zcnnie-blog · 5 years
(  kim namjoon  ♡   twenty-five  ♡  male  ♡   he/him  )   i   just  heard  ZEN JUNG blasting to CYBER SEX   by   DOJA CAT  !    i   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    the   EUNOIC  ,   since   they're    OBSERVANT  &   GULLIBLE …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge   CANCER  .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at   an  ABANDONED HOUSE HUNTING FOR GHOSTS .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them !  (  syds  ♡  22  ♡   he/she/they  )
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hello i present to u a speed round of intro with syds
he is aleah’s older brother
he loves ghost hunting
he loves joking abt wanting to die
works at a gas station 
was always very quiet growing up. still pretty quiet but he’ll chat if he’s comfy (which he probably will be with most everyone here)
very kind heart and can say it online or thru text but irl he rly struggles with saying anything super .... vulnerable ig he’s just weird about it and gets nervous and sweaty let him live
curses a lot tbh
loves writing! his passion has always been writing. working on a book but it’s taking him a very very very very long time.
spends most nights breaking into abandoned houses to hunt for ghosts. 
speaking of,,,,, has a knife collection and he’s always prepared to protect himself
um... always falling in love but never doing anything about it. usually just writes about them and leaves it at that. king of admiring from afar.
also a virgin . and gets rly shy abt sexual things being brought up to him ok let him LIVE!!!!!!!
not that he doesn’t have many sexual thoughts and he has no issue listening to/watching sexual things he just doesn’t know how to act if someone brings it up to him directly 
very protective and will die to keep the ppl he loves safe.
ok end. plot with me now KJDFKJDGKJ
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charliexhaeya · 5 years
Charlie Hae // Intro ☼
(  lee felix  ♡  twenty one  ♡  cismale  ♡   he/him  )   I   just  heard   CHARLIE HAE   blasting   to     HAPPINESS by PENTAGON  !    I   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE  SUNSHINE  ,   since   they're    JUBILANT  &   FOOLISH …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge    VIRGO .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at    CENTRAL PARK .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them !  (  backy  ♡  25  ♡   she/her  )  Hello!! My name is Backy and this is my sunshine Charlie. He’s a new muse of mine so please bear with me while I work out the kinks! Allons-y! ☼
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☀️ The Basics ☀️ ☼ Full Name: Charlie Hae (The Sunshine) ☼ Talent claim / Faceclaim: Lee Felix ☼ Age: 21 ☼ Birthday: September 15 ☼ Languages: English, minimal Korean ☼ Occupation: Baker @ tbd ☼ Hobbies: Walking in the park, taking naps in the sunshine, baking, volunteering at the animal shelter, petting dogs, playing video games, dancing
☼ Zodiac: Virgo ☼ Sexuality: Pansexual ☼ Drinking, smoking, drugs: Yes, no, no ☼ Likes: The sun!!, cupcakes, flowers, tea, sweet food, cuddling, warm blankets, soft snow, crunchy leaves ☼ Dislikes: Sour food, the dark, spiders, fighting, loud noises, overcast weather ☼ Random HCs: Freckles!!, deep af aussie voice (the duality), loves wearing big soft sweaters (sweater paws!), actually randomly competitive and will kick your ass at video games, a pacifist but not as defenseless as he looks (might kick your ass physically too idk)  
☀️ The Personality ☀️ ☼ Jubilant: Always happy about something!! Gets really excited about the small things in life like little flowers growing from the sidewalk or that small patch of sunlight that shines through his window in the morning. Usually excited and has lots of energy just like the sun itself. Wants to spread his happiness and joy with everyone so expect lots of impromptu dancing and smiles. ☼ Caring: Loves his friends and is always trying to take care of them. Usually by bringing around baked good from the bakery or trying to cheer people up with good vibes. So reliable! Will absolutely love on you and try to help in whatever way he can. Maybe not so good at giving advice but will listen no matter what! ☼ Affectionate: Touchy & Cuddly!! Gives good hugs and always wants to be in other peoples’ personal space. Loves holding hands and getting piggyback rides. Just wants to be friends with everyone! Very #soft vibes when he’s not totally wound up.
