#whatever im going back to bed i got my dj post in AND got to post abt pierre's fuckin fingers
hourcat · 2 years
the universe hates me and the proof is that adam driver played some character named daniel jones in a movie 8 yrs ago and he's STILL the only daniel jones talked about on this webbed site
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teaandthoughts24 · 8 months
So we went out last night…actually let me start at the beginning. My roommate, we’ll call her AB, invites me and my other roommate, AW, out to a club bc her guy is going to be there and she doesn’t want to go alone. I’m initially excited of course but then I’m like oh i don’t know if I’ll go bc I’m tired. In reality, I’m thinking about my boyfriend because he doesn’t like me to go out without him which is totally fine because I don’t want to go to clubs without him. So I’m really not planning to go and then I’m like I’ll invite him and that way we can all go and have a great night right? So I call him and I’m like hey AB invited us out to a club tonight but I said no initially bc I want to see if you want to come too (we both worked that day and had work the next morning so I was really on the fence). To my surprise, he says yes and sounds excited about it so then I’m getting excited right. Now I’m getting ready, I’m cleaning, making sure my dog is set up Etc. He shows up about 30 min to an hour after our call, showers and then gets in bed and starts playing games. All cool, then I shower, I start doing makeup, it’s about 8:30/9 at this time. Then he's hungry so he asks me to make him a grilled cheese. I didn't really want to but i do it because i love him duh. Now it's getting later, I'm trying to figure out what to wear, I'm trying on my roommates clothes and stuff. He makes some comment about why I'm trying so hard to look good, and why im acting "lesbian" (whatever that means???). So im like ??? are you good? Should i go out in my work clothes instead?? so that pissed me off but i let it go. Around this time he's like im gonna take a nap wake me up to get ready. im like did you set an alarm he says no. cool. so im basically ready but then i realize he didnt feed the dog when i asked him to. now i gotta feed my dog, switch bags, etc. its a little hectic but i have a sec to get in bed and lay down. he tries to make out in bed but im like babe my makeup. so hes knocked out and around 10:30/11 im like waking him up to get ready. of course he doesnt want to get up. so i wake him up like 3 times and then hes just laying in bed. i really hate to repeat myself so i ask him if he still wants to go and hes like "well you cant go alone" or something like that so now i feel like hes cranky and he doesnt want to go. anyway AB and AW are fully ready, ready to call ubers and hes like putting underwear on. Anyway we (me, AB, AW) take a shot and then we all get in the Uber. Now we’re heading to the place, we’re on the list so we go right in, get to our table, get some drinks. It’s a club so you know the vibes. We eventually move to the dj booth bc the guy that AB knows is the dj (not her dude tho). Now we’re posted up in the dj booth, musics going, got some more drinks and I’m trying to throw some ass on my boyfriend. He just stands against the wall THE WHOLE TIME. He’s not dancing, not drinking, not smiling, not talking just standing on the wall. So I’m dancing on him the whole time, drinking talking with AB and AW, we met her guy, it’s a good time. Later in the night, AB leaves with her dude so it’s me, AW and my boyfriend. At one point he leaves (???) or I leave (???) details are fuzzy because I was wasted. Anyway, we’re going back to get into the dj booth, me and AW walk up first and then the security guy doesn’t let my boyfriend in because they don’t want guys up there anymore. I’m assuming because when it was a female dj there were guys and girls up there but then it switched to a dude and they wanted all girls I DONT KNOW. Anyway we (me and AW) walk back out because we’re not gonna ditch him obviously. We go back to the first table we were at initially and there’s a guy there that we met at a party with AB and again when we went to see this same dj dude at another club. He hugs AW and then hugs me. I think this pissed my boyfriend off because we were sitting there not talking I don’t think. Just sitting while AW is talking to this guy. I know she’s not into him so we start talking about leaving soon. (1/2)
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Surprise! | Eijirou Kirishima
Happy late birthday to my baby boy Kiripima!!❤️✨
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genre: fluff with slight smut
warnings: lap dance? light cursing, suggestive writing (this falls into the fem.reader region, but all are welcome to read. i tried my best to not make it steer toward writing for women alone)
summary: you decide to throw your boyfriend a surprise birthday party and invite some old classmates and friends over to celebrate all together.
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this is probably the longest post i’ve ever made. i really hope y’all enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors)
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today was a special special day. it’s your boyfriend Kirishima's birthday. for your boyfriend of many loving and happy years, you decided that you wanted to show him your appreciation for him. with him being a pro hero and you working as a first responder, you never got to celebrate special events like this with him because he’d often be caught up with patrols and saving civilians. but this year you were determined to change that. last week you contacted your old classmates and close friends of you both and let them know you wanted to throw him a surprise party, instantly they said they will be there. so you rented out a VIP section in the most famous club in Japan and contacted the club’s manager to let them know about the event and asked if you could give a playlist to the DJ. it was an easy process and everything was set.
you had woken up early enough to make Kirishima and yourself some breakfast. you made waffles with bacon and sausages. almost finished with breakfast, you heard someone’s feet dragging across the floor from around the corner. you saw a messy-haired Kirishima rubbing his eyes yawning with a slumped over posture. “‘g’ morning baby, how come you up so early?” he walked into the kitchen, coming up behind you placing his head on your shoulders kissing your cheek. “good morning handsome. i’m just making breakfast for the best birthday boy in the world.” you say as you place the food into plates and turned off the stove. turning around you faced your boyfriend who still had some drool on the corner of his mouth. you placed a kiss to his lips and smiled. “y/n you didn’t have to do that.” he pouted. “but i wanted to. come on, let’s eat.”
picking up your plates, you guys walked over to the dining table and took a seat beside each other. no wasting anytime Kirishima picked up his fork and started to eat. he hummed out in approval as he swilled down the food. you smiled at him before picking up your fork. “i’m glad you enjoying it Kiri.” you guys are together, occasionally having small talk about work and such.
“you know, i almost forgot that today was my birthday.” he laughed as he gulped his orange juice. “man you're getting old, baby.” you teased him. he laughed leaning his head back slightly, “please, don’t remind me cutie.” you smiled looking away feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. Kirishima notices this and turns to you taking your face into his hand so you look at him. “what’s up cutie?” his eyes focused on your face. you smiled once again. he was so breathtaking that you couldn’t help it. “what?” he’s also smiling showing a couple of sharp teeth. “your amazing.” you sighed looking into his crimson eyes. a light blush spreads to his cheek and he leans in only inches from your face. “not as amazing and perfect as you though better half. you make everything better in life since you walked into it. you make me feel like the best man in the world. you make me wanna work hard, be the best version of myself, y’ know? i love you cutie.” you could see your vision getting more and more blurry with each word that he whispers to you. you let the tears slip down your cheek as he quickly wipes them away with his thumb. “Kiri, i’m supposed to be sweet talking you, not the other way around.” you chuckled holding your hand on top of his. he kisses your lips, laughing. “oh please. go and fresh up for work, i’ll take care of the dishes.”
you now at work you were working on some paperwork as the day started to slowly end. many patients are seen and a few lectures with your colleagues are held. you had received a couple of cards from the small kids that came in for a check-up to give to Kirishima. it was such a cute interaction with them. it makes you smile when you think about all the little kids your boyfriend has inspired and encouraged to do their best in everything. he was just perfect. simple as that. the alarm on your apple watch went off signaling that it’s time for you to go back home. at the same time, you received a call from your good friend Mina and your best friend. “girl, we’re about five minutes away.” your best friend spoke. “okay. i’m just logging out now. i’ll be there soon.” “okay, cya, much!” you hung up that phone then packing up your stuff and exiting your office. “bye guys, i’ll see you next week!” you called it to the others in the office. “bye y/n!” they chimed. “be sure tell Kirishima happy birthday for us and give him a treat.” one of your acquaintances said. “sure will!!” you laughed and waved hopping onto the elevator.
you walked out of the establishment saying goodbye to the security guards. you saw your best friend’s car right in the front and hurriedly walked over. “y/n!!” they exclaimed. “yes?!” you giggle, mocking their tone of voice. “you ready to surprise your man?” “yes, i am!!” “then let’s go!” Mina cheers. your friend put the car in drive and start your journey home.
arriving at your apartment building, you park at the front and get out of the car. straight through the front entrance into elevators, you press on your floor number and go up. you open your apartment door, stepping inside and turning on the light with your friends close behind. “okay lemme go and take a shower. you guys can do whatever you want.” you put your keys and bag down on a chair nearby then proceeding to your bathroom.
after a nice good shower, you walk into your shared room to see Mina and your bestie sitting on the bed watching TV while chatting. “you guys know what are you wearing?” you asked them as you apply lotion to your body. “yeah i have it with me in my bag.” Mina spoke as she looked through her phone. “same here. lemme go get it.” your friend exits the room before turning with all your bags at hand. “your bags were out there so i just picked them up.” she hands Mina her bag and places yours on the stand by your TV. after putting on undergarments you went through your bag to see a message from Kiri. you slide it open and read it.
