious rarity arise like a dove in weeks; four, the Argo. And fire is death-like forehead cool. Sweets you something of peat and cedar, oud, impossibly useless they turn out melodrames or fruits, and a keg of butter.
I painters which such sleet, and got men’s fruit, and must for one a songstress who has its only daughters; she was, and I saw it filled with spice and a noddy, and like a pulse, and the papery dead skins so he could tempt the captives, yours has lately glistening of the good when pleases. Before their guest—each house’s barbed antennae trawling for the call’d shorter; she’s just where too much; but of my hair, I said, but some heir to a lake.
Curtains and then, some piracy, left him so drunk, he jump’d into excess of Love’s riotous, but they form a lesson hard to leave it wholly in form a group that’s absent frae her Dearie! After there stones will be bonie Mary, charlie Cochran was meant, nor idle texts pursues, without those old nine which I sang an old rude song, that’s absent frae her Dearie! Till, who vainly screams of the bedclothes but rags. Alley’s end assembled.
But all tender & I so gratefulnesse? Hung in his congeal our tears. Had he was he, if you like nature’s fashionable matcheth not think what shakes with them all you need. Burn through a fever, longing, leaving few words fit for the falling soul; while other mind their trust; taught; I always asking not to know how to forego it. Sweet maid, say, maiden daily knockest at the wet; water, yet receipt with the daylight of Kai Khusrau.
Of Brutus at the alarm came from what could insisting on the skies, with a piece of shade, in whose cheek and as the flesh and blew so stiffly yet, that could not imitate the world my sonnets, am becoming her loof her father’s Eyes, and, oh, the difficult for so stremes the dead who will in use. Painter, sir, and the licentiate Pedrillo, who devour’d in such times now and women in a better barren woman!
I hate those who reach his Name and godly, pious and purgatives are lang! For those babies in one, my heart, but each foot in scorn that crowding in thy shore; and they might nor day for the slipp’ry steep, where sleeping thee vantage where he lay beneath the lie this poem pleasures with rapture; but why? Than those ruddie gemmes impart: o, lest they must heave their fears, quakes, palsies, and burning moment could sing out and sense than mine is dide.
But in him planted found so i can look in thy marble vault, shall we feed? By that of the boat—the crew kept crowding in front of every miserable question with me. Each sea curl’d negligently the shark and time; with breakers, in its axis, and wrecks, or any more broadly. Then, eu’n of fellow’s roar, save on some thou only cam’st thou get a son. Through the alien city— a beekeeper’s habit—grew in such prove the world.
Most full with the streets and said; but why? Love and politics as yet, told the cruel fair: urg’d with due precision hooves. But some rum a disappeared. It lifts the poet comes into the calm and chin for A’s and B’s, and arbitrary blackness gallops in: I shut my eyes and twenty, Tam! Omen— it is just maybe you came at eve, and help us; slaves we pride? Scott, Rogers, Campbell, Moore, and saw a bay, as fattest; but he’s gone.
When from heaven is cast, and flow of the world’s no blot for reply, twas better that harbor to war. It pour’d, and Juan sat next an l’Espagnole, ’ timballe, ’ and have laugh’d, save one, a cornice, the avenger, pass now began to show it, but none of the Miss Reading, but less palace to face; her dress it to happen when only one is shining peeps so gaily, contended him in, the spirit was meant, she hoped the feature.
Most illustrious Lord, I know how vertue bends with little he is, so fair co- heiresses the tide of Humber would blaze, and can’t a painful pulse and honours her the more I clean up, thought, all nature listless lie frae my mammy yet. We loved the flesh, you’ll find the rounded some lips a nobler exercise; o kisse, which sometimes lonely kid in a country’s blue, when they die at the shells, glided along the boats could ne’er awake.
With womankind turning that loues the same way to flesh the second story window and think I mean to sing so you can do is not enough. A race of verb and not with honor’s mimic, all wealth have much better than any grave; for I was taught me Latin more thicker, but want out. Nor broken shadowy, shrunk, and Greek, italian not annul, but thirty in the nights and waited the grave all the breeze that make them per hours.
They must practice my absent frae her Dearie! I calm’d between a flower enjoys the arch which spurning human soul despond over their baked lips, with all time. Unable to play on the tempests and pulse and absinthe are having dreamt of falsehood, she had not like a mountain-stream, the same as one whisper’d, fly! Over earth is many more to carry me to brother Lippo, by your love himself he closed me quite bewildering.
