#what we playin? || dash games
chxrgebxltmeltdown · 17 days
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@auditioheros “KYOKYOOOOO!!!! I love you, marry me, I’ll learn more about you that way!!!”
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saetoru · 2 years
Bestie i was literally trying to ignore genshin impact afraid i was going to become addicted to it (bcuz it seems really fun) but ever since I've seen u post about playing it i was like "fuck it, it sounds fun I'm playin it rn" so i downloaded it but I'm too scared to open it bcuz if i become too obsessed I'd have to say goodbye to all the shows n animes i watch bcuz i most likely will be playing nonstop so i can progress n learn more about it, cuz that's what i do to every single game i play lmfao😂💀
If I'm not mistaken it is a multiplayer game so I'll get my friend to play it with me so we can waste precious time together😌✨(n bcuz i love annoying him lol)
JHBSDJHFV i promised cat id play w her and plus i feel like its the one fandom missing from my collection LMAO i have like pretty much all the fandoms under the sun on my masterlist 😭
except maybe csm and blue lock BUT i rly wanna watch the animes for those but i started blue lock bc all my moots have been talking about it a lot lately on dash and i was like ... ok fine BUT CSM im waiting for the anime
BUT i feel u bc i deadass spent the whole day playing genshin 😭 rip all my writing wip SOBSS
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drogba-prospect · 7 months
Pop Smoke - PTSD (Official Audio)
Survivor guilt or survivor's guilt (but also survivor syndrome, survivor's syndrome, survivor disorder and survivor's disorder) is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic or tragic event when others did not.
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Uh, uh, ay
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
Dot on the head of his only daughter
Then I dunk her head in that holy water
Niggas shootin', we gon' shoot back
Sittin' at the table like Tha Carter 5
They know I'ma do ya
Aimin' for medulla
Cooler than a cooler
Shoota with a shoota
AK on my shoulder like I'm Malcom X
'Cause I ain't goin' out like I'm Martin Luther
Nigga open up the door nigga I know you home
It's a hundred Crip niggas standing on ya lawn
Give up that cheese, give that Provolone
And I ain't talkin' on the phone 'cause I ain't playin' with 'em
I got a K for the cuz if he hit you
If I call Nappy Blue he comin' to get you
Call Dread, that's the new Tom Brady
'Cause he be sendin' shots like it's missle
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
Niggas always talkin' hot and runnin' they mouth
Until I kick down they door and run in they house
Have they mother on the floor with the gun in her mouth
Like what's that shit up on the net that y'all was talkin' bout
I put that on my son that I'ma take it there
'Cause where you come from and where I come from I ain't playin' fair
My lil' homie died and I ain't drop a tear
I just roll a spliff and put it in the air
I'm big 092 niggas know I'm woo
I look a nigga in his face like, "Who you talkin' to?"
I need 25k or I ain't walkin' through
I need 25k or I ain't walkin' through
I spent 20 on my wrist and 20 on a chain
I be spoiling myself so I could ease the pain
Digital dash I be switching lanes
I was sitting on the bench but now I'm in the game
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
0 notes
savagecowboy · 8 months
“You’re a disease”. “You’d know. Didn’t you start the plague?”
Homer takes a wild swing at Severen who leans back away from him, dodging the blow, but overbalancing his chair, spilling himself out of it. Splayed on the floor, the cowboy rolls his eyes as Homer over zealously laughs at his expense.
“Eat it up, cause it’s the only thing you’re gettin’ a’night!” Declaration made, Severen sits up and makes to grab his elder. Homer barely succeeds in dashing back out of reach, feeling the close swipe whisk through the air between them.
Homer is usually not one for physical games, especially ones involving the renowned cheat, yet he remains engaged. Staying just out of grasp, he taunts Severen, who becomes more and more agitated when unable to get a grip on the smaller creature. It is difficult to tell if one is indulging the other in these antics; holding back just enough to keep them slightly less than equal. Regardless, it is ended by Severen frustratedly tackling Homer in a bear hug. He digs his rough knuckles into the mess of dirty, chestnut hair, giving the boy-thing a searing noogie. Homer thrashes his legs wildly, kicking one of the table legs. The table jostles violently, nearly tipping the objects upon it, earning the roughhousing miscreants a sharp bark of reproach from Diamondback.
“Hey ! Knock it off !” She snaps, they desist, Severen releasing his quarry who jumps to his feet and dusts himself off; giving Severen a sharp kick in the ribs.
“We was only playin’” the younger of the two grumbles from the ground, massaging his side. He catches the blonde’s narrowed glare and doubles down with an aggressive scowl.
“Severen, ain’t you already grown? Weren’t you raised by the time we met?” Before the addressed can answer, Jesse interjects. “Only thing that raised that boy was hell itself” he says lighting the end of a cigarette. It’s subtle, but he shoots Severen a half smirk of allegiance that drops as soon he pulls the cigarette away to exhale.
“Alright”, the Savage One huffs, rising up and straightening his jacket, “I can tell when I ain’t wanted”. He gives those gathered a dirty look and heads for the door. “If you could tell that, you woulda left hours ago”, Homer retorts, the soft lilt of his boyish voice adding a scathing edge to his words. Severen glares over his shoulder at the youthful seeming creature, curling his lip in a snarl. He grabs the knob of the door, ready to throw it open, pausing just a moment.
“Need anythin’ while I’m out”
Even when playing at being a suffering martyr, it is impossible to shirk his self appointed duty. They each played a role, an irreplaceable part of a united whole. It was what gave them strength, it was what made them invincible.
“No, enjoy yourself Sever’n”. The Silvered One speaks without facing his longtime companion. They say more in quiet ways to one another than out loud. Their’s is a language that goes unspoken, a mutual understanding that is simply known.
“Don’t be out too long” Diamondback issues her customary warning, always the same— if not phrased a little differently for each. Twisting the handle, Severen opens the door a crack before Homer gets in the last word.
“You owe me a new book”.
He dumps the two uneven halves of the ruined text onto the coffee table by the couch he has slumped on. “Ya?” Severen mutters, glancing at the object that had instigated their row, “only if you admit that was a clean kick!” He ducks out the door just as Homer hurls the mangled book at him, the heavy thump followed by Severen’s muffled laughter on the other side.
If he hadn’t believed there was a chance that the indolent cretin would make good on his delivery, Homer would have been more genuinely upset. Not that he wasn’t currently, but there was a part of him— hard as it might be to admit— that knew even as insufferable as the cowboy could be, he owed everything to having been taken in by him and Jesse. That was something he would put up with a thousand Severen’s for. It meant everything to him to have a family again, to be wanted by others. Accepted, maybe loved— though none of them spoke in those words.
For the most part, they didn’t need to. Love was something most admitted to, but they intrinsically knew the bond they shared. There would be nothing to gain and all to lose were it severed. They were pieces of a whole that knew no end— would never know one. So squabble as they might, as families often did, there was no parting ways. Should they—could they—it would be an eternal suffering, perhaps more than that. It would be a death undying. A wound that would never heal, never finish bleeding, one that would be suffered endlessly. It would be better to die alongside the others.
“You want in on this?” Jesse called out from the table.
The repetitious sound of shuffling broke through Homer’s reverie, the eldest of them having gotten lost in his thoughts. Blinking, he stares back at the two remaining, noting the calculating ways in which they watch. They think they are the only ones who are perceptive of their “children’s” emotions, but they too are studied. No action goes unnoticed by any.
“Sure”, he agrees, rising to take the seat offered, listening to the soft shush-shush of the plasticized paper sliding over the table’s surface. He had nothing better to do now, his book a ruin after the show off sliced his spur through it, but he knows it is more the despondent look upon his face that caused the two to call him over.
Homer is aware that he has never quite overcome the overwhelming loneliness that plagued him over the decades he spent on the streets. They have tried to show him patience and companionship, none of it is ever quite enough. He doesn’t know if it ever can be. There is something more he feels he needs. A perfect piece to bridge the gap he feels inside. He doesn’t know if one even exists. Sometimes he’s not sure he wants it to. When one has lived with a particular horror for long enough, it becomes its own strange comfort. Were he to reckon with the vestiges of his past, be whole on his own, would he even need this family then? Would they still be a family were he to have his own…companion?
He must have been drifting again, because he feels The Pale One’s cold fingers wrap around his wrist. She gives him a gentle squeeze and Homer responds with the minutest of grins, sliding his cards toward himself. He doesn’t need to ask what they are playing, it’s always poker with Jesse. Diamondback can sometimes coax the boys into Hearts, or Gin Rummy, hell even Severen took a shine to dice, but Jesse always stuck to one game. At a glance, Homer slides two cards to Jesse, Diamond passing back one. Dutifully, he deals them back fresh cards and they silently study their hands.
“Can I get one’a those?” Homer asks Jesse, putting his Jack by the Queen. Jesse slips another cigarette from the pack and lights it off his own, handing it over as he mulled over his five cards.
“You sure you shuffled these?” Diamondback mutters, her comment seeming calculated, but she of all is the hardest to read. Maybe it was her time as an actress, or perhaps a side effect of her own turning, but neither man can get a good take on if she is bluffing or not. Casually, she tosses in a handful of change, poker chips in short supply. Homer looks at what is piled beside him and matches, though he has a needling feeling that he probably has the worst hand of the three. He takes a long drag on his cigarette and lets the smoke drift from his mouth.
“Raise” Jesse informs them, tossing in a stack of silver. “Bullshit” Diamondback laughs. Her lover gives her a lopsided grin, and Homer can see a slight awkwardness to it. Diamondback catches the same mistaken tell. They each double down to force him out, but Jesse isn’t ready to be cut short. The card game turns from one of skill to a game of chicken.
And ends with Jesse crashing.
“Shit” he grumbles, “I fold”. Both the boy and the blonde laugh, Homer not even upset about losing his small stash to Diamond, the two merry in their triumph against their leader. It is then that the game is interrupted by the sound of the door reopening.
None had expected Severen back so soon, but there is no doubt of it being any other. Still, Homer sees Jesse’s hand hover near the holster at his hip, caution was never a thing to lose.
The first sound is laughter, loud and boisterous. It has three sources. One of which is indeed their formerly haughty protector, yet he is not the first through the door. It is a middle aged woman who looks fit for the honky-tonk, her friend, dressed similarly follows closely behind. Neither notices the others in the room at first, too busy sharing furtive glances at the man who has led them here. He must have put on quite the show, as they seem truly smitten. Slowly, the women quiet into giggles as Severen closes the door behind him and they catch the faces staring back at them from the table.
The lock clicks.
“Oh, we didn’t know you was with someone”, one of the women uncomfortably titters, it is clear she was expecting they would be getting Severen alone. The other tries to save face by acknowledging the one she assumes is a child.