My Hero 💫❤️ - hey cutie, i’m almost finished with patrol i’ll be home in an hour and a half ❤️
you smile and text a quick “okay❤️” then shutting off your phone. “y’all it’s time. he said he’s leaving work in an hour and a half.” “alright! let’s get this show on the road.” your friend unpacks her bag taking out her clothes and takes out some makeup. Mina does the same. you go into your closet reaching for your outfit. for a little more fun you turn on your TV to YT and play some music while getting ready. you tell Mina to shoot Bakugou a text and tell him to get ready and your friend starts on your makeup. “yes ma’am!”
as your friend put the finishing touches on your eyebrows and lips, you hear your phone ring. Mina reads you the caller ID telling you that it’s Bakugou. you take the phone and answer. “hey Bakugou, wassup?” “yo y/n, i just finished my patrol and i’m in the office. Kirishima is still on patrol so i’m waiting for him. you guys almost finished?” he questioned you. “i just finished my makeup so now i’m going to get dressed. do you know how longer Kiri will be patrolling?” on the other end Bakugou let’s out a sigh. “i don’t know maybe about 20 more minutes.” he grumbles. “but I'm gonna go and take a shower and change. i guess you lemme know when you guys are finally finished painting your faces with clown makeup and are going to leave.” you laughed. “it’s not clowning makeup! aight bet i’ll text you.” “m’kay, bye idiot.” “bye nasty.” the call ended and you got up from the chair to go look in your mirror. “this is good! you should do this for a living!” you praised your best friend’s work of art. “oh stop it. i’m glad you like it.” you nod and smile. “okay now i’m going to do my makeup, you go get dressed up.” she rushed you. you took your clothes and entered your bathroom.
“are y’all ready?” you come into the room in your outfit. you had on a deep blue, almost black like a strapless dress that was open through in a V shape with a string looped in it. you paired that with a denim distressed crop jacket, some black heels, and your rhinestone purse that had a strap. to top it all off you wore the matching earring and necklace that Kirishima had gotten you for your anniversary gift. “damn girl!! looking like a million fucking dollars!” your friend exclaimed checking out your outfit. “thank you.” walking over to look in the mirror you spray some good smelling perfume on and touch on up your hair. damn, you do look good. “alright. we all ready?” you asked your best friend. “mhm, Mina is all ready and is in the living room talking with Sero, Kami, and some others.” “okay, let’s get going now. Kiri should be finished with patrol now so im gonna text Bakugou and tell him that we’re leaving. you guys can go along, i’m gonna take my car cause i still gotta pick up the cake.” you reassured her. “alright. see you in a bit hon, bye.” she leaned in and gave you a hug then leaving.
you just picked up Kirishima’s cake and was on your way to the club now. you’ve been calling all the guests and let them know that they should be at the club now and answered any questions that. as you are a few blocks away from the club, you get a call from Bakugou saying that Kirishima got out of the shower and changed into new clothes. “okay, i’m just pulling up to the club. you gonna drive here?” “yeah. also, i’m gonna pick up the extra idiots Kaminari and Sero on the way.” he explains to you. “bet. i already told Denki and Sero that when you guys are getting close to blindfold him.” “okay. see you in a bit.” with an approving hum you hung up the phone. after shutting on the car, you got out and walking into the club. instantly music fills your ears and your eyes slightly strain from the lowly dim room with different colored lights. moving deeper into the club by the VIP, people start acknowledging your presence cheered and wooed for you.
“you're finally here y/n, i was wondering what was taking you so long.” your best friend comes and takes the cake from you set it on the big table in front of you guys. “sorry, it was but if a drive.” you put your phone in your purse and onto your shoulder. walking closer you see many familiar faces. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka were chatting when they saw you and waved to you. you saw Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Jirou and Hagakure sat next to each other on their phones. glancing around more you notice Shinsou, your old teacher Aizawa, Hawks, Tetsutetsu all spread out minding their own business. walking into the booth to say hi to everyone, you see two people who you haven’t seen in so long. you other two besties. you grinned and slightly jogged over to them pulling them into hugs. “it’s been way too long. i’m so glad that y’all could make it!” you smiled. “of course!” one of them spoke. “anything for you y/n.” the other said. “i think this is gonna be a great night. this was a good idea y/n.” “i know right, this night is gonna be legendary.”
after a long chit chat and catching up with your besties and classmates, you moved to talk to the manager about the situation and thank them once again for this being able to happen. “sure thing Ms. y/n. Mr. Eijirou is a very lucky man. i hope he enjoys his time.” you thanked them before ending the conversation and walking to the DJ to make sure that they had your playlist set. once they started to play the music you headed over to the bar to order some drinks for everyone. you return to VIP with two trays of multiple mixed drinks. “thanks.” they each mumbled as you passed them their drinks. “y/n.” you turn around and see Momo and Aoyama walking in the club. “hey!” you walked over to hug them. “how’s life been treating y’all?” “amazing. as you can see i still look good.” Aoyama playfully winked at you making you giggle. “yes, i can. what about you Momo?” “i’m just here. i recently got engaged to the love of my life.” she smiled revealing to you the ring on her finger. “oh my god, congrats girl. i hope i’ll be invited to the wedding.” you poked her sides. she laughs, “yes you are dear, don’t worry.” “okay. well, go ahead and settle in the booth over there with everyone else. i’ll take care of drinks.” “thank you y/n.” they walked to the booth and took a seat.
after a couple of minutes and you were now dancing with some of your friends, your phone went off in your purse and you took it out. it was Bakugou calling you. “hey Bakugou.” “we’re here and he’s blindfolded.” he told you. “okay. you guys can come in now.” “alright. bye.” the called ended. you hurried over to the DJ requesting that you could have the mic. “hello, everyone. Bakugou is here with Kirishima. do you think we could be extra quiet and surprise him?” you questioned everyone in the club. they all cheered and stopped their chatter. the DJ turned down the music as you gave them back the microphone. just then the door for the club opened letting in the cool breeze of the evening as four men walked in all laughing and slightly pushing each other. they quickly silence themselves due to enter the room.
“bro, what the hell. where did y’all bring me?” Kirishima spoke. you walked over to him. from your heels clicking on the wooden tiles he could tell somebody was around. “who is that?” he asked. smiling you reach up and pushed the makeshift blindfold that around his head up to on his forehead. immediately his eyes widen. “y/n?” “surprise!” you shouted along with everyone. Kirishima was so astonished. “w-wha- how?” he looks around seeing familiar faces. “this is for you baby.” you reach and wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. he wraps him around you at the same time kissing you back deeply. pulling away you could see tears on his cheek as he looks you in your eyes. you use your thumbs to wipe them away. “baby doesn’t cry. it’s okay.” you softly massaged his cheeks. “y/n i wasn’t expecting this. y-your too good for me.” “aww, Kiri. come on, some people want to see you.” you lead him over to the VIP booth to see everyone.
so far the night was going great. many drinks and shots were ordered, some people already slightly tipsy. others just enjoyed the free chips that were passed out. you though. you were celebrating yourself. a whole lot. you and your besties along with Mina and Hagakure were all on the dance floor. y’all are dancing around having fun. then the song Instruction challenge that was on your playlist, starts to play. you get so hype and your besties know what’s about to happen. because you guys were being loud, you guys earned the attention of a couple of other people on the floor and they started to spread out making space for you. you also caught some of your friend's eyes like Todoroki, Iida, Hawks, etc.
as the beat played you slowly removed your jacket as you move your hips slowly whining before going into position to twerk. Mina and your best friend took their phones out to record. you also removed your heels and handed it to one of the girls. this drew even more attention from people and including your boyfriend. “what is she doing?” he eyed you in curiosity. “oh i know.” Momo and Aoyama laughed to themselves. even more confused, he moved closer to get a better look.
when the song said “just sit down, just bounce pon de dick.” everyone's eyes went wide, some people face like Midoriya, Kaminari and Shinsou got a bit red. they were not expecting that. to make circumstances even worst for them, you started to twerk. you moved your ass up and down to the beat of the song. your dress moving against you adding that extra jiggle from the slightly loose fabric.
your friends sang along to the lyric hyping you up so much. “so manage it, manage it!” they cheered as you threw it in a circle. “pon de one side, pon de one side, kotch pon de one side, one side.” you bent over bending your right knee to support yourself as you stretch your left leg. you reach for your left ankle to grip onto it as you moved left ass cheek. you moved it to the beat of the song.
at this point Kirishima was at a loss for words and a bit turned on the least to say. this was new to him. you could move like that? then straighten your leg so your bent over, you shake your ass when the song said “move de batty jaw now.” one of your friends started to throw money onto your ass and smack you on your ass. “oh my god y/n.” Sero laughed, totally unfazed by what’s happening. when they thought it was the end, “knock de pussy pon de damn concrete.” played. you went into a split and did exactly what they said, you knocked it on the concrete. twice. when the song ended your friend cheered for you and the other on the dance floor clapped. you smiled and thanked them before beginning to gather your stuff together and walk over to the booth.
