#when i get more money soon i might try to get jaemin and jaehyun ones too because those are my boys
just bought golden age big book version 👍
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
Yandere NCT Reaction: Their s/o is secretly more yandere than them
If request are open yandere nct reactions to be being a yandere for them as well? Thank you!
Yandere Nct reaction. Your written for these reactions are really great! I appreciate the effort and thought that goes into them! Could you do a yandere Nct reaction to finding out their s/o was tricking them and was actually more of a yandere than them? Like the s/o was pretending to be shy and innocent just to lure them in.
I’m going to put these two requests together since they were so similar. Hope that is okay.
Warnings: Yandere themes, dark themes, suggestive themes, violent themes, 
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 Taeyong would be stunned when he wakes up to fell the weight of the shock anklet on. The feeling something so foreign for him to be on the receiving end of. In one way he loves it, because if you’re possessive of him it quells some of his fears that you’d go to another man...he could certainly keep you busy after all. That being said though I feel like he’d take it as a challenge. Yandere Taeyong lives for control over you after all, so be prepared to fight for control and constant challening.
“Oh? What is this kitten? You think you’re in charge now. Possessive or not you know better baby. Unless I need to remind you of that.
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Taeil wouldn’t mind you being yandere, not even more than him. He might even try to get your yandere side to make appearances, loving when you got possessive over him. Oh and if you were to get violent … for him, he’d look at you as if you were an angel, ironically. That being said while it might subdue his yandere tendencies to an extent they would still be there.
“Just because I’m not allowed out with you doesn’t mean any men can just talk to you however they see fit. I’ll sneak out and take care of that problem myself if I have to.”
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Johnny like Taeyong will challenge you, but in this case it’s for the purpose of entertainment. He likes seeing how far you’ll go it amuses him. 
“How many times do I have to tell you not to flirt with others?” Your heated words only make Johnny smirk, sipping his drink as he locks eyes with you. The fire in yours not scaring his gaze away even for a moment.
“As many times as it takes for you to learn the same. Or for you to learn what I’ve been telling you that we’re dangerous people Y/N. Dangerous alone...but even more so together. If we stop playing these games.”
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 Yuta would not always have the patience for it, if he feels like your yandere behavior interferes with his desire to protect you and keep you close he’d get frustrated very quickly. Especially if he was trapped at home while you were out somewhere. You’d come back to find him so far beyond pissed.
“Fine. You wanna be like this? Then we’re gonna have to set some rules. Or you’re not going to like what happens.”
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 Kun thinks that if you’re both like this then you should do something to satisfy what you both want. Buy a secluded home somewhere, mostly  self sustaining with only the best security. If you’re still in need of money all work will be done from home. Any trips either of you make out would be very very rare and always accompanied by the other.
“Don’t deny that it sounds good to you baby. No one will be able to take me from you, or you from me.”
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 Doyoung loves it and everything your yandere side does to him. Makes him feel oddly safe and satisfied knowing you’re as wholly dedicated to him as he is to you. Still his yandere is there, he’s just very subtle about it, acting like he can keep secrets from you. Good at sneaking out to do things to people he doesn’t like you around without leaving any evidence and being back when you get back.
“What? No. That’s just a coincidence sweetheart. A nice coincidence. See look. I was here making this lovely dinner just for you.”
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 Ten would find it really sexy, but he’d also take it as a challenge and gets irritated at times. Thinks you should work together instead of trying to hold each other back to try and protect or hide the other away. Might actually show you off to some people in that case, even though he still is very possessive. 
“Sweetheart, don’t try to hide me away. Not when we could bring this whole world to it’s knees. You could show them how a true king/queen rules.”
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 I think he’d be very thrown off at first. Like I don’t think he’d be convinced that you were serious about it. He’d be worried it’s a trap to get him to trust you only to leave. So he’d stay very VERY close to you and try to trap you with questions to see how serious you were.
“So I was thinking, what if we went out to a house in the middle of nowhere. Just us, no phone, no internet, nowhere to escape to. Would you really like that too?”
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 Sicheng would be confused too wondering where this side of you had come from and where the innocent, shy person he needed to protect from the world went. He might get somewhat distant until he figures out what happened and then he’d be back again. I think he’d likely let you take the reigns a lot, maybe not entirely as he still wants to protect you and keep you to yourself.
“Sure we can do what you want, but here’s what you have to do to stay safe. That or you can forget about me going along with this.”
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Jungwoo wouldn’t know who you were or what to do with you. He might be hard to keep a hold of as he might somewhat feel betrayed by your acting like a different person. He would still love you in a way, but he also would feel like he doesn’t know who you are. Very conflicted.
“You aren’t my Y/N...I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
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 Lucas might test you some to see if you’d really follow through on your claims or not, wondering if this was a trick. He’d make it very clear he still will let his yandere side out no matter what you wanted, even if you wanted to try and keep him locked away. Not to challenge you, but because he wants what he wants. Doesn’t care what your punishment for him is as long as he got to follow through.
“No that man touched you, so I’m going to do something about it no matter what you say. You can’t stop me.”
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 Mark would try to make you equals in this situation, appease both of your yandere sides. His might flare up from time to time, but he understands so will that side of you. Still he knows that neither of you can erase that side of yourself either.
“This is who we both are baby and we both love it. So let’s embrace it.”
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Xiaojun might cry at first, but it would be tears of relief. He thought you’d been hiding some part of yourself from him and this was the best thing it could have been in his opinion. He wouldn’t have to worry about you ever leaving.
“Just show me all of you baby, you don’t scare me away. I love you too much for that ever to happen. I’m all yours just as you are all mine.”
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Hendery would be testy and actually laugh when your yandere side kicks in stricter whether it be punishments or just restrictions for him. The stricter you got the stricter he would, not to irritate you or mock you, but to almost size you up. See where each of your boundaries were.
“Oh? That’s the worst you can do? Well what about this love?”
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 Renjun would be pretty out of his element I think. He’d probably back down quite a bit at first purely out of confusion just letting you do your thing as he tried to figure out what was going on. After that he’d stay pretty docile feeling secure knowing you’re so yandere for him alone, but sometimes his yandere side would show up still.
“Sure you can wear that, if I’m there to make sure no one get the wrong idea. If you want me at home though then you’re gonna have to find something else to wear.”
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 I think Jeno would be irritated at first, thinking that you’re mocking him or trying to push the limits. Soon as he knows that this is you being possessive over him though he feels pride swell in his chest every time your yandere appears, especially without prompting from him.
“Yes she did get the wrong idea baby, what are you going to do to show her who I belong to?”
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Haechan would keep a very close eye on you and try to  reason with you instead of letting your yandere sides get too volatile. Not wanting them to both come out and take things to far, not wanting anything to happen that would risk you two being separated somehow.
“Well we could always stick together, that way we can keep our eyes and hands on each other. You know, for reassurance.”
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 I think Jaemin would be super happy at first, let you kind of take over while he backed down. That would only be at first though. Soon he’d realize that while you wanted him home away from the world that might try to steal him away you were still out there in it. What if it tried to steal you from him? He’d get antsy and then his yandere side would likely come out stronger than before.
“I already told you. You aren’t going out and if you try there will be consequences. I’m not just going to sit around anymore.”
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 I think YangYang might try to break your yandere side at first. He wouldn’t be sure it was legit, so he’d try to prove that. His yandere side would come out stronger and if yours told him to do something or threatened punishment he’d push his luck deliberately doing the opposite of what you said to do. After proving it was seriously you though he’d use that to his advantage.
“Yes, I need to talk business with a woman. She’s rather flirtatious too and not afraid of me. Think you can help out with that love?”
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 Chenle would love it and might back off to an extent. He won’t just sit around at home behaving for you though. He’s pretty stuck to you like glue. You might take the lead, but that doesn’t mean he’ll back down about certain things. He’s intent on keeping you safe and with him.
“Allow me angel. You shouldn’t have to be the one getting your hands dirty.”
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I think Jisung would cry too, he’d be so happy. All he ever wanted was for you to love him back and now you’re proving to him that you do. Not only do you love him back, but you have the same type of love for him as he has for you. Much easier to talk down his yandere now, he kinda turns a little mushy. A bit like a lovesick puppy.
“Of course baby, anything that’ll make you happy. Just so long as you’re safe with me and love me.”
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 7 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : cursing and mention of a knife.
words :: 6k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                       “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator @suhweo @exfolitae @minejungwoo 
@kafenetwork​ @neowritingsnet​
K.M masterlist
k.m 6     k.m 8
It was 10 a.m. Not too late! but if someone has a long check list for the day, waking up this late in the morning was obviously not an ideal option. Groaning, you removed the sheets to get ready for a busy Sunday. As much as you didn’t want to tread in that direction, there was only one way out of the room. Keys jingled as you opened the door from inside, mentally thanking Kun for providing you the separate keys for it’d have been impossible to get the little nap that you took after 3a.m.
You were surprised at how door didn’t creak at all when you opened it. Your brows drew together as your eyes darted east and west to find any sign of life but hopefully the door of the other room was closed. You sighed, dragging your feet towards the bathroom.
unconsciously bolting the door, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Eye bags adorned your deep eyes, cheekbones seeming dull and a bit hollow and all of this has happened in just a week. No matter how comforting the bedding was, the panic had already seeped through your bones when you saw that knife in yuta’s hand. With broken resolve of staying away from them, your anxiety had forced to to call taeyong at midnight, hours after fighting with your thoughts.
“Y/n you need to calm down. I told you already there’s nothing to be afraid of!
“How am I supposed to calm down when he literally threatened me with a knife!” your voice came out in loud whisper.
“He’s just finding a way to control you. I know he might have sounded aggressive but he’s not-
“Aggressive? You are defending that asshole!.... but it shouldn’t be a surprise to me. After all he’s your own kind. I can’t put-
“No y/n. you said yourself he looked drunk! and when I’m telling you you are safe th-
“I don’t think there’s anything to believe. I won’t be surprised if this was just a ploy to kill me in some more satisfactory way.” and you had hung up the phone on him.
After the call, you had realised there were flaws in your accusations towards taeyong but you were not in the wrong here and caring for your own life never counts as overreacting!
Finishing the morning routines, you were about to enter your room to get ready for the day but your feet instinctively led you to the living room.
Knife was gone. But the mark it left was a reminder of the alarms that went off in your head hearing yuta’s words.
You shook your head, deciding to stick to your original plan. Live and leave!
your to do list was not lengthy but still time consuming and luckily you won’t return until eight or nine so maybe you won’t face him today.
Tutoring, returning the boxes and some groceries.
You were recalling everything you had to do as your privilege to delay things was already gone a week ago. Being a senior in the same uni, you were the best option for the juniors, who could teach them the tips and tricks of attempting subjective exams and it was filling your bank account so you were not going to complain about teaching on Sunday as well.
The stack of plastic boxes seemed to be teasing you. There was no Johnny or jaemin, so it’d take atleast two rounds to get those downstairs and moreover you had to spend extra money on the taxi as well.
You whined loudly. The load of glitches in your life was not ending at all.
And all for the courtesy of none other than nakamoto yuta.
“I’m back!?” yuta announced his presence in the house in his loud good morning voice. “What’s for breakfast?
“Your favourite!” jungwoo replied cheerfully, tying his shoelaces.
Yuta glanced around finding most of them busy with one task or another but one particular scene going about in the corner of the hallway caught his attention.
“you lost yours! this is mine!” ten was shouting at doyoung, the same so-done-with-everyone look on doyoung’s face and between their hands was a mask that was getting harassed by both of them.
“You haven’t been active since two months, so no chance that this is yours!”
“I just went with you few days ago-
“What the heck are you both jumpy for?” yuta interrupted their bickering. They both stopped instantly, taking in yuta’s appearance. with hair looking like a bird’s nest and clothes all crinkled like he was wearing his sleepwear which he was not!
“Hyung! he is not giving me the mask. Its mine. I can’t go out for mission without it!” doyoung whined pointing at the black face mask aka cover at yuta.
“Since when are you nursing such macho interests doyie?” yuta snickered at doyoung , ten joining as well.
Doyoung gave them a stern look before throwing the mask on ten’s face. “ I’m not going with you anymore” he grumbled before making his way upstairs but stopped midway, pointing towards yuta, “ and I’m telling yong you are here again!” and he ascended upstairs.
“Give him my cover ten.” yuta patted ten’s shoulder but before he could ask or say anything to him, yuta made a beeline for the kitchen.
There in the kitchen, chenle and Kun were already gossiping minus chenle’s screaming, so it was visibly something serious. They both stopped as soon as yuta neared them and he definitely noticed the transition in the mood.
“What you hiding lele?” he asked the boy, settling himself between him and Kun.
Chenle simply giggled in response, his face lighting up yuta’s mood.
“What’s for breakfast?” he curiously asked Kun.
“cereal.” Kun replied.
“What! But jungwoo said it’s my favourite!”
“Yeah. You can definitely have your favourite cereal!” Kun exclaimed, sharing a high touch with chenle who couldn’t stop giggling at yuta’s scrunched nose.
“Don’t you have a mission to attend?”
