#when he possessed rhys for the first time he only had pants on meaning he probably put on a shirt at some point
seethinglikeme · 4 months
on one hand i do wish the nogitsune (when he wasn’t possessing stiles) had a more fox-like design or something, but on the other hand, he looks so fucking funny all wrapped up in bandages with only his gross mouth visible and wearing normal human clothes
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lure-of-writing · 5 months
Little Sister; Just Peachy
Summary: After sparring with Cassian you feel just peachy
Note: ya'll Im not going to lie the scene with Rhys in the living room got me in my feels 😭. But don't worry your little hearts we will absolutely will be seeing this from Ariel's point of view. As always I cannot wait to hear what you guys think!
(please read all in a days work , knock before you enter, and his little sister first!)
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Mentions of having tiny frames but only in reference to being a child
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Ever since your visit from the summer court something with both your brother and Azriel has been off. Rhys for the first time in your life has been avoiding you and suddenly you could never seem to catch Azriel at the right time. It was starting to annoy you to no end. “Well good morning to you too, sunshine.” Cassian looked over to where Nesta was stretching with the rest of the girls as if to ask her about your negative attitude. In return she just shrugged and welcomed you into the circle of stretches with everyone else. Today was all about fighting and since Cassian's counterpart was nowhere to be found it was up to you to help Cassian demonstrate the fighting techniques that had been practiced for a few weeks now. You were known to be a person who refrained from fighting and going into battle but that doesn’t mean that you weren’t capable of doing so. You were only one hundred years younger than your brother, it was safe to say that you had some experience with fighting. 
The roof of the house of wind was quiet except for the occasional gust of wind along with Cassian's booming voice explaining how this match would go and the things then needed to pay attention to before each of them went toe to toe with either you or Cass.  Finally after he was done giving instructions he turned and faced you. “You know I’m not going to go easy on you right.”  scoffing your head tilts to the side “Yeah that's because your mate is over there giving you bedroom eyes and you want to impress her.” Once again his boisterous laugh filled the space of the open room giving it more warmth. Nothing more was said as you both got into fighting stances and prepared to walk away with some bruises. 
The fight hadn't been going on for more than five minutes when you swore that you saw Azriel landing on the roof and watched as you and Cassian went back and forth throwing and dodging punches. Now you couldn’t say for sure because as soon as you took your eyes off your opponent to spare a glance where you thought Azriel was standing, Cassian's fist made contact with your cheek and subsequently you were laying on the matt looking into the sky completely dazed. 
Cassian never meant to actually punch you. He knew exactly how you fight, he knows your tells and the next move that you would usually make but he didn’t know that you were going to turn your face at just the right moment and his powerful punch would connect with your face. Both you and Cassian knew the strength that he possessed and usually he would never fight you using that unlimited well of strength but the purpose of the match was to demonstrate how to use each part of your body to increase your strength when sparring. 
Nesta was sitting on the ground right next to you with your head in her lap holding a cold hand on your sure to swell cheek and busted lip. From your point of view she was upside down. Even like this you thought she looked stunning. Gently she stroked your hair when telling you that you were going to be ok. Deep down you knew that you would in fact be ok but right now your head was ringing and your face hurt and you were pretty sure a tear was running down your face from the pain. Off to the side of you Cassain was shitting his pants. Not only had he hit the person who he views as a little sister, he hit you with his full force. He was grateful he did break any of your bones. But that wasn’t his only problem; he hit Rhysands little sister. Cassian was sure that he just signed his death certificate. 
Rhysand was in his office with Azirel getting the report from his latest mission when he heard Cassian in his head. “Rhys?” The tone was a question as well as a grimace “Yes?” Rhys raised a finger to stop Azriel from continuing on. “Can you come up to the house of wind?” Sighing he looked at Azriel before rolling his eyes. “Can it wait? I'm currently in the middle of getting a report from Az.” a beat of silence passed in Rhys mind before  the quiet voice of his brother came back in “It’s y/n” 
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Cassian could hear the beating of two sets of wings before he could see them. It didn't take a genius to know that they were flying at max speed. Cassian took a big breath and held it for a few seconds before blowing it out between thinly pressed lips. This would probably be the last time that he could breath normally for a while. Just as the two males touched down he glanced over to where his mate was still cradling your head and periodically removing her hand to look at the bruising and your split lip to see how bad it was getting. 
Rhysand hadn’t even landed when his eyes locked on your body laying flat on the mat with Nesta holding your head. As soon as his feet touched the hard surface of the roof he was pouncing on Cassian with questions. “What the hell happened to her? Why is she laying on the mat with Nesta holding her face?”  Cassian said nothing as he folded his high lord to where his sister lay. He knew as soon as Rhys saw your face he would be done for. Rhysand wouldn’t need any answers to his questions, he would know exactly what happened and who did it. Azriel fell in place with Cassian behind Rhys as they made their way to where you were lying and he glanced at his brother for a second with an eyebrow raised as if to ask what happened. Cassian just grimaced and shook his head. Azriel would also know what happened as soon as Nesta removed her hand from your face. 
Cassian stayed back a few steps as Rhys bent down to get a closer look at you. Azriel was on the other side. “Nesta move your hand.” She didn’t do so, “Before I do you need to know that it was an accident and–” The tone of Rhysands words that came next left no room for discussion. “I said remove your hand.” The power in the high lord's voice raged over her like the waves of an ocean before a hurricane. She hated how the power made her bend to his will. Quietly she removed her hand as both males took in your face. The bruising has officially started to begin. All of your right cheek was painted with colors of red, purple and spots of dark red where the blood vessels broke. The bruising also danced along your cheekbone and around your eye, presumably from the impact, and down towards your jaw. Right where the bruising meets your lip is where it was split open and now had dried blood crusting along the open cut and down your chin. 
After taking in your appearance Rhysand stood to his full high he turned around to look at the other male. “Cassian” his voice was cool and emotionless, the voice of a high lord. “Did you do this to my sister?” As much as it sounded like a question both males knew it was not. It was more like an interrogation. 
As Nesta watched from afar as her mate and her brother-in-law were preparing to have at it she prodded in her sister's mind. “Feyre you need to come to the house of wind.” She paused for a moment as she listened to Cassian try to explain himself and what happened. “Now.” she added. Her attention was pulled from the fight that was sure to happen in a few moments with the jostling of your body beneath her hand. Looking down again she sees Azriel gently pull your body into his being as careful as possible as not to cause you any more pain. Nesta was sure that you were too out of it to feel more pain, as you didn’t even respond when she called out your name and your eyes were too unfocused and dazed to notice anything happening around you, still she thought the gesture was sweet. 
“Where are you taking her?” Even though she wanted to go wherever Az was taking you she knew that she needed to be here when Rhys was done with her mate. To nurse him back to health. Or bring him back from the dead, whichever happened first. “She needs to be seen by Madja.” She nods her head in agreement as glances back over to her mate. She was sure the blood bath would start at any second. “I agree.” Finally after getting you into a position in Azirels arms that he deemed safe enough he shot off into the air and towards Madja’s clinic just as her sister flew in. Frantically Feyre looks at where her mate and her brother-in-law stood a few feet away brawling. “What the hell happened?” Nesta glanced down at her younger sister before returning her gaze to the fight. “Cassian accidentally punched y/n in the face and knocked her out.” Feyre felt her jaw drop all while turning to look at her older sister who just shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance. 
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When you woke up the first thing you noticed was the pounding headache ravaging your mind, the next thing you noticed was the excruciating pain in your face and jaw. Whatever happened to you must have been pretty bad for you to be feeling this way. Especially with fae healing. After cataloging the different types of pain and discomfort you were feeling you took in your surroundings. Plush big bed, the soothing smell of your brother's cologne, and paintings of Nyx, Feyre and your brother decorated the walls. You were in your brother's room. You must have been hurt pretty bad for you to wake up in a room that wasn’t your own. Closing your eyes again in hopes of soothing the pain inside your head you take a few deep breaths while you were at it. 
Reluctantly you pushed the warm blankets off your body and made your way into the bathroom. The soft glow of faelights illuminated the bathroom and casted it into warmth. The setting sun on the horizon told you that you apparently had been out for most of the day, if not a day or two. Turning to look in the mirror you gasp at the sight in front of you. “Oh” a beat of silence “I look like shit.”  gently you press a finger into the dark purple, blue and black bruise covering most of the right side of your face. You cringe back at the pain your prodding had induced. It took you a few seconds of staring at your own reflection to remember what had caused this but eventually you remembered. 
You were sparring with Cassian in hand to hand combat and while the two of you were circling each other you could have swore you saw Azriel in the corner of your eye. Going to confirm it you turned your head to the right as Cassian's arm made a big and powerful swing and made contact with your face. After that you can’t remember anything. Giving it another once over you shrugged “At least he didn’t break my face.” you muttered to yourself before making your way out of the room and down to the kitchen or living room. You knew that you would only make it to one or the other before somebody was destined to stop you. 
You got as far as the living room. Rhysand sat in a chair as he watched his wife and son play on the floor. The soft padding of your feet on the marble floors pulled him from his silent brooding. You watched from the entrance of the room and your brother practically shot up from his seat and in three quick strides stood in front of you. “ You're awake!” Even though you knew he meant it as a statement it felt more like a question. “Yeah?” You watched as your brother sighed in relief before gently pulling you into his arms. One arm around your back and the other stroking your hair. He made sure the unbruised part of your face rested on his chest. Returning the hug you arm your arms around the waist of your brother wrapping each hand around your forearms and your rest your complete weight against him. For a few seconds nothing was said as he gently rocked you back in front in the same spot. 
Silently he pulls back to examine your face. You watch as his eyes take in the much darker welt on your face and the slowly closing fractured lip. He releases another sigh before once again pulling you back into him. “How are you feeling?” his tone in gentle and soft, knowing just how much your head probably hurts. Rhys had also been on the receiving end of Cassian's powerful strike, more times then he would like to admit. “My head feels like it's been cracked in two and my face feels like it might of been shattered but other than that I feel just peachy.” you felt the rumbling of your brother's chest before you heard the soft laughter.  “I’m glad to see Cassian didn’t cause any brain damage.” Now it was your turn to laugh. 
 A peaceful quiet settled over the two of you and for a second you enjoyed it. Closing your eyes you listened to the steady heartbeat of your brother's heart, and for a second it reminded you of when you were a child. Any time you were scared or just in need of your brother's love you would seek him out and cling to him like your life depended on it. And without questioning he would simply wrap his arms around your tiny frame while you rested your head against his chest listening to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat until you fell asleep. 
Those memories are some of the ones you hold closest to your heart and the current situation reminded you of when you were a child. Gently you knocked on the barely there shield of Rhys mind, he welcomes you in with open arms and there you show him all those precious memories this moment reminded you of. Some things are for certain and one of those things is sometimes you just need the love and comfort of your brother. Gently he squeezes your body closer into his own while still rocking you back and forth before placing part of his cheek and chin on top of your head. “Should we get you something to eat?” he all but whispers into the space above your head. Nodding your face against your chest the two of you pull away from each other after a few seconds. Rhysand keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulders as he leads you into the kitchen. He may not be a great cook and usually avoids the kitchen like it had the plague but for his little sister he would do anything. Even if that meant potentially burning his house down. 
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It was a few days of living with your brother at his house before he thought you were ok enough to return back to the house of wind. That was only after Madja had even the ok that you would be good enough to survive the flight up there. You rolled your eyes behind his back as he talked with Madja. It was less than a five minute flight from his house to the top of the house of wind. If all else failed and you felt bad during the flight you would squeeze your eyes shut and pray you don’t throw up. 
When you finally returned to your house you were surprised to see it empty. “Where is everyone?” you asked as your brother trailed behind you while entering the living room. “Nesta is with Feyre and Nyx shopping and Cass and Az are currently on a mission.” settling into the couch you glance over your shoulder at your very sweet but protective brother “Back to calling him Cass? That must mean you no longer feel like murdering him.” you watch as your brother makes himself comfortable on the couch across from you. “I’m still not happy with him but that doesn’t mean I hate him either.” 
The room fills with silence yet again. “Why were you even sparring with him in the first place?” Furrowing your brows you look at him confused. “Uh because Azriel wasn’t there to do it? It was supposed to be the two of them but I guess something came up and no one else there has enough years of experience with the technique the Valkyries were learning so I stepped in to help.” It was now your brother's turn to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I didn’t give him anything to do so I don’t know why he wasn’t there.” Shrugging you look around before answering. “I mean he is a spymaster. I’m sure he has things that we don't get the privilege to know.”