“whew, that was a lot.” you breathed dabbing your head with a napkin before taking a sip of the water Kirishima was drinking. “you have no idea.” Shinsou spoke scratching the back of his neck with raised eyebrows. you laughed knowing exactly what he meant. “my bad. that’s just my song.” you shrugged with a smile. you look at Kirishima who was watching you. “yes Kirishima? your staring” you taunted him. “huh? oh, uh. nothing.” he frantically explained. laughing at his cute response you place your hand in his hair giving him little pets. “come on, let’s have some fun!” Mina exclaimed to everyone. Uraraka, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Momo, and Kaminari get up with no hesitation, following over to the dance floor. others like Todoroki, Shinsou, and Tokoyami stayed sitting down and watched. “would you like to join me, birthday boy?” you smirked as you outstretched a hand towards Kirishima. he accepted. “yes i would!”
you’ve been dancing for a while now with everyone and having the time of your life with your boyfriend’s arms around your waist, not letting up. dancing from songs like the Cha Cha Slide and teaching Kirishima how to Kontrol by Maleek Berry and whining into Kirishima as he matched your movements going low to the floor anytime you got lower. you even danced to La Romana by Bad Bunny with the Latino king himself Sero. you even caught one of your friends going crazy throwing it back on him as he caught it. everyone went crazy videoing them and hyping them up. the club was hype, and the excitement was far from ending as you had something planned for Kirishima at the end.
now back at the booth, telling Kiri that you need to go to the bathroom you excused yourself and went for the cake that you had bought. with the help of Todoroki, you successfully got to bring the cake to the table. you had placed the candles on it and lit them with a lighter. you placed the cake in front of Kirishima and placed a kiss on his cheek saying the words, “happy birthday baby.” he smiled as everyone cheered for him and wished him well. “go on! make a wish!” Aoyama urged him. taking your hand in his, he closed his eyes then blew out the candles. “thank you.” he kissed your hand. you smile, “anything for you baby.” “alright let’s have some cake!!” Tesutesu cheered. you feed Kirishima the cake, teasing as you smeared icing on his nose.
it’s been a while since you guys been sitting and chatting. you decided it was the best time for your surprise now as it was well close to 3 am. some people like Bakugou, Shinsou, and Deku were sleeping. some chatter was still going on but it was minimal. so you inquired of Mina and Kaminari to help you out with setting up. you told Mina to take care of the song with the DJ and Kaminari to place a chair in the middle of the dance floor for Kirishima to sit in. you woke up those how were sleeping and explained to everyone that you had something in store for Kirishima. “what else is there to do idiot?” Bakugou grumbles, upset that you woke him up from slumber. “promise me, you’ll want to see this.” you walk to the bathroom to get yourself ready and wait for your cue.
“what’s happening?” Kirishima asked his friend Kaminari as he was nudging him to the chair on the dance floor. “sh, just enjoy bro!” he gave him a thumbs up and went back to where everyone else was. “can i please have everyone’s attention.” Mina called through the mic by the DJ station. Kirishima landed his attention on her. “Kirishima, today’s a very special day. and we all have that we were able to spend it with you.” she started. Kirishima leans back in the chair with a smile on his face mouthing a ‘thank you’ to her. “and as the night is coming to a close, your sexy ass girlfriend named y/n has a show for you right now.” now everyone has their phones out at recording. “performing to Ride by Ciara, the big booty, big titty, make you cream your pants, y/n y/l/n!!!”
the song starts and you walked out of the bathroom that was by the bar. Kirishima turned to see you slowly walking out. your hand grazing against the counter as you seductively watched him walking down the bar. taking a strawberry that was in a cup, you placed it in your mouth bit sucking on the juice that was in the fruit. you placed the stem in the glass before slowing walking over to Kirishima, right leg in front of the other. the sound of your heels against the floor echo in the room with music.
reaching to Kirishima, he looks at you with wide eyes. you go behind him, you move your hand to grip his face in place a kiss to his lips then walking around in front of him. “i can do it big. i can do it long. i can do it whenever or however you want.” you lip-sync the song as you parted Kirishima’s leg placing yourself in between them. you continue to sing. “i market it so good, they can’t wait till you try me.” knelt, lean your face dangerously close to his crotch and roll your body before standing up straight. you turn around to face the crowd and you walked a few inches from him. you bend over with your back arched and your hands on your knees. you whine your hips being sure to slowly move in circles occasionally toking your hips to the side. sliding down to the floor with your ass in the air you continue to circle your hips. “they love the way i ride it. they love the way i ride it.”
Kirishima watching your every move, feeling very hot now having a full view of your ass in his face. his bottom lip found their way between his teeth as he didn’t let his eyes off you like your hip land flat on the floor in a fast motion causing your ass to jiggle. you turn around on your back, slowly moving your upper half off the floor until you sat up. with your arms grazing over your body brushing over your breast. you give them a slight squeeze and made a lewd face that makes Kirishima’s head loll back to the side as he made a pained expression showing his desperation. you stood to your feet and took your shoes off as a part of the dance. “i do it to him right, it’s like mmh-mmh good.” you bend your knees going down so you're on your toe and open your legs so Kirishima can see. you go into a split from here and move up and down.
“yes y/n!!!” Mina cheered for you. your eyes stay on Kirishima as you blew him a kiss. he smiled and motions you over to him. you crawl on all fours you stop before Kirishima. you move your hands up his body to his neck as he tilts your head up and looks at you. “baby, i need you.” you settle both your hands on his arm and take his fingers into mouth humming around them. “shit.” he swears.
pulling away you inch away a bit before putting your head down to the floor. using your arms to brace yourself, you use your legs to push off the ground so that you are on your head. you open your legs and move them gradually making them wave. leaning back you rest your legs on Kirishima’s thighs. he comes down positioning a hand behind your head and one around your waist pulling your body up. you encircle your arms around his neck having him extra close to your face. “Woo!!!” Kaminari and Hagakure shouted for you two as everyone roared as well.
“he love the way i ride it. he love the way i ride it.” you sang to Kirishima as you move your hips against him. you grind onto him. Kirishima lets out a groan. “holy fuck baby.” he pulls you closer by the arm around your waist and bucks up into you, using the hand on the back of your neck to pull you into a needy kiss. you kiss him back moving your tongue against his. you could feel his dick cock hardened through his jeans. it pressed right against your now soaked panties under your dress.
you move legs so that your feet were also set on his thighs. moving your lips down to his neck you still grind against him. you hear him let out a breathy moan and lean his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “y/n... i-i can’t.” he whines and moves his hand down to your ass. you twerk your ass against his hand. he smacks your ass and grabs it, using it as leverage to grind you harder down on him and buck up into you.
“you like this?” you could hear him whimper out a ‘yes’ as he still grinds your down onto him you pull away so that you sit upright on his hard member. you twerk your ass and smile at him. you lightly bounce on him causing him to slightly set off his quirk. pulling you back into him, he places your head on his shoulder and moves his hands under your dress.
without even thinking he moves your dress up so that your ass is on full exhibition for all to see. “YESSSS Y/N!!!!” Aoyama cheers for you. Kirishima lands a hard smack to your ass feeling the skin jiggle and you flinch in his lap with a moan in his ear. he bunches your panties and pulls it between your ass. “this is all mine. tonight you’re gonna get it.” he says. you lean into his lips giving him a faint kiss.
you fix yourself and moved so that you were standing again. swiveling around you strut away before coming to a stop. you reach under your dress and removed your panties. you threw it towards Kirishima and walked away. everyone went wild. then the music ended. “give it up for y/n!” Mina spoke through the mic. everyone clapped for you and you gleam taking a bow. “thank you all for making this night a memorable and happy night for my sexy warrior Eijirou Kirishima.” you direct toward Kirishima who hand your panties in hand and watching you with hooded eyes. “i love you baby.” you said to him.
“y/n that was fricken amazing! look.” Hagakure showed you her phone. you watched as you and Kirishima grind against each, kissing and moaning. you felt your face heat with embarrassment. “oh my god. i did that.” you laughed and hid your face in your hands. “girl there’s nothing to be afraid of, we all know what goes on behind the close door.” Aoyama leaned in his hands and winked at you. “and from the looks of it, Kirishima appeared to be enjoying himself as well.” your friend implied at the phone to when Kirishima had rolled your dress up and slapped your ass. “by the way, nice ass.” Mina winked at you.