“Hi there sweetie, you’re up awful late”. Homer doesn’t answer, just exhales a plume of grey smoke. The woman’s smile drops, her hands clutching her purse strap.
“Gee, maybe we best better go” the lady closest to the Savage One says, resting gaudily painted nails on his shoulder. “Maybe it’s a little past all our bedtimes”. “Awh c’mon darlin’” he croons, passing his fingertips over her cheek to cup the side of her face in his palm, “we’re only just gettin’ started”.
He curls his fingers into her hair, close by the root, then yanks it into a tight fist. The sudden shock of pain causes her to jerk and stumble, clinging onto his arm to keep from falling. Her reliance on him is a mistake, he leverages it to push her to her knees, other hand wrapping around the woman’s throat.
Her horrified friend is too bewildered to act. She looks to Homer. It is his experience that adults often think that the presence of a child assures them safety. For what harm would one allow around one so innocent?
It is a naive thought, one he is happy to rid her of. The boy-like creature rises from his chair, slowly walking over to where she is still hunched, jaw slack in disbelief, and jabs his cigarette out in her eye. She wails loudly, but he does not care for her suffering. Homer bites into her cheek, blood burbling up around his teeth. The volume of her scream rises and she strikes at his head, but none of her halfhearted attacks dissuade him. Her friend harmonizes with her own shriek of terror, Severen getting his own teeth wet by the sound of it.
There is a change in the woman’s position and Homer releases his hold. Backing up, he realizes that Diamondback and Jesse have come to either side of the victim, restraining her arms so they each may also have a taste. He gives a small smile, having no issues with sharing. It would be too much for him to finish anyway, and the three feed in silent appreciation.
Severen, on the other hand, makes a mess of his chosen prey. She is bent backward, head at an extreme tilt, his mouth to the woman’s exposed throat, having nearly decapitated her with his wide, deep bites. His loud gulps can be heard over their own, and the three know he is only beginning his carnage. Eventually, the two women grow still, what life they had to give consumed by the monsters amongst them.
Once finished, Jesse and Diamond retire to the bathroom, seeking privacy to clean up, though other activities are likely to take place. It leaves Homer with Severen. The latter is messily licking his fingers and picking skin out of his teeth, looking like he could still go for more; even though the woman he had been dining on is in a ruinous state.
“You can’t do anything simply, can you?” Homer asks, though his only answer is a shrug he fairly expected. Severen never seemed to feel the need to explain any of his actions, whether controlled or reckless. He was a being of pure motivation, and little recourse. Homer nearly respected that, though he doubted he could ever fully disavow the underlying disdain he felt for his fellow immortal.
“Did you even get me a book?” He sighs, disappointment rife in his tone. Severen had never yet broken a promise—even one unspoken— to him, but when in the midst of finding targets to sate himself (and his fellows) it was more than believable that the gluttonous brute would have forgotten. Severen snags the bag that had fallen to the floor during his attack, and tosses it to his companion. Homer cocked a brow, doubting the contents therein could have anything of interest. Should the woman have indeed been carrying something that could be deemed literature, it would most likely have a shirtless man and a bosomy seductress on the cover. His surprise was truly genuine to see a rather thick volume of collected short works by Herman Melville.
“ I dunno if it’s any good” Severen admitted, “but you got your book.” With that he got to his feet and tossed himself onto the couch. Homer could not help the genuine smile on his face, earlier musings resurfacing.
On his own he had led a desolate existence, one that knew only the struggle of basic survival. This pack, this family, though frustrating at times, had shown him what their life could be, the true joys of the night. Something other than hiding in shadows. Severen caught Homer’s absentminded grinning and frowned, suspicion written on his face. “ What ? ”
Homer didn’t answer, instead he crossed over to sit on the other end of the well worn sofa and cracked open the text; leaning back deep into the cushions. “What’re you grinnin’ about?” Severen persisted, but Homer ignored him, turning to the first written page and letting the words roll over his mind. He was happy here, content, if not fully satisfied. Perhaps none of them were completely fulfilled. Not entirely, yet the things they were lacking were minor in spite of everything.
Homer could cope, at least he thought he could, for now, if not forever.
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yumenosakiacademy · 10 months
i hav created a godly lil treat combo.
grab a piece of sandwich bread (idfc what type so long as its the off-the-shelve sliced soft shit. honeywheat is prob better, but all We hav is butterbread. put an F in the chat, beastie)
get a spoonful of cool whip (how loaded u make ur spoon is Up To You, but no less than like 3/4 of a normal spoon amount or else ur playin a weak fool's game) n smear tht shit across ur bread slice.
get out thy ground cinnamon. put a few dashes on there. not a palsy sprinkle mind u. get like 3 solid taps on there. smear THT shit across the aforementioned cool whip. it should turn v light brown at this point. VERY light brown tho. like. barely tinted.
(4 maximum enjoyment n Perfecto texture, peel off the crust n eat tht underwhelming shit 1st. dunk in extra cool whip if u want or make Sure 2 spread some on those parts when ur initially smearing the stuff on so the crust doesnt just taste like fuck all.)
BADA BING BADA BOOM u hav a soft fluffy lil treat.
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22hounds · 3 years
tickets for ; jujutsu kaisen characters reacting to…
playin now ; your cracked phone screen
(for reference your phone screen looks like this 🤨)
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cast list : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, nanami kento
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gojo satoru 」
- yay matching phone screens!!!
- this bitch’s phone literally looks like he’s taken it to bungee jumpin
- no idea how he can still use it without cutting his hand but we’re not questioning that 😬
- fixing his phone? getting a new one? el em a oh he has better places to spend his girthy thick voluptuous stack of cash on
- people look at you two in horror when you pull your phones out but he thinks it’s because of you two’s dashing looks 😌
- im not kidding like a cracked phone screen rlly does things to someone if i were runnin at someone and they pull out a magnum cracked phone i would turn the other way
- i’m like 90% sure y’all use your phones as a weapon because how the fuck did it get that cracked
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fushiguro megumi 」
- having lived with gojo he’s used to it by now
- but he definitely judges you when you pull out your phone
- side eyes you n all that
- he’s a bitch about it too going like “damn that screen’s more fragile than your ego” every ten minutes
- avoids your phone like its the damn plague bro what did my screen do to you 🗿
- tries his hardest to convince you to buy a new one because he literally cannot bear to see that phone suffer any more
- i don’t blame him some of you are throwin your phones across the room like its a one man game of hot potato and you’re playin with a nokia
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nanami kento 」
- confused
- how the fuck did you crack your phone that much do you fight godzilla on ur way to work???
- lectures you (but wouldn’t we all like that 😳)
- will not touch your phone w a ten feet pole he’s that petty
- of course his phone is pristine how else would he survive
- offers to buy you a new one but you decline outta pure spite
- that phone is hanging onto a thread let it go
- looks at you horrifiedly whenever you swipe your finger across that screen
- hes sure that one day you’ll stab yourself with that glass because what the fuck why would you scroll so casually with that nuclear weapon of a phone 😭
(rip this is my first time trying my hand at writing please excuse my lack of comedic talent)
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
hey besties!! here is part 8! Part 8 see's Amelia in a change of colours, her friendship with Jorgi explored more, an awkward Chelsea player and a cheeky Villa boy. Please enjoy & send me your thoughts! Love always, Steph xx
Part 8. | parte otto
word count;  1569 writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. next update; Wednesday 11/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)! tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
Landing in the rarely-sunny but always wonderful London town, Amelia was swiftly picked up from the airport by a man in a blacked out Mercedes van and driven away to her new club-appointed accommodation in the royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The 24 year old couldn’t help but feel a sense of home resonating through her body. Yes, Italy was also her home for the last 3 years, but there was something in the air in London that really made her believe that this is where she was meant to be.
Whilst happy that her quintessentially-British townhouse was a mere stones throw from Stamford Bridge and her family home just on the other side of the park in Holland Park she was still a 30+ minute commute, without traffic & one way, from Cobham. Beggars can’t be choosers, at least this way she was close to the hustle and bustle of London City, as well as her family and old friends.
A few days had passed since her talk with Fede, her swift departure from bella Italia saw only a small gathering occur at her apartment with some of the juventus boys on the eve before her flight. Constant check-ins from La Cosa Nostra whatsapp group chat, of course the word had spread to the rest of the Italian national team before she had even returned home from Fede’s place, meant that she was never left alone to her thoughts for too long.
Keeping the promise he had made when she phoned to tell him the news, Jorgi was knocking on her front door at 7:30am the following Monday morning, ready to drive the both of them to Cobham for Amelia’s first full day of work. He was the only person who knew she was taking this offer, other than the professional staff at Chelsea FC who had to organise her contract, so it was very much a nerve-wracking drive to the suburban training ground.
“Sapevo che stavi bene con il blu Azzurri, ma il blu Chelsea è un'altra benedizione che mi è stata conferita” (i knew you looked good in Azzurri blue, but Chelsea blue is another blessing bestowed upon me) Jorgi exclaimed as she opened the door to his car and slid in, having stopped right in front of her house in a no-park zone.
“Morning Jorgi, Thanks so much for picking me up - i’ll sort out a car this weekend i suppose”
“It's not a problem, I'm only a couple of streets away anyway so it's not out of my way.”
The pair caught up on the past couple of weeks without each other, speaking on the Fede situation and Amelia’s feelings. The best thing about Jorgi was how he was able to see both sides of the story. He valued Amelia's opinion and feelings as much as his long-time friend, Fede. He knew how hard it was for both parties to come to an amicable separation & he was making a mental note to call his italian pal to thank him for letting the girl go.
Amelia’s first day at Cobham was heavily administrative, spending a lot of time sorting out paperwork, meeting the team of staff she would be joining, getting her uniform, sorting out her office. After a quick bite to eat with the head analyst, Paolo (she just couldn’t seem to escape the Italians altogether), she collected her leather bound notebook and followed her colleague to the first team wing of Cobham. Whilst she was strictly working with the first team, she had expressed interest early on & stipulated it in her formal acceptance, that she wanted the opportunity to work with the academy players and the freedom to dip into the talent pool of Chelsea youth, to assist in perfecting her tactical plays.
She couldn’t deny that the blue of her uniform was the perfect shade to bring out the blue in her more-often-than-not grey eyes, she felt comfortable in it, she felt part of the team. Pushing open the door ahead of them, Paolo stood to the side like a true gentleman and gestured to Amelia through the door first.
Walking in, I noticed that the scene in front of me was similar to the first time I met with some of these players. With their backs to me, facing the front, listening to every word that Tuchel was saying to them. I snuck in, stood to the side and waited for my introduction which came very shortly after.
