#when are we getting first and Khaotung in a BL directed by P’Aof?
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 month ago
i’ve never watched any of p’au works so i don’t know the kind of atmosphere he put in his shows, but since OL is a funny comedy maybe CFC will have a lot of comedy too and i know people will get mad at bcs ppl hate funny things
I was delighted when I found out FirstKhaotung will be working with P’Au. If you have only watched OL, then I implore you to watch the others shows he has directed - this includes the massively successful My School President that pretty much put Gem4th on the map of Thai BL and My School Mix Up (also Gem4th)
Plus, he is the protege of P’Aof and has worked closely with him (being his assistant director) of these projects: Last Twilight, Moonlight Chicken, Bad Buddy, A Tale of 1000 Stars, Still 2gether
And also the screenwriter for classic Thai BL (pre-2020 era): including Theory of Love (OffGun) and Dark Blue Kiss (TayNew and PoddGawin)
Now, I haven’t watched Theory of Love and Dark Blue Kiss, but I’ve watched all the rest. And while I may not vibe with some of them (Last Twilight, I’m looking at you 😅), these shows are still excellent in their own right.
Suffice to say, P’Au track record is pretty good. His flare is slightly different from P’Aof who tends to be more angsty-vibe/melodramatic/lakorn-like while I find P’Au to be softer, more romantic still with some angst/hurt-comfort vibe. And as you can tell with OL, I think he is doing a good job with balancing comedy as well.
As for your last sentence about “people will get mad because they hate funny things” - I’m interpreting it as you alluding to some FK fans (or casual watchers of FK-related things) wanting them to play only in serious, dramatic/angsty roles. I suspect this is partly because their introduction to FK is from The Eclipse, MLC or OF (or even THK), where let’s be honest - their roles are more “heavier” and serious in nature.
See, this is where I will like people to go watch First/Khaotung earlier roles because the boys have great comedic timing.
First in The Shipper (and as a supporting character in Wake up Ladies) was amazing. Seeing First (in The Shipper) embodying a fangirl while also trying to navigate his (her?) feeling for the best friend and brother - was funny but doozy lol
You can tell he was still honing his skills then but without these roles, we won’t get his subtle but effective comedic take of this scene in the THK (for example):
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Similarly, Songpol/Paul in 55:15 Never Too Late. This show remains the most under-rated gem of a show ever. Seeing Khaotung acting like a 55 yrs old man in a 15 yrs old body while simultaneously fangirling over his idol - EPIC (plus his chemistry with Piploy (she plays Jeya) - the idol he worshipped (who with Paul suddenly finding themselves in their 15 yrs old bodies), his now same aged niece as the latter tries to teach him how to be 15 yrs old effectively - 🫡🫡🫡). I still cried buckets for him (by the end of the show) because what is a KT show without tears 😭 but it was worth it.
(Here, have a fun reel of Paul/Jaya being chaotic lol):
And let’s not forget Tonhon Chonlatee - I know people trashed this show a lot. Yes, it’s not the greatest series. But again, Khaotung nailed it with the comedic scenes. And the way he can say all the cringiest lines with an earnest, cute face just made me snort with laughter, ok? This show also has the best queer friendship group ever. Not to mention - Khaotung and Ciize chemistry as besties. It also has people (who did watch it) worshipping Khaotung/Neo as a ghostship.
I guess what I’m trying to say is - I have the upmost faith in FirstKhaotung and P’Au. FK have never failed us and they always shined in whatever they were given (even when it’s just a cameo/side roles - I’m looking at you Zero!! Home School Season 2 when?) and just looked at them with their cameo in OL recently (as Alone/Kaitong).
I’m not sure why people want doom and gloom so much for them (the real world is already terrible as it is). So, give me all the good vibes, fluffy cats and sweetest romance (with a touch of comedy or more 😉) - I, for one, cannot wait for this! (Ads and blatant sponsors of pet food/toys included 🤣)
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gennianydots · 2 years ago
What a time to be alive. 🫣😧😭
Moonlight Chicken:
A Review
A++. No Notes. Perfection.
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akria23 · 3 years ago
Okay so Gmmtv released their project list for next year and this is where they all landed for me…
Ones in absolutely excited for:
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Earthmix has 2 series coming out next year,
Cupid’s Last Wish -> https://youtu.be/1AXBH12iQ34
This one is body swap male to female which I wasn’t excited for but the trailer makes it seem like we will be getting more of Mix shots than the female actress so it doesn’t feel so much like a way to discard the h0m0sexual aspect. This feels more inline with ATOTS. Has that same wholesome romantic type vibe to it. I’m excited to see what they give def since there’s a lot of EM undertone moments in it.
Moonlight Chicken-> https://youtu.be/g5eXTke9Cvs
Also features Earthmix and is apart of the Midnight series so it’s likely a short/mini project. I hear it’s directed by P’Aof who also did ATOTS. I’m extremely excited for this one because it has more of the artistic flare that I like. It’s more heavy toned, sensuous, and kinda sordid. I feel like we’ll get to see EM explore the other side of their dynamic & of romance itself.
The Eclipse-> https://youtu.be/SuOnQ5jmy1s
Features Khaotung & First (they’ll also be in Moonlight Chicken). This one feels very different from what we normally get from BL. It at first seems to be about revenge but then near the end gives hints that it’s actually time rewind & mission type of plot. I’m very intrigued. I’m excited to see Khaotung as the lead because iver felt he deserved it even when I watched ATOTS and he looks like he’s gonna be carrying. The chemistry looks good as well. So I’m def excited for it.
Vice Versa-> https://youtu.be/Ko5k9Jjmt7k
Features Jimmy & Sea. I don’t know Sea but I’ve seven watching Jimmy in Bad Buddy. While his character annoys me, I do enjoy the actor as his acting is wonderful. The setup & plot for this series is also intriguing and seems like it can be chaotic fun. Since it’s body swapping as well it’ll likely be compared to Cupid’s Last Wish but I’m hopeful that both dramas do well. This one also has appearance from Nanon & Ohm who are the leads of Bad Buddy as well.
Ones I’m not excited for but willing to checkout:
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Star & Sky-> https://youtu.be/wcTJWp5Q0Xg
is just simply not my style. I hate that old school BL type of vibe where they’re in school and scenes are shot a certain type of way… so it’s not to say it’s bad or anything but it’s just not for me. However I am a fan of Joong’s (guy on the middle left) so I will be tuning in regardless as a show of support and maybe the piece itself will change my mind.
Never Let Go-> https://youtu.be/8nSaE-eb7O4
Features Pond & Phuwin both from Fish Upon a Sky. I like the actors as humans well enough, I’m just not sure about their projects. Like it looks like it could be good but I was disappointed in this pairs last series which at first also looked good. So I have a sense of weariness I guess. I’m still gonna try it but I honestly don’t know if I will love it or even like it.
I will def not be watching:
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My school President-> is also old school BL style and features no one I know or supoort already so I’m just not open to watching it.
You Are My Favorite -> features Mike & Krist. I have no issue with Mike but I do not and never will support Krist. He will not get money, views or any type of support from me. I don’t believing in supporting that type of person in the Bl sector so I will not be giving viewership to this one.
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