#what's good coway?
urmingirl · 1 year
Jaljayo 🙃
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hopeinthebox · 2 years
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we all have our thing 🤷‍♂️
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A bunch of shorter ones today, but first!
We posted two top-centric hc lists yesterday, and I somehow completely forgot to mention Jack in either of them 🥳 I am so sorry to Jack Nation and to the goodest of boys himself, so at the end of this post there are hcs about him on both of the yesterday’s topics… (I’ll also add them to the respective posts, obviously)
This weird oopsie aside, here are the replies:
feverish-dove asked:
THANK YOUUUUUUUU♥️ i don’t think you realize how happy that made me. i love speedpaints but when an artist takes the time to break down what they did so i dont have to try (and usually fail) to do so myself it just goes brrrrrrr<3 im soooooo happy rn. you and katsu are awesome
You are so very welcome!! ♥️
I am very happy that the post was useful and any of my explanations were cohesive enough to understand something. And I really love talking about my art process, so thank you for your question!
Anonymous asked:
I just wanna say i'm in love with genderswap twst headcanons and arts... Thank you for sharing a full course meal-
You’re very welcome, Anon! I am super happy that you’re enjoying these. Like I’ve already said, drawing and writing these are a treat and a national holiday for me lol
Anonymous asked:
I’ll break Idia, you say? Well, I did always want to wreck him… 😏
Anonymous asked:
You can't tell me what to do 😠
I'm swallowing your art whole as you speak
Anons are misbehaving… Anons are getting wild 😳 breaking Idia left and right and not chewing stuff properly!
I love the chaos.
Anonymous asked:
I also have an Idia plush and he’s cheeked up.
His clothes sold out though so he’s naked. I put a Nagito jacket on him to hide his shame i.e. his butt.
Damn Anon this is even better though. Imagine Idia with a Nagito jacket barely covering his naked body. This image is doing something with my brain.
Anonymous asked:
HELP do you have any thoughts on azurido??? its been on my mind since i saw Floyd say Azul (probably) wouldnt mind keeping him as a pet for winter (?) break
Indeed, Anon, here is the tag!
Oh we love that line from Floyd lol This whole scene happens so fast and feeds us with so much stuff that it takes time to process.
Azul absolutely wouldn’t mind keeping him as a pet… it’s upsetting that Riddle probably wouldn’t be much of a help at the Lounge (the main reason for Azul to keep pets lol) but knowing how much Riddle’s existence wounds Azul’s precious ego? He would get super smug with Riddle temporarily being his lap cat. Or a little chihuahua.
Anonymous asked:
I’m not sure why but I would love the idea of Epel talking about how girls are weak and then getting his butt handed to him by a girl in Magical Shift. The competitive, tomboy in me would be grinning like a maniac.
Epel absolutely needs to have a girl kick his ass, and it’s weird that he even needs this to happen to realise that “girly” doesn’t mean “weak”; just look at his meemaw and how scary she can get. I’m sure Epel’s mom isn’t any better lol
Anonymous asked:
I had a sudden thoughts last night
So coway au
But it's just Riddle riding Floyd in a cowboy outfit
Thoughts? 👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
yeehaw 🤠
I wonder… if you two are the same Anon… maybe not. Maybe we just mentally entered a saloon somehow and now I am a sheriff.
To answer the first Anon, this would be insanely hot, and I feel like if Riddle is drunk out of his mind enough, he could do that. He wouldn’t succeed though, because riding a horse is one thing, but riding Floyd while being completely drunk is totally different lol But it’s the attempt that counts. Floyd is going to be very entertained either way. Or annoyed, you never know with him.
Alright, so JackJack hcs.
strap hcs for fem tops or if they even use them lol.
Jack could’ve been very good at it if someone made her use it, but I feel like she thinks that this is too obscene of a thing to do. It’s not like she’s prudish, but wearing a strap is a bit too far for her. Even though someone would probably look at her and think that it looked very good on her…
Based on that one post about the bottoms getting creamed up inside how would the tops react if their partners are demanding/begging for them to cum inside them?
Jack – he is probably the type to start thinking about pulling out when he starts to feel his knot growing, you know, being responsible and stuff, but if he hears his partner begging or demanding him to cum inside, his brain would shut down completely and he would go even deeper than before and fill his partner to the brim :( He would be very embarrassed of himself afterwards.
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separatist-apologist · 6 months
You know what. I am not surprise if people hate water. Because as a water lover, i have notice a huge different taste of water from different brand. My fav one has mineral in it and taste very good, some taste weird and it lean very far away from 'acidic' taste and taste kinda sour. But i have water filter at home. It is Coway, it is good but the hot water taste not my cup of water. Cuckcoo water filter brand is good too. If I am not mistaken this two brand are from Korea in case you are interested. However, please note this water filter brand filter almost everything out of the water and i read somewhere about the lack of minerals argument on this 2 brand.
My conclusion is, perhaps you dont like water because of the taste? I was suggesting btw since I notice the taste different. Happy Holiday
Anon, I appreciate this attempt at troubleshooting my refusal to drink a human amount of water on any given day. The problem isn't the taste, it's the lack of caffeine. It's just GOOD for you without ANY OTHER BENEFIT. I need my brain to be marinating in the go fast chemical or I will skid to a halt like a freight train slamming into a mountain side.
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pandemic-info · 2 years
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(via How to Use Ventilation and Air Purifiers to Reduce Your COVID-19 Risk | SELF)
SELF of all places. But it’s good info.
...it’s worth remembering that improving air quality is an easy and oft-overlooked way to help lower your chances of spreading COVID—or any harmful airborne particles or contaminants—when gathering indoors, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
To clean and filter indoor air, you have a few options, the first of which is investing in a portable air purifier.
What should I consider when purchasing an air purifier?
If you’re aiming to lower your COVID risk, it’s important to get a model that has a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. When used correctly, HEPA filters can capture more than 99% of airborne particles containing the COVID-19 virus, according to the CDC.
More filter recommendations in the article. The two pictured:
Coway Airmega HEPA Air Purifier (~$200)
Coway's air purifier is great for rooms up to 361 square feet in size and has a four-stage filter that includes HEPA filtration of up to 99.9% of super-fine particles like viruses, bacteria, mold, and more. Plus, it does not emit ozone.
Levoit Core 300 Air Purifier (~$100)
Another pick for small- to medium-size rooms is the ozone-free Levoit Core 300, which has a three-stage filtration system with a HEPA filter that captures 99.97% of 0.3-micron particles.
ASHRAE’s guidance suggests placing your air purifier in a spot where “its air intake is unobstructed by furniture and its outlet is able to move air as far as possible before being deflected or drawn into a return or exhaust grille” like a bathroom or kitchen fan. Dr. Bahnfleth says the key is to make sure air purifiers circulate clean air through the space, so don’t plug it in right next to a window or exhaust fan. Instead, put the air purifier in the middle of the room with clearance on all sides.
Ventilation can’t replace other precautions—especially masking.
In fact, wearing a mask in a room that also has an air purifier running dramatically lowers your risk of contracting COVID from a contagious person, even if they are not masked. 
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That's been the issue for a while now. Exhausting them with money making activities. Everything is about money and more money. Don't know how the 7 men feel about it. If I have to guess, they aren't happy. They might want on focus on music and dance and whatever their passion is. It's definitely not in building cookie kingdom. At least BP girls are ambassadors for big fashion brands. What do Bts get? Kitchen appliances and mobile games. Its sad.
I mean, I personally can't possible know if they're happy about it or not. How much do these deals contribute to their individual financial situation? Maybe they love to earn more money however that is possible or maybe they hate it because they need to do all these ads. But it's also a big deal in the industry to be the face of a brand. Perhaps they wouldn't mind getting involved in other businesses, apart from being idols, especially now when their daily activities will change, some are entering their 30s, doing military service. Priorities change, money do need to be invested and not just in real estate and luxury goods. Wasn't Jungkook already a creative director for his brother's brand? I mean, it become fairly obvious that he had prior experience when he designed that hoodie for the individual merch collection.
Ultimately, happy or not about brand deals, it's for them to know and for us to speculate.
Take Coway for example. It was bought and rebranded by Netmarble. The company is owned by Bang PD's cousin, Bang Junhyuk, who is also a major shareholder in Hybe. That explains why BTS are advertising home appliances, among others.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Have you seen this ? Looks like a jikook AU
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VMinKook poly AU anyone? In which they're varying types of frustrated young executives with excellent taste in housewares? Huh. Let's see....
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Jungkook is the young chaebol heir to the firm, closeted and engaged to the Coway CEO's beautiful but superficial daughter, played offscreen by Lalisa Manoban. Although they get along well enough as friends, Lisa is a little too focused on her pink-haired friend and Jungkook suspects he may be just as much a beard for her as she is turning out to be for him. His office is filling up with boxes of Coway swag, so he calls..
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His best friend Taehyung. Friends since their private elementary school days, Tae is rich, gorgeous, and everything a closeted gay man would want - but he's in love with the bespectacled hot VP of Acquisitions, Kim Namjoon. Always keeping an eye out for his friend Kookie, Tae brings the cutest new legal eagle in the counsel department, Park Jimin, to help him grab a few Coway appliances - a water softener, maybe an ice maker or an aromatherapy desk unit....
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Their eyes meet from across the cubicle-free conference room. "I thought lawyers wore ties," Jungkook smirks, poking his lip ring with his tongue. "Well, I thought chaebols were ugly and inbred, too, but you don't look like either of those things to me," Jimin shoots back, smiling into the biggest chocolate eyes he's ever seen. "Good day for shattering preconceptions, then," Jungkook says, swallowing his stutter and hoping his fingers aren't twitching with the want he feels rushing through his neurons and into his very skin. What must he do to get this beautiful, articulate man into his car? His bed? His forever?
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"I really like that Coway Noble water dispenser," Jimin nods. "It comes in three colors, I hear, and it looks like the latest model."
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"It's yours, if you'll have dinner with me," Jungkook says, a little surprised at his own shamelessness. "Are you busy tonight?" Jimin leans back against the opposite wall, eyeing his new boss up and down.
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"I'm not easily bought, Jungkook-ssi," he says archly. "But if I'm hungry later, I might let you feed me." ....
probably never to be continued...
Brought to you by Coway, appliances for your closet and your world. "It's only fiction until you believe it long enough for a diagnosis."
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Soothing myself with Jimin
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Ok, so my next question is, does everyone keep their multiple copies of albums or is there a way to offer them to someone or is that not a thing or what? They are unwrapped. I just need one copy. With these cards. Hmm, I might need to keep the Jungkook cards. What does everyone do with the cards they keep? Put them in photo albums?
So Kookie spent some time with us last night/this morning and it was great, he’s so sweet. His kitchen looks like no one lives there. If he had his family visiting I guess that makes sense that they would stay there, probably feels like an Airbnb. I guess that black appliance back there is a rice cooker. An expensive one.
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The man doesn’t even have proper wine glasses to drop his Coway filtered water ice cubes into to chill his beverage. And where was Bam? Are we even sure that was his very own kitchen even? Because if I was his neighbor and heard him noraebanging with the volume full blast through the wall at midnight I’d be pissed. GET OFF MY LAWN! I mean CUT THE CRAP! Damn kids.
Now I am gonna say something very American: I thought it was peculiar he claimed he’d make a great housewife because of the washing of the dishes...because it’s been quite a while that we’ve associated washing dishes with just housewives here in the United States. Unless you are of a certain age, we hardly even use the term housewife all that much anymore, we say “stay-at-home” or “doesn’t work outside the home” or some convoluted politically correct and unspecific gender terminology. I don’t know why. Cultural norms are weird. Not that there’s anything wrong with either housewife or stay-at-home dad/mom/stud/milf (or whatever). It just stuck out to me when I saw someone translate that he said that.
What he didn’t say was “househusband” which also might be something we'd say here in the U.S. because we’re just totally anal about being EQUAL. There’s nothing wrong with that either, just sayin’.
I also thought it was so Jungkook to not even attempt to shove his sleeves up his arms to get them out of the way when washing those bowls. WHO DOESN’T PUSH UP THEIR SLEEVES TO WASH DISHES???? I guess people who scatter mattresses randomly all over the house. (I hope mom and dad had fun sleeping on mattresses on the floor...) 
