#whatever company makes this game!!!!! make him fly with his cape wings!!!!!!!
randygrim · 10 months
Hes my fav of the characters ive seen cuz hes greeeeeeeeeen :0
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I want to steal his cape so bad. Give it to me wind boy
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writingwisterias · 2 months
How about something more fluffy, romantic, and maybe a little funny for a change involving B.O.W! Reader? With just Chris?
B.O.W! Reader has a crush on Chris, so they follow him everywhere like a lost puppy. Chris thinks that B.O.W! Reader wants to kill him but in reality, they're lonely and in desperate need for company.
Thank you for the request! I mean I always viewed the requests as Angst as that's just where my mind went but this is a cute idea! I decided to go with a Hybrid BOW as well but because I think it's funny I did a moth Hybrid as I am obsessed with mothman and how cute he looks! I have also left it open so I can continue this as a one-shot because I love this so much so let me know if that's something you are interested in! .... Hope you enjoy! ~ Mads <3
Chris Redfield X Moth Hybrid!Reader
Warnings: None
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He could feel something following him almost instantly as he moved through the abandoned Umbrella Lab he was ordered to clear out of any BOW's. His flashlight illuminated the hallway as he walked down them but everytime he turned around to check behind him there wasn't anything there. It was almost like a Ghost was following him.
You however was drawn to the bright light, it was a beacon as soon as you saw it and you were excited to try and catch up to it. You ran down the corridors like it was a game hiding everytime he spun around to look at what he assumed was following him. All you had to do was hide in the shadows the flashlight didn't illuminate and keep really still.
Chris was trying to focus on the enemies in front of him but was scared that he would be attacked from behind by whatever was following him, growing increasingly frustrated that he couldn't see anything and set off to find the generator room for a peace of mind. You however knew that there was a missing fuse and went to find it for him.
When he found the generator room that was the first time he saw you. He groaned loudly at the fact the fuse was missing, he knew it be missing as it was the most common method of inconvenience that enemies liked to do.
He then turned around to go and find it but jumped out of his skin letting out a defiantly manly scream at the sight of you holding out the fuse for him. After catching his breath he gingerly took it from you.
It wasn't that you were ugly like all the other monsters he had encountered whilst walking through the lab, you were actually kind of cute to him. You had little fluffy black ears sticking out from your long hair as well as bright red eyes which glared brightly in the shadows you hid in. You had small wings that looked too small for you to fly with but were still pretty, they almost looked a cape if he didn't know otherwise.
"Thanks" he spoke to you bluntly as he turned back to put the fuse in the right spot but that's all it took for you to try and be as helpful as you could to him. Being left in this place with only the creature that wouldn't hesitate to kill you is what left you to roam the shadows which you were trained to do if they ever needed to use you.
He attempted to ignore you once the power was on and just complete his job, but he also didn't want to keep you in his blind spot. You noticed this and always stayed where he can see you, collecting everything you thought might be of use to him and holding it out to him. It was anything from ammo to health items.
You were just happy to be with him, his praises and thanks kept you happy and eventually he wasn't so tense. You hadn't however spoken a word to him, so he wasn't sure if you could understand what he was saying.
He started to come across files about you though that said you did speak english, so he would start to get a conversation going. Eventually you started to talk to him, asking him a bunch of questioned as you watched him fight. Most of your questions were about the outside world making him feel bad you hadn't explored a lot of it yourself.
He had to come to a decision when he circled back to the entrance as he completed his task. The only BOW left was you. You watched him nervously from the shadows as he looked back at his gun and you. He eventually sighed but offered you his hand, "come with me, I'll try to hide you and keep you safe"
The smile you gave made it worth it, as you took his hand and finally left the shadows.
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fanfic-collection · 6 years
The Grandmaster’s Daughter - Pt 3
??? Sorry about the tone change from the other two, this is more of an expression of how much I hate the GM and less about Loki...
Standing before your vanity, you daubed makeup onto the nastier and more noticeable of the bruises. It was early morning, the day of the grand games this evening and no one would be up. The convenience of such a party life style ensured very few awoke before dawn. You pulled up your hood, pulling it low over your face and examined your appearance.
“Going somewhere?” You heard a familiar voice behind you.
You spun around, pulling off the hood and looked at Topaz in surprise. “Topaz, hi, what are you doing here?”
“The Grandmaster asked that I check in on you. It is because of you that the match today was changed up, he worried that you might be upset.”
“I'm fine.” You muttered, looking back at the mirror and pressing a finger gently to the bruises on your face, wincing in pain.
Topaz folded her arms. “So what's with the get up?”
“Surely I'm still free to walk my own home?”
“The boozehead has been acting differently as of late. The Grandmaster's champion heard of her newest acquiesces. It seems different than it has over the last few years.”
“Perhaps I'll see her on my morning stroll. Will that be all?”
Topaz jut her chin out curtly, “Perhaps I shall accompany you?”
“I have more sway with my father than you, do you really think I need his dog following me everywhere I go?” You asked coolly.
Topaz frowned, her brow furrowing. “Very well. I will let him know you declined my company. I'm sure he will be interested in knowing why.”