“Mission? Pfff. why are you calling it that? It’s just a regular deal and why do you smell like...” chenle pretended to sniff yuta before completing his verbal assault. “Like someone poured egg mixture on your head.” kuns eyed widened as he tried his best to control his laughter by pursing his lips.
Chenle let out a high pitched scream as yuta grabbed his neck from behind, chenle’s body squirming under the pressure.
“Don’t you want to live few more years!” yuta playfully warned him, leaving his neck. As soon as he was released, he ran out of the kitchen for his dear life.
“You ain’t being a good father Kun!” Kun shook his head at yuta’s remark and turned towards the coffee machine instead. Yuta on the other side trudged across him to find his cereal box.
“Did jaehyun called you?” Kun asked him.
“He would call me for what now?” yuta backfired pouring the milk into the bowl.
“Taeyong hyung had a message for you but he was a bit busy.”
“Busy my ass. His backyard is always stuck to that ten feet chair. Haven’t you noticed how flat he has become!” he said with mouthful of cereal making Kun chuckle and cough at the same time, the coffee tickling his throat.
“What’s so funny here?” taeyong arrived in the kitchen, his hand poorly covering his yawning.
At the very moment, Kun coughed harder, trying to divert taeyong’s attention. After few more seconds of pretending, he calmed down.
“Done?” yuta asked Kun, smiling at him. Kun frowned at him in response as taeyong watched the exchange amusingly.
Taeyong made his way towards the cabinets to get himself something to eat but yuta circled backwards, blocking him with his long legs, feet now placed at the lower cabinet.
Taeyong glared at him through his hooded eyes. “Go back to your home and let us live in peace!”
“This is my home and I have pledged to not let anyone live in peace, especially you.” yuta replied pointing his spoon at him.
“Not . anymore!” taeyong declared, emphasising each syllable.
“Why are going to the deal in pyjamas? Are you trying to impress someone there? Perhaps li-shan, Taiwanese weapon mogul. But I don’t think you can amaze her without showing your ugly face boss.” yuta jabbed at yong, wiggling his brow at him. But with each word leaving his mouth, he was annoying taeyong more than ever.
“Why not talk about you instead. Let’s explain kun what you did last night hmm!” taeyong brushed his palms together before folding them against his chest. Kun titled him head at his words. He was missing something probably.
“I don’t know what you are talking about yong.” yuta replied calmly but moved his legs to clear taeyong’s path, hoping he would slide away, taking his precious mouth with him.
taeyong that was facing yuta now rotated his body in kun’s direction, addressing him, “our dear yuta welcomed y/n into his life by slamming a knife into the coffee table, telling her to leave the fuck out of his life, all while being under influence of alcohol, which we all know was nothing but a façade.” the composed manner with which taeyong spoke was enough for yuta to break down his frisky mannerisms. He didn’t think you would rant him out to taeyong.
“So she is a whiny baby like our doyoung!”
“This is not what I mean and you know that!” taeyong’s voice rose, staring yuta down with his hands tucked in his pyjama pockets.
“It was a mistake”, yuta tried to explain, threading a hand through his hair, “I was drunk.” he completed quietly.
“Then how did u drive home? Were you drunk and driving?”
“I told you alre-
“Cut it yuta! I’m done hearing your stupid excuses for impulsive actions. Because of you she doubted me! Fucking me! Am I seriously a man of my words or was this all some stupid drama. She thinks I’ve hired you to slaughter her in her sleep! What the fuck, don’t you laugh at me now!” out of nowhere, yuta has started laughing and nobody knew what was so funny to him in the whole conversation.
“I seriously don’t remember anything except the knife part but now I feel like she might have peed her pants yesterday!”
“Bring her here tomorrow and you’ll apologise in front of me!”
Suddenly yuta’s face fell at his order. “No way in hell I’m doing that. And she’s never sitting in my car. ever.” he emphasised, leaving the stool to put dishes in sink.
“Oh wow. Ohkk. Then you are bringing her to the district office tomorrow. For registration. At sharp 9a.m and i don’t need any lame stupid excuses. And she’s sitting in the passenger seat of your car. Or you are apologising to her in front of everyone. A or b. you choose now!” taeyong stated with a flash of authority in his voice. They both eyed each other down as Kun whirled around to leave the negativity. He was done and that too for good.
“I’m going to shower.” yuta announced, rounding the counters to follow Kun but stopped once he reached the door.
“I don’t know what has come over you but I’ve never seen this much hatred in your eyes ever. not for anyone we know. never expected it from you yongie. why it has to be me hmm!”
taeyong’s anger reduced to one of puzzlement as he took in yuta’s word. He raised his hand to stop him but he was gone. Sitting on the stool and resting his head in between his hands, he could sense yuta’s hostility for him. Yuta has always been messing up with his head. That was nothing new. But when did his gamesome disputes got twisted into antagonism, taeyong was unable to find an answer for that. His intentions might not have been bonafide but they were truly far away from the malice yuta was accusing him of. He didn’t hate him. Never had. And never will. But now was not the time to repair their cuts. Because yuta won’t allow him to even try.
“Do you think of all the topics, Mrs. Kang is going to choose double jeopardy?” your junior or student at the moment, asked you in confusion, flipping through the pages of his constitution reference book.
“Yes she would. Definitely. And subjective on that. How many times do I have to repeat! There are just 73 pages of Article 13 on this book. Just pick and choose the precedents and landmark cases and you are done.” you concluded.
Just when you were about to taste your now cold chocolate latte, another one chirped up.
“Can’t we skip some of the civil rights? She gave us an assignment of ex post facto laws instead and we don’t think she’d question us on the topic she didn’t even taught in the first place!”
You suddenly chuckled, resting the cup on the small table. “That’s nothing new actually. For all I know, she has been doing this since she joined fifteen years ago. Topics differ but same pattern follows. She gives an assignment a month before exams, adds the grades as extra credit, imprinting a false presumption through her actions that she’d go in hell if she ever questions from that topic in exams. Everyone is happy that they can skip at least one topic without worrying about it and then boom!!!.She puts that very topic in subjective part. Voila! and everyone’s scores drop.” you sighed looking dramatically at the opposite wall. “But not actually everyone is that naïve so people like me and you actually do the chore of consulting our seniors. And this chain is as old as her career. So do you want to take the risk of doubting me?” you completed looking down at them with furrowed brows.
If words could kill, it’d have been the ones you just threw mercilessly at the young ones right now! They looked like seconds away from passing out. Your own face dropped at their helplessness so instinctively, you assured them.
“Hey! No pressure. You have one of the best guide here so I’ll make sure you ace the civil law!”
Their stiff shoulders relaxed for once in last 3 hours. Another forty five minutes and you would be leaving this small study room. The occasional yawns were not going away by coffee either. You were tired as hell but still had plenty to do. The visit to supermarket was still pending and you were not going to waste your precious money on taxi. Not again. You’d rather travel for an hour by bus to reach your new residence.
You were consumed in your own restless thoughts when the ringing of your phone woke you up.
“Oye y/n, we are going to itaewon. A new restaurant has opened. At eight. Get ready and I’ll pick you up from dorms.”
no hello. No formalities. He commanded you like you were his junior soldier in a war waiting for his directions to act.
“Slow your roll! I’m busy. I can’t join you today.”
“What are you doing at this hour? Your tuitions ended an hour ago.”
“No. I missed previous sessions so I’m making up for It.” you heard a long sign from other side.
“Ok. So you are only fifteen minutes away from dorms! You can make it. If you say we’ll delay for an hour. How about now?” you cringed at his antics but you had no other option than to burst his hope.
“I’m busy after that. I’ve some grocery shopping to do. I moved out so I’m busy setting everything up.” you deliberately mumbled the last part.
“What the! You moved out. When and why” the happiness in his voice suddenly turned into one of annoyance, “Why is everybody hiding stuff from me these days? Jungkook is busy every other day doing don’t know what! And now you! You changed address and probably I’m the last person to be knowing this!” he huffed at the end.
“I don’t know about kooky but I just took the decision in emergency. And I promise I’ll treat you to bulgogi next time.” your peace offering to him was his favourite food so you knew you were in safer zone. that was the only way you knew. food.
“yeah yeah whatever. Its not like I expect you both to visit my grave or anything. just don’t miss yeong’s birthday. she would chop off your hair.”
“Yeah sure. Now bye. I’m busy.” you hung up with a smile plastered on your face, your students already waiting for you with knitted eyes.
“Oh sorry. What is it?” you apologised for distraction and moved your chair further to take a look at the book.
“Umm what should be the beginning sentence? I promise I’ll get through this, just give me a kick start.”
“Me too! I don’t want any less than an A.”
You rolled your eyes at their competitiveness and their dedication to cling to you for head starters. Last time, you told yourself that you won’t help them with papers next time. But their puppy faces got through you resolves. Every time.
“Doyeon, you can start with the maxim “autrefois convict” and how it is applied in other countries, indirectly giving a comparison with our system. And you!” you continued, concentrating on mingi. “You would give beginning of civil law and how it was admitted in Korea and then explain the article 13 while giving subtle hints about how our system is a bit shitty at this but don’t forget to sugar-coat or Mrs. Kang will make sure your stupid ass never completes law. afterall…Her husband is a judge in the high court !” you advised rather sarcastically, glancing back and forth between them in silence. As they understood the reference, a burst of loud hearty laughter covered the small room before all of you returned to your studies.
9:30 p.m.
Your sneakers squeaked as you dragged your tired body out of the elevator. The apartment ,besides being just few steps away seemed miles away for now. By the strength you were holding and pulling the jute bag up from the floor, you were sure the red marks would be visible by now. Odds were never in your favour these days, but still to save yourself from the wrath of the monster, you had decided to take a longer route instead. Travelling, dinner, shopping, you had turned these everyday jobs into a mission to avoid yuta. But you had forgot about the discomfort that’d be caused by these extra efforts.
So now here you were, wishing the door itself would come and welcome you!
As soon as the door came into sight, you dropped the bag just when your body slumped against it. You groaned again realising chelin is not there to drag your almost dead body inside, so you picked the bag again. 2610 and the entrance was in vision.
As if some sort of warning, three pairs of shoes welcomed you. You took a deep, harsh breath before entering the hallway mutely. You walked straight for the kitchen but were not unnoticed by the two male figures sitting on the couch. Their heads turned like owls when you placed groceries on the counter. yuta and mark. You peeked through your hooded eyes to notice that they were playing some sort of game on the t.v and it wasn’t hard to read that the sour look on their faces was due to your presence in the vicinity.
So you did what you initially intended to! Leaving the bag on the counter, you left for your room but apparently everything has a limit excluding your bad luck.
You turned around ,muffled exhausted moan leaving your pursed lips only to find that the filled jute bag was now halfway empty, little red balls rolling and rolling towards the couches and the little marathon of apples stopped only at mark’s feet. You stood there like a deer caught in headlights until your admirer spoke out.
“That’s not how you feed your guests Mrs. y/n and especially not your husband.” the third man, jaehyun, who was hidden behind yuta till now, voiced his very genuine concern for your manners.
You initially rolled your eyes at his comment, deciding to avoid him as much as possible and removed your backpack to pick up the fruits and candies. But while you were picking up the stuff, a very annoying laughter erupted from the opposite side, definitely from jaehyun so you decided to address him directly.
“Hate to burst your bubble jaehyun, but uninvited guests seldom meets a welcome. so the problem here is maybe not me!” you  gave him a tight lipped smile and started with your scattered groceries again, placing them one by one in the bag again, the jute now balanced nicely to contain them.
“Well I’ve have an official invitation to be a guest here. Anytime I want. So isn’t it your duty to be a good host!” his snarked.
“Oh then someone who can adopt you, can feed you as well! And I’m sure you are in good hands jaehyun ” you only heard a snicker and someone’s shushing voice as the oranges in your hand started to roll out again. You were already frustrated enough to handle jaehyun and now the oranges were not cooperating either.
You started collecting them again when a pair of legs shadowed you.
“Wait I’ll do it!” mark said sheepishly, his hands already holding the other apples.
“It’s ok”
“You are wobbling. Lemma help.” mark gestured towards the fruits ,  fixing his glasses with his knuckles.
“Thanks” you merely mumbled as he filled and picked the bag only to place it in the corner of the further counter, secured properly.
After he was done, you thanked him again before picking your bag to leave for room.
“y/n don’t play the ‘lets catch criminals’ game in your sleep, who knows you might not wake up from the trauma of the consequences.” he shouted at you, chuckling along the way.
You were sure if frustration and idiocy had a face, jaehyun surely matched them perfectly.
“登録事務所。明日。 9時に”
Your mouth hung open as you stopped with the hand on the knob, trying to decipher what he said but obviously it was of no use. You didn’t know any Japanese so you just shut the door behind.
Loud laughs and yelling disturbed your sleep and that continued till 11p.m and after multiple trips to bathroom, you were able to rest a bit.
And one more thing you noticed during your frequent visits, yuta had officially moved in as your roommate.
Turning off the alarm, you hid your face further into the summer sheets. The night was a bit peaceful as compared to the ones you have been experiencing lately but in no way blissful. You missed your small single dorm bed, your comrade in the battles of stress. The rooster alarm had woke you up at 6 but for every student, the desire to be in the embrace of bed swells on the day called Monday. Reluctantly, you rubbed your eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed. But as you beheld the sight with squinted eyes, a smile crept on your face, your legs taking you towards the balcony. As you opened the sliding door, the warm of the morning sun welcomed you, making you close your eyes at the feeling.