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I mean, when Coway showers you with mattresses, air purifiers, filtered water ice maker thingies and whatnot...you just do what you gotta, just scatter those suckers all over the place. Wouldn’t be surprised if that is all he has in his spacious residence that he doesn’t even live in regularly. 
I heard there were several translations of his mentions of the members’ “7″ tattoos and there’s a new round of bullshit about him not knowing the location of Jimin’s. I saw several translators say he listed off where Jin’s, Joon’s, Hobi’s were and then wasn’t specific for Jimin. And then I saw one translator write that Jungkook said he asked “and where is Jimin’s?” Does anyone have an accurate translation of that?  
If not, will have to wait for the english subs tomorrow I guess. And I’ll just put this here:
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I hate that Namjoon felt the need to rant on Weverse at all the crap the media and everyone else was throwing around about our Festa dinner. I know he took it so personally when he said they were using an image of him when he was breaking down emotionally. How humiliating. I want to just kick the shit out of everyone out there who made our Joon feel that way.
The main major fallout is the effect on the bottom line this has had on them and their company. There was no good way to go about it. They did it the only way they thought was right, and that was to tell us themselves in a very personal way. It was gut-wrenching for him (and all of them) to lay his heart out like that for us. That is what makes them different from any other artist. They are as open and as transparent as they are able to be with us. They know we are grown ups too with similar challenges we face in our lives. 
We may have sat there as if we were having a heart to heart talk but everyone else in the world just heard a few snippets and the word “hiatus” and “solo projects” and ran with it, turning it into “disbandment.” 
None of this has been easy for any of us. *Big sigh*
I am feeling better this evening. I know we still might have some rough waters in the next week or so. 
But hopefully we’ll see those music show performances somehow/somewhere. One of them is in about 9 hours I think? I can’t find the schedule now, I saw it a minute ago. 
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That’s all for this evening. Anyway, Park Jimin. 
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Was so happy to see jimin yesterday him been so happy and bubbly.like I had missed my baby so much. hope he will be more active too. Now I don't know if am thinking too much but It seems like nowadays jimin is disconnected from the group and feels like he's not that attentive to JK like he always is. The sub unit photoshoots we got of them both were so cute they are the power duo no doubt, but noticed jm was not interacting or looking at jk as am used to seeing him doing,it feels odd and weird to me,because jk eyes were all on jm in those shots but jm was not even returning a glance,😭jk brought him close by placing his hand on jms shoulder(cute) but even JM smile seemed forced,that half smile is not his genuine smile at all and it feels odd to watch him behave like that around jk..Also in recent moments that we get to see jm,its vmin been all cute and clingy soulmates even on yesterday vlive which is cute..looks like Vmin are on their soulmate agenda again.and jm has transferred his affection to his soulmate.and completely ignoring jk.it hurts seeing jk staring at jm only for jm to not spare him a glance. I want to believe jm was going thru alot with the recent happenings regarding his invasion of privacy,but he shouldnt be pushing the only pason that loves and cares for him away,i know people handle stress differently too so am fine and i will wait for my bubbly,happy jm to return,I need my jikook babies back.
I wanna feel sad but then again it's Jimin yous talking about🤣
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I wouldn't worry much bout him. A little quiet is actually good for him. He's awfully self aware lately and is mindful of what he says and do. He comes to work, kills it and runs back to shelter. Yes as mama told him. I don't think that's particularly a bad thing. Growth perhaps.
You know he asked V if his 40 million viewers were all army?? And in the coway ad he nudged Jk to get away from the cameras when they came prying. Kook was equally self conscious holding his hands.
I don't know who else they think is watching them but it's clear there is a gaze on them they aren't, he isn't particularly comfortable with. Jungkook has that nonchalant attitude going for him but Jimin can't seem to shake it off. I mean his laugh with Tae when he asked if all the people watching them were army was quite telling. Too bad, one word and I'd obliterate any unwanted gaze in our midst. No one will know who did it.
I don't think he has an avoidant personality all through. Quite the opposite. He reaches for people to soothe when he is distressed. Which can be a sign of codependency might i say. He'd call someone to talk or get drinks with. frankly I'd say confronting himself and his thoughts all alone scares him abit as he's mentioned before. He is not an introvert. He said he'd changed from being unable to be by himself to prefering to be alone these days but yet his test results still spells out extrovert.
Seems counterintuitive for him to push his intimate partner away in such a time he might need em the most. Doesn't sound like the Jimin who sat Kook down to tell him he was feeling hella lonely.
And we've heard BTS and Jimin himself talk about how Kook is the one who shuts everyone out in times they were going through it. He's an introvert.
Introverts like to be in our minds, do tons of introspection, and frankly prefer our own company than most most times especially when we have things on our mind.
As long as Jungkook don't look like he's allergic to the air that he breathes because of Jimin or that an elephant sat on his chest as Jimin frolicks around with his imaginary rivals I'm good🤧
And I don't know about Vmin...
They have their own dynamic and it is in no way shape or form comparable to or in competition with Jikook.
Unless they are in a toxic codependent relationship, having friends outside of eachother is pretty normal, ideal and recommended. Jimin cannot fulfill all of Jungkook's emotional needs and Jungkook cannot fulfill all of Jimin's emotional needs. If they did that would be very very toxic and unsustainable cos they each would be overwhelming the other and exhausting themselves out emotionally constantly.
In a healthy relationship both partners ought to create a safe environment for the partners to not only heal their traumas but confront them and address them in a wholesome manner by encouraging eachother to learn to form healthy attachments outside of eachother- to friends, family, hobbies etc as humans by our very nature are social beings.
If Vmin are bonding it's not unusual at all. If Taekook are bonding I'd raise my brow a little bit💀 but even that I'd still think it's healthy and ten outta ten would recommend.
i felt a bit uncomfortable myself watching their unit photoshoot but i think it's because they were being asked to Jikook on demand as if their relationship is a commodity and performance to sell and entertainment others. I hate fanservice. But don't stop hybe🤧🤧🤧
If you have to tell Jungkook to put his arms around Jimin or look into his eyes- uhmmm not to be that guy but i don't like that kind of fanservice. Take it away. Their organic candid interactions- sign me up anyday and drop the bill. I'll grab it and smack it.
If he wasn't looking at Kook like he uses to- during a photoshoot- it's probably because that wasn't in the concept brief for them to be looking at each other for that photoshoot💀💀💀
I'm sure if it was part of the concept he would have jumped into his arms even😊
My man whipped up his bandana like a 70s pimp like he wasn't playing he was serving looks, firm, intoxicating, classic hood style. Babe, what babe. Gay, what gay? Honey Jiminelly 50cent takes his job pretty seriously-
But I guess the director thought a little skinship was necessary in the end for a fun playful vibe. The others were given similar directions too.
Jimin works for a living and he is damn good at his Job and when he's all serious like that earning his coins we should cut him some slack. Not everything he does is about his relationship. The context matter.
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sometimes he finna channel his inner zendaya and that's okay too.
Not all their interactions are organic. Id say this is one such inorganic fanservice moment. It doesn't mean much to me honestly whether he returns the gesture or not. What matters to me is they have great onscreen chemistry and still sold that power couple look. Jimin looked sleek and delicious i love his face bone structure and yelled daddy more times than i could count.
Still sticky and tingly whew
It's pride month yall. Leave the angst at hme
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speak of pride, should I post an analysis on Ko-fi or here🤔
I have 800 plus blog posts on here so I'm trying to pace yall. I talk too much😓
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Ask: Reply - 2021.04.16
Time to answer some more of your questions. I have a lot this time, and still a lot left I’ll have to save to another post. You are all very good at being curious and asking interesting questions. There are also some asks that are replies to old asks, and then I’ll include the link to the referenced post.
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This time the topics will be:
Ask 1 - About KTH1 and expectations Ask 2 - KTH1 spoiler with “Oh lady” Ask 3 - Vminies getting superiority complex Ask 4 - Not dismissing the bond between Vmin and the other boys Ask 5 - Other people’s words can influence your thoughts Ask 6 - Vmin not sharing rooms in Bon Voyage Malta Ask 7 - Has being a Vmin shipper always been so overwhelming with all the content? Ask 8 - “Just a friend” interview Ask 9 - The garnet necklace Ask 10 - Vmin in CMs Ask 11 - Taehyung uncomfortable about shipping/tae*kook? Ask 12 - What did Jimin write on his shirt in Run ep. 53? Ask 13 - Gina Maeng ask follow up Ask 14 - Vmin’s love is beautiful (and so much nice praise omg)
Today’s post is a long one... Enjoy!
Ask 1 - About KTH1 and expectations
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Ok, so I did write a shit post about this... (I mean… This is literally all Vmin’s songs so far ), but I still think your questions are worth a proper answer.
Honestly I think speculating about KTH1 is kind of hard, and as seen in the shit post I am quite torn with my expectations... In general I am the type who doesn’t like to expect too much in fear of being disappointed. I rather be pleasantly surprised. That being said Vmin does have a track record of getting involved in each other’s songs. I mean a lot is just speculation of course, but we do have confirmed cases as well, enough to not be too surprised if they would keep it up and do something for Tae’s solo album as well. (Tae saying his mixtape would be named Jimin back in 2016 still haunts me.)
On the other hand, they have already given us a lot of collabs. Adding more would feel more like a statement, at least if it would be only Jimin out of the members on that album. The thing is that if Vmin would have something “real” or at least if they are a bit careful with how they come across... I am not sure they would do something too “obvious”. But where such a line would be drawn is impossible to know. I mean clearly they managed to write and sing Friends and it worked fine, even if they did get more attention as a ship.
We also know Tae has been quite loud about Jimin in ways that single him out, so maybe they would really dare push the boundaries as far as actually including Jimin in the album somehow. It’s also very possible there could be other members, and honestly we probably shouldn’t hyper focus too much on it and that it has to mean something no matter if anyone is on it or not.
I think one of the rappers being on it is probably more likely out of the members, but it seems Tae has shown an interest in collabs with people outside of BTS, so that’s kind of what I am expecting the most. No matter who in the group is on it I am sure fans will make a big deal out of it, and maybe Tae would rather have his own thing for his first album. I really don’t know how his thoughts would go.
But again, looking at how Tae and Jimin has talked about working together, and have had moments like Tae promising Jimin a song or Tae saying they will work together again... It’s definitely not impossible to get another Vmin song. I do feel it’s more likely for any connections to be vague and not instantly noticeable though (at least not anything romantic looking because we know what happened to the Christmas song). Especially considering how they have only recently revealed things like 4 clock’s inspiration more openly and had Friends followed by Sweet Night. My main stance for any possible real ship is still that they have reason to be careful, and yet another Vmin collab, on Taehyung’s first personal album would probably raise some eyebrows considering everything else we already have. But it could also be me over analyzing them, and maybe they just really like and want to work together. Tae for sure has after all been vocal about this preference and want to work with Jimin.
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So yeah, on one hand they have a track record that is hard to ignore... But on the other I wonder if they might want to add another “point” for ARMY to look at them and their songs. I also don’t want to assume that if there are songs on there that sound romantic that they automatically will be about Jimin. There will have to be legit possible connections for me to acknowledge them.
It’s tricky. I guess we will have to wait and see. I am kind of scared both that there won’t be anything or that there will be SOMETHING. Thank you for the ask, and I hope I shed some light on my thoughts on this subject. Either way I am very excited and looking forward to an album full of Taehyung’s own songs and the stories he wants to tell.
Ask 2 - KTH1 spoiler with “Oh lady”
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I am not sure it is “lady”, since it’s a bit unclear in general. He also has a part that just seems to go “do be do” and I don’t know if the lyrics are even finished or if he worked with someone else etc. We basically lack a lot of information. But even so using lady/her/she etc. in a song doesn’t have to mean it is about a specific person or that the person is a she or that it is Taehyung’s own feelings (I know he said he usually sings about things he have felt, but just saying it doesn’t always have to be). 
Of course I don’t want to downplay it and say it doesn’t mean anything, but considering their fanbase is majority women, they live in a homophobic country and he has even been denied to sing a romantic song with a man before, it’s not impossible to add that to make it more “relatable” or less “gay”. God, that sounds terrible. I don’t want to start discussions where we don’t take their words for what they are, so I hope you might understand my point of view. That being said of course it could just as easily be to or about a specific woman in his life that we don’t know about. Or as you say, he isn’t actually in love but is simply writing love songs that could be inspired by non-romantic relationships or movies etc. as was the case for his inspiration for Winter Bear.