“Kirishima bro how does it feel?” Kaminari and Sero surround Kirishima as he walked back to the booth. “you have no idea bro.” he smirks looking at you as you talked with your friends. “dude you were going all out. grabbing her ass like it’s no one’s business.” Sero shows him the video. he watches as his hands grabbed on your ass grinding into you. he could feel his dick twitch against his thigh from the view of your ass. “you look a bit excited there shitty hair.” Bakugou spoke suggestively. Kirishima moved his hands to cover his prominent boner. “oh, he’s ready.” Jirou laughed. “Kiri’s gonna get some tonight!” Tetsutetsu chimed.
“babe, you ready to go home?” Kirishima came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. you shiver as his teeth rake against your ear. “oop, y/n. looks like you won’t be able to walk for days.” your best friend wooed. you only laugh, jokingly telling them to shut up. “yeah. you ready?” you replied to Kirishima. he nods his head nuzzled into your neck. “okay. lemme get my panties to put back on.” you ran your hands through his hair. “no i’ll think i’ll keep it. makes things more interesting.” he says to you. your friends hear and squeal. “y/n is getting fucked senseless tonight!!” Mina hollers. he looks at her from your neck. “you have no idea.” turning you around his arms, he picks you up and wraps your legs on his midsections. he slaps your ass and kisses your neck. he gathers your belongings and says goodbyes and goodnights to everyone, walking out the door with you.
you all know what happened after that
part 2
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spaceywormy · 7 years
hey wanna see the first draft for my short story for creative writing class? no? i’m posting it anyway
Yellow Tape
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it,” Alex says, curling the cord of his earbuds around his fingers.
“Are you kidding me? You’re not some white guy in Hawaii, Ax!” DJ argues, turning around to walk backwards, facing his friend. “I beg of you, remove the goddamn floral button-down.”
“Never,” Alex says dramatically. “It’s hot out, I couldn’t wear my sweater.”
“But why did you wear a floral button-down?! It’s like you do this just to piss me off.”
Alex looks over at DJ with one eyebrow raised, a smug smile on his face. DJ goes to knock his baseball hat off, but the back of his foot catches on the uneven pavement and he stumbles backwards. He lets out a high-pitched squeak as he falls, his backpack catching the brunt of the fall. He looks up to see Alex trying and failing to hold in laughter. Alex helps him up, and they continue the walk home.
“At least I’m dressed for summer,” Alex says, bumping DJ’s shoulder with his own as he walks beside him. “I thought you were gonna pass out today in gym with your giant hoodie.” DJ elbows Alex in the ribs, which starts a shoving-fight that eventually ends with DJ stumbling into his front yard fence. A small mutt comes running up to the fence, barking like mad. DJ laughs and reaches over the fence to pet his dog, Mikha, who snaps at his hand before licking it and quieting down.
“Wanna come in?” DJ asks, turning towards Alex. Alex is staring down the road with a blank look on his face, eyes slightly glazed over. “Alex?”
Alex blinks and seems to come back to reality, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I asked if you wanted to come in.” DJ leans against the fence and drops his worn backpack on the ground next to him. “I’ve got food, and Apocalypse of the Damned 2.”
“No, I should, um… I should get home. The sun’s gonna set soon.”
DJ frowns, staring at his friend. “I thought your parents didn’t care.”
For a moment, Alex looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh, I-- They’re, uh, starting to care more, y’know?
DJ pushes himself off the fence and takes a couple steps towards Alex, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
Alex shrugs him off. “I’m doing fine. My parents just want me home tonight, I dunno why.” His voice is slowly getting more annoyed, and DJ backs off.
“Okay, whatever you say.” He sighs, not wanting the day to end on a bad note. “I’ll… see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Alex nods. “Later.” He starts walking down the road to his house, not looking back once. DJ frowns and opens his gate, nudging Mikha back with his foot. Mikha whines, looking up at him.
“You know me so well,” DJ says quietly, closing the gate and sitting down on the grass. Mikha jumps into his lap and licks his face, making him laugh and push his dog away. “Mikha, down! It don’t feel right to be laughing.” DJ notices a nearly torn apart tennis ball lying a few feet away and stretches to grab it, tossing it across the small backyard. Mikha goes wild, running after it and barking. DJ gets up and leans over the fence to grab his backpack before heading inside, closing the door before Mikha can ram himself into the gap and get inside too.
DJ runs upstairs and throws his backpack onto his bed, taking his phone out of his back pocket. He’s not sure what it could be, but he feels like he did something wrong when he was talking to Alex. It’s not like Alex to get annoyed at him like that, especially after something as small as pushing too much during a conversation. He feels the need to apologize indirectly anyways, so DJ dials Alex’s number and starts pacing around his small bedroom.
The phone rings once. Twice. Three times. It stops ringing.
DJ pulls the phone away and stares at it, frowning. He sits down on his window ledge, leg starting to bounce as he sends Alex a question mark via text. Alex replies a moment later with “srry, cant talk. whst is it”
DJ responds back with “uh wanna have a sleepover? i got lotsa food” He waits for five minutes, staring anxiously at his phone. As soon as he had sent the text, it showed that Alex had read it. After four minutes, the three bubbles indicating that Alex is typing pop up before disappearing. They repeat this for a full minute before a short response comes in. “cant, i think im getting sick”
“that sucks,” DJ types back, lying on his back in the window seat and pressing his feet against the miniature ceiling of it. “i can bring u uhhh soup or smth”
“m jsut gonna rest.” Alex’s final response concerns DJ. Alex doesn’t have autocorrect turned on, but it’s usually a red flag that he’s upset when he’s making typos. DJ goes to ask if he’s okay, but remembers how Alex reacted when he asked that earlier today. He gives up and puts his phone down, sitting up on the seat. His stomach grumbles and he gets up to stretch and walk downstairs. His mother had left a small note on the counter, listing what she’d bought and what’s being saved for a family reunion coming up next week.
DJ grabs a soda and walks over to the couch, flopping onto his back and turning on the television. Nothing good is on, so he switches to the news to serve as background noise. As he stares at the ceiling, something catches his ear.
“The gang of rogue scalebloods known as the Talon Ring are now travelling the country, terrorizing local youths. The president has theorized that the gang is infecting people by awakening the dragon blood that may be in their systems,” the reporter on the tv says. DJ sits up and stares at the screen as pictures start flashing across it. “Half-scales all over the country are being harassed by humans who believe that any blood containing scales should be spilled.” The report suddenly stops, and switches to another scene with a man speaking urgently.
“This is breaking news for the area of Lake Fortitude. Rogue scalebloods assumed to be affiliated with the Talon Ring were seen wandering the streets of at eleven-am today. Authorities urge you to lock your doors and windows, especially half-scales. Police are searching the city for the gang. Updates on the situation will come hourly. Stay safe, citizens of Fortitude.”
DJ stares at the screen, mouth hanging open. The Talon Ring, patrolling Fortitude. No way. He springs off of the couch and runs to the front window, staring out into the street. He doesn’t see anything, save for a couple of his neighbors closing their shutters or drawing their curtains. DJ lets in Mikha and feeds him, foregoing a meal for himself. His stomach is turning slightly and he’s lost his appetite.
The thought hits him like a brick. DJ sits up, eyes wide as he snatches his phone out of his pocket and dials Alex’s number. He stares out the window at the darkening sky, relief flooding his chest when he hears Alex pick up.
“Hello?” Alex’s voice sounds scratchy, almost distorted.
“Are your parents home?” DJ demands.
“What? No.” Alex seems to realize his mistake and scrambles to fix it. “I mean-- uh--”
“I’m coming over.”
“Wait, no, you don’t know-- just, no, don’t come over” Alex begs. DJ hesitates at the sincerity and desperation in Alex’s voice, but his mind is set.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” DJ hang up and grabs his backpack, setting his books aside and grabbing a first aid kit and a pocketknife, shoving them in alongside a phone charger and a sketchbook. He slings the backpack over his shoulder and makes sure he locks the front door behind him as he leaves.
Alex doesn’t live too far from DJ. DJ lives on Elk Street and Alex lives on South Niman, which is only three blocks from Elk. DJ walks quickly down the street, looking behind him every few seconds. Squirrels dropping acorns from the trees turn into menacing footsteps that have DJ whirling around with his knife halfway out of his pocket after every other step. He feels his heart starting to beat faster and takes a moment to calm himself down, decidedly avoiding having a panic attack in the street. He doesn’t have much time to keep walking, though, before three police cars zoom past him and turn down Alex’s street in the distance. DJ feels his stomach drop as the worst possibility becomes the only thing he can think about. DJ starts to run.