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Taglist: @kemillyfreitas @lana08 @willowpains @username199945 @tothestarsandwhateverend
@kylaisra @lilah-asteria @nickishadow139 @br0klynbby @blacktreacle22
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bookish-whore · 2 years
Alone with you
Azriel x Reader
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: Modern AU, Slightly College AU?, Fuckboy!Az, Possessive!Az, (but also some softboy! Az), fluff, only a little angst this time, pet names, SMUT
A/N: This one has been on my mind for a while and I'm so glad I finally finished it. dedicated to the lovely @azsazz @kennedy-brooke and @brekkershadowsinger
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“Please come out with us tonight” Feyre asked, looking to Nesta for backup.
“I have a lot of studying to do Fey. You know that organic chemistry is absolutely kicking my ass” I replied.
“I think you can manage a few hours” Nesta said “I mean if you’re doing that badly a few hours aren’t going to save your ass”
I rolled my eyes at her. she had a point.
“Fine, are the guys coming?” I asked, Feyre nodded enthusiastically.
“As far as I know it’ll be you, me, Nesta, Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel” Feyre said
Azriel. He was Cassian and Rhysands’ brother. I hadn’t spent much time with him, mostly because when we were in the same room together things tended to get heated. I rolled my eyes at the mere mention of his name.
“Be nice” Feyre said to Nesta and I “I know Azriel is kind of rough around the edges…but he’s family.”
Nesta and I exchanged side glances trying to hide in our laughter at her attempt to protect him.
“No promises” I said “Besides you both have Rhys and Cass, I’ll be the one stuck babysitting him all night when you sneak off to do dirty things with your boyfriends” we all laughed at the insinuation.
“I promise you won’t have to be alone with him” Feyre said “especially after last time”
“Hey if he wasn’t such a douchebag, then I wouldn’t have had to punch him in the face” I said calmly.
“Y/n, you gave him a black eye.” Feyre countered.
“He deserved it”
“Well, I for one make no promises” Nesta said with a smirk “Cassian loves to fuck in public”
The remainder of the walk to our shared apartment passed with conversations about outfits and aesthetics. Somehow, I had even agreed to let them decide what I would be wearing to this club opening. I would probably regret that decision later.
We all took quick showers, crowding the small bathroom in our apartment. Nesta was drying her hair in the living room and Feyre was doing her skincare routine at the bathroom vanity while I shaved my legs in the shower.
When I was finished, I toweled off and made my way to my bedroom to get ready. I did my makeup, just my usual routine and made my way to the living room so Nesta could do my hair. Feyre was ready first and put the finishing touches on my hair so Nesta could get dressed.
Feyre had chosen a black mini dress that clung to her curves nicely, it fell to her mid-thigh and had lace detailing that accentuated her breasts. She had chosen a pair of silver stilettos to accompany the dress and wore her hair half up in a messy bun with some strands falling to frame her face. Nesta on the other hand wore a black mini skirt with a black lace bralette and a long-sleeved mesh top showing of the tattoos across her ribs and arms, she paired her ensemble with black high heeled boots.
They looked incredible, I was nervous to find out what they had selected for me but as it turns out they know me really well. They had selected a nice fitting pair of black dress pants that clung to my body in all the right places and had paired it with a simple pair of black heels and a black lace bodysuit that had a nude layer under the lace to give the illusion that I was showing more skin than I was.
We met in the kitchen to wait for the Uber Rhysand had ordered for us and took a shot to prepare us for the evening ahead.
The club was interesting. It was called Velaris which to me seemed like a silly name, but it was actually a really stunning place. The ceiling was painted black with stars adorning the entirety of the space which looked like a galaxy when you gazed up. The theme seemed to be dark academia as there were Victorian era couches and chairs in the designated seating areas and ornate gallery walls with oil paintings and gold frames. It was decadent and slightly whimsical and I loved it.
I heard Cassian’s deep baritone voice as he called us over to the table they had secured. He immediately pulled Nesta in for a kiss and she sat on his lap wrapping her arms around his shoulders and neck, Feyre took the seat beside Rhysand and he brought her hand to his mouth for a kiss. Rhys was always the gentlemen. Which left the last seat for me and of course it happened to be right next to Azriel. I flashed a smile to him as I took my seat. I had decided that I wouldn’t let him get to me, I would block his existence out and enjoy the night with my girls.
The night was going well. I was on my fourth vodka cranberry, taking a break from dancing with the girls. When it took a turn for the worst.
Nesta and Feyre had gone back to the table, and I had just finished talking to Lucien, one of the guys in my organic chemistry study group about the test we had this week. I was turning to head back to my group when I was stopped by some drunk guy.
“You wanna dance?” he practically yelled over the thumping of the music.
I shook my head, but he came closer leaning down so that he was practically talking in my ear
“Come on, just one dance” he pleaded.
“I’m good” I yelled back at him over the music “no thanks.”
“Come on sweetheart” the man said pressing himself closer to me, wrapping his arm around my side to keep me there.
I tried to move out of his grip “Seriously, I don’t want to” I said firmly pressing my hands against his chest to push him away.
“Oooohhh she’s a feisty one” he said holding my tighter. At this point I started to panic but then he appeared.
“She said no asshole” he said, his voice calm but serious. “I suggest you take your hands off her.”
“Or what” the man challenged.
“Or I’ll have to break them” Azriel said bringing his hands up to crack his knuckles in warning.
“This ass might just be worth it” the man said bringing his hand to graze my backside, I tried again to squirm away from his touch.
Azriel was quick, faster than lightning as he descended on the male and before I could register what was happening I heard it. The telltale -crack- as Azriel bent the mans hands in an unnatural position.
He screamed in pain, and I took the opportunity to get even with the man. I didn’t need Azriel’s help but I appreciated it. I felt the give of bone under my hand as I used my palm to break his nose. He screamed as blood gushed from his nostrils and tried to bring his broken hands to stop the bleeding.
I was vaguely aware of the onlookers but paid them no mind as I fled to the bathroom to wash his blood off my hands. What was that?
I couldn’t help but disassociate as I watched the red water circle down the drain. I was only vaguely aware of the door opening and the sound of the lock engaging.
I looked into the mirror, locking eyes with Azriel who made his way over to the sink. He wordlessly pumped the soap into his hands rubbing it over mine as he got into all the crevices, removing any trace of the blood that remained. He delicately rinsed them and grabbed a towel patting my hands dry all in tense silence.
“T-Thank you” I managed to whisper as he quickly washed and dried his own hands.
“Come on” he said gripping my hands in his “We’re leaving”
“With you?” I questioned “Absolutely not.”
“Will you stop pretending you hate me for five minutes?” he said, “You’re shaking like a leaf and this place doesn’t serve food so I’m taking you to get something to eat before you pass out.”
My stomach grumbled at the mention of food. Traitor.
“Fine but let me tell the others where I’m going” I replied.
“I’ll meet you out front” he said making his exit from the bathroom.
What the fuck are you doing. I asked myself in the mirror before taking a deep breath and making my way back to the table.
Only Rhysand and Feyre were there, his hand gripping her thigh possessively as he whispered something in her ear.
“Hey guys” I said as I approached “Where’s Nes?”
“Oh, she and Cassian left about 45 minutes ago, the sexual tension was too much” Feyre said
“Ughhh, they are insatiable” I said grabbing the remainder of my drink and chugging it
“Whoa. What’s gotten into you?” Feyre asked leaning forward as Rhys observed silently.
“I just came to let you know that I’m heading out…with Azriel.”
“You’re what?!” she exclaimed as she stood walking around the table.
“I’ll explain everything later, it’s a riveting story” I said “but he’s waiting for me outside and before you ask, I am sharing my location with you and Nes in the event that he kidnaps and murders me.”
“If I don’t hear from you in over 12 hours, I will contact the authorities” Feyre said with a smile “By the way, I’m going to Rhys’ tonight and Nes will probably stay at Cassian’s so the apartment is yours if you end up back there” she said with a wink.
“I’m not going to sleep with him, he’s my arch nemesis if you’ll recall” I said “its been…a night and we’re just getting food.”
“I know how you love a good enemies to lovers plot y/n” Feyre said “this is like your real life fantasy”
“Ha. ha. very funny Fey” said as I hugged her and turned to leave.
“Use protection!” she practically screamed as I walked away. I shook my head smiling at the implication.
As the brisk night air hit my skin, I scanned my surroundings for him. I forgot how to breathe as I saw him, holding out a black helmet as he leaned against a motorcycle.
I was in deep shit.
“Hop on princess” Azriel said placing the helmet on my head and snapping it into place under my chin. He swung his leg over the bike scooting forward as he turned the key in the ignition.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I climbed on behind him.
“It’s a surprise” he said as his hand grabbed my thigh, pulling me so that I was firmly pressed against him. I wrapped my hands around his middle, tucking my head into his back.
“Hold on tight” he said, and then we were off.
He took me to a small diner, which was not what I expected from him. I mean this place looked like it was straight out of the 1950’s. It was called Rita’s and the décor was retro, red booths that looked like they were wrapped in cellophane with white top tables that had aluminum wrapping along the sides. The walls had a funky striped wallpaper with vintage posters. It was a cute place.
He seemed to frequent the place as the staff immediately welcomed him in by name and asked him if he wanted his usual table. He nodded, grabbing two menus and walked us to a booth in the corner. I sat on one side, and he took the other handing me a menu. I looked it over deciding on breakfast, I loved it at all times of the day but especially when I was slightly drunk. There was nothing better to prevent a hangover than waffles.
“Know what you want princess?” he asked.
“Mmhm” I nodded closing the laminated menu and setting it in front of me.
He lifted his hand, gesturing the waitress to come over to our table.
“Hey Alice” he greeted. “Slow night?”
“It’s Friday night” she replied “it’ll pick up around 3 when the bars all close”
“Typical” Az said, and he was smiling. This was a side I definitely hadn’t seen of him before.
“What can I get y’all?” Alice asked, holding a pen in one hand and a pad of paper in the other.
“I’ll have my usual” Az said “and she can have whatever she wants.”
I looked to Alice, her pen at the ready “I’ll have the Belgian waffle combo, eggs over-easy, and bacon please.”
“Alrighty, and anything to drink?” Alice asked
“Coffee for me” Az said and looked to me expectantly.  
“Uh- I’ll have the same” I said.
“Okay, I’ll be right back with those coffee’s and the food will be out soon” Alice flashed us a smile and was off.
“So. You clearly come here a lot”
“It’s quiet, and the people here…they don’t know me so I can just be who I want and not the person everyone expects me to be.”
I nodded along with what he was saying, it was so honest, I didn’t expect him to have a decent side to him, but it appears I stood corrected because he was much more complex than I gave him credit for.
Apparently his usual was a bacon cheeseburger with extra pickles and a side of fries and he was a perfect gentlemen and pretended not to notice when I snuck a few fries for myself.
The conversation between us was easy- it was carefree. We talked about everything; school, our futures, our ambitions and before I knew it the clock read 3am. As I looked around the diner I realized more of the booths were filled with couples and groups all looking for a cure to their night adventures. Alice came over to top off our coffee and Azriel took the opportunity to ask for the bill.
As Alice walked away to retrieve it, I reached into my bag looking for my wallet.
“Don’t even think about it” he warned his voice serious and demanding
“Think about what?” I asked innocently.
“Paying” he said simply
“Az, it’s no big deal I don’t mind paying my half” I argues.
“it’s a big deal to me” he said “I brought you here so it’s my treat”
“Fine” I agreed rolling my eyes dramatically.
Azriel quickly paid the bill and as we stood to leave Alice walked past wishing us a goodnight, but without warning she quickly turned around pointing her finger at Azriel like a stern parent.
“You better bring her back Azriel” Alice said sweetly “You two make the cutest couple.”
I couldn’t help but blush at the thought. Azriel and I?
As we exited the building, I realized that I didn’t want the night to end. I wanted to see more of him, experience more with him and I was nowhere near ready to part ways.
“So…what now?” I asked as I once again began the task of putting on the bike helmet.
“Well.” He said “I can take you home and we can pretend none of this ever happened.”
“Or?” I asked.
“Or. We can go back to mine for another drink.”
I felt giddy at the thought of being alone with him in his apartment and I immediately agreed. I was determined to unravel the mystery that is this man.
His apartment wasn’t at all what I imagined. I thought it would be some ridiculously decorated bachelor pad of sorts, I assumed there would be led lights and flags on the walls and he would have red solo cups and plastic silverware but I have never been more wrong.
It was a stunning space, with a view overlooking the city skyline and he had simple and modern décor mostly a sleek black and grey but there were subtle touches of cobalt throughout the space. He even had art adorning the walls and everything was immaculately clean.
“Can I get you something to drink?” he asked making his way to the kitchen. I followed behind him seating myself on the island counter.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having” I replied as he pulled a pair of wine glasses from a cabinet.
