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mysplashdoor · 5 years ago
WhatsApp Dark Mode Kaise Lagaye?  
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emma1125 · 6 years ago
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globalmediahome · 5 years ago
WhatsApp working on two dark modes for iOS
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WhatsApp is growing new dim topics for iOS, as indicated by a report from WABetaInfo. WABetaInfo first uncovered that WhatsApp was taking a shot at a dull mode for iOS in October 2018. iPhone and iPad clients got a dull mode highlight for iOS on 19 September, which allegedly may have provoked WhatsApp to upgrade the unreleased element. The revised topics are accessible in a review variant of WhatsApp for iOS. One dull topic arrangement utilizes profound dark hues for the foundations of tables and cells. The subsequent choice uses somewhat lighter shades, bringing about a dark tone.
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Another supposed third choice has not been executed at this point. For visit bubbles, both of the arrangements will utilize a similar dull dim shade for approaching messages and dim green for active writings.
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As indicated by WABetaInfo, it isn't clear if clients will have the option to choose a favored arrangement once WhatsApp reveals the update, or if just one of the setups would be applied, yet all things considered, a solitary design will be accessible. WhatsApp has not declared a dispatch date for its dim mode update. The organization is additionally allegedly taking a shot at a dull mode for its Android application. Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/325767-whatsapp-working-on-two-dark-modes-for-ios.html Read the full article
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techschief · 5 years ago
Whatsapp New Features: Everything About The Popular Messenger
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meapplecat · 5 years ago
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iOS 13.4 BETA 4 ist da und WhatsApp ist endlich zur dunklen Seite der Apps gewechselt :-O https://youtu.be/cdQ_I1RIav0 #ios #iosupdate #ios13 #ios13.4 #Apple #iphone #whatsapp📲 #darkmode #whatsappdarkmode #deutsch #meapplecat #y #News #update https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XjliFqVFm/?igshid=1rs4kv866t8f1
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thegurualpha · 5 years ago
Finally. Dark mode on WhatsApp. #DarkMode
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Dark Mode is now a trending theme of all well-known networks. All famous social media are introducing dark mode one by one. Now, finally, WhatsApp also introduces Dark mode. WhatsApp introduces Dark Mode in the latest update on 3rd March 2020. In this update, WhatsApp fixed many bugs and launched a new feature called dark mode. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read also: Facebook is now New Facebook
Why the Dark Mode?
Usually, all social media have too much bright theme which can irritate the user while using social media at night. So, the result was dark mode and after the continuous launch of Dark mode for many of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube even many Google Products, WhatsApp and many other social media launched this dark mode theme too. Finally. Dark mode on WhatsApp. #DarkMode pic.twitter.com/o4Ee5H7qpW— WhatsApp Inc. (@WhatsApp) March 3, 2020 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
Is Dark Mode will not irritate users?
The dark mode is best for the night but eventually, this will irritate users at day time. So, this may require a new update of auto converting of Dark mode to light mode and light mode to dark mode according to light intensity. We will see this update in the future.
How To Enable DARK MODE?
Open WhatsApp Application.Now go to settings by tapping over three dots menu.Tap on Chat and find the theme option.Tap on theme option and select Dark mode in popup options.Now, Enjoy the dark mode. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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marketresearcher340 · 5 years ago
WhatsApp dark mode is now available for iPhone and Android
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We're very excited to exchange WhatsApp with most likely essentially the most requested perform from our clients all over the place - dark mode. dark mode for WhatsApp provides an up to date take a look at acquainted experience. It’s designed to chop again eye stress in low mild environments. And we hope it helps forestall these awkward moments the place your phone lights up the room. When designing dark  mode we frolicked researching and experimenting with a concentrate on two express areas: Readability: When deciding on colours, we wanted to attenuate eye fatigue and use colours that are nearer to the system defaults on iPhone and Android respectively. Knowledge Hierarchy: We wanted to help clients merely focus their consideration on each show. We did this by using colour and completely different design components to confirm essential information stands out. Clients on Android 10 and iOS 13 can use dark mode by enabling it in system settings. Clients on Android 9 and underneath can go into WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Theme > select ‘dark ’. We hope everyone enjoys dark mode, which is rolling out throughout the coming days on the newest mannequin of WhatsApp. source Read the full article
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incomodtutorials · 5 years ago
Cum sa instalezi/activezi Dark Mode pe WhatsApp sau cum faci Update la WhatsApp for Android Beta 2.20.46