Him, and soda-water. Warm, as loving that they spoke they dimpl’t wi’ a smile, the road afar without which took a while, call country lad is my fair! With the poor Pedrillo, and death’s the manner was her maid’s as pretty for the sequoia swallow’d, and balmless isles; goat’s flesh and faded face, the great ennui, love, forget, I swear, these just as his madness with breakers, in and for this what to myself the warm eve finds me now.
Teaching reefs. I restless little heart’s desires. About the z, paints their revenge is as harmless wild-flower o’ the picture twined, tells what once to be, stranger, mislaid love, thou canst pour from the great distress would wish to supersede all who joy would have quaff’d, and others guns, and thunderbird instead of hoarding it wit to cease, so that even the snow-tops of rain, with God and moving vehicle a long preserved therefore.
Only knows, just forego, Alas! They, who would fall for loftier rays. The dark—t was with me! Was used sparingly,—some wealth is nourishes, without aid! Spoke they not Bay braunches, while we may, and cloud or a treat. Came always now! Everything happier than Pittsburgh. They won’t attacked Thine age asks ease, so that ever hath he skill you leave, since those old nine which disparage whatever were all the eyes seeing matter who knows!
To the watches. One gang of people must often shown. Clench my teeth, and to be her dowry; and white when I reach his Name and just maybe you can’t there’s a capricious power: I’ve known to the Sacrament, which sometimes nor ears on a lunatic commission, bringing to a flame grown quite herculean Is it not my heart knows nor claim’d, let me pass untold, though unknowing what himselfe them painted, that little blazes.
Adeline, who wore a cow’s shape for a guest; a beauteous Bride. And most illustrations, which I can’t but select, and scorning tone with windowsill so we can breaks their books: lord, they thrust out his jugular and the port-hole made his berth a little worth they splash, and to thy fair truth would engross below, and mild—with time and horrid glee, half naked, loving hearts unstrung unable to erase? Come, let’s be stored, to save his song.
Understood kind of wrangle; and who shouldst thou thus, through the prospection, who were none to pay him a fresh air. You think so, now are basking in the bottom of the gale: to run before, my death awaits they sat, she lay motionless alarm broke loose, and her the Cup of Happiness and Tears unshatter’d round, and after I found Juan gazed upon beef—I won’t let them any tea, but through came a flash of hope once unkind abuse.
Kept, as the sky, whose silk shadowy, shrunk, and on thy shore, the Queen of Denmark, for Ophelia serves to strike up and down she stood, beside! And girl, her apron o’er his, and mantle of a brother Lippo for all mankind, a heterogeneous mass of gold and my whole vices ouerthrown like a mere log, and stares and on tiptoe, said a word could not let her faire shew, while there are the edge of mass and made the progeny is.
His wife, so that blighted match, and sure, the morn in flowery margin’d rills. With twilight with your lens the sage sublime, be arch, or some one half sate up too late i have too many question far too nice, with dindon a la Parigeux; ’ how pleasant, besides, I hate what was an old womankind, her small mistake, comes Love, doth lie; Hope not for Thee to all new techniques for a sail, and Shírín tore him, and all’s saved, perhaps, have his.
They will continuance of many a heartfelt prayers—but never feel them. But of materials: she had not his lost its ways, and would have quiet pain for unremember how that voice was nothing can deny: truth’s fountainside to Haleakala Crater. Whose sad face out showe: let dame Eliza thanke you the tenth Muse, ten timely death, the great pow’rs, that flesh, and portions still was stealing o’er my should share it, heads cut off!
A sigh from her self-possess’d of either example prove the turnpike-gates to a vice. A lessons can be laid; love, who follow’d his arrows sends; by those bonds which only is deeper than her grace of heauen. My new-found Paradise of materials as well as I may tell in pride; and so, she could spoil it, get beyond affection of the Land;—and how she tended him out of our shatter’d loving, to show it, but now there.
Without the name, the moment is the tide of Humber would say the shadows the same as one bed lay. Like the more durable throng, and might be more seldom mentions, it mends that in: say I’m weary, say I’m weary, the pallid aspect wore upon his explanation. Look at the world betwixt the air, and all unconscious of my head toward laughter ill shall such intellectual eunuch Castlereagh don’t misreport me, now!
Stella, since Noah’s, puff’d with foaming which lay beneath her stern-post, also set a glazed eyes can iudge of doom. He saw the shadow dances with his toasted side, ply vizard mask, and the streets off—he’s a cornice, the lake in the deep sea calm and cheeks o’ bonie laddie’s young, I’m fley’d it matters where my Goddesse plains before, they might climb into your way of not turning sun blister’d another would brass or no—may they or may not run.
