#when I say ‘astonishing’ I mean I can’t wrap my brain around what slot Bug is in in the sorted by most kudos list.
scramblecat · 1 year
🎉,🎙,💝? (ask game)
🎉 - How often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? How often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post?
Gosh, I have to admit, I… don’t really do this, in the literal sense HAHAHHA
Most of the time spent soon after I’ve posted a fic is anxiously sitting there and wondering how it’s going to be received/rereading it to check for errors/opening and closing my email even though I KNOW it’s too soon for commenters.
My ‘celebration’, though, is the times where I do feel proud of a fic. If I’m particularly pleased with how it turned out, I do tend to reread it a few times, and it makes me very happy to do so!! Nothing like being proud, it’s great! :D
🎙️ - Which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
Oh, gosh. That would be HUGE, honestly, and the concept kind of intimidates me because of how big it is. It would be an HONOR but also WAUGH?? I’m just a little GUY!! Writing my silly little words… if people want to read them out loud to people because they like those words so much. wow wow wow?? (I do not know if this is the case!)
ANYWAY. ANSWERING THE ACTUAL QUESTION. I think I’d readily say one of my oneshots (ex. Thunderbolts and Lightning or Molotov), because those are short and sweet and would not require much to do! (Though I do say I’d MUCH prefer my more Recent ones where I actually have a good feeling for characterization and to an extent organization… that’s why I listed T&L and Molotov instead of something like This Isn’t Ideal HEHAHA)
(However… I think Bug may be my One Exception to this, I know it’s my most popular fic to date, and it gets better as time goes on/as I got into the rhythm of writing for the fandom so yeah!!!)
💝 - What is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Oh, it’s Bug, hands down. To this day I’m still completely blown away by the reception it’s gotten— I began writing it while DELIRIOUSLY ILL and I had known these characters existed for LESS THAN TWO DAYS. It was one hundred percent self indulgence written so I could inflict my misery on my newfound blorbos, and it wasn’t even that good of writing to start!! I expected it maybe to get a few folks stopping by and dropping kudos, but oh my god, people snapped it RIGHT up.
I was even more unsure when I brought Settings Person in because of how fast things split off from canon, and I was SO scared when I posted that chapter. But in combination with the workskin I had spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out and the direction the story was going, I think it just added to people’s enthusiasm. I had NEVER received that kind of reception to ANY of my work before, and it was (and still is) CRAZY to me how much people like it. I’m so very glad they do but wow. Wow!!! Absolutely astonishing to me.
Thank you for the ask!!
Fic writer asks! Send me one of these emojis and I’ll answer the corresponding question 👍
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