After staying there for a few moments, you decided to get ready as the university was now actually too far away for anyone’s liking and you were supposed to attend the lecture of Intellectual property law at 9 a.m sharp
Collecting the clothes for the day, you pushed yourself for the bathroom. As you opened the top cabinet, there was everything but what you stacked a day ago.
There was a toothbrush, but clearly not yours. There were cleansers and toners, but again, not yours! Even your sanitary products were gone!
Yesterday night, the new hand wash that also didn’t belong to you had indicated that yuta has settled down but it was only now that you noticed, he had thrown out yours to accommodate his own stuff! You pulled your hair in frustration at his thought. He was a jerk, for sure, but of very senior kind. If hundred jerks were grinded in a mixer, only then one yuta could come into existence again.
Looking around ,your eyes fell on the cabinets below the sink, a bit inwards, that were probably used to put cleaners or something. But as you opened them , a squeal left your lips. There were no toilet cleaners but still your essentials were haphazardly thrown over each other. At least these weren’t thrown outside!
Huffing and puffing, you properly assembled them, ready to get through the day. Your main focus was not to trip yourself into another blunder but that yuta was scheming against you even in your absence. Not that you could do anything, but if there was a slightest probability, you’d slice his bitter tongue at first attempt. But no violence, even in thoughts. For now.
Somehow, the running water had managed to wash your cold head and you happily got ready for university in black long sleeved top and washed jeans. There was no need for scarf and yeong won’t be seeing you due to her paper presentation, so the fashion exercise was also cancelled. Putting your hair in a low ponytail, you grabbed your heavy backpack and went out to get some breakfast. The thought of cornflakes topped with apples was watering your mouth. So you ran out of the room, throwing bag on the couch, then made your way to food paradise.
Thanks to Kun or Johnny, the kitchen was already well equipped with the utensils and cutlery but still it was hard to navigate to find a small bowl for cereal. Once the hunt for glass bowl ended, you gasped!
In your hurry to dodge the them yesterday, you had totally forgotten to refrigerate the milk and there was no doubt the milk was spoiled by now.you sighed digging through the bag for your milk cartons but wow! there was cereal, apples, which needed to be stored as well, the chocolates, but no milk. you were sure that you indeed paid for the two milk cartons but no nothing, nada!. biting your nails, you eyed the fridge. Could it be!
Yes, it was. The cartons were stored in the fridge fresh and packed. You would thank that mark boy someday, if he remain cordial with you! of course.
The milk was too cold for your preference, but everything’s better than starving! The watch on your wrist read 7:40, you were on time like always. You stored the milk back and washed the dishes. Last thing you wanted to hear was that man taunting you for not keeping the space clean. Tossing two apples into the bag, you marched for the door.
“Where are you going?” rotating in your steps, you noticed yuta standing by the counter, shirtless, wearing only jeans, drying his hair with a towel and his orbs staring into yours in a showdown.
“A student with a backpack at 8a.m! I won’t be going to a fight club right!” you replied impulsively but immediately regretted opening your mouth, noticing his warning gaze. You again turned to continue but he paused you again.
“You are breaking the deal here then! Taeyong hates deceivers and results of his rage are not very pleasant either. Not that I would mind anything here”
Your face twisted as to why would taeyong would feel being defrauded at your uni trip! He himself told you to continue study.
As you dictated your same thoughts to yuta, you were met with a questionable look.
“I’m talking about district office. The place where we are going to register this peaceful treaty. Today. At 9 a.m.” he air quoted peaceful as you took in his words. He could be lying right! As if he heard your thoughts, he clarified with a smirk garnishing his lips, “It’s not an assassination attempt. You won’t be walking right now if I wanted to kill you so much.”
You gulped at his words but regained composure moment later, “but taeyong didn’t inform me about this and I’m late for my lecture. I can’t miss it without informing my teacher. So go alone.”
“I would love to sweety! But I had informed you yesterday and they need both of us, unfortunately.” he was still crushing his blonde hair with the towel.
“We didn’t even talk yesterday!”
“You didn’t. I did. I told you right when you were outside your room so don’t lie. If you want to go, wait here. Or else take the bus. I don’t mind.” he concluded, walking away. And you thought he was shit-talking in Japanese.
“I don’t understand Japanese. So talk to me in Korean or English next time.” you shouted at his back, frowning in annoyance.
You groaned loudly at his illiterate comment. “Japanese isn’t a law subject you moron!” you mumble to yourself, fishing out your phone to shoot taeyong a text.
You: district office meeting is today?”
Waiting, you moved to the couches. His response came immediately.
Taeyong b.n: hmm. Johnny and doyoung would be there so jaehyun won’t be a trouble to you. If yuta does anything, do tell me. Bye.
You threw your head at the back, moaning in an ugly tone. The idea of travelling with yuta was daunting and nerve wrecking. And jaehyun was just cherry on top. Single minute in his presence made you felt like an intruder. So much for new family. Then there was Johnny who could be counted as totally normal if placed in same balancing scales as these foolish brains and Kun had same vibes as jungkook, positive and put together. And from jungkook, your mind floated to chelin. You had decided to let her choose some skirts for you as it would make her happ-
You craned your neck at the sound of utensils. Yuta, now properly dressed ,was making food for himself. And he was wearing black shirt and washed jeans. Same as you. How insufferable. You were going to be looking like his little sister or something!
“Hurry up!” you exclaimed. “I have a lecture. I want to attend the half of it at least.” crossing your arms, you tried to focus on the t.v instead. Your previous happy mood was nowhere to be found in the reflection that faced you!
“We aren’t going on a bicycle. And we are going to a govt. office. Forget about the lecture, you’ll die of standing in the queues anyway.” he scoffed at you, taking a bite of the bread.
Cabinet open. Cabinet shut.
Refrigerator open. Shut.
Another thud. Maybe of glass bowl. By the sound of it, the bowl he was using won’t last for too many days.
A few moments of silence.
at this point, you could hear your own heartbeat, but still you were on edge. Your legs were restlessly shaking, fingers crossed, and thumbs fighting for dominance. Then suddenly, you face contorted at a certain sound.
Slurping. And it continued to breach the silence for few more moments. A louder thud.
“Are you sleeping or what? It’s not like I’m dying to drive you!”  The repulsion in his voice was clear.
Not choosing to answer, you picked the bag, walking outside, stopping only at the shoe rack.
“Oops. Wait. I think I forgot my sweetheart inside!” he announced before going back.
A small seat was attached with the shoe rack. You were tying your shoelaces when yuta sat beside you, picking up his own shoes. You gave a side glance to his shoes, the sight making your eyes round with surprise. A knife was clearly visible through his white sock. and maybe one of many. You jerked your head to focus on your own shoes. You got up before he did, smoothing the sleeves of your top.
What you missed were yuta’s eyes. On you. More specifically, on the ring, decorating your forefinger. His hooded eyes travelled upwards from finger to your waist, he gulped at the sight of your chest which was slightly pushed out due to straps of the bag but he halted right there, opting not to look further. He suddenly wanted to look anywhere but you. He peeked again but was glad that you were busy with your ponytail, instead of giving him any attention. He abruptly got up, cleaning his hands with the sanitizer he had kept yesterday right there.
While walking away, he looked behind, “wait outside the building.” he said like he was reading a morning newspaper, in stoic and emotionless voice. Opening the door, he stilled again, “and wear the ring in the third finger. Got to make them believe!” and he was gone.
You looked at the platinum which was shimmering due to the light. You closed your hand tightly after changing it.
The entire car ride was silent. Not comfortable one but the kind that could make one nauseous. As the district office was approaching, the discomfort intensified. your gnashed you teeth in an attempt to control your movements, moved the zipper of the bag up and down , sideways but your heart beating sped up like never before as yuta parked the car.
You jumped out as soon as he opened the door, craving for fresh air. Taking deep breaths, you gave light pats on your churning stomach. Once feeling a little better, you circled the car to reach where yuta was standing. He didn’t say anything but you followed him mindlessly.
“Morning y/n. how are you?” you peered at Johnny, who was smiling at you, expecting a response. You merely nodded at him, hugging your arms,.
“Hurry up. Its almost 9. I don’t have much time.” jaehyun said, not even acknowledging your presence.
“How much time do we have to wait for our turn?” you asked Johnny, now fumbling with the bag straps like a nervous school kid.
“Not even a sec!! jae got it here. Just witness signatures have to be done and then they’ll make you sign on a register.”
Reminder to not believe a fuck yuta says!
“Give me your bag. It won’t look very smart,” you handed over your bag to Johnny as everyone else was already miles away.
It was not even a room, if you could say. It was just a cabin with a small sign marriage registration written on it. There were plenty of people waiting but somehow you were the first or at least it looked like it.
“Please sit.” the lady offered politely, pointing towards the two chair opposite hers. You and yuta took seats as jaehyun opened the papers for her. She went through all the three pages in painfully slow speed, intermittently glancing at you both through her round glasses.
You were focused on her as she matched the details of birth certificates with papers when Johnny nudged you. He was trying to say something ,by actually not saying anything.
A smile. Then he looked at yuta. And he kept repeating it until you understood.
Smile. Yuta. Smile yuta. Smile yuta???
Ohh smile at yuta!!
You nodded profusely before turning towards yuta who was receiving the same instructions from doyoung but was too oblivious to catch anything. You waited for him to pick up and when he faced you, found you already doing the same. He plastered a smile on his face, you mirroring him instantaneously. And that was when you noticed, the twinkle in his eyes, howsoever fake, but still a beautiful sight. Your curved lips almost dropped at this. His eyes didn’t left your face as he scanned it completely. You, for a fact knew, your smile didn’t reach your eyes. You were just unable to do that. And nobody has ever questioned it but yuta’s eyes! , his eyes were teasing you. That he was better at this game. And that you were lacking something when compared to him!
“You kids are so fine!” you broke your eye contact at her voice, thanking her internally. “Most couples these days just come here, being all over each other and blah blah but the ones who try to find the shine in other’s eyes are like rare diamonds. Keep looking at each other and you’ll both find your paradise someday.” she clasped her hands together, tilting her head slightly to look at your figures. Her smile seemed …hopeful! How could she not realise that you both were faking being happy!
“You can sign here!” she exclaimed. You both signed at mentioned space. Afterwards Johnny and doyoung also signed as immediate witnesses.
“Collect the certificate in two days.” she said, an indication for you that you were over with another drama. You bowed to her before leaving, not forgetting to briefly smile at her.
Were you both that believable? Maybe faking being intimate wasn’t that of a trouble! Or maybe it was because you were both good at the art of pretence!
“Your bag y/n.” you took it from Johnny, putting it on your shoulders immediately. Taking out your hair tucked in the back side of the bag, you nodded at Johnny as goodbye, making your way outside.
“Hey wait!”
You stopped at his voice.
“Taeyong gave a message. The reception is on Friday evening. And lemma drop you. I’m not going with them.” you didn’t even know how to react at his words as you shook your head in refusal, your tummy giving you active signs of running away.
“No. I’m fine. Bye. take care.” you concluded, sprinting outside for a wave of fresh air, leaving Johnny behind, dumbfolded.
“Quite a runner!” jaehyun laughed as he and others joined Johnny.
“Yeah. She was shouting about some lecture at 9 a.m. maybe if she runs like bolt, there’s a chance to attend it!” yuta spoke. jaehyun laughed as if what yuta said was actually really funny.
“No. she is just hurt and upset.” Johnny explained, following you but immediately stopped at yuta’s words.
“shield cant be a sword johnny. Shield can never be a sword!”
“登録事務所。明日。 9時に”  = registration office. tomorrow. 9 o’clock.
130 notes · View notes
just-come-baek · 4 years
get in, loser 2
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Pairing: Taeyong x female!reader
Themes: smut | mafiaboss!taeyong | carthief!reader | streetracer!reader
Word count: 8.3k
Summary: As controversial as it is, it’s Taeyong’s order for me to participate in the most prestigious race of the underground. As one may expect, it is frowned upon by other gang members.
Warnings: disregard for police enforcement | illegal street racing | improper driving | violence | character death | taeyong being the ruthless mafia boss | poor stress management | drinking
A/N !REUPLOAD! sorry I fucked something up. Next parts shall be posted on Tuesdays every two weeks. 
Getting up early in the morning isn’t really my thing. I was the most productive during late evenings and nights, and the fact that I had to be ready unusually early fucked up my sleeping schedule. Hopefully, it was the first, and the last time my presence was requested at such an unholy hour. Right after getting introduced to my new workplace, they had to be flexible enough to let me adjust the work schedule to my preference.
Unfortunately, Taeyong didn’t specify how early Lucas wants to see me the next day.  I guessed it was around 7 o’clock in the morning – it was late enough for an early bird, yet early enough for someone who doesn’t really fancy getting up at sunrise.
Having parked my starling Fiat500 in front of the building, I saw a man. He was leaned against the brick wall, smoking a cigarette. It must’ve been Lucas. Who else could’ve been? It was the asscrack of dawn, for crying out loud!