Worn tennis shoes slap against the pavement, accompanied by the frantic breathing of the sprinting teenager. DJ turns a sharp corner, nearly tripping over himself. He keeps running regardless, not stopping until he sees a familiar house in the distance. He stops for a moment, and his heart seems to stop beating as he sees three police cars surrounding the house, lights flashing. He feels heat building up behind his eyes and doesn’t bother blinking it away before breaking back into a run, racing up to the house. As he gets closer, a police officer outside steps towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back slightly.
“Sorry kid, you can’t be here,” the police officer tells him.
“What happened?” DJ speaks past the lump in his throat, jerking the hand off his shoulder. He know he looks and sounds frantic and probably a little insane, but he couldn’t care less.
“Go home,” the officer says firmly. “You can’t be here.”
“Where’s Alex?!”
“I’m not gonna tell you again, kid--” The officer is cut off by a strangled, bloodcurdling scream from inside the house. DJ feels his heart drop from his throat to his shoes. He shoves past the officer, ignoring her shouting. He runs as fast as he can to the front door and throws it open, only to be greeted by something that makes his entire body go numb.
Alex is curled up on the floor of his living room, breathing heavily. The back of his sweater is torn to shreds and absolutely soaked in blood. Protruding from his head at the hairline are two small horns, and sticking out from his back are two glossy wings, dripping in blood. DJ feels himself stumbling backwards, his head buzzing and his mind reeling. The house is completely dark, and out of the shadows steps a creature. A creature with large green wings, two twisted horns on her head, and a thin, shining tail that tapers to a serrated point. A scaleblood.
The woman looks surprised at DJ’s appearance, but her face quickly morphs into a smug smile. Her eyes are a blend of green and yellow, and they feel like they’re burning into DJ’s skull.
“This your friend?” she asks, pointing down at Alex. DJ looks back down at Alex, whose panting has turned to pained whimpering. His new wings are twitching, and each movement draws a small, heartbreaking shriek of pain from him.
“What did you do?” DJ whispers, breaking out of his petrified state to kneel beside his friend.
“I brought him to life,” the woman answers smoothly. “You’re welcome.”
“It--” DJ swallows the lump in his throat and tries to put as much venom into his voice that he can. “It doesn’t look like it.” His voice wobbles, and the venom falls short.
DJ looks down at his friend, who’s shaking like a chihuahua. He sees tears streaming down Alex’s face and reaches down to brush one away, but jerks his hand back as Alex screams “No!”
“How do I help him?” DJ asks, looking up to stare at the scaleblood.
The smirk drops from the woman’s face, and she looks up at the police officers waiting for command outside the house. Guns are aimed at the windows, and more cars are pulling up behind the three stationary ones. “Go,” she says quietly. “Take him away from here. The other Talons and I will make a distraction. Take him to the sea.”
“To the sea?” DJ blanches. “Are you insane?”
“He needs it,” the woman insists, kneeling on the other side of Alex. “Go, now.”
DJ looks from the woman’s face down to Alex, who’s trying to take steadying breaths.
After wrapping Alex’s wings and back with as much cloth and gauze as he can find, DJ sits back and looks at his backpack. He shoves his phone in his hoodie pocket along with his charger, and keeps the knife in his jeans pocket. He takes the small bottle of antiseptic from the first aid kid and puts it in his jeans pocket. He looks down at his backpack and nods to himself, turning away from it. He nudges Alex. “I’m gonna carry you, okay?” he says gently. “Like a koala.” Alex nods wordlessly, still staring at the floor. DJ picks him up with difficulty, holding him like a baby. Alex buries his face in DJ’s shoulder, holding on tightly.
“Where do I go?” DJ asks the woman. “We’re surrounded.”
The woman’s wings fold out and she gestures towards the back door. DJ carries Alex out into the backyard and the woman grabs him, lifting him up into the air. As they’re lifted over the roof of the house, DJ sees five other scalebloods burst out the front door and attack the police. He forces himself to look away as guns go off and screams rip through the air, most of which coming from humans. He hears Alex make a pained noise and holds him tighter.
The woman drops the two of them on the rocky shore of Lake Fortitude. She drops to the ground, her wings drooping as she catches her breath. DJ loosens his grip on Alex but doesn’t let go, scooting backwards on the rocks. The woman stands up after a moment and looks at them both.
“Good luck, kid,” she says to DJ. “You’ve got a dragon on your hands now.” With that, she stretches her wings and shoots into the air, flying back in the direction of Alex’s neighborhood.
DJ looks down at Alex and pinches his arm to get his attention. “I’m gonna let go, ‘kay?” Alex nods, and DJ carefully lays him down on the rocks. DJ stands up, looking out onto the lake. He reaches into his hoodie pocket and takes out his phone. He turns it on and sends a text to his parents: “i love you. i’ll be back one day.”
He makes sure it sends before shutting off his phone and throwing it as far as he can, watching it disappear into the dark water with a distant splash.
wow what a journey if you’ve made it this far, i uhh applaud you cause this is long and hard to read if you didn’t like it, pleeeaaase drop an ask and tell me what i can change!! i wanna Learn and get a good grade on my assignment
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Do you think they wrote the past abortion stuff in at the last minute to make Becky more sympathetic? If not, they're writing an idiot. If the last tryst with someone I loved had resulted in a painful and upsetting abortion I didn't want, the LAST THING I would do would be to have unprotected sex with them. When she says "Oh it's such a mess!" after finding out she's pregnant, its like she has no agency at all. Things just happen TO her. Not BECAUSE OF HER actions (and Robs' - he's no blameless)
(((a preface: this is a mess and it got out of hand)))
I mean…. yes and no. I think it was maybe in part to make her sympathetic, but also more to give the writers an easy, plotty reason as to why Rebecca isn’t going to just be able to get an abortion, despite the way Robert treats her, the fact that her family will inevitably disown her once more and the fact that she’s got (or had) a boyfriend and has never shown any interest in settling down and starting a family, given how all we know about her past is that she’s a free spirited island hopping DJ who has never settled down anywhere or laid roots for too long, who never even spends time at home or seems particularly family oriented (helped by the fact that there’s a real lack of love in her entire family).
It was literally just a plot device. I’ve maintained that I think the real reason why the baby exists, at its core, is to ensure Robert can’t run away from this particular mistake - that there is a tangible reason why he has to come clean and hurt Aaron in the process. This is not to take away from the fact that he’s about to own up to his mistake - he already did that with Chas literally the next day and was prepared to do it at the prison visit. That’s still marked character growth for him. But the baby gives Robert’s mistake a consequence, much in the same way that prison was a consequence for Aaron.
So yes, literally just a plot device. Once we start reading into how that particularly lazy plot device works with the overall narrative, we start asking emmerdale to look closer at how they tell their stories than they’re ever going to.
I mean. I’m gonna do it anyway, but I just want to preface this post with the fact that I know that the show really doesn’t care about this level of continuity and detail as much as we do. They just needed a way to get the characters to whatever place they’re going to get to this week and the next.
The fact is, in character as it very much is, the abortion reveal screws up a lot of what we know about Rebecca and her relationship with Robert - and how she sees her relationship with Robert.
Her entire attitude to him in the early days - wanting to get up to mischief with him, lead him into cheating on Aaron, more interested in being on his side than the side of her family to the point where she actively goes behind their backs multiple times for Robert, openly disliking the fact that Robert seemed tamed or less “old Robert” (which I guess we can say comes from jealousy over Aaron rather than an actual explicit preference towards the terrible, philandering Rob of old) and most importantly…
the fact that she and Robert have spoken about their sexcapades so fondly, as good memories???
All of this makes so much less sense with the reveal that he forced her to get an abortion, thereby traumatising her to the point where she’s still hurt about it even now, 4(?) years later.
And yes - she still jumped into bed with him and had unprotected sex. Yes, Robert knew the exact right things to say to get her to sleep with him, the right promises to make, but…
I mean, he was drunk and also he’s a bloke - anyone who has ever had sex with dudes knows that typically they care a hell of a lot less about using protection than girls. Rebecca would *know* this, it’s insulting to say she wouldn’t.
But also…. if she really believed what he was promising, that they’d finally be together and it would all be real this time, taking out the fact that he was drunk for just a second, are you telling me she couldn’t pause to go find some birth control?
Adding in the fact that he had drunk an entire bottle of whiskey, are you telling me that, if she truly believed him, why couldn’t she have just let him sleep it off and talk to him the next morning?
She heard what she wanted to hear but also, on some level, knew that this might be her only shot? She wanted it and has always wanted it badly enough that she could make herself believe what he was saying to be true and ignore any voice in her head that might be telling her to use any level of common sense or consideration for Robert here.
Which is gross, but… Rebecca isn’t stupid. Robert has openly admitted to manipulating her time and time again and she still always trusts him, always hears exactly what she wants to hear with him. She knows who he is and still has this fantasy in her head that this time might be different.
