#what's that cyberpunk ass place called? heritage lost? i'm hoping that has something
echthr0s · 2 months
Still haven't finished Dawntrail. Half a month left on my sub, so I should probably get on that (I say, having spent 10 hours blazing through the latest Season in D3 for the past couple of days instead). I just miss the previous story so goddamn much and it's ruining my ability to judge this expansion on its own merits. I mean... Wuk Lamat is adorable. I do like Fantasy Central America so far, it's lovely. But I don't care. I'm waiting so very patiently for something to happen that will make me sit up and care, that will haunt me doggedly so I have to keep playing to find out what happens. Everything's so different now. Like Dayir and Ishan, my beloved now-retired WoLs, I don't feel like a part of this story anymore.
I'm trying to console myself with tenuous threads to story elements I care about -- for example, the idea that the character going on this New World adventure is a Halmarut shard -- but frankly I don't think any character of mine would do any of this stuff. I mean, the sidequest-y stuff, maybe. Sure, let's play Eorzean Anthropologist or whatever. But politics is rarely even remotely interesting to me, and this rite-of-succession thing just isn't compelling on that front. I just don't care.
Hopefully I'll finish this expansion before my sub runs out -- gonna try my best, anyway -- and hopefully I'll find that thing that will make me sit up and care, because I don't want to be bored with FFXIV. Not after all it's done for me.
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