“You’ve gotta be kidding me… that’s your car?” the man asked as he flicked the butt of the cigarette, stepping on it, grinding it against the ground, visibly galled by my cute feminine vehicle.
“It’s inconspicuous,” I commented, trying to make my point. Blending in after hours was one of the most crucial things in this profession, I didn’t want to go on and scream that I steal cars and race for a living.
“You’re late,” Lucas whispered. Under any other circumstances, I would roll my eyes, but right now, I just couldn’t. I was just staring at him, slowly checking him out. He was ridiculously handsome, and I tried my best not to drool. “I’m Lucas,” he said, sending me a playful smirk.
Politely, I introduced myself despite him already knowing who I was.
“That’s impressive,” Lucas commented, and I shrugged, not wanting to go through this once again. “How did you do it? It’s not that easy to steal Taeyong’s car, let alone Yuta’s,” he added, and I sighed, trying to come up with a vague and equivocal answer.
“What can I say? You’ve gotta have charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.”
“Alright, I get it, keep your secrets,” Lucas voiced, biting his lips as if in deep thought. “Sooner or later, I’ll figure this out,” he promised and smiled, willing to take this secret with me to the grave. (I had a bad feeling in my gut, telling me Taeyong would be pissed if he found out the truth about the theft, and I was too cowardly to admit the facts.)
“Are we gonna stand here the whole day, or are you gonna show me around?” I challenged, and Lucas took a step to the side, gentlemanly letting me enter the car repair shop, following closely behind me.
“Ladies first,” he added, chuckling.
It wasn’t a typical car repair shop. The space was huge, and it could accommodate at least fifteen vehicles. On the inside, it resembled a car factory, but instead of assembling the cars, people were taking them apart.
What surprised me the most was the fact that I was the only female inside. Though I knew it was a stereotypically a male profession, men to women ratio was astounding. I didn’t mind it, though. I knew I could beat every single one of them. Gender didn’t matter at all.
“Let me introduce the guys you’ll be working with,” Lucas mentioned, and a few men stopped what they were doing to look at Lucas and me. “Please, meet Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Chenle, Jisung, Jaemin, and Mark,” Lucas introduced them to me, but they didn’t seem very happy to see me. If anything, they seemed a little bit hostile.
“Hi guys,” I said, smiling and waving at them, but their intimidating auras didn’t change. It was awful, and I couldn’t imagine how difficult it was going to work with them. They obviously didn’t like me and didn’t respect me as if worthy of the same position. And it was especially weird because I knew I was better than all of them combined.
Ignoring their angry glances, Lucas explained their roles in this division. Renjun, Haechan, and Chenle were in charge of tuning up the cars, making sure they’re up to the racing standards. Mark and Jaemin were stealing the cars and bringing them here, and Jeno and Jisung were racing. Later on, Lucas revealed I was assigned to both – car theft and racing, and of course, the boys had to voice their objection.
Apparently, they had never heard of multitasking.
According to them, it wasn’t fair for a rookie member to participate in the street races. This position had to be earned through hard work, and they just couldn’t comprehend how much effort I had put to prove my value to Taeyong.
Well… to be honest, I didn’t suspect any of the boys to ever personally talk to Taeyong.  I highly doubted they had an idea of what I had to go through to get recruited. They probably had never heard of Yuta, let alone been to his area and stolen one of his vehicles.
“I hope we will work together just fine,” I declared, though deep inside, I knew it wasn’t going to be a smooth ride. I was sure the boys were to make my time there miserable.
And, oh boy, I was right…
Somehow, I managed to survive a week at my new workplace without quitting. At some point, I was really close to doing so, yet then I remembered what I had gone through to work here, and this thought alone kept me going. The boys were an enormous pain in the ass, but it would definitely take much more than juvenile bullying to make me leave.
I was a lot of things, but definitely, not a quitter.
Having acted tough the whole week, I needed something to help me chill, and the only person I thought of was my best friend – Doyoung. I was a gang member now, but I knew it wouldn’t matter to him – it wouldn’t have any impact on our friendship.
Within an hour, I was already at his car repair shop. Not bothering to announce my arrival, I strolled inside, looking for him. It was already weekend. All of his employees were recharging their batteries for the upcoming week, so the slim pair of legs under the Nissan Maxima must’ve been Doyoung’s.
Smirking, I slammed my hands against the hood, startling him in the process. Swiftly, Doyoung rolled out from under the car, staring at me angrily, as if refraining himself from murdering me with bare hands.
“Jesus Christ,” he yelled when he saw my face, apparently relieved it was me. “Ever since I helped you with that gig, I have terrible anxiety,” he confessed, and I couldn’t blame him. I felt the same, fearing that someone might want to get rid of me with violence.
“Good thing I stopped by,” I mused, excited to reveal my amazing plans. “I was wondering if you would like to go on vacation with me – my treat. We haven’t spent all the money Taeyong gave me that time, and he hasn’t mentioned anything if he wants the rest of it back, so I thought we could go to the beach. What do you think?”
“More like Mr. Bad Boy’s treat… It does sound tempting, though. Where is the catch?” Doyoung asked suspiciously, knowing me all too well. “Are you on another stupid assignment?”
“Well… not exactly,” I answered, looking away, nervously playing with my fingers. “They’ve accepted me as the newest addition to the family, though some of them gotta warm up to me yet,” I explained, shrugging at the thought of the relentless bullying. “But that’s not the point. Taeyong told me to get rid of the car, and  I thought of kindly returning it to Yuta. It’s only logical I send him back the car plates, yet far from home because I don’t want anyone to trace it back to me.”
Judging by the look on Doyoung’s face, he wasn’t completely sold on this idea.
“It’s like killing two birds with one stone. We’ll go to the beach, post the plates to Yuta, and then enjoy the rest of the weekend, sipping drinks by the sea. It’s a two-minute risk-free adventure. What do you say? We both deserve some leisure…”
Staring straight ahead, Doyoung must’ve weighed all the pros and cons of my proposition. Ultimately he decided he deserves some alcohol drinks with cute little umbrellas in the glasses.
“What about the other car?” Doyoung asked, and I rolled my eyes at him.
“I’ll give it back as soon as we return.”
“Great! Pack your suitcase, the plane takes off in four hours.”
As soon as we arrived, we made a short stop to mail the package to Yuta, praying for him not to trace it back to me. The parcel contained the Ferrari’s plates, a key to the storage room in Japan where Yuta’s vehicle had been kept, and a tiny piece of paper with a sorry written on it. Hopefully, once Yuta gets it back, he will forget about the car ever being stolen.
Later in the evening, we checked into the hotel I had booked, left the baggage, and hit the SPA. Having taken all available services, I was calm, I felt like a lotus flower. Doyoung, however, still was anxious and whiny.
“You need some vitamin D, my friend,” I told him, and he grimaced at me in disgust. “You know… there’s this man, his name is Jaehyun. He’s a guy from work, and I’m pretty sure he could help you let off some steam,” I offered, and Doyoung shook his head, sassily wrapping his lips around the straw, sipping on his third drink of the evening.
To be honest, I doubted Jaehyun swung for the same team, but both of them needed to get laid. Jaehyun because I was really close to start believing his gaze could be literally lethal, and Doyoung because he was so whiny and intractable to be around. I knew it wouldn’t ever work out, but I had to, at least, try.
“I appreciate the proposition, but I don’t hook up with gangsters,” Doyoung said, setting his drink on the counter. “You know what…” Doyoung started, and I rolled my eyes, knowing his further statement will be both funny and hurtful.
When tipsy, Doyoung would often state things harshly without even thinking about running around the bush. “Being your friend has become really stressful recently. It’s a matter of time until I go completely bold, and it will be exclusively your fault.”
“I know…” I agreed, sighing in helplessness. “I’ve been a terrible friend, I’m sorry,” I whispered, resting my head on Doyoung’s shoulder, reaching out to hold his hand. “I’ll never put you in danger again, I promise,” I added, acting way out of my character. Usually, I wasn’t this emotional, but I suspected it was coming from pretending to be badass all the time.
“OK, enough of the weeping, let’s buy some alcohol to go and go get drunk on the beach, waiting for the sunrise,” Doyoung pushed my off of his arm and jumped off the barstool.
“That’s the spirit!”
“Gather round people,” Lucas yelled as soon as he entered the car repair shop. As always, he looked like a complete snack, yet I chose not to comment on that. Though we barely spoke with one another, everybody knew how big his ego was, and I didn’t want to inflate it even more.
“What is it?” Haechan whined at Lucas, being annoyed by the interruption.
“The color festival,” Lucas revealed, and everybody grew silent at the mention of the event.
Though a regular person wouldn’t understand what’s that big of a deal, to a car racer, it was an event of the year. It’s an annual the most prestigious car race in the country – participation alone is an honor. It’s every racer’s dream to take part and win, earning a shit load of money and fame. The participation fee is 50 grand per head, after all. Every year the date is different, and only the best racers are talented enough to be a part of it. No wonder Taeyong’s gang will have its representative.
“It takes place this Friday, and Taeyong has already decided who’s gonna represent us this year,” Lucas announced, and the boys started to guess whether it would be Jisung or Jeno. If I had to nominate anyone, it would be Jeno – his drifting skills were no joke. “As I was saying, it’s Taeyong’s direct wish that our special snowflake represents us in the competition,” Lucas specified, and the boys looked at me the way Jaehyun did – with hatred and disgust.
“Ha-ha, very funny,” I chuckled drily, but the boys didn’t change their attitudes.
No way! Taeyong couldn’t… he wouldn’t. Well... I expected him to respect me after what I had done, but this… it was too much. Some drivers worked their entire lives mastering their techniques to participate, and right now, I felt as if I had my chance served on a silver platter. The boys must’ve felt the same way.
I deserved to participate, but Jeno and Jisung did as well. I wouldn’t mind sitting this one out. Their bullying was giving me a headache as it was, another reason to pick on me was the last thing I needed at the moment.
“It can’t be,” Jaemin stated, too perplexed to voice a longer statement.
“Well… it must be, Taeyong’s orders,” Lucas added with a smirk on his sexy lips, ignoring all complaints. “Guys, behave, it’s not my decision to make. You can always try next year,” he tried to console the whining boys, but it didn’t seem to work. If anything, it only multiplied the anger they felt towards me.
“It’s impossible,” I muttered, but the boys didn’t pay any attention to what I was trying to say, “I’m pretty sure it’s not final. I’ll talk to him, I think I can change his mind,” I continued, but once again my words were muffled by the loud white noise of complaining.
“You can’t just call him,” Lucas remarked, trying to remind me of my position in the hierarchy. Now, when I was a valid member of the organization, I had to follow the rules, and Lucas was my superior to whom I was obligated to report everything back. Talking to Taeyong would be highly unprofessional; I had to stick to the code.
“Can you try to persuade him?” Jisung asked, full of hope.
Lucas laughed at Jisung’s question as if it was one of the funniest things he heard in years.
“To be honest, I don’t give a fuck who’s gonna ride this year,” Lucas started truthfully, and I gasped at the harshness of his words. He didn’t sugarcoat nor beat around the bush. “It’s Taeyong’s decision, and I am in no place to question his choice, so beat it.”
His words successfully shut everyone up; Lucas was mean and straight-forward, but it had to be done. Perhaps his leading skills were a little bit rough around the edges, but they managed to get the work done.
“You,” Lucas exclaimed, looking at me. “Meet me here before the race; we’ll pick up the car,” he added, turning around, leaving me alone with the boys, so they could take out all frustrations on me.
As expected, the boys, Jeno and Jisung in particular, were giving me hell. It was obvious they were unhappy with Taeyong’s decision, yet I shouldn’t be the receiving end of their relentless bullying. If I could, I’d pay Taeyong a visit and persuade him to change his mind, but just like Lucas said, I was on the very bottom of the gang hierarchy.
At this point, I’d call it quits. Unfortunately, I was too far in the game to bow out. Right now, I could only endure their harassment in hopes of quickly getting promoted, leaving them far behind. It wouldn’t be the most challenging thing I had done for the gang’s sake.
It was a Thursday night. Within 24 hours, I would compete in the most infamous race of the year, and I was beyond mortified. I had drunk half a dozen mugs of double lemon balm, yet the stress was still eating me from the inside out.
It was oddly quiet. Usually, at this time of night, something was going on, but tonight, it was silent. Without any white noise, one could hear a pin drop.
Everything suggested I was alone in the car repair shop. Having slammed down the hood, I wiped my hands in the cloth and looked around. Where was everybody? Did they forget to add me to their group chat? Did they go out for a drink without telling me?
I strolled through their stations, yet I didn’t find anybody. They really left me behind. That wasn’t cool. We weren’t best friends, but I deserved to know if there was a staff outing. Maybe this time around, I’d pass, given the plans I had for tomorrow, but any other time, I’d be down to have a beer with them.
Perhaps, they would warm up to me if we could spend some quality time together.
Once again, I looked around the space and decided to call it a day. There was nothing urgent that I had to finish, so I closed up. I really wanted to come back home, relax, and psych myself up for the upcoming race.