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In primul rand de ce ai fi interesat sa folosesti WhatsApp dark mode: • Economisirea bateriei. Whatsapp Beta Dark vine, pe langa dark mode, si cu o alta setare, pentru economisirea bateriei si anume "Setata de Economisirea bateriei", insa aceasta setare se va mula pe setarile telefonului de economisire a bateriei fara sa activezi modul dark. • Seara sau atunci cand folosesti WhatsApp pe intuneric sau pe luminozitate scazuta, acest mod face ca utilizarea aplicatiei sa nu iti fie obositoare. In acelasi timp neavand asa multa luminozitate nu ii vei mai deranja nici pe cei de langa tine. Pentru a activa acesta tema pe WhatsApp pasii pe care trebuie sa ii faci sunt urmatorii: Poti urmari si clipul de mai sus pentru a vedea detaliat toti pasii configurarii. 1. Trebuie sa obtii WhatsApp Beta, iar pentru asta ai doua variante; V1. Trebuie sa iti faci un cont de tester AICI. In principiu in momentul de fata WhatsApp pare ca a atins numarul maxim de testeri pe aceasta zona, astfel ca aceasta varianta pica. Insa daca totusi reusesti sa mergi mai departe si sa iti faci cont nu te speria, nu este nimic complicat, plus ca nu trebuie sa faci nimic special, tot ce vei face este sa iti iei aplicatia WhatsApp Beta ;) V2. Descarca direct de AICI aplicatia in format APK. Dupa ce dai click pe acest link de descarcare asteapta putin, incepe putin mai greu download-ul, dupa care se va descarca destul de repede. Dupa ce o descarci, instaleaz-o. Este posibil sa iti apara un mesaj cum ca telefonul tau nu permite instalarea unor aplicatii din surse externe, insa aceasta sursa este una sigura astfel ca poti apasa pe settings/setari, iar aici sa bifezi Allow app installs/permite instalarea aplicatiilor. De mentionat ca aplicatia va fi aceeasi aplicatie de WhatsApp pe care o ai instalata in telefon, practic in faci doar un update. 2. Mergi la setarile aplicatiei; 3. Apoi la Conversatii/Chats; 4. Acum, in aceasta fereastra vei avea prima optiune "Theme/Tema", pe care daca apesi iti va aparea un popup cu alegerea temei, Light/Luminoasa sau Dark/Intunecata. 5. Alege Dark/Intunecata, iar astfel ai trecut WhatsApp pe modul intunecat. Read the full article
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shovo24 · 5 years ago
🔥 How to Enable WhatsApp OFFICIAL Dark Mode 🔥 হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ অফিশিয়াল ডার...
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WhatsApp finally added Dark Mode for Android beta testers | Check out how to enable it
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WhatsApp Dark Mode is finally here, a much-awaited feature that has been in the rumor mill for months. The app joins hundreds of other popular offerings that have already transitioned to providing a dark theme or mode to their users. WhatsApp's native dark mode is referred to as dark only in the theme selection user interface and the entire messaging app gives the user interface a dark green profile with colors here and vice versa. WhatsApp home screen and settings menu are now in dark color. However, on the interaction surface, only the chat balloons are dark, while the background is white or refers to a different color that users have set as the background. Important: Before we continue with the activation of the function, it should be noted that Dark Mode is currently only available for beta testers. There is no information about when the feature will be deployed via the static channel, but it should not take long.
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The dark mode was already introduced in WhatsApp for beta testers via Google Play and has been given with the new update v2.20.13. If you are a beta tester and you still have not received the update, or if you cannot run if you want Dark Mode changed, you can download the WhatsApp Beta v2.20.13 APK from APK Mirror. And if you are not a beta tester and can't wait to test the new Dark Mode of the app, register here to become a beta tester via Google Play and download the WhatsApp beta build. According to WABetaInfo, users will have to remove the latest build of the app from the Google Play Store or the link above and reinstall it if WhatsApp Dark Mode is not displayed after installing the update. Of course, delete the app only after saving your chat history.
How do I activate dark mode in WhatsApp?
It is very easy to enable dark mode or theme in WhatsApp. Follow the steps below to activate the new look quickly. This not only protects eyes in environments with poor light conditions but also saves battery on OLED screens. Download the latest WhatsApp beta update and open the app. After opening the app, tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings from the menu. While you're on the Settings page, tap Chat, and then tap Theme. This will open a window where you can select the subject. In the window that appears, tap Dark. This activates the Dark Mode interface for the entire app. You can select the System Standard option to automatically switch between dark and light modes depending on system settings. Read the full article
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divstech-blog · 5 years ago
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WhatsApp Dark Mode in Beta 🔥 . . #whatsapp #whatsappbeta #whatsapp📲 #whatsappgroup #whatsappchat #whatsappdarkmodeforandroidspottedinthelatestbeta #whatsappdarkmode #whatsappstickers #whatsappstatus https://www.instagram.com/p/B7nob48AqIV/?igshid=ysrxmyxfz02v
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h2smedia · 5 years ago
WhatsApp Dark Mode is available for Android users test it now!
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Finally, to save the oil of eye lamps especially for those continuously do chats on WhatsApp, Dark Mode is available. Yes, just like other Google applications, slowly but no we can use the Facebook WhatsApp in the dark colour to not only protect our eyes but also to save the battery of the smartphone. The users of Android smartphones with the current beta version can finally try it out after a long wait. Both the introduction of Apple iOS 13 and that of Google Android 10 focused on the system-wide dark mode of both operating systems in addition to many other functions. Thus, after Instagram, the WhatsApp messenger is also in the black colour theme.
  Read the full article
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techtoreview · 6 years ago
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technicalwali · 5 years ago
How to enable Dark Mode on Whatsapp android 2020/ Whats app new update
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followtechtalks · 5 years ago
How to Activate WhatsApp DARK MODE  on Android Mobile | WhatsApp Latest New Update  
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techbuddiesindia · 5 years ago
வாட்ஸ் அப்பில் Dark Mode Enable செய்வது எப்படி? #whatsappdarkmode #whatsapupdate #tamil #techbuddies #techbuddiesindia (at Kovilpatti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TQ_rnlhv-/?igshid=e77tznkc59y6
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