#what's flower and miki's ship name??
muffinmoonn · 8 years
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My shitty phone camera can't stop me from posting my shitty doodles
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chiwhorei · 4 years
Idk if anyone has already asked you. But are you going to ship your moots too? I’m curious to see what you say!
for reference i did one a few months ago but this time around i’m not going for the obvious choices. this is long and i’m not explaining much. to make this extra spicy i will also be adding who i want to see fist fight but giving absolutely no context.
@10millionyearsdungeon - britt britt and shindou, very sexy i can see it perfectly. fighting bakugou
@bakatenshii - angelllllllllll and yuuta, best boy for my best girl. angel is fighting ikkei ukai
@crushzone and saeko, power. couple. wow. and nin is fighting osamu.
@dabilove27 - rach and ukai! all of karasuno loves rach too and keishin can’t even pretend it annoys him. fighting: oikawa
@daishou-s and sakusa, it’s the leather gloves man what can i say? lune is fighting kuroo
@deathcab4daddy and natsuo, they are a super cute put together couple and i am very jealous. tay is fighting tsukki and probably winning
@ever-enthralled - mew and me... okay fine nanami. he doesn’t mind overtime if it’s with you bby. WWE smack down with z*ke
@fawn-daydreams fawnnnn and kita! soft sweet boy will treat you like royalty. fighting: fawn v sakusa
@hoe-doroki and bakugou, i love the vibes on this one pun intended. ana v denki
@hisoknen and geto sksksksksksk pulling. that long hair OOF. and raph is fighting kenma
@karasunosimp and kyoutani, absolutely feral i love it. cas is fighting iwa.
@kyovtani and punk!yamaguchi, he’s a tattooed up guitarist. big scary punk man only soft for zade. zade is absolutely laying out ennoshita
@lady-bakuhoe - jo and kirishima, big beefy red daddy riot always makes sure jo has fresh flowers so she’s always thinking about him. fighting: hinata
@lady-lunaaa - luna and zeke, perfect. he teaches their son baseball. fighting: levi
@messwriting and me TENDOUUUUU lee and me satori live a beautiful life in paris full of love and laughter and lil babies, she’s fighting enji only because she’s trying to win lauren’s heart
@mindninjax - marquie and oikawaaaaa, he is so soft and sweet with her. fighting: reiner
@onyxoverride - onyx and daishou, maybe this is just because i’ve been on the daishou train recently but he has the best boyfriend vibes. fighting and beating daichi
@pleasantanathema - lauwen and enji. fire daddy and pleasant asthma are perfect and maybe if i ask nicely i can join. 🕶🤏 lauren is fighting shinsou
@rat-suki and shoto but if he fucks up annie gets to fuck his dad. those are the rules. annie v deku and i’m bringing popcorn
@sawamooora and ikkei tamaki, soft shy boy v cute couple. lee is fighting coach nekomata wink wonk
@shadowworks - ooooo shadow and shinsou, this pairing is very sexy. fighting: aizawa
@some-kindofgnome and sero, they are deeply in love. sero is obsessed with sara. even their names go together. fighting: atsumu
@t0xic-todoroki amy and kenmaaaaaa, loves buying you anything and everything to match your aesthetic even if he says he hates pink. fighting noya
@thesimpsclub red and sugaaaaaaa, such a sweet couple 10/10 would cuddle up right in the middle. red v hawks
@thewheezingwyvern and aizawa, duh... who else would i have put 👀. but still fghting mirio
@undermattsun miki x aone but only when we’re being s*ft on main. fighting megumi and winning
@vixen-scribbles and bokuto, very sexy beefy sunshine baby but a wild animal in bed. vix’s fighting dabi
@spacelabrathor and ushijima, big beefy man with the spiking power to put you in the hospital. fighting: kageyama
@whats-her-quirk - june and atsumu. he calls her mommy. fighting: lev
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hag-rambling-on · 4 years
witches and a bit of the dragon’s flame
So I said I’m a hag and I call my-actually-zero followers/readers witchlings so of course in my rewinxing there are more witches AND actually Stella wanted to be/almost was one, along Tecna, not to mention Flora had a scholarship in Cloud Tower (so, Musa, Bloom and Aisha they are the pure fairies of my au, Muse with an Alfea scholarship too)
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I know it seems that saying this means that they all have mental problems given my approach to magic in my other post. NO, it means that they have a different inner world that interacts with the outside world in such a way that being a witch is a better way for them to use the magic. IE: Feeling sorry for someone else's pain and wanting it to go away it can be seem as selfish because you just want it to go away for YOU to be fine and that’s a negative feeling, it is still pain, although fairies can also use it, because compassion!!!!! A line that only exists in the perception of the human mind. Because feelings are emotions passed through the filter of the mind. And the mind is partial, SUBJETIVE.