Yawning, I slowly made my way to my car, which was parked two blocks away from the car repair shop. Lucas had suggested it was for the best if the boys didn’t see my vehicle, since it would definitely become another reason to pick on me. Though I didn’t care what they thought of me, I ultimately decided to follow Lucas’ advice. He was my superior for a reason.
The narrow street was barely lit, yet I made my way through it with ease. I had the route memorized by heart, even though I wasn’t completely familiar with this city district.
Once the car conjured in my line of vision, I reached into my backpack, fishing for the keys.
Unfortunately, before I managed to find them, somebody grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me onto the ground. Stupefied, I looked up and saw half a dozen of persons, each of whom clad in a black hoodie and a face mask.
I was being mugged in a dark alley.
The survival instincts kicked in. The adrenaline rush hit me in a matter of seconds. Just like mothers who can lift cars to save their children, I was in a combat mode, ready to fight off all of them. I was outnumbered, but when driven on hormones, I thought I stood a chance to defend myself and kick their asses.
Quickly, I got back on my feet and took a few steps to the back to distance myself from the attackers and strategize my next move. My first idea was to run away, but that wasn’t going to work out. Two men with crowbars crept out of the shadows, depriving me of the only escape route I could think of.
“OK, think,” I whispered under my breath. There were seven of them, two of whom had crowbars, while one of them pulled out a knife. Seven against one, it didn’t sound fair. Back in the day, I had taken some self-defense lessons, but it was a long time ago. If I had some skills unconsciously memorized, they would surely be rusty.
Perhaps, I could bullshit my way out of it.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“What do you want from me?” I asked, but none of the men even flinched. They were frozen in their spots, probably waiting for the best moment to attack. “I don’t have any money on me, but I can give you my wheels,” I proposed, but once again, I didn’t get any reaction. “It’s a measly car, but I got it checked by a mechanic a few days ago. It’s as good as new.”
It was like talking to a wall. I could run my mouth, yet I would never receive any reply.
Plan A didn’t work out.
They weren’t cooperative enough for me to implement plan B.
I had no choice but to go with plan C, which consisted of fighting back, hoping they wouldn’t beat me to death. It wasn’t the most optimistic scenario, but it’s what my mind came up with after doing the math. It wasn’t a fair fight, what were the odds of me winning?
Close to zero.
When I was about to pick which guy I should attack first, the one in front of me made a cutting throat gesture. It did freak me out, but on cue, I ran up to the one with the crowbar and kicked him in the nuts before he managed to smack me with the metal. Instantly, he crumbled down on his knees, dropping the weapon on the ground.
It was my opportunity to try to even the chances.
Everything happened so fast. One second I was wiggling my body from side to side in an attempt to dodge the attack, while a moment later, I was swinging the crowbar like a baseball bat. In all honesty, I wasn’t that bad, I managed to omit most of their punches.
Unfortunately, there were too many of them. At this point, I knew I wouldn’t win. The least I could do was to try to minimize the damage.
Though I could feel a couple of bruises on my thighs forming up and my blood oozing from my shoulder, I gathered enough strength to swing the crowbar at the man, hitting him straight on the neck, knocking him out. As soon as the man’s head collided with the ground, everybody stopped in their tracks, trying to register what just happened.
They couldn’t believe that a woman successfully fought back. It was a small victory, though. Six more angry men wanted to mug me. Or rape me. Or worse.
“You bitch,” one of them yelled, going towards me with a knife as if he wanted to gut me.
I saw everything in slow motion. He ran to me, screaming, and I tightened my grip on the crowbar, getting ready to knock him unconscious, too.
Before he managed to get close enough for me to hit him, we all got blinded by the lights. There was another car in the alley, scaring the men away. In an instant, they picked up their stunned friend and ran away, disappearing in the distance.
My vision couldn’t accommodate this amount of light, so I couldn’t precisely see my savior. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the person behind the wheel, but the vehicle looked like a Ford. Too bad it drove off before I could have a better look.
Worrying the thugs might return, I limped to my car and locked myself in. My pulse was slowly getting back to normal, and the adrenaline was wearing off, making me feel the pain. Each bruise and cut was hurting me, but I inhaled, flooring the accelerator.
When I woke up around noon, I was sore all over. Though I had taken some painkillers and put on ointment on the fragile skin, I still felt like shit. I wasn’t the best at treating wounds, and I discovered this fact about myself in the worst timing ever.
How was I supposed to win the most meaningful race of the year when I felt excruciating pain when I had to stretch my arm? How was I supposed to operate the gearbox in this state?
By the time I had to leave my apartment, I felt only slightly better. High on meds, I drove carefully to the car repair shop, expecting Lucas to already be there. It was typical Lucas – giving vague instructions, yet at the same time, demanding precision, or in this case, punctuality.
Gingerly, I parked the vehicle outside the garage, noticing Lucas leaned against the wall, smoking what I hope was just a cigarette. Putting a smile on my face, I undid the seatbelt and exited the car, waving at my superior.
“What the hell are you wearing? Are you going to a race or Lazytown?” Lucas yelled, amused by my outfit. I could bet it wasn’t a typical outfit for street-racing.
Tonight, I chose to wear a pastel pink wig that reached down to my shoulders, a mini dress in the same shade of pink, and a pair of white combat shoes. I had my reasons to wear this type of clothing, though.
First of all – diversion; I hoped the other contestants would underestimate me upon seeing my eccentric outfit. Looks might be deceiving, and at this point, I couldn’t wait to bask in the glory of their judging stares. In this outfit, no one would think of me as a threat.
Second of all – bruises; no one paid them any attention because all the curious gazes were focused on extravagant clothes. Moreover, I could apply another layer of ointment if needed because the skimpy outfit allowed me easy access to my bare skin.
Third of all – Taeyong; pink was his favorite color and it matched his current hairstyle. It was a bold statement to demonstrate whose gang I was representing in the race.
“The outfit is going to serve its purpose, so let me live,” I murmured, not in the mood for friendly banter. Lucas was ridiculously hot, and I respected him, but right now, I didn’t feel like joking around. “What car do you have for me?”
Lucas pulled the sliding doors to the side, letting me in, following right behind me. Though I tried to control my walk, Lucas quickly caught on.
“What’s happened? Why are you walking like that?” Lucas asked in concern, and I told him everything about the men, their attempt to mug me, and the savior. I didn’t even fail to mention how I knocked one of the guys out with a powerful hit in the neck. “I don’t really think it was some random dudes,” he concluded, taking a closer look at my bruises and cuts.
“Huh?” I mused in confusion.
“I think someone wanted to make sure you’re not participating in the race,” Lucas stated. I creased my eyebrows, unable to make sense out of his suspicion. It was ridiculous. Though I knew how to race, my name wasn’t widely known in the illegal underground racing circle. “It can’t be a coincidence you’re getting attacked one night before the event.”
Well… Lucas had a point.
“Can you race?” Lucas inquired, his voice coated in worry.
I did not expect that, but it felt nice. Lucas, being my superior, looked after me, and it was the first time I felt like a legitimate member of the gang.
“I’ve taken a lot of pills, I can pull through,” I stated, smiling half-heartedly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” I confirmed, though I could already feel the medication wear off. This insignificant setback wasn’t going to stop me. I had something to prove.
“Alright then,” Lucas said, following me to the back. “Taeyong has personally chosen these cars. You can pick any of them,” he added, and I looked at the beautiful machines in amazement. “Oh, before I forget, he also said you get to keep it if you win.”
“For real?” I asked, and Lucas nodded, smiling at my reaction. “Sweet.”
Now, I really had to win.
Taeyong had selected three vehicles for me to use: BMW M2, Toyota Supra, and Porsche 718 Cayman. The three of them were white and shiny, and it was a real dilemma.
“Tough choice,” I whispered, struggling to make the ultimate decision. Each vehicle had incredible features, and it was impossible to pick the best one. It felt like having a birthday on the same day as Christmas.
“Be quick, we’ve got to go,” Lucas urged me, tapping his foot against the concrete floor impatiently. “Make up your mind, woman.”
“OK, fine, fine, let’s go with Toyota,” I answered, and Lucas put his hand into the pocket of his jeans, fished out three sets of keys, and threw one for me to catch.
“Let’s go, then,” he added, quickly making his way to the passenger seat.
“How does it feel like to win such a race?” I inquired, breaking the silence inside the car. I was speeding to the abandoned airport, while Lucas was texting with somebody, completely ignoring me. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to bond with him, but I couldn’t help my curiosity. Three years ago, being the youngest participant, Lucas had won the race, and I really wanted to know how it felt to make history.
Who knew? Maybe I’d be the first woman to win this race this year.
“Fine, I guess,” Lucas answered dismissively, not wanting to engage in the conversation.
“Oh,” I sighed, deciding not to pry further. We would have other opportunities to talk about it.
Once we arrived, Lucas told me to park the vehicle on the start line. The race would start in an hour, and until then, I had to mingle with other drivers and make my presence known. It was time for the rich men to make their bets.
“Hmm… that’s strange,” Lucas commented when I turned off the engine. “Taeyong’s here.”
“Is that strange?”
“He hasn’t attended such an event ever since he had won it five years ago,” Lucas explained, and I nodded my head, registering the new information. When Lucas put it like that, it really seemed out of character. “Interesting,” he added, deep in thought.
When Lucas got out of the car, I searched for Taeyong in the crowd. Thankfully, it wasn’t that difficult. This time around, Taeyong was wearing a green tracksuit set, thick-rimmed black Fendi sunglasses, and a pair of simple white sneakers. With his pink-ish hair and a custom-made Dior purse loosely hanging off his shoulder, he did not fit in this picture packed with gangers. Taeyong looked like a stray 4-year-old who got lost in a dangerous alley.
Following Lucas’ example, I exited the vehicle, and leaned against the hood, posing as a confident yet quirky driver. Though I expected everyone to underestimate my skills, deep inside, I wished to be recognized as a serious competition.
Looking around, I stared at Taeyong and deliberately ignored Jaehyun’s death glares. Even from afar, I could sense he hated my guts. I suspected I was the reason why Taeyong was here right now, and Jaehyun was unmistakably displeased by it.
With my eyes locked on Taeyong, I noticed Lucas joined him and whispered something into his ear. Whatever Lucas had told him, it made Taeyong visibly angry.
“Attention racers,” a female voice spoke through the speakers, obtaining everyone’s attention. “The race shall begin in thirty minutes. We ask all racers to pick up the GPS device box at the judge’s lounge. Thank you for your attention and good luck.”
Every participant had to install the device in one’s car. Once set in the vehicle, the racer could see this year’s route and all checkpoints. The fastest one to clear all the checkpoints and come back to the airport would win the competition.
Following all the instructions, I got ready for the race. In a few minutes, twelve cars would leave the airport in an attempt to chase their dreams of fame and success.
I was sitting comfortably in my seat, and though on the outside, I seemed calm, the courtesy of painkillers, I was freaking out internally. I didn’t even notice someone knock on the window, making me jump in shock.
“Jesus Christ, Lucas, you scared the shit out of me,” I cursed, rolling down the window.
“I just wanted to wish you good luck,” he added, smiling genuinely. “I spoke with Taeyong, and he would like to talk to you after the race in his mansion.”
And with that, Lucas walked away, letting me relax some more before the race. I just had enough time to turn on my playlist, which consisted of Britney Spears’ biggest hits. It always helped me to uplift my mood, and I really needed that.
“Three,” the woman counted out loud, and all participants turned on their engines.
At once, all the cars surged forward, and people cheered enthusiastically, not even muffling the loud engine roars.
The route had seven checkpoints in total, and since the race was called the color festival, each stop was named after the rainbow color. There was no specified order in which the contestants ought to clear them, yet most of them chose to drive east, toward the indigo checkpoint.
I, on the other hand, decided to head west. The more drivers in one area, the more chances of dirty tricks, and I didn’t want to end up getting pushed out of the route into the gutter.
Only four racers mirrored my actions, and out of the five of us, I was leading. With ease, I cleared the green checkpoint, but one Britney song later, the driver of the red 2020 Lexus SC caught up to me, driving straight into my back left lights, making me lose control of the vehicle for a second. Thankfully, I managed to get a hold of the situation before I drove into the dangerous turn.
This bastard scratched my car and cleared the yellow checkpoint before me.
I couldn’t let him get away with it.
Flooring the accelerator, I quickly found myself on the right side of the Lexus, staring at the driver. I recognized him in an instant. It was Felix, and he was infamous for dangerous driving. It didn’t matter how many drivers he had to send to the hospital to win the race.
Perhaps, it would be reasonable to let him be, but I was high on meds, and the logical solution fled my mind before I managed to memorize it. The only sensible reaction I could muster in the heat of the moment was hitting him before he hit me again.
Sticking my tongue out for Felix to see, I abruptly turned to the right, pushing him out of the road. Unfortunately, I didn’t hit him hard enough. Before I drove into another sharp turn, I saw him in the rearview mirror. He was back on the lane, trying to catch up with the rest of the participants.
“Too high, can’t come down, losing my mind, spinning ‘round and round, do you feel me now?” I sang along with Britney, driving through the blue checkpoint.
I was almost halfway through the race, and it was about the time when I ran out of luck. I could hear a loud siren ringing in the distance, followed by red and blue lights. It couldn’t be a good sign. Competing against lunatics was challenging, yet on top of that, I had to lose the police.