He made his way to the fridge opening it to grab a bottle of wine. I noticed that he was also incredibly organized. Everything seemed to have a place. I thought as I looked around the kitchen, I refocused on him as I heard the subtle -pop- of the cork as he opened the bottle with ease and poured us both a glass before putting it back in its designated place.
He took a few steps towards me, standing between my legs as he extended the glass to me. He was so close that I could smell the slight notes of cedar and rain from his cologne, it seemed to envelop me.
“Thanks” I said taking the glass from his hands and bringing it to my lips taking a small sip.
“What do you think?” he asked swirling his glass before taking a sip.
“Well, to be honest I’m more of a white wine kind of girl- but this is excellent.”
He smiled “it’s a Valpolicella- I figured you would prefer something sweet”
“A Vallo- what?” I asked
“Valpolicella- it’s Italian” he said taking another sip.
“and you know that because…you have an affinity for wines?”
“No princess, I grew up in Italy.”
“How did I not know that?” I asked him
“It’s not something I particularly like talking about”
“Why not” I pushed as I swirled the liquid languidly in the glass
“My childhood- was not…ideal” he began
“How so?” I asked
“I was adopted… Rhysand’s parents adopted me from the Italian orphanage when I was 13 years old.”
My eyes went wide at the information- but he continued.
“When I was 13, I was working the streets, doing small jobs like delivery services for coins, hustling vacationers, and stealing scraps of food when I could. But one day there were these boys who just wanted to play with me. Their parents were in town on business and they were staying at the Hotel Adriata and invited me over for a playdate.” He laughed at the memory “I was young- obviously- and naïve so I went, and our mother just had this instant connection to me and before I knew it the papers were signed, and I was on a plane crossing the ocean.”
“That must have been traumatic to go through all of that at such a formative age” I said
He nodded, his eyes vacant and far away.
“Do you remember much about Italy?” I asked
“I remember every detail. The cobblestone streets, the salty sea air, the orphanage, the nuns, my birth parents…” He trailed off at the mention of his birth parents, so I decided to change to an easier subject.
“Do you still speak the language?”
He nodded his head
“Prove it”
“How could I possibly prove it?” he reasoned.
“Say something to me.”
“I don’t really-”
“Oh, come on” I begged “pretty please”
“Fine” he huffed as he downed the remainder of his wine in one large gulp.
“sei così dannatamente bella” he said softly “le cose che voglio farti farebbero arrossire gli dei ”
“What does that mean” I asked
He set his empty glass down beside me, resting his arms on either side of my thighs as he came close.
“It means…” he began, tucking a stray hair behind my ear as his thumb grazed my cheek.
“You’re so damn beautiful…the things I want to do to you would make the gods blush”
I forgot how to breathe as his hazel eyes burned into me, his gaze dark and hungry and maybe it was the wine, or the fact that he was so honest and vulnerable about his past, but I couldn’t seem to resist the pull to kiss him.
So, I did.
This was no ordinary kiss; it was full of passion and desire. His hand cupped my jaw angling my head to deepen the kiss as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I let out an involuntary moan at the feeling which only further encouraged him.
He lifted me from the counter with ease, his hands digging into the flesh of my ass as he carried me through the apartment. I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold myself upright as I lost myself in his touch. His mouth exploring me, planting needy open-mouthed kisses to my jaw and neck.
I didn’t even realize we were in his bedroom until he turned to seat himself on the mattress angling me so that I was straddling him as I took control of the kiss, running my fingers through his hair and slowly grinding against him.
I pulled away and slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, trailing my fingers over the muscles that adorned his chest and tracing the tattoos that adorned his shoulders and chest. It was a swirling black ink that almost looked like smoke.
He patted my thigh as a gesture for me to move off him a moment so he could remove his shirt and as he turned around, I let out a gasp at his back. It was a beautiful tan like the rest of him, but it was covered with two large wings. The more I looked at them the more they looked like bat wings the black ink shaded to look like the thin membrane that made up a majority of the structure and the little bones that jutted out along the tops for structure and stability. I had never seen anything so large and so detailed. I stood and approached him from behind slowly tracing my fingers along the outline of the tattoo taking in the intricacy of it.
“Like what you see princess” he teased his low voice gripping my hand and holding it against his chest as I circled back to stand in front of him.
I nodded, not trusting my voice to answer.
He grasped my wrist in his hand, pulling my flush against the front of his body “I’m going to make this very clear y/n. All it takes is one word, just one word princess. You tell me to stop, and I will-”
“And if I don’t want you to stop?” I asked in almost a whisper.
“Then you belong to me and tonight every inch of you will be mine” he said skimming his fingers over my thighs and up my body
“Then make me yours”
He wasted no time pulling my body into his, our mouths meeting in another desperate kiss a clash of teeth and tongues as he took control of my body spinning me until my back hit the mattress.
He climbed on top of me, using his knee to spread my legs as he settled himself between them deepening the kiss and running his hands along the length of my body. It was like I could feel him everywhere. He lowered himself and began at my feet, removing my heels as he ran his hands up my legs digging gently into the flesh on my thighs before his hands settled on my belt, slowly unbuckling it and then he began working on my pants, unclasping them with ease. His fingers hooked at the waistband, and I lifted my hips a little to aid him in removing them.
He discarded them somewhere behind him, I didn’t really notice as he unbuttoned the bodysuit from between my legs, I sat and pulled the garment over my head, tossing it behind him to join the pile of clothing.
I leaned back resting my weight on my elbows as I watched him. I was now almost bare in front of him, my panties were the only piece of clothing that remained, but by now they were soaking wet. The cool air heightening my need for him as my nipples peaked the skin pebbling in anticipation of his touch.
He stood at the side of the bed, his hazel eyes fixed on me as he unbuckled his belt, pulling it off in one swift movement and the next he pulled off his trousers kicking them off to the side. I trailed my eyes down the expanse of his body until they rested on his straining erection which clearly visible now that he was left in his briefs.
I gulped at the size, he was well endowed to put it nicely.
“Az…I don’t know if- if you’ll fit”
“I promise it’ll fit darling” he cooed “I just need to make sure you’re nice and wet for me”
 I squeezed my thighs together at the implication.
“Relax, princess” he said as he rested his hands on my knees, beckoning me to open my legs for him. I did and he settled himself between them pulling me, so my core was directly in front of him.
He licked his lips in anticipation before hooking his fingers on the waistband of my panties, pulling them off in one swift moment. I didn’t even have a moment to be embarrassed about being so bare in front of him because he immediately dove in.
I threw my head back in ecstasy as he lapped at me like a man starved. The sensations were so overwhelming I tried to close my legs, but his hands were there, holding me open like his own personal buffet. I felt the gentle prodding of his finger at my entrance as he pushed into me, slowly pumping it, while he licked at my clit.
“Fuck princess, you’re so tight” he groaned, his voice low and guttural as he pulled his finger out of me, licking my juices off before adding another, curling the digits inside of me while paying special attention to the bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs. I could feel my release building with every movement, but just as I was about to cum, he suddenly withdrew his fingers and his tongue. I let out a frustrated groan at the loss of contact.
“You’re not going to cum until my cock is buried deep inside of you” he said pressing a kiss to my inner thigh.
I sat up on my elbows, looking down at him as he crawled his way up my body caging me beneath him. I wrapped my arms around his neck pressing a kiss to his lips. The taste of me still lingered there but I didn’t particularly care. Unlike earlier this kiss was slow- thorough. Like we had all the time in the world, like we were the only ones in it. I couldn’t help but arch into his body. I needed his touch like I needed to breathe, and he was more than happy to oblige, he held our weight with one arm while the other snaked around my waist holding me tightly against him.
From this position, I could feel his cock resting at my navel so I reached between us pumping him slowly while using my thumb to spread the pearly beads of precum around the head of him. “fuck princess” he moaned at the sensation
At that encouragement, I pressed on his chest urging him to roll over “I want to make you feel good” I said softly “but I’ve never really…done this part” I said nervously “like used my mouth”
His hand encircled my wrist pausing my movements “There will be plenty of time for that later, but right now I need to be inside of you”
I felt a wave of wetness at his admission. I wanted him too. So badly.
“You ready y/n?” he asked gently “just one word and we stop.”
“I want this.” I said with a nod “I want you.”
He pumped his cock a few times before lining himself up with my entrance.
“Eyes on me princess” he demanded. I met his gaze, his pupils blown wide with lust as he rubbed himself in my wetness coating his cock completely before pushing into me in one swift movement.
I cried out at the sudden stretch, my body working to accommodate his considerable length.
He stilled inside me, giving me time to adjust before he began a torturously slow pace pulling completely out of me before pushing himself back in to the hilt. The long strokes allowing me to feel every vein and ridge of his cock.
“More” I panted
“Are you sure about that princess” he asked, his voice dark and sultry
“I’m good” I nodded meeting his hungry gaze.
“You’ll tell me if it becomes too much for you” he said lifting my legs from his waist to rest on his shoulders the new angle already driving him deeper
I nodded eagerly “I will”
“Alright princess” he said
He began with slow deep strokes and picked up the pace with each thrust. He brought one of his hands to hold my waist practically pulling my body into him as the other rested on my lower stomach his thumb finding my clit, rubbing lazy circles around the bundle in time with his thrusts.
The sensation was overwhelming, I had never felt so full or so stimulated. It was like every nerve in my body was thrumming with electricity. The only sounds filling the room were skin slapping and my moans of pleasure as he set a brutal pace, I could feel my orgasm building quickly.
My hands found his face and I pulled his forehead to rest against mine as I clung to him, my nails clawing into his back, leaving large red welts along the delicate lines of his tattoos. He flexed his shoulders at the contact and moaned at the sensation. He stilled inside me, his hand stroking my neck and jaw.
“I can feel how close you are princess” he groaned “You want me to make you cum”
“Y-yes please Az” I pleaded
“Aww. Listen to you begging like such a good girl” his thumb once again found my clit, rubbing it in quick circles.
“Look at me” he demanded “I want you to look at me when I make you cum”
He thrust deep into me, his movements on my clit fast but precise and without warning my orgasm barrelled through me, but my eyes met his and held his gaze as he chased his own release.
“Fuck princess, you’re gripping me so tight” he said before he came with a sinful sounding moan his eyes half lidded and his mouth slightly parted.
He pressed a soft kiss to my lips as he gently pulled out, the combination of our releases slowly leaking out of me as he stood.
“Stay there” he said retreating to what I assumed was his bathroom as I heard the faucet running.
He returned a moment later with a warm washcloth. He gently climbed onto the bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight and he patted my legs urging me to open them for him. my legs were still shaking from my release, but I obliged.
“Relax. I just want to get you cleaned up” he reassured me as he ran the cloth between my folds cleaning off our juices, the warmth soothing the soreness that I could already feel was beginning to set in after our activities. Once satisfied with his work, he pulled the comforter down picking me up and tucking me under his blankets.
“Stay here” he warned “I’ll be right back”
I couldn’t help but be curious as to what he was doing, but just as I was about to get up and investigate he reemerged with a tray in hand. I sat up in his bed as he set the tray down on his side of the bed. I looked over to find that it had Tylenol, water, and an assortment of snacks and treats and my phone which I was grateful for because I hadn’t even remembered where I left it.
“Here” he said handing me a glass of water and a pill “It’ll help with any soreness.”
I downed it quickly, handing the glass back to Az.
“Can I have my phone?” I asked, he handed it over quickly as he settled himself in bed beside me. Pulling the covers over us both. I checked the time surprised to find that it was almost 6am.
I placed my phone face down on the table beside me.
“So, what now?” I asked Azriel
“Well, I would like to sleep” he teased “I’m quite exhausted”
My phone buzzed on the nightstand.
Feyre: Just checking in. You okay? Y/n: I'm more than okay. Be home tomorrow 😘 Feyre: 🍆?
I rolled my eyes at my phone, a smile on my lips at the fact that she was right about Az and I.
“Do I need to get you home anytime soon?” he asked pulling me closer into him, wrapping his arm around my middle.
I rolled over so we were face to face “No, I’m really enjoying this. Just being here- alone with you”
“So am I princess” he said pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Before I knew it, I slipped into a dreamless sleep, safe in the arms of a man I despised 24 hours ago, who knew that one night could change everything.
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@cherryjain17 @we-were-beautiful @moonfawnx @cityofidek @daily-dose-of-sass @marvelouslyem @moonlightazriel @frieddesigninspiringquotesslime @indaybella99 @gray08 @dreamsofivy @gorgeouslysent @viradeity @kennedy-brooke @maddistyles17 @thewarriormoon @pixiestix13 @lucyysthings @a-frog-with-a-laptop @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @purplevitagen @devilsfoodcake22 @lillithathecat @baby-is-crying @nightcourtwritings @lastwandastan @marudersarehot @georgiastars13 @percyjacksonspeen @inpraizeof @piebymesstuff @maviee @theravenphoenix26
Taglist (Azriel Only) ->
@ellievickstar @supersoldierswhxre @marina468 @positivewitch @holb32 @meghan52300 @lookingformarissa
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strongfuck · 1 year
💋 "Careful what you offer, Kitten."
from this meme.