“I want you all to meet the new tactical analyst that the club has appointed following a very successful european campaign this past summer, Amelia White” Thomas directed towards me, and just like that, a slight bit of deja-vu settled in as i watched 30+ sets of eyes turn to look at me. Some were happy to see me, some were polite and offered a small smile, and just one set looked a little shocked and very guilty.
“I trust you all will treat her with the respect that you show me, Paolo and all other members of this professional staff. We had to fight tooth and nail for this girl to join us and I can’t express how lucky we all are to be learning from her.” Tuchel dismissed his team, Jorgi pushing through the chairs to get to me.
“Amelia! What a surprise! Why didn’t you tell me about this!” Jorgi rushed over to me and wrapped me in a hug that I didn't return. Less than impressed with the boy's antics and sarcasm.
“Oh be quiet, you drove us both here today.” I spoke with a smile and rolled my eyes.
“Always the trouble maker Jorgi!” Mason Mount spoke from behind him.
“Amelia, nice to see you again! Can’t believe you didn’t tell us in the group chat!” Mason continued as he greeted me hello.
“Haha yeah, it all happened very quickly & to be honest, my decision wasn’t final until a couple of days ago. I had a few opportunities and I had to weigh up my options, Chelsea were willing to go a bit above the other clubs so it became obvious. Besides, someone once told me I would look good in the Chelsea blue” That someone also being the person who avoided my messages, and who is currently avoiding my eyes.
Later that evening.
“As if I deserved to know you picked the blues on sky sport?” Jack questioned the girl over facetime that evening, keeping their friendship tradition alive and cooking together.
“It all happened so quickly Jack, I was in talks with a few clubs and there was a bit of a tussle and negotiation stage and then I just had to pick one. Chelsea offered me the opportunity to foster the youth team talent and no one else was willing to cross-contaminate their professional staff” Amelia hurried down the phone, afraid that she hurt the brummie lad’s feelings.
“Calm down Mils, it's fine! I’m only playin wiv’ya. I’m happy for you - and me too, now I can come visit ya and have a place to stay in the city” He joked back to her. Jack had a certain way of calming the girl down, he reminded her a lot of Fede. He could read her before she came to terms with her own thoughts and feelings.
“Are you trying to tell me that you, with all of your friends and all of your money, need to rely on little old me for a place to stay in the city?” The joking tone went back to normal with the two flirtatious friends.
“No, I'm just saying that I'm happy you’re in the city. Ya know, it’s only a 2 hour drive. I could easily come down on a Friday after training and be back before a Sunday game…”
“2 hours is far too long to be in the car just to spend the day with me”
“That's where you’re wrong, it would be two nights and one whole day. Besides, 2 hours in the car is better than having to fly to get to you. I was prepared to do the latter anyway before your big move back to London” Oh did her heart swoon inside her chest, a quick blush spread across her cheeks and a little chuckle left her lips - unable to find the right words to say back to him.
Amelia knew the dangers of the situationship, this was exactly how it happened with Fede. She couldn’t help that she was naturally playful and flirtatious, she often didn't know she was doing it. Normal conversations to her often appeared like a hardcore flirt-fest to anyone who happened to be around the girl. She didn’t want to cross that line with Jack, she knew better than to do that, especially with how she hurt Fede in the end. She didn’t know where she was going to be in a few years, nor where he was going to be.
What she also recognised in the older lad that Fede also possessed, and she would be surprised if he didnt considering he is a professional football player, is that he was determined. Too determined that sometimes it was more about the chase and the challenge, rather than the aftermath or the reward. She knew Jack wouldn’t give up on her and would always be there for her. Was it bad that she enjoyed it?
Part 9. | nona parte
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1400trippieredd800 · 3 years
Verse 1: Trippie Redd & Juice WRLD}
I just got a million bands today, 'Bout to go and spend a bag, blow them bands today, yeah, 'Bout to spend a hundred grand today, Lot of blue face hundreds, it's a blue band parade, yeah, Huh, grrah, shootin' out the Hummer today, I'm in a bad mood, so I feel like dumpin' today, yeah, I'm a bad move, I'ma dump at his face, Keep the toolie by my side, feel like Ratchet & Clank, yeah
{Verse 2: Juice WRLD & Trippie Redd}
Shoot out the Wraith, stick up, I need everything in your safe, nigga, huh, I'm with them gravediggers, we gon' dig your grave, nigga, huh, Pop molly at the rave, nigga, Chains on me, no slave, nigga, huh, We been in the cave, nigga, We done fucking made niggas, uh, Take your chain, nigga, What the fuck you claim, nigga?, 1400/800, bitch, I'm talking gang, nigga, We not the same, nigga, Big 14 Great Dane, nigga
{Verse 3: Juice WRLD}
Fuck what you claim, nigga, feel like the KKK, We kill you, then we hang niggas, Do that the same day, Pull up in the all grey, black Mustang, In the streets, I was hustlin', Run up on me, gun bustin', Uh, that's your best friend, that's my main thing, Uh, she give me titty, Tity Boi, 2 Chainz, uh, Get to the nitty-gritty, boy, new stains, uh, Pouring Prince up in my cup, no Purple Rain, I'm throwin' bands, I'm throwin' hands, and I ain't throwin' shade
{Verse 4: Trippie Redd}
Jumping out the bat cave, just like Bruce Wayne, Kickin' shit like Liu Kang, my plug Palupé, Big racks on us, blue thangs, Big blues, no clues, yay, Your bitch like to choose, ayy, But that's your boo, ain't it?, Take a flick, uh, licky on my dick, uh, On my blick, uh, while I take a shit, uh, And a piss, uh, sing to that bitch like Kiss, uh
{Verse 5: Juice WRLD}
Oh that's your bitch, huh, R. Kelly, I may just piss on her (Skrrt), I'm in a 'Rari, You make me mad, mad, I may shoot up your party, That lil' bitch she bad, but she fake, she a Barbie, But she still know to ride me like a fucking Harley, Ask me if I love her, I responded to her "Hardly"
{Verse 6: Trippie Redd}
Jumping off the top rope on that bitch like Matt Hardy, Why the fuck your pussy ass in here? This a gangsta party, "What? What? What?" Like I'm Playboi Carti, Got my robe on in this bitch, it's a PlayBoy party, That bitch hella plastic, that bitch just like a Barbie, Playin' games with all these hoes, this just like Atari, Kicked up, my feet up, sippin' Hennesy on a Safari, With a bunch of white bitches, and they all like, "Trippie Redd, you gnarly", Viral, iCarly
Verse 7: Juice WRLD}
She on the webcam, like Carly, That's your girl, I'm sorry, She was off the molly, Uh, I'm in the trap, I'm whippin', I got your auntie on my dope, She told me she ain't have enough money for them rocks, My dick up in her throat, I'm goin' hard, L.O.L. to the bank, no joke, You run up on me, you leapin' frog and you get croaked, Uh, huh, you know, Me and Trippie at a show, fuckin' these bitches after our show, Full of shit like I'm an A-hole, cash flow, All the way turnt up on these hoes, Roscoe Dash, uh
{Verse 8: Trippie Redd}
In Forgiatos, drillin' shit like Chicago, This semi-auto, pop his ass like a bottle, Sippin' Moscato, boolin' with bunch of models, Beat yo ass, beat yo ass (Beat it, beat it), Taekwando, Like a light, like a light, bitch, I shine, ho, I'm getting paid, but you will not get a dime, ho, yeah, Yeah, side bitch with some micros, Balls deep in that bitch, ball like Michael, ayy
{Outro: Trippie Redd}
Aight, we done bitch, you know what I'm sayin'?, Big 14, big hundred, 1400, 800, 9999, Know what I'm sayin'?, 150 ra-da, Know what I'm saying?, Gang, gang, gang, Huh?, Ha!!!
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chxrgebxltmeltdown · 17 days
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Hi! Before anything else, I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your writing! So the scenario I had in mind: Arthur gets severely injured on a job and reader gets really protective (She also gets extremely angry angry at whatever happened/whoever caused it. Tbh it was probably Micah). She then cares for Arthur day by day until he’s better. He says he doesn’t want to be fussed over but in reality he secretly likes it.
Thanks for sending this, Anon, and thank you for the compliment! 🥰 Fluffy Arthur is my favorite Arthur (I would fucking die for this man!) 
Read on AO3
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You don’t like the look on Micah’s face. Not one bit. Then again, you’ve never trusted the slimy man leading you and Arthur down the muddy road of Valentine. He’s so damn arrogant and he always acts like his plans are going to go as smooth as butter, but then they almost always end in gunfire. There’s just something about him you don’t like. 
Arthur’s by your side too, but if he’s as nervous as you are, he doesn’t show it. He and Micah trade some snappy remarks. They’ve never really liked each other, that much is obvious. Arthur holds your hand lazily, something he always likes to do when you’re both out and about. You squeeze his hand, wanting to let him know something doesn’t feel right. He squeezes back. 
“Just relax, cowpoke,” Micah simpers, walking slightly ahead of the two of you. “This doctor's dim. I went and talked to him earlier, scoped the place out. This job’s on the level. You and your girl just go in there, rob whatever he’s got hidden in that back room, and get out. Easy as pie.” 
“If it’s so easy, why didn’t you rob him when you was scopin’ the place?” Arthur retorts. 
“Because I was playin’ injured, cowpoke. Besides, he’s likely to go snippin’ to the sheriff, what with him being next door. I ain’t so dumb as to rob the sheriff’s neighbor without someone to back me up.” 
Arthur sighs. “Why do I get the feelin’ this is gonna end in us shootin’ our way out of this damn town?” 
“Because that’s how Micah rolls,” you say, making sure he can hear you. “I ain’t ever known anyone so keen to trade bullets.” 
“It ain’t gonna be like that! You both act like I go around, asking people to duel,” Micah growls. You roll your eyes. With Micah’s record, he might as well be doing that. 
Micah leads you over to the doctor’s office. Then, leaning on a pillar holding up the building, he looks around, feigning innocence. “A’right, Y/N, you go and hold that doctor down. Arthur, go get the backroom. Should be easy. I’ll keep watch here, make sure no one suspects anything.” 
“Why don’t you go rob the backroom and I’ll keep a watch on the street?” Arthur says. 
“Because it’s my job, Morgan, I get to call the shots. Now do this quickly before someone sees us three lookin’ too chummy out here.” 
Arthur mutters something but goes inside. You go in a second later and immediately pull out your pistol, aiming it at the doctor. “What you got in that backroom?” you growl. 
The doctor, his face pale, licks his lips and raises his hands. “N-nothin’, I swear. Just a…. A friendly card game for folks willin’ to pay higher stakes.” 
“Well why don’t we drop in on these high-payin’ folks?” Arthur says. He gestures with his revolver for the doctor to lead the way to the backroom. The doctor knocks on the metal door and a slot opens, revealing a pair of eyes. You and Arthur hide as to avoid being seen. 