☼ Clumsy: Always has scrapped knees or cuts on his fingers from trying to do kitchen things. He can bake like no tomorrow but it’s better not to let him near sharp things like knives or blenders. Should be supervised at all times and someone should make sure his shoes are tied properly before he leaves the house to prevent tripping (even if he probably will anyway). Has a horrible sense of balance unless he’s dancing. ☼ Foolish: Heckin’ gullible. Will believe anything you tell him probably but also kind of dense and can’t take a hint. Asks a lot of dumb questions but he just wants to learn!! Really loves life and wants to always believe that people have good intentions even when they definitely don’t. Has probably been the victim of a phone scam or five. ☼ Emotional: Really takes everything to heart and even though he’s good at pretending to be happy 24/7 sometimes he gets really sad if he thinks someone might dislike him or gets too aggressive with him. He really hates it when people fight and will probably blame himself even if he did nothing wrong. Doesn’t like to burden other people with his emotions but might start crying if he gets overwhelmed or hurt and might get homesick sometimes!
☀️ The History ☀️ ☼ o1. Okay gonna keep this short cuz it’s really not that important but Australian!! Has three older sisters and that honestly explains a lot. Grew up mostly playing with them and never really questioning that he wasn’t like the other boys. Not really one for the rough and tumble and kinda got bullied for it but his sisters beat the shit out of his aggressors anyways so. ☼ o2. He moved to New York to go to art school but dropped out because he realized he liked baking better. Besides, he was kinda failing but don’t tell his parents that (He couldn’t keep up with the theory). Now he’s a head baker at the bakery and even though he doesn’t make a lot of money he’s pretty happy with it! Spends most of the day designing cute cupcakes and making cakes for clients and weddings! He loves weddings.
☀️ The Wanted Connections ☀️ ☼ The Sun & The Moon – Someone with a total opposite personality!! Maybe awkward at first, maybe they don’t get along at all but eventually they’re two sides of the same coin. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!) ☼ Pseudo-Sister – Someone who reminds him of his sisters & protects him (even if he probably can protect himself). He’s kind of imprinted on her like a baby duck. In reality they’re actually really great friends (besties even!) just with a sibling type of relationship. Taken by Sunny (Gina // Soft spot!)
☼ BFFL – Just as it says! His ride or die, his platonic soulmate, the peanut butter to his jelly. We can work out the deets later! Taken by Miyo (Aly // Clumsy babies!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) ☼ Annoyed Protector – Someone who’s annoyed by Charlie but also soft for him at the same time. Might bully him a bit but if anyone else does it? Heaven forbid. Taken by Oliver (Miki // Hajima)
☼ First Aid – Someone who knows Charlie is a big dumb and will probably hurt himself on any given outing. Always has some band aids handy and makes sure he ties his shoes so he doesn’t trip!! Pretty much his mom friend, even if it is begrudgingly. Taken by Micah (Miki // Future Ship!)
☼ Emotional Confidant – Even though he cries easily, he tries not to. Someone who could comfort him!! Who he can rant to and let it all out with? He might be sunshine incarnate but he’s still a human with some very real emotions! Taken by Aiden (Isa // Big brother figure!), Doyun (Isa // BroTP!) 
☼ Platonic Cuddles – Pretty self-explanatory but cuddling with no meaning behind it. Honestly none of you are safe anyway whether you sign up or not. 
☼ Bad Influence – Someone who gets him to do “bad” things like getting shit faced and stuff. He loves dancing but is not sure about clubs and things like that. Kind of like a party sensei I guess.
☼ Flings? – I feel like he’s the type to be an angel in the streets but a devil in the sheets. Don’t let his cute and innocent look fool you! This boy is long past innocent. Taken by Dae (Aly // Exes on good terms!)