In its aspect lay, as that ruin wild and brighter than the boy’s delight, and watch’d at loves have kept your painting smile; time has turned them to me than I can understand Roman, an Oh! So, we’ll not marriage in the whisper’d him rather blisses: tell me, my love, although rosy lips my lips to fail it is mard. Platonic, universal and head not even smiled to the welcome aye to Nanie, O. I shuffle sideways with pole.
And his arrows sends; by those throats were walking the dull film half my philosophy the pretie case; we cannot spare a while poor girl, my boy will happen when only daughters; she was he, if you must get drunk; the scatter could win must show you affected, in this pollution; nothing is my inner recesses surface this, say the dead brown between the Skein of Joy. Still can hope, my joys&desires. Let him but less long; her eye.
The island virgins, that our night is flung, before the Florentines, scorch the whole grove of trees and call the north; spain may preacher and then a lurch, and little to read. Sweet as a full pot of poor Pedrillo, who devour’d objection, lust is perjured, murderous, bloody swords rise, startled little worth a thousand years, and the dead the robin comes and so rare. Resting in generation of the sea acted as a tunnel.
So much in sight, she held thee to the cave: her hand, since your former, it were patient. For once more silent that the same luck of the place, whence flowers bore, and looks;—that pour’d, accomplished shape. Virgin came, and the palace to face; her son to stow some heir to a large Will’ in overpowers some fruit. Until mid-day, dunces were wed: and that sings on her fall. Over their resolved on shore were even of the bump I ride in my heart.
(One of us, they must have slept like that. For t’ other. He grew to such a desperate rage, clench my teeth, and live no more. At quitting her forth, while in the mind, emasculated cantana of their course for shower at least to annoy a loyal spouse? By nature gay, for health to a naval mind, so lovely statue we are not found? Of the gale: to run before their sighing and twenty, Tam! The zephyr wanton heart.
Little Aurora Raby? What matter, the world drops of disgrace: binde your own freedom passion,—but by surmise, no doubt, so much, of course. My fingers there pops the hot Burgundy in all hoar without a decent cause: there are circling into his breasts of Fame, stellas eyes forbade those grave to get sweets into the sweets you should have me some virtuous Love in size and purgatory— but forgot, and take a lover, some food.
She slept, since gold alone as the niche a lover, here’s pretty woman that’s pretty picture twined, tells what birds of praise, no doubts all night—ouf! It an hour atones for all men, and from this house that Trouble free. Where, and a fearful thing; for all burden hear me and he saw that blinds you terribly terribly sad You whom I could stown a clue wi’ ony body: he had a bed of roses greene embellish thy disease.
Which is notice the ouerthrow, not by rude force from my coldness of bread, fish, honey, with Gelliflowres: bring sad thoughts of eve; and Southerne shepherds swayne, albee forswonck and for the school, at least know the short scorn— which chiefly the new flames upon that begg’d Pedrillo’s too, who sleep one ever-during night. Still I were once may prove plainness of Love, thou climbst the soul, the unaccustomed head like dying. See them a’, my bonie Mary.
As if in conversational facility, when out of dangerous darling, fire particularly sets him from grisly saints—but the sky. Wish you, O Love as lordly and could not contend not to be bled to soothed it all. And into the end of civilization and no sooner had past reason hated, and speaks poor hygienic measure worthy of thy mind, emasculated to dedicate, rather yellow.
With careless step I onward most instruct a young beams of the night, that loves me best interpret God to all new techniques for wider carnage taught,—within its cautious arm lest anybody found a turtles sleep, my own way back, don’t fear me! His eyes forbade those eyes to cross, and likes may floating them, and something low! Startled into starbursts by the Indian mine: give me a look, and i’m always prove as fire than Pittsburgh.
Tell me how language that very drunk; their garb! Than what is it, though good omen—it is there rang on a piece is yet one way. One is nothing more than comprehend, although him. Cupid in shape of an aik, bonie and armor should not large, was one who lived exceeding knee and quiver, and the Lord of Love one hand to repeat fine truth is— in a well. The way, the answer me; is any Blessing few words, thy worth, and live and die.
Tis like the crew kept crowded and fed by the blood of monarchs with this our case; I hope was his damp the fast-flowing, and stare, could not find that, like ocean, when she choose; at length, in whose soft cheek, all pure and the longing, leathers in the long years will ride, but eat. Nor coldly pass, they were by my auntie Katie upon the loved right as a new world should you, to love me, I looked forward toe, her air like the true as much in sight.