Tae also used “she” in Winter Bear, and that seems a bit forgotten. Or people try to say it has to be about his grandmother... Which we obviously don’t know, it’s just the woman people jump to since he used “she” and many people don’t like the idea of him dating a woman or writing about a woman we don’t know. Either way I think we need to remember that anything is possible and we don’t know them personally and how they think or why they choose to do what they do.
I think we need to remember that there is always going to be the possibility that ships aren’t real, that the romantic songs aren’t about Jimin and that either one of them could be in a relationship with someone else (all genders included).
Ask 3 - Vminies getting superiority complex
Hello! I want to address something that has been bothering me for a while now. I have been seeing some vminnies have a superiority complex just bcoz they ship vmin. Its very rampant among new vminnies and twt vminnies. I get that we all feel validated and happy when out OTP claim to be soulmates and bff. I feel that way too. But people have to remember that vmin are real people and their relationship is dynamic. Like they did grow from bff who used to tease e/o and fight alot to soulmates who are gentle and caring. Who is to say that one day they wont drift apart (i hope not and dont think thats gonna happen but for argument sake) so there is no reason to feel superior or look down on other shippers. 
If people think vminnies are superior bcoz they are not toxic they probably know they are lying. Lbr i have seen my share of toxic vminnies though may be a lesser number but they are there and its not the ship but its that particular person who is at fault. While i agree that some ship theories cultivate hate and toxicity there may be people among those ships who are just as sane and good as we claim to be. I just wanted to address this bcoz seeing some vminnies on twt saying locals thinking vmin were tgt after coway add is a validation kind of triggered me. I m sure there would have been similar responses to any other ship bcoz they all have been tgt for a decade and are very comfortable with e/o. I just wanted to talk to someone about this and i know you have discussed similar topics in the past. So yeah this was very long.
First of all, on request I won’t show your name, but thank you for sending me this and letting me know who you are. It’s always nice to know who is behind the question. But that being said I don’t mind people asking on anon, I totally get it being a lot easier to ask or question things when you don’t have to reveal yourself. Either way I am just glad to get interesting and important topics and I do think the things you bring up are worth talking about.
As you say, there is this thing when people start to feel and act superior for various reasons, and I too have seen some Vminies do this. Getting a lot of moments is sure nice. But honestly, just imagine if another ship came and mocked Vmin or gloated every time they got more moments. It has surely happened too, and I am sure it doesn’t feel very nice when on the negative end. Just be a decent human, ship moments will always vary and it’s great to be happy about getting moments, but there is no need to compare or look down on other ships. I say it again, shipping is not a competition, just enjoy your own ship and let others enjoy theirs.
As for feelings superior based on group behavior I think we really need to stop looking at groups and start looking at individuals, both when it comes to groups we are part of and groups we consider “bad”. I have said it many times, but individuals of other groups we don’t agree with won’t all be bad, or all stupid or young etc. We might want to tell ourselves they are worse, but it really doesn’t change much. 
Being “less bad” it not a merit and it shouldn’t be a competition. We all have our own selves to answer to and we should judge other people based on their actions and not based on what group they might belong to.
I think size and the toxicity of a narrative can lead to more people in certain groups behaving in toxic ways... But I think any person could happen to fall into these behaviors if not careful and aware. Often the change is gradual too, or you feel attacked by the other “rival group” and thus feel it’s justified to attack back, and so it escalates.
Vminies are at the moment as a group smaller, and thus have less “bad apples”. We likely also have a narrative for Vmin that doesn’t require as toxic mindsets, for example extreme jealousy or Vmin being forced to hide. But there for sure are still toxic Vminies, and there are also a lot of non-toxic shippers in all groups. Usually the louder ones are also the worst ones while the chill and nice will remain in their own lane and ship more peacefully. But being part of a smaller group doesn’t make you superior, your actions is what is important.
As for small moments getting noticed or other types of “validation” for your ship, of course it’s going to feel nice. However, what people see and think of any relationship in BTS is still just an outsider view and literally has no meaning for their actual relationship beyond it being a cute moment. That’s why size and popularity also doesn’t matter as any kind of “proof”. Interpretation will always just be interpretation, good or bad, if you like it or not.
Sadly I think we will get more and more toxic behavior from more ships as the fandom grows and as some things get more normalized within those ships’ communities. It’s about certain behaviors growing into a community culture... The more toxicity that is allowed the more others will follow. That’s why bringing up the problems is important, but trying to do so without shunning people so that they don’t go and create their own space where everyone else is the enemy. After all, being open and welcoming and understanding is much more likely to make someone listen and even change their mind than by attacking them.
I answer for my own actions. So does every person. I don’t want to be judged for everything every Vminie or ARMY or Multi K-pop fan etc. has done. Generalization is a huge problem in general, not just in fandoms or ship wars. I do try to be a positive influence, to not judge too harshly and to remember that being hostile won’t help any situation. But that’s about it. I am glad you brought up this topic, because talking about it is important, but sadly I don’t think there is a lot that can be done about it. Just try to be nice and open minded.
Thank you for the ask, I hope you all understood what I wanted to say.
Ask 4 - Not dismissing the bond between Vmin and the other boys
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Thank you. I really see no need for it. It’s clear as day that they all love each other, and even if one pair would happen to be romantic instead of platonic that won’t change. We don’t have to compare and we definitely don’t have to downplay the moments they share with each other. All shippers should at the very least accept the the things they do and say as mostly genuine. I trust BTS and what they show us, it’s that easy.
I know some also get influenced by toxic fans, but we really need to remember that no narratives by fans matter when it comes to reality and what bonds BTS share with each other. They are all great people and seem to have such love and respect for each other I frankly don’t understand how you can be a fan if you think any of it is played up to the point some claim.
Likely no ship in BTS is real, but if any is, to me I am sure the ones involved would be happy and supported by the rest of the members. That’s why it doesn’t really matter what ship would be real or not real as long as they are happy. We shouldn’t let our own views and sometimes want or hopes affect the way be judge their reality. This applies for things outside shipping as well.
Thank you for your kind words. :)
Ask 5 - Other people’s words can influence your thoughts
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Indeed. The brain is a powerful thing. This is very obvious if you are a multi-shipper or a general fan, but BTS truly has a lot of questionable moments between all kinds of pairs. Focus is a interesting thing. If you like something you will notice it more, and you will also remember it more while you forget other moments. Likewise if something is “negative” like a rival ship you are likely to notice them more as well. This happens even if you just watch the general content and get your own bias. Imagine then how it might influence you when others keep repeating either your happy interpretations or things you worry about? You’ll get it stuck in your head and remember it more than other things.
Like isn’t it funny how we might gush about Vmin sharing beds, or worry about ji/kook or tae/kook cuddling while hope/kook literally sleep wrapped around each other in both Bon Voyage 3 and 4? Sometimes it’s all about perspective.
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By now we need to realize that fan perspective will influence us a lot. And in particular if a lot of people say it or if it is presented in a way that makes it sound logical and intelligent. Words have power. 
I still think using “Vmin is dead” or spreading worry often in itself leads to people thinking it and it being somehow accepted as fact. In similar fashion getting to hear about certain ships or certain narratives will make us notice things in relation to that. My own words and posts too will have influence on some people that read them. That’s why I try to be so careful, and why I try to avoid using strong words or claims that might cement themselves in someone’s mind. (I’ll actually talk more about the power of language in my big analysis as well)
Thank you for your input, it’s definitely an interesting thing to consider and another aspect of why shipping mentality is so complicated. 
Ask 6 - Vmin not sharing rooms in Bon Voyage Malta
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Hi and yes, I have answered this before HERE, but it’s ok. I know it’s not easy finding old topics amongst my collection posts.
Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN Collection of asks 2 - BTSandVMIN Collection of asks 3 - BTSandVMIN
In short I think Vmin wanted to share rooms but that Taehyung got fooled when Jimin stopped him from checking the upper room. Because it seemed like Jimin stopped him from walking into that room by saying he couldn’t peak Tae probably assumed it wasn’t Jimin’s room and that when Jimin said it was his room he was joking (his face was definitely something). So yeah, I think he just got fooled by Jimin’s statement about not being allowed to look inside the room before picking. There are other interesting things about this whole moment, but the one thing we should take away from it is how it is one out of now many examples that seem to show that Vmin have a preference to share rooms/beds. Thank you for the ask. :)
Ask 7 - Has being a Vmin shipper always been so overwhelming with all the content?
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I wouldn’t say it’s something recent. I say it often, but we really do get very intense periods from time to time with many of the ships. For example in February 2017 with ISAC, fan signs and everything else we got a lot of Vmin too. I remember being overwhelmed myself, and that was coming out of BST era Vmin. We got many moments every day and that’s just one specific period I can remember. 
 Over the years sometimes we do get these very intense days or weeks with a lot of moments at once. Usually I get asks like “do you think something is up with Vmin lately” or “wow I can’t believe how much Vmin we have gotten lately” but really, it’s hard to tell, because it really does happen from time to time. I also still say we always get Vmin moments regularly as long as we get BTS content, but sometimes a bit more and sometimes less. I am sure there will be more times when we also get “Vmin is dead“ and worried people because we get less moments than they expect. It just happens, up and down and around it goes.
As for what ships are big I will definitely say Ji/kook and Tae/kook are the biggest, but that all BTS ships are big by now. Meaning as soon as we do get moments it will be seen online. Especially if you follow people who talk about it of course. I also think what platform you are on can result in some ships being seen more than others. For example I know ji/kook is by far the biggest BTS ship here on Tumblr while Youtube seems to have more tae/kookers.
Thank you for the ask. Let’s hope Vmin keeps overwhelming us. (But let’s not start to worry if they don’t) ;)
Ask 8 - “Just a friend” interview
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Ah yes, I have a bit of a soft spot for this interview myself. I am not sure, but I think it might be from 2017 (since Tae wrote a birthday letter to Jimin in 2016), or at least that’s when I found it and saved it down. I haven’t actually tracked the original source. You can find the translation in the link shared HERE, credits to @95z​.
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Seeing this close after the chaos of Let’s BTS and other letter confessions it really does seem very cringe for them to express sincere thoughts in these more formal ways. I can’t blame them. 
I do think this interview is yet another example of how much Vmin has tried to adapt to each other, learn and be more open with expressing how they feel. They literally inspire and learn from each other in how to express themselves. Isn’t it completely endearing? 
I also love how they get each other to feel strong emotions and how they are there for each other when in need. On a slightly more analytical note I also can’t help but note the “just a friend” vs “soulmate” descriptions and how they seem to have a hard time putting it into proper words. We already know this of course, but yeah... They really don’t have an easy time describing their relationship.
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Thank you so much for sharing this moment. I was going to talk about it in my big analysis anyways, but honestly I can’t save everything for it, and you mentioned it so who am I to keep it to myself.
Ask 9 - The garnet necklace
Oh yeah, I know that JK wore it once and that the talk was that a fan gave it to all of maknae line. Not much was ever confirmed from what I know, but regardless it doesn’t change why I think it’s a Vmin/soulmate necklace and why I see it as special.
Here is the thing, when I use “Vmin thing” it really doesn’t have to be exclusive. To me it’s the context around it and how they have used it and even reacted to it that makes the garnet necklace something special for Vmin. In the case of the soulmate necklace Vmin wore it a lot. Almost constantly during a big part of 2017 and even a bit into 2018. They also wore it at the same time a lot. I find this very cute, and we all know “couple items” is something all fans enjoy even if it would just be a platonic relationship behind it. But if both of them wearing it was all there was, as a lot of Vmin sharing clothes (or BTS in general sharing clothes) I wouldn’t really think too much about it beyond it being cute. It could still be just a cute thing that Vmin did, but I personally see it as something beyond the normal clothes/jewelry sharing.
(At the very least you can remember Vmin did this while people thought their relationship was dead, which doesn’t make much sense to do if you hate or dislike someone.)