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Back to the topic, some of these characters are:
Maia (Witch of Dragons) wich is more or less canon anyway
Saladin (Wizard of Duels)
Sybila (Major Witch of Justice)
Diana (Major Witch of Nature)
Marion (previously Witch of the Dragon Flame, now we could say is an unnoficial Paladin, weapon is ofc a Dragon’s Flame enchanced sword, she taught Bloom how to make one so that she and Oritel have twin DF swords that are empowered when fighting together)
Electronio, because I like him and nice male magic user representationTM (Wizard of Technology)
Luna (Witch of the Moon)
Nabu (Wizard of Shadows)
Helia (Wizard of Threads - he actually left for a year to try the specialist way, then come back but he's a bit of a foot everywhere until he enters the Paladins... my hc transman, my dear Helia, choose)
Varanda so yes, she actually changed schools that said the letter (Witch of Hunting, and weirdly Roxy becomes her ward/protégé in Cloud Tower with Stella help - Stella is her distant relative on Luna's side btw)
Miky (Witch of Mirrors, roomate with Amaryl and Varanda, their coven is named Artemia, Artemix?)
Amaryl (Witch of Starlight)
Roxy (Witch of Fauna)... oks, I confess ship her with my Varanda *facepalm*
Kyral (Roxy roomate in the comics, but maybe not in this AU, Witch of Amplification-Reduction)
Macy (Witch of Flowers)
And, no, Chimera it’s still a fairy and Mitzy would be a fairy. All teachers in a school of a specialty must be of that specialty so yes, Grisselda is a fairy too (Alfea - fairies, Cloud Tower - witches, but Lymphea has everything)
I'm not sure whether to make Diaspro a witch or not, because I prefer witches and the point of rewinxing is also to rewrite to my liking.
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About Marion, She lost much -NOT ALL- of “her” magic by passing the Dragon's Flame to Daphne (who would later pass it on to Bloom). This means that she did not have as much aptitude for magic as her daughters (especially her eldest daughter) And she always knew, that's why she's so good with the sword, she never left herself rely only on her magical abilities. We could short this saying that the Dragon Flame users have two sources of magic, usually asociated so by using one, you train the other and that if someone magically tracks you they can't tell so easily that you are the owner of the Flame. Example is Daphne (Dragon Flame/Fire = All Elements) but easily can be Fire = Fire/Ash/Magma/Heat/etc.
Now the question is: what about Bloom? Hohohohoho
yes, she has forced her core with and without the Dragon Flame too much not to remain a fairy, the Fairy of Blazes.