Rhys has kissed Zer0, Lorelei, and so many of his Crimson Lance that it's starting to feel ridiculous. But when you play spin the bottle with seven different bottles spinning at the same time, he supposes he shouldn't have expected any less-- he'd promised to play the game just like anyone else, and if that leaves him tasting twenty different kinds of alcohol on his own mouth in one night, then it is what it is.
Coming home from the party at Atlas HQ (the first they've had since Maliwan was driven out of Promethea and Katagawa Jr. was slain), Rhys is exhausted. He'll have to start work on cleanup and relocations tomorrow, but for now, he decides to ride the high of victory a little longer. He undoes his tie, moves sluggishly from his living room to his bedroom, and opts for showering in the morning; he's tired enough that just finding something comfortable to sleep in is an ordeal in itself.
It's only after he's shrugged his button-down off that he hears Jack in the doorway to his room.
"You kissed a lot of people today."
"What, were you watching?" Rhys doesn't bother turning around, pulling the loose sleep shirt onto himself and working on unbuttoning his trousers next. "You know, you could've just gone to the party."
Jack scoffs. "They couldn't handle all of this."
"Or you just didn't want Zer0 to see you."
"Oh, fuck you." A beat. "Eh, wouldn't have been fun if there was a Vault Hunter tryin' to kill me as I drank your shitty beer, anyway."
"I see." Rhys kicks his trousers off, pulls his jogging pants up, and then bundles his clothes up to toss them in the hamper.
Jack steps aside to let him walk down the hall, one hand behind him. "...was it fun?"
"Kissing all those idiots."
Rhys yawns, shrugging one shoulder up. "Fun's kind of the point of playing a game, Jack."
"That doesn't answer the question."
"Well, it was enjoyable enough--" Rhys pauses as he turns from the bathroom doorway, interrupted by the sight of what Jack's holding. A bottle of sports drink is in his hand, and the cap points up to himself-- him and the scowl on his face and the furrow in his brows.
"What do you mean, 'oh'? This is a bottle. It's pointing at me. Make with the kissing."
Rhys tries desperately not to laugh. "That's not how it--"
"Yeah, it fucking is!" Jack's free hand flings out, then points right at Rhys himself. "Careful what you offer, kitten-- you can't just back down because you're a god damn pussy."
"I am not."
"Then why aren't you--"
Fist in Jack's shirt, Rhys tugs him into a simple kiss. It's easy at first, closed mouth just like all the other kisses in that silly game had been, but then the bottle falls to the floor with a thump and Jack's hands are grasping his face with nothing short of possessiveness. Mine, Rhys can already hear him say, even as Jack's mouth becomes preoccupied with Rhys' eager tongue. The way Jack touches him, the way Jack comes in close, the way Jack seems to relax only when Rhys has wrapped his arms around his waist-- it's mine, mine, mine down to the core.
When the kiss finally breaks, Rhys looks down at him with a crooked smile. "Better?"
"Passable." Jack licks his lips, head tilting slightly as his thumb slides over Rhys' mouth. "But you could always try again."
So with a roll of the eyes, Rhys pulls him into his room and does just that.
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emilia3546 · 3 years
Shadowsinger Part 21 - Gwynriel
ACOSF Spoilers! Do Not read this unless you have finished ACOSF and the Azriel bonus chapter*
Masterlist with all previous chapters
Gwyn shuffled on her feet, readjusting her skirt, and silently cursed it for being in the way, she could still fight, but not as well as usual, and she'd lose precious seconds reaching for the dagger sheathed at her thigh. Azriel stood beside her, his shadows nowhere to be seen, either spread out around them to be unnoticeable, or hidden in the cloak around Gwyn's shoulders, her protests that she didn't need them having fallen on deaf ears.
"You okay?" He murmured, and she nodded,
"Just a bit nervous, I'll be alright once this first contact is over," because she could still fall at the first hurdle, Evanna had warned them that they would be scrutinized before being allowed in, even if they claimed to support the Illyrian rebellion. She stifled a smile when Azriel squeezed her fingers, their joined hands hidden beneath her cloak, but it was still a risk, they weren't supposed to be in love, she was supposed to be what the Illyrian would expect of a traditional warrior's wife, and a traditional warrior would never display affection so casually, possession yes, but not affection. If he were in love with his wife, which was rare, he'd still only display affection in private, just to maintain his image, it was one of the more ridiculous customs, Gwyn never thought more of someone than when they allowed others to see their heart. The palace doors opened and Gwyn squeezed Azriel's hand back before letting go and reluctantly dropping her gaze to the floor.
"Gavin was it, of the Skybreath Illyrian camp?" A rather young-looking man shouted from the open door,
"Indeed," Azriel replied, not shouting, but clearly making himself heard, "And my wife, Amirah," Gwyn suppressed a smile at the sound of the name that Azriel's mother had chosen, what she would have named him had he been a girl.
"We have no records of others from your supposed camp," the man's tone was low, dangerous,
"That's probably because they're all pathetic cowards who fear the repercussions of standing up for our people, ask anyone you want, I can wait, I've waited long enough for this chance, don't be the reason I lose it," Azriel matched the man's tone, but without shouting, he sounded altogether more dangerous, and Gwyn almost looked up at the feel of the man's gaze on her, fighting to keep her eyes lowered, her attention on observing the guards, the way their protocols were carried out.
"Fine. If we find out that you're lying, you're dead,"
"Good luck with that," Azriel's hand warmed her lower back, "Come on, I'll see who's made it here, then I want to find a bedchamber readied for us," Gwyn forced herself to start forwards, her bones screaming out at her for pretending to be afraid of him when she nodded, but stayed beside him when a guard moved towards them, pressing into his side at the first attempt to grab at her, "What?" Gwyn kept her frightened gaze on the guard, "Get your filthy hands off my wife," he snarled, an arm wrapping around her waist, reassuring for Gwyn, she was doing well, but to anyone else it was a display of possessiveness at a threat. "She stays with me until we reach our bedchamber, I like to know where she is, who she's with." He didn't even bother to veil the threat in his eyes when Gwyn looked up, keeping the guise of fear as she pressed against him, shying away from the guards, and allowed her gaze to dart around, marking who they were, how many of them there were, where they were posted, how alert they were. She ducked her head, following Azriel as they were led through the palace. It was just as they'd expected, with no-one taking notice of Gwyn, except to occasionally ask Azriel who she was, and then to ignore her and speak only to him, allowing her to memorize the palace, its routes, its staff, all while pretending to be quiet and unassuming.
She didn't want to watch Azriel walk away once they'd reached an empty bedchamber, didn't want to see him walking towards the enemy, all it took was one Illyrian who was high enough rank to have seen him, all it took was one recognition, and they'd try and kill him. Still, she couldn't tear her gaze away, only just remembering to make it appear that she was scared for herself, and wanted his protection, not that she was worried for him. Once he'd vanished from sight, Gwyn shot one more frightened look at the guards in the corridor and bolted herself inside the room.
Right, she did have to get the room set up, no-one was coming to do that for her, but that would take maximum half an hour, it wasn't like they exactly had luggage to unload, and then, it was a little after midday now, she'd have a few hours before dinner could be expected. Still, she was stuck in this room for now at least, she could make the most of it.
The notebook tucked into her gown wasn't big enough for every detail, not if she wanted it to last long enough, but she noted down all she'd picked up on guard movements, positions, who was alert, who was bored. It wasn't enough, she'd make a point to have Azriel find some other females to 'keep her from boredom' who she could help with palace tasks, laundry, cleaning, the Illyrians made their females do the chores at home, why not here? She'd be all over the palace that way, easily able to pick up information, it'd hopefully make their stay shorter, hopefully help with preventing a full-on civil war.
Azriel couldn't dare glance over his shoulder to Gwyn, where she was undoubtedly waiting by the door to their bedchamber, even with every part of him screaming not to leave her with those people, to go back to her. He listened to what the male beside him was saying, he'd seen him before at Ironcrest, from a distance, and he was probably the highest-ranking males here, being involved in training and organisation of Ironcrest's warriors, he could be a headache later.
"Where did you find her?"
"Find who?"
"That pretty little wife of yours, I must say you're a lucky male with that one, I'd love to know what she'd feel like on my-" the male didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, breaking off with a choked gasp as Azriel slammed him against the wall, a hand curling around his throat, pure death shining in his eyes. "Whoa, calm down, I'm sorry, I wasn't gonna do anything,"
"I sure as fuck hope not," Azriel snarled, still not releasing him, fighting the urge to end him then and there, unable to shake the image of the last male who'd thought such things about Gwyn. "Touch her and it'll be last thing you ever do," the smaller male paled at the threat,
"I swear, I won't, I was saying she's beautiful," she was beautiful, but the way he'd said it, it wasn't a compliment, if Azriel hadn't reacted, maybe he would have tried something, gods, maybe someone else would. He wasn't supposed to care to like that,
"She's mine, understand?" He added, covering his tracks, the reaction was supposed to just be possessiveness, not him actually caring for her wellbeing, he wasn't supposed to be worried about that.
"Yeah, I got it," the other male was still panting when Azriel released him, "Sorry, dude, I didn't mean it like that,"
"Yes, you did, but I'm a merciful male, if you never speak of her like that again, I'll let it slide, she is beautiful, but she's mine." The male nodded,
"Noted," and took a deep breath before continuing to explain the set-up, "You're the only one from Skybreath, bunch of cowards, so we'll probably attach you to another camp, for numbers' sake, those bastards do have the advantage in that department, and they have the High Lord, and 'High Lady'," he snorted at the mention of Feyre, "But we can trust the humans to help with that,"
"How? They're fucking powerful,"
"Yeah, but they're just as susceptible to ash and faebane as the rest of us, I'd wager that they're not still taking that damned antidote. Then again, the higher-ups think we could simply kidnap their son and use him to get them to give in, but I'd like a good fight anyway, and y'know someone might end up just killing the brat, then we'd be in deep shit." Oh yes, if they harmed one hair on Nyx's head, Rhys alone was likely to simply mist the entirety of their armies before any battle, and that was if he were safety returned, at the latest, the day after he was taken, if it were longer, or if Nyx were harmed, there would be no safe place in this world for those responsible.
"Probably a bad idea that," Azriel mused,
"I'd reckon you're right, the bleeding hearts want to regain our loyalty, they'll just try and obliterate us if we hurt the boy," Azriel grunted in agreement, dropping the conversation when they turned a corner, the corridor opening into a wide chamber, filled with brawling Illyrians, a temporary training ring, not bad. He ran his gaze across the crowd, there was no-one likely to recognize him, but he still wouldn't draw attention to himself, even if wearing two siphons might do just that, but he couldn't risk it with only one, not with Gwyn here as well. He nodded a quick greeting to anyone who bothered to acknowledge him, his mind still racing. He'd have to find a way to make sure that Gwyn wasn't ever left completely on her own, if just one other male had a similar thought to the one beside him, and if he wasn't there, if she couldn't get her dagger drawn in time, he didn't want to finish that thought.
The Illyrians were well organised, not to the same degree as the loyal armies back home, but they could present a threat, especially if it was true that they were to be armed with ash and faebane. The leaders eventually decided to attach 'Gavin' to one of the smaller camps, where he'd be able to adjust more easily, where, Azriel noted with a hint of satisfaction, it would be easy to gain their trust. He made his way across the room to where his new 'comrades' were taking a break,
"Hey look, looks like they've given us the latecomer," Azriel's attention snapped to the male who'd spoken, dark hair cropped close to his skull, blue eyes, that was rare for an Illyrian, he smiled and offered his hand, "Nathan," Azriel took the proffered hand,
"Gavin, from Skybreath,"
"Oh, I was wondering if anyone would bother coming from Skybreath," Nathan chuckled, "Braver than the rest then?"
"Or more stupid," Azriel chuckled, "I've been waiting a long time for this,"
"As have we all, brother," Azriel resisted the urge to snap at him not to call him that, but forced himself to smile, to join in the conversation, and to not beat the shit out of all of them when they reclaimed a spot in the training ring. "How the fuck did you get your hands on a second siphon?" Nathan's observational skills left much to be desired, but it was wishful thinking to hope that he wouldn't notice at all, especially when Azriel had just pinned him to the mats.