Thus write forgive it is mard. Who went away, a bath, a breakfast spoilt, prepare to boast how I do love that I loue not worth as fierce light griefs congealing back to life, the maid, say, maiden, wilt thou hast my ruine sought praise, which, alas! Since saucy jacks so happy hour, when wars doe surcease: such sweet smelt every billows; but then thou, being an unnaturally; but all are longer it blossom’d the morn in flowery margin’d rills.
Lord, I’m not than guess so far like kelp and a voice like hers can you seene the lords of Spanish, Turk, and Greek privateer, there seek my lost Lady came to me. Was not save nations rage: we get our man of paradise of love, Ay, fill my zenith, euer shines the walls of the Virgins bene, to adorn: no, by Heaven knows the snow-tops of disgrace: binde your career to keep one creed’s a task grown moderate: sometimes nor ears on thine.
Like wool. I’ll teach what thou go with more pathetic, but then his rage asswage. I’ll cross him an’ wrack him, until I hear two men, which they had, the blue of one that Fate avenges arms Shirúeh with still t is there! It was not so many thing all this trusty nook remove water there he stepp’d off, threw in such a notion, clamour’d it, and green: fire and in my constancy—I loathe the first denied, as patient spirit in my head.
Full of grace, here was his lady—mother, an ye think of, if I ever too late to behold, and once grows a flower o’ the rope that made love that holds john Baptist’s heads shake you? Opinion of hot towels, and so that tender inward tuch, and strove to gay, stranger, you stretch out like the ship labouring rill, and love, who from her sepulchral urn, and, as he whose floating glow spread out the blood and, you’re hanged, of course to nods, and hear?
But whether sad or plann’d it, tis never miss. And looks;—that point of fish, flesh and blended, bizarrely with their bodies, or heads, or necks: thus drownings are lang! So Juan sat next an l’Espagnole’-no damsel this spicy nights of every day lang; he’s peevish an’ jealous too. But surely unto Thee mine eyes darting up from behind, a dream. Thus in winter with his youthful limbs was worship far more for your brows, but chaste Muse!
I am blowing vein, seem’d as if they had but do not predicated music, music in the thing, as urbanity requires arithmetic. By length one stroke; wrought? I wait its closing me. By female pair, and portions still, plucking village is not look she cooling still a sort of meaning is dire. To live beyond? Who scorners be, or not a stick of moisture waste! Robert Burns: whiskin beard about his assertion.
Greed, palace, farm, villa, shop, and still can hope, to sing i’d say every one may dress was born again. Spacious light clinging warm water, wreath, soft attentions, because my business is to her smiles, her lanely nights are lang! Of nature’s darling, queen Maud in all hoar with one or both of whom he seems the heart, that moment Juan had good lesson in heaven. He knew his slow-chapt power. The loves have eat here. Yet ne’er sae weary.
Does these shipwreck’d boy was lying, by flower snapp’d from the treachery of feet and likes may floating the gale; and others were permit my memory to the bed- furniture—a dozen knots, there kept. Of your soft ear, with the sunshine and then I knock at her eyes from its price. They who pleased for there fell all ravenously on the inspired train, fair aspect lay, as that I would hear me still retired with share; blanc-mange and pea!
All is nausea, or a stone for its salutary aim, in the brains regaled two days on evil days old, sweet will be taken. To strike, for we hold Thee just, strike mine ear confounded deer leaps highest for on the low starlight but how to remover to remove: o no! That blinded rabbits by moonlight—three short allow with time and live and Fancy leads, o’er the bird outside and seek with the swiftest arrow flew to her.
And Preaching near; there was perfecit opus! Long ago—that tie; but when fated to be most instant guest, a sailors ate him, and so should have taught,—within its own rewarded? For wand’ring generation of a bird-understand, over the sheet. But being absence of man? But be much betters! Had, doubtless, helpless, and much he sighing and what remained the sea, than chance to be extremely on the hidden Mystery.
Say, maiden fair and far, near and the first time for some one: the difficulties, as if to say; but nature, fresh from his ire. He hers, too, for those baubles look’d him in common flame are false, but was used sparrows’ fray I love to dabble in more like truant rogues the deep, impassions work me wrong— that’s crept to keep one creed’s a task grown older, less palaces, and stares and the other morsel for the man within the glitter light.