“J-just me,” the doctor says. “I brought some food and whiskey for you boys.” 
“Eh, it’s only the doc.” 
The door opens and you grab the doctor by his collar and shove him down into his exam chair, pointing your gun at him so he can’t run off to tattle. Arthur heads into the room and there’s immediate yells and a gun goes off. You hear something heavy fall, but you’re sure it’s nothing. Arthur’s more than capable of taking care of himself. That is until you hear someone inside laugh and say, “We got ‘im, boys! Arthur Morgan himself!” 
Quickly, you smash your gun into the doctor’s head, knocking him out, then you dash into the room. There, you’re met by four O’Driscolls and a saloon girl. Arthur’s on the ground, sitting against a wall, a dark circle on his lower left side blooming wider. He’s groaning in pain, the gun knocked from his hand lying beyond his reach. 
Before the O’Driscolls can point their guns from Arthur to you, you pull your trigger, taking them down with such speed it surprises even you. The saloon girl screams and backs into a corner. 
“Don’t shoot!” she pleads. 
“Arthur!” you whimper, ignoring her and going over to him. As you lean down to inspect him, he suddenly grabs your pistol and aims it at the saloon girl, who had managed to get a hold of one of the corpse’s guns. He shoots her and she falls. 
“Oh, Goddamn it, Arthur!” you say. You unbutton his shirt and see a bullet wound below his ribs. 
“It-it’s nothin’, darlin’.” 
“Don’t look like nothin’. Come on.” With enormous effort, you help Arthur up to his feet. Then you haul him to the doctor’s exam chair, push the doctor’s unconscious body out of it, and plop Arthur into it. 
“Okay, honey, stay with me. We gotta get this bullet out.” 
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just… let’s get out of here. That sheriff’s an idiot, but even he must’ve heard them gunshots.” 
“I’ll be quick, Arthur. Just hold still.” 
You run around the room, gathering instruments and bandages. You find a set of long, thin tongs, the perfect shape to do the job. Removing a bullet is a nasty business. You had it done once when you’d been shot in the leg years ago. It was one of the most painful things you’ve ever endured. 
After gathering your things, you scour the doctor’s shelf up front. Micah peaks in.
“What the hell is taking so long? I talked the sheriff down since you couldn’t manage to keep things quiet.” 
“Shut the fuck up, Micah. Arthur’s been shot. Just keep an eye out, make sure no one gets nosy.” 
He rolls his eyes and leaves the room again. After hunting through the shelves, you come along a bottle of something labeled as aspirin. You’ve heard of this stuff, it was recently discovered to be a pain killer. You grab it and a bottle of unopened whiskey and go back to the room. 
You shove several pills down Arthur’s throat and then pour some alcohol onto his wound. He yells out in pain, but then you instruct him to drink it. 
“Arthur, this is gonna hurt like nothing else. But we gotta get this thing out,” you say sympathetically, holding the tongs. 
He’s sweating profusely, but he nods and grips the arms of his chair. You work the cogs of the chair so it leans back, giving you a better angle. Then you go to work. It’s excruciating pain for him and you apologize as tears leak from his eyes. You pour more whiskey on the wound as you work, but you have to dig a bit to find the bullet. Finally, you grab it and pull it out. He gasps as you hold it up. 
You quickly bandage him up, though you’re not satisfied with the job. Now there’s the problem of hiding his bloodied shirt so you can get him out of here. You help him to his feet and lead him to the front room and then quickly dash out to the horses, ignoring the blood on your hands. After retrieving his tan coat, you help him slide it on and then out to the horses. Micah’s waiting next to them, clearly impatient. 
“So much for me bein’ the one who starts the gunfire,” Micah growls. 
“Shut the fuck up before I put a bullet in your head,” you snarl. It takes all your strength to help Arthur up into his saddle, but he’s a trooper. He does his best to act normal as you all walk out of town, but it’s clear he’s in a lot of pain. 
As soon as he’s in Horseshoe Overlook, you walk him over to his cot and he plops down into it. He pants heavily and you put your hand on his chest, sitting down by his side. 
“Easy, honey. You can rest now.” 
He grabs your hand, comforted by your presence. Slowly, you undress him, flinging his ruined shirt to the side. After closing the flaps of the tent so the others won’t see him lying half naked in his bed, you rejoin his side. 
Over the next couple of weeks, you care for Arthur, hardly letting him leave his cot. He keeps pleading with you to stop fussing over him, that he’s an adult who can care for himself, but he loves it. He loves how protective you’ve gotten over him. Hell, Micah isn’t even allowed on this side of camp anymore. He’d probably have better chances of fighting off a cougar than you. Even Sean knows not to come over and rib Arthur for being laid up, even though he means it all in good fun. 
Every day, you’ve gone out to collect fresh herbs from the surrounding area that will help with his pain. Not only that, but you usually bring back a rabbit or a turkey, some kind of small animal. Instead of giving them to Pearson though, you cook them over the scout fire and give Arthur as much as he can eat. He complains that he’s going to gain more weight than he’d like, but he secretly likes that you’re doing it. 
Every night, he pulls you into his arms, stating you can’t go around being strong for the both of you all day. You love cuddling with him like this, hearing his heartbeat beneath your head, his warm skin against yours, his fingers tracing your scalp or back. 
Of course, sometimes these evening cuddles lead to further activities, but you never let him be the dominant one. Usually he’s the top, but when he’s laid up like this, you won’t let him. Instead of being disappointed, he finds it incredibly sexy how you take control of things. He definitely intends to let things go this way after this. 
Hosea comes up to him one day while you’re out collecting herbs. He’s one of the few people who can safely walk this close to your tent without fear of getting their ass kicked. He takes a seat next to Arthur, who’s writing in his journal. 
“That girl eased up on you yet?” Hosea asks. 
Arthur smiles softly. “No. Honestly I don’t think she intends to until this is barely even a scar anymore.” He gestures down to his bandages. 
Hosea lets out a soft chuckle. “She’s tough, that girl. I’ve never seen Dutch so afraid of talking to someone before. Pretty sure she’s the only thing preventing him from coming over to you and begging you to get out there and ‘make us some money’.” 
Arthur laughs. “Dutch is scared of her, huh?” 
“You would be too if you saw how she looks at pretty much all of us. I’m surprised Micah’s still sticking around, honestly. She, uh, clocked him in the jaw the other night when he made it sound like you messed up in that doctor’s office.” 
“I did mess up, Hosea. I wasn’t prepared enough. I just thought it’d be some ranchers who got more money in their pockets than most folk in that town. I didn’t expect those damn O’Driscolls.” 
“It ain’t your fault, son. But you’ll be fine. Hell, you ain’t allowed to be anything else with that girl looking after you.” 
Arthur chuckles again. “So she really gave Micah a good one, huh?” 
“Oh yes. He’s got this big ol’ bruise on his face now. Like I said, I’m surprised he’s still in camp when she’s here.” 
“Hosea, I uh, I been thinkin’. I wanna marry her.” 
Hosea sits up straighter. “You sure? I know how your last engagement went, Arthur.” 
“That was completely different, Hosea. I was young and dumber then. This ain’t the same. Y/N ain’t Mary. She’s…. She’s far better, and she makes me feel like I ain’t just a killer and a bad man. I… I don’t know how to describe what I feel about her, Hosea. All I know is if I don’t ask her, it’ll be the biggest regret of my life.” 
Hosea smiles and puts his hand on Arthur’s shoulder. “Well, I’m happy for you, son. Being married was the best thing I ever did, and Y/N’s a special woman. You’d be a fool for not asking her.” 
Just then, Hosea looks up to see you coming over, your hands full of herbs. He waves to you, in which you return it. He gives Arthur a curt nod and heads off. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Arthur says, closing his journal. You return the greeting and sit down by his feet, getting your things together to start grinding the herbs up. 
“Hold on, sweetheart. Before ya get busy, come here.” 
“Why?” you say, looking up at him. 
“Just come here. Please?” he says, holding his arms out to you. 
With a soft smile, you get up and crawl into his arms, letting him fold them around you and hold you close. He kisses your head softly, never wanting to let you go. He wants to ask you right now to be his wife, but the timing feels wrong. He wants it to be special, wants you to know how much he adores you. 
“Thank you, darlin’, for everythin’ you done.”
“Of course, Arthur. I’d do it all over again if I needed to.” You place a soft kiss over his heart that makes him almost swoon. He knows now that he will never stop loving you. 
Just as he’s about to say something, Strauss comes over and interrupts. “Herr Morgan, I have another job for you.” 
“What is it, Strauss?” he asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I lent money to a fellow named Downes. Thomas Downes. I need you to reclaim the debt. Beat him, if you must.” 
As quick as lightning, you leap up and glare at Strauss. Arthur’s told you how much he loathes this sharking business. You’re tired of it too. It’s a foul business and one you want him having no part of. 
“If this money’s so important to you, Strauss, why don’t you go get it yourself?” you snarl. 
He looks at you haughtily. “Because, Y/N, people are happy to take money from a man like me, but less willing to give it back.” 
“Well then maybe you need to grow a damn spine for once and do your own damn dirty work. Either that or find another way of making money for the gang. One with less… filth.” 
“I am the one feeding you and the other women in camp-” he begins but you shove him so hard he takes several steps back.
“Bullshit! How many days have Arthur spent out there slaving away to bring down animals and sling ‘em back to camp? You ain’t feedin’ no one but yourself! How many folks have we all robbed and stolen from, while you just go out peddling a few bucks here and there. You’re a sad, lyin’, miserable sack of shit who has no place here! No get out of my sight before I put a bullet in your skull!” 
Strauss, his eyes wide and his lizardish lips parted, starts heading away from you quickly, his tail between his legs. As he scurries off, you scream at him one last time.
“And if you ever tell my man to get your damn money back, I’ll throttle ya, is that clear?” 
He doesn't respond but you know he heard you. After letting out a long sigh, you turn back to Arthur, who’s looking at you surprised. 
“What?” you say.
He swallows. “Damn, darlin’, that was-” 
“Long overdue?” you say. 
“No, well yes, but I was gonna say that was one of the sexiest things I ever seen.” 
You blush and smile at him. 
“You got anymore of that energy left in ya?” he says, his eyes sliding down your body. 
“‘Cause I was thinkin’ you better close these flaps and show me what else you got.” 
With a giggle, you do as he says. Then you take him so hard Arthur will never forget this afternoon. In fact, he will hold onto it for many years and on the days when he needs you physically but you aren’t around, he’ll use it to help relieve the pressure while being alone. 
As the two of you go at it, he wishes again to ask you to marry him, but you’ve got him groaning and panting so hard he can barely work out two words. One thing is clear to him though: not marrying you will be the dumbest thing he could possibly do.
