#whatever i work at the library so i’m just gonna have to gatekeep it as soon as it’s returned 😌
jenneyquinn · 16 days
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it’s catalogued as teen fiction damn 😭
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Human After All: I'd like to know more about A) Lust realizing that Hohenheim had an actual life in Resembool and B) everyone's reactions to Ed and Al sneaking off to do the human transmutation and the aftermath.
Oh boy here we fuckin go!!!!!
Lust realizing that Hohenheim had a life in Resembool:
Oh boy. Okay so this has some setup.
When Lust first meets Ed and Al, she assumes the situation is a lot different. Basically They're close enough to be mistaken for twins, so she thought it was more "one night stand and disappeared from town but their mom remembered the name and told the kids". Because... Why would he stay?
But then Lust babysits Ed and Al on a trip back to Resembool to visit Winry and her grandma. And like.
Lust gets curious about some things. And she happens to see a photo album out that she can't help but look through.
Of course Granny finds her snooping but just lets her look through it and explains that it's from Winry's parents' wedding. And Lust eventually flips to a page where Hohenheim is in the photo.
Lust pauses on it because it's so strange. First in general, of how Hohenheim looks just like Father but also nothing like him at the same time. Physically identical, but the way they carry themselves is.. Entirely different.
Especially as this picture is kinda goofy. Granny tells her how everyone was hinting to Hohenheim that he should marry Trisha since they were already "basically married". And the newly married Sarah Rockbell had given up pn subtly, and chucked her boquet right at Hohenheim's face with a "sorry I was aiming for Trisha!"(which no one belives because she has incredible aim).
Lust asks more on that. And Granny mentions how Hohenheim and Trisha had been together for a bit amd were already living in the same home. And that pretty much immediatly after that whole "lack of subtly" the pair decided "despite not going through legal paperwork we are married now fuck you' and also bonus pregnancy announcement. Which has Lust relize Ed and Al aren't twins.
But it's weird to her. Because like. Hohenheim had a life here? He was with this woman for a few years and essentially got married (clearly the "don't go through the paperwork" is because he doesn't legally exist). But like. He had a wife and kids. One of the kids seems to have been actually planned. Why would he do that? And why did he leave? No one has answers on that, but Granny says that if he did leave, it was for good reasons. Not whatever the town gossips make up for fun.
Granny is a little sus about Lust's interests in all this because like. I kiiinda mentioned this before on my artblog but he way I draw Lust she actually looks a lot like "if Ed was a girl" and considering how much Ed looks like Hohenheim... They basically look somewhat related. Granny points that out and kinda pulls some Gaslight Girlboss Gatekeep of "nope no relation whatsoever my father just worked with him long ago but it's totally not relevant to anything!"
Later, Lust is wandering around Ed and Al's home because that fucker hasn't burned yet. And she just... Sees more of it.
True. It's been just the boys for years but there's still things like his clothes in the bedroom closet or something casually put on a shelf too high for Trisha to have reached.
The two rooms that really hit are the bedroom and the study.
Tbe bedroom is mostly untouched. But she sees a shelf of little statues. It's strange to her, but she realizes all the statutes are made from Alchemy. About half of them have very obvious marks, a sign of a talented but inexperienced maker. Seeing two distinct styles, she cam guess Ed and Al made those.
The rest are perfect. Intricate and flawless. If they weren't on the shelf with the others, she would've thought they were made by some master clay artist.
Alchemically made trinkets as gifts for someone they love.
The study is another beast altogether. A whole library on Alchemical texts. Some even older than Lust. All marked up with someone's notes in the margins. The same person's notes, as the handwriting doesn't differ. Clearly all these are important. So why leave them?
The real hard hitter is a journal Hohenheim left. Of course Lust reads it. The fact that the journal is written in Xerxian is just another punch to the gut, but thankfully Lust can read it.
It has a lot of things but the main info she reads is an entry from when Ed was just born and Hohenheim is discussing worries over how his whole "Philosophers Stone in Human Form" deal might be effecting Ed in terms of like. Genetics and stuff.
But the main thing Lust focuses on is that Hohenheim mentions discussing those fears with Trisha. That he told her what he was and his whole history and everything.
It's... Confusing to Lust. Why did Hohenheim just settle down here in this small ass rural town with a normal woman? What was it about her that compelled him to stay in one place so long? To settle down after years and have a kid? Having a second kid? And telling her about... Everything?
She finds no answer because, from all accounts, it seems like Trisha was just a normal, small-town girl. She didn't even have an interest in Alchemy! Just gardening. Why her? Why not someone at least... Great and powerful to match what he was? Even if no one could truly compare to what he was.
Everyone's reactions to Ed and Al sneaking off to do Human Transmutation:
Oh boy. This is a big plot point.