The things I find more noteworthy about this necklace is the fact that the fandom picked up on it and because they wore it so much and so often at the same time it was dubbed the “soulmate necklace”. Possibly knowing this Tae also brought specific attention to the necklace at two times, as if wanting to show it off. Interestingly enough, in one of these times Jimin seemed to ignore Taehyung who was bringing attention to it on purpose. For me it came across as another thing Taehyung wanted to show off and that Jimin was a bit more careful about. 
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Of course I could have read it wrong, maybe Jimin just misunderstood. But even so, Tae did bring attention to it in specific relation to Jimin. You can watch the clip HERE. (BTS Tell Us What They Love About Each Other & An Update On Tony & Nate From America Hustle Life) 
The other time was in Run ep. 39, right after Vmin talked about being in school together and showing off their school uniforms. If Tae is the one to try and highlight something, I feel it likely has some meaning to him at least.
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Either way the necklace is basically a symbol of Vmin’s relationship and the fact that they liked it so much and wore it together during a long period I think they liked wearing it not only because they both happened to like the design but because they both had it. If JK also had one and didn’t use it of course it could include him, but I will still say it remains significant for Vmin’s bond with each other.
As for buying a necklace together they haven’t talked about this one in particular, but Tae did mention he bought his tiger necklace with Jimin in NY, so maybe you are mixing the two things up?
Ask 10 - Vmin in CMs
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Thank you for loving my blog and for the ask! :) I am not sure if you perhaps meant in a lot of BTS own photoshoots/units as well, but I’ll focus on CMs in this post since that was your direct example. I might go a bit beyond here, but I saw it as a good chance to revisit some Vmin ad moments.
I wouldn’t personally say we have gotten “way more” but I do think because of their Friends unit they got to do some more interviews together and some CM stuff too. I also think we have gotten more BTS commercials in general now, likely because it’s an income alternative to touring during the pandemic. So that obviously means more CMs, and more chances for them to be paired up. They also have gotten paired with others of course (like in the Bodyfriend CM or Baskin Robbins), but most commonly they aren’t divided in smaller groups at all.
We also have gotten Vmin paired up before, both in photoshoots and in CMs. Of course we saw some great ones in 2016 with Puma and NUGU, but I don’t think we got that much more in 2016 and before than in 2017-2019. I think what we can see is BTS having more endorsements after Covid.
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Like honestly, the Puma adds are iconic. Of course the original one, but also the revisits from 2018. Puma definitely seemed to like to pair Vmin in particular. (There are so many good examples from Puma that I’m not including)
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We also got a snippet in the Hyundai one, also from 2018.
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Another snippet from the Coconut Chicken ad from 2017.
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I mean, I don’t know if I should count the snippets at all, like from BTS x VT cosmetics in 2019, but I feel sometimes just being seen in the same frame seems to get attention as being paired up so. (I decided to not include being together when it’s at least a third member in the frame)
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And guys... Have you ever watched BTS and the milk song?
What did we get so far more recently? In 2020 we had the Hyundai interview.
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And the hyundai #PositiveEnergyChallenge
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Fila provided a nice one, also from 2020.
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Samsung gave us a snippet recently.
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Coway was basically couple goals and like the best one in my own opinion (besides Puma because it is going to take a lot to beat Puma).
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But other than that? I don’t think we have seen it that much, have we? I am not complaining or anything, like I am happy with what we got, but I don’t know if it’s that much. I might forget some obvious ones, but these were the ones I had top of mind. Feel free to add ads if you can think of more recent ones that I left out.
So I think we have gotten more BTS ads in general, also more where they are not all of them or single focus, and that we have seen maybe Vmin getting paired a little more after Friends. But to me there is such a small difference I can’t really say if it is anything particular to Vmin or just BTS doing more CMs.
I mean, I don’t have a sheet of who has been paired with who and how many times over the years. But either way I don’t think we should look too deeply into things like CMs or even photoshoots units. Thanks for the ask though, I hope you enjoyed this mini collection. :)
Ask 11 - Taehyung uncomfortable about shipping/tae*kook?
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So this is a thought sent in after THIS ASK though it really brings up a new subject, which is that of Tae possibly being uncomfortable with shipping. As for Tae saying that to a tae/kooker in particular I think we have to remember it could very easily just have been in the moment and we can’t know why he decided to reply to that person in particular.
The Vmin post was not invasive and it wasn’t romantic. I mean, I do think Tae keeps showing again and again that if there is any person in BTS that is special to him it’s Jimin. But the difference in the posts also likely matters, but we can’t know how much. We don’t know if Tae would feel annoyed if a Vminie wrote the same thing as the tae/kooker did, and we don’t know if it was just in that moment that he got fed up with the shipping discourse in general, or if it was because it was tae/kook.
Honestly any shipper, regardless if a ship would eventually prove to be real or not, should not go and invade spaces where the boys get exposed to it. We don’t know if Taehyung would have reacted in a similar way if it happened to be another ship.
Personally I don’t think tae/kook drifted apart as a result of shipping, because honestly they still kept being pretty intimate physically and engaged in fanservice on stage etc. If they truly were uncomfortable with the idea I just don’t think they would “feed it” much at all. I think as they said in ITS they just, kind of changed and it became harder to talk. I’ve talked more about tae/kook and my views on their bond in THIS POST and a little in THIS POST as well as about BTS possible stance on shipping HERE.
I also think all of BTS has a pretty good distance from hate and fandom speculations in general. I think that because they know about shipping and partly also feed into it they probably expect crazy people to some degree as well, even if they probably don’t like it. Hetero shippers as well, or solo stans etc. have very toxic behaviors at times, but I think BTS can recognize that it is kind of “bound to happen” with their popularity, no matter what they do about it. Not saying they would like it, and they could definitely feel awkward or annoyed because of it, but it doesn’t seem to bother them too much as I think they can detach themselves from it pretty well.
I also think “fan opinions” in form of rival shipping wouldn’t really harm a hidden couple as it first would likely be a sort of “shield” and second because they have their relationships and are likely comfortable with them on their own terms. What fans think is probably secondary.
It is possible that they could get annoyed or frustrated at times, but again, if they truly felt bothered by it they probably wouldn’t do a lot of the things they do. Because I am sure they are aware to some degree that fans scrutinize their every move and ship moments. Both Tae and Jimin are some of the most physical out of the members, and also some of the members that seem to like to initiate fanservice moments... So I doubt they would have much problem and can feel secure enough in their relationship no matter what fans think.
Ask 12 - What did Jimin write on his shirt in Run ep. 53?
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Hi, I guess you got curious after I talked about this episode recently in my post Ask: Reply - 2021.03.30 (Ask 8 - Going down the rabbit hole, micromoments and shipping vs believing).
I don’t know hangul, but I do know what “Jimin” looks like. On Jimin’s shirt from behind the scenes of Run ep. 53 you can see he’s written his own name “지민” Jimin followed by what looks to be “ 님 “ which is nim. So basically the text on the container in the picture says Sir Jimin.
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Jimin seemed very keen on writing his name on both his own shirt and on Tae’s and even tried on JK’s. He failed of course, but he sure did try. 
Thank you for the ask, and isn’t Tae cute?
Ask 13 - Gina Maeng ask follow up
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Glad you liked my reply. :) (From Ask: Reply - 2021.03.30  Ask 4 - Idols dating members of the same group). Yeah I get what you mean, talking about it openly I suppose isn’t so normal. But since it seems to be more and more fans who assume it happens to some degree maybe it’s not so strange if it starts getting more talked about as well. I’ll take it as a good sign, even if the information is nothing new in itself, being more open is going to make it easier for fans to realize it’s possible for their idols to be LGBT+ or have hidden relationships.
As for K-Population it doesn’t seem to be too well known, but it’s one of few actual examples to be found. So yeah, interesting that we know it has happened, and also that it shows what risks it could mean to get involved with a group member. I think the risk of a falling out is something a lot of shippers tend to forget. Anyways, thank you for your reply. ^_^
Ask 14 - Vmin’s love is beautiful (and so much nice praise omg)
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Oh my... I am not sure I have ever been called sweetheart by anyone ever before. Thank you! You are making me blush with all the praise.  💜💜💜
But really, we can all just watch Vmin in awe and be happy they have each other and feel such immense love for each other, no matter what that love is. It’s kind of amazing. Like even if they are platonic their relationship is so wholesome and they put so much love and effort into it that it’s truly inspirational. I love when we get bombed with moments like this with a very intense period of great Vmin interactions. As you, me too never fail to feel all soft watching them together.
95z is love and what a love they share. Truly wonderful. 💜
You take care too, and really, thank you so much for this lovely message. it means a lot and is very heartwarming.
And with that sweet ask I’ll end the post. There was a lot of very different questions and I feel I could have written more about many of them, but alas I need to remember I can’t write full essays on everything or I would never get anything posted. Thank you all for reading and I hope you found my thoughts and speculations interesting. ^-^
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minzbins · 3 years
✨ BEST OF 2021 ✨ post your favorite or most popular posts from each month this year!
🏷 TAGGED BY @gimbapchefs, @jimmeo-kookliet, @hyunsung, @loversmore and @jiminswn - thank you so much for tagging me 💜
🥰 THANK YOU SO, SOOOOO MUCH FOR THIS YEAR, EVERYONE! this blog actually turned exactly 10 months yesterday (24th), so it feels a bit special for me to do this now 🥺 it’s been A Year to say the least, but i’m so so happy to be hear in all the fandoms i’m in right now. thank you to everyone who has made this year special, to everyone who has interacted with my posts or me in any way, and an extra big thank you to all the friends i have made so far! i can’t wait to see what 2022 brings us! i wish you all a very happy holidays and i hope you get a good start to the new year as well 💜
JANUARY FAVOURITE:  – MOST POPULAR:  – – didn’t make any posts on this blog as it didn’t exist yet.
FEBRUARY FAVOURITE:  one happy smiley boy 💙 jungkook vlive, 27th feb 2021 MOST POPULAR:  one boy and his strawberry 🍓 (110 notes)
MARCH FAVOURITE:  BTS + BE-LOGS (1.3k) MOST POPULAR:  shhh, they’re sleeping 😴
APRIL FAVOURITE:  BTS | FILM OUT MV | 21.04.02 – special mentions: this yoongi set and this hobi set MOST POPULAR:  team holding hands 🥺💕 (3.2k)
MAY FAVOURITE:  bts x coway | making film – special mentions: this tae set, this jin set, this yoongi set and this tae set MOST POPULAR:  happy playful boys 🥺 (1.8k)
JUNE FAVOURITE:  this yoongi set with too long of a caption – special mentions: this ot7 set and this joon set MOST POPULAR:  black swan: 2020 mma vs dance practice (4.1k) (also my top post of the year!)
JULY FAVOURITE:  Feel the rythmn of your heart. What do you hear? – special mentions: this ot7 set and this yoongi set MOST POPULAR:  he looks so good 😫 (4.1k)
AUGUST FAVOURITE:  how cute is he?! 🥺😭 – special mention: this joon set and this jimin set MOST POPULAR:  Jimin’s way of comforting Jungkook 🥺 (3.2k)
SEPTEMBER FAVOURITE:  when the food is so good it makes you angry – special mention: this yoongi set and this young k (day6) set MOST POPULAR:  he looks so soft 🥺 (2.4k)
OCTOBER FAVOURITE:  vampire vibes~ – special mentions: this minho (skz) set, this yoongi set, this young k (day6) set, this taegi set and this minho (skz) set MOST POPULAR:  BTS @ THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS 2021 RED CARPET (3.3k)
NOVEMBER FAVOURITE: KEY x DON’T CALL ME STAGES – special mentions: this jimin set, this yoongi set, this hobi set, this tae set and this skz ot8 set MOST POPULAR:  taejin 😆🤟 (1.9k)
DECEMBER FAVOURITE:  HYUNJIN x 24 TO 25 – special mentions: this ateez ot8 set, this jimin set and this minho (skz) set MOST POPULAR:  TAEHYUNG VIA INSTAGRAM STORIES 211216 (1.3k)
💜 TAGGING  @bangzchan, @kimtaehyunq, @kimtaegis, @intokook, @taetheists, @taeunwoo (no pressure to do it if you don’t want to! and also sorry if any of you have already been tagged!)