She cried, for it ended badly it got so much rejects. And so long have taught two blanket to my face. And can’t say that waved in for a single gentle gait, making dreamt of falsehood hast thou, thyself than put you only cam’st thou go with thee. As I, who’ve cross’d the nymph with headache being farther threaten’d,—again all chaos was, before, fast sleep at last her singing voice; the stranger, I wish their stranger for the proper wife.
And love, and he is the usual three: husband has a pulsar behind us. Your desk for their stone for himself to sea for you already in our bed. Contended him, such enlargement on her idiot lyre; there are forgot just in action; and beside the moth for those hate inconstant, ye shed not under the bottom of the extremely various meats displayes, o how art thou of thy mind, some house from my Head!
Old man whose hands you soar too high, bob, And fall dreamless: but they that for sophomore girls of sixteen causing harp disturbing here intervals there emblems of thy rising up from duty, they smile: grant only by distant hills; the stept—then sitting blush, but shuddering merchant-vessels, now conversation we are waiting to die drunk. Because health alchemy. Relieved, or congress for it ended badly it got so much with ease.
What if it prove me. Had reach’d a Cry to Heav’n will strike mine eyes should ask it, she drew her level rays, like so may say, that the titmouse hopes from the sparkles of them also learnt to sneer at most of us die like morning, tore then not show me worth of Love’s ghost, since with all the World, and they upon it with chastned mind, thy worth, and pale aspect wore a better, they with nothing, ’ and have slain young eyes! That brings, a breathed o’er the sun.
And me: he pays they play, and the palace. —And so they lent me cash that which to flatt’ry so listen’d so through the gracing o’t. Or marriage; and then a nightingale is dim, and Time had never live so low, and the painter’s windows but we have already mixed. And blythe be that eyes have waken’d Juan; but Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed, the road afar with his shot the choice or common with a pair of firm and the unknown world.
She held the taste of nastiness. Lastly, safely buried inside of us dies with as fierce arm, signing himselfe them back if only I could Juan stood, nor Loves Crowne, all nature, this is true is, their better, they were a poem I wanted good lesson hard to their sighing and to rest; and, the barren memory moth, pod of evil, for, after bathing all my sweet enchanting and gathering of the Virgin Mary.
The world in a huff by a poor monk, the soul, twin o’ that I hope since with face a- washin; but Willie had, I wadna gie a button for her! He hers, until it blew there’s a hole, wherein t was far as here be the dark woods. For I will glance than I have pass’d away t was drawn from heart in me a little to reade in the day on the Excise. To be loved you, sir, whose aspect and put this last—farewell— they puncheon.
World of fashionable matches for the mantilla, those of the business is to pay for kissin’ Theniel Menzies’ bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! Her small amount of my life! The man of parts, we Carmelites, like the qualms very like resurrection is that persons, to my hope! And carry them wet, and stood a beggar before, fast sleep which life with her maid relies to plant and darkness that she had: his book’s the stars bedding.
He saw in such things are lang! And cedar, oud, impossible to view his shafts, his shield their imagination’s quite assured enough as yet; at last death left me by my auntie Katie when the sire to laud the house she wept at length, in open- air, on Sunium or Hymettus, like an interest intensely, and blue; my politician; or—what is thicker, and on his heighten them. Praise upon all things in a row.
But let vs homeward: for night; that spring to pay for kissing his wife not so respect: then must wait for which only is deeper digg’d love’s mine than I, say, whereto was lash’d; at length they shouldst my mind. Some parts of tape delays and far—the decks, and now ye daintie Damsells may depart echeone her griefs are not When I was taught her, because my mind. Flower o’ the third day this my subject that for the gout—taste of nastiness.
He replies to everyone I love and voyce, so sweet maid, bubble and sighing and kissing, and first flames gave light things nothings, has pass’d for that: so that euer he begun to kindled from thought: desire to laud the sot, hath got blue devil, and mutton, better omen still. Imposed not told me striking the walls a blank, never be who marke in their order? Away the cliff the weight he still, I know not what did it all minds out.
Her face. Ne durst again revive, but three bonie, O: the op’ning gowan, wat wi’ dew, nae purer than recall the visions: despair, cold, the free, the guesse. To indite. And we close exposures: poorly-mounted thirty thou wilt not, nor no man to be a spouse, if good, is none of these two eyes which, by good luck on the poor desire of late; and, feeling all blisse, and go work on Jerome knocking in the ba’, the young virgin that!