So the boys had quite a plan to trick the adults. Lust has gone on trips out of town for weekends(reporting back to Father), and she's also babysat the boys on a trip to Resembool before. So the boys wait until one of her trips and tell Roy and Riza that she's taking them on a different trip to Resembool. None of the adults know this until Lust comes back without them and has no idea where they were.
They put it together real fast and all three book it to the train station. Several hours of worried pacing of what could've happened.
Roy and Riza are entirely in the dark of what might happen. Lust though... She knows how the Gate works. And what could have happened.
She knows that There's a Price to pay. And while she was planning on encouraging the boys to go through the Gate anyway, she was supposed to be involved with it so she could trade a part of her Philosopher's Stone for their safety. Obviously just so they don't loose a Sacrifice to blood loss or later infection! Not because she cares or anything! But yeah without her, who knows what the Price may be?
They check the boys house first. They see plenty of blood, which is a terrifying sight. But they also see a trail leading out. And that if the boys are still alive, they probably went to the Rockbell place.
Which yeah. Granny's already waiting for them. She wants to yell at them for failing, but it would be hypocritical sinve she didn't notice the first time around.
She tells them the boys are alive but fucked up. Ed lost a couple limbs and Al is... Hard to explain.
Lust is the first to notice the suit of armor in the living room. The way it's arranged like a child, curled up and hiding, barely peeking out from behind the "arms". Light in it's "eyes", like someone's in there watching her.
She remembers the experiments done on the death row inmates. Puttin Souls in suits of armor. She's horrified, but not surprised, when it moves.
That is a whole conversation. Lust has to pretend she doesn't know how that works(while also questioning how the boys managed it). Al tells them what he remembers, which is just everythiny going wrong and then being in the armor and Ed missing some limbs.
We have a long emotional scene when Roy goes to talk to Ed.
Ed is very much not okay at this point and he's trying to be angry but it's just not really there. And he just asks why Roy is still there. He failed to keep them from fucking up why does he still care? Just go back home and leave them so he doesn't have to deal with them anymore.
Well that's just heartbreaking. Roy just talks to him about a lot of things. And the main thing was that this wasn't just "I'm gonna try and stop you but whoops failed that bye bitch" situation. He's not just going to drop the kids because he failed once. He's not even going ti drop them after months of pushing him away and being stubborn about the whole situation. They're a family now damn it.
And Ed kinda feels like that might be worse, because he threw that away ti go fuck up. But Roy tells him it's not "thrown away". They're still going to be here for him. And figure things out.
Later at night, Roy, Riza and Lust all kinda sneaknout individually. Which does lead to some comedy until Granny catches them and calls them idiots. But all of them were thinking of going to the boy's house and looking over their notes.
Roy and Lust are the only ones who can make heads or tails of the notes. Riza can follow some but gets lost and Granny never was an Alchemy person. Roy's looking more for "what went wrong" while Lust is focused more on "what went right". And Lust does find that though they came very close to making a Homunculus, they did do everything pretty right. She accidentally comments on that, which leads to a horrifying theoretical of "what if the boys managed to make a fake Trisha that looked and acted like her but wasn't her?". This also leads to the more disturbing question of "what was it they did manage to make"?
This is a thing that came up in Canon, but here they get answers of the thing that they made wasn't their mom, and you can't bring back the dead. Ed and Al take that news about as well as they did in Canon as well.
The "possible homunculus" thing comes up too with the others wondering if Al really is Al and not just... Something vaguely like him that Ed accidentally created. (Lust knows but can't tell how she knows rip!). Riza to the rescue on this one by asking Al about something Ed shouldn't know about. So that existential crisis is averted!
Of course there's discussion of what to do to help Ed and Al. Which... Does lead to getting back toward Canon of "have Ed become a State Alchemist". It's debated a lot because ya know. Sure it's the best option to help them have the freedom and access to stuff tk find shit but. Ya know. Roy already feels like he failed to protect these kids once already this is not helping.
Anyway! One more fun scene!
Please imagine once Ed gets the automail arm and just does the clap-slap Alchemy. And Roy and Riza are like "yo what the FUCK???"
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Found Family, Part Two --Neena.
Okay, this fic covers a LOT of ground. Like, it’s not long (not by my standards, because nothing is EVER going to seem long in comparison to Gatekeeper EVER AGAIN), but it jumps through a lot of fics I’ve already written.
Thus, I have a list (not in order of how it lines up in this fic) of links to the different fics I include different side scenes for or reference: Authority Issues, “Myshka,” Rubber Meets Road, and Decisions, Decisions.
Summary: an overview of your siblingship with your coolest big sister ever, Neena.
