#whatever tbis is stupid. i just got really insecure for a moment.
melto · 2 months
its been bothering me a lot recently but a friend of mine got upset with me bc i responded to him telling me stories saying i liked learning about him and he was like Well you never drop lore and well. Idk. i have always struggled with talking about myself and i also just like don’t remember anything really and its hard for me to think of things without something prompting it. ive explained this but it does make me feel stupid guilty bc its not like im trying to keep people at a distance anymore really i just. Dont know what to say. nothing i can remember feels relevant and i feel stupid talking about it. and personally i do think i talk plenty about myself ive gotten a lot better with that even when i dont think its very interesting. it just kinda falls into that place where i get really freaked out about not knowing myself and that no one really knows me either. which isnt true. my friends know and love me.
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