My first thought was to let the other drivers catch up to me, and then hope the police would chase them, but I quickly realized it was a dumb idea. The racers would out-speed the police cruisers anyway; it was stupid to purposefully slow down.
The next checkpoint was near, and it was my priority. I’d deal with the police by the end of the race. Of course, only if the police cruisers could handle such speed. It was doubtful, but I chose not to underestimate them.
“Fuck, it can’t be,” I cursed when I noticed the red Lexus again. “He is stubborn,” I added, once again flooring the accelerator, trying to keep as much distance from Felix as possible. This car would be mine if I won, and I didn’t want any more damage.
Then, a few seconds later, another car appeared a couple of hundred meters behind me.
Too bad the police were too incompetent to catch them. The sirens were still ringing in the distance, so it only meant they didn’t give up yet. I didn’t think they stood a chance against any of the sports cars in the race, but it was admirable that they still tried.
The red checkpoint was a couple meters ahead, and I reasoned I needed to step up my game. In order to win, I had to think out of the box. I had to do something they wouldn’t dare. I couldn’t play it safe if I really wanted to win.
Having cleared the red checkpoint, I made a U-turn without slowing down. If it wasn’t for the breaks, the force would pull me out of the lane, sending me flying off the cliff. Felix and the other guy were visibly confused when I started driving right at them.
Going over 180 km/h, I passed them and the police cruiser before I made an abrupt turn, driving through run-down, abandoned properties. Very few people knew this short-cut, and I hoped it would give me the advantage I desperately needed.
With no problem, I cleared the orange checkpoint.                
Only two more to go, I told myself, trying to uplift my mood.
The violet checkpoint resembled a war zone. Three cars were sitting on the side of the road, all scratched and damaged. Compared to this psycho who had done it, Felix was a harmless kitten. Thankfully, he hadn’t chosen to follow the same path as me. It made me sick to think I could be inside of one of these wrecked cars.
Or it was the meds overload in my system.
I couldn’t be sure.
Having passed the final checkpoint, I noticed a sports car. It was heading the same direction, so I concluded it was one of my rivals. The neon green Porsche Boxter was behind me, but it was catching up incredibly fast.
I had to get my shit together, or I was going to lose.
I could see the finishing line in the distance. Unfortunately, the green Porsche was right there, on my left side. Neither of us wanted to lose, and almost at the same time, we turned, smashing against each other. Sparks were flying everywhere, the sound of scratching metal was ringing loudly, yet no one dared to let go.
If I didn’t push him out of my way, we would tie, and this result was unacceptable. With my foot on the accelerator, I turned the steering wheel to the right as hard as I could. The vehicle barely moved to the side, yet it was still making progress.
Maybe it was pure luck, but the Porsche ran over something on the road, and its driver lost control of the car. It was my time to shine, so once again I turned to the right. The vehicles made a 90-degree turn, which resulted in me being the first one to cross the finishing line.
Oh my god, I won.
These guys could suck it because I beat them!
When I got out of the car, Taeyong and Jaehyun were gone. Lucas was the only familiar face in the crowd, and he actually ran up to me to congratulate me. “You won,” Lucas said, beaming. His smile quickly faded away upon seeing how wrecked the car was. “It was a new car,” he cried, calculating the damage.
“It’s still new,” I remarked, but Lucas didn’t find it amusing. Well… I could relate. After all, it was my car. I knew the second the painkillers wear off, I was going to in pain because of what I did to the vehicle. Hopefully, Doyoung would help me get it fixed.
A lady in a deep-cut bikini and sun-kissed tan walked up to me to hand me a bag of cash and a bottle of champagne.
“Everybody, make some noise for this year’s winner,” she screamed into the microphone, making the crowd go crazy.
I was smiling like a lunatic. People were cheering, and it was all for me.
Though I was craving champagne, I knew it wasn’t the best idea to drink it. The pills mixed with alcohol would kill me, so I opted for an alternative celebration. Swinging my arm, I threw the bottle at the car, smashing it against the scratched doors.
“Christening the car seemed appropriate,” I commented when I saw Lucas trying to process what I just did. “At this point, one more tear doesn’t make a difference.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Lucas said lifelessly, staring with concern at the vehicle. “You better go. Don’t keep Taeyong waiting. He’s not a patient person.”
Having parked in front of Taeyong’s big ass mansion, I made my way to the main entrance and rang the bell. The doors opened a few seconds later, and Jaehyun looked at me from head to toe, stepping to the side, letting me in.
It was my first time in Taeyong’s palace, and the interior was breathtaking. Everything looked expensive, and everyone must’ve felt the wow effect during their first visit. Though I knew he had a shit load of money, witnessing his wealth first hand was an unforgettable experience.
“Stay here, I’ll get Taeyong,” Jaehyun ordered, and I smiled sheepishly, not wanting to mess with someone who could easily murder me. “Don’t touch anything,” Jaehyun added as he turned around, catching me red-handed on trying to brush my fingers against the sculpture, which was set on a coffee table.
Two minutes later, Taeyong joined me in the spacious living room.
“Lucas told me you won,” he spoke as he plopped down onto a leather couch, putting his hands into the pocket of his disgusting green tracksuit. “Good job.”
“Is that why you wanted to see me? To congratulate me?” I asked out loud, wanting to smack myself the moment the words left my mouth. Of course, Taeyong didn’t want to congratulate me; he had invited me to his mansion before the race even began.
“No,” he replied shortly, and I smiled sheepishly, trying to forget this incident. “You know what I will never tolerate?” Taeyong asked, and I sighed in thought.
“I don’t know… Hmm… it’s a wild guess, but is it Hawaiian pizza?”
“No,” Taeyong denied, smirking at my random guess. “I will never tolerate treason, doll.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out what he meant. I hadn’t done anything to betray him, yet he still somehow found something to punish me for. No way, it wasn’t possible. Had he figured out how I really had stolen Yuta’s car?
“Come on, doll. Let me show you,” Taeyong whispered, standing up. With his eyes on me, he smiled and stretched his hand. Anxiously, I let him hold his palm around mine as he led me to the basement.
It wasn’t a good omen.
Despite all of my achievements, Taeyong was going to kill me.
“The pink really suits you,” Taeyong spoke out of the blue when we slowly made our way downstairs. “I really like this hair on you,” he added, playing with the ends of my wig.
“Thanks, I was hoping you’d like it,” I answered, trying not to show how intimidated I was.
“Oh, I do, doll,” he smirked, pushing a pair of big pine doors open, stepping to the side, letting me in first.
Inside the room were seven men tied to the chairs with a piece of cloth wrapped around their eyes. Since there was only one light bulb, it took me a while to recognize them.
They were my colleagues from the garage. What the hell were they doing here? Why had Taeyong imprisoned them? What had they done? It was them who had betrayed Taeyong? No, it didn’t make any sense. He wouldn’t have invited me if it was about them.
“I don’t understand…” I commented, my eyes focused on the tied men in front of me. The moment when I looked at Jisung, I saw a wound on his neck.
Then it hit me.
It was them.
They had tried to kill me last night.
“As I said, I cannot tolerate treason,” Taeyong voiced as he began to rip the makeshift blindfolds off their faces. “Working against the gang is unacceptable, and you dared to hurt one of your own,” he spoke, and I trembled, afraid to witness what’s going to happen next. “Who came up with this stupid plan?”
“Alright then,” Taeyong concluded through gritted teeth. It was the first time I saw him this angry, and I was scared. I’d shit my pants if I were the reason for his wrath. “Come here, doll,” he ordered, wanting me to join him. “Pick your weapon,” he told me, and I looked at him in confusion. What did I need a weapon for?
I looked to the right and saw pegboard tool storage on the wall. It was an impressive collection of torture weapons, and Taeyong wanted me to use them on the traitors. It was wrong on so many levels, and I really didn’t want to do it, but the perspective of wronging Taeyong seemed even worse. I would rather hurt them than let Taeyong hurt me.
“We don’t have a whole night, doll,” Taeyong urged me, and I grabbed the first thing which was in my arms’ reach. It happened to be a hammer. “Excellent choice; who should we punish first?” Taeyong asked, resting his arm over my shoulder, smiling like a maniac. Without any doubt, it was to bring him a lot of pleasure.
“I don’t know…”
“Alright, then,” Taeyong smiled in amusement before he started to sing the eeny, meeny, miny, moe counting rhyme to select the first victim. At first, I didn’t look, but once Taeyong stopped singing, I opened my eyes to see that his finger was pointing at Haechan.
“Do what you gotta do, doll,” Taeyong ordered happily, leaning against the wall, making sure he had the best view at the scene unfolding in front of him.
I wanted to cry, but I tried my best not to. As a part of a gang, it was inappropriate to show vulnerability. I didn’t want Taeyong to revoke my membership, especially when the only way to leave the gang was through excruciating death.
“Where should I start?” I asked myself under my breath, having no idea how torturing worked. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way of inflicting the least amount of pain, while maintaining the expected level of Taeyong’s satisfaction.
Having closed my eyes, I swung my arm, hitting Haechan’s palm with the hammer, making him groan in pain. “You bitch,” he cursed, and I repeated the blow a couple of times until his hand looked like a smashed pomegranate.
Haechan was yelling in pain, Taeyong was chuckling in amusement, and I tried my best to refrain myself from crying. Though I didn’t particularly like Haechan, and he had been a real pain in the ass with the bullying, he didn’t deserve such punishment. How was he supposed to work at the garage without his dominant hand? His career was basically over. It was a dick move to attack me, and though I was awfully petty, the punishment was too severe.
“Who came up with this stupid plan?” Taeyong questioned again, yet none of the boys dared to speak. Not even Haechan, who was in a tremendous amount of pain. “Here, hold this,” he added, handing me a baseball bat, “I got bored of the hammer.”
Obediently, I grabbed the baseball bat and hit Haechan in the stomach until he started coughing blood on my pink dress. “What the fuck?” I cursed, getting angry at the minor inconvenience.
“Stop it, you’ll kill him,” Jisung yelled, trying to shimmy himself out of the ties. “I did it. I told them to beat her up. She didn’t deserve to ride in this race,” he carried on, and Taeyong sighed, walking up to Jisung nonchalantly with his hands loosely tucked in the pockets.
“It wasn’t that hard, was it?” Taeyong asked as he bent a little and caressed Jisung’s chin. “I really appreciate your honesty,” he added before he pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.
It was hard to process, but he really did shoot Jisung.
“Good job, doll,” Taeyong congratulated me with a smile before he fired his gun once again, this time shooting through Haechan’s forehead. “What? He was useless without his hand anyway,” he commented upon seeing my shocked reaction.
“You’re not gonna kill them, are you?” I quietly asked as I leaned against Taeyong’s frame, clinging to his chest. None of them deserved to die, yet I hoped Taeyong would spare the remaining five.
“No, I think it was enough for them to learn their lesson,” Taeyong revealed, and I sighed in relief, glad the bloodshed was over. It was the first time I saw somebody get killed, and it was a morbid sight. I wouldn’t mentally handle the situation if he decided to murder them all.
“Can we go now? The blood makes me sick,” I confessed, and Taeyong once again wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulled me to his side, and led outside. Surprisingly, regardless of what I had seen a while ago, his hug felt genuine. “I have a question, though.”
“How did you know it was them?”
Taeyong smirked, “who do you think was in that car that scared them off?”
“You?” I asked, cocking up my eyebrow, trying to process the newfound information.
“No, what I would be doing there?” Taeyong denied, making me even more confused. “I told Jaehyun to pick you up and bring to my mansion. However, when he saw you were attacked, he drove off and hunted them down.”
“I guess I owe him big time.”
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
1.3. (m)
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Miga had another day of shooting for a new drama today. During the break she always spent studying for school. It annoyed her that she had to finish high school. She had several discussions with you that she wanted to drop out of school, but you were stubborn. She had to finish it. You had often argued about it, but when you and Jaehyun started to fight about it either, Miga withdrew and gave in. But still she thought everything would be easier without school. She didn't have good grades anyway.
"Hey, I didn't know you were shooting today too." Miga knew the voice very well and her heart immediately started racing. She looked up and saw that marked smile. "Hi, yes it was changed spontaneously." Miga suddenly became very shy. How long had she been crushing on him? You told her that she loved him when she was 6 years old. But somehow she could never let go of him. "Are you studying right now?" It was Jaemin and although he got older, he was still perfect for Miga. "Yes ..." She looks annoyed at her book and were desperate that she couldn't just have a normal break like the other people on the set. "With your current celebrity status, I would have dropped out of school in your place ... well I dropped out of school." He shrugged and smiled. Miga blushed and just like her father, everyone could recognized it first by her ears, so she quickly put her long hair in front of them. "Mum wants me to graduate." She sighed but didn't dare to look at Jaemin yet. "Yes, I understand, she only wants the best for you." "But what if it's not the best?" For the first time, she turned to him, but twitched when she saw his eyes on her. "I'm the wrong person you talk to. I don't want your father to chase me then." He laughed and Miga grew weak again. And somehow she realized that she might feel more for him than just a little crush. She had had so many bad experiences with guys in her age, maybe she should try it with someone older ... someone experienced.
