#wheeew not the rant but yeah it’s pretty loaded how I feel with this
comradekarin · 10 days
The fact that they deleted Jace kissing Baela’s cheeks pisses me awf. Like we can’t even get that? They are teenagers in love, only feel safe to truly confide in one another and they have never kissed once? They’ve known each other and have lived together since they were kids. They really expect us to believe that they haven’t even shared a chaste peck? They don’t even hug and barely have screentime together.
literally!! I mentioned the kiss scene here a while back but it’s still true. season two legitimately feels like filler outside of the rooks rest episode. and for a season that feels like filler, the writers are certainly focusing on the WRONG things to fill the time. the fact that alicent has more screentime than all of teamb and teamg kids… a season meant to be about the children yet all of them are given scraps. criston cole has more screentime than teamb kids! this alone tells me the writers aren’t serious about developing jacaela.
i had to suffer three consecutive episodes of baela not saying anything. rhaena doesn’t show or say much of anything (and it’s growing clear her storyline has now been swapped for nettles). jace clearly has grievances but the writers don’t follow through with them. baela is supposed to be his betrothed! its implied through harry and bethany’s body language that they talk about the dragonseeds… but would it kill ryan and sara to have scenes of jacaela actually talking? scenes where they aren’t constantly playing cheerleader for rhaenyra? scenes about grappling with rhaenys dying? daemon leaving? how they feel about rhaena not being with them? luke being mentioned in a way that shows how they BOTH loved him instead of luke being treated like a cautionary tale all season? moondancer and vermax scenes? even their handholding scenes are blurry and zoomed out, and all they do is hold hands lmao?? and it kills me because it’s not like they’re being completely ignored, their scenes just tend to either be short, a little one sided (as in jace seems to be the primary focus), or subtle.
i personally think the writers are gonna rush a lot of things when it comes to them in season three before you know what happens. like how before luke died we got those last minute scenes with him and rhaenyra. season two would have been the perfect time to truly develop jacaela, but the writers just didn’t go for it. it’s like they have difficulty writing meaningful dynamics lol. i personally also think the writers just don’t care enough about baela (and rhaena) to even develop their surrounding relationships… but i won’t get too much into that.
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