Rating: T for mention of injuries, mention of kidnapping, allusions to abuse, allusions to rape (like you can tell what they’re talking about but it’s not graphic/it doesn’t happen to you or Neena), and mild moments of angst.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader.
Special thank you to @leo-writer for proof-reading this to make sure I wrote Neena right since I still haven’t seen either of the Deadpool movies sdhflksdjlsfjdls.
@marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie
You didn’t grow up with siblings. You’re pretty sure your parents only had you to fulfill the societal expectation of having children and creating a family. They definitely didn’t have any kids after your mutation presented –one “abomination” had been enough for them, fuck them very much.
You hadn’t realized just how deeply, desperately lonely you were until you escaped to the Institute, until you were surrounded by people every day and could talk to them, hang out with them, laugh with them.
And Wade’s a godsend, if God exists and has a really weird sense of humor. He’s a ball of chaos and has the best sense of humor. He sticks to your side like glue most days, and you don’t know what you’d do without him.
But Wade isn’t always around. And, despite his best efforts, he doesn’t manage to take care of all the things you need to learn.
Fortunately for you, you’ve got the coolest big sister to lend a hand whenever Wade’s off running a mission –or his mouth, as the case may be.
Neena “Domino” Thurman.
Neena is, without a doubt, the single coolest person you’ve ever met. She’s stylish. She walks with swagger. And, unlike Wade, she actually has her shit together.
You don’t get to see as much of her as you see of Wade; she has her own apartment and does work out side of the X-Force stuff, but she occasionally pops over to the X-Mansion to train with some of the people there or talk to Xavier.
Point stands: the two of you haven’t spent much time together. You’re usually running around with Wade anyway.
Until one morning, she pulls out the chair next to yours at the breakfast table and sits down next to you. “Do you have a bank account?”
You, unfortunately, are in the middle of horking down as many pancakes as you can in one sitting. You try to swallow the mass amount of mush in your mouth –and when it’s clear you won’t be able to do that without choking, you just shake your head.
“I didn’t think so.” She smiles and pats your arm. “I’m training with Logan today. Come find me when you’re done eating. I’ll help you get one set up.”
You blink after her as she walks away. You’re not exactly sure what just happened –or why it just happened—but you’re pretty certain that the coolest, most together person you know just offered to help you get your life in order.
Well. You’re definitely not gonna turn that down.
The two of you set up shop in the dining room when she’s done training. As fortune would have it –part of you is starting to wonder if Neena’s probability powers extend through time and space—you’d had the foresight to grab your birth certificate and social security card before running away from home. Add the laptop Wade bought for you, and you’re all set to make your own bank account; you don’t even need to leave the mansion –bonus!
Wade pops into the mix in the middle of it all. He’s resplendent in his suit, freshly back from a mission with Cable. He cocks his head to the side when he see your documents and laptop on the table. “What did I say about giving your information to Internet trolls!”
“Nothing. Ellie taught me about Internet safety, not you,” you fire back. “And I’m not!”
“I’m helping her set up a bank account,” Neena explains.
Wade goes quiet for a moment as he processes that. “Huh. Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Hey, let me know when you’re done; I can give you some cash!”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Sure I do! What are siblings for? Besides, I don’t do my taxes, so this a good way to make sure that my dough gets distributed.” He ruffles your hair, then stares at his gloved hand. “I probably shouldn’t have done that. There’s so much blood on my suit.”
“Ew!” You wipe at your hair with your hands, then shove him away from you. “Go take a shower, you fucking cretin!”
“Ooh, ‘cretin!’ That’s a fancy insult! Very—” Whatever he’d been about to say next is abruptly cut off by a very tired, very pissed Cable grabbing him by the collar of his suit and yanking him back, effectively choking him.
“Shower, you walking, talking dildo,” Cable growls as he shoves Wade in the direction of the locker rooms used for clean up after training and mission.
“Ooh, is this the part where we shower together? Shit, I don’t think I have any lube on me –ow!”
Neena shakes her head as the two men disappear from view. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand how Cable hasn’t killed Wade yet.”
“Who’s to say he hasn’t? It’s not like it’d stick.”
“Fair enough. Alright, click that box –that gets you a debit card. You’re gonna want that for shopping and stuff. Cash is good, and you’ll definitely want to stick with it if you have to go under for a bit, but plastic’s good for regular life stuff. Helps set up a paper trail and all that.”
You do as she instructs, then glance over at her. “Thanks for, uh, helping me with all this. I don’t think I would’ve ever considered to open my own bank account.”
The corner of her mouth turns up in a smile. “I had to figure this all out on my own after I left Essex House. Even if I’m lucky, I still wish that I’d had someone to help me with this shit.” She looks over at you. “Always pay it forward. Be the person to others you wish you’d had.”