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"Mum, are you ironing this for me?" Sunoh came to you with his most beautiful shirt. "It's 9pm. Why are you coming now?" You had just sat on the couch with a tea and wanted to watch a movie with Jaehyun. "Please mom. I want to wear it to Chichi's show tomorrow." You couldn't say no because Yuta's daughter finally had her big performance as 1st dancer tomorrow. "Okay, I'll iron it for you." You smile and then your son came to you and hugged you. "Thanks mum." He was bigger than you by now, but he was still your baby. Even though he grew older and distanced himself a little from you, he came to you now and then and act like as if he was still a toddler. After Sunoh broke away and went back to his room, you start ironing the shirt. But it wasn't long before the next child came to you. Even though everyone was so old, you always had something to do. "Mummmm ..." Miga came to you and sighed. Her shoulders drooped and she pouted. "So what's going on?" You take a quick look at her before you go back to ironing. "Have you ever dated an older man? I don't mean just a few years. I mean about 20 years older?" She leaned against the wall and looked at you uncertainly. "No I have not." You put the iron aside and look worriedly at your daughter. You didn't like that question. "Miga, you are beautiful and just sweet 18 years old. Many men find that very interesting and take advantage of their inexperience." "Oh my god, mum. Why does everything always have to be a moral lesson for you?" Miga rolled her eyes and went away again annoyed. You keep on ironing, but somehow that didn't let you go. You didn't want her to be hurt or anyone to use her. She wasn't experienced in certain areas and you didn't know if it was good that she had this experience with an older man.
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"Geon! Kiwoo! Why aren't you finished yet? We're going in 15 minutes." You look admonishingly at the twins who were still sitting and playing in their pajamas. "Do we have really to go there?" Kiwoo sighed and got up, annoyed. "Yes, you two have to." You command them and Geon then got up and starts opening his closet. "I'll be back in 10 minutes and then you're dressed." You look at the two again warningly and then go back to the bedroom. Jaehyun came straight towards you and straightened his tie. "If the twins start to pubescent now, I'll go crazy." You sigh and lean against the drawer. Jaehyun ignored what you were saying and came up to you. He put his hands on your hips and his face was suddenly close to your neck. "You look so good." He starts kissing you. You close your eyes for a moment and enjoy his kisses on your skin. It was exactly what you need. "I would also like to, but we have to go straight away." But Jaehyun just smiled and lifted you onto the drawer. "I will make you feel very quickly, very good." He opened his belt and pants. You didn't know if this was a good idea, but Jaehyun was faster. He pushed your panties aside and introduced his hard length into you. You look into his eyes and moaned very quietly. He held you tight by the hips as you put your fingers on your clit. Jaehyun watched you do it yourself while he was fucking you and that turns him on even more. When you bite your lip, you announce your climax and Jaehyun used it and got faster as well. You open your mouth, want to scream with pleasure, but you don't make a sound. Over the years you had perfected having very quiet sex. Jaehyun grunted softly and you feel him drain his cum inside of you. He kissed you gently and looked you in the eye. "I love you." He smiled and you kiss him again. "I love you too." He detached himself from you, wiped his length off, and then cleaned you. "2 minutes. I told you it's quick." He winked and straightened his pants again. You also jump off the dresser and straighten your clothes. "Don't get used to it. I love it if you give it to me for a long time." You laugh and control your makeup in the mirror. "I'm here for you tonight and can fulfill your every wish." He grinned again and you just shook your head laughing. "MUM!" As soon as you two were back to normal, you can already hear Sunoh calling for you. "It goes on." You sigh and let your shoulders sag. "I'll look after the twins." Jaehyun kissed you and went out of the bedroom. "Sunoh what's up?" You walk up to him and you two make your way to the car. "Can we still buy flowers for Chichi?" You look at your son in surprise. Somehow you were surprised how important it was all for Sunoh. He was too excited. "Flowers?" He nodded then and Miga came to you. "Yes, I thought it would be nice, right?" She smiled and then looked at Sunoh. You know that they are hiding something from you. "Okay okay, that should work." You look at the clock and when you look up you see Jaehyun sending the twins strictly ahead. "It's lame," said Geon. "Ballett is stupid", Kiwoo also went to you annoyed and reluctant they got into the car.
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Sunoh had bought a wonderful bouquet of pink carnations. He even spent his own money on it, and it made you think that maybe he had a little crush on her. When you arrived finally, you immediately looked for your places, but by now it was already quite full. "Hi Sunoh." A girl came over and greeted your son. Then came another and then another. But Sunoh's expression never changed and he just kept walking, he didn't know these girls at all. "Did I miss something? Is Sunoh popular or something?" You turn to Miga and ask her in a whisper. She started giggling and nodded. "Yes, Sunoh is the new school crush from the students of the first year, but he plays hard to get." Then you look back at your son, who sits down quietly in his seat. "Mummy, I don't like to wear a tie." Kiwoo sighed and begins to detach from his tie. "I don't like being here either. Mummy, can't we do anything funny?" Geon looked at you with big eyes and you sigh. "No, Chichi has a big performance today and she is happy that you are all there." You admonish your twins, who look at each other annoyed. "NO! Don't plan to run away now." Jaehyun knew his sons. The twins got along so well that they didn't even have to talk to understand each other. But Jaehyun knew exactly that the two also like to play pranks. As you try to keep the twins busy with Jaehyun, you hear two girls whispering behind you. "Do you think we should talk to him? He looks so good," said one girl. "Look there is his father. He also handsome," said the other girl. "But Sunoh doesn't talk to other girls. A friend of mine goes to the same school as him and he only hangs out with other idol kids." "But does he have a girlfriend?" "No I do not think so." "Do we eat pizza afterwards?" Kiwoo brought you back with your thoughts and you smile gently. "Yeah sure. We'll go to eat pizza then." As Kiwoo nodded, you look worriedly at your Sunoh. Of course you're happy that Sunoh was so popular with girls. But he also inherited his father's anger, and when Sunoh falls in love, it gets very emotional.
The dance from ​​Chichi was incredible. She was incredibly talented and although she is otherwise so shy, she lives freely on stage. She loved to dance, it was her passion. And everyone could see this that day. After the show was finished, you will meet Yuta and Sana in front of the artists' entrance. He was such a proud dad at that moment and you could see that on his face right away. "She was great, wasn't she?" Yuta looked at you and Jaehyun and the two of you nodded. "It was really wonderful," said Jaehyun. "Yes, she was really beautiful and she is so incredibly talented." You praise her, but in the corner of your eye you could see Sana sighing a little annoyed. She had nothing against you, but somehow there was always an unspoken competition between you two because Chichi saw you more as a mother than she. "Why isn't Johnny there?" Asked Jaehyun, looking around. "He's still in Chicago with his kids. He'll be back the day after tomorrow." Yuta smiled and stroked his little daughter Asami hair.
Meanwhile, Sunoh tried to get in at the stage entrance to give Chichi the flowers. But the bouncer didn't think that was a good idea. "Sorry boy, I can't let anyone in here." Sunoh was already desperate, but then Miga came to him. "Hey, can't you go in?" She looked worriedly at her brother. "No ..." Sunoh sighed and lowered his shoulders. "Aren't you Miga Jung? I'm a big fan, I've seen every drama you've played." The bouncer looked at the young woman in fascination. "Oh yes. I am." She smiled shyly. "Could we take a picture?" The bouncer suddenly blushed and Sunoh saw this as an opportunity. "Sure, but can my brother go in? A friend of ours is inside?" Miga blinked with her long eyelashes and the bouncer softened at the sight. "Oh yes of course." He opened the door and Sunoh quickly ran inside. Sometimes it annoyed him that his sister was quite well known because she was always recognized on the street, but sometimes it also has its advantages.
Sunoh searched for Chichi for a while and then he saw her from afar. She was already ready to go, her bun was still strict and her makeup was still up. He hesitated briefly because for a moment he was quite fascinated. He didn't know what that was, what he was feeling at the moment, but he wanted to hug her tight in the moment. His heart was racing and he looked at the bouquet full of her favorite flowers. And when he got closer, he suddenly saw another boy, a little older than he, coming to her. "Wow Chichi, you were really great today." Chichi had to giggle, she was not used to such compliments. "You look really beautiful today too. Maybe we can train together or something?" The boy grinned and Chichi, who was already completely red, nodded cautiously. "Wow that's great." The boy hugged her tightly and the girl was a bit overwhelmed, but when she looked up in the hug she saw Sunoh. His look was disappointed, almost painful. He wanted to be the guy who hugs her, he wanted to be the guy who says to her that she was beautiful today. He stared at her and suddenly felt so much more. He was hurt, saw red and it made him feel angry. He immediately turned and ran away quickly. Chichi immediately broke away from the boy and ran after him, but Sunoh was too fast. "Sunoh wait." Her petite body ran and ran, but then she sees him going through the exit. When Sunoh ran past Miga, he threw the bouquet to the ground and ran on. "Sunoh, what happened?" She looked after her brother, but he was faster again. At first, she wanted to run after him, but then she saw the front door open again and this time Chichi came out. "Hey what happened?" She caught the girl and Chichi dropped into her arms crying. Her thin body slumped to the ground and Miga halfway tried to catch her. Chichi's head was on her chest and she cried and cried. The heartache was so bad that it almost felt like physical pain. Miga held her tightly in her arms and stroked her gently so that she slowly settled down. But Chichi's pain was so huge. She loved Sunoh and she was afraid that he would never want to see her again.
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providentia masterlist
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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narika-a · 7 years
NCT as the Mafia + How He Met You
[Monsta X] [BTS] [Shinee] [GOT7] [Seventeen] [Block B] 
||| Requested by anon |||
A/N: I decided to only do the members who had already debuted and no one under 17 (Jaemin is an exception, his bday is soon 😂) and this still turned out longer than I expected 😂
Lee Taeyong
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The leader and founder of the gang, responsible for practically everything and everyone need to report to him whatever they’re doing
Tends to regret his decision to even start this because more and more members join every year and he realized that he will have to take care of them even if he’s dead and can often be seen staring into nothing, thinking about this
Since he’s the one who came up with this ‘genius’ idea, he was caught by the police a number of times practically every time they did any petty crime when they first started out
But now they got so good at this, that they even have bribed officials working in their favour
You both broke into the same building, at the same time and both got arrested ten minutes later. You even ended up in the same cell for 48 hours until someone came and bailed you two out. While you were waiting, you bickered and blamed each other for being the reason the other got caught but since Taeyong already had his gang, it wasn’t long since Taeil came to get him out as opposed to you, who had no one.
“Taeyong, you’re out! But I swear if I catch you again I will put you in for good!” the police officer said. 
“Yeah yeah,” he stood up and went to the door before stopping. “Taeil, pay for her as well, we’re taking her with us.”
Moon Taeil
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Takes care of the gang’s legal stuff (like money and documents) and hides the illegal
Is the one who gets the others out of trouble and everyone needed his help at some point
Scouts for new members despite Taeyong begging him not to
But they have to fit his high standards
At first he was really against this whole gang thing
But now he’s like the mother of the group
He met you when he came to bail Taeyong out.
“I’m not using our money on her. How do you even know if she will be a valuable asset to the team?”
“She’s going. That’s it,” Taeyong ordered and he didn’t dare argue with him when he’s angry. He kept glaring at you every time he saw you but you exceeded all of his expectations and welp I sense a love triangle
Johnny/Seo Youngho
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Finally got into the gang after 9 years of begging proving himself
He has yet to find out what his job really is
Was so happy when they trusted him with a deal, he screwed it up immediately
Before he even joined, he somehow got himself caught in a fight between EXO’s Sehun and Seventeen’s Jeonghan, even though he had practically nothing to do with it and it was mostly Sehun’s fault but that’s for later
While he was waiting in the dungeon to be accepted, he often went to this shooting range to practice but you always beat him and it annoyed him to no end, so one time he made a bet with you, if he gets in (he was boasting to you about the gang) or wins against you, you will have to go on a date with him.
“Well at this point I don’t think you will ever join that gang and I don’t see you ever winning against me either, so why not?” you laughed.
“Watch me,” he smirked, as he was about to tell you he’s in.
Nakamoto Yuta
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Like Doyoung he’s an assassin/hitman, except he’s the real deal
He prefers silent weapons, like snipers and often stays in the shadows (something he learned from Ten)
Not everyone can hire him and he only takes very well paid jobs
Despite the things he does, he gets scared very easily by stupid things
Someone set you up and hired both of you to kill each other, hoping neither of you will survive. After chasing, fighting and avoiding you for over a month, someone leaked information to him what’s this all really about and he decided that it would be best to join up and find the one who hired you two. Now his only problem was proving to you that he’s telling the truth and stopping you from shooting him dead. That will be difficult though because once you take a job there’s no going back.
“I have to work even faster. I I just stand around doing nothing she will get to me in a blink on an eye.”
Doyoung/Kim Dongyoung
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Very skilled with a wide range of weapons
He mostly joined because he wanted to shoot stuff *cough* people *cough*
You could call him and ‘assassin’ but he likes to show off his skills, so everybody would know that it was him who took care of things
Doesn’t like working with Yuta, their styles are completely different
A fight broke out in a local club and he was searching around the place for any survivors to clean everything once and for all, when he noticed a leg sticking out from under the table. He lifted the tablecloth and saw you sitting there.