These are just some more specific plots I had in mind but totally willing to brainstorm other things if you’re not vibing with any of these! I’d love some other types of romance plots too (I’m just bad at thinking of them) and maybe some other types of friendship plots!
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mrrhcc · 5 years
     i   just  heard    ATLAS  RHEE   blasting   to     STUPID  by  TATE  MCRAE !    i   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE   CHAOTIC  MASTERMIND  ,   since   they're    CHARISMATIC  &   SENSELESS …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge    CAPRICORN .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at    AN  ART  GALLERY .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them  ! 
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      ♡        hello  babies  ,  nochu  for  those  who  don’t  know  me  ,  and  introducing  you  to  one  of  my  oldest  babies  .  BEWARE  !!  forward  you’ll  find  some  triggers  like  gore  ,  murder  ,  mental  illness (  BPD  )  n’  organized  crime  !!  please  skip  to  headcanons  if  you  feel  like  any  of  those  might  hurt   you  .  off  we  go  !!
I.     CHARISMA  ;  no  one  would  expect  such  child  to  have  such  bright  stars  behind  hazel  eyes  ,  two  spheres  sparkling  as  pale  face  covered  with  spilled  blood  .  he  couldn’t  kill  him  .  not  this  bundle  of  joy  .  taking  him  by  the  hand  ,  there  were  no  questions  to  what  to  do  with  the  child  .  still  too  young  to  remember  ,  the  small  toddler  was  taken  from  his  parents  dead  bodies  and  ,  holding  the  only  plush  toy  he  had  been  allowed  ,  mind  would  never  quite  understand  such  memories
                                              you’re  safe  now.
II.     SENSELESS  ;  nothing  would  be  the  same  .  big  mansions  ,  quiet  rooms  ,  secrets  lurking  in  the  shadows  .  a  small  child  would  never  imagine  what  screams  held  those  walls  together  ,  what  horrors  .  the  senseless  mind  of  the  wandered  ,  small  paint  -  filled  hands  tapping  the  walls  looking  for  him  .  daddy  daddy  daddy  !!  small  voice  echoed  but  wasn’t  of  enough  warning  .  doe  eyes widen  in  horror  with  a scream  caught  in  his  throat  .  a  pressed  no  caught  ,  the  moment  memories  rushed  childish  mind  .  take  him  out  of  here  !!  nothing  would  never  be  the  same  .  no  ,  not  again  .
III.     PARANOIA  ;  seems  bad  wishes  just  turn into  bad  feelings  ,  life  kept  leading  bad  decisions  ,  the  voices  inside  his  head  pulling  the  bad  actions  outside  to  the  world  .  precious  little  boy  ,  chaos  reigns  in  your  head  .  nothing  could  stop  ,  that  wish  to  destroy  as  much as  he  was  ,  to  feel  the  pain  and  craziness  spread  through  the  streets  .  is  it  not  what  we  do  ?  to  spread  fear  where  fear  is  supposed  to  rule  ?  sweet  little  thing  ...  you  will  bring  wonders  .
                                                  BANG  BANG  BANG  .....
                                                                                              what  was  this  ?  bitter  fate  would  it  be  ,  for  the  man  once  his  father  to  be  dead  .  where  to  go  ,  what  to  do  ?  blindness  behind  tired  eyes  ,  the  craziness  left  behind  by  tainted  images  ...  blood  in  hands  ,  perfectly  followed  orders  allowed  orphanaged  child  to  lead  ,  to  finally  show  the  truest  potential  to  their  eyes  .  ah  ,  look  it  here  ,  he’s  as  mad  as  he’s  young  ...  the  orders  were  to  be  followed  in  fear  of  death  and  there  he  was  ...  like  a  true  leader  .  until  ....