"I needed it,"
"Fuck. We got a powerful one here, boys," chuckles surrounded them, and Nathan rolled his eyes as one of the others drawled,
"We know, idiot! That's why you're the only one stupid enough to fight him," another male laughed,
"He's probably some high born lord, or something,"
"Are you?" Nathan's eyes were shining with curiosity, something fairly rare for Illyrians, but he did seem young, untested, perhaps he had no idea what he was getting into, but Azriel had learned the hard way not to bother with the benefit of the doubt,
"Not really, my mother died a while back, and my father was your bog-standard warrior, nothing special really, he got killed in a border dispute a few decades ago, guess I just got lucky, the Mother likes me maybe," he shrugged, "It certainly helped on the way over here, since no one else came with us, it was just me and my wife, and she's not much help with fighting, y'know," chuckled from everyone, including Nathan,
"She clipped?"
"Who do you think I am? Of course," Azriel's temper flared up again at the approving nods from around him, only Nathan looked uncomfortable,
"You did it?"
"What? No, when she was young, like everyone else, but it did mean that I had to carry her here, which was a pain,"
"Still, bet you found a good one, being all powerful and shit,"
"Yeah, I'll have to go fetch her before we leave for dinner, I left her in our bedchamber, she'll want food," each word hit him in the core, even if none of it was true, the idea that this was normal to these people made him want to scream, but he guided the conversation back to the war, to what he needed to hear, even with his mind continually drifting back to Gwyn.
Footsteps outside had Gwyn shoving the notebook back into her dress,
"Amirah!" She rushed to the door, keeping her eyes down in case Azriel wasn't alone, he wasn't, and someone let out a huff,
"Shit, how the fuck did you leave her all day?" One of the males beside him chuckled, "We'll see you in a bit," Azriel nodded and stepped past Gwyn into the room,
"You okay?" She mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear, and he nodded,
"I hate this, I have to pretend that I'm not hopelessly in love with you," Gwyn's stupid, faithless heart fluttered in her chest at those words, ignoring the way Azriel's eyes were dark, tired,
"Hey," she muttered, "It's okay, I know it's not true," Azriel's head snapped towards the door,
"Shit," he muttered, "They're still there, they're listening in, they won't have heard, but," Gwyn narrowed her eyes, and her eyes widened at the realization,
"They want to listen?"
"Moan, now, or they'll think something's up," he was right,
"I don't know what to do," she whispered, a feeling of true fear descending upon her, they'd gotten in, gotten embedded and he stupid, foolish fears were going to get them discovered, gods she was really useless,
"Hey, Gwyn," Azriel tipped her chin upwards, swiping his thumb across her cheek, "Just make any sound, you can't do it wrong, we don't actually need to do anything, just make them think we are,"
"But why? I don't get it,"
"They're all horny shits, and they've seen how fucking gorgeous you are. I've been away from you all day, they'll expect me to want certain things upon reuniting with you," oh, she knew what he meant, but just one day? That was surely excessive, but she nodded, and kissed him gently,
"I don't think I can just do it on command, kiss me, and then we'll see," she looped her arms around his neck, and did moan at the first brush of his lips against her neck, her head falling backwards so that Azriel had to hold her up, she moaned again, and he groaned at the feel of her lips against his, deliberately chucking his jacket aside so it made a loud thunk on the floor. Gwyn pressed her fingers against Azriel's lips, waiting, footsteps, they were really alone now,
"I'm sorry about that," Azriel muttered,
"What are you talking about? Kissing you is wonderful,"
"But I don't want you to think that you have to, even if it's for keeping our cover,"
"I didn't, it was just a chance to kiss you, and it was helpful to convince those others, but if I didn't want to I wouldn't have," she chuckled, "Are you sure you're okay?" Azriel collapsed onto the bed, dragging her with him with a yelp,
"I'm okay, just worried,"
"About you. One of the males who showed me around made a comment that I didn't appreciate, and I doubt you would have done,"
"Did he seem like he wanted to act on that comment?" Gwyn stomach churned, and she glanced around the room, marking the locked door and windows. Azriel stiffened, realizing that she immediately knew what he was referring to,
"Not once I'd dealt with him, but all takes is one, I don't want you to have to deal with that, especially when I can't be with you, you might be on your own and," he took in a deep breath, "I just worry about what could happen if someone tries somehting,"
"I'm never on my own, Az," a shadow danced around her, "If I need to, I can fight with or without my dagger, and I want to find out what the other Illyrian females are doing here, there must be others,"
"There are," Azriel admitted, "They do the chores and stuff, help making and adjusting leathers and armor,"
"I can do that," Gwyn said, "It'll give me a chance to speak to them, to learn things that the males might overlook, and to simply be in the palace, invisible. I can 'get lost' and find my way to restricted areas, the queens' offices perhaps," Azriel pursed his lips together, but she was right, she knew he was, and no matter how much he wanted her to be safe, he knew that too,
"You're right, I know that, I just wish you didn't have to do it by yourself,"
"I know, but that's going to be how we have to work here, now," she twisted in his lap, "Tell me everything you found out today."
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multiverse-swampy · 3 years
Questions and form made by @goddess-of-war-nyka
1. Introduce your summoner. –
Name: Swampy Age: 30 Height: 5′8″ Weight: 200~lbs Sexuality: Asexual Eye Color: Grey Blue Hair Color: Brown Nationality: Fantasian Hobbies: Drawing, Gaming, Singing, Sleeping
2. How did they come to Askr?
“I was actually relaxing in the Smash Mansion. A portal opened underneath me and I was dropped in... and then landed in the grass of an unknown world... which happened to be Askr and the Zenith world.”
3. What are their favorite hobbies? –
“Drawing, sleeping, sometimes singing.”
4. Does your summoner have any bad habits that the heroes try to help them through? –
”Well, I do have a pessimistic outlook and I’m generally a shy person... and I’m hard to come out of my shell. I had a firm belief that all people were bad, and only seek to use and abuse others for selfish gain. And I don’t think I speak very well. Oh, and randomly cracking joints. That’s a bad habit. And being autistic.”
5. How close is your summoner to their heroes? –
“I’d say I’m friends with most at this point.”
6. Does your summoner struggle with being a tactician? –
”Yeah. This whole game of war chess was something new to me and had to learn...”
7. How did your summoner react during their first time summoning? –
”Huh. Is that how this thing works? Weird.”
8. How does your summoner react to summoning now? –
“That time again? Alright.”
9. How well do they adjust to life in Askr? –
“The lack of technology scared me at first, so it was very slow to adjust and get to know people.
10. How long have they been a summoner? –
“Over two years now.”
11. Who’s your summoner’s main team? –
"Babby Caeda, Brave Eliwood, Legendary Edelgard, and Summer Rhys.”
12. Who’s your summoner’s S support? –
"Brave Claude. My boo~.”
13. How was your Summoner and ally support building to S support?–
“Slow burn for sure. I do believe we both have walls to break down. Generally quality time and doing general activities together helps with trust.”
14. How many allies have S support with your summoner? –
”Uhh... I think... five? Dream Male Corrin, Legendary Ike, Eirika (my BFF), Male Byleth, and currently now, Brave Claude.”
15. What are your top 4 ally x ally supports? –
“Let me think... Eirika X Seth Joshua X Natasha Quan X Ethlyn Brave Dimitri X Brave Claude ... Yeah, I think those ones fit.”
16. What does your summoner miss from home? –
“Technology, mostly. Stuff that made life so much easier generally.”
17. If they could bring one thing from home with them what would it be? –
“Like, a personal item? I think my satchel. I know Askr could provide me with another one, but I’m a bit hesitant to ask.”
18. Is your summoner’s robe unique? –
“Well, yes, given my wings, tail, horns... ears. I have an outfit for hot, mild and cold weather as well. I think the one thing that stands out, it has an Askr style heart on each shoulder and a big one on the back.”
19. Who are your fellow summoner friends? –
“Kiran, Mizuki, Olivander, Mercury, Razor, Aqua... Uh, I think I’m missing some more.”
20. What does your summoner wear if during their down time? –
“Things that are comfortable and fireproof. Shirt and pants/shorts are typically fine for me. Nothing too overly complicated.”
21. How do they handle merging heroes or sending them home? –
“I send most three star heroes home, while merging Heroes doesn’t bother me.”
22. What abilities/weapons do they have? –
“Outside of my Axe and Dire Breidablik, I can use my own claws and flame breath. I can also fly and use my wide array of trinkets from other worlds to help me out here.”
23. Would your summoner like to know magic? –
"Nah. No real need for it.”
24. Are they able to hold their own in a fight? –
"I could in theory, though Alfonse doesn’t want me to fight since he’s a worrywart and doesn’t want me dying on him... Which... is a fair concern.”
25. How many heroes have you acquired? –
"Over 400. Don’t make me count...”
26. What book has been the hardest? Emotional or battle-wise. –
“That one chapter when Freyja was giving me an onslaught... I remember barely clearing that cursed chapter...”
27. If your summoner went into battle what would be there class? –
“Axe Infantry or Flyer. Maybe a Green Dragon.”
28. Are there any heroes they clash with? –
”Huhm... I suppose that would go to Valter. He’s such a possessive madman, but I’ve grown used to his behavior over the years. Him calling me his “little bunny”... He gets worse when he becomes a naga... such a clingy snake.”
29. Which hero have you pumped more into? –
“... Unfortunately, that would also have to be Valter.”
30. Which hero do you get a lot of while summoning? –
“I uh... never really paid attention to that to be honest.”
31. Which heroes have they adopted? –
"Actually none, it’s more the other way around! By Fel and Lif, and by Byleth and Edelgard.”
32. Do they participate in voting gauntlets? –
“Yeah. Mostly for the awards and bonding time with my boo.”
33. How do they handle their orbs? –
“I do try to save them for legend dairy and mythic banners, unless there’s a special event with a higher summon rate.”
34. What hero do you wanna see in Fire Emblem Heroes? –
“Whoever is currently missing from Sacred Stones. I would like to see Glen, despite the clashing that might occur...”
35. Will your summoner stay in Askr? Nifl? Muspell? Hel? Embla? –
"Probably will stay in Askr, if they’ll allow me. I do enjoy the cold of Nifl though, though the goddess is... kinda... distant.”
36. What is your Summoner life like years later if they stayed? Askr. Nifl. Muspell. Hel. Embla. –
“I think I’d be mostly the same, while maintaining peace.”
37. Summoner’s family reacting to your summoner’s significant other?–
”Eh, I’m not sure. They’ll worry for my safety for sure, since I’m... not normal. When they know they mean well, I’m sure they’ll relax, but check up on me time to time.”
38. In a twist of fate, if your summoner could change one thing what would it be? –
“Probably sparing Freyr of his death or curing Bruno and Veronica of their blood thirst.“
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callmetippytumbles · 6 years
A Happy New Year (Liam x MC)
Tippy’s Note: So listen, it’s been a hot minute since I did a fanfic.  Blah, blah, life. Blah, blah, busy. Other stuff.  I wanted to get back into the swing of things with something fluffy, sweet and in the spirit of the season.  Like the first fanfic, Tipsy Halle had to make an appearance.  I hope you guys like it.  I may have more stuff cooking for you guys.
Disclaimer: Choices owns this and I do not.
Words Counted: 2,135 Rating: PG Pairing: Liam x MC (Halle), Driara
Liam x MC tags: @jacksonsmaine @umccall71 @blackcoffee85 @theroyalweisme @writtenbycandy@hopefulmoonobject @mynameiskaylabella  @the-everlasting-dream@zigbadboy  @indiacater @lolablackwrites  @i-choose-liam
Fic tags: @coldcolectornight08  @brightpinkpeppercorn  @smalltalk88
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Halle and Liam sat in front of one of the large pine trees outside of Applewood Manor.  Their large grins trained on the camera in front of them.
“Wishing a Merry Christmas…” Liam started.
“...And Happy Holidays to you and yours.” Halle added, hoping the huskiness to her voice brought warmth and not exhaustion.  
“And an extra happy holiday to you.” Liam cooed to the youngest Rhys, two-year-old Asher, Ash for short, who nuzzled against his mother.  The young boy smiled and clasped his father’s nose in his gloved hands.
Five-year-olds Kalilah and Zuri sat in front of them and waved to the camera. While Zuri continued to wave, Kalilah reached down into the snow and threw a snowball at her brother and father.  Zuri quickly retaliated and soon the peaceful moment descended into chaos.  Lilah had Zuri pinned within seconds.  Ash patted snow on his sister’s back leaving Halle and Liam to have a battle of their own.  
Halle smashed a snowball on her husband’s face.
“Is that how you want to play, my love?”
She didn’t finish her nod before Liam tackled her in the snow.