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charliexhaeya · 5 years
Charlie Hae // Intro ☼
(  lee felix  ♡  twenty one  ♡  cismale  ♡   he/him  )   I   just  heard   CHARLIE HAE   blasting   to     HAPPINESS by PENTAGON  !    I   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE  SUNSHINE  ,   since   they're    JUBILANT  &   FOOLISH …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge    VIRGO .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at    CENTRAL PARK .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them !  (  backy  ♡  25  ♡   she/her  )  Hello!! My name is Backy and this is my sunshine Charlie. He’s a new muse of mine so please bear with me while I work out the kinks! Allons-y! ☼
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☀️ The Basics ☀️ ☼ Full Name: Charlie Hae (The Sunshine) ☼ Talent claim / Faceclaim: Lee Felix ☼ Age: 21 ☼ Birthday: September 15 ☼ Languages: English, minimal Korean ☼ Occupation: Baker @ tbd ☼ Hobbies: Walking in the park, taking naps in the sunshine, baking, volunteering at the animal shelter, petting dogs, playing video games, dancing
☼ Zodiac: Virgo ☼ Sexuality: Pansexual ☼ Drinking, smoking, drugs: Yes, no, no ☼ Likes: The sun!!, cupcakes, flowers, tea, sweet food, cuddling, warm blankets, soft snow, crunchy leaves ☼ Dislikes: Sour food, the dark, spiders, fighting, loud noises, overcast weather ☼ Random HCs: Freckles!!, deep af aussie voice (the duality), loves wearing big soft sweaters (sweater paws!), actually randomly competitive and will kick your ass at video games, a pacifist but not as defenseless as he looks (might kick your ass physically too idk)  
☀️ The Personality ☀️ ☼ Jubilant: Always happy about something!! Gets really excited about the small things in life like little flowers growing from the sidewalk or that small patch of sunlight that shines through his window in the morning. Usually excited and has lots of energy just like the sun itself. Wants to spread his happiness and joy with everyone so expect lots of impromptu dancing and smiles. ☼ Caring: Loves his friends and is always trying to take care of them. Usually by bringing around baked good from the bakery or trying to cheer people up with good vibes. So reliable! Will absolutely love on you and try to help in whatever way he can. Maybe not so good at giving advice but will listen no matter what! ☼ Affectionate: Touchy & Cuddly!! Gives good hugs and always wants to be in other peoples’ personal space. Loves holding hands and getting piggyback rides. Just wants to be friends with everyone! Very #soft vibes when he’s not totally wound up.
☼ Clumsy: Always has scrapped knees or cuts on his fingers from trying to do kitchen things. He can bake like no tomorrow but it’s better not to let him near sharp things like knives or blenders. Should be supervised at all times and someone should make sure his shoes are tied properly before he leaves the house to prevent tripping (even if he probably will anyway). Has a horrible sense of balance unless he’s dancing. ☼ Foolish: Heckin’ gullible. Will believe anything you tell him probably but also kind of dense and can’t take a hint. Asks a lot of dumb questions but he just wants to learn!! Really loves life and wants to always believe that people have good intentions even when they definitely don’t. Has probably been the victim of a phone scam or five. ☼ Emotional: Really takes everything to heart and even though he’s good at pretending to be happy 24/7 sometimes he gets really sad if he thinks someone might dislike him or gets too aggressive with him. He really hates it when people fight and will probably blame himself even if he did nothing wrong. Doesn’t like to burden other people with his emotions but might start crying if he gets overwhelmed or hurt and might get homesick sometimes!
☀️ The History ☀️ ☼ o1. Okay gonna keep this short cuz it’s really not that important but Australian!! Has three older sisters and that honestly explains a lot. Grew up mostly playing with them and never really questioning that he wasn’t like the other boys. Not really one for the rough and tumble and kinda got bullied for it but his sisters beat the shit out of his aggressors anyways so. ☼ o2. He moved to New York to go to art school but dropped out because he realized he liked baking better. Besides, he was kinda failing but don’t tell his parents that (He couldn’t keep up with the theory). Now he’s a head baker at the bakery and even though he doesn’t make a lot of money he’s pretty happy with it! Spends most of the day designing cute cupcakes and making cakes for clients and weddings! He loves weddings.
☀️ The Wanted Connections ☀️ ☼ The Sun & The Moon – Someone with a total opposite personality!! Maybe awkward at first, maybe they don’t get along at all but eventually they’re two sides of the same coin. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!) ☼ Pseudo-Sister – Someone who reminds him of his sisters & protects him (even if he probably can protect himself). He’s kind of imprinted on her like a baby duck. In reality they’re actually really great friends (besties even!) just with a sibling type of relationship. Taken by Sunny (Gina // Soft spot!)