“What the hell are you doing here? Did you think you can hid from me?”
“Oh no. I’m not hiding. Quite the opposite! I’m just watching - I mean reading.”
“Really? Reading? In the middle of a shootout?” you just shrugged and he stared at you for a few seconds before dragging you out.
“This is not a place for someone like you, let me help you out of here,” he smirked.
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He works as a spy for the gang and is so good at his job that he’s practically invisible and a lot of the members think he’s either dead or lost or smth because he’s so rarely seen, maybe once in six months or so
Only Taeyong knows what he’s doing at this point
One day Yuta saw him in the headquarters and screamed for two minutes straight because he thought he saw a ghost
“Oh it’s just you... I thought you were lost on that mission two months ago.”
Some days when he’s alone that happens a lot poor baby he wonders: ‘Why don’t we go on missions as a U unit anymore?’; ‘They missed the perfect chance to add me TEN as the tenth member of 127 smh’
He met you completely by accident, when he came back after a few months and somebody though he’s gone for good again and gave you his room. He lifted the covers up, only to see you sleeping in his bed and he was so shocked he stood there still holding the blanket when you still in your sleep took it from him and rolled to the other side.
“Wait... What?” he said, taking it from you again.
“Let me sleep,” you just mumbled.
“Ooh I will let you sleep! For eternity that is, if you don’t explain what you’re doing here!”
Jaehyun/Jung Yoonoh
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That local lover boy not really, who talks his way out of and more often then not into trouble
Because of this reason, he strikes the best deals
But tends to say too much and ruin them completely, making everything worse and also starting fights in the process
You accompanied him to one of the deals instead of Johnny and immediately realized he was about to start blabbing shit and stopped him before he could do it.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked, throwing him a glare.
“Yes, I’m sure, could you please stop kicking me under the table?.. Wait, who are you anyway?” he asked you.
“Are you serious?” you stood up and dragged him out of the room to show him who you really are and to shut that pretty mouth of his.
WinWin/Dong Sicheng
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One word. Technology.
Need to fix something? He can do it. You need to hack into something? He already did that. A couple of grands from a foreign account? No problem!
Members are lowkey scared of him because he had hacked into their accounts multiple of times and uncovered some embarrassing photos, dirty secrets and so on
Likes to blackmail people with their sensitive information for money
Trying to beat him at online MMO games was bad idea but it was even worse when you actually won. He threw his computer out of the window almost hitting Jaehyung in the head. He soon got another one out from under the table.
“I would rather die but I will never let somebody crush me like that,” he thought, starting to track your location.
Mark Lee
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One of the first members to join the gang
Was the youngest at one point and everyone didn’t take him too seriously despite the long ass rides
When he finally got better at socializing, he also got better, actually really really good at investigations/infiltrations/collecting information
Taeyong often sends him out of the city for a job
Hates Donghyuck’s guts lowkey best friends
He met you while working in one of the coffee shops as part of his mission. The moment you walked in, you immediately caught his attention and what other way to get to know you better than to approach you head on.
“A coffee for milday,” he said, putting the cup down on your table.
“I didn’t order any.”
“I know,” he chuckled. “It’s on me.”
You just rolled your eyes and decided to take it. [x]
Huang Renjun
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So smol, so soft, protect at all costs
If it wasn’t for Donghyuck he wouldn’t be here
He was like “Hey! There’s this gang and I’m in it, Mark’s in it, you’re in it.”
“Wait what?” he just blinked a few times.
And now he’s here, still a bit lost and not sure what he’s doing exactly
Not yet too enthusiastic about all this
He hasn’t met you yet or rather you haven’t (officially) because he has been hiding. He is very impressed but also afraid of you at the same time. When you try to talk to him, he runs away.
“Why does he run away? Is he scared or something?” you asked Jeno.
“He tells everyone that you have this strong aura around you and he can’t handle the pressure very well,” he shrugged. what does that even mean I have no idea
Lee Jeno
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The voice of reason in the gang
Often questions what the hell are they even doing
“How can we call ourselves a gang? We’re not even intimidating”
“You can’t just say we are the mafia because you think it sounds cool”
Helps Taeil keep everyone in check
Secretly enjoys stealing cars and driving around, until he crashes them which happens soon after
He saw you sneaking around, trying to steal from them and casually approached you.
“I’m sorry but who the heck might you be?”
You stood up from the door you were about to pick a lock from and started walking in the opposite direction like nothing happened. He came up to you in quick steps.
“Oh no no no, you don’t get to leave as if everything is okay. Come with me,” he said, trying to drag you inside.
Haechan/Lee Donghyuck
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Is very experienced in making explosives because he has been researching them ever since he first saw a war movie
Likes to make a grand entrance when a fight with other gangs break out
Everyone tells him no to because it just draws more attention to them that way but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thinks almost every person in the gang is a big loser
Except for Mark
He’s the biggest loser of them all
Even when he’s out on a mission, he calls him just to tease him
You walked into the mine field he set up for a test but he didn’t feel like blowing you up since he was in a good mood.
“Don’t move!” he shouted to you.
“I’m just passing by, what’s your problem?”
“I think you have more problems than me,” he said, pointing at the ground. You looked down and noticed a mine below your feet. 
“Is that what I think it is?”
“And? Will you help me or will you just stand there?”
“It depends on what I can get in return...”
Na Jaemin
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Despite being the youngest, he for some reason was really persistent to get into the gang
“I’m not taking in a bunch of children, this is not a kindergarten,” Taeyong said as he took him in how is he the leader? he’s too soft smh
Doesn’t talk much and doesn’t share what he’s doing (which brakes the rules btw but who cares)
The others have yet to find out what is the real reason the joined
You found everything that he does suspicious ever since high school, so one day you followed him and saw what he was hiding all this time. He noticed you soon after though. He grabbed you by the arm and sat you down in one of the nearby chairs.
“Now you be quiet and listen to me very carefully, if you ever as much as think about what you saw here...”
“What?” you retorted. “I’m so scared! What happens to me then?”
“You better not find out...”
All in all, NCT is not yet very well coordinated as a gang but they’re getting there 😂
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Jeno
#3 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 1,675 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ - Date Posted: 31/08/17
okay but i’m getting soft for this little boy
but seriously tho never thought of a day i’d be so soft for him
let’s continue :-D
this boy may be said to be the most boring member but honestly?
he’s definitely not boring
he’d be a complete sweetheart tbh
instead of being boring, he’d probably have cliche approaches in the relationship
probably those cliche plots you read in fiction books or watch in movies
all those cringy teenage plots
amusement park dates, cafe and ice cream dates,
lyou’ve seen it, you name it
jeno would be a young gentleman 
wow i live for manners man, some teenage guys nowadays are rude af
teenage blues
he would pick you up at your house before every date and would ensure that he brings you back home right to your doorstep before heading home
your safety was his priority 
during the date itself, his actions would give you countless butterflies in your stomach
yep cliche much but what do you expect from a fluff scenario
he may be quite shy and awkward at the start of the relationship 
believe it or not, it would probably be his first relationship
it’ll probably make you wonder how no one actually liked this cute adorable handsome talented fluffball
but that’s cause he liked you and thus didn’t give anybody else a chance hehe
so this sweet boy would be quite nervous, and would probably be quite hesitant doing the simplest things
like holding your hand or slinging his arm around your shoulder or waist
no matter how many times you assure him that it is fine,
his considerate ( and self-conscious ) self would always ask for your permission first
deeper into the relationship, he would become quite comfortable with you
smoothly taking your hand into his as soon as both of you meet
and every time he holds your hand
he would gently circle his thumb on the top of your hand 
which makes you feel relaxed and safe
and when he holds you close by the waist
his gentle touch at your waist would send tingles through your body
his hugs would feel like home tbh
no one else could probably give you the same feeling of comfort and solace
he was your getaway
yes there would definitely be the teenage feels and all
but sooner or later it wouldn't be just pure infatuation
both jeno and you would realise a few months into your relationship that both of you were absolutely in love with each other 
by the way that he thinks of you
the potential of living together
being together every night and day
learning more about each other and the other party's lifestyle habits
these thoughts rejuvenated him
whenever he was facing immense stress
from school
from work
from society in general
these thoughts would comfort him
and motivate him to not give up and strive for better
as for you
being a student
having to juggle studies and work
commitments and responsibilities
both in school and at home
the time being with jeno was as if a great load of burden was momentarily lifted off your shoulders
whenever you were with him, it seemed like only a world with you and him existed
and that all the troubles in the world were okay
that everything was going to be alright
just a little text message or smile from him could energize you for a long day
both of you would probably not really be up for the cheesy couple items
because you both knew that you didn't need such things to reaffirm your commitments in this relationship
to both of you, the trust in the relationship was a granted
having mutual trust and respect for each other only strengthened the relationship
even though you were already reassured of Jeno's loyalty 
he would constantly prove to you and others of it 
even when other girls try to flirt with him he would kindly turn them down
explicitly stating that he was already in a committed relationship
and that was what you loved about him
that he was respectful of the bond both of you shared
and that he would request for other people's respect for it as well
occasionally, both of you would have special dates either at yours or his house during the weekends
maybe an exciting and lively saturday when both of you experiment baking different confectionary and pastries
which may end up with both of you having a food fight
i can totally imagine a messy kitchen with egg yolks and egg shells splattered all over the counter and floor
and both of your faces painted with white flour and chocolate chips stuck in your hair
i have no idea how they got there but ok
or maybe a lazy sunday when both of you chillax on the couch and take a nap after a heartwarming movie
you guys would have study dates after school during the examination periods
both of you would usually head to your favourite cafe 
which was located a few streets away from the school
so that it would be nice and quiet and away from the speculation of the student body
( but tbh everybody in school knew of your relationship with Jeno, and you two were a famous couple in school )
he would be very generous and patient
helping you with topics that you were unsure about
and would give you that lovely eye smile and puppy smile whenever you finally solved a question that you mulled over for long
he would spend his own money to buy you food and drinks even without you asking
bringing you a cup of hot chocolate as you were pulling your hair out over a challenging math question
and as you sipped on the cup of hot chocolate, 
there was warmth spreading into your heart
but you know it was not necessarily the warmth from the drink
but the consideration and sweetness of your boyfriend
he knew that hot chocolate helped you alleviate some stress
he was starting to know you better than you knew yourself
as he observed your habits and likings, mentally taking note of all of them
enveloping him a tight bear hug out of gratefulness
and Jeno would be taken by surprise by your hug but returned it nonetheless while chuckling slightly at your cuteness
he was always gentlemanly
making sure that you were comfortable with everything he did 
if he did something that you weren’t exactly happy about, he would try to avoid it to his best potential
but of course, there would be times when avoidance was impossible
some stuff is inevitable
and this may result in some arguments between the both of you
arguments were very uncommon, but there would definitely be arguments in every relationship
they usually would not be anything very major or serious
maybe just unhappiness from both of your sides
this is where Jeno’s stubbornness being a Taurus would come out
he might be quite bull-headed regarding some stuff and insist that you do it his way
and sometimes you would not be very satisfied with his decision, resulting in both of you arguing 
maybe for the next few hours both of you would be rather cold to each other
but both of you still loved each other and cared for each other
and even when both of you were apart and still angry or annoyed at the other party
both of you would oh so frequently check your phones for any messages or missed calls from the other party
most of the time, it would be Jeno who gives in to you and resolves the disagreement
adding on to the fact that he’s a Taurus, he would be concerned about his relationships with other people, especially with those he really cared about
hence, he wouldn’t like to go on the relationship with both of you being cold to each other for long
even if he had an ego to uphold
he would make the first move and ensure that the argument was resolved by the end of the day
because he didn’t want you to go to sleep/ not be able to sleep being bothered by whatever dispute occurred between both of you in the day
Jeno would like taking you out for simple dates too
like an evening walk in your neighborhood park
both of your fingers intertwined
taking a relaxing stroll side by side 
oh yes have i mentioned
your family would absolutely love Jeno
because yo i mean he’s so considerate, respectful, the sweetest boy and boyfriend in the world
even your parents would favour Jeno to bits
as if he were their own son
parents low key supporting your marriage with Jeno
cutest campus couple
the cafeteria staff would be like
“Oh! Our favourite student couple is here~ Here, take more food~”
even outside school both of you would be known
both of you wouldn’t even know how people from other schools knew you because both of you weren’t exactly high-key with your relationship
both of you just doing your own things
but i guess the cutest teenage couple in town would go to both of you
honestly, Jeno is just the sweetest thing?
he’s not just looks
he’s not just about his dAMN SLICK side profile
or that talent of dancing
or that adorable eye smile
he is so much more than that
loving him wasn’t difficult
but knowing how to appreciate him inside out was not something everybody could easily do
a lot of people may think that you liked him mostly for his visuals
but little did they know, this boy here
gave you life
gave you the greatest amount of moral support you could have ever asked for
you loved him for everything that he was
you felt that it was a miracle that he loved you back
he was more than you could ever dream of
i am really soft for Jeno but I didn’t really know how to write this Boyfriend! Jeno :-( I’m so sorry if this wasnt good-
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