IV.     FALL  OUT  ;  everything  shouldn’t  have  ended  like  it  did  .  after  almost  ten  years  of  leading  a  crime  family  ,  atlas  had  nothing  ,  fell  on  nothing  .  the  only  thing  he  held  onto  was  his  paints  ,  his  beloved  art  supplies  ... home  .  innocent  gaze  covering  the  madness  behind  ,  bleached  clothes  covering  the  madness  ...  ah  look  it  here  ...  the  perfection  of  it  ...  the  boy  who  burned  through  fire  and  still survived  ...
so  basically  ,  boss  of  a  fallen  crime  organization  but  if  he  still  does  things  ?  most  definitely  ,  building  his  empire  back  up
meanwhile  ,  is  a  tattoo  artist  ,  has  his  own  studio  ,  kind  of  ... all  over  the  place  ?  unreachable  ,  never  picks  up  the  phone  ,  definitely  needs  a  secretary  bUT
suffers  from  bpd  and  does  not  take  his  meds  as  much  as  he  should
has  four  doggies  (  he  loves  his  furry  children  )
is  blind  as  a  bat  ,  probably  should  use  his  glasses  but  rather  go  blind  than  put  them  on  when  he’s  too  lazy  to  put  contacts
art  is  literally  his  life  ;  if  it  wasn’t  the  chaos  inside  him  ,  he  probably  would  dedicate  himself  fully  to  it
unhealthy  addiction  to  bad  vines  and  tiktoks
dumb  fuck  energy
actually  very  precise  even  though  sometimes  he  rather  play  dumb  to  mislead  someone
will  pretend  to  love  you  down  ,  yes  yes  yes  ,  your  dog  is  very  interesting
how  he  has  friends  ?  i  have  no  idea
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buffbabie · 5 years
(  jeon jungkook  ♡   twenty-two  ♡  male  ♡   he/him  )   i   just  heard    YOGI BAE   blasting   to    SUGAR  by BROCKHAMPTON !    i   mean ,  it's   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE   CLOWN  ,   since   they're    IMAGINATIVE  &   CHAOTIC …    maybe   that's   because   they're   a   huge    ARIES .   on   a   good   day ,   you'll   find   them at    THE COMIC BOOK STORE .   let's    hope   to   see   more   of   them !  
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background stuff.
his parents were 16 and 17 when the accident pleasantly known as yogi was created. 
his mother despised the idea of being a teen mom, but she was also way too scared to do anything BUT give birth to him.
not at all good parents. they attempted for about a year, but his father turned eighteen and kinda... just bailed. his mom was overwhelmed by responsibilities and eventually gave up custody to none other than yogi’s father’s parents. 
honestly, after that, he was raised in a... relatively normal home. his grandfather did not get along with him, but yogi got older and realized it had to do with looking so much like his ‘disappointment of a son’. 
yogi tried to satisfy his grandparents as a well behaved child, but a lot of the time he felt like everything he did was somehow wrong. fun!
he got along rly well with his grandma, at the very least. she was very intense about putting him in different activities ,  trying to find his ‘thing’, but he deadass just wanted to... hang out in his bedroom and make sum online friends and doodle. n read comic books. 
was a very quiet in elementary school. not shy just didn’t rly wanna get in trouble for talking KDSJFKSJD
as he got older he got more and more talkative. now he honest to god never shuts the fuck up he’s always talking like...... he starts one place and ends up somewhere completely different. his mind moves SOOOO fast 
( DEATH TW ) his senior year of high school his grandfather passed away. that’s when his relationship with his grandma rly changed. she was completely devastated and yogi took care of her, not going off to college like he had originally planned and instead kinda... jus hung out with her and tried to give her enough company to kinda distract her from his absence. 
she HOWEVER slowly started getting more n more... mean.  she’d demand he stay and live with her forever but at the same time she’d shame him for not being ‘successful’. there was a lot of back and forth begging him to stay while also calling him a disappointment like his father. it was rly fun times for yogi aha (:
he finally got brave enough to bail and got into an apartment. he still visits her... a LOT like basically once a day but she’s just a very grumpy old lady now. yogi still loves her very much tho.