☼ BFFL – Just as it says! His ride or die, his platonic soulmate, the peanut butter to his jelly. We can work out the deets later! Taken by Miyo (Aly // Clumsy babies!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) ☼ Annoyed Protector – Someone who’s annoyed by Charlie but also soft for him at the same time. Might bully him a bit but if anyone else does it? Heaven forbid. Taken by Oliver (Miki // Hajima)
☼ First Aid – Someone who knows Charlie is a big dumb and will probably hurt himself on any given outing. Always has some band aids handy and makes sure he ties his shoes so he doesn’t trip!! Pretty much his mom friend, even if it is begrudgingly. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!)
☼ Emotional Confidant – Even though he cries easily, he tries not to. Someone who could comfort him!! Who he can rant to and let it all out with? He might be sunshine incarnate but he’s still a human with some very real emotions! Taken by Aiden (Isa // Big brother figure!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) 
☼ Platonic Cuddles – Pretty self-explanatory but cuddling with no meaning behind it. Honestly none of you are safe anyway whether you sign up or not. 
☼ Bad Influence – Someone who gets him to do “bad” things like getting shit faced and stuff. He loves dancing but is not sure about clubs and things like that. Kind of like a party sensei I guess.
☼ Flings? – I feel like he’s the type to be an angel in the streets but a devil in the sheets. Don’t let his cute and innocent look fool you! This boy is long past innocent. Taken by Dae (Aly // Exes on good terms!)
These are just some more specific plots I had in mind but totally willing to brainstorm other things if you’re not vibing with any of these! I’d love some other types of romance plots too (I’m just bad at thinking of them) and maybe some other types of friendship plots!
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benjaminhunter · 8 years
T, U, V
under the cut for length!! ty for asking !!!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
fast and hard headcanons, huh.. you’ll notice how my vocaloid hcs are short because i have so much of them but i don’t want to list them all.
all vocaloids know sign language
rin & len kagamine are both genderfluid and most vocaloids/utaus are pan, no one is straight (god forbid);
lui hibiki has aphonia and ring suzune is Deaf
v flower is agender and refers to themself with they pronouns and gendered terms like “Im fuckboy??” or “im just some country girl”
v3 & v4 flower are selective mute
fukase has a skin picking disorder
miku append solid has an eating disorder  (just a heads up i don’t want to treat this as a cute headcanon like an accessory or a fashion statement, its literally headcanons because i project myself on characters i love the most ! ok !)
miki is an alien, can float, makes funny beeping noises when excited
ia is an alien, can float
piko has prosthetic legs
gakupo is a gay trans man
sachiko is a trans woman
all len units are big narcissists and want to date each other somehow
yuzuki yukari is a lesbian
yuzukari on is good at video games, yuzukari lin is not
anon and kanon both are flirty jerks and woo all the girls (especially rana)
cocorobo eats dirt. she straight up sucks dirt
komaru wears socks in bed (and during sex hfsdhskdfjsds); 
touko smacked mitarai in the face once; 
shsl impostor is nonbinary; AI nanami isn’t a different person from dr3 nanami but in fact nanami reincarnated;
when tenko held hands with a girl for the first time she had to lie down for twenty minutes and broke down crying in Gay Joy 
kuvira has a swarm of beauty spots on her stomach and hearing the name beifong associated with her makes her skin crawl; 
kuvira fell in unrequited love with korra and probably will always be in love with her, always there for her if she needs a hand, mako-style
lin was married to another woman and is a widow now
bolin and opal’s kid is an airbender
when katara dies, bumi didn’t make it in time to see her one last time and he has to live with that guilt for a while and disappears in the spirit world for like. two years; and then asami and korra go look for him because Bumi Is Their Friend? and a sweetheart
rohan is gay
phoenix is bi, maya is bi, edgeworth is gay, mia is bi, athena is pan, apollo is bi, trucy is gay, klavier is pan, ema doesn’t care, rayfa is Fucking Gay My Dudes, nahyuta transcends gender and is bi, simon is gay
kristoph isn’t all black. he’s terrible and murdered people but my hc is he didn’t physically / mentally abuse his brother like so many think he did
hc that manfred von karma is mentally ill (ocd ?) and while that doesnt excuse his actions, its one of the reasons he put his children through so much abuse
i ship cy/ke/squill in a weird way, in the way that they adore each other, they require physical touch (like athena needs to rub her head against simon’s shoulder) and could sometimes kiss yeah,and they sometimes speak in unison and if asked, they’d probably marry each other, but they aren’t in love?.. they don’t.. have romantic love? platonic love only. if that makes sense
rayfa is smitten with trucy and maya.