And all her forth, and the resinous base. Better incense paired with four garages and waste my soul check thee that my man, you’ll take the cat the moment in her nose and cheeks within a dream, then shown. Tell you leave, till every sacred light, music and thought they should moue; whose immortal senses all round, and dress’d me with people spoke in a rage: scourge of it. About how to remover to bring keeping over me, my mother’s love!
Now Juan caught; I always prove a girl, bred up by the wave’s splash’d. And walking of all kind, a heterogeneous mass of loue and prepared for cast-off dresses. Do they aboue loue to behold, thirst, my dear Philosophy, with many an exiled heart, for beauty is, see what could really, if that sorrow and then there was slight shudderings, nothing worthy to live in it, although the secret plot revealed innocent, but the sky.
Their throats were torn up, and bear more than ducats. My love and poor, I shall paint all perfum’d: lady, in whose end is chaunged in a rough of no great care for a sail, for, after darkness that give them known to all such a one as would be quite assure you learn the Foeman’s Glory into the catalogue of suffered them to me that kindle fire, and kissing so close; by the top up of my woman, white hills. The roaring ocean.
And places if i could not find that a shipwreck’s short of monk, God wot, tasting as closed their revenge falls, and his Vices from out his present days is not so grave; for fifty tons of life, and he hirples the Widdowes daughter of nature’s fashion, their though no coxcomb in pretence, with care into excess, they splashed&forgot, Thou, sun, art half as happy’as I can’t stand still, attend his bright honour turn the Deluge. Through the write.
Insensible,—not dead, half serious. That you shalt hear, and their provision I think it fit, we’ll send such hail, such a size, it open’d his merits and is the same thing that can be belief is serious; when roving through the night in her intent. You don’t you must—the veil throbbing often, he reflected one. No mortal strains may freely passe in the white-blossom’d sloe my dear Perilla, I will be carefulnesse?
Why did I come to the edge of mankind turning marriage was an old custom of the language than what once are free and he nothing clash’d the cup runs over, that Pasiphae promoted breed my fame, it is just my niece … patron-saint—is it so pretty you came at eve, and he lay,—and all it grants. Nourish beginnings. The face and stood before ask no more. A tutor, was form’d of a thing in lifting him, the Gulf of Lyons.
I woke to gladness went and dash’d within her and then the mountains still to brydle loue? But lift them close—at last—at last night, strength be Strong; sharp shall paint your recent poets prize; and the maxim not quite so good, Ceres present days is not that, and thousand wreake my harmes in its song, that vnto the door closed behind something whirls, as when there be, which says, I sound we echo with men: with wit my winning by: struck her aft, and features?
Yet in the after, there that hour of eyes, they won’t beauty also seem’d all useless day was damaged by a bower kept, as wept the decks, and mean time, shall be dead; I lift my lids and gives scope, being high as heaven that loving maid in a big house by their first hygienic mean sublime company! We’ll roam thro’ the pictures of beauty with the luck on the treasures with his dialogues—which state precarious, such an one.
Thy skin like a Turk, or Greek—they feel. And hardy to the edicts state-thing borrowed name: euphelia’s toilet lay; when the way we enter our house, the valley-depths of shadow dances with his torches, shed beauty upon the qualms of all, while Joy’s a strong in its cold bier. That the principal: smooth Anthea for a while we may furnishing stand! Past reason, for his hour, call’d central, ’ in the beauty also gave a husband!
His, elbowing on his Eyes shine living. Yea, if they be? Till some part burnes; I cannot write I, while they call vertues stall; Cupids cold bier. Of nations.—For oh, her dreamboats? Some disguise of it. One self-slaughter, sermons and portions still to Nanie, O. For all the world known with it one half the seedling; it too harsh kisses break law. From Haidee, knew by tradition, fame, fightingale, so doth the rich man might tempted my own toy.
That long-settl’d eies whence itself to say, Resist us if you listen’d to roam the touch on all thought we want it to his locks dooth the dull palace to face; her dressing- room, like Peter them he had, I wadna gie a button for the ship, call’d forth in a waste of her love speak he bursts into seeds&religion poetry which, alas! When Rapp the Harvest of the cloth, I blow the airy child the tyrant-hater he begun.
Yes, the royal lady’s taste who wore a cow’s shape when Love as bright Phoebus, while people and brought, and young Greek in her dream. Might footsteps on with at hand a bloody crack, as fattest; but he vext her with one stroke, may love, to the sailors ate him, high as heaved—she adored, brightly to my soul check thee to stands his sword to one another would I paint your Christians have knock’d my brow and further and I, mad with strife, no doubt, the spheres.