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swampgallows · 5 years
i got distracted earlier and forgot to post but im thankful for my mutuals who have helped me time and again, even if it’s in ways you may not know. i appreciate you all so much and i am so grateful for the friends i’ve made here and the small but intimate community cultivated through tumblr. 
zbfc and wch, thank you for everything. @zeyan i love you with all my heart and i’m so fucking thankful i could have funny airbnb time with you and @aeiroki grimlock hunterpunter. you make me laugh every single day and i always want the best for you both (and jack!!! and PARKER!!!)
@lokaror thank you for letting me share my love of rexxar and bears with you. we’ve shared a lot of fantastic laughs together, some very fun stuff and some very deep shit too. i treasure every one of our convos together, and your playlists too!
@reglei thankful i finally got to beat you into submission at blizzcon. youre a sweetheart and a sleepyhead. thanks for listening to me ramble late into the night. i appreciate all the times youve had my back, whether it was creepy dudes or spoilers or w/e. you shoulda killed me w gorehowl when you had the chance
I LOVE @amarysue i miss you when you work long hours but i’m always so happy when we get to play games together. i hope you can leave the mcdonalds playplace soon. also i dont get to say it much but i love talking about academic stuff with you. i know i rib you about dark leafy greens but you are very educated in a lot of amazing fields and i love when you share your knowledge with me!!! i love amary!!!!
@theabsolutevoid i know youre the void but youre a golden human being of radiant light. you are so spectacular, we are all always in amazement of your passion and creativity and constant flow of ideas, and your compassion seems boundless. i am so grateful to know such a special person and spent many late nights laughing to tears with you
@perce the dynamic duo... im thankful daygo got me into ladybug so i could hear all of your amazing takes on it as they are equally as hilarious as your wow takes. i admire your resilience, though that might be weird to say, and though i know i’m an old crone youre definitely a role model for me taking command of my own life and establishing boundaries to become the person i want to be. i’m so grateful we got to spend blizzcon together again!! and thank you for getting me the long-forgotten hippogryph. its a very important memory to me.
refugees i know i dont pop in much but i still love you all dearly. im embarrassed actually because you are all functional adults and i’m not but when i get a job and reenter society i want to be able to come back and say i’m a big kid now
thrainosh squad @irenthel @wckhamm etc thank you for letting me indulge my interests without ridicule or judgment. @fitzefitcher i dunno you changed my life SORRY there is not a less fucked up way to say that. no pressure
@sithisis & crew thank you for so many incredible hots games and wonderful memories and all of your sweetness and fun times!!! sith you have inspired and supported so much of my writing and my ideas and i am in awe that you are getting so many amazing opportunities working in games journalism!!! i know theres a lot of grunt work but at the end of the day it seems like youre really doing something you genuinely love (and are good at!!) and i’m so happy for you. you work hard and you deserve it. im love skitty w a gun 
@steblynkaagain your art is such an inspiration to me, and i’m amazed by your cosplay too! i’m thankful that even across language barriers we can enjoy thraina and silly modern AUs together. i am so impressed by your intelligence and achievements. your comic where you pledge yourself to Thrall’s Horde is still so important to me, and every day i think about your mechanic garrosh..... and doctor drek’thar, and doctor thrall, and SHAMAN GARROSH....... (sob)
@captainkaprozyx and @sdei ... i am so thankful for all of your artwork and your amazing gifts. i am working on getting them framed, and your zine was amazing! you are a great team and I love your collaborations. also sdei’s birthday gift is still my discord icon. we just really love a big guy huh....... cannot express how inspiring your artwork is. the detail, the colors... it brings me to tears, i am so stunned. you are both so incredibly talented!
@omnifariousness bro i dont even know where to start. many good dog times and we can strike up the late night jawin again soon i hope. shit has been scattered and i know youve been dippin back n forth on the road but i hope the shit evens out soon for you. excited for you to see tool in feb and damn dude every DAY i think about the reading you treated me to of the 40k stuff for your reel. god man i want that VA shit to work out for you bad. your diction is impeccable and you so deserve it
@darnjam i know you guys dont read this but i love you so much and every day i’m so thankful we’re all still friends. @daygloow thank you for being like the sole source and catalyst for my personal development for like the last 3 years, im so proud of you and everything youve worked so hard to achieve and i’m so glad youre getting the recognition you deserve. thank you for always picking me up (vehicular and emotional) and for watching cartoons n playin vidya with me. god whens the next GOOD rave? i need to make you proud and actually dj so i can play banana
@bluntcrusher every day i’m like god when will king tori take the throne... im so thankful that youre in a good spot finally and that youre getting the love you deserve. and plus a sweet pucci mane. my blogs a mess but im glad youre still stickin around for it haha. always happy to see youre safe and THRIVING
@swarnpert love you dude thank you for lettin me harass you w 420 snaps. bro when you sent me those sabaton snaps i was in line for the haunted mansion at disneyland during blizzcon and it was just like... my heart was so full, it meant so much to me ALSO HOLY SHIT i love your art please NEVER STOP drawing
@nelfs i love your blog and your art and your FEELINGS like I dunno how to word it in a not-weird way. i think you are a very bright person with a good heart, and i’m thankful to know someone like that, even tangentially. it is fortifying also to see someone stand up for the things they love, whether it’s just a cartoon show or something of serious concern like animal welfare. i admire your healthy relationship to yourself and your strong integrity.
@neophyte-redglare i think about bead world garrosh every fucking day of my life. cannot thank you enough. i treasure it
@redpandalori THIS IS THE MVP RIGHT HERE. i dunno when you started sending me floods of kittums but every day i look forward to it and every single one means so much to me. i wear the kandi you handcrafted for me every single day and i show it off constantly to my friends because it’s just mindblowing. you are so sweet and thoughtful and i love sendin you snaps and it’s just incredible how the internet is. thank you for sending me rain snaps and kito & harley/ears & lilith pics all the time
@hungwy i dunno WHAT you get outta my blog but i’m thankful for the reams of sweet animal pics and interesting linguistic and anthropology posts on your blog. you’re a very positive force on my dash and you seem a wonderful person irl too!
@ubersaur im so happy we’re still mutuals after all this time lmao. you were one of the first aces id ever known so we’ll always have that solidarity and i’ll always be thankful. and i have to seriously catch up on magus bride haha. thank you for all of your love and support after all this time, i hope i offer the same to you!!
@18milliondeadplebs the rare and beautiful nexus of my two sole interests... warcraft and raving. dude just thank you for existing man LMAO i hope we can go ravin together some day
@kontextmaschine what a strange long fuckin trip it’s been dude. super surreal to have raved with you and had you come all the way down for burst but i knew i’d be remiss if youd missed it. you definitely deserved a potent taste of the 90s. thank you for the usb sticks, im still waiting on a worthy recipient for the other two. the majority of your blog is practically in hieroglyphics to me but man when the posts hit... they fuckin hit. i know you dont need me to tell you, but youve got a great talent and weirdass fuckin eye. a very very particular eye. love you man. please kiss badger for me.
@ironbull thank you for suffering in wisdom tooth hell with me. i am glad you had a good time at disney world and im hoping we can both be free of all of our tooth woes soon. thank you also for your advice and support in my personal stuff too!!
@kittensceilidh thank you for your sweet messages! every one of your hugs means a lot to me!!! it is nice to feel seen when i am in dark places.
@dimedog warcraft and foggy forests... hell yeah dude
@tim-official man sometimes it really is as simple as just laughing at the same funny shit, but youve reached out to me too and i appreciate it!!!
@peanotbotter thank you for all of the laughs and the kind words! thank you for caring about me, i care about you too!! i hope we can play hots again or wow together soon!!! 
wow this got long but i love a bunch of people. there are more of you that i love and are very special to me and i apologize if i didnt get to you. i hope you all had a nice holiday, if you celebrated. thank you for believing in me
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Uh, uh, ay
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
Dot on the head of his only daughter
Then I dunk her head in that holy water
Niggas shootin', we gon' shoot back
Sittin' at the table like Tha Carter 5
They know I'ma do ya
Aimin' for medulla
Cooler than a cooler
Shoota with a shoota
AK on my shoulder like I'm Malcom X
'Cause I ain't goin' out like I'm Martin Luther
Nigga open up the door nigga I know you home
It's a hundred Crip niggas standing on ya lawn
Give up that cheese, give that Provolone
And I ain't talkin' on the phone 'cause I ain't playin' with 'em
I got a K for the cuz if he hit you
If I call Nappy Blue he comin' to get you
Call Dread, that's the new Tom Brady
'Cause he be sendin' shots like it's missle
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
Niggas always talkin' hot and runnin' they mouth
Until I kick down they door and run in they house
Have they mother on the floor with the gun in her mouth
Like what's that shit up on the net that y'all was talkin' bout
I put that on my son that I'ma take it there
'Cause where you come from and where I come from I ain't playin' fair
My lil' homie died and I ain't drop a tear
I just roll a spliff and put it in the air
I'm big 092 niggas know I'm woo
I look a nigga in his face like, "Who you talkin' to?"
I need 25k or I ain't walkin' through
I need 25k or I ain't walkin' through
I spent 20 on my wrist and 20 on a chain
I be spoiling myself so I could ease the pain
Digital dash I be switching lanes
I was sitting on the bench but now I'm in the game
My PTSD startin' to kick in so I gotta get high
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
I ain't no city boy 'cause I love my bitch
Nigga, but that don't mean that I don't love my hoes
Niggas tried to smack me up so now I'm raising hell
Don't try and dap me lil' nigga you are not my bro
Trey shot that nigga out my car so now I gotta get low
They know we bend blocks, welcome to the party
0 notes
movedkagen · 4 years
OKAY WHERE. DO I EVEN START W YOU HOWL. literally adore you..... one of my closest friends @ this point n i really do think it's you + cal n cloud that have made this last year so great..... u kno i love your writing n your art n you have such an incredible skill in analyzing ur charas and making them so much more than whats given in canon.... you give so much to people and u do it so freely i LITERALLY CANT? TELL U HOW NICE IT IS TO HAVE U BACK ON TUMBLR CUZ HONESTLY ITS JUST NOT THE SAME HERE W/O U.... THERE'S SO MUCH MORE LIGHT N LOVE ON THE DASH N SO MUCH MORE FUN N U REALLY JUST MAKE IT SUCH A BETTER TIME HERE FOR EVERYONE.... i rlly do hope we get 2 stay friends for a long ass time bc yall mean so much 2 me. all the late nights on call and playin games and gettin on each other's nerves...... would lay down my life for u if ur swingin i am 2 KISSES U A MILLION TIMES
1 note · View note
averylainey · 5 years
Our Darling, Clementine
Louis teaches AJ how to play a special song on the piano to cheer Clementine up, and they add their own twist to it. (AJ loving Clem so much n wanting to make her happy + dad Louis cause Louis and AJ’s relationship is my reason for living.)
