#when i complain ab grades like i just wanna get the highest like i think i dsserve from the effort i gave
u-know-too-much · 2 years
Just an opinion. Although our school is famous for being a powerhouse for really smart and talented kids, I feel like it relies on the raw talent of the student rather than genuinely nurturing them or at least it's very selective with those it wants to nurture (which are usually the already exceptional kids). Which in turn is what makes it famous and gives it its reputation, and gets parents to enroll their talented kids in. It's not apparent bc well, sometimes, the only thing we qanna do is get the tf outta here lmao.
Rarely does it have qualified teachers that specialise in that particular subject, they just get who they can and teach to get it over with, training for comps are rarely formal, we have to sustain and improve ourselves on our own for said comps, then they get to claim all the credit "school that houses great future writers" or some shit. And then they give us the obviojs excuse of letting us be "independent" bc it "prepares us for college", how about let's do simulations first before the actual thing.
I also got one failed grade and one low grade bc of minor subjects. Now they're going to ruin my average. How am I supposed to compete to bigger, smarter students.
It's so tiring, I'm wasting so much time, I'm slowly burning out.
Our school can go burn down, with all my horrid classmates in it. Whatever prowess and prestige it had when I first enrolled here is nothing but rubble now that I'm almost leaving. Now go and watch them improve this trainwreck of a place after we leave :)
#the treatment of us and tvl vs abm and stem is just wow#the knowledge and teachings we get...i can get this from a google search i dont see what's so specialised ab it#and our section is mixed in with those who are lagging behind in hopes of us helping them are we babysitters??#i regret choosing humss or my school#it's such a pain to endure here#i get good grades but haha it could be better#im not really learning anything#i just know instead of these two years of k-12 helping me it's going to stump me when i get to college#haha how am i supposed to catch up to everybody else#i know neither the school or our adviser or half of our teachers give a shit#but lol this is the only chance i'll get to end my suffering pls give me better education...#also holy fuck our room is a literal sandstorm#stem gets the avr??#abm gets to keep their pristine room??#and when i vent ab it. everyone just talks ab how better they've got it sure?? is that supposed to make me feel better??#thanks for invalidating me ig there is no upside to this#ive been trying my hardest to endure and pretend like any of these minor inconveniences compounding together is okay to me.#when i complain ab grades like i just wanna get the highest like i think i dsserve from the effort i gave#im not undermining the one i got no way is it something to frown on but dont you think they can still give and compensate us thru this#from all the stupid shit we had to sit with#studying here is painful#i had to do this now every day#im honestlh considering if i should start skipping classes
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
Ten✧Shi makes their debut!
Everybody meet my idol oc group! I’m so excited to finally start making content for them, and I hope people like them! Under the read more are profiles and introductions to the group and members! Art by me!
Feel free to use the inbox to ask them questions! Give them a warm welcome!
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Group Intro:
Hello everyone! We are Ten✧Shi! We are a group of four high school teachers in Japan and an idol group! This is our first group interview so please enjoy!
We chose the name Ten✧Shi because there are four (四/shi) of us and our kind students said we were like angels (天使/tenshi) of the idol world! The four pointed star in our name represents each of us coming together to be brighter, but it also represents a compass and our hopes of guiding people to their shiniest future!
For our debut we’ve gone with a more mature concept, taking the theme of angels and putting a modern spin on it!
We were previously school idols, formerly two duos known as ‘Savvy x Spiffy’ (featuring Natsuki and Ryu) and ‘FINEST♡’ (featuring Yui and Haru). Our school idol careers mainly consisted of a local rivalry, but a friendly one. Now we realise that our duo concepts were too different to compare fairly, which is why our competition ended in a stalemate during our third year. However we want to thank our fans, friends and family for supporting us back then.
Ten years on from our last performances we’re back as a quartet! We hope to inspire people around the world with our live shows, with our new concepts and songs. As adults in our late 20’s we want to show the world what we’ve learned since then and just how powerful we are!
We want to thank our students for pushing us to form a group like this, and due to their amazing support we couldn’t have entered the upcoming amateur adult idol tournament, designed for people like us!
Height: 6’2 / 187cm
Birthday: July 19th
Star Sign: Cancer
Pronouns: He/him or They/Them
Image Colour: Mint Green
“Hi everybody! I’m Natsuki, the leader of Ten✧Shi! I didn’t think I could be a leader, but the other three were so insistent, I couldn’t resist their cute little faces! They said I’m the glue that keeps us together, but I don’t think I put special effort in, I just want to see everyone be the best they can be, Y’know? I just wanna take you all in and squeeze you tight! If I had all the time in the world I’d talk to each fan because you’re all so valuable to us!
I only became a trainee teacher in the past few years, but I’m sooo happy to see my old pals again! I love exploring lyrics in music, I am a Literature teacher after all!! I hope the songs I write in the future will inspire all of you to do your best! There’s so many different types of idol music, but I do love electro swing the most. It’s just the kind of music you can put on and dance around with! I’m so excited to dance with my friends again!