You nod, humbled.
She studies you for a moment, then nods at the laptop. “Alright. Let’s get this wrapped up for you.”
You don’t see much of Neena after that. You’re busy training –and breaking shit with Wade—and she’s busy having her life together and being super cool—
Until you run into her in a hallway at Xavier’s. “Oh! Neena! Hi!”
She grins at you. “What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much.” You heft the laundry basket you’re holding. “Laundry day.”
She frowns at the small pile of clothes in the basket. “You don’t have much to your name, do you?”
“I kinda had to take whatever would fit in a backpack when I left,” you explain. “I can’t exactly fly with a suitcase.”
“Makes sense.” She cocks her head to the side. “Do you have any plans for today?”
“I mean… I need to put my clean laundry away.”
She smirks. “And after that?”
“Uh… not really, no.”
“Cool; me either.” She grins. “Let’s go shopping.”
She takes you out to a couple stores, helps you stock up on shirts and pants and pajamas and –everything you’d wear day in, day out, basically. You need just about everything.
The two of you swing by a coffee shop after to get a bite to eat.
You marvel at the stylish purple and blue exterior. “How’d you learn about this place?”
“Lucky find.”
You squint at her. “Do you ever get tired of saying stuff like that?”
She grins. “Nope.”
The two of you –and the hundred million bags from your excursion—bump into Colossus as you make your way back into the mansion.
“You had very busy day.” He frowns as you wrestle with your armload of bags. “Do you need help?”
“Uh, I think—” You curse as one of the handles on the bags breaks. “Yes, actually. That’d be great.”
He takes the majority of the bags –he’s got the hand size and arm strength for it—and the three of you head up to your room to get everything sorted.
You’re chattering a mile a minute about your day, what the stores were like, the coffee shop. “—and they have a trivia question of the day, and if you can answer it correctly you get a free pastry with your drink! I thought that kind of thing only happened in TV shows.”
“It’s pretty common,” Neena says with a chuckle. “If it wasn’t, they wouldn’t have it in TV shows.”
You shrug. “It’s not common in the middle of nowhere.” Your jaw clenches involuntarily, and you start digging through your bags and tossing clothes on your bed before you’re swamped by bad memories. “Look! I got so much cool stuff!”
Colossus chuckles at the flurry of fabric. “Perhaps you should take tags off first.”
“Oh, yeah.” You try tugging the price tag off the shirt in your hand, then tug at it with your teeth when it doesn’t give.
“Hang on.” The tag breaks, and you spit it on the floor with a triumphant laugh. “See –aw, fuck. The little plastic thingy didn’t come out.”
Colossus smiles at you and shakes his head. “Wait one moment. I will get scissors.”
Neena smirks as he walks out the door, then gives you a look when his footsteps fade down the hall. “I’m pretty sure he likes you.”
You roll your eyes. “No. We’re just friends.”
“I know you like him,” she fires back.
“Well, that doesn’t mean he likes me,” you retort, ignoring the way your heart squeezes painfully in your chest. “So there.”
Neena shakes her head. “Whatever you say –but I’m usually right about these sorts of things.”
You quash the hope swelling in your chest and go back to unloading the bags from your shopping trip. It won’t happen. Don’t get your hopes up.
Your outings with Neena become a regular thing after that. She helps you fill out your closet, pushes you to apply for a library card, takes you to various shops around New York when you both have time.
She also becomes a bit of a confidant when you’re dealing with stuff you don’t want to talk to Wade about; he’s wonderful and hilarious and surprisingly wise, but Wade’s also unhinged and unstable. Cable –Nate—is aloof and just as lost in the present as you are.
And, sure, most of the X-Men come from unhappy pasts, but Neena just… gets it in a way that the X-Men don’t.
Sometimes, even, you think she gets some of it better than you do.
Case in point, when she walks into your room and drops a basic padlock, a set of real handcuffs, and a lock picking kit on your bed. “How was your day?”
“…Good.” You look at the stuff on your bed, then look at her. “What’s all that for?”
“I’m teaching you how to pick locks.”
“I can do that with my powers.”
She grimaces. “You won’t always have them.”
You shrug –she has a point after all. You open the kit and pick up the padlock, then stop and look up at her. “Won’t your presence affect my ability to do it? Like, make it easier?”
“Practice is practice,” she says simply, and that’s that. She shows you how to do it once, how to hold the tools properly, and then sits down on your desk chair while you have at it.
You work at the padlock with the lockpick, but you can’t help but notice the way Neena’s knee bounces up and down boot rubbing against the carpet with a soft scuffing sound.
You glance up at her after a moment, note the way her arms are crossed over her chest and she’s staring off at nothing. “You okay?”