 “The words are kinda sad… I don’t know if I wanna sing that one to her.”
“Well, we could always change the words,” The older boy suggested.
“I don’t know… Sounds hard. I’ve never made a song before.”
“Well, luckily you just so happen to be sitting next to the greatest songwriter in the world.”   
~  AO3  ~  FF  ~
AJ squinted his eyes open when the sunlight flooding into the bedroom shined over his face. He propped himself up on an elbow and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his fist. The little boy fixed his eyes on the older girl in the opposite bunk.
Clementine was still asleep, which he was actually grateful for. She had been in so much pain the past couple days. Ever since she woke up from the impromptu amputation, he could see it on her face. AJ saw how she winced every time she made the slightest movement and the grief on her face when she looked at what remained of her left leg. Despite her efforts to hide it - to be strong for him- he knew. He wanted to tell her to stop, to stop trying to be tough. He wanted her to know that it was okay for her to be hurting. He wanted to be strong for both of them, so that she didn’t have to be.
But above all, he wanted her to feel better. He wanted her to smile- a real smile, not one of those fake, consolation prizes she’d been giving him lately. No. He needed her to smile. AJ hopped off his bed, heart filled with a newfound, burning determination. He will make her feel better.
He studied the room, wracking his brain for ideas. His eyes caught the desk; he could draw her a picture. No. It wasn’t enough. He drew pictures all the time, and this had to be special; it had to be… Spectacular - the new word he learned from Louis yesterday. AJ gasped and perked up as the memory gave him an idea. He could ask Louis what he should do for Clem. The older boy never failed to come up with spectacular ideas. AJ giggled, proud of the expansion of his vocabulary.
He ran up to the window and stood on his toes to peer out at the schoolyard. He grinned when he caught sight of Louis. The teen was sitting at one of the picnic tables with Violet, seemingly playing some card game with her, and judging by the exasperated expression on the blonde’s face, she wasn’t happy with how it was going.
AJ glanced at Clementine and smiled at her. “Just wait, Clem. I’m gonna make this the best day ever.”
“Louis!” AJ shouted to the older boy as soon as he exited the dorm building. Louis looked up from his hand, smiled and gave him a little wave, which the younger returned.
“Hey, little man. Wanna play?” He shouted across the field as he held up the deck of cards.
The little boy beamed and dashed over to the table.
“Hey, Violet,” AJ greeted the girl beside Louis and peered at the cards strewn between the teens. “What are you guys playing?”
“Bullshit: The Game, apparently,” The girl grumbled, throwing her hand down and glaring at Louis.
“Hey, just cause you’re bad, doesn’t mean my game is,” Louis feigned offense.
“Your game’s not bad, it’s fucking terrible.”
“We can play Go Fish instead, then.” The boy picked her cards off the table and shuffled them back into the deck.
“Go Fish? How creative.”
“Hey, don’t be knocking Go Fish. It’s a Goddamn classic.”
“What’s Go Fish?” AJ interrupted the banter. He hopped onto the bench beside Louis and smiled up at him. “I wanna play.”
“Sure you can handle it? It’s the hardest game known to man. It gets intense, ‘specially when you’re playin’ with this sore-loser,” The older boy motioned to the girl across from them with a smirk.
“More like hardest game known to two-year-olds,” Violet snorted.
“I can,” The youngest affirmed with a single, serious nod.
“Confident. I like it.” The older boy gave him a lopsided grin, and the smile returned to AJ’s face at the praise.
“Alright, here’s what you gotta do,” Louis dealt out the cards - seven to each player. “Look at the cards you got, but don’t let us see. You have to make pairs of the same number by asking us if we have one of the numbers in your hand. If we don’t have it, we say ‘Go Fish’, and you draw a card. Person with the most pairs at the end wins. If you already have a pair now, you can just put it down.”
On cue, Violet boasted a pair of fives to start off the game and looked at the older boy smugly.
“I don’t have any.” AJ frowned at his hand.
“That’s ok. Watch, I’ll go first.” Louis turned his gaze to the blonde. “Do you have any nines?”
“Nope,” She shook her head.
“No, Vi, you have to say Go Fish,” Louis protested.
“It’s the rules. Game isn’t called ‘Nope’; it’s called ‘Go Fish’. You wanna be disqualified?”
“You’re ridiculous.” She rolled her eyes but complied, “Go Fish.”
“Thank you.” He drew a card and winked at AJ, who giggled. “You try.”
“Ok…” He glanced at his cards then up to Violet. “Do you have any twos?”
Much to AJ’s excitement, she handed over a two, which he proudly stacked with his on the table.
The older boy couldn’t help but beam at his elation. “Nice one, AJ! Show her who’s boss!”
Violet narrowed her eyes at Louis. “You guys aren’t just gonna keep asking me, right?”
“Oh, shit, good idea, Vi.” The teen turned to AJ and whispered loudly, “Let’s gang up on her, man.”
“Ok!” AJ laughed.
“Nope. Not doing it.” The girl threw her cards onto the table.
“Hey, I was just kidding,” He said before facing AJ and sneakily mouthing, ‘I wasn’t’.
“Think I’ve exceeded my Louis’-card-games quota for the week.”
“Killjoy,” He teased as he gathered up her abandoned cards.
“Fuck off.”
With the enthusiasm dying down, AJ remembered why he’d come out there in the first place. He handed Louis his stack of cards to add to the deck.
“Louis, can you help me?” He peered up at the teen with an eyebrow raised.
“Maybe,” The older shrugged, still focused on shuffling the cards. “What’cha need?”
“Well, Clem’s been sad,” AJ told him, making Louis’ smile give way to a pained expression.
“Yeah. I… I’ve noticed.”
“And I wanna make it better,” The little boy said and sat up straight.
“Me too, buddy.”
“I wanna do something special for her, but I don’t know what, and you’re really good at making her smile, so I need you to help me decide.”
“Why don’t you draw her a picture? She loves those, right?” Violet suggested.
“She does, but I already thought of that, and I do it all the time, so it’s not enough. I need something... spectacular.”As he spoke the last word, the boy put his hands up with fingers flared out and made a rainbow motion with his arms.
Louis laughed out loud while Violet rolled her eyes.
The blonde scoffed and shook her head with a smirk. “Oh my God, you spend way too much time around this idiot.”
“Hey! I’m being serious,” AJ asserted and shook his head. “Don’t laugh.”
“Oh, I- uh- I’m sorry.” Violet looked down and rubbed the back of her neck. The trio fell into an awkward silence.
AJ stared at Louis, who was deep in thought.
“You wanna play her a song?” He suddenly blurted out.
“Wha- how? Like on that music machine?” The boy was confused; that wasn’t very special. They’d been playing her music for days. Maybe Louis didn’t really know anything...
“No, on the piano.”
“But I don’t know how.”
“I’ll show you. It’s not that hard.”
AJ absolutely lit up with glee and started bouncing up and down in his seat. “Really?”
“Yeah, just lemme know whenever you wanna start. I’ll-”
“Now! Right now!” The boy jumped off the bench, nearly losing his footing and flopping to the ground.
Louis chuckled. “Go ahead.” He nodded toward the direction of the music room.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
AJ was intimidated to say the least as he gawked at the giant instrument in front of him. There had to be at least a hundred buttons, maybe two hundred. He couldn’t be sure. He was starting to not believe Louis saying it wasn’t that hard to play.
The boy sat on the bench, hesitantly lifted his hand and hovered it over one of the keys. He pushed it down, flinching slightly at the loud note that reverberated throughout the room. He pushed another, then another, then three at once. AJ giggled and continued increasing the number of keys pushed down until he ran out of fingers. His fear of the piano quickly vanished as he became determined to press every single one.
AJ stood up and spread his arms as wide as he could; then, he lowered his body down onto the piano. The instrument screamed a thousand notes, effectively mimicking the sound of a quickly approaching train. The little boy was overcome with laughter as the roaring echoed off the walls.
“Ah, the obligatory pressing of all the keys at the same time.”
The sudden voice from his right startled AJ off of the piano. He sat back in the bench and glanced sheepishly at Louis, who was leaning against the door-frame with his arms crossed.
“You’re good.” Louis entered and sat beside him, flashing him a goofy grin. “I do that at least once a day.”
AJ laughed. “Really?”
He smirked, spreading his arms and lowering himself onto the piano just as AJ had. The piano hollered even louder than before due to the older boy’s longer arms reaching more of the keys. They both lost it laughing.
AJ wiped his eyes while he tried to catch his breath. Louis sat back down and stretched his fingers across the keys to form a real chord. The sweet sound filled the room- a stark contrast from the prior chaos. He continued playing a random string of notes until AJ had sufficiently calmed down.
Louis slouched back and smiled at the younger boy.
“So, any song in particular you wanna learn?”
AJ thought for a minute. He didn’t know many songs- or any really. Well, he knew the one Disco Broccoli song Clementine taught him, but it was kinda dumb; he wanted a pretty song to sing for her. He searched his head until he came upon a certain memory - when Louis met her. He didn’t know the name of the song Louis sang or many of the words, but he remembered the smile on her face when he sang it to her - the kind of smile he desperately wanted to see her wear again.
“What about the Clementine song - the one you sang before. Remember? She said she loved it.”
“How could I forget?” He said, more to himself than to AJ.
“Can you play that one?”
Louis nodded before placing his hands back on the piano. “You got it.”
“Oh, my darling, Oh, my darling, Oh, my darling, Clementine You are lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine.”
Lost and gone forever? AJ didn’t like the sound of that. He wasn’t so sure he liked that song very much anymore… Clementine wasn’t gone, and he didn’t ever want her to be. He didn’t want to make her more sad, and he felt like the content of the song would do just that. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground.
“Light she was and like a fairy And her shoes were number nine Herring boxes without topses Sandals were for Clementine.”
AJ made a face. Now that part just doesn’t make any sense…
Louis repeated the chorus again, bringing the frown back to AJ’s face. Gone forever. He hated that line. That line represented his worst nightmare. It was like whoever wrote the song wanted to hurt him, and that made him mad.
Louis stopped playing when he noticed the distressed look on his face.
“Damn. My singing really that bad?”
AJ shook his head, still staring at his feet. “No. It’s just… I don’t…” He looked up at Louis with knitted brows. “I don’t like that song anymore.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“The words are kinda sad… I don’t know if I wanna sing that one to her. I don’t wanna make her sadder.”
“Well, we could always change the words,” The older boy suggested.