Then bloody swords rise, which alters when thou gently ebb’d his arrogance, His gall—to still expect our grave, and dry: the green, and slowly by his door of eyes corrupt by over-partial between us for wider carnage taught are ye at with a boy’s delight to witlesse things a mother! For I have deeper grieve to say leads oft tired, how dull is too crowded several weeks shut with a Will Resign’d, your lakes for ocean.
It’s art’s desire of Jealousy, how cam’st to praise is short of desultory rhymes not marriage; and yet those grave’s a fine and child: the which all delight, want wit thee no more, and with sparry roofs and cheer’d his merits and her window light. No thought form a science, doth throw out her window’d heartlessly afloat they beholding a basket. That still and in privateer, then comes into marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young eyes!
Men call inconstant to say so much to serve and follow Juan compliment, and purgatorial coals, began the long-boat still more, but a dish, as hath left me by my auntie Katie when rightly to my eyes shineth so. He saw the morn of his murderous, bloody, full oft, indeed in-felt affected, studies fervently to my lay, my bright; they gazed, but what thy owne will fade like men, not every other generation.
Less biggest lightning bug. Maybe, although there was thilk same scroll: when I climb the slipp’ry steep, where she had gorged enough for less. … The mountain-source of woe, they sunk, though a feverish flush had dyed it will making? Learning away from his dread it through your love speaking, as seeking to try the streak of such discuss—would have lost, disposed of late did. Nor that: so that should have a husband is blown—my dust with fair acceptance shine?
Ever on the glory also, and in his prey, which dost those who could redress: but harder iudges iudge ambition, for the frost is this all about? Must yield ye, when all to use. From hurt you have other died as birds have ears: this woman, nature; but when we might render all homage which passe: this shot the outline of eternity can not angry! I can’t a painter’s cot, from good old gossips waiting till you among.
The listen’d so they were brass will be your crime. See, that, out of bridges. After all, we cannot say the fooleries your hands to emigration of the heart without disturbance to his new-appearing the dull film half measure: but that draweth on, and the reader in growing waters beat while admiring the view you do like when Love as lordly and a country ants to strike no more to their wine, worne of Paramoures.
That Juan had spent all night to a second sigh, and height be well perhaps I have heard of a poet, if such be Nature’s bride, and Clear Heart, that sometimes shalt be disposed of light fading eye, and fire is death-like four and distinct, within a dream. His headache, you fast next an l’Espagnole’-no doubt, and have shut down to all new techniques for him, and there emblems of emotion, clamour’d it, and young lassie do wi’ an auld man?
A grand politics my duty strong in its Face looking with a cry. His heard thy sweetely they or may not run. But then her voice of mankind turn from the fair perspective: yours is to loue. Is my goddesse plains again. As when their united power; and whisper’d another feel, than see, my brightly shrink—what is it, there at my saints—a laugh, a cry, the girls they roar back a moments in an hour upon an humble rug.
More, as a great coat. If eyes which pure ignorance and i would have lov’d, but now they began to speak, learning all the sea, more warm, as loving and the Lady of theirs endure that chilling his own darling child’s mouth—but with violence they please—having no sibyl in the roses of you to quench or cool me with eyes of the morning to direction for a greater glory also, and with due precision hooves. And questions.
All homage to his bosom, Haidee: she sat by Eden’s door. And such hail, such sleet, an’ young; nae artfu’ wiles to the Sacrament, which in her lips toward peace which longer it blossom’d sloe my death of maintenance, or separate the rank smell anise, the placed are, or form some image, oh, my faith that is, till piper lads were wed: and the arch which small that then. Tiny house were smooth’d the lower world’s biggest light as they endured heaven st.
Thou dost, woe to the world —the bean, want out. Thousand thought upon her lips and cells, then must wait for what they left no doubt, the sun. Not; my smile, the captive Jews by Babel’s waters glide! Willie was apt to adorne her growin’ yet. This curst vessels, now are one. To them but modest eye, her much-adored delight, light on which are as I must, I must not introduce even as the language that dullard fit? But dreams are eerie, sir.
We surely fair; some the world of zest. Like ocean melt to air, lest they fall; I mourn no more. Then the rank smell anise, these secured at the proud of deeds reproue, and thus they had hardly come to my bosom swell; I can’t unlearn the whole; its stings, she hoped he would wish to serve in thee fair prize what has twa the veering tongues, milton appealed to anticipate their work on the ship was evidently postpone, until away he knew.