“Cut,” An exasperated Madeleine shouted behind the camera crew.  “So much for a regal but festive address.” She threw her hands up in the air.
Halle pulled Lilah off of her brother while Liam held Ash. They walked over to where Madeleine was with the camera crew.
“Think we have it now?”
“No, Your Majesty, we do not. We should do one more take.”
Zuri groaned.
Halle looked down at her children.  Lilah looked about ready to cry.  Zuri had his arms across his chest.  They were more than done.  Ash was also over it, getting antsy in his father’s arms.  
“I don’t think the twins have another take in them and Ash is about ready for a nap.”  
“I still think…”
“Maybe the snow fight is a good thing,” St. James interjected.  “It makes them seem down to earth.”
“They are not down to earth, they are the Royal Family of Cordonia.  This isn’t some cutesy e-card we are making for Grandma.”
Ash became even fussier, fighting his father’s embrace, his small limbs flailing in every direction.  “I say that we go with this one.  With the snowball fight.” Liam giving his final word while trying to calm the toddler.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Madeleine says with a fake grin, though the tightness in her jaw said otherwise.  She walked away with a determined stride, calling over her shoulder as she went.  “Make sure that the footage gets to the editor ASAP.  I want this on every television station by primetime and on Instagram before tea-time.”
“I am already on it.” St. James hollered back.
Now Drake was playing the clip of Liam getting smashed with a snowball on his phone during New Years Eve gathering that Halle and Liam were hosting at the Valtoria Estate.  
“You don’t get to see that every day,” Drake pointed out.  “The Sovereign Ruler of Cordonia getting pummelled with snow.”
“I seem to recall you being buried in snow by your wife and son on Instagram. I think it even had the caption hashtag ‘snow daddy’” Liam countered.  
“But I am not the king.”
“Dieu merci pour ça,” Kiara said as she joined the two men. “The last thing we need is a grumpy monarch who would spend an alarming amount of the GDP on whiskey.”
“I am not a grump.”
His best friend raised his eyebrow and his wife side-eyed him.  
“I am not!” Drake defended.  “I like fun.  Woo. Fun. Good times for all.”
“But you are my dear, and I love you anyway,” Kiara added with a kiss on Drake’s cheek.
“You’ve got to now.  You’re stuck with me.” Drake kissed her on the lips.
“Guess I am... Snow Daddy.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.”
Zuri ran up to his father, his footie pajamas slipping on the hardwood floors. “Can we do sock slides with Uncle Maxwell?”
Henri, Drake and Kiara’s son followed closely behind. “Yeah, can we?”
“What did your mother say?”
“Ask your father.”
“Did she now?  Well, I guess I do not see the immediate harm in this.” Liam reasoned.
“They would be with an adult,” Kiara added.
“You are calling Maxwell an adult?”
Henri held onto his father’s leg.  Drake saw his own eyes peer back at him as he pouted his mother’s lips.  
“Please,” the child begged with a lip quiver.
Drake sighed, “Fine.”
“Yes!” Henri cheered, his pout vanishing.
“Sock slide contest with Uncle Maxwell!”
“He has all the best tricks.”
Henri and Zuri ran off in search of their fun uncle, leaving the adults to themselves.
A waiter walked by with a tray of drinks.  Liam and Drake picked up tumblers of scotch while Kiara’s had non-alcoholic Lythikos eggnog. She and Drake were expecting their second child, so that meant no wine for her.  This led to a discussion about adjusting from one child to two.  Liam did not have much to offer in that discussion since he and Halle went from zero to two in one go.  
Halle had Ash for most of the night.  He didn’t do well with spending long periods of time with the nanny or with lots of new people in the house.  With all of the strangers in the house, Ash was especially clingy.  Any time she would put the child down to have him play with the other children, he would throw a tantrum that could only be calmed by a mother’s love.  Eventually, the stimulation became too much and Ash tired himself out.  Now Halle was free to actually enjoy the party that she planned.  
Heading towards the great hall where everyone was, she was intercepted by Bastien.  
“Your Majesty, we have a situation in the kitchen.”
Bastien held his hands up.  “No-no, it’s not your husband, it’s your son.”
“What happened.”
“We can walk and talk.”
Halle entered her kitchen to find Zuri and Henri passed out by an half-eaten chocolate cake.  
“Mamma?” The boy sleepily responded.
“How did you get here?”
“Well we were feeling sleepy and Uncle Maxwell said that if we eat a lot of sugar we can stay awake until midnight.”
“Like the grown-ups,” Henri added.
“Well, how grown up do the two of you feel?”
Zuri groaned, “Well being a grown-up means being tired.”
“My tummy hurts.”
“I bet it does.”
Halle wiped the chocolate frosting smeared on the boys' faces, then put the chocolate cake in the fridge.  While wiping down the counter, she saw a sight that made her stop in her tracks.  Her eyes scanned the liquor cabinet and landed on a full bottle of her favorite, Hennessy Pure White.  Halle smiled.  I am gonna make my way back to you, beloved, she thought to herself.
Halle motioned for Bastien to grab Henri while she grabbed Zuri.  In Zuri’s room, she changed both of them out of their cake soiled pajamas and into clean ones and put them to bed.  She sent Kiara a text letting her know where her son was.  As soon as both boys were sound asleep in their beds, Halle beelined back to the kitchen.  Once there, she found the Hennessy Pure White that was flirting with her earlier.  
“Come to Mama!”
Halle made herself a quick, but potent island punch and rejoined the party upstairs, drink in hand.  
Later on that night a little closer to midnight, Liam was looking for his wife to have a moment alone but had not seen her since she made him hold Asher for a quick bathroom break.  There was a tug on his pant leg.  He looked down to see Lilah trying to get his attention.
“Ready for bed?” He asked picking her up.
She slowly shook her head.  “No. I will make it to midnight like the grown-ups.”
“You do not have to.  If you feel tired, I can tuck you in.  I am sure Zuri is already asleep.”
“I’m okay, papa,” she said before stifling a yawn.
“Let’s go find mamma though.”
“Mamma is over there.”
The room fell quiet as Liam turned his head.  Hana was in front of the baby grand piano while Halle laid atop it.  Halle perked up when Hana started to play the opening bars to a song.  Liam was familiar with the melody, but couldn’t grasp the words or the name.  Then he heard it.
“I believe the children are our future…”
Lilah buried her head in the crook of her father’s neck.
“No, mama, no,” she whined covering her ears.
“Teach them well and let them lead the way.  Show them all the beauty they possess insiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.”
Hana giggled as Halle drew out that last note but continued her flawless playing.  
“Give them a sense of pride….”
“You have lost all of yours, Halle,” Drake mumbled to himself.  “Question is which bottle of Hennessey took it.”  
Kiara smacked her husband hard on the chest.  He responded with a shrug and finished off the finger of scotch in his glass. Liam moved towards the front of the room holding their daughter, not only to get a better view of the show but to be ready to intervene if things went downhill.  
Halle slid off the piano and approached her husband and daughter, continuing to sing.
“Let the children's laaaaaaaaughter remind us how we used to beeeeeeee.”
She booped Lilah on the nose.  Lilah snuggled into her father more.
“Everybody's searching for a hero,” Maxwell sang joining the Queen.
Halle strode to his side and whispered, My time to shine.
Maxwell whispered back, Sharing is caring.
“People need someone to look up to, I never found anyone who fulfilled my neeeeeeeeeds,” He continued.  “A lonely place to be, and so I learned to depend on meeee.”
Not being one to be outdone or overtaken, Halle cut back in, raising her voice. “I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows.”
Maxwell roared back, “If I fail, if I succeeeeeeeeed, at least I'll live as I believeeeee.”
“No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignityyyyyyy!” Halle sang back, dramatically pointing to her chest.
“The greaaaaaaaatesssssst love of allllllllll–” Maxwell sang.
Halle turned to face him, “Is happening to meeeee!”
Maxwell stepped closer, “I found the greatest love of all, inside of me”
They both stopped for a moment.  Hana stopped playing once she saw that they went silent.  They stared at each other.  Maxwell was red in the face.  Halle had developed some sweat along her hairline.  When the moment could not get any tenser, they broke down and started laughing.
“Learning to love yourself,” they sang in unison,  “it is the greatest love of all.”
Everyone in the room applauded the impromptu performance.
Maxwell and Halle embraced.  Halle held him close and whispered, we will talk about you leaving my son alone with a sheet cake later.  Maxwell gulped and smiled nervously while everyone applauded.  Hana stood from behind the piano and joined the two of them.  They linked hands and took a final bow.
Halle joined Liam and Lilah.  She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead as she continued to rest on her father’s shoulder.  
“You wanted to drop the mic and say ‘Sexual Chocolate’ so bad, didn’t you?” Liam whispered.
She let out a disappointed sigh, “No need to rub it in.” He rubbed her back soothing her mild disappointment.
“Oh my God! It’s almost midnight!” Savannah shouted from across the room.
Everyone counted down the final moments of the year.  When the clock struck midnight, the first minute of the new year was filled with the sound of applause, champagne poppers, party horns.  Couples kissed.  Bottles of champagne were opened with loud pops and served to everyone.
Lilah perked up a little during the commotion but quickly returned to sleeping on Liam’s shoulder.  He and Halle brought her to bed before returning to their guests.
The party went on for a little while longer after that and when it was finally over, Liam and Halle were finally alone in the Royal Chambers.  They were in their bed, still awake, despite the long party.  Liam pressed his forehead against Halle’s.  
“Happy new year, my love.”
“Happy new year, my king.”
His hand cupped her face as he dipped down to kiss her.  She pressed herself closer to him returning it.
“We didn’t sneak off during this party to have any time to ourselves,” Halle commented.
“We are alone now.”
“We are.”
Liam yawned, “Want to raincheck in the morning.”
Halle nodded, “Yeah.”
With that, they began the new year the way they planned to spend the rest of their lives, together, in each other’s arms.  
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Feysand Modern- Chapter 8
Feyre POV
Ever since Rhys suggested that we go back to his place, I have been nervous. I could feel my heartbeat pounding, accelerating, excessively. Not only are we going to be “hanging out” in his room, but also, Cassian and Azriel will see us together. This means that eventually Nesta and Elain will find out, which means when I get home I will most likely be bombarded with questions like: How long have you and Rhys been dating? Do you love him? Is he a good kisser? And frankly, I don’t want to be asked all of those questions. Rhys grabs my hand, as if he knows what I’m thinking, and he lifts it to his mouth, and kisses it. The minutes his mouth leaves my hand, I miss the warmth and heaviness of it. He whispers, “It’ll be alright Feyre.” Immediately, most of my worries vanished, and I let the feel of our fingers laced with each others take over.
The moment that we pulled into Rhys’ driveway, I smile a little, remember what happened the last time I was here. It’s the first time I felt happy after Tamlin and what happened with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and walked up the stairs together, until Rhys took his other hand and fished in his pocket for his key. The moment we got in the house, I hear Cassian walking downstairs asking, “Rhys, how did the date--” He paused when he was halfway down the stairs, and he saw me. “Feyre, what are you doing here?” He asked slightly confused. I smile sheepishly, and think, here goes nothing, “I was Rhys’ date…” Cassian looks between us and at our interlaced hands, and he smiled. He grins goofishly, and exclaims, “I can’t wait to tell Nes.” I automatically groan, and cover my blushing face with my hand.
“And that’s our que to leave…” Rhys exclaims sarcastically, and suddenly takes my hand and drags me up the stairs, and to his room. He closes the door and leads me to sit on his bed, with him. On his bed. “Feyre, darling, what kind of food do you want? I’m gonna call it in and ask them to deliver.” Umm, I think quickly. “Thai?” He smiles, nods, ands orders it in. Somehow without asking, he knows my favourite is red curry and chicken pad thai, or maybe it’s his favourite too. Finally, when he gets off the phone, he looks straight at me, and asks, “What do you want to do?” I was too busy looking at his lips move, while he was speaking to even comprehend the question he asked. They are so full, plump, so... kissable. The next thing I see is Rhys waving his hand and snapping his fingers in front of my face. “Feyre? Earth to Feyre?” I blink myself out of my daze, and blush. “Sorry, Rhys…” I muttered. “No need to apologize, I know you can’t help staring at this.” He exclaims with a grin, gesturing, once again to his handsome face. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and pulls me into an embrace against his chest. I look up at him, our faces inches apart, and ask, “What do you wanna do…?” I bite my lip, trying to get rid of the thoughts I am having. He grips my chin between his two fingers, gently, and looks right in my eyes and whispers, “I.. I would like to kiss you.” I respond before I lose my boldness, “Then what are you waiting for?”