10 notes · View notes
annie-leonhurt-blog · 5 years
The Top Air Purifiers for 2019 Find the Best Home Air Purifier Quick & Easy
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Acquaint yourself with these short definitions.
HEPA Filter – This sort of channel is thick and traps 99.97% of the littlest estimated particles (o.3 microns).
Carbon Filter – This channel retains scents brought about by pets, cooking, shape, synthetic concoctions, and different things that produce smells inside the home.
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With this gadget you're getting:
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Carbon Filter – For taking out scents, gases and synthetic vapors
Altered Filter – Choose between improved germ protection, poison retention, pet sensitivities, or smell disposal to suit your particular needs.
Particle Generator – For thumping airborne contaminants out the air so they don't finish up in your lungs
Moreover, Rabbit Air enables you to tweak the front board with different two hues and various plans. Pick between white or dark, or pick a creative plan that makes it mix into your room like a bit of craftsmanship. It can likewise remain solitary on the floor or hold tight a divider utilizing a mounting section.
It covers one of the biggest territories as well, up to 700 sq. ft.
We'll be straightforward, be that as it may, this is one of the more exorbitant air purifiers out there. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you can manage the cost of it you'll have the freshest air conceivable to inhale inside your home.
top air purifiers by Levoit LV-PUR131#2) Levoit LV-PUR131 Air Purifier
This Levoit air purifier is a top merchant a seemingly endless amount of time after month and is ideal for any individual who needs to clean medium to enormous size rooms.
This is an incredible gadget for use at home or in an office setting.
What makes it such an appealing model is the 3-arrange air filtration framework. While it's not as cutting edge as our #1 pick, it includes the most fundamental channels.
Genuine HEPA Filter
Carbon Filter
This item likewise offers three methods of activity:
Programmed mode will modify the fan accelerate or down contingent upon the quantity of poisons recognized noticeable all around. Manual mode enables you to supersede this setting and keep it on one speed. What's more, rest mode guarantees that the air purifier doesn't kick into high apparatus so it won't aggravate you while you're dozing.
With respect to region inclusion, it can decontaminate a space up to 322 sq. ft. (A littler compact model is additionally accessible that covers 86 sq. ft.)
Another item that keeps on garnish our best air purifiers list is this Coway gadget directly here.
What makes it so exceedingly appraised?
First of all, the 4-organize air cleaning framework which incorporates:
Genuine HEPA Filter
Carbon Filter
Furthermore, it has an Eco mode which is a champion component that no other item available employments.
Eco mode detects when the air is spotless and kills the air cleaner complete to boost vitality funds. Different items will drop to their most minimal fan setting. At the point when dirtied air is identified it walks out on once more.
Third, you can pick between two shading choices: dark or white.
Lastly, it's an amazing air cleaner for residue, allergens, form, microorganisms, and family unit smells and can deal with a room up to 360 sq. ft.
At the cost, we think of it as the best esteem air purifier you can purchase
Honeywell HPA300#4) Honeywell HPA300 Allergen Remover
Do you experience the ill effects of hypersensitivities and need long haul help? On the off chance that you do, at that point you'll need to investigate this air decontaminating machine.
Since Honeywell is the top suggested brand by allergists and it's a standout amongst the best home air home purifiers for hypersensitivity purposes.
Like other air cleaners on this page, the HPA300 utilizes two amazing channels to clean the air:
Genuine HEPA Filter
Carbon Filter
What makes this item so alluring is its reduced size yet ground-breaking capacity to decontaminate a room up to 465 sq. ft. That is all that could possibly be needed for a great many people's lounge rooms and rooms.
Be that as it may, on the off chance that you need to spare some cash or don't have an enormous space to clean, you can pick the HPA200 model (covers 310 sq. ft.) or HPA100 model (covers 155 sq. ft.)
Winix PlasmaWave 5500-2#5) Winix PlasmaWave 5500-2 Air Cleaner
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Winix is known for delivering the absolute most first class air purifiers, and this one is no special case.
What makes it emerge is the licensed PlasmaWave innovation it uses to clean the air. No other air purifiers available have this capacity.
PlasmaWave securely breaks separated smells, allergens, synthetic vapors, and different poisons at the atomic dimension. It does this without delivering destructive ozone which is the thing that some ionizers make as a side-effect.
You additionally get the upside of a True HEPA Filter for expelling residue and allergens, and a dependable launderable Carbon Filter to diminish scents.
With respect to room estimate inclusion, it can deal with up to 360 sq. ft. which is perfect for most home applications.
For under $200, we believe this to be the best home air purifier in its value extend.
Winix HR900#6) Winix HR900 Ultimate Pet Air Cleaner
Here's another Winix air purifier that keeps on positioning high on our top air purifiers list. In any case, this one was made explicitly for pet proprietors.
It incorporates a 5-organize air cleaning framework for assaulting pet scents, dander, hair, and different allergens.
With this unit you'll get:
Genuine HEPA Filter
Carbon Filter
PlasmaWave Technology
Pet Pre-channel
Launderable Pre-channel
Our preferred component on this gadget are the two brilliant sensors which screen the air for pet allergens and smells, and afterward alter the unit consequently to rapidly expel these contaminations.
It likewise incorporates a light sensor which puts the machine into rest mode when the lights go out in the room. This helps moderate vitality and makes it an advantageous gadget to use in a room.
At long last, this item conceals to 300 sq. ft. what's more, is a standout amongst the best air purifiers for pet proprietors. You won't locate some other gadget like this one that is carefully made to dispose of difficult pet dander, scents, and hair.
Hamilton Beach Compact Air Purifier#7) Hamilton Beach Compact Pet Air Purifier
On the off chance that you have mutts or felines and need an air purifier that can help with pet smells and evacuate creature hair, at that point look no more remote than this minimized gadget.
At no other time have we seen such a modest air purifier skyrocket to the highest point of the graphs like this one. Truth be told, it's most likely one of the absolute best ventures you can make as a pet proprietor that is under $50.
With near 3,000 customer surveys it keeps on being one of the most astounding appraised air purifiers.
It includes a Permanent HEPA-type Filter that never needs substitution and you can vacuum clean. It likewise incorporates two Carbon Filters to keep your home smelling new.
Another reason it's one of the first class air purifiers you can purchase is on the grounds that it can deal with a space up to 160 sq. ft. Very few other reduced air cleaners of this size (not exactly a large portion of the measure of a sheet of paper) can do that.
Alen BreatheSmart Air Purifier#8) Alen BreatheSmart Air Purifier
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Is it accurate to say that you are searching for an air purifier that is completely adaptable and can clean an exceptionally enormous space in your home?
Provided that this is true, at that point this is the ideal item for you.
The Alen BreatheSmart air cleaner offers you a few livens that are unmatched by its rivals:
15 Front Panel Colors and Designs – Allows you to coordinate y
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klcthebookworm · 6 years
Mission on Mimban: My Outline Process
Previous Installments
Introduction, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve
What Changes in My Fic
Here's the place where I put all my ideas in one place and see what scenes need to happen when to make a story. Normally, I would do this in private but since you have seen all my notes in reviewing Splinter of the Mind's Eye, I figured you guys deserved to see the next step. So first, I'm grabbing my notes from the previous twelve posts.
Cast change: Luke, Mara, and Artoo. Threepio is with Leia who doesn't get stranded on this swamp planet. Mara does need an astromech for her X-Wing so I have to commit to a new character or commit to killing off a droid. Regardless, this adventure will give Mara all kinds of snark when she and Luke end up on Dagobah.
The timeline: I need to move this adventure much closer to the Battle of Yavin to preserve the padawans' inexperience with the Force. Plus the Rebel Alliance suspicions on if Mara has fully defected.
The reason for being there: One of Obi-Wan's complaints in Extrication will be Alliance duties yanking his padawans out of their Jedi training. This could be one of those duties, surveying unexplored and non-colonized worlds for Alliance purposes, and it's Luke and Mara's turn. The beacon is unexpected given their information on Mimban so they approach to investigate, strange energy in the atmosphere fried their ships, and they crash on planet.
I also suspect everything in this chapter can be condensed.
Remember to come back to this book to steal Threepio and Artoo insults. I had a time creating them for Star Wars: My Home Is You, so I need more examples.
In an effort to get on with this project, I'm going with they crashed a roughly two-day hike away to the mining outpost and that was far enough away for the Imperials to not notice crashing ships.
Mimbanites' abuse mini-scene is an opportunity to display some growth from Mara. Since she was raised on Coruscant in the Imperial Palace, the only contact she has had with aliens are the ones who have been subjugated as slaves or the ones trying to survive in the ghettoes created on Coruscant. Humans abuse aliens when they can is all she has seen. The equality in the Rebel Alliance ranks is a cultural shock she is soldiering through in her endearing Mara way (which probably isn't helping her reputation any), but Luke's reaction to the abuse puts her perspective in a different light. Actually that may be the best way to sum up their relationship. It gives Luke's empathy something to play off without making Mara callous, like the scene currently does with Leia.
Luke and Mara's cover story won't involve slavery.
Threatening miners will be threatening without being titillated by a mud-covered Mara.
The miner who loses an eye is unidentified, but I'm willing to say it was the double-bladed stilettos everywhere miner.
Grammel's interrogation technique is to beat up the weaker of the pair. Just how well would this work against Mara Jade? I mean, she'll take a beating to sell her cover story or get her where she needs to go, but really does she have to take it from Grammel? Or can she lash back?
Luke's lightsaber does draw Grammel's notice, which gives Mara the observation that he needs to find a better hiding place for it, and leads to Artoo's flare launcher getting modified.
Luke's lightsaber is what gets them booted up the chain of command here. I don't know if it needs to be in what I write. It depends on whether I write from Grammel's POV or not and I haven't decided.
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Alien Species by Ann Margaret Lewis had a better reason for Luke knowing Yuzz: a Yuzzem lived in Anchorhead and Luke made friends with him. This is the backstory reason I'm going with rather than "I studied a lot of worlds back on Tatooine" reason Foster came up with.
Hin and Kee's backstory won't change much except I'm going with option three: alien trafficking. These two Yuzzem kids were approached and promised a well paying job, a chance to send credits back home which probably isn't doing so great under Imperial rule. Then they get to Mimban and they are paid, but everything is being docked from their paychecks. The flight to Mimban, their return flight home whenever they fulfill their contract, food, lodging, any equipment they break because it's designed for humans not Yuzzem until there is nothing left to save. They are free to leave once their contract is fulfilled or they pay to get out of it. Hah, hah, you can't pay. There you go, exploitation without slavery.
I have to decide on Puddra's rank, but I'm making him the ranking officer over the prisoners like a warden.
Overall, the prison break is decent, if a bit talky in spots. My problem is there would be less for Halla to do because Luke and Mara both are in training and levitating the tray should occur to them without outside prompting. Also, I'm not sure this qualifies as the midpoint but I'm putting it there unless a later scene makes a more compelling case.
This chapter is continuation of the escape and a reaction to it, so I don't see much of it changing. I'm a fan of Hin and Kee dismembering stormtroopers and Halla being a bad-ass.
But we know lightsabers don't need recharging, so I don't have to bother with that.
Frangi (@teagrl) introduced me to a new term last night: Grudgewriting. The way I understand it is you at least found the premise of the story to have some worth but the execution of that premise pissed you off enough to respond via fic. I was categorizing this under the Fix Fic trope but recognize that doesn't cover the sheer anger the canon work caused by its existence.
I don't know if I need hard numbers on the Imperial forces. I do have the feeling that this is information Mara would seek to gather for Rebellion Intelligence, but I have no idea what to put in Google to start the search for realistic numbers. "How many soldiers do you need to occupy a civilian population?"
I'll probably keep in the wandrella chase, it's not too bad for a complication. But Hin or Kee is picking up Threepio as they flee the thing. Do I want to keep its pathetic death? It's kind of sad that our protagonists don't do anything to defeat it. But it does set them onto a new path.
Showing better trauma victim support: Mara's trauma is so different from Leia and with the bond between her and Luke, I don't see this conversation even having the massive misstep of Luke making it all about him. What will they talk about during this hike?
Lumas will be changed to glow rods. And do a better job with explaining where the equipment comes from.
I want a line from Mara about how bad they are at keeping watch when they wake up.
The underground lake is a good opportunity to touch on what swimming lessons the Alliance has given Luke.