She swallows visibly. “Job,” she offers after a moment, as if that explains everything.
And you guess it does, sort of. You’ve been around Wade and Nate after jobs have gone wrong. Wade’s always a little twitchier after, a little more homicidal; Nate doesn’t have many visible tics, but throws himself into work like the world depends on it.
Which, considering the jobs he does, maybe it does.
But this is the first time you ever seen Neena rattled.
It’s disconcerting.
“Didn’t go well?” you venture.
She shrugs. “Got paid.” She sighs when you put the lock and pick to stare at her –a clear sign that you want her to talk. “I was hired to rescue some rich millionaire’s daughter. The paycheck was good, he’s an environmental and queer rights activist, so I figured why not.” Her mouth tugs into a harsh grimace. “Didn’t make it in time.”
You stomach drops –and then you frown. “But… why would you get paid…”
She shakes her head. “Not that kind of ‘in time.’ The other kind.”
It takes you a second, and then— oh.
No wonder she’s so rattled.
“It just… it reminded me of when your parents hired bounty hunters to get you back,” she admits wearily. “If Colossus hadn’t gotten there when he did…”
You shudder at the memory. “Yeah.”
She looks at you, finally. “You’re not always going to have your abilities to help you. The more tools you have under your belt, the better –whether they’re ‘ethical’ or not.”
You nod. You get it.
You start practicing on the padlock again.
Neena’s the one that teaches you how to drive after you crash a car with Wade, too.
She’s smirking at you when you when you walk into the garage at Xavier’s. “What, exactly, made you think that Wade fucking Wilson would be a good driving instructor?”
You scowl a little, even though you deserve it. “I wasn’t exactly thinking. At least, not about that.”
She laughs and nods for you to get into the driver’s seat.
She takes you out on back roads –and keeps you at the speed limit, unlike Wade.
You drive for a while, getting the feel of the vehicle, how to turn properly, how to avoid potholes.
Eventually, Neena speaks. “How are you and Pete doing?”
“Better,” you say as you steer the car around a curve. “It’s been a little tense for a couple days, but I think we’re alright.”
“Story is that the two of you had a pretty bad fight.”
You let out a huff. “Something like that, yeah.”
After an hour and a half, the two of you are back in the garage at the Institute.
Neena pulls out a bag of tools before you can make a break for the mansion. “We’re not done yet.”
You frown at the tool bag. “What are those for?”
She grins. “I’m teaching you how to hotwire a car.”
“Wow. Hold the fucking phone for a minute.” Neena stares at you while you work on picking the lock on the driver’s side door. “‘As much as I deserve having to deal with each escalation in your behavior the longer you refuse to deal with void left by your parents.’ He actually said that to you?”
You grimace, but nod. “He was mad at me.”
“No shit. Doesn’t make it right.” She leans against the hood of the car as she watches you work. “You’re staying with him after that?”
“That’s the plan.” You toss a quick glance her way. “You think I shouldn’t?”
She shrugs. “Hey, it’s your choice. Frankly, I’m a little more worried about his control issues than anything else.”
“Ah. That.” You chuckle a little. “Yeah, I’m good with that.”
“You sure?”
You nod after a moment of thought. “Piotr’s tendencies… it usually isn’t about shit like this. It’s about little stuff. It’s about how the fridge is organized, or his teaching schedules, or me eating enough vegetables. Stuff I don’t necessarily care about, stuff that doesn’t hurt me or anyone else.”
Neena nods in understanding. “And what happens if it turns into something worse? Something that does hurt you?”
“That’s a bridge I’ll have to cross if and when it happens,” you say with a shrug. The car door picks that moment to pop open, and you let out a whoop of victory. “Awesome!”
There’s the sound of footsteps outside, and then Piotr’s striding into the garage. He frowns when he sees you and Neena. “Myshka, what are you doing?”
“I’m teaching her how to hotwire a car,” Neena says amicably. Her expression sharpens when Piotr’s turns to exasperation –and suddenly you can see the well-trained mercenary and fighter that hides just underneath her skin—and she points a finger at him. “She’s already been kidnapped once. If it happens again, knowing how to hotwire a car is a skill that she will need.”
Piotr relents with a grimace, even if it’s just barely. “I came to tell you dinner is almost ready.”
“Alright. I’ll try to be done in about twenty.”
He sighs, but doesn’t argue. “Will you be staying, Neena?”
She smiles. “Sure.”
She stops by to visit you after Wade and Nate move out after the incident in Hell’s Kitchen.
You’re out on the back patio, enjoying the late afternoon sun and the warm weather –with that damn wheelchair nearby, because heaven forbid you try to go anywhere without it.
You’ve got new sympathy for Charles, that’s for sure.