“Doesn't he have a scheduled orgy to watch today? I heard Scrapper 142 is supposed to be part of it, you know how he favors her.”
Topaz's eye twitched.
“Oh and you. Run along.” You waved your hand dismissively.
Gritting her teeth, Topaz inclined her head, turned and left.
You leaned back against the vanity and exhaled heavily. Your arms shook as you leaned back, tilting your head up and looking at the ceiling. You had to warn the brothers.
The two guards straightened up as you approached, standing at attention. “What business do you have here?”
You pulled back your hood, batting your eyelashes and purred, “What, a girl can't visit some guards?” You walked up to the closer one and rubbed your hand on his cheek.
The man shivered, cheeks flushing as he looked down at you. “Well, I mean, if that's all.”
You winked, “I'll just be a few minutes.”
The guard glanced at his companion then back to you, he swallowed hard, “You want to go in?”
Fighting back annoyance, you kept up your smile, “Someone's gotta give the champions a boost of support, think of what type of support I could give you afterwards.”
“Alright,” He stammered, “Just be quick about it.”
The door swung inward and you hurried in, looking around. There were a few battered champions, a dead body or two laying around and a tall blonde man with his back to you. “Loki?” You called uncertainly.
The blond man turned, slowly he walked towards you, fists clenched and glaring down at you, “What do you want with Loki?”
You stepped back a pace, your back hitting the door and swallowed hard. “I, I just need to talk to him.”
“Relax, Thor.” Loki appeared from nowhere, resting his hand on the tall man's shoulder. Not that Loki was any less tall, by any means, this man was pure muscle. Loki took your hand and pulled you to himself, gently touching your back in a half hug. “What are you doing here?” He whispered, loud enough for Thor to hear.
“This is the maiden?” Thor asked in a stage whisper.
Loki pulled away from you and grit his teeth, “Yes, she's coming with us.”
You swallowed hard, managing an uneasy smile, “You don't have to do that, not after what I've gotten you into.”
“Of course I do, besides, I want to.”
“You sly dog,” Thor interrupted, “you're turning into Fandral.”
Loki covered his face with his palm and sighed, “Ignoring that,” he turned back to you, “but really, why are you here?”
“I had to warn you of the fight between the two of you, and then immediately after that would be with the champion.”
“I could take the champion.” Thor muttered, crossing his arms.
Loki shook his head, “We're not going to waste any effort on fighting each other, Thor, I already have a plan.”
“You have a plan?” Thor asked.
“When do I not?” Loki replied.
Thor grinned, squeezing Loki's shoulder, “Alright, let's hear it.”
Loki glanced at you, “I trust you, and know that you wish to help, but the less you know, the better, for your sake.”
“Right, of course.” You pursed your lips, forcing a smile and nodded. “I risked a lot coming here.”
“I know.” Loki inclined his head, “And your appearance here solves the final step I needed for my plan to work. Trust me, please?”
You sighed, “do I have another choice?”
Thor grinned at you.
Loki pulled you to his chest, his hand gripping the back of your head, fingers trailing in your hair as he held you to him. Kissing your forehead softly, he pulled away, “I need you to keep the door to this place open as long as you can. Any amount of time should do it, but the longer the better.”
“That's it?”
Loki nodded, “I expect you'll be watching the fight?”
“Beside the Grandmaster, yes.”
“Even better, we'll see you then.”
“How do you expect to get out of the fight and to me? Not that you have to...” You trailed off and looked away.
Loki pressed his thumb and forefinger to your chin, tilting your head up, “Trust me.”
The two brothers watched as you walked back to the door and knocked twice. The window of the door opened and the guard outside looked in, a smile on his face when he saw you. After a moment of suspiciously looking around he pulled open the door and motioned for you to exit.
You stood in the doorway, looking around, easily stopping the door from opening. The guard was talking to you but you didn't hear him, watching to see what Loki needed the door open for. Nothing seemed to happen.
“Did you hear me? I get off in fifteen minutes.” The guard looked down at you annoyed.
You raised your eyebrow, “Congratulations.” Slowly you started to walk away, that was all the time you could afford the brothers.
“What? But you said-”
Calling of your shoulder, you replied, “Think of what I could do, not what I would do.” You waved your hand back at him, “Ta-ta. Just be happy I don't get my father involved for your lax in judgement.”
You glanced over your shoulder and saw the man blanch at your words, then you were around the corner and out of sight.
Evening came, you were dressed in your nicest garments, fit for the spectacle. You walked into the Grandmaster's private booth, swallowing hard as you recognized some of his favorite clients gathered around the room. A few looked at you hungrily, grinning coldly, others even made lewd gestures at you. You swallowed hard, crossing the room and sitting down on the couch at the opposite end of your father.
“My beautiful daughter! We have a real show today, don't we?” The Grandmaster looked at you and smiled then out to the battlefield where a few nameless prisoners were being forced to fight to the death. “Got to get the crowd riled up, don't we? I hope they're excited for a new contender to face my champion. The man who tried to defile you and the thunder lord. I was thinking we'd call my no longer friend the defiler, it seems like a fitting name.”