My honest theory is that I just don’t think, knowing the character (and I use this term loosely because there’s not much consistent characterisation to her), that if it were anyone else’s baby I just don’t think she’d have as much attachment to it as she does because it’s Robert’s. I don’t think this decision would be as hard for her, because I wonder if deep down the idea of having something that ties her permanently to Robert is too good for her to pass up.
I mean, I guess we’ll see what she says this week and next. From what EH and IM have said (and I take their word with a heap of salt at this point hm), she’s going to be magically over Robert now - because the first abortion and the last 7 months weren’t enough, but this apparently tipped her over the edge. We’ve seen it before and it hasn’t played out like that - I mean, I’d prefer it to, personally, but for the character, whose every flipping decision seems to revolve around Robert Sugden in some way, I just don’t think that it’s believable that she won’t want anything to do with Robert but will still want to keep the baby.
I’m getting totally ahead of myself now though, because I’m basing this on speculation, so I guess we’ll see how it plays out.
…I’ve gotten kind of off subject, but the reveal of the first abortion, to me, retcons too much and takes a lot more jigging about and fanwanking to make work than I usually like to do, which is why it annoys me. I think it’s just an easy answer to the question of why she wouldn’t just get rid of it now, without her having to say to Robert that she doesn’t want to get rid because it’s Robert’s - and I suppose that in turn opens the door for them to have her start to get over her feelings for him again, even though narratively that makes no sense.
As I say, it’s not out of character for the old Robert “nothing but the most extreme action will do when someone wants to hurt or destroy my relationship with Chrissie” Sugden
I don’t know if this mess of an answer makes any sense 😌
anyways, I think the first abortion does three things:
- Gives Rebecca an excuse to not want to have an abortion this time around- Distances Robert from Rebecca and helps make it very clear that Robert doesn’t have lingering romantic feelings for her - Yes, gives Rebecca another sympathetic moment where we see how yet again, despite her every single best effort, Robert is never going to have the level of concern or care for her that she wants, and she’s never going to be a priority for Robert - certainly not over Aaron and his family.
and i’m gonna stop typing before i start going on about something else 😌 when will i learn to properly structure my answers in a legible and sensible way 😌 never.
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years
Part 1 of Chapter 2:
Year: July 17th, 2008
 Omari: age 23
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  It was Sunday night and Demetri had us posted up at Cascade. “Hey O baby” Kiera said to me. She was bad as hell. I smirked at her as she was walking down the hill to go inside. “Hey O baby” My nigga KC mimicked. “Bruh shut the hell up” I said laughing. “Bitches love us man” He said. “You see our rides man” He said. I had made the best decision ever calling Demetri. He opened my eyes up to a whole different world. I bought me a 2008 Red Dodge Charger. I paid off my mama rent for 3 years. She then caught on to what I was doing and kicked me out. She said I was going to end up in the ground like my daddy. Ace been out of hand, she kick me out but he can stay?. My little brother straight jumping niggas, robbing houses, cars stealing. I found 2 Glocks and an AK in his closet. I aint tell my mama Ace was in a gang, cause I can’t break her heart for the third time. Demetri took me in and taught me how to handle niggas that steal, taught me how to keep a low profile because of the police. Taught me how to get rid of a body without a trace. I wasn’t fye as him but I wanted to be. My trap phone rang. “What up D?” I said. “Man can you watch out for X, he at Cascade right now, and you know shit supposed to go down” He said. “Yeah, I got you boss” I said. X also known is Xander was Demetri’s son. He was a privileged kid, with a hood mentality. Everybody want to be from the hood till shit get hood. “What boo say?” KC said. I sighed. “Man X up here, he want me to get him to go home before shit get hot” KC hoped off his car. “Ima watch out for you out here”. He said. I took my gun out and put it in my car. I pulled up my pants and walked down the hill to cascade to look for X stupid ass. He was like my little brother. “What’s up O” The security JJ said. I dapped him up. “Seen X?” I asked. He nodded pointing to X skating with his skate crew. I walked up near the rink. Purple Ribbon “Kryptonite” was playing “I be on it all night, man I be on it (day day) All day, straight up pimp If you want me, you can find me in the A!” “I need all the can’t skate motherfuckas off the rink, This is not the rink for you if you can’t skate, get your ass off the rink!” The DJ yelled. “Aye, O when we gon finally fuck?” This girl I seen a couple times said. Hella hoes was grabbing at me as I walked by. Females knew I had money now so the was checking for me way more than they did before. I smiled at her. “Put your number in my phone, Ima hit yo line”. She winked a me before walking off and handing me my phone back. I seen X, “X!” I yelled. He looked over at me and smiled. He skated over to me. “What’s up O” He said. “Man, you got to go, shit bout to get hot” I said. “Man, I just want to skate with my friends that’s it” He said. I shook my head. “Get out of here” I said. He sighed. He went to his locker and started taking his skates off. I instantly heard gunshots. Everybody started running and ducking. The music stopped. I reached for my gun but remembered I left my gun. I looked at X. “Come on” I grabbed him. We ran with everybody outside. It was madness outside. “Yo you good?” K.C said out of breath. “Yeah let’s get out of here before police show up” I said. We got in our cars and K.C followed me to Demetri’s. When we got there Demetri yelled at X for being at the wrong place at the wrong time then gave him some money. He then told us to meet him in the basement. “O, your brother is fucking with our money” He said to me. I looked at him crazy. “Ace?” He asked. He nodded. “Yes, I need Westside 5 out can you take care of that” He asked me. “Man, I aint killing my brother” I stressed. He shook his head. “Nah not him, them bad ass niggas he rolling with, they killed our supplier tonight and took our shit” He said. “Ace ain’t making no money with these niggas anyways. Send him my way. I got a job for him” He said. I looked at him unsure. “He ruthless. He makes to many mistakes he aint like me” I told him. He shook his head. “Ima train him” He said. I nodded.
 3 days later: July 19th 2008
 The plan was simple he needed me to lure Ace away from the gang and he was going to wipe them out one by one. I told Ace I wanted us to visit our Dad today. We aint been up there in a minute to see him. “I heard you and yo homies shot up cascade 3 nights ago” I said. He looked at me then looked out the window. “And what about it?” He asked. I shrugged. “Why you doing that hot shit when you can make real money, all you do is rob and kill and beat niggas up and gang banging females for free nigga. They just promise you protection, and a life time commitment to looking like barney till some other gang put you in a body bag and then you going to break mama heart” I told him. I turned up the music Tupac “Dear Mama” was playing.
“I finally understand
For a woman it ain't easy trying to raise a man (I know it ain't easy)
You always was committed
A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it There's no way I can pay you back. But the plan is to show you that I understand, You are appreciated
Dear mama, don’t you know I love you?
Dear mama, Place no one above you
(Dear mama) Oh mama, I appreciate you
Although my shadow's gone,
I will never leave you” I rapped. He nodded. “Aight Ima try to get out but I seen a nigga try to leave. They killed him O” He said looking at me. We pulled up to the cemetery. “I promise you as long as you breathing I aint letting no nigga touch you On God” I told him. I held my hand out and he dapped me up.
 After visiting the Cematary. I got a call from Demetri. “What up?” I answered. “It’s handled, aint no more Westside 5” He told me and hung up. I looked over at Ace. I pulled up at Demetri’s trap house. “Where we at?” He asked. I aint say nothing. I led him into the house. “Hello Ace” Demetri greeted him. Ace looked around crazy. “Man, what the fuck is this shit?” He asked. “So, you can take of that fuck ass purple shirt. I need you to sit the fuck down and listen to me”. Ace sat down clenching his fist and his jaw. “Westside 5 is dead, you the only living member” He said to Ace. Ace got heated and tried to fight D. D had Lorenzo and Mack hold him down. “Now I know you had some homies in there or whatever but they was going to get you killed. I need you to make me a whole new gang. I want you to be the leader. I need clean cut men. Trained killers. I need smart niggas. I need money. Yall need money. Im giving you a business. Your 16 years old, now I’m not asking you to start now but when the time comes I need you to be that king on that thrown. I need you trained to be the ruthless nigga on the street. Here is $10,000 for a start when you turn 18 come see me” He told him. “Take him home O” He said getting up to smoke a cigar. Ace grabbed the money. “Deal?” D said. Ace looked at D for a while and then smiled. “Hell yeah”. D smiled. “I need you to get back into school and get your diploma then come see me” He said. After a talk with D. Ace burned his purple shirt. I then took him home. We pulled up at the apartments. “How’s mama?” I asked. Ace shrugged shacked up with Greg” He said. I looked at him crazy. “Greg? He nice?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t be home enough to know, he kind of shady” He said. “Aye nigga we only going up from here no more being poor” I told him. He grabbed his book bag with the stack of money and dapped me up.