There’s the familiar sound of Neena’s boots in the kitchen, and then she appears by your side -with a box of Poptarts in hand, bless her. “I bring gifts.”
You grab the box from her and tear it open; you rip open a package –strawberry flavored, one of your favorites—and shove half a pastry in your mouth with abandon and complete indifference to whatever judgement you might receive. “You’re my hero.”
She laughs as she sits down in the seat next to yours. “I figured Pete would be keeping you on a clean diet. Thought I’d hook you up.”
She’s dressed in a distressed, light wash denim jacket, a white tank top that has ‘i do it better’ written on it in pink lettering, green shorts patterned with four leaf clovers, her boots, and sunglasses.
She’s the coolest person you’ve ever seen, bar none.
“How’s your leg?” she asks as she swipes a packet of Poptarts for herself.
You let out an annoyed huff, partially at your injury, partially at the pastry theft. “Hurts, even with the meds. And I can’t do anything for myself –though Piotr does have to help me shower, so…”
She cackles when you let your voice trail off and waggle your eyebrows suggestively. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve got a sweetheart of a man who loves to get you off whenever you ask for it. We know. Rub it in, why don’t you.”
You mime rubbing soap on her arm, then let your hand drop back in your lap. The two of you giggle for a bit, amused with yourselves.
“What happened?” you ask after the laughter dies off completely. “After I was taken into the hospital. Why isn’t Piotr talking to Nate? I mean, I know they’re mad at each other…”
Neena chuckles darkly and clucks her tongue. “You know you almost died, right?”
“Yeah. Piotr said as much.”
She nods. “Just checking. Anyway, he—” She chuckles again. “He hauled off on Cable as soon as the medics took you into the hospital. I’m surprised he didn’t break his nose; he might’ve been armored down, but he swung hard.” She goes quiet for a minute, considering, then adds “I think that’s the angriest I’ve ever seen him.”
“He punched dad?” You almost can’t believe it. You know Piotr gets angry, but his version of aggression is usually verbal or emotional.
Well, he’s hauled off on Wade once or twice, but Wade is Wade.
You never thought he’d do it to anyone else.
“He was pissed with him,” Neena says evenly. “Blamed Cable for taking you into a mission you didn’t have enough training for.”
You groan and pinch the bridge of your nose. “Seriously?”
“Castle sided with him, too,” Neena says. “Said you were too green for the environment.”
And, well, they might be right on that, but punching people is not the answer, Piotr, for Christ’s sake.
“What do you think?”
“I think you’re not a mercenary and usually don’t go against people with guns. That makes you green.”
You slump in your seat. “Fair enough.”
Neena pats your shoulder. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know.”
The two of you sit in silence for a bit.
This is the one thing that Neena’s better at than Wade by miles. Wade doesn’t do silence; he always has to be doing something, always has to be saying something.
You get it; you used to be the same way. But since getting into therapy, Alyssa’s had you working on being more comfortable with quiet, with stillness.
Neena’s a good person to practice with, if nothing else.
Eventually, though, you bite the bullet and ask her the one thing you know Piotr won’t tell you. “How bad was it? When… when I…”
She squeezes your hand reassuringly –and then tells you the truth. “It was bad. You almost destroyed the dock.”
“I killed people.” It isn’t a question.
She nods. “All of the traffickers. A couple of the victims, too. There’s always collateral with this kind of stuff.”
You let out a shaky breath and try to keep that at the forefront of your mind.
You only partially succeed.
“You’re a powerhouse,” Neena says casually, like it would fit alongside ‘pass me a fork please’ or ‘put milk on the grocery list.’ “I didn’t realize how strong you were until I saw you at the docks.”
“You’ve seen me fight before.”
“Yeah, but I’ve never seen you cut loose. It’s impressive.”
“Just once, I’d like to ‘cut loose’ without losing it.”
“You’ll get there,” she says, squeezing your hand once more. “I know you will.”
“You can’t know that,” you argue.
“I’m not usually wrong about these sorts of things.” She grins at you. “I was right about Pete liking you.”
You roll your eyes. “Lucky guess.”
“Sometimes luck’s all you need.”
“I could definitely use some more,” you grumble.
“I think you’re doing pretty good, all things considered. Hell, you might even be luckier than me, given all the odds you’ve faced down.”
You huff at that. “I don’t randomly find fifty dollar bills on the sidewalk.”
“Different kinds of luck for different kinds of people,” she says with a smile.
And then Piotr comes out with some water and your next round of antibiotics and pain pills, and you can’t help but smile at the sight of him.
Yeah, you’re pretty lucky.
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askfreddiemercury · 5 years
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Freeside is a slum that surrounds New Vegas, it’s inhabited by junkies and drunk people almost all the time. Some points of interest are The King’s School of Impersonation, the Atomic Wrangler casino, and Silver Rush, a place for all your energy weapon needs.