Rhys surges forward, and places his lips on mine, softly, letting me take the lead. This is do different then when Tamlin and I kissed, he would claim me, branding me as a possession, he dominated me making me cower in fear. Where as Rhys, being the gentleman he is, lets me choose the pace, the speed. His lips cover mine, shaping around them smoothing, until his tongue darts out, flicking my lower lip. I breathlessly gasp, and open my mouth slowly, allowing his tongue to seep in. His tongue is nowhere, then it is suddenly everywhere. It touches the roof of my mouth, and then tangles up with my tongue. He releases a groan into my mouth at my taste, which automatically has me whimpering in his. He detaches our lips, and whispers, “God, I fucking love that sound.” At those words, I feel the heat gather in a place that is lower than my belly. I gulp, not knowing how to respond.
Within the next half an hour, we talk about ourselves, as we would have done on a normal date, and we kissed periodically in between. Okay, that was an understatement, because we definitely kissed more than we spoke. Just as it was getting heated for the... 10th time?... Azriel walked in and cleared his throat awkwardly, stating that the food was here. He left with a heated blush at interrupting our *ughm* activities, and the minute he left, me and Rhys started laughing furiously at his reaction.
We made our way down the stairs, hand in hand. It was still that honeymoon stage in our relationship, where we loved to be touching every minutes possible, and I don’t think either of us minded it. Rhys, let go of my hand, and I immediately felt the warmth seep out, but only to get plates to put our food on. But he didn’t only get 2, he got 4. “Feyre, darling, I hope you don’t mind, but Cass and Az are gonna eat with us.” I grabbed his hand and made a small smile, “No problem.” He pulled out my chair for me, and placed my plate and utensils down, and then he sat down right next to me. He smiled instantly, but then started shoveling food in his mouth, and at his antics, I snorted. “So, Feyre, how’s your job going?” He asked, obviously, trying to start a conversation. “It’s great, but my hours aren’t too long, thank god. My initial job is selling my painting online, but my profits aren’t too great.” He looks shocked at this and asks, “You sell your paintings to strangers, when you haven’t even shown them to me?” He places a hand over his heart, and makes a flabbergasted expressions that leaves me giggling. “Can you pull up the website?” He fishes into his pocket, and grabs his cellphone. He puts his thumb on the home button, and opens the internet app for me.
I type in my blog’s name and click enter, and it shows up. My breath hitches and shortens, what if he doesn’t like it? What if he thinks it’s stupid or lame? But his face lights up as he scrolls down, and he smiles. He looks at me in awe, and he looks speechless. “Did you actually paint all of these?” He murmurs, his eyes still glued to the screen. “Yeah, it’s nothing special--” “What do you mean? They’re amazing... You’re amazing.” I blush again, unable to hide my happiness.
After another few minutes, of hushed conversations between Rhys and I. Cassian and Azriel come and sit at the table. They are very polite, but not too much where it seems fake or artificial. I look at Cassian, and I immediately smile, because he is laughing at something Rhys said. His laughter and joy is contagious, and I now understand why him and Nesta work. While he is funny and a little boisterous as times, he seems like the type of guy that is loyal and compassionate towards those he loves. Then my gaze flickers to Azriel, and though he is quiet, he is no less compassionate. My eyes lower to his hands, in which they are horribly scarred, probably at a young age too. But that doesn’t stop him from smirking, or smiling at the conversation we are having. We sit at the table talking for hours, having conversations about the most random things, me and Rhys, my work, my blog, Cassian and Az’s jobs.
At about 10:30 in the night, the doors to the house swing open, and in come Nesta and Elain, as they let themselves in with their spare set of keys. When they see me, they run up to me and as expected, bombard me with questions like: Why am I here? How did my date go? Who’s the lucky man? But before I can answer any of the questions, as promised, Cass interrupted--”Feyre and Rhys are dating.” It goes silent for about a minute, and Elain and Nesta look at me, eyeing me, as if they don’t believe that it is true. I nod, trying to convey the message, and then Elain smiles. Although my sisters don’t say anything, I know they are both relieved and happy for me. The tensions seeps out from their shoulders, relieved that I have found someone after Tamlin. At that moment, Nesta looks at Rhys and states nonchalantly, “If you hurt my sister in any sort of way, you and your favourite part will regret it.” Rhys gulps, and his face immediately pales, and he nods at Nesta. She smirked and remarked, “Good.” Then she returned to her conversation with her boyfriend. Rhys looked at me as if he had just wet his hand, and I laughed and lightly shoved him, mentally telling him to knock it off.
As Rhys and I join the conversation, I can’t help but feel happy, giddy almost. The blush on my cheeks refuse to go away, and I find myself giggling at almost everything Rhys says. Under the table, Rhys grabs my hand, unexpectedly, and laces our fingers together. My thumb starts to stroke the back of his hand, as if it has a mind of its’ own, and I look down at it. Then I look up, and smile at Rhys. He smiles back, and brings up our entwined hands to his lips, and kisses the back of mine, discreetly, then sets it gently back on his knee. As the night gets later and later, we keep talking and drinking, and I see this in my future. I see us being a family, all of us. The last thing I remember is leaning back on Rhys’ shoulder and chest, and closing my eyes, taking in the sounds and sight of my friends and family together.
“Shshsh, don’t wake her up.” I hear Elain whispering, and suddenly I am floating. My head is cradled against something hard, but soft, and it feels entirely different. My eyes peak open, and I stare up at the handsome face of Rhys cradling me against his chest, his arms under my back and knees, carrying my up the stairs. “Rhys.. where are we going?” I ask, my voice still mulled with sleep. “My room, everyone is staying over the night.” I smile in response, and once again murmur, “Okay.”
He lays me down on the bed, and tucks me into the covers, and then strips himself of his shirt, but luckily... thankfully, leaves his pants on. He hops into bed, almost eagerly, and wraps an arm around my waist, and wraps my legs in his. He picks up a piece of my stray hair, and tucks it behind my ears, and gets close enough, to where I can feel his breath on my neck. I wonder if he knows what he does to me, how he makes me feel. If he knows how my heart rate picks up whenever we touch, or even when I see him. His other hand is lulling me to sleep by drawing soothing circles on my back and sides. His touch isn’t seductive nor arrogant, it’s soft and gentle. He leans over some more, and as I am on the verge of my dreams, he whispers in my ear, “Good night, Feyre.”
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bookish-whore · 2 years
Azriel x Reader
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: SMUT, Possessive Male Behavior, Foreplay, Shadow Restraints, Oral (fem receiving), Wing Play, Classic P-in-V, Do Not Interact With This Post If You’re Under 18.
A/N: I have been reading a lot of smut recently and this ask had me INSPIRED Please enjoy a possessive Az moment (also I’m still relatively new to writing smut so please be nice, but constructive criticism is always welcome). As always, my requests are open! <3
You were walking hand in hand through the streets of Velaris, enjoying the company of the notorious Spymaster of the Night Court as you made your way home to the House of Wind. You were surprised when Azriel asked you to dinner, the two of you normally only spoke during training sessions or when in the company of your shared friend group. You hadn’t even realized he was interested in you, or anyone for that matter, romantically. You weren’t even sure why you had agreed to dinner, except maybe you were curious to know more about the broody male who you had a crush on since beginning your Valkyrie training. You had to admit it was a good time he was so easy to talk to and was surprisingly funny.
As the house, well more like mausoleum, came into view he politely asked for permission before pulling you close to winnow you inside. He placed his hands around your waist, and in turn you put your arms around his neck. Much like you would if you were preparing to dance and you felt the familiar pulling sensation in your stomach as you appeared in the foyer.
“Thanks for tonight Az, I had a great time” you said in almost a whisper still trapped in the embrace of the male, you had to crane your neck for your gaze to meet his. Gods he was tall, you thought to yourself. You flashed him a sweet smile before lowering your head back down and moving to step away from him.
His hands tightened around your waist “I had a good time too” he said bringing his hand to your jaw, using his thumb and forefinger to bring your gaze to meet his. You noticed a glimmer of something in his eyes, you couldn’t quite place the emotion as he brought his mouth to yours in a passionate kiss, you brought your hands to his head, allowing your fingers to thread through his hair. He let out a throaty groan at the contact and pulled you closer your body molding against his. the kiss became more intense, from this new position you could feel his arousal through his pants, hard against you sending a rush of wetness between your legs at the thought of what he could do to you in the bedroom. Someone cleared their throat interrupting your moment, you turned to find Cassian standing in the doorway his arms crossed and an amused smirk on his face. Your cheeks immediately reddened in embarrassment.
“Rhys needs us right away for a mission” Cassian said “but I mean I am more than happy to tell him you’re a little preoccupied at the moment”
“You’re a bastard you know that” the spymaster said, turning away to readjust himself in his pants “Let me change and we can go” he said annoyance seeping into his tone.
“Thanks again Az” you said winking at him before slipping out of the room and up the stairs to your bedroom. The hushed voices of the two males echoing behind you.
“And that’s all that happened” I said looking at Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie who had asked to hear all about my date with Azriel a few nights ago.
“Do you think he’ll ask you out again?” Gwyn asked
“Of course he will! I mean he was obviously interested in our girl” Emerie said with a suggestive tone.
“Well, we know Az is interested in a lot of girls these days” Nesta chimes in
“What do you mean Nes?” I asked
“Well first there was that necklace business with Gwyn, you remember that right Gwyn?” Nesta asked looking at the redheaded female, she nodded solemnly “Not to mention the hundreds of years he spent pining after Mor. And then there was his tryst with Elain, which I thought was still going on” Nesta said making eye contact with me. “I’m not trying to be a bitch, or discredit his feelings for you y/n, I just want you to be careful”
“I appreciate that Nes” I said “I’ll be careful”
The door to the roof opened interrupting our conversation as Azriel and Cassian walked into the training area.
“All right ladies let’s get this going” Cassian’s voice boomed as we began our training session.
It was hours later when you finally made your way downstairs, deciding to just raid the kitchen for water and snacks rather than joining the group for dinner in the dining room. You kept thinking over Nesta’s words earlier and just needed time to process the idea that Az wasn’t interested in you the way you were in him.
You felt pathetic, like this schoolgirl crush you had on the shadowsinger was suddenly out of control. Since your date, you had been imagining all these scenarios with him, picturing that you two could really be happy together that you could have a future. When in reality, Nesta was probably right, he was just looking for a hook-up. Something without obligations or commitments and you had been the most willing female. You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice you weren’t alone in the kitchen until a pair of hands made their way around your waist pulling you against a hard chest. You knew from his scent, night chilled mist and cedar, that it was Azriel.
“Hello you” he said pressing a kiss to your shoulder
“Hey Az” you replied, you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. It was like your body’s reaction to him was out of your control.
“We should pick up from where we left off the other night” he said nipping at my earlobe
“We shouldn’t Az” you reply
“Give me one reason why not” the male said, trailing small open-mouthed kisses up my neck.
“Because I don’t just want to be another conquest for you”
He froze, withdrawing his hands from me.
“You can’t even deny it can you” I said turning and pushing him away before quickly moving to leave the room. he grabbed my wrist before I could take a step.
“A conquest? Do you think that little of me y/n” he said softly
“Look Az, I had a great time the other night, but I was kidding myself if I thought it was anything more than a ruse to get me into bed with you.”
“Trust me dove, if I wanted to simply get into bed with you, I wouldn’t need to take you to dinner first” the male said “and you’re kidding yourself if you think you can dismiss me that quickly” he continued taking a step towards me. I took a step back, realizing that I was up against a wall with nowhere to go.
“Because…” he begins, now standing directly in front of me.
“You” he says grabbing both of my hands in one of his and pinning them above my head against the wall.
“Are” he says trailing his other hand slowly up my body, until it rests around my neck, his thumb against my cheek rubbing a small circle there. I look into his eyes and find them darkened by lust.
“Mine” he said between gritted teeth. Finally bringing his mouth to meet mine in a possessive kiss. I opened my mouth to him allowing him better access. All doubts suddenly leaving my mind as he released my hands from the wall, bringing them both to my backside, cupping the flesh there and giving my ass a squeeze. I immediately took the opportunity to jump into him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he pushed us harder against the wall.
I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my mouth as his hard length pressed into me, the fabric of my leathers paired with the friction of his arousal sending a rush of heat to my core.
He suddenly pulled away from the kiss, bringing his forehead to rest against mine his breathing heavy and uneven “Say you want this too” he practically pleaded.
“What if I say I don’t” I tease softly, arching my back into him desperately needing more. “Will you find another willing female to get you off?” I ask.
“I don’t want another female” he says between gritted teeth “I just want you”
“Then I’m yours Az” I say, my voice thick with emotion. He doesn’t waste any time and immediately winnows us to his bedroom. Before I know it, my back is pressed into his mattress, his muscled body resting over mine as he brings his mouth to mine in a much gentler kiss. “I’m going to take my time with you” he says, kissing his way down my neck. “I have waited so long to taste you, and I am going to savor every moment y/n” he says his voice gruff as he slides to the edge of the mattress pulling me with him until my knees rest on the side of the bed.
