#when i finished it my mother asked if he's in Ghost 💀
bubacorn · 2 months
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The truth is, I am ugly, I am inadequate, I am lost I am No god
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sspicat · 7 months
So here's come my Story about them..
So Alpheratz has mostly grew up with Spica.. then i say, before they met eachothers they live a completely different life. Alpheratz lives in West and Spica lives in South. Then Alpheratz got transported to South for some reason ( cuz he was raised along side with Spica so.) Schedar must be busy with work yk great Socerers things so he couldn't take care of Alpheratz. Well actually Schedar choose Spica's family where Alpheratz can live when Schedar's out for something ( Schedar choose spica's family cuz yk family business stuff Spica's father helped Schedar with Tower construction) That's why Alpheratz house is empty as ghost house.
And When they first met eachother idk They were like "Do i have to live with him?" giving eachother Side eyes💀. In their Kid days they might have get along with eachother. They were very good friends😇 Look they even rode a small boat together. Sometimes Spica visit his mother's Animal Sanctuary. And Spica would chase Alpheratz all the way down to the hall way if he didnt finish his Homework. Alpheratz will be sleeping in the backyard and Spica reading novel beside him (jshakiwobsq i can't) Alpheratz will always prank Spica.(jit legit). They almost had a better childhood then ME. When they start gaining new brain cells.. i mean when they grew up in their teen years alot of things change. (This take place after First great disaster and after Spica's mother death really change Spica. let me explain, Spica used to be much Happier and open heart before his mother's death. Spica's mother takes a big role in his life. After she died Spica was kinda heart broken??? like he lost someone he cares and loves about. That's why he's kinda Cold hearted.. but still loves animal remind his memory of his past. and Alpheratz and Spica both suffer alot from great disaster🙂)
In their teen years They go to the same school together. Spica's always sits in the front. and had alot of friends in business and always study hard and get good grades. in the other hand Alpheratz sits back of the class and always slack of but still gets good grades without studying (Lazy Genius fr) . After Contell academy was found ( Ahhh School ohhh NOO). For some reason Schedar's gave all the responsibility of Alpheratz to Spica (💀). That's why Spica always chase Alpheratz. ( He's not doing for you He's doing this cuz Schedar asked him to) Nah now Alpheratz is running away for his life. Spica is about to kill him.
Legend says that Spica is still chasing Alpheratz down the hall way 😇🤝 i have talk alot of nonsense today... *flies away*
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y4miiiiiiiii · 1 year
How would the guys react to reader going into mama bear mode on base after bringing their child? Hc
Alrighty sorry for the late reply I was passed out. It's probably gonna be so bad💀
141 x black!milf!reader
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He honestly just wanted to see the cute kid until you almost ripped him appart when he carried them.
So he basically just watches you and your baby from far away, but sometimes will ask to carry or play with the kid.
He would totally bring them toys or books to play with and read them stories.
Won't let anyone approach the kid if you leave them under his responsibility. That's his kid now.
"Oh hey Captain, Is- Is that your kid..?" "..Yes."
Will wait patiently when you will come back and will try his best to help you without triggering you.
Overall he will be quit scared at first and distant but will warm up a little and tries his best not to punish you too hard when you try to kill others.
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That man won't even try to approach the kid. His trauma is already enough he don't feel like scaring the child with his appearance.
He would watch you a little amused from afar screaming and about to rip the head off of a rookie who just wanted to play with the kid.
Will honestly be surprised if you let him your kid saying that you trusted him the most among the others.
He will just awkwardly carry the child in his arms and stare down anyone who tries to approach them (mostly Soap and Gaz.) You gave him a mission, he will fulfill it.
"watcha got 'er LT?" "fuck off sergeant you aren't getting 'em."
Overall he won't really pay any mind to you being a mama bear unless you are going feral mode trying to kill someone off.
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Bbg Gaz
He would be INLOVE with the kid, that is until you gave him the most nasty stare you could when he got closer to them with his full gear.
He would remind YOU to wash your own hands before touching the baby. He literally doesn't mind you being a mama bear his mother also was one.
Will help you chase people off and legit will ask Price to help him build a little cradle for them to play safely.
"AHHH A BABY OMG IS IT YOURS CAN I CARRY THEM?!" "1 Strop fucking screaming you will wake the baby up 2 No it's my teammates and 3 did you wash yo hands?"
Overall he doesn't mind and will encourage you into being protective of you child here because of the danger and hygiene. You guys look like a little couple ngl
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Will cling to you until you agree for him to carry your baby. He is ready to trade his MRE for that child.
He probably has a lot of cousins or nephews so he knows or to take care of a child. You can trust him I think..
He honestly would think you are overreacting to everything because "Cmon ´s a child f'course it'll get hurt." Asshole fr unless its your first.
Overall you can trust him to keep an eye on your child but he will 100% spoil them and make fun of you if you overreact too much.
FINISHED i apologies if it's bad I never wrote before also im french sorry for the misspellings and misunderstandings.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hey it’s me again you’re favorite ghost🤪 I vanished but it’s currently 2 AM and I have a list on my phone of all the things I haven’t read and this makes for a perfect occasion to binge read all of them😀 Don’t want to bore you lol so I’ll try to be quick: Namjoon and Michele: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE WRITTEN ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. NOW I WANT THE WHOLE STORY. damn. I’ve been waiting for so long to know what happened between these two. This is the perfect moment to say that I’m a *sucker* for “fwb” -ish tropes and honestly after the latest flux chapter I needed Namjoon’s POV so THANK YOU!!