My charm point? Hmm… I don’t really think about that too much, but I’d say it’s that I’m willing to drop everything if my friends need me! I guess I also get compliments on my voice a lot. Of course I train hard as an idol, but I’ve been singing since I was tiny! Maybe that’s why I can’t sing so loudly… Oh you meant something physical? Ahaha… well, it’s a little embarrassing, but I overheard Ryu say I have “like, super toned abs. It’s so unfair.” Does that count? What?! No!! I’m wearing my work clothes I can’t just take it off!! I can’t let the students see me like this!!!”
Journalist’s Note: Due to popular demand, an exclusive shirtless photoshoot was taken shortly after the interview. Please view our Instagram page for a sneak preview.
Height: 5’11 / 180cm
Birthday: March 5th
Star Sign: Pisces
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Colour: Light Blue
“Make this quick, I don’t want to lose track of time and be late for- Oh you’re recording already? Fine. I’m Ryu. And I want to start this by making something clear. I’m not the same teenage boy I was last time I was on camera. The whole playboy persona isn’t gonna fly as an adult. I have a reputation to uphold. I’m a senior staff member of the school now, I can’t be seen dancing in shirts that are barely buttoned up anymore. And I’m especially not calling any of my fans ‘my kittens’. That shit’s embarrassing. Wait, I mean that it’s unacceptable. Can you edit that?
As I said, I’m high up in the school now, so I have a lot more to worry about than back then. And that also includes being part of a bigger group. Yeah, I love those guys, but you can’t deny they’re a handful. It’s kinda weird. In the old days I’d be the one running off and getting us into trouble, but now I’m… uhh… am I stuck-up to you? I really don’t wanna seem that way to students. Why are you laughing? Oi, what’s that face for?
Huh? Charm point? Who cares about that? Oh yeah, I’m the visual center. Okay, whatever. As an idol I like to focus on my body as a whole, but if I had to highlight an area I’d choose my legs. I’m not super tall, but my legs are kinda long, and sometimes Natsuki would latch onto them so they can’t be unattractive. The guy’s got some strange taste but I guess I trust his judgement. He is our leader, after all. Hm? When does he do that? I mean just like if we’re chillin before we go to bed. Yeah? Yeah, we live together. Wait!! Don’t cut the camera let me explain!”
Journalist’s Note: We didn’t cut the camera.
Height: 5’8 / 172cm
Birthday: August 30th
Star Sign: Virgo
Pronouns: She/Her
Image Colour: Light Pink
“Hi hi! I’m Yui! I’m a PE teacher and the choreographer of the group! I love love love to dance, even without thinking about it! Dancing is such an amazing way to express yourself. If you’re alone and you need to get some energy out just move your body to the rhythm of your heart! Dancing as a group is so amazing too! Watching our lives shows back and seeing everyone do the moves I made is such an indescribable feeling!
I never thought I’d be a teacher, but I really love it! There’s a lot of hard work involved, but it’s all totally worth it. I know PE can put a lot of stress on students, so I don’t force anyone to do anything, and I try to make everything super fun and accessible! All of my students are so lovely, people really don’t get that kids are humans too, with such rich lives and stories to tell. Honestly I’d rather help out kids that need guidance than spend time with some of the grouches that teach here. EW!
My charm point…. Is my eyes! Connecting to our audience is so important, and I always focus on making the right expression, it’s just another way I can get across my feelings! People say my eyes are always full of life! I also love love love seeing students get inspired by my dances. When their eyes light up it’s like a whole new path has opened up in the world! I hope everyone supports us and we can all make new paths together! Love you!!!”
Journalist’s Note: Yui’s interview is an hour longer than the others. For the uncut version, please visit our site.
Height: 5’5 / 165cm
Birthday: July 29th
Star Sign: Leo
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Colour: Yellow
“This is Haru. If I sound moody during this interview, blame the others for waking me up this early. This is earlier than I get up for work. But this isn’t about work so I shouldn’t complain. Hm? Yeah, I’m a maths teacher. I know it’s like the least interesting subject for most people. And I feel the same way. But when I was a kid all of my teachers were hell-bent on teaching their way or no way, so I chose to use my good grades to get a job here, and understand how these kids work as individuals so I can teach them in a way that they understand.
I’m the composer for the group. After high school I was in a rock band for a while. The split wasn’t in vain so it’s all good. And they’re fans of my idol stuff. Being able to write music helps out now, but I’ve still got a lot to learn! Music’s so great, it can lift your spirits or bring you down, which isn’t always for the best, but that really shows how powerful it is! Getting up on stage and feeling the adrenaline shoot through you is addicting and I feel so alive when everyone’s into the rhythm and you feel like the night could last forever... Looking back on some of our recorded performances, I notice how intense I get on stage. It’s a little weird to see myself so… energetic. Is it weird? No? Wait, people like it? You’re just saying that because I’m here. Hey, don’t show me comments on our debut MV, that’s unnecessary.
Charm point… The dark circles under my eyes don’t count even thought people point them out a lot, so I’d say my fang. I have a canine tooth that sticks out a bit, see? The others think it’s cute, but there’s nothing cute about me. What? My fans would say- No I don’t need to hear any of it. There’s no such thing as a charisma centre! I’m not cute and my face isn’t red!”
Journalist’s Note: As a school idol Haru won #1 ‘Cutest New Idol’ as voted by the public. As of the date of the interview, he holds the highest all-time number of votes in a single poll.
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