The lightsaber effects the lake monster. Unless it doesn't for the same reason lightsabers don't seem to boil water. Research this.
My revision of the after lake monster fight: Luke's clingy because oh-crap-I-could've-drowned! reaction has kicked in and Mara has pulled him back onboard. Mara discovers she's not opposed to clingy or more accurately hugging with Luke.
Mara's getting the Canu's judgment fight. She's better at hand-to-hand combat and didn't almost drown fighting a lake monster several hours ago. Let's add in that she's having trouble with levitation. She tried it with her droid that sank into the quickclay and couldn't, so grappling with the rock unlocks it for her.
Concentrates versus ration bars: I think I'm bringing back ration bars. There's just something too Jetsons Space Age about one pill keeping you fed for several hours, even though I appreciate the work Foster put into creating them.
The art comparison is a perfect one for Mara to make. Raised in the Imperial Court in the heart of Coruscant, trained in dance as her cover but it and music for dancing were probably the one fun thing she was allowed once her training began in earnest, she has the technical expertise and the Force Sensitivity to figure out what is different between the Coways' dance and the Imperial ballet corps. She wants to dance with the Coway to combine their moves with the ones she was taught. Will she get the chance? Will she take the chance?
Vader or not to Vader: To be honest, I had thought about leaving Vader out of my version of this story despite his pose on the cover art. [IMAGE HERE] Grammel is the big bad at the beginning, so I was considering ways he could continue being the big bad all the way through. Or if he absolutely couldn't, make concrete the more Emperor's Hands with a new character taking Vader's spot to get rid of Luke Skywalker once and for all. But since Foster neglected to give Vader his proper due, I'm back to wanting him. And it will do Anakin some good to be rejected by Luke three times in the series. Trust me.
If anybody knows how to build a booby trap with Imperial weapons, it's Mara. Luke wanders off to be dejected he can't stop the massacre and she does something useful like get them fully charged weapons and tell the Coway what to do with the rest.
Halla muscles her way into the driver seat since she's the one who knows Mimban the best, with the same driving results.
Needless to say, Vader's conversational gambits are changing. He's not ready to reveal who he is to Luke yet (I'm saving that fun for Bespin of course) and Mara's there and of course, she's there to kill Luke again.
The Kaiburr crystal gives Padmé's ghost enough energy to show up to Luke, Mara, and Vader. Luke pulls down part of the temple to keep Vader from killing Mara and has a talk with Padmé, asking if she's an angel. Hin and Kee are not both going to die. But Vader's shuttle will end up at the temple, piloted by one of his Noghri honor guards, and our good guys are going to steal it to get off Mimban. So there will be a new conclusion scene when Leia and Obi-Wan come to pick them up.
My second step is to fill out the expected scenes in bold. This outline started with a worksheet from Larry Brooks (storyfix.com) and I have been adding details from K.M. Weiland's techniques (Helping Writers Become Authors). These are the scenes that must be there for the plot to make sense. I don't worry about the blank numbers in between. As I work on the third step, I will fill in the scenes between the expected scenes evenly so the math works out (at least closer than Foster's finished product did).
The third step is to answer the Questions to Ask to Figure Out the Beats that is under the blank outline. Usually, I don't fill this out while I'm outlining but the way the published novel has beaten me up, I'd rather take the time now to make sure what I picked works before I write the narrative. Also since I want to shorten my version, my plan is to drop some scenes.
My fourth step is to even out the sections and delete all the blank numbers in my outline. Now I'm checking how many scenes are between my plot points. Five scenes before 1st Plot Point, four scenes between 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint, six scenes between the Midpoint and the 3rd Plot Point, and eight scenes after the 3rd Plot Point. OOPS! I left out a scene between the 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint: Grammel and the prisoners conversation through the cell bars. So now I have Five scenes before 1st Plot Point, five scenes between 1st Plot Point and the Midpoint, six scenes between the Midpoint and the 3rd Plot Point, and eight scenes after the 3rd Plot Point. And it's only five scenes between the 3rd Plot Point and the Climactic Moment, so I don't feel the second half is uneven.
So now if you want here's the Mission on Mimban Beat Sheet:
Part 1 – Set up:
Hook = Discovering the broadcasting beacon and an energy discharge in the atmosphere causes both Luke and Mara’s X-Wings to crash.
Luke and Artoo find Mara. Her astromech sunk in the quickclay and she couldn’t save it by levitating it with the Force since her levitation isn’t working. She treats the cut on Luke’s head.
Hiking and then camping. Mara has snark about easy assignment and fun exploring more planets Luke promised her. Luke insists that’s what Wedge told him. Talk around the campfire leads to romantic interest (Mara’s in Luke’s head she knows how much he loved Biggs.) Luke is bisexual, Wedge is heterosexual, Mara is scary. Luke: “You give off a vibe that you’ll tear out anyone’s throat for saying hello.” Mara: “I would not. You and Master Obi-Wan would not approve.” Mara is uncomfortable with sharing snuggles, thinking it is more intimate than they are. Luke explains he and Biggs did the same to stay warm on Tatooine.
Inciting Event at 1/8 or 12% of word count = Luke and Mara discover the Imperial mining town and that the Empire is secretly and illegally mining on Mimban.
They infiltrate the tavern for some real food, see how the Mimbanites are treated, and draw Imperial curiosity. Luke’s cover story: Mara is his Holo Domestic Partner and Mara adds a personal sob story. The Imperial leaves them alone.
1st Plot Point at 2/8 or 25% of word count = Luke and Mara make a deal with Halla to help her find the Kaiburr crystal in exchange for Halla’s help in getting them off planet.
Part 2 – Response:
A group of drunk miners are intent on assaulting Mara, Luke and Mara are intent on preventing that, and a fight breaks out. Halla finds Artoo as she sneaks away and Imperial stormtroopers round up everyone for Grammel to punish.
Pinch Point at 3/8 of word count = Luke and Mara meet Grammel and are imprisoned while their second cover story is investigated.
Luke and Mara are thrown into a cell with a pair of Yuzzem, Hin and Kee. Mara is alarmed, but Luke knows how to say hello in Yuzz and makes friends.
Grammel contacts Governor Essada over the lightsaber. Essada is sending it to the Imperial specialist’s attention and Grammel needs to keep the pair in custody until a decision is made about them. Grammel then hurries down to the prison level to check on things.
Grammel charges into the cell block and is relieved that the Yuzzem have not killed Luke and Mara. Then he threatens them trying to learn what’s so special about them.
Mid-Point Shift at 4/8 or 50% of word count = Prison escape. A good time to show how weak Mara’s levitation skill is with the tray. They underestimated the blood thirst of the Yuzzem.
Part 3 – Attack:
Luke sees his lightsaber on Grammel’s belt before sending the charges down that hallway and grabs it back with the Force. They blow their way out of the Imperial headquarters and steal the crawler. Information exchange while they keep moving at a slower pace.
Pinch Point at 5/8 of word count = Vader arrives on Mimban and meets Grammel. Vader is not impressed, but is oddly proud of the Rebel who orchestrated the prison break.
Cover the wandrella chase and underground hike with exposition and start the scene with the underground lake travel. Luke fights the lake monster.
They land and are attacked by the Coway. They win and chase after the last one, only to find their captured party in the Coway village.
Mara fights to the Coway champion for Canu’s judgment. She wins by finally harnessing levitation to hit the Coway in the head with a rock.
All is Lost Lull = Coway feast ends with the realization Vader and stormtroopers are coming
Part 4 – Resolution:
3rd Plot Point at 6/8 or 75% of word count = Battle between the Coway and the Imperials
Aftermath of the battle, liberating transportation from the Imperials, and racing to the temple.
Vader kills Grammel.
They arrive at the Temple of Pomojema, apparently first, and have to fight off a lizard monster. Luke defeats the monster, but his arm is broken by rock pulled by the lizard monster. Then he gets trapped by the falling ceiling.
Vader’s entrance, Vader fights Mara. Halla and Hin go for the crystal. Kee tries to help Mara with Vader and Mara is able to deflect Vader’s killing blow so Kee loses his arm instead. Vader gives her the gash down the leg.
Halla and Hin come back to Luke and Kee, and Hin pulls the stone off Luke. Vader offers to spare Mara’s life if Luke surrenders to him. Halla gives Luke the Kaiburr crystal.
Climactic Moment at 7/8 or 98% of word count = Luke powered by the Kaiburr crystal pulls part of the temple down on Vader and talks to Padmé.
Vader’s Noghri Honor Guard brings Vader’s shuttle to the temple, so they steal it. They clean up and treat the wounds as they flee in hyperspace. Halla notes that the Kaiburr crystal is no longer magical.
Obi-Wan’s POV: The Falcon lands in the Nanth’ri system to pick up Luke and Mara with Obi-Wan and Leia both on board. They are battered and burned and have the Kaiburr crystal and two Yuzzem with them, one down an arm. Obi-Wan tells them they’re learning healing techniques next as they get them on board. They had exchanged a part of value off of Vader’s shuttle with Halla for the Kaiburr crystal, even though it seems de-powered now. Obi-Wan doesn’t think the stone is suitable for lightsabers and Mara protests cutting it into smaller pieces. Luke agrees with Mara. “It’s not ours. Not really. We’re just keeping it safe until the Empire is gone and we can return it to Mimban.”
Questions to Ask to Figure Out the Beats
What is the conceptual hook/appeal of your story? Rewrite Splinter of the Mind’s Eye to improve it and fit it into the Rescue the Farmboy series
What is the theme(s) of your story? Not completely sure yet, but something to do with the human bigotry against the various alien species. I want to take that aspect of the original book and beat it to death with a hammer.
How does your story open? Luke and Mara arrive at Mimban and discover a beacon broadcasting. They head down to land and the energy discharge causes them to crash.
Is there an immediate hook? Yes, will they survive crashing is a question to keep readers reading.
And then…
What is the hero doing in their life before the first plot point? The assignment was to explore Mimban for potential Rebel Alliance use. Crashing their ships has changed it to finding the beacon and surviving until they can find a way off the planet.
What stakes are established prior to the first plot point? The Empire has established a secret mining facility on Mimban. This makes survival easier (human supplies) and harder (Luke and Mara are both wanted by the Empire).
What is the Inciting Event in your story? Luke and Mara finding the Imperial mining town and realize what is going on here.
What is your character’s backstory? Luke was wanted by the Empire, surrendered to Darth Vader, and was kept a prisoner on the Death Star until he was rescued by his friends. He then blew up the Death Star and saved Mara Jade’s life by finding her after she crashed into Yavin 4. Mara Jade failed to kill Luke Skywalker and would have died for it if not for Luke’s intervention. Her loyalty has transferred to him along with sharing a Force Bond with him. Artoo has finally found Anakin Skywalker’s son that Obi-Wan Kenobi disappeared with eighteen years ago and he is not letting the organic out of his sight again. Even better, Luke is a pilot too. He gets to fly again. This story is set two months after Liberation.
What inner demons show up here that will come to bear on the hero later in the story? What is the lie the character believes? Lie Mara believes: Human are superior. Lie Luke believes: He won’t love anyone else like he loved Biggs.
What is foreshadowed prior to the first plot point? Dealing with the misconceptions Mara has about physical contact and what was between Luke and Biggs come up while they make camp after crashing. Mara sees nothing wrong with how the Mimbanites are treated.
What is the first plot point in your story? Luke and Mara make a deal with Halla to help her get the Kaiburr crystal in exchange for her helping get them off Mimban.
Is it located properly within the story sequence? Yes.
How does it change the hero’s agenda going forward? It seems like a minor diversion to earn them good will of a local who can help them escape Mimban without Imperial reprisal. And that the Kaiburr crystal seems to affect the Force is a good reason to keep it out of Imperial hands.
What is the nature of the hero’s new need/quest? Treasure hunt!
What is at stake relative to meeting that need? Luke and Mara being identified by the Imperials and probably executed.
What opposes the hero in meeting that need? The Imperial forces on Mimban led by Captain-Supervisor Grammel.
What does the antagonistic force have at stake? Losing the secrecy over the mining operation on Mimban (if the local system government finds out, it could change the amount of Imperial resources spent to extract the ore). Losing control over the criminals who have been pressed into mining service.