wow lana and angel are still dating after all these years
lana and simon are buddies. aura and lana… hooked up also
layton and phoenix flirted. it’s canon. it happened
darklaw’s scar on her right hand comes from when she dragged espella away from the belltower the night of the Great Fire; 
rouge & foxy are dating, rouge & barnham are cousins, darklaw is related to aura & simon blackquill,
espella and maya dated in the past, 
espella is a lesbian, rouge is bi, barnham is bi, eve is bi (leaning more towards girls)
darklaw has avpd and is psychotic
espella is Not Neurotypical (ptsd / psychotic) + suicidal (!she has all my Mental Illnesses because i said so) and this one headcanon i’ll fight for it in your local supermarket parking lot
(zero escape)
diana, phi and sigma all live in a big apartment after ztd; its strange because they’re technically all related to each other but they’re all the same age so sometimes they get really drunk and then diana is like “fuck im supposed to be the mom” and then passes out
diana and sigma don’t get together asap because theres a lot of dancing around and phi watches them with a quirked eyebrow over the breakfast table because they both are So Straight it’s annoying
eventually sigma builds Luna and the four of them live together and it’s actually a Lot Easier to live with such a positive presence who’s here to comfort them
phi drags luna to a bar once and tries to get her drunk or just see if a GOLEM can dysfunction with alcohol but mostly its just phi downing shots of vodka while boys and girls come to flirt with luna
carlos explains to akane he’s dating someone, akane is overjoyed and want to meet them, and almost drops to the floor when she sees carlos is dating her brother aoi   (junpei laughing in the distance)
mira actually kills eric. sorry eric. She then goes to follow sean around while he’s following the circus. they adopt gab
eric isn’t actually dead but he’s away from mira because them being married is an horrible idea. What The Fuck Was Kotaro Uchikoshi Thinking
tenmyouji is Cool Grandpa and quark is good at soccer (???)
alice and clover are dating
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
lin beifong, because she’s lin beifong, thats why. touko fukawa because shes so strong, you know. v flower because… i really love flower’s voice and design and to this day they help me figure my gender out
V - Which character do you relate to most?
kuvira. has ambition but crippled with visions of grandeur and recklessness, full of regrets and bitterness and knowing she betrayed someone, all the while burying deep abandonment issues inside of her. damn.
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penup · 7 years
[Review] Challenge of May (1)
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dreamer in the galaxy / @Miky Galaxy lunch / @hosio They seemed to be somewhere in the space or even in the sea. @Miky drew a questionable woman. The woman wandering around the space, relying on the black umbrella is impressive. The shiny lights up there seem to be waves. From which planet has this woman come from? @hosio drew a space cat. There are fish planets around the fish. They are preparing meals with forks and knives. It’s as cute as the title itself.
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galaxy / @FatemaMusharrof untitled / @sojomo Next comes two artworks of which the purple colors are attractive. @FatemaMusharrof drew galaxy in sky. In the sky seen from the galaxy, we can see moon and many stars. The artist expressed the mystic world that surrounds us, from near or far sight, with vivid colors. @sojomo drew a flower. It’s not a normal flower. There is galaxy in the flower. Is the space outside the flower a wider space than the galaxy? It is indeed an artwork with interesting idea.
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A supernova / @Spirited_One Aliens... / @ash There are mysterious characters in these two artworks. In @Spirited_One’s artwork, there is a person who seems to be looking at a planet. Doesn’t it look like the profile of a person? Is it inside a tunnel? There is light coming in from far sight. The aliens are following along the light. It is a piece by @ash that makes one get curious about what is out there.
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Galaxie / @adolphlip make the galaxy / @KyoungHwan @adolphilip drew galaxy through the night sky of vast grassland. It’s night, yet light shines it. Is it that something mysterious incident taking place in galaxy? It is an artwork where peace and splendor coexist. In @ KyoungHwan’s artwork, a boy is drawing stars with yellow color in black background. It shows how a boy is drawing his own galaxy, displaying innocence in imagination.