yogi’s primary income is from commissions of his artwork and the occasional cartoon job that keeps him living well enough to like... survive. 
safe to assume........ wasn’t good at school. not super bright. like at all. but it’s okay
GODDD HES SO IMPULSIVE ITS ACTUALLY HUMILIATING like when i say impulsive... he deadass does not b thinking at ALL. he just MOVES.
can be very ANGRY he like snaps he has an issue kinda he just,,,sdfjsdg YELLS and says VERY mean things. he can get so so so mean. he rly hits u exactly where he knows it’ll hurt
he loves the idea of being in love but also he’s in love with 4234 people at a time. 
will tell someone they’re his everything and then ghost.
hes just an idiot.
but it can kinda pass as sorta endearing sometimes.
just love him... he’s just a stupid boy full of love to give. 
kinda a mom friend? will jump up and run if one of the ppl he cares abt needs something no matter how late. u need sum plan b? kk he’s going rn no babies allowed
very obsessive. very dramatic. very jealous.
also rly bad abt being a tease cuz he be changing his mind and rly just likes the excitement and build up of a relationship and runs from the actual dating long term thing KJDFJD
loves goin on bike rides. he has a cute light blue bike with pink flowers that he rides around a lot.
has a dog walking side job for extra cash. 
comes off as Babie Boy but he is NOT babie boy. do not trust it. he can be the biggest horny WHORE sometimes.
loves video games too. mostly plays stardew valley.
not always flirty but he’ll flirt if he’s interested in someone and wants to impress them.
ok now everyone pls plot with me ):
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chbaby-blog · 5 years
    i   just  heard    BABYLON OH   blasting   to   WE DON’T TALK TOGETHER by HEIZE  !    i   mean ,  it’s   not    surprising .   the   squad    knows   them   as    THE BOHEMIAN  ,   since   they’re   WITTY  &   IRONY - FILLED …    maybe   that’s   because   they’re   a   huge    GEMINI .   on   a   good   day ,   you’ll   find   them at   CHANEL STORE .   let’s    hope   to   see   more   of   them  ! 
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     listen  ...  this  intro  is  going  to  be  all  over  the  place  because  there  is  just  ...  so  much  chaotic  power  i  can  take  .  plot  w  me  ,  pls
trigger  warning  ;  anxiety  ,  emotional  abuse
no  one  knows  ,  but  she  was  once  apart  of  new  york  elite  OH  family  (  if  your  muse  is  in  anyway  a  socialite  ,  let’s  talk  ,  i  have  ideas  ok  )  .  they  moved  from  korea  when  babylon  was  just  ,  well  ,  a  baby  and  there  was  no  adaptation  period  until  the  korean  royalty  started  to  get  the  ropes  of  how  the  city  worked
however  the  oh  kids  were  shielded  from  the  socialite  society  for  extreme demise  of  everyone  else  ;  call  it  kids  don’t  know  how  to  behave  and  the  oh  kids  are  weird  .  babylon  has  one  older  brother  and  let’s  be  honest,  we  don’t  talk  anymore  type  of  vibe
she  was  put  into  the  classical  education  ,  but  was  extremely  invested  in  ballet  ,  because  ...  she  was  a girl  .  literally  no  other  explanation  .  she  actually  liked  it  ,  dance  was  always  a  big  part  of  her  life  until  they  happened
insert  bad  decisions  with  bad  people  here
it  wasn’t  because  she  wanted  to  get  back  at  daddy  ,  or  because  her  life  lacked  love  and  adoration  ... she  was  just  .... stupid  ...  okay  ?  also  she  wanted  to  get  at  mommy  ,  not  daddy  .  her  mom  was  and  is  the  worst  person  ever  ,  kept  filling  her  head  with  bad  unrealistic  expectations  about  herself  and  her  career
she  really  thought  she  would  come  back  with  her  dad  welcoming  her  but  her  mom  was  like  clean  the  shit  you  made  or  you’re  not  a  oh  anymore  .  and  she  tried  ,  she  truly  tried  ,  but  then  was  very  loudly  FUCK  THIS  and  started  to  do  EVERYTHING  to  piss  off  her  mom