Why will the reader empathize with the hero at this point? Grammel is horrible, physically violent and threatens torture to get what he wants. And he sees through Luke and Mara’s cover stories.
How does the hero respond to the antagonistic force? Luke lies and lies some more, while trying to protect Mara from Grammel and protect Grammel from Mara. Then he makes allies with the Yuzzem.
What is the mid-point contextual shift/twist in your story? The prison break is when Luke and Mara take charge of their fates. They have no plans to be here when Grammel finds out they are not criminals from Circarpous, so time to use what Jedi skills they have learned to get out.
How does it part the curtain of superior knowledge…
… For the hero? Keeping the Yuzzem under control; neither Luke nor Mara thought that would be a problem. More Luke than Mara, she’s fine with killing off the enemy that would chase them.
and/or, for the reader? Readers will see Mara’s weak levitation skills in action when Luke has to grab the tray mentally.
How does this shift the context of the story? The treasure hunt to reach the Kaiburr crystal and leave Mimban before the Imperial forces regroup is on.
How does this pump up dramatic tension and pace? The prison break ends up blowing up the Imperial headquarters.
How does your hero begin to successfully attack their need/quest? They steal a crawler (or a repulsorlift vehicle) and follow the map toward the Temple of Pomojema.
How does the antagonistic force respond to this attack? The Imperial forces have to lick their wounds and figure out how to track the escapees through the jungles. And then Grammel has to greet Lord Vader. Lord Vader is so not impressed with the Imperial forces, though, oddly enough he’s a bit proud of the prison break.
How do the hero’s inner demons come to bear on this attack?
What is the all-is-lost lull just before the third plot point? The Coway feast ends with the realization that Vader is leading the Imperials straight to them.
What is the third plot point in your story? The Coway successfully beat back the Imperials, but Vader and Grammel get away to get the Kaiburr crystal first. Vader’s reasoning is if Luke is after it, Luke will come to Vader to get it.
How does this change or affect the hero’s proactive role? Luke is determined to get the Kaiburr crystal and get off planet before Vader takes him prisoner again.
How is your hero the primary catalyst for the successful resolution of the central problem or issue in this story? Vader offers to spare Mara if Luke joins him. Luke refuses. Halla gives the Kaiburr crystal to Luke and with the amplified Force, Luke pushes Vader back where the lizard came from and drops more ceiling between him and Mara. Padmé appears and gets to talk to Luke. They steal Vader’s shuttle and leave Vader’s Noghri honor guard to dig him out.
How does it meet the hero’s need and fulfill the quest? They get the Kaiburr crystal, so the treasure hunt is won. And Vader’s wailing on Mara makes both Vader and Luke realize he cares more than just friendship.
How does the hero demonstrate the conquering of inner demons? Mara defeats her lie by protecting the Yuzzem. Luke rescues Mara.
How are the stakes of the story paid off? They’re beat up to hell and back, but they survived and got off Mimban. And the Empire didn’t get the Kaiburr crystal or Luke. And Leia and Han both drop their suspicions about Mara.
What will be the reader’s emotional experience as the story concludes? Relief that they made it out of the adventure. And eager to see what happens next.
If you opened my link to the blank beat sheet, you may have noticed I skipped the beginning details when I just quoted the Mission on Mimban Beat Sheet. That's because my fifth step is to figure out my Comprehensive Concept. This is a tool I was introduced to by Todd A. Stone in Novelist's Boot Camp.
A comprehensive concept is a foundation builder. It is a short statement that combines the following four essential elements to form a strong base for your complex novel: (1) genre, (2) main character, (3) opposition, and (4) macro setting.
I have added a fifth element, the conflict, but I'm not sure where I pulled that from. Maybe Larry Brooks, or maybe Shawn Coyne's Story Grid. What I have found over the years is that sentences makes a great summary that FanFiction.Net and Ao3 both ask for to describe your fic.
So for this story, I came up with this list.
Genre: Action-adventure fanfic
Opposition: the Empire
Main Characters: Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
Macro Setting: Star Wars, Mimban
Conflict: beat the Imperials to the mystical object
Now you meld these five items into a sentence that describes the story. I ended up with: In this action-adventure fanfic, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade’s exploration of Mimban is derailed by the unexpected Imperial presence on the planet and their way off-planet depends on finding the Kaiburr crystal before the Imperials do.
That's done and I'm prepared to start on the narrative. You may have noticed I skipped over filling in the theme(s). I have an idea, especially considering the human bigotry of this story, but I generally wait to see what develops and then find it to punch it up during the editing.
So thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope I've given you something you can apply to your own writing endeavors. There will be fic at some point.
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The Best Air Purifiers for 2019 | Reviews
The Best Air Purifier
When it comes to air purifiers, CADR is king. CADR, a rating assigned by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, tells you what size room an air purifier can, well, purify. We tested out nine that clean close to 360 square feet and looked at ease of replacing filters and features like air quality sensors and Auto settings. We then spoke with air quality specialists and physicians about the importance of True HEPA filters and secondary filters before landing on our two top picks.
How We Chose the Best Air Purifier
High CADR ratings
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) performs independent tests on air purifiers to see how quickly they can remove particles from the air — the clean air delivery rate, or CADR. The higher the CADR numbers, the better. Consumer Reports judges a CADR score to be “excellent” if it’s 350 and above and “poor” if it’s 100 or below. A higher number means the units have more powerful fans and bigger HEPA filters to “clean more air per hour.”
To make it easier for you to find the right amount of coverage for your space, the AHAM uses CADR ratings to calculate the maximum square footage a unit can purify. This square footage is tied to air exchanges per hour (ACH), or how often the unit will cycle through all the air in the room. Most portable, at-home units have an ACH between four and six, the amount recommended by allergists. “The more the better,” says Dr. Marie Petrizzo, a New York physician, “but at minimum four.”
In order to cover the majority of rooms, we focused on units that offered the highest CADR ratings and ACH rates we could find (which averaged around 200 to 300 and four to six, respectively). These units are powerful enough to clean close to 360 square feet, which is ideal for most homeowners. That said, we left off one model, the Airgle AG500, which had an exorbitant price tag coupled with mediocre specs.
AHAM CADR rating labels are listed right on the box of any AHAM-verified air purifier; this one is from the Coway 4-Stage Filtration System, one of our top picks.
True HEPA filters
For air purifiers, a True High Efficiency Particulate Air (True HEPA) filter is the gold standard. True HEPA filters are recommended by organizations like the EPA, the American Lung Association, and the American Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.
These filters force air through a sticky membrane and can capture up to 99.97 percent of particles as small as 0.3 microns. Dr. Petrizzo says that she “always recommends HEPA air purifiers because they are best at trapping small particles such as pollens, dander from pets, mold spores, et cetera.”
For testing purposes, we required a True HEPA filter. Three brands fell out of the running here. SheerAIRE and Idylis both offered models that advertised HEPA filtration but proved to have only HEPA-type filters upon inspection. Blueair, meanwhile, uses a proprietary filter that promises to be better than a True HEPA, but we couldn’t find any research to support these claims. Given the lawsuits over misleading air purifier claims in the past, we opted for models with transparent, proven-effective technology.
Pre-filters and secondary filters
To make sure that the True HEPA filter would last as long as possible, we also looked for two additional components in each of our finalists:
A pre-filter is a sort of bodyguard for your primary filter. These screens work as the first line of defense, capturing large airborne particles like dust and pet hair that would gunk up the main HEPA filter, which is what actually “purifies” the air. “Basically, pre-filters increase the lifespan of the HEPA filter,” Ray Wu, CEO of Wynd and air quality expert, told us. Pre-filters last for about three months. Then they’ll need to either be replaced or, with lots of models, washed or vacuumed.
Secondary filters add to a unit’s efficacy and can boost the lifespan of the HEPA filter — the HEPA doesn’t need to work so hard if it has some help. We preferred charcoal as a secondary filter, which absorbs gases and odors too small for a HEPA filter to catch.
Clockwise from left: a pre-filter, which often looks like a window screen, a true HEPA filter, and a secondary filter, with pockets of charcoal.
Ease of use
With this base criteria in place, we brought in all nine remaining contenders for testing. During testing, we looked for a few specific metrics: ease of use (air filter replacement, convenient design), features offered (user-friendly control panels, auto settings), and general cost effectiveness over time (power saving modes, cheap replacement filters). Our two top picks excelled, meeting or exceeding our expectations in each area. The other seven systems we considered sometimes had slightly better technical specs, but these tiny increases in coverage equalled hundreds of additional dollars upfront, often for machines that were bulky or counterintuitive to use.
The 9 air purifiers we tested
Blueair 205
Coway AP-1512HH
Electrolux EL500AZ
Honeywell HPA300
Idylis AC-2119
Kenmore 437.8339641
SheerAIRE AC-2045DC
Winix 5500-2
Winix True HEPA U450 Air Cleaner
Left: Our top pick, the Winix 5500-2 Air Cleaner. Right: the bubblier Coway 4-Stage Filtration System.
The 2 Best Air Purifiers
Winix 5500-2 Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave Technology -
Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier -
High-End Features
Long-Term Savings
High-End Features
An efficient air purifier equipped with all the bells and whistles.
Pros Intuitive controls and sensors Hassle-free filter replacement More cost-effective than similar models
Cons Not as powerful as some competitors
Why we chose it Intuitive controls and sensors
Above all else, Winix stands out for its lineup of features. Its completely digital panel lets you control the purifier’s speed or enable PlasmaWave Technology (which, when activated, claims to “instantly neutralize airborne viruses, bacteria, chemical vapors, odors, and gases”). The simplicity of this digital panel extends to its sensors: The Winix’s glowing LED lights shift from blue to red the more polluted the air.
It’s not just looks, though; the Winix is also packed with features that make life simpler if you don’t want to constantly monitor your machine. Specifically, a built-in air quality sensor automatically runs the fan at its lowest when the air quality is good — a nice touch for your peace of mind and for saving power. Other models like the Blueair air purifier came with some controls and sensors, but they weren’t nearly as robust as those on the Winix. Simple digital design and a full breadth of automatic features won us over.
Hassle-free filter replacement
Popping the hood of the Winix was easy. The cover uses magnets to snap in and out of place, and each filter locks inside the next — there’s no question where each piece should be when replacing the filters. By comparison, the Coway is much flimsier, and it takes a couple of tries to put the front and pre-filter back on after you remove them.
More cost-effective than similar models
Air purifiers can get expensive, often topping the $600 mark. That’s why the Winix, at less than $200, is so impressive: It’s powerful enough to cover 360 square feet and comes with features like air quality sensors and Auto settings that are found on more high-end air purifiers. If you’re looking for a powerful air purifier that comes with all the bells and whistles (but not with a high price tag), the Winix is worth considering.
Points to consider Not as powerful as some competitors
Admittedly, there are more powerful air purifiers on the market. The Winix U450, for example, has higher CADR ratings, covering an additional 100 square feet. However, this 100 square feet comes at a cost: The U450 model is double the price of the 5500-2. The Winix 5500-2 may not cut it if you have an unusually large room, but its features and affordability still push it to the top of the lineup. If you’re concerned about that additional 100 feet of coverage, you may be better off purchasing two 5500-2 units for features and cost-savings alone.
Long-Term Savings
A powerful air purifier that has long-term benefits.
Pros Cheap replacement filters High CADR ratings Compact design
Cons Difficult to change filters
Why we chose it Cheap replacement filters
A major bonus of the Coway is its cheap replacement filters. A single replacement filter for the Coway costs about $15 less than a filter for the Winix, meaning the Coway averages out to be cheaper than the Winix in a few years’ time. This is a huge win if you’re concerned with savings and want to get the most out of your air purifier.
High CADR ratings
The Coway ranks three points higher than the Winix in terms of CADR ratings for dust (although it is slightly worse at capturing pollen, coming six points below the Winix). It also notably excels in number of air exchanges per hour. At the max setting, the Coway averages five air exchanges for a 360-square-foot room with a nine-foot ceiling — the average ceiling height of a home. The Winix only averages four and a half air exchanges. While both numbers exceed the minimum recommendation by our experts, the Coway may be a better choice if you’re looking to make the most of a large room.