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But we decide to visit the Old Mormon Fort first, this is the home of The Followers of the Apocalypse, these people try and help those in need in and around Freeside with what they can. And someone I need to be on good terms with.
Boone: What are we doing here?
Freddie: I’m just exploring, Boone, I want to get a feel for Freeside before we find a way into the strip to find Benny.
Boone: We’re gonna help the people here, right?
Freddie: Yes, absolutely.
But not long after we get attacked by muggers! They don’t last very long against us so after dealing with them we can continue to make our way to the oldest place standing in Freeside.
Walking inside the walled fort there’s a pretty large camp set up inside, a flag with the Follower’s logo on it a cross inside a circle, tents all around the camp, and a sandbag barricade in front. We all take a look around and greet the people, I make my way to the southwestern tent to greet a man with blonde hair.
Freddie: Hello.
He turns around, holy moly.
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Arcade: Hi. If you're looking for medical help, try the other doctors. I'm just a researcher. Not even a particularly good one.
I shake my head and focus.
Freddie: What kind of research?
Arcade: Oh, you know. Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries. Stimpaks out of barrel cacti and other fantastic improbabilities. As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims.
Freddie: What’s the goal?
Arcade: For the past hundred years or so, the Followers have managed to get by using salvaged medical supplies from the Old World. But the side effect of medical success is that more people live longer. Funny how that works.
He then looks sad.
Arcade: Eventually, we'll run out of hospitals to loot. We need new ways to produce those supplies. Or maybe old ways, if this research goes anywhere.
Freddie: What kinds of illnesses and injuries?
Arcade: Cuts, lacerations, broken bones. Infections resulting from all of the above. Common cold, influenza. Take your pick. There are plenty of ways to die out here, and most of them, surprisingly, don't have anything to do with war. Just common human fragility.
Freddie: You don't sound too enthusiastic about it.
I tilt my head as he pushes up his glasses.
Arcade: I'm enthusiastic about helping people, but nihil novi sub sole.
Freddie: Nihi-what?
Arcade: Oh. Sorry. "There is nothing new under the sun." If agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago.
This guy is starting to sound like someone in the Legion.
Freddie: Isn't that the language that Caesar's Legion speaks?
Arcade: Caesar can cite Cato to suit his purpose. Many people have spoken Latin. Some of them were quite pleasant. It's unfortunate that the language is now associated with the gentlemen across the river.
Wow, this guy is so smart and so handsome. No wait, I have to be serious here. Ahem.
Freddie: Where did you learn that?
Arcade: Not from the Legion, if that's what you're getting at. Books. Sheet music. Gladiator movie holotapes. Bits and pieces here and there. The Followers have extensive libraries, but we all draw water from the same old well. Even Caesar.
Freddie: So why do you do research instead of providing medical assistance?
Arcade: Not all Followers are "people persons." Besides, someone needs to do research. I have no problem with Julie sticking me back here. Out of sight, out of mind. There are worse things one can be, though I do admit, it is a bit boring. Though it has a noble goal, I don't think this research will yield much fruit. No pun intended.
Freddie: Well Arcade, do you and the Followers need any help?
Arcade: Me, specifically? No. I'm sure Julie Farkas does, though. Lab coat, pointy hair. Answers to the name "Julie Farkas," strangely enough.
Freddie: Why don't you come with me?
Arcade: No offense intended, but why should I go anywhere with you?
Time to work your magic, Freddie.
[Confirmed Bachelor] Freddie: I need a good-looking doctor to help take care of me in the big, bad wasteland.
With that, he laughs and places a hand over his glasses. I got him.
Arcade: Overt flirtation will get you everywhere, you know. On a slightly more serious note, if you're interested in helping out with the troubles plaguing Freeside, I can come with you. Just don't do anything obnoxious, like trying to help Caesar's Legion, and we should be fine. Understood?
Freddie: I’d never help the Legion, my other companion would have my head if I did especially after everything I did for him. After I get what was taken from me back from some guy on the strip, I plan on terrorizing the Legion just like they do us.
Arcade: Heh, I don’t think the Legion is going to be scared of you. Unless you take out Caesar and his legate, Lanius. But seeing as you’re asking me to come with you. You aren’t going to be doing that any time soon. Don’t get too cocky now.
When I go tell Boone the good news about Arcade, I can’t help but notice that he’s staring down ED-E. Does he have a problem with him? Maybe he’s seen ED-E before.
Freddie: Hey, Arcade, I can’t help notice that you seem to have a problem with ED-E here, what’s up?