 4 Months later: October 23rd, 2008
  Ace: age 17
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 “Every day Im hustlin, Every day Im Hustlin Every day Im Hustin, Everyday Im Hustlin” Rick Ross blasted through my car speakers. “I’m happy you came back to school, it’s crazy how Westside5 got wiped out” Jade said. I was riding us back to the apartments. I had used the money Demetri gave me to buy me a Nissan Maxima, and got my ass back in school. I dropped out to bang. “Yeah, but I mean not I aint got to worry about dying just to get out, I can go back to normal shit I mean at least try too, I seen a lot and I’ve done alot I can’t unsee half of it, but I mean I been good so far, How you been though I know I been down with the gang and shit” I asked. She shrugged. “Shit aint changed, when you gave me the ring to pawn. My aunt accused me of tricking when I brought home the money to pay off the rent. She stole some of the extra money I hid and went on Vacation with Rodney. I had to eat ramen noodles and improvise with what was in the fridge” She told me. “J why you aint say shit, I would’ve helped” I said. She rolled her eyes. “You was busy banging” She looked out the window. “Ima leave here soon anyways” She said. I pulled into our complex and parked the car. “What you mean?” I asked. “Ima leave here. Ima be a singer” She said nonchalantly. “I mean I heard you sing. I believe in you. Ima bout to make a come up soon and Ima get you and my mama up out of here. I promise” I told her. She frowned. “You always make promises you can’t keep, plus you got Fatima to worry about anyway” She told me getting out the car. I rushed out the car to talk to her. “Aye Shawty why you trippin off her, she my girl” I told her. She groaned and went up her stairs. She unlocked the door and closed the door. I ran up her stairs and knocked on her door. She cracked open the door. “You better go home before my aunt or Rodney get home” She said. “Why you mad over Fatima?” I asked. “She a hoe! She fuck everybody and you cuffed her” She yelled through the door. “She bad as fuck what you want me to be single?” I asked. “You fucked the whole team I heard but I aint throwing it up in your face” I told her. She slammed the door. “Man, fuck yo attitude you trippin” I said. I ran down the stairs and walked around to my apartments. I heard noises as I unlocked the door. “What’s up?” I asked. My mama had a bloody nose and was crying. “You good mama?” I asked. She nodded quickly. “Yeah, just random nose bleed, im fine baby” She said. I slowly nodded. “I went into my room laid down on my bed. “Why the fuck did I say that stupid ass shit” I thought about what I said to Jade. We were cool, we was like brother and sister. We always fought and made up. I texted her phone.
“Im srry :(” - Aceofspades
“J 4give me pls :,(“ - Aceofspades
“U alwys throw shxt up in my face, u knw I nvr fckd no1 on da team” -~Jdoll<3~
“I knw, I was jus trippn, comeovr l8ter?” -Aceofspades
“Mayb” -~Jdoll<3~
 “Greg stop!” I heard my mama say. I got up quickly and seen Greg strike my mama. “Nigga get ya hands off my mama” I yelled pushing his old ass. He started coming after me. “Get back old man, yeen bout to do shit” I said swinging. He ran into me and knocked me into a wall. “Ace please, he’s been drinking he knows no better” My mama stressed. He tried to hit with a bottle. I kicked him back. My mama grabbed him and started hitting her. I got and grabbed my gun out of closet. I clocked the Glock back. “Get the fuck off my mama now” I said with the gun to his head. My mama was trying to see. “Ace please baby put the got down, he doesn’t mean it” She said “Man fuck that, he beating your ass got you taking them damn xanax pills” I said to her. Greg smirked at me. “You don’t even know how to use it!” He yelled. He tried to grab the gun from me. He backed up and went into my mom’s room and closed the door. I lowered my gun. “You okay mama?” I asked. She nodded. “Greg honey?” She called out for him. Greg came out the room with a shot gun. “Get out of this house now!” he yelled. “I aint leaving without my mama” I said. I had guns in my face I seen death, I killed before. I wasn’t no punk. “Greg please he’s my baby, he’s all I got” She cried. He shot at the picture beside me. I aint even flinch. “Shoot me” I dared him. He pointed the gun at my mama. “Leave this house now or Ima shoot Diane” He said. I could see this nigga was on more than liquor. I acted like I was leaving when he put his gun down, I pulled mine out he then pulled the trigger shooting a hole through the door. He had ran out of shot gun bullets, and I pulled the trigger ringing off 3 shots. “Nooooo!” My mama screamed. She grabbed Gregs body and cried over him. She looked at me. “You killed him!” She screamed at me. “Mama he was going to kill us” I said to her trying to get her up. She flinched at my touch. “Get away from me” She said. Not even 10minutes after the police rushed in. “Put the gun down now! And get on your knees!” They yelled. The cop put the cuffs on me. My mama got up and tried to fight me. “Mama stop!” I yelled. “Your no son of mine” She said giving me the coldest look.
  Jade: age 16
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 I was laying in my bed listening to Tynisha Kelli “I wished you loved me”. Ace was blind to the fact that I liked him more than he even knew, but everybody knew that we were just cool like siblings, most girls thought we was fucking and he aint want to claim me. My headphones were so loud, that I couldn’t even hear Rodney coming into my room plus my eyes were closed. I jumped up when I felt his hands trying to go into my pants. “Stop!” I yelled. He kept trying to take them off. I kicked him back. “You can keep fighting all you want but Ima eventually just take it from you. You let all these thugs hit why not me?” He asked. I looked at him crazy.
I shook my head. “I don’t have sex with anybody I’m a virgin” I told him. He slowly started smiling. “I can fix that” He said. My heart dropped. I crawled up to the wall of my bed in the corner, he snatched my legs back down and held me down. “Nooo!” I screamed. “Shut the fuck up, you been make passes at me since you was 13 now when you bought to get what you been wanting you screaming!” He yelled. I kicked him back. He came at me and slap the shit out of me. I fell to the side of my dresser. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He grabbed my pants. I heard the front door shut. Rodney was to busy trying to take his pants off. He was kissing on my neck. I was crying hysterically. “What are you doing with my man?” My aunt screamed. Rodney jumped up. “She was trying to seduce me baby” He said to her. I got up shaking my head. “He tried to rape me!” I yelled to my Aunt. She looked between us and then she walked out of my room. Rodney bucket his pants. He looked at me, I had my legs tucked in while I sat on the bed. I heard her shuffling in her room. I knew she was getting her belt, she always hit me with. I got up and quickly locked the door. I grabbed all my shit i could with the suit case I came with. I grabbed my cds, and my Ipod Nano, and my journals. I threw on my sweat pants. I heard my door knob shake. “Open this got damn door you fucking hoe!” My aunt screamed. I opened the window quickly and threw my suit case out. I put on my jacket and put on my back pack with my phone. She was kicking at my door. I quickly climbed out, I landed on the ac vent. I grabbed my suit case and ran up the street. “Jade you leave this house don’t you come back!!!” She screamed out my window. I didn’t look back as I ran to Ace house. When I got up to his complex, I seen Police everywhere. I rushed to try to get through. “Ace!” I yelled. The police held me back. “Mam, this is a crime scene” He said. “What happened?” I asked scared. “16-year-old Male shot and killed mother boyfriend” He told me. “Where is he?” I asked. “He was hauled off to Fulton County Juvenile Detention Center” He said. I started breathing hard. I grabbed my chest. I didn’t know where to go. I turned around and went back to my house, but I remembered how my Aunt would really hurt me if I came back. I started walking, I didn’t know where I was headed but I wanted to just runaway and never come back.
 I had been walking for a minute, my bad was heavy and it was now 9pm. I sat at the nearest bus stop just thinking of where to go. Ace was locked up for murder, I barely talked to bitches out here. It was 56 degrees outside and all I had on was a windbreaker. “Hey Pretty girl” A nigga pulled up near me. “Hey” I said. He was cute and had a nice car. It was a Dodge Camaro. “You need a ride?” He asked me. I shrugged. “Maybe” I said. “Come on” He told me. I hesitated but I had nowhere else. I grabbed my shit and got in his car. “My name is Davis” He said smiling at me before driving off. “My name is Jade” I told him. “What’s your story Ma?” He asked. He had an accent from up north. “I’m 16, and my mother left me when I was 12 and I been at my aunt’s house ever since, but now I’m on my own” I lied. He nodded. “Well I’m 26, I from Brooklyn New York, I’m a business man” He told me. “Uh what type of business?” I asked him. He smiled. “Modeling stuff with pretty girls” He said. I smiled. “I always wanted to do that” I said. He smiled. We pulled up at a place that was gated. The area was nice. “This is your place?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah, if you need a place to sleep you can stay here with me” I nodded. “Why are you being so nice?” I asked him. He was grabbing my bags. “Cause you very beautiful, and I can’t have a pretty girl like you just wondering the streets, nah ma I got you” He told me. I didn’t know him and maybe I would regret it, but I was 16 with no money, no place to go.