“Whatever you say, papa.” You muttered, hunching forward and crossing your arms over your legs.
The Grandmaster's usual giant holographic image appeared, announcing the newest contenders and promising an interesting match. The winner being given the honor of facing the grand champion. You didn't like the thought of either brother facing the green beast. Though you didn't doubt Loki's cunning, particularly his wits in tricking the Grandmaster to give him a place at his court, you worried for him compared to the muscular thunder lord. Even the name of thunder lord concerned you. Who would call themselves thunder lord without a reason?
Entering onto the field, winged helmet in hand, came the blond man: Thor.
From the other end of the field, green cape swirling majestically, came Loki in his gold horned helmet.
You gazed down at him nervously, clenching the seat and gritting your teeth as you watched him walk. He strolled confidently, each step precise and practice, boots moving almost delicately over the soil of the field. By contrast, Thor seemed to lumber towards him.
Thor placed the helmet on his head, pulling out a massive hammer that had been attached to his back and readying himself to fight Loki.
You groaned as you saw Loki pull out two small daggers. Surely he was deadly with them, but compared to that massive hammer? Loki would be lucky if the daggers didn't snap against its weight.
The brothers lunged at each other, no time wasted making last minute appeals or waiting for the crowd to grow angry and other means employed to make them fight. For as strong and fast as Thor was, Loki was faster and more agile. Loki moved like a dancer, a breeze, dipping and ducking around Thor, tiring him out and avoiding the hammer easily. One of the daggers struck home and blood welled out of a cut somewhere on Thor. They were moving too fast to tell where.
Then Loki was flying back, landing on the sand hard, but just as quickly he was back up. On and on the brothers fought, neither showed signs of slowing or killing the other. They seemed equally matched.
You watched with rapt fixation, horrified at each close call and wishing you could cover your eyes.
People yelled and cried out with each strike and blow, cries of alarm coming from behind you. You wanted to glance over your shoulder, as they seemed almost fearful for themselves. Very few of the Grandmaster's court actually got nervous during a fight, so it confused you why they were so terrified of this one, but you didn't dare look away lest something happened to Loki and you missed it.
Suddenly the Grandmaster stood up. “This is boring. Why hasn't he used that hammer to smack him into the wall? Neither is winning, I need something exciting. Maybe they can both face my champion. That might be interesting.”
“Or perhaps we can just face you.”
That was odd, for a second you had sworn you heard Loki's familiar velvety voice. But it had come from behind you.
You glanced over your shoulder at the same time your father turned around.
Your eyes must be playing tricks on you, Loki was standing behind you, a dagger clenched in his hand – now run through your father – but he was also on the field fighting Thor. You did a double take, glancing down to the continued fight on the field then back up to Loki behind the couch. Your eyes widened as you realized the dagger going through the Grandmaster's chest was tinged green, plunged clean through him and jutting out the other side.
Loki glared coldly at the Grandmaster, watching the old man struggle with the knife plunged in his chest. The Grandmaster stumbled back, grasping uselessly at the knife and sputtering for words. His face turned pale and ashen, a blue tinge slowly crossing over it as blood began to well from his mouth. The red blood was mixed with black bile and his eyes bulged, seeming as if they might fall out. He coughed and sputtered, gasping for air. Slowly he grabbed for his face, nails digging into the skin and more blood spilling out of the newest cuts. Falling to the ground, landing on his side, he writhed on the ground, moaning in agony.
You looked away, horrified at the sight and saw that the other members of the court had been dispatched by Thor. Thor was walking over and staring down at the Grandmaster who continued to writhe and twitch on the ground.
Thor grimaced, “Was the poison necessary, brother?”
Loki nodded, staring with satisfaction at the squirming old man. “Yes, for one, he is a very powerful being and I wanted to be sure the job was done correctly. For another, the torture he did to this fine maiden as well as attempting to tarnish my reputation won't stand. And it's quite the insult to cut an Asgardian's hair.” Loki inclined his head towards Thor, crossing his arms.
Thor nodded, his face contorted in disgust. “The other prisoners are with the Valkyrie making their way to the ship, we should join them.”
Loki walked around the couch and offered you his hand, “Care to join us?”
You glanced at your captor, years of torment finally at an end. Relief flooded through you, yet you hardly dared to believe it was real. “I'm afraid if I go with you, I'll wake from this dream.”
Loki smiled, waving his hand in a strange gesture. Cries of confusion and alarm went up from around the stadium. You glanced over your shoulder and saw that the visions of the brothers had vanished and the field was empty. Guards rushed onto the field trying to locate the brothers in vain. The stadium erupted in discord, people angrily throwing food and banners, demanding the fight continue, a riot was starting to brew.
“And there's our distraction.” Loki looked back to you, “I won't make you do anything you don't want, but...” He hesitated, “I would truly like for you to accompany us.”
“Decide quickly, maiden,” Thor added, glancing towards the doors at the sound of incoming guards, “We're about to have company.”
“Nothing would make me happier.”
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