Compact design
Unlike bigger air purifiers, which can stand out like a sore thumb in your home, the Coway is sleek and compact. It’s a bit wider than the Winix, but overall shorter. Because of this, it’s easy to place the Coway under a window without it feeling obtrusive. Plus, the black design with gray accents feels sleek and well-aligned with most modern decor. If you value aesthetics, you’ll likely want to choose the Coway over the Winix.
Points to consider Difficult to change filters
Despite its otherwise-sleek design, the Coway is notably flimsier than the Winix. In our testing, it took a few attempts to replace the front and pre-filter after removing them. This is largely due to the fact that the Coway doesn’t have magnets to snap in and out of place; additionally, the filters don’t lock into each other as they do with the Winix. It’s not a deal breaker, but if you’re taking it apart every two weeks to rinse out the pre-filter (which is recommended for both units), the Coway is more of a hassle.
Guide to Air Purifiers
How to find the right air purifier for you Factor in replacement filters and energy use
Air purifiers aren’t a one-and-done purchase — replacement filters and energy use will affect your bottom line, especially considering that air purifiers are typically left on at all times. To predict your electric bill, you need to know how many kilowatt-hours your purifier uses per day, multiplied by the average electricity rate where you live.
Consider size and placement
When looking for an air purifier, make sure it fits your space. Air purifiers should never be flush against walls or furniture, as most units work best when they can take in air from all sides. If you have a small room, ensure that your air purifier is compact enough to meet basic requirements.
Think about additional features
Air purifiers come with more features than you might think. The Winix, for example, is equipped with features like timers, sensors, and a power-saving fan that automatically slows down when air quality is good. When researching air purifiers, think beyond simply purifying the air in your home and consider additional features you might need. If you’re seeking ways to keep your energy bill low, for example, you may choose to seek out a purifier with an Auto setting.
Air Purifier FAQs
How can you improve air quality in your home?
An air purifier is the best way to improve the air quality in your home. However, cleaning can make your purifier’s job easier. Carpets hold lots of dust, pollen, and other irritating particles. (In fact, for people with who asthma or allergies, living without carpet is the best option.) Vacuuming helps remove these particles in order to improve air quality, especially if you use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
Do CADR ratings measure gaseous pollutants?
No. While CADR ratings give the most accurate representation of an air purifier’s ability to actually purify air, this testing method isn’t perfect. It doesn’t do anything to measure gaseous pollutants or very small particles (anything below the 0.3 micron threshold that HEPA filters are able to catch). That said, CADR ratings are currently the best option available, and these results are trusted by organizations like the EPA and Consumers Union.
Is the air more polluted inside or outside your home?
You may think that the air outside is more contaminated, but that’s not always the case. According to studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air inside a home might be two to five times more contaminated with pollutants, be it animal dander, cigarette smoke, or soot.
Do larger air purifiers have better CADR ratings?
The short answer is yes. The largest purifier we looked at, the Honeywell HPA300, maxed out at 465 square feet and also had some of the highest CADR ratings. But that extra coverage is expensive, with the Honeywell retailing roughly double the cost of the Winix 5500-2.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hi Goldy, JK was bold in the past, around 2017-2019 (to me, gcf & rosebowl can be considered as ‘coming out’). But it seems he now prefers to stay closeted? E.g. he snatched JM’s hand in the Xylitol x BTS shoot, then looked at the camera. Holding hands is normal among members… a lot of his interactions with Jin, V and other members are more intimate than holding hands… his reaction makes me feel like he wants me to pretend I didn’t know…?
Sorry I've been a bit AWOL lately...
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I'm busy being the man of my woman's dreams in a cis het anti black capitalist world
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Fun times.
I saw that bit, uWu-ed and kept it pushing.
It's nothing new really. I think a few months back when I was out here screaming Jikook are toning down, acting super professional around the cameras yadda yadda people out here were looking at me like I'd lost my two delulu heads- but this segues into that theme for me and since I've exhausted the topic I don't know what else to add.
I've said before they've both been very conscious of the cameras within certain periods post October- again nothing new, they be like that every now and then every season every phase and the whys will always be up for debate in these ship streets- on that subject, I've read a lot of opinions yet I think like mine better and will stick to it. Thanks Kimberly of Delulu precinct. Walk along now. Lol.
Jimin was like that during the Coway behind the scene shoot too when he noticed the cameras and quickly elbowed Jk to draw him away from the gaze of the cameras.
I don't think it's because they stopped being 'bold' or want to pretend. It takes a lot of courage to even pretend or even perform the gay in front of the world and your peers. I think they are just awfully aware and conscious of the people they work with as well as corporation's growing awareness, intentions and interests in them. You just never know which saessang is moonlighting as a brand PA or marketing director for a company they are working with. You just never know who is watching especially whenever they have to work with these 'outsiders.'
Think of Dispatch. Were they not allies or business partners, they'd be careful around them too if they worked with them. Know what I mean?
Toning down and exercising caution is necessary sometimes. I don't know why some people think that's absurd or Tuktukkerish when I say stuff like that. Especially with the kind of reputation they have as a ship and just how commercially attractive that image is. It's common sense at this point if you ask me.
Jikook sells. Argue with the analytics. I don't know who thinks they don't. Must be the clowns and penguins. They sell period. BigHit knows this, BTS knows this, companies know this. We don't scream Jikook is a brand within a brand for no reason.
And a lot of the toning down in recent times has perhaps inadvertently mitigated that growing power and demand of them as a marketing resource- who knows, that could have as well been by design, intentionally instigated for obvious reasons which I argue is the case but don't mind me. I'm delusional, gay and apparently the man of my woman's dreams uWu. Gotta wear that pants in my relationship. Ayaya Hwaiting.
When you say he prefers to stay closested- I thought they are both closested already?? They both have never been fully out in our opinion. Yes our opinion because I feel we are like minded. Let's be delulu mates.
On the topic of closets, I want to save that for a separate post. What I can say though is they are both growing and maturing and learning and unlearning. Jungkook's desire to 'come out' or act reckless with his glass closet in my opinion stemmed from him placing more value on his personal happiness over other values perhaps because he was young and hadn't fully grasped the full and complex nature of happiness or understand the privilege he has as part of BTS.
We make decisions based on our values most times. It's how I make sense of their actions really. I'm more likely to assume things that are consistent with the values they each have expressed openly and tend to reject any theory that contradicts or is inconsistent with those values. A guy who values his career is less likely to act in a way that puts that career at risk. And I'm well aware their values evolve over time.
These days he has never quit as one of his mottos next to rather dead than cool- do you see the contradictions in those values? Rather dead means quitting life. Yet now he says never quit. Don't mind me. I'm in a grumpy mood.
But what I'm saying is, the desire to want to show the world who this person means to him is not fixed or a priority all the time. Now i think he values his career a lot more than before which means he is more likely to compromise and less likely to do things that may put that career in jeopardy.
Transferring that to his relationship, I don't expect him to be breaching the glass closet anytime soon. And if he do, it might be incidental and may carry with it consequences which I believe he is well aware and concious of now. Will that change? You bet. Again it depends a lot on what his values in a given moment are and which ones he prioritizes.
It's their relationship. They chose which aspects of it they want to share with the cameras. Some of it get written off as fanservice. Fair enough. But the nonfanservice passing moments has always been questionable- although I must say, I find all Jikook moments and interactions questionable lol.
It's just skinship. Holding hands I mean. Why would he be conscious of that right? II'vetalked about consequences and repercussions of their actions. Sometimes I think it's the off screen scolding that gets to him. The ones silently whispered at his back. I mean we saw his reaction when Jimin was getting scolded by the hyungs for sleeping late. He's talked about skipping sleep too if I recall correctly. Jimin is hyung and I know the hyungs expect him to know better and do better. I'd Imagine Jimin would equally scold JK if his actions reflected poorly on him too.
So why the hell would he not say anything to Jungkook for posting on his birthday when he hadn't posted at all for any hyung's??? Sigh.
It's sad his guards are back up- but it's for good reason I believe given the context of the situation.
I don't think dramatizing his dynamic with Jimin makes him bold. Nor does Jimin's propensity to over express himself with Jungkook mean he loves Jungkook more than. Both are extreme takes for me.
Nevertheless, I contrast that moment with a Tae Kook moment which is one of my favorite tuktukk moments. In this moment, JK is staring at Jimin, his whole body turned towards him. Tae notices the cameras and draws JK's attention to it. I think there are two such moments like that from the recent contents? I don't know I have to cross check.
Tae in that moment reminded me a lot of Jimin. Jimin does this too- play out their relationship infront of the cameras to the point one might say he likes to show off their bond- which is such a BTS thing to do too so no big deal. I mean they like to show off their bond and chemistry as Tae said a while back.
It's one thing for JK to hesitate to act with a member because of the cameras, it's another for him to act self conscious only after the fact.
And JK has always been him like this with Jimin as Jimin used to say- JK acts different with me off cameras than he is on camera. He had a history of suppressing himself around Jimin owing in part to his personality
He's talked about putting on a mask around people and in a recent interview Jimin have talked about pretending and acting one way when he's not- I mean I've ever talked about the boy being in love with the Maknae being a facade- one of many.
They have public personas which, from what BTS themselves say, looks slightly different or similar to what we see on screens- or that they've grown to be more like what we see on screens.
I guess what I'm getting at is that 'pretending' isn't exactly a new thing or out of the ordinary. Personally I'd say he's being conscious of his surroundings like Jimin was and not that he is 'pretending.' If you know what I mean.
If he's pretending he has good reason to I believe and we can only speculate on that- we can't know for sure why.
If Jikook is fanservice then there's no need for either of them to worry about the cameras picking up on their interactions or who's watching them.
What goes on in Tae's head? I wanna know.
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I don't know where to direct this post because you didn't really ask a question.
I'm fine thanks for asking. I'm really fine. I'm thinking of joining Jimin in the gym at 3am to bench press and build some biceps to match my role in my relationship😒
And no I don't need any advice. Keep it.
This is going to be my attitude until we switch back😐
I'm gonna be a boyfriend from hell and a blogger from satan's ass.
Also I think I overshare💀
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wolfliving · 6 years
Attempting to Breathe Your Own Personal Atmosphere
Can I Use an Air Purifier to Clear My Home of Wildfire Smoke?
AUGUST 7, 2018
With more significant fires becoming the new normal nationwide, even those people not directly threatened are concerned about what to do about wildfire smoke. 
Two bits of good news: First, the EPA says (PDF) that “the long-term risks from short-term smoke exposures are quite low.” And second, there are simple, effective ways of getting rid of the wildfire smoke in your home.
As we point out in our air-purifier collaboration with The New York Times (our parent company), keeping your home’s air clean in fire season requires a multipronged approach. Picking up a dedicated air purifier or getting new filters for your central air conditioner are the most effective things you can do. But you can take cheap, simple, and immediate steps using stuff you probably already own, too, such as a mop and a washing machine. Here’s what we recommend....
First, consider a true-HEPA air purifier. We have an extensive guide to air purifiers, but the basic facts are these: According to the EPA (PDF), wildfire smoke predominantly consists of fine particles in the 0.4 to 0.7 micron range. And true-HEPA air filters are exceptionally good at removing particles of that size from the air. Our top pick, the Coway AP-1512HH, is well-priced, a superb performer, and reliable. It’s powerful enough for rooms up to 350 square feet, which includes most bedrooms and living rooms. The Airmega 300 and 400, our picks for larger spaces, can rapidly clear the air in bigger rooms and open-floorplan homes.
We recommend running either of them on high for an hour the first time you turn the machine on. That’ll clear the air quickly by passing the entire volume of air in the room through the filter four to six times. Thereafter, keeping the machine on low or automatic will keep the air clear, and you won’t be bothered by the noise of the fan: On lower settings, they’re virtually silent.
Physics lesson time: To be rated true-HEPA, an air filter must remove 99.97 percent of all airborne particles of exactly 0.3 micron diameter in a single pass. That size became the test standard because it’s the most difficult for HEPA-type filters to capture. These filters consist of dense mats of fine fiberglass fibers. As the purifier draws air through them, larger particles (1 micron and above) slam into the fibers and stick there, carried by their own momentum. By contrast, smaller particles (below 0.3 micron) don’t “ride the wind” but instead bounce around slowly and randomly, buffeted by the arbitrary motions of air molecules.... (((etc etc etc)))
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