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Super Barred Spiral / @Envyous Galaxy / @zak Two artists seemed to be similar as if they saw the same photography. @Envyous drew galaxy that seems to be absorbing one totally. Doesn’t it look like a photo rather than a drawing? @zak is the artist that provided drawing tips very recently. The strong coloring and brush touches are very impressive. It shows the artist’s character very well. Below are our 10 winners. Congratulations! @Miky @hosio @FatemaMusharrof @sojomo @Katicabogar87 @ash @adolphlip @KyoungHwan @Envyous @zak
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[SAMPLE] We will present the gift set to all ten people who won the challenge. Congratulations everyone! Thank you. For our winners, please send the following information to our PEN.UP team. [Your PEN.UP user name / your real name / shipping address / postcode / contact information] Please send your information to: [email protected] * Information for winners : Those who have won the event, please check the privacy policy until June 21(Wednesday). Then you should send personal information collection service phrase, as well as personal information (PEN.UP ID, real name, mailing address, postal code, contact number). You can reject to the personal information collection service, but in case of rejection, you may not be able to the get the prize. Also, the prize can be cancelled if you do not send us an e-mail within the notified period. * Personal information collection service phrase : I, hereby, agree to the term on personal information collection service. I have checked the term on personal information service delegation, and I consent to the delegation of personal information service. * Purpose of personal information collection and usage : To check prize winning for PEN.UP May challenge and prize delivery. * Personal information collection criteria: PEN.UP ID/Real name/Address/Postal code/Contact number * Period for retaining personal information and usage: June 7, 2017 – July 20, 2017 * Consignee of personal information and consignment work: Gra-ph Design, event present delivery * Caution when receiving prizes: The winning of prize will automatically be cancelled if personal information is not delivered until Wednesday, June 21. In case the winner was not able to receive the prize due to wrong personal information, we cannot resend the prize. The personal information collected will be discarded within three months after the delivery is completed.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1302
Monday, February 24, 2020
 Jee-Riz will be busy the next couple of weekends. We will be at the Jim Durrell Arena for the Capital Trade Show on Sunday, March 1. Stop by our tables for some comic books at bargain basement prices. Then we'll set up at the Delta Hotel for the Capital Comic Book Con on Sunday, March 8. This is where we'll have our premiere selection of back issues for sale. I hope the old bod can handle all that lifting.
 Runaways #30 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Andre Genolet (art) Dee Cunniffe (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The Runaways' stint as the J-Team seems to be winding down with the revelation that their leader and benefactor is nothing more than an old glory hound. Unfortunately, one of them might be paying the ultimate price. Talk about a cliffhanger ending.
 Legion of Super-Heroes #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ryan Sook & Mikel Janin (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger & Mikel Janin (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). We interrupt this origin story of the Legion of Super-Heroes for a very important message about Aquaman's trident. I want to know who has it.
 The Red Mother #3 - Jeremy Haun (writer) Danny Luckert (art) Ed Dukeshire (letters). Man, I love this fantasy/mystery. The art is gorgeous. The main character Daisy is intelligent. I want to help her figure out what's going on with the red visions. This is a comic book that I think more people should be buying.
 Conan the Barbarian #13 - Jim Zub (writer) Roge Antonio (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Part one of "Into the Crucible" finds Conan trapped in a maze with other warriors. There are death traps at every turn. The surprise on the last page was a shock and it made me want to read the next issue as soon as possible.
 Archie #711 - Mariko Tamaki & Kevin Panetta (writers) Laura Braga (art) Matt Herms (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). I don't watch the CW TV shows but I do like the comic books. The teenage angst and drama makes me cringe sometimes but the art right now is what's keeping me coming back for more each issue.
 The Old Guard: Force Multiplied #3 - Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). This is another comic book that I think more people should be buying. Andromache (Andy for short) and her immortal pals are ambushed by someone from her past. We're talking way past. Centuries. If you can't find these on the racks right now, wait and buy the trade. You won't be disappointed.