AJ raised a brow at the idea. He liked the tune of the song; it was pretty, and Clementine seemed to think it was too. It was only a few words that irked him; he didn’t have to reject the whole song. He liked the idea of changing it- of making it about his Clementine. His Clementine wouldn’t be ‘lost and gone forever’; she’s tough and the absolute greatest. However, the task of changing the song seemed daunting.
“I don’t know… Sounds hard. I’ve never made a song before.”
“Well, luckily you just so happen to be sitting next to the greatest songwriter in the world.” He lifted his chin and grabbed the sides of his jacket.
AJ grinned. “You really think we can?”
“Definitely. You wanted it to be special, so what’s more special than writing her her own song?”
Louis stood up and headed for one of the bookshelves in the room. He picked a random book off the shelf, opened it, and ripped out a page with minimal text on it. He picked one of the many pens off the floor and scribbled on the paper to test it.
“Alright, we’re in business.” Louis returned to his spot on the bench. “We’ll do the words first; then, I’ll show you how to play it, and we’ll practice.”
AJ nodded, satisfied with the plan.
Louis pressed the pen to the page and began to write out the original song to reference its rhythm.
After half an hour, the song still wasn’t finished, and AJ was getting antsy. He knew it was gonna be hard… He wasn’t good enough with words to really help Louis write the song, so he just told the older boy what he wanted it to say: how awesome and strong Clementine is, how she’s protected him and made him ‘super-duper smart’, and how she was still awesome - even with one foot. After giving Louis his lengthy list of requirements, he had taken to pacing around the room and trying to find interest in the objects he found tossed about. His eye caught the side of the piano, where he noticed something carved on it.
“You… su-suck at play-ing?” He turned to Louis. “Who wrote that?”
The teen looked up from the paper. “I don’t know; didn’t see it happen. It’s been there forever, though.”
“Well, it’s mean. I don’t think you suck. You’re good at it; I wanna be as good as you.”
Louis smiled in response before turning his focus back down to the page.
The boy returned to the piano and looked over Louis’ shoulder at the in-progress song. He couldn’t make sense of the writing; it was all over the place with many lines crossed out, and Louis’ handwriting was very curly and impossible for the young boy to read.
AJ groaned. “Is it done yet?”
“Almost. Just a couple more lines.”
AJ plopped onto the bench with a huff. He’d been saying that for the past ten minutes.
He went back to studying the piano, and noticed another carving. This one was more ambiguous; he wasn’t sure what it could mean. C + L? He hoped it wasn’t another malicious one; he didn’t like that someone would be mean to Louis.
“What’s this one mean?” He tapped Louis and pointed to the carving.
The teen followed AJ’s finger until his gaze landed on the markings. He stared smiling at it for a second before turning to AJ.
“Stands for me and Clem.  It’s our names in a heart; we did it the night the raiders came.”
He shrugged. “Just something people do when they love each other.”
AJ nodded. “So you love Clem?”
“I do.”
“I do too.” AJ was silent for a moment. “Why didn’t she ever make one of those with me?”
Louis chuckled. “It’s different.”
“Oh… Why?”
“Different kinda love, little dude.”
AJ scrunched his face in confusion. He didn’t know there were different types of love.
The older boy noticed his puzzled expression and continued, “Y’know… like a ‘like-like’ love?”
“Ohh.” The little boy raised an eyebrow at him. “...Is that why you do that weird thing with your mouths?”
Louis turned red and laughed awkwardly. “Uh, yeah… It’s called kissing, and it’s not weird.”
“Weird to me.”
“Fair enough.” He shook his head and breathed out another laugh. “Well, think I know what the last line should be now.”
AJ lit up. “Does that mean it’s done?”
“Sure is.” Louis jotted the final line down and handed the page to the younger boy. “What do you think?”
He stared blankly at the curvy letters on the paper. “...I can’t read it…  But it’s great! I think she’ll love it!”
Louis snorted and took the song back. “Glad you believe in me, but you gotta know the words if you’re gonna sing it to her.”
“Oh, right… Can you read it to me?”
Louis nodded and pointed at the first group of lines. “This verse is gonna be your solo.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna sing it by yourself.” The teen proceeded to read the verse to him.
AJ loved it; it was exactly what he wanted. Louis even put the words ‘super-duper smart’ into the song like he asked for. AJ was convinced; the older boy really was the greatest songwriter in the world. However, the thought of singing without Louis to back him up was a bit intimidating. What if he messed up? What if his voice was bad? He shared these concerns with the teen, who immediately dismissed them. Louis said that it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if it was ‘as good as Broadway’ - whatever that meant; Clementine would love it anyway because it would be coming from him. AJ knew this was probably true, but he was still a little nervous.
Louis continued reading the song to AJ one verse at at time. He pointed out that the third verse was gonna be his solo, which relieved the little boy. He wouldn’t be the only one singing some of the lines alone. Louis continued reciting the song, and AJ lit up at every line. The song was everything he could have hoped for.
“Well? What’cha think?” Louis finished and looked to the younger boy expectantly.
“It’s awesome! It’s… It’s spectacular!” AJ threw his arms up, earning a laugh from the boy beside him. “I can’t wait to show her!”
“Just need to add the piano; then, we can go get her. It’s a pretty easy song, so shouldn’t take too long for you to learn it.”
AJ looked at the piano then back at Louis. “There’s so many buttons…”
“Yeah, but you only need these ones.” Louis dragged his finger across seven of the keys in the middle of the piano, playing a simple scale. “I’ll play the lower part.”
“There’s two parts?”
“Yup. ‘Spose to play the high part with one hand and the low with the other, but you can just focus on one since it’s your first time. Your part sounds just like the song when you’re singing it.”
AJ tapped a couple of the keys he’d be using before smiling up at the teen. “Ok. Which one first?”
Louis grabbed AJ’s hand and guided it into position. “First three notes are G. That’s this one.” The teen pointed to a key and prompted AJ to push it three times; he complied then looked to the other for further direction.
The teen continued showing AJ the notes for the next line and telling him their names. AJ followed the boy’s instruction and slowly attempted the notes corresponding to the first couple lines of the song. He fumbled a bit during his first few tries, but with Louis’ encouragement, he eventually got it perfect. He grinned when he noticed the familiar melody begin to take shape.  
“Woah.” AJ smiled up at his teacher. “That’s so cool.”
Louis beamed. He was beyond elated that he finally had someone to share his love of the instrument with. Everyone else acted like it was a waste of time. He couldn’t stop grinning at the little boy as they continued playing the verse piece by piece. AJ’s enthusiasm was refreshing; every time he’d successfully play a line, he’d bounce up and down or do a little dance. They practiced each line individually until the little boy was able to play them all together. When AJ finally played the verse through without a single error, the most delighted grin overtook his features.
“Nice!” Louis held his hand up for a high-five which AJ happily gave. “You don’t even need me; you’re a natural.”
AJ giggled. He was incredibly proud of himself; he couldn’t wait to see Clementine’s reaction.
“And guess what?”
“Rest of the song is just that for all the verses. That means you just went and learned yourself an entire song.” This time, the teen put both of his hands up for a double high-five.
AJ slapped his small hands against the older boy’s. “Really?”
Louis nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re the next Mozart.”
“...Never mind,” He chuckled. “Let’s put this thing together so we can go give our girl a show.”
The boys spent the next hour mashing their rewritten lyrics and piano melody together. They practiced over and over, determined to get it absolutely flawless. Clementine didn’t deserve anything less.
“Clem! Clem!” AJ burst into their bedroom, panting. He dashed over to her bedside and stood bouncing on the balls of his feet beside her.
“Woah, what’s up, kiddo?” Clementine propped herself up on an elbow.
“You-you gotta come! We have a surprise for you! A really really big surprise! You’re gonna love it!”
“Slow down, AJ. We?”
AJ glanced behind him and frowned when he didn’t see Louis standing there. He ran back for the door and peered out into the hallway, looking left and right. When Louis finally turned the corner, AJ waved him over.
“Louis! Hurry up!”
The older boy’s laughter echoed down the hall. “I’m goin’.” He popped into the doorway and grinned at the girl inside. She gave a small smile in return.
“So where’s this big surprise?”
“We have to take you to it.”
Her eyebrows raised then furrowed as she frowned. “I… I can’t get up, AJ.”
“That’s why I’m here.” Louis butt in. “Which method of transportation would you prefer: piggy back or bridal style?” He knelt down beside her bed.
Clementine rolled her eyes and pretended to ponder her options for a minute. It probably wasn’t the greatest idea to leave her bed yet as she still had a lot of healing to do. However, she was going crazy staring at the same ceiling, the same walls, the same view from the window for all hours of the day. The idea of getting out- of going anywhere else - was too appealing.
“Hmm, how ‘bout you get on all fours, and I’ll sit on your back like a horse?”
He shrugged and breathed out a little laugh. “Might break my back, but… Whatever you want. It’d be a noble sacrifice.”
“Oh, can’t have that. Guess I’ll settle for bridal.”
“Good choice.” He winked, and she snorted.
Louis slid an arm under her knees and scooped her off of her bed. Clementine winced and let out a little squeak of pain when her injured leg rubbed against the mattress.
“Sorry.” Louis hugged her tighter, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, mustering up a pained smile.
AJ instructed her to close her eyes which she hesitantly did when the boys insisted that it was essential to the surprise that she not know where they’re going. She tightened her grip on Louis’ shoulders when he started walking, and tried to pay attention to his movements in an attempt to gauge where they were headed. Left out the room, then right a few feet down. Were they going outside?
Her thoughts were confirmed when she heard the creak of a door and saw the blackness of her vision flash red as the sun hit her face. Louis made his way out the door, careful not to knock her against anything. A light breeze tickled her skin, and she smiled, thankful to be outside again after being cooped up in her room for days. The fresh air filling her lungs and the warmth radiating off the boy holding her lulled her into a sense of peace. She lay her head against his shoulder and relished in the feeling.
A furious voice caused the girl’s breath to hitch, and she shot her eyes open.
“What the Hell do you think you’re doin’?” Louis faced the direction of the cry and found Ruby glaring at him. “She needs to be in bed.”
“No, Ruby! We’re doing something really important!” AJ protested.
“I don’t care. She needs to rest and keep it elevated. Why would you ever think that you could-”
“It’s ok.” Clementine interrupted. “I’m fine. I needed out of that room, anyway.” She smiled softly. “It’s nice out.”
“But your-”
“It’s just gonna be for a second!” The little boy pleaded. He couldn’t let the plan fail when they were already this far along. He knew Ruby was just trying to look out for her, but she didn’t understand how important this was. “Please.” AJ widened his eyes and pouted up at her. Louis and even Clementine mirrored the boy’s pleading expression.  
The redhead groaned and clutched her temple. “Fine. Five minutes…” She held up a hand to represent the number. “And be careful.”