I slowly sit up, resting my weight on my elbows as I watch the spymaster of the night court delicately unlace my boots and slide them off me. He then moves to the buckles of my thigh sheaths where I keep my daggers and slowly removes them, pressing soft kisses to each thigh as he does so. His eyes meet mine, as he begins placing soft kisses all the way up my body.
His hands come to rest on either side of my head as his lips meet mine in another kiss. with him distracted, I take the opportunity to flip him over, so he is now lying on his back, his wings splayed out beneath him as I straddle him. He brings his hands to rest on my waist and I grind into him. He lets out a groan at the sensation, using his hands to guide my waist as I continue rocking back and forth on his clothed length. While on top of him, continuing my pace, I begin to unbuckle and unfasten the top of my leathers, slowly undressing myself while grinding on top of him. Azriel’s eyes follow my every movement, his eyes hungrily taking in every inch of skin I reveal to him.
Once I am left in just my bra, and my leather pants, he sits up holding me in his lap as his hands weave into my hair pulling my head back allowing him access to my neck, where he begins kissing and sucking, leaving a trail of love bites down the column of my neck. His hands wrap around my back, unbuttoning my bra and pulling it off, leaving me topless before him. I suddenly feel very exposed and move my hands to cover my breasts, Azriel notices this and grabs both my wrists placing them around his neck.
“Don’t you dare hide from me” he says placing a kiss to my collarbone “I want to see all of you” he says placing kisses along my chest “I want to worship all of you” he says kissing my breast, pulling my nipple into his mouth, and biting gently. The sensation makes me moan into him. “You are mine” he reminds me bringing his other hand to cup my other breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers as he continues alternating his attention between both of my breasts.
Once he is satisfied, he allows me to lean back so he can remove his own top, making quick work of the leather material with all its buckles and zippers leaving us both in just our training pants. His thick cock straining through the material. He teases me by thrusting upwards, the friction between our bodies making me crave more attention, my center practically throbbing at the thought of him.
He flips us back over with ease, bringing his hands to the top of my pants where they close and begins slowly untying the knot there, I lift my hips slightly so he can pull the material down. Leaving me in only my panties under him. he takes a step back admiring me splayed out on the bed and removes his own pants and undershorts, his thick cock springing free. I make a move to go to him, to taste him on my tongue but his shadows quickly restrain me, resting around my wrists and pinning me to the bed. The same with my ankles, and another few come to rest on my knees preparing to hold my legs wide for him. He hooks his fingers into the band of my panties slowly removing them so he can see all of me, my center glistening in the soft light of his bedroom. He wastes no time before sliding a finger into me, his eyes fixated on my face, my mouth open in a silent ‘o’ as he adds another, slowly pumping in and out, my wetness filling the room with sinful sounds.  
“You feel so- fucking- good” he says “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock”
He brings his mouth to me, bringing my clit into his mouth, gently sucking on it while he continues pumping into me with his fingers. He brings one hand up to cup my breast rubbing my nipple between his fingers as his shadows hold me in place. This is the best kind of torture. I feel my release quickly building like a rubber band tightening low in my stomach. I writhe against the restraints, my breathing uneven as I moan his name over and over. His pace doesn’t falter, and his fingers suddenly curl inside me, hitting the perfect spot and my release barrels through me, my walls contracting as he continues playing with my clit. I come with a loud moan.
“I- I need you Az” I manage to say between breaths, needing desperately to feel him inside me.
He brings his mouth to mine, I can still taste myself on him as he continues to finger me, his thumb taking the place of his tongue rubbing small circles on my sensitive bundle of nerves as his fingers pump into me. His shadows loosen on my wrists allowing me to thread my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. Azriel suddenly pulls away from me withdrawing his fingers from me, and I can’t help but whine at the loss of sensation. He brings them to his mouth sucking them off, “I knew you would taste magnificent, little dove” he says, he knew exactly what he was doing gods damn him.
He brings a hand to grasp his shaft and begins to tease me by rubbing his cock through my folds, coating it in my wetness before lining himself up with my entrance.
“Say it again” he demands
I let out whine, before registering the words he wants to hear. “I-I’m yours Az” I say
“That’s right” he says “you’re mine, and this pussy? This is mine” he growls as he pushes into me, my walls stretching to accommodate his massive size. I guess Nesta was right about the correlation between Wingspan and dick size. We both moan when he finally bottoms out inside me.
He gives me a moment to adjust, bringing his forehead to rest against mine. One hand holding my waist while the other supports his weight by my head. After a moment, I arch my back, urging him to move. He wastes no time slowly pulling out as far as he can before ramming back into me. The slow pace allowing me to feel every vein, ridge, and inch of his cock. From his position, his wings drape over us and I remember what Nesta, and Feyre had said about the sensitivity of Illyrian wings and bring my nail to stroke the membranous skin. When I do, Azriel lets out a moan, his hips bucking involuntarily at the sensation. “Fuck y/n-” he chokes out “You keep doing that and I won’t last long” I smile at him as he sets a brutal pace, the wet sounds of sin paired with flesh slapping fill the room.
Azriel suddenly pulls out of me, flipping me onto my stomach, and I arch my back instinctively as my hands move to brace myself in front of me as he slides back into me in one quick motion. He sets a slower pace the new position hitting a deeper place in me. I feel his hands on my hips, his fingers pressing into me in a way that I know will leave marks tomorrow, a semi-permanent reminder of this time together. He continues to exert his control as his hands force me to match each of his thrusts. The sensation is overwhelming, and I bring my head down to rest on the mattress, the material muffling my moans of pleasure.
His thrusts begin to become erratic as he slid one hand between us to bring his thumb to circle my clit needing to drag another orgasm out of me before his own.
“I- I’m gonna” I try to say as my release builds quickly
“I know dove, give it to me” he grunts circling my clit faster as my walls tighten once again, as another release overtakes me. The sensation sending Azriel into his own. He came with a loud moan his wings flaring behind him. After a moment, he slowly pulled out of me, the combination of both our releases slowly seeping out of me as I lay there completely exhausted my legs still shaking from my last orgasm.
He takes a deep breath before rising from the mattress, making his way to the bathroom. I hear the sound of running water as he emerges with a damp towel. He makes his way back over to the bed
“What are you-” I hiss as he brings the rag to my overstimulated core, gently cleaning me up. Once he’s satisfied, he gently scoops me into his arms carrying me into the bathroom with him.
“Let me take care of you” he says before placing me on the edge of the large tub. The tub was huge, it was large enough to easily accommodate two people, one of which being an Illyrian with room to spare. I placed a kiss against his lips and lowered myself into the hot water. I practically moaned at the feeling, the water relaxing my overworked muscles. I felt a shift in the water as Azriel entered the tub behind me. His arms wrapping around my middle pulling me so my back came to rest against his chest. I leaned into his embrace, enjoying this time with him.
A moment of silence passed between us.
After a few moments I decide to turn around and face him in the tub, this is as good a place as any for a conversation about what to do now.
As if sensing my impending line of questioning Azriel’s lips curl into a rare smile “So, when can I take you out again” he says
A smile blooms on my own face as I reply “Whenever you wish Shadowsinger, I’m all yours”
Thank you for reading!
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imnotagirlimpoison · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Both? 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
James I guess
4. Are you easy to get along with?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I believe so 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Kind people 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Not a clue 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
James 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
No 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Mum 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
My throat feels like razors 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Pretty much anything by Norah Jones or Bon Iver 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Sure 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yes, mostly miracles. 15. What good thing happened this summer?
Not a lot really.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Of course 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Yeah 19. Do you like bubble baths?
Sure, rarely have them though because my bath is so small 20. Do you like your neighbors?
Sure 21. What are you bad habits?
Picking my face, splitting my split ends, ripping my nails, smoking, being lazy. 22. Where would you like to travel?
Everywhere 23. Do you have trust issues?
In a way I guess. Doesn't everyone?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Laying in bed lmao
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach, legs, arms, etc  26. What do you do when you wake up?
Rub my eyes and look at the time and then make tea
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Darker 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Celina and mum 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yes 30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Kim and Kayne 33. Spell your name with your chin.
elkjkza 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
No 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Without tv 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Haha yes 37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing, or talk about the weather or something stupid like saying I'm tired 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Humble, caring, genuine, sweet, kind, truth worthy and loving. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Op shops, general pants, vintage stores, boutiques 40. What do you want to do after high school?
Finished school 5 years ago 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Of course 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Im nervous 43. Do you smile at strangers?
All the time 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Out of space 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibilities 46. What are you paranoid about?
Being good enough, being successful, being real to myself 47. Have you ever been high?
Yes 48. Have you ever been drunk?
Yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
No 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Grey 51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yes 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My body 53. Favourite makeup brand?
Bobby Brown at the moment 54. Favourite store?
David Jones 55. Favourite blog?
Not any in particular 56. Favourite colour?
Forest green 57. Favourite food? 
Rice lmao. Anything salty really 58. Last thing you ate?
Rasin toast 59. First thing you ate this morning?
Rasin toast 60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I won a dvd player a few years ago, can't remember what for 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
No actually 62. Been arrested? For what?
Kind of? From being on acid  63. Ever been in love? 
I don't know, maybe, define that... 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
My first boyfriend in high school, Baylah. Don't remember it unfortunately  65. Are you hungry right now?
I have a cold so I can't tell 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No 67. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook 68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
No 70. Names of your best friends? 
Celina, Ainsley, Tian, Mady, Rhys 71. Craving something? What?
Being alive without a cold 72. What colour are your towels?
Mostly white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One, but I have 7 on my bed 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
None 75. Favourite animal?
Elephant, cow, cat, dog, sugar glider, whale, tree kangaroo 76. What colour is your underwear?
Cream 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Coffee 79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Grey 80. What colour pants?
Im not wearing pants 81. Favourite tv show?
Offspring 82. Favourite movie?
Into the wild 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean girls 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Regina George 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The dad 87. First person you talked to today?
My boss 88. Last person you talked to today?
Layla 89. Name a person you hate?
I don't hate anyone 90. Name a person you love?
Johannah 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Does myself count? 92. In a fight with someone?
No 93. How many sweatpants do you have?
None 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
No sweaters and two hoodies? 95. Last movie you watched?
Gone girl 96. Favourite actress?
No clue 97. Favourite actor?
Heath Ledger  98. Do you tan a lot?
Fake yes 99. Have any pets?
Sure, 4 cats and one dog 100. How are you feeling?
Not ok 101. Do you type fast?
I guess so 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
In a way 103. Can you spell well?
Fuck no 104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
All the time 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes :( 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
When I was little 108. What should you be doing?
Be at work 109. Is something irritating you right now?
Me 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Ha! Yes 111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
James 113. What was your childhood nickname?
Lizey 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yes 115. Do you play the Wii?
No 116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yes, Wash by Bon Iver 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Yes 118. Do you like Chinese food?
In love 119. Favourite book?
The promise of a pencil 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Sometimes 121. Are you mean?
I guess so 122. Is cheating ever okay?
No 123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Depends 124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes 125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes 126. Are you currently bored?
No 127. What makes you happy?
Being alive 128. Would you change your name?
Yes 129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer 130. Do you like subway?
I guess so 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
He is gay, and that would be weird
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Mum and/or James 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Anything Bon Iver 134. Can you count to one million?
If i had to 135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
That my mum built St Anthonys or that I didn't love someone anymore 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Either one 137. How tall are you?
Not sure exactly. Medium if thats a thing lmao 138. Curly or Straight hair?
Both? 139. Brunette or Blonde?
Both? 140. Summer or Winter?
Both? Mostly winter 141. Night or Day?
Both? 142. Favourite month?
July 143. Are you a vegetarian?
No 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk 145. Tea or Coffee?
Tea 146. Was today a good day?
No 147. Mars or Snickers?
Snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote?
You may not see it today or tomorrow , but you will look back in time and be absolutely perplexed and awed how every single little thing added up and brought you somewhere wonderful. You'll be glad that things didn't work out the way you once wanted them to. 
The seas only gifts are harsh blows and the occasional chance to feel strong. And I don't know much about the ocean, but I do know how important it is in life to not necessarily be strong, but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least once, to find yourself at least one in the most ancient of human conditions facing the blind deaf stone alone with nothing to help you, but your hands and your own head.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
The opened his pouch to see what was left of his possessions, maybe there was a bit left of the sandwich he had eaten on the ship. but all he found was the heavy book, his jacket, and the two stones the old man had given him.
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