 Daredevil #18 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Jorge Fornes (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I like the leaner, meaner Owl that wants to be kingpin of Hell's Kitchen. He's going to have a hard time taking control with the hired muscle that the Stromwyns have hitting the streets. I'm calling them Marvel's Fatal Five.
 Batman #89 - James Tynion IV (writer) Carlo Pagulayan, Guillem March & Danny Miki (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Speculators are all drooling because this issue features the first appearance of the Joker's newest main squeeze. She appears in two panels in extreme close-up so we don't know what she looks like or who she is. Harley's here too but she's a good guy now. I'm more curious to find out who the Designer is and how he's connected to Catwoman.
 Fantastic Four #19 - Dan Slott (writer) Sean Izaakse (art) Marcio Menyz & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The conclusion of "Point of Origin" starts off with a prelude to the next adventure for the team back on Earth. Meanwhile 44 light years away, Reed and the Overseer of Spyre engage in fisticuffs but then have a Kumbaya moment that made me roll my eyes. All is well that ends well for their space adventure and so it's homeward bound with an extra passenger, Johnny's soul mate Sky from Spyre. The next story has some classic FF characters that we haven't seen in a while. I'm looking forward to it.
 Valkyrie #8 - Jason Aaron & Torunn Gronbekk (writers) Cafu (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). A new story starts here featuring All-Father Thor. A darkness deep within the earth threatens to overwhelm the planet. Val and Thor dig deep to find it and uh-oh. Resistance is futile. The Anti-Life is a new Norse myth that we haven't seen yet. I want to know who set it off. No, it's not Darkseid.
 Wolverine #1 - Fans have been clamouring for the mutant runt to get his own book again and here it is. The big $7.99 US number one has two complete stories. One is a mystery and the other is Wolverine doing what he does best.
 "The Flower Cartel" by Benjamin Percy (writer) Adam Kubert (art) Frank Martin (colours) and VC's Cory Petit (letters) has Wolverine and X-Force tracking down stolen shipments of Krakoan drugs. The trail leads to Alaska and someone named The Pale Girl.
 "Catacombs" by Benjamin Percy (writer) Viktor Bogdanovic (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) and VC's Cory Petit (letters) sends Wolverine to Paris where he meets vampire killer Louise that sets up a confrontation with Dracula. Hordes of vampires are dispatched.
 The Pale Girl intrigues me more than Dracula but I don't know which story will continue in #2. The stories don't seem to be related so we'll have to wait and see.
 DCeased: Unkillables #1- Tom Taylor (writer) Karl Mostert (pencils) Trevor Scott, Neil Edwards & John Livesay (inks) Rex Lokus (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). This 3-issue mini has a DCU infested with the Anti-Life Virus. It's DC heroes and villains fighting zombies featuring the uninfected Jason Todd/ Red Hood and Cassandra Cain/Batgirl for the good guys and Deathstroke and Vandal Savage for the bad guys. The art is very nice and I'm a fan of Tom's writing so I'm going to keep reading.
 Plunge #1 - Joe Hill (writer) Stuart Immonen (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). I wasn't going to read this new DC Black Label book until I saw Stuart Immonen's name in the credits. I love his art. This is a story about a marine disaster way up near the Arctic Circle. There's a ghost ship, scientists and seas creatures. The marine biologist in me is curious.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #2 - Al Ewing (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Federico Blee (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Well that didn't take long. The team's mission to save the galaxy from dark Zeus and save Hercules ends with the threat neutralised and a surprise sacrifice. Tears are shed. I'm not worried though. Rocket didn't die on the last mission.
 Marauders #8 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Stefano Caselli (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Bishop retrieves the dead mutant from last issue with the help of Iceman, who takes some revenge on the humans. Storm takes the death hard as well but to me it's just empty theatrics because every mutant can be brought back to life. I'm just wondering if there will be changes to this hero when they're resurrected.
 Joker: Killer Smile #3 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Andrea Sorrentino (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Steve Wands (letters). The good Doctor Ben succumbs to the Joker's mind games and helps the clown prince of crime escape from Arkham Asylum. There was one part of the story that bugged me even though I understood the urgency of Batman going to save the doctor's family. Other than that, this was a good psychological thriller.
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