Arcade: it just seems a bit twitchy. Some of these robots, you look at them the wrong way, don’t screw in a vacuum tube right… The next thing you know you’re a pile of ash on the floor and someone’s stepping out of a vertibird to sweep your remains into a Nuka-Cola bottle.
Freddie: Oooo-kay, I’ll keep my eye on him.
Arcade: Safety first. That’s all I’m saying.
Freddie: Let’s get going then.
We all head southwest towards the gate until an old man stops us.
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Old Ben: You look new to Freeside, so here’s a little advice, friend. Don’t go past the South Gate greeter without talking to it first.
Freddie: Going past it seems rude, why wouldn’t I want to go past the greeter?
Old Ben: Those bots are programmed to vaporize anyone who enters the fenced-in area without authorization from the greeter.
Freddie: Thanks for the advice.
He smiles and walks away towards a campfire near the gate. Let’s see what this robot says. I walk to the Securitron Gatekeeper.
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Securitron Gatekeeper: Submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeding to the gate. Trespassers will be shot.
Freddie: Credit check? What’s that for?
Securitron Gatekeeper: Admission to the Strip requires an official passport or proof that you are carrying the required minimum balance.
Freddie: What’s the minimum balance?
Securitron Gatekeeper: 2,000 caps.
Freddie: 2,000 caps?! I don’t have that kind of cash! Uh, what else can I do?
Securitron Gatekeeper: If you are unable to meet the minimum balance requirement, an official passport is an acceptable alternative.
But after telling me about the passport he doesn’t say where I can get one, wow thanks robot. The gang takes a step back.
Arcade: I heard of a shop called “Mick and Ralph’s” who sells things you can’t buy anywhere else.
Freddie: You think I can buy an unofficial official passport from them?
Arcade: Who’s to say?
Arcade tries to act very sly about it, after all, I did flirt with him so he could join my team because he wasn’t convinced I was good enough to travel with. Guess I must just have a thing for doctors. Or researchers, whatever he is. Lab coat people.
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Ralph: If you’re looking for guns, talk to Mick. Otherwise, I’ve got a nice selection of general supplies.
Freddie: Do you offer any other services?
Ralph: I only offer services if The King gives the okay. Impress him and we can talk.
I’ll do whatever the King’s have in store for me another time, maybe I can get the passport out of this guy in a different way.
[Speech 50] Freddie: A resource fellow such as yourself must have something on the side.
[Succeeded] Ralph: All right. Yeah, I’ve got a little side business going, but what I am about to share with you does not leave this room, eh? Over the years, I’ve gradually perfected my craft to the point of perfection. No one can distinguish between my work and the real thing. What I am referring to is a passport. If you’ve got the caps, I can whip up a Strip passport which will fool even the most well-trained eye.
Freddie: Ah, now I see why you want to keep this low key.
Ralph: Hey, if you’re interested and have the caps, they go for 500. Any less and it ain’t worth the risk of getting caught. What do you say? You game?
You’ve gotta be kidding me… Looks like I’ll have to barter with him.
[Barter 50] Freddie: No way your material and expenses require that. How about half?
[Succeeded] Ralph: Hah! I like your style, kid, but the best I can do is meet you halfway. 375 caps, and we can call it a deal.
He says with much enthusiasm.
Freddie: 375 works great. Okay, I’ll take one.
I hand over the caps and he hands over the passport. Sweet! I bid Mick and Ralph goodbye and make the way back to gate.
[Passport] Freddie: I’ve got a passport.
Securitron Gatekeeper: Thank you, sir. You may proceed.
With that, we can finally open the main gate to New Vegas.
Before I can stare at New Vegas in awe, I’m approached by a familiar face.
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Victor: Howdy, pardner! You’ve come a far piece, haven’t you? Welcome to New Vegas!
What the hell is this guy’s deal?! Why is he everywhere I go?!
Boone: Why is this robot following us?
Freddie: He’s the one who dug me out of my grave after all. What are you doing here?
Victor: Consider me your personal welcome wagon! Now hear this - the head honcho of New Vegas, Mr. House, is itching to make your acquaintance.
Arcade: Did he just say Mr. House?
Freddie: It seems like you pop up everywhere.
Victor: Aw shucks, pardner. I suppose it can’t hurt to let you in on my little secret! Old Victor wouldn’t be much use stuck inside just one Securitron! No, I can move from one to another with the snap of a finger! Pretty nice trick, ain’t it? Just don’t ask me how I do it, because I don’t know!
Freddie: All right, I’ll go meet Mr. House right now.
Victor: Yeehaw, pardner! That’s the spirit. He’ll be waiting for you.
He quickly makes his way to the front of the Lucky 38 casino and I follow behind him.
Victor: Boss is waiting for ya upstairs, so get a move on!
A massive gate behind him opens up and we all walk on inside.
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