we  love  a  petty  queen
this  is  why  .................................  she  started  escorting
but  she’s  a  high  demand  escort  ,  she  smooching  okay  .  it  started  with  some  of  her  daddy’s  friends  and  then  her  network  just  started  to  rise  and  she  was  like  oh  well  
sugar  daddy  gatherer  
her  mom  found  out  and  started  FUMING  .  girlie  was  disowned  but  she  still  attends  the  same  circles  as  her  parents  because  apparently  old  rich  people  hire  escorts  like  crazy
you’d  thing  escort  hm  ?????  crazy  .  she’s  actually  a  virgin  ,  the  old  men  just  want  a  pretty  lady  wrapped  on  their  arm  .  she  thrives  from  good  company  and  roadtrips
too  clumsy  to  function  though
has  a  dog  because  what  even  is  life  anymore
gave  up  ballet  but  not  really  ??  still  rents  out  a  studio  on  the  city  to  dance  ,  paint  and  do  her  things
big  artist  ,  focus  on  realistic  drawing  ,  usually  sells  her  paintings  (  although her  sugar  daddies  just  love  to  have  her  art  )
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ocorvus · 5 years
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( kim jennie ♡ 23 ♡ cis female ♡ she/her )   i just heard ALEAH JUNG blasting   to I DONT WANT TO LOVE YOU ANYMORE BY LANY ! i mean, it’s not surprising. the squad knows them as BREAK THE CUTIE, since they’re HONEST & CYNICAL … maybe that’s because they’re a huge CANCER. on a good day, you’ll find them at TIMES SQUARE. let’s hope to see more of them !
BREAK THE CUTIE - a character who once had a seemingly normal & perfect life, they were happy-go-lucky and everything was going great for them until tragedy struck, and since then, they’ve been plagued by unfortunate events, & they can’t seem to catch a break.
trigger warnings for: car accident, death of friends, suicide attempts, depression.
aleah’s home life growing up was seemingly perfect: parents who loved them and accepted them, an older brother who they got along with, the best friends anyone could ask for, and a boyfriend that everyone was jealous of. but that’s just high school right? people always warn you that things change after high school and for aleah, things changed her senior year.
every year the group of girls took a trip over winter break to go hiking and snowboarding in maine. the vacation was going the same it always did- but coming home would change everything in the blink of an eye. admittedly, no one should have been driving that night but the girls had wanted to go meet up with some other friends. no one saw the other car until it was too late.
aleah doesn’t remember much from the crash itself. she remembers loud noises and the car rolling part way down the mountain before stopping. the next thing they remember is waking up in an unfamiliar hospital bed with her parents surrounding her anxiously. “you’ve been out for two months.” and “they did everything they could”. she’s the sole survivor of the accident, though whole is not something she would describe her new life.
paralyzed from the waist down, aleah now spends the rest of her life in a wheelchair. hobbies of soccer and ballet and cheerleading changed to art, something that she could do with her hands. depression came in waves. physical therapy became her routine and she fought daily to be normal again. medication made her sick, made her sleepy, made her impossibly skinny. 
she attempted to take her life three different times. finally she was sent to the city to live with her uncle and receive long term treatment with better doctors. with the help of physical therapy, aleah has gained minor use of her legs again but will likely never walk again.
she puts on a sunny disposition but inside aleah is struggling to always stay happy and keep holding on to wanting to be alive. 
wanted connections 
ex boyfriend !
older brother !
uncle !
ride or die best friend !
art friends
unrequited crush (her @ them)
skinny love (fite me)
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