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dickloverspizza · 8 years
1-99 🙃🙃
You’re SOOOOO extra like i’ll get you back for this. But I have nothing better to do so here it goes
1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
already answered
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
already answered
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Tucked out so I can wrap them around me
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No but I want to
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
I try but I never use them for more than a couple days and I always forget them
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
All the time
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
I choose a giant bear because its just one definitive enemy .A swarm of bees is just a cloud of confusion and there’s no escape.
8: Do you have freckles?
already answered
9:Do you always smile for pictures?
No. It feels awkward to smile and I can never make it look natural 
10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Usually I count steps when I’m on stairs
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
already answered
14:Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
I do this constantly
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I used to but not anymore after I realized how ugly the pens look afterwards
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
already answered
17: What size is your bed?
already answered 
18: What is your Song of the week?
Bambi by Jidenna. You ever listen to a song and u can tell its gonna become ur summer jam like that’s me with this song and I’m adding it to my summer playlist. It’s been in my head on repeat for the last two days
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
of course 
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21:Whats your least favorite movie?
almost any action movie honestly
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
already answered
23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size?
Like this is a lil cis but im a 34b 
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Honey Mustard or Duck Sauce or BBQ
25: What is your favorite food?
idk but I’d never say no to a good burrito
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Harry Potter Movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey, And all the romcoms from BET like Love & Basketball and Deliver Us from Eva 
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
No one :(
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
already answered
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I honestly can’t remember. Probably writing a letter to Santa years and years ago.
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
No. Lmao I can barely change lanes when I’m driving
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
You can never go wrong with bacon, egg & cheese
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Waffles and bacon
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Usually anytime between 10:30-11:30
37: Are you lazy?
I try not to be but yeah
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I was never allowed to celebrate Halloween
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Year of the Rabbit I think
40: Are you horny?
already answered
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Easily Legos
43: Are you stubborn?
I can be if I wanna be petty but usually no
44: Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
Not really
46: Are you afraid of heights?
Yeah but I’m tryna push myself to get over it
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Honestly I’m not sure. Anytime I’m in the shower I’m 100% zoned out. Showers are a surreal dreamlike experience where I’m not even sure what happened but 20 minutes have already gone by.
49:Do you dance in the car?
already answered
50: Ever used a gun?
Nope nope nope nope
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
I got my senior portraits for the yearbook taken earlier this year. The photographer took 3 pics but it wasn’t until the third one that she told me to actually smile and I’m glad I did because the other two looked UGLY AF but the third one looks decent 
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I can see why people think that but I love musicals so much
53: Is Christmas stressful?
A little bit but its the good kind of stress I love it
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I don’t even know what that is
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I know that its not a fruit but the BEST kind of pie is sweet potatoe pie It tastes like heaven when its warm and sweet and with a scoop of ice cream on top. It’s sad that they only really sell it in the fall but the wait makes it even more worth it
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Author, Astronaut, Movie Producer
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
I want to believe 
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
I have this feeling often. Actually I had one today in a bookstore where I swore I dreamt that exact experience
59:Take a vitamin daily?
I am always taking some new vitamin rn im taking biotin 
60: Wear slippers?
Yes whenever I’m home the shoes are off and the slippers are on
61: Wear a bath robe?
Not anymore
62: What do you wear to bed?
I actually have so many pajamas like past the normal amount of pajamas one should have. But I just wear whatever’s convenient and it depends on the weather of course
63: First concert?
lol those orchestra concerts ms chang used to make us go to @boqorad
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
I have more Adidas than I do Nike but I still wanna say Nike
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
Cheetos. Fritos are disgusting like no offence but grow some tastebuds
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds but I don’t mind peanuts
68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I’ve never even thought of that like even though earlier I said I would want to get married the thought of having a spouse is so beyond me rn
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74: Own any record albums?
75: Own a record player?
76:Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
Not yet
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Beyonce, Janelle Monae, tbh I almost saw KING in concert but it was 18+ only and it was 2 months before I turned 18 and I’m still pissed about that
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Idk if the gsa coffee houses count as concerts 
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Usually hot but it depends on the day 
81: Tea or coffee?
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Sugar because I still have no idea what a snickerdoodle is
83: Can you swim well?
No. I can barely swim
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
87: Ever won a contest?
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
I never have
89:Which are better black or green olives?
Raw olives are nasty but the black ones look better on a pizza
90: Can you knit or crochet?
I used to crochet but I’ve forgotten everything by now. Also I tried learning to knit but I gave up after like a week because I’m a quitter
91:Best room for a fireplace?
Living room or a bedroom
92: Do you want to get married?
already answered
93: If married, how long have you been married?
not married
94: Who was your HS crush?
@probablelesbian ;)
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
idk yet
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
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sassybinchesinc · 8 years
Nobody ever sends me asks when I do this shit but I feel like revealing everything about my life so I’m just going to answer everything like those annoying Facebook posts lol MAKE ME ADMIT STUFFFF 1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Considering I’m currently in a fwb type thing with him, absolutely 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? No but I did yesterday 3. Have you taken someones virginity? Not that I know of 4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes! I’m a very trusting person so I expect at least close to the same level as trust 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? I’m not really sure if I actually “like someone” right now 6. What are you excited for? Tomorrow night because I’m seeing my fwb 7. What happened tonight? Just going to bed lol 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? No! However I think it’s absolutely revolting when anyone gets so drunk that they puke in something that’s not a toilet 9. Is confidence cute? It can be. Personally I like it when guys have confidence bc I find it sexy but it really depends on the kind of confidence for girls 10. What is the last beverage you had? Water 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? That’s a good question. I think I trust most of them unless they’ve given me a reason not to 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? The only jeans I own are skinny jeans lol 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Probably nothing 14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably food 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? No.. 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Hopefully. There’s a lot I need to change right now 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Bizzy! 18. The last time you felt broken? Pretty recently. 19. Have you had sex today? No. 20. Are you starting to realize anything? Maybe. I hope I’m wrong tho 21. Are you in a good mood? I’m currently kind of frustrated 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Would I want to? Yes would I ever? No 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes 24. What do you want right this second? To be cuddling with austin 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I’m completely over him so I’d be fine 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? No. Honestly I’m not sure what my natural hair color is anymore 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No I wouldn’t. Mostly because literally anything can make me laugh 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably some dumb fucking picture 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes I think I do... 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Sure. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? no not at all! 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? they might idk if I even know if I like them 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? no. But I do try to mostly drink water 34. Listening to? POPPY! 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? unless I'm at work or I need to use pen for a test I always use pencil 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? yes. He's at his home 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? idk maybe. I've never experienced it tho 38. Who did you last call? my mom 39. Who was the last person you danced with? My friend Amanda at her sorority formal 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? He's a great kisser and I like doing it 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Like Sunday? 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No 😞 I live like 3 hours away from both of them 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? All I ever do is embarrass myself in front of anyone so yes 44. Do you tan in the nude? No 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? not at all 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? no. Unfortunately he ALWAYS falls asleep first 47. Who was the last person to call you? my brother Matthew 48. Do you sing in the shower? of my roommates not home 49. Do you dance in the car? yes. And sing LOUD 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes in middle school PE 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? senior year pictures 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? some of them are but I LOVE them 53. Is Christmas stressful? it can be but I always try to just enjoy myself 54. Ever eat a pierogi? yes 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? astronaut! Or inventor 57. Do you believe in ghosts? no 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yes 59. Take a vitamin daily? no 60. Wear slippers? very rarely 61. Wear a bath robe? again, very rarely 62. What do you wear to bed? usually a tshirt and shorts or a pair of panties 63. First concert? umm some weird old band that played at my county fair 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? target. 65. Nike or Adidas? Nike 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? cheetos 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? sunflower seeds 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I really like 22 and wildest dreams and dear john 69. Ever take dance lessons? no 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? something business-y 71. Can you curl your tongue? I think so. 72. Ever won a spelling bee? no. I think the only one I've ever been in is The 25th annual Putnam county spelling bee lol 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? I've cried from laughing too hard if that counts 74. What is your favorite book? that's tricky... I honesty can't say. 75. Do you study better with or without music? without. I wish I could study with music but I get to mo distracted singing 76. Regularly burn incense? no 77. Ever been in love? I thought I was when I was 17 but looking back I probably wasn't 78. Who would you like to see in concert? poppy lol. Bo burnham 79. What was the last concert you saw? I don't really go to concerts lol 80. Hot tea or cold tea? hot tea. Iced tea has to be sweet tea 81. Tea or coffee? tea 82. Favorite type of cookie? Oreo thins or thin mints 83. Can you swim well? yes! 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? yes 85. Are you patient? Im a server so I kind of have to be 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Dj 87. Ever won a contest? I got 2nd place at s tennis tourney a couple of times. 88. Ever have plastic surgery?
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