A bouquet of flowers: I’m just very thankful every time I find out you wrote something starring yoongi. You’re probably the only writer that makes me read yoongi and not feel like he’s found something “out of character” (not that we know his character, but I hope you get what I mean lol). And his grandma being gone in Hawaii is so savage and chaotic she’ll always be my favorite 🤩.
The Mishka/JK cockring situation: hilarious. Poor naive Jk not even questioning why she was so snappy towards the vendor lol. Also around the time you published this I was in Treviso (not Dragon Age Treviso, but still!) so I may or may not have crossed paths with these two👀
Fae Jimin: I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF INTERACTIVE STORIES! Don’t know if you’re familiar with the game “Life is Strange” but I loved it and kind of reminded me of it. And both endings were kind of creepy tbh💀 also I loved the line “beautiful. Humanesque but definitely not entirely human, no mortal man could look like that” because that’s exactly how I would describe jimin in real life😅
And I just finished the jk and pippa wash the dishes Drabble and I only have one question, probably stupid but I’m curious: do women’s bodies after birth/nursing actually react like that when they hear a baby cry? I saw multiple videos on this topic on tiktok the other day (don’t ask why they popped up I have no idea lol) and now I read this so I’m like “wait is it all true??” Not that I don’t believe people’s experiences, I just don’t trust people on tiktok 😃
I think that’s all? Oh I have to read asunder but I’m waiting for more chapters to pile up because I realized every update I kept forgetting stuff, I introduce you to my short term memory 😃
Also two things (since I’ve been lurking on your Tumblr anyway👀): you took days off work to write?? You’re now my role model, what I aspire to be when I’m an adult (because I’m not, I’m still 12 didn’t you know?). I suck at taking time for myself🥹 show me your secrets. I also hope you’re doing well❤️ don’t stress!
And number two: Halloween is coming up! I read your kids costume ideas and they’re so cute😭❤️ I’m so jealous of every other part of the world when it comes to Halloween because it’s my favorite holiday here no one celebrates it here, apparently they are boring and care about Christmas🙄. Anyway, if you need ideas on your costumes I’ll be Yor Briar from SpyxFamily👀 (if my costume arrives in time. If not I’ll do what I did last year aka tied my hair in a bun, drew red lines across my face, called 🌚, gave her a red scarf and then went “boom Eren and Mikasa”😅)
Hot damn girl your novels are such a delight to read!
OK let's start with my favorite part of this, the question about physiological response to babies crying: yes! Caveat, all women are different, even between different postpartums can be different. But my experience and I heard this from many others too is that often especially with a newborn who's freaking out, the mother's body responds in a similar panic and it's much easier for the father to handle the screaming baby because he may not have the same response. For me, I would start shaking, heart racing, sweating, sometimes crying, just total overwhelm (also if you're nursing, sometimes your milk drops at the sound of a baby crying, not even your own.) Sometimes babies just cry, there's nothing even wrong, and it was unbearable at times. It got more manageable for me over time, especially once I was done nursing, but I definitely still have a physical response to my kids crying (even when I know they are perfectly fine!) I'll wake up from the dead of sleep at the faintest chirp (save me please I need to sleep.) When it was strongest, it definitely happened with other children too (though stronger for my own.) I could not watch a movie with a crying baby in it, I'd start freaking out. Hormones are crazy as shit.
Now onto the rest! I'm so glad you're enjoying all the other stuff. It's a lot to binge! Flux Namjoon will definitely get some more attention. I had actually hoped to start his collection a little earlier, so maybe i'll go backwards too. I just really want to do all the members justice, and it's sort of a sad arc with Michele but he'll get to the happier place he deserves 😊
Fae Jimin was great fun though I wish now I'd let myself write even more leading up. I love interactive fiction and have long wanted to do projects in that vein, blending my writing and my video game career. It's why I play around with the reader insert stories sometimes too. I hope to explore some more, although to really do what I want would be a massive undertaking, so probably not in the near future haha.
I'm so flattered you like my Yoongis!! I used to think he was the hardest member to write but lately I've just been really enjoying getting into his head as a character, I'm looking forward to writing more about him through drabbles and Owl Yoongi. Also I'm working on a Min Je-ni drabble from when she and her husband first married and it's being fun, I love that chaotic granny too, she's so not coming back from Hawaii.
Asunder will probably get easier to follow too once we're to their adulthood, because then there weren't be as much time jumping and meeting people and stuff. Lowlander was super condensed and told from an outsider's perspective so it was a lot simpler; Asunder has SO much world building, it's a lot to keep up with!
As for the days off, yes I did haha, Because I also suck at taking time for myself too! I never stop moving and doing things and had really gotten to a breaking point after such a rough transition to fall so I actually took 4 days off and portioned them out so some were productive and some were restful --which for me meant writing. I wish I could have had a few more days to like just watch TV shows or something, you could argue that writing is not truly restful and you would be right lmao. But it's what I wanted to do and it soothed my heart.
I hope you manage to still have some fun for Halloween. Your costumes sound fun! Yor is a great costume idea!! I really should put some effort into doing something this year. We did our first trick or treat tonight but we've still got 3 Halloween parties/trick or treats to do... Last year I only got to do one because of my surgery right before. Can't believe that's been a whole year!!
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