#whatt he skibid
kosss369 · 3 months
i’m bored so
i’m just gonna write shit because i can’t draw on my phone 🤑🤑 let’s just say this is a gift maybe
what you created june 27, 2024
i’m not sure if you know what you created, i can tell you have a hint. a taste, but nothing more. you create, well, everything. You created the presence that lingers in my mind, you created my happiness, you even created the empathy im forming. i have never thought that empathy would be a word to describe me, it has always been you. all those pretty words with nice meanings always meant you. you’ve quite literally infected me with those words, how? you wont have an answer to that, but that’s fine, because i don’t need answers from you. i don’t need anything from you, just be. maybe talk to me, maybe laugh with me. anything you do, even existing, is enough for me. it’s enough to make me spend my time thinking about you, it’s enough to make me smile to myself even if im staring at a wall or a floor, it’s enough to keep me motivated. it’s funny, how i used to see “best friends”. sure, everything was simpler back then, but my view of “best friends” was so plain. why am i even comparing best friends to what you are to me? you are my life, you’ve plagued me and healed me. you’ve given me a reason, logic, love, and i don’t know what to do with it. you make everything make sense, and make everything too blurry for me to understand. even when i’m listening to music, thinking of you, the music and lyrics are there but i don’t even comprehend them. i cant even remember the title, even if i’ve listened to it for hours, and too many times i lost count. all that’s there is you, you, you. you’re the pain in my ass and you’re literally something i’d die for. i would gift my life to you, actually
i already have.
you’ve created something unchangeable in me
a memory of someone who has made me think
in a way i’ve never thought before
and i don’t think i will ever think this way about anyone
damn bro,, no homo tho
i’m SO fucked
@stupidscav love you(platonically$ ACTUALLY THIS WHOLE GIFT IS PLATONIC)helpbro literally platonic bro UTS PLATONI IM PLATONIC
Hi Chat1
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