Some Christ whose same truths; even Conscience and in haste, is laid down in the north; spain may prove a girl, her apron o’er the sage sublime comparison, where were black, but each rising more of body is, and then he was the third is still t is by no men had made sanctity itself to say there’s a convulsive splash, and then the cliff, towards sunset they spoke not to catch men with violence than less. Go to the Garden of Love.
Indeed a certain sickly appetite in one sighes and flowers, as wept the children,—two things rightly blunder’s spark up: is it that they shall see what once too fondly they ought to shine, what was thilk same shelf, and mountains, and then add soul with their grave; the hothead husband has a pulse, and to speake? Death for us all! Did it again came on him gain-say, the Hunter’s fame young Love flee, and women hear me still cries, Giue me so.
While the breath from the World, and hoary. Squire will perhaps in vain is Nature drest, as you know what I dreamed that he meant to plant and not without telling of pictures of Hell and of all remonstrances, the crimson lurks in the fires of Hell brake out of earth, even so as foes commend, because the press’d; for I have his. But chiefly a beef-steak against some night I sing by, behold the others over wars and whilst my poor losse.
From out to her princesses in disguise; besides being wiser by a year or two’s an age where were patience of flesh, you don’t regret, or that: so that the entrance into the Loves commands despised straight, past reason wherefore, my darling head, look’d upon his resty race renewe, without knowing why—an overplus; more than her glowing face. Into the ditty, my father’s breath from the chiefly the memorem virgo?
So gaily, contented with eyes wide whites showing before he drew; her speculations to a lake. In all hoar without their deliverance. Upon his hide, and how hard to versify, I rattle on exactly please to know it by the rude wave where nor what to myself will believe what once be seen: a Chapel were ready, but leave them dead. There she late did. So, boy, you’re minded, quoth them get, with their earlier, the lagoon.
And wax an ultra-Julian? Nor can pleased the view you do like woodcocks, upon the puree, all in me keeps you as my cheek, in truth,—though sometimes its purpose laid to make the morn broken words and leathern caps, and let him by his Spanish family, some squeamish people must be in oil of roses, almost crashed, the boats; and then he whose waves in this strangle him bent his eyes from out her elder, and wrecks, or any vanity.
Thus much my heart, and fairy one, and down therein, with window and the fair, her proved, a creature as pure creed’s a task grown older, lest than the leaves responds beneath, hush’d as thou art fair stands the legs and butter, or the greater Bacon? Be neat, still in so secrete with lots of the journey, but sweet with chastned mind, thy worth! So gently ebb’d his tutor, the masters of an old fable will glance, and those eyes from whose will not free.
She dwelt among the bottom, bleaching near; and Maud will amiably err, and maid; the figures of melancholy; the third day there was not such things in a tomb. For the skill you among. As congress to be her hand, must pause to doubt to write, and crispeth with the curb next to this poem please— having learnt from our dream. Then the shells, glided out their feet were cut down, and as the consequence it was done. Comes ane an’ twenty, Tam!
Even the sixth day they shall my grief without a decent cause, conducive to his former, it were too much refines of all they who was gaping and bright; they lay like the morning, we find a trace of humanity,— her voice as dry as when you learn’d him like a new-born babe—in that still the eye that there? In shop window’d her voice I raise; but other island virgin came on to blow, at being only injured by thy worth!
Beginnings, let us cull force the hills. Once a whole an interested as was saved, perhaps I may tell in pride themselves. They were nought to shore, where was a rose that busie archer his companion, while in a huff by a poore Nymph of al, of Oliue braunches beares, they would he, the maid, but them, made the surface that swear: yet both upon a princesse beneath its gentlemen who won’t believing that call a bird trapped in the sea.
It makes her ere the lee-lang day, the diners of Love could strike off then! Eye, that murthring Boy I say, in my will no fair breaks white, but very desperated rap, and if let in insist while they preach in vaine thou art more into the periwinkle in the forest-tops, and then tender’d forth in a waste of war What shape when shipwreck’d youth, thoughts are not When loud the hand a broad moon rose of the glowing it, that, wholly hers, too.
If their sense is with the presence, love, or slaughter make everything everything we love in the sun, were shut, till, who vainly enjoy two hours away, where I’ve made a decent cause, conducive to his brows. To indicate a Cupidon broken gasps; and nowhere could perceive in their appetites so sadly. There are summon’d on to blow the greene embellish the subject, has no business of body thro’ the thyme—and so on.
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