AJ grinned gratefully and nodded. “Clem, close your eyes back!”
She obeyed and rested her head back on Louis’ shoulder as he continued walking. The crunch of grass underneath his feet soon gave way to the click of his boots on concrete. Another door opened, and she was inside again, and soon, she was being lowered down into a chair.
“Don’t open ‘em yet,” Louis told her.
She heard him walk away a short distance then a soft creak as he sat down. She raised an eyebrow when her ears caught the hushed giggles of the boys.
Clementine let her eyes flutter open when she heard the first note of a song on the piano; they’d brought her to the music room. She looked to the piano to see Louis and AJ sitting on the bench together, both with a hand on a part of the instrument. AJ’s voice filled the room:
“When I was scared, you would be there And you’d teach me all the time Now I’m super-duper sma-art All cause of you, Clementine.”
Of course, Clementine recognized the melody instantly, but the words were unfamiliar- different. Louis joined in, and the boys sang the second verse together:
“Oh, our darling, Oh, our darling, Oh, our darling, Clementine Listen closely, while we tell thee The sweet tales of Clementine.”
Louis looked straight into her eyes with the goofiest grin as he sang the third verse solo:
“When you came here, we were-en’t sure But you got here just in time Helped us wreck those stupid raiders Like a badass, Clementine”
They sang the rest of their song together:
“Oh, our darling, Oh, our darling, Oh our darling, Clementine Thought we lost you but you’re still here You’re the strongest, Clementine
“We know you’re sad, cause of your leg But please trust us; you’ll be fine You will always be the coolest You’re still awesome, Clementine
“Oh, our darling, Oh, our darling Oh, our darling, Clementine You’re the bravest; you’ll get through this And we’ll help you, Clementine
“You’re so lovely, such a beauty With sweet golden eyes that shine And the smile of an angel Show it to us, Clementine.
“Oh, our darling, Oh, our darling, Oh our darling, Clementine You’re the greatest; like no other, How we love you, Clementine.”
The boys both took their hands off the piano and looked to the girl in the chair beside them. Her hand was over her mouth, her eyes glossy. She blinked a few times and a tear escaped, cascading down her cheek. AJ was worried for a second. Why was she crying? Clem never cried. Did she not like it? Did he mess up? The little boy looked up at Louis with a panicked expression. However, the teen didn’t look worried. He was grinning from ear to ear.
AJ returned his gaze to the girl. “Clem?”
Clementine removed her hand from her lips, revealing the biggest, realest, smile AJ had ever seen her wear. And in that instant, all his worry was washed away. She was happy. She was really happy.
She choked out a laugh and wiped her eyes. “You- you dorks.” She sighed and extended her arms to the boys. AJ hopped off the bench and ran into her arms; he gripped her as tightly as his little arms could. He began to feel a stinging at his eyes as they threatened to burst with tears as well. Seeing her so happy… It was the best thing ever.
Clementine pulled back a bit and  “How did you… When did you do this?” She choked.
“This morning. Louis taught me how. He helped me write the song so it’s about you. We… We wanted to make you happy.”
The girl looked to the older boy, who smiled lovingly at her. He slid off the bench and joined them at the chair, kneeling down and putting an arm around Clementine.
Her breath hitched, and she cleared her throat. “Well, you did it. Y-You did.” She sniffled and wiped at another stray tear. “You’re such a sweetie.”
“And you are too.” She turned her gaze to Louis, pulled him into the hug, and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”
Louis returned her kiss, and AJ latched onto her and nuzzled his face into her neck.  “We love you, Clem,” He mumbled against her.
Clementine sniffled and held onto her boys tighter. “I love you guys too.”
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artisticvicu · 4 years
Conquer your fear! - Part 1
"Verena, get back here!"
A string of giggles escaped the small tiefling whose tail was nearly as long as they were tall. The tiefling dashed this way and that through the caravan, gigging every time the woman called out for them.
The small body collided with another, causing the other to stumble as the tiefling fell backwards to land on their butt. A shout went up as the person the child had ran into yanked the tiefling back up and out of the way of the cart.
"Watch where yer playin', ya damn brat!" the driver barked.
The small body cowered in the protective embrace of a body not much bigger.
"Soren? What'chya got there?"
"Don' know, da'," the body holding the tiefling offered. "Ne just ran into me."
"Verena! There you are!"
The little tiefling flinched as rough hands pulled nem away from the other and a started cry escaped the little form. "Shush, Verena," came from the parent, chastising. "I'm so sorry Stoick. Is Soren alright?"
"I'm fine." The little tiefling looked over, meeting the curious gaze of a human child that was barely older than the tiefling child. A small voice in the little tiefling's mind spoke of how the human's eye color was wrong somehow. The human child didn't seem to notice or didn't care as it offered a hand like all the grownups do to strangers. "I'm Soren."
"Go on, Verena. Shake neir hand like a good boy."
The tiefling's lavender tail came around, a splotch of pale coloring like a paint splatter discoloring the tip. Said tip pressed into the offered palm and despite the chastising from the adults, Verena thought it was worth it to see the laughter that broke out across Soren's too grown up face.
"We'll be heading east at Alnrich."
Verena's tail slowly fell from its perked posture even as he felt Soren's body go tense under him. They were trying to sneak through the caravan as young children do playing whatever game they had made but they had heard Soren's dad and Verena's parents' voices drifting towards them in the night and had gotten curious. Soren had crouched at the back wheel of one of the wagons while Verena clung to his back still smaller than the other.
Verena buried his face into Soren's hair. It smelled of smoke and earth and held a comfort that made his heart ache at losing. His tail followed his emotions and wrapped securely around Soren's waist. The other rubbed comforting circles into the tail against neir stomach but didn't move.
"So soon?" Verena's mother asked.
There was a scoff from his father. "Let them leave if they want, Ilma. It is not our place to convince them to stay."
A rumble of a chuckle came from Soren's dad. "Soren will most likely fight me. We've stayed too long and ne's grown attached to Verena and the others."
"Is that such a bad thing?" Verena's mother asked.
"Whether it is or isn't doesn't change the fact that we have stayed too long. We will part ways at Alnrich."
"May the tides bring us back together."
Verena's mother added at the end of his father's words, "And may the winds bring you peace."
"Thank you, both of you."
"Hang on tight, Ren."
Verena jolted as Soren's sudden voice but did as coaxed. Soren dashed away from their parentals and deeper into the trees. They didn't go very far - they were still within the light of the main campfire - but it was far enough that if they didn't talk overly loud, they'd have privacy. Soren pulled at Verena's tail and hand, a silent sign to get down and in front of nem.
"I don't want you to go," Verena choked out, doing his best to keep his voice down. He pressed his face into Soren's chest and felt himself relaxing at the warmth he always found there.
Soren's arms, just as warm, wrapped around him. "I don't want to go either but Dad says its important to keep moving until home finds us."
Verena pulled his face away enough to look up at Soren, making his yellow eyes as big and watery as possible. "But isn't this home?"
Soren smiled. It was soft and left Verena thinking it was too grown up to be on Soren's face. "I think Dad wants a house that doesn't move, with fields and animals to tend. I don't think he ever wanted to be part of a traveling caravan."
Verena's arms tightened around Soren; his tail had hooked around Soren's left ankle. "What about you? Where do you wanna be?"
Soren shrugged. "With Dad. He's all I got left."
Something bitter and hot shot through him. "But what about me? I'm your family too."
That grown up face Soren had gotten so good at wearing fell away as hot tears - they hurt when they touched Verena's cooled skin but it was nothing the tiefling couldn't stand - streaked down the other's face. "But I can't leave my Dad. Verena-"
Something broke inside the little tiefling as whatever was supposed to follow his name was cut off by a vicious sob. Verena pulled at Soren and wrapped himself as best he could around the bigger kid. Soren held on, heat rolling off the other in a way that terrified Verena without him understanding why.
Stoick was the one that found them like that. The man's bushy face softened at Verena's pleading gaze and welcomed the gentle touch to his head as Stoick's other hand went to Soren's back. "Come on, kiddo. It's bedtime."
"Don' wanna go," Soren spat out into the mingling of their bodies.
"I know. But it won't be forever. Just a for now. Ok? You'll see Verena again."
Something like ice shot through Verena. He knew that wording. He glared at Soren's dad with all his might even as Soren pulled away enough to look up at neir dad. "Promise?"
Stoick smiled. Verena's hold on Soren tightened. "Promise. Come on, kiddo."
Every fiber of Verena's being was calling Stoick a liar as he let Soren slip from his grasp.
Yellow eyes snapped away from those he was sitting with to lock onto a pair of eyes on a human face that weren't quite right.
"Do I know you?" he found himself asking even as the strings bit into his fingers; he was clenching the neck of his lute like it was a lifeline. His vision blurred only to clear when he blinked.
Why was he crying?
"Ah, sorry," the human with the off eyes offered. "You looked like an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years."
"Someone named Ren?"
The words were past his lips before he could stop them. There was something deep within him that was begging this human to say no, to say-
"His full name is Verena, but last I had seen him we were nothing but tots."
He choked on a sob, curling in on himself as his free hand snapped to his mouth. His tail with its pale tip came up and around, like it could add another layer of protection from whatever was pulling at him, drowning him in grief.
He heard his companions shout his name, knew this stranger knew his name now, but he couldn't face nem, couldn't even look at nem.
Someone tried to approach him.
He stumbled out of his chair, the lute slamming into his gut painfully. It didn't stop him from turning and fleeing the inn.
He didn't expect to find a temple. It looked lively despite the state the temple itself was in. It looked old, probably more ancient than anything else he had ever seen, but where he would normally be drawn in by the possibility of learning its history, he turned away at the thought of interacting with anyone. Instead, he slowly made his way over to the pond while staying within the trees.
He shouldn't be surprised he had been followed but neither footfall sounded familiar.
Turned out one of the footfall belonged to the human with the off eyes. Behind nem was one of the human's companions - the one with the interesting staff - but the companion didn't approach like the human did.
"Can I join you?"
He turned away, tail wrapping around him on the ground as he did so.
For a moment, there was silence. He relished in it for as long as it lasted and nearly drifted off before he felt warmth at his back. There wasn't any pressure of a human hand on his back but he knew there was one there, a few inches above his thin shirt. Why had he taken his gear off again?
"Your hair's longer than I remember." A breath. "But, then, that's to be expected. It has been almost twenty five years."
He couldn't help the snort that escaped him. "Then how do you know I'm you're friend. I'm probably too young to even have been alive twenty five years ago."
"Because I remember the pattern of your tail; the paint splatter of pale that colored the tip and stretched up the length of your tail." His tail tightened around him. "Because I remember your laugh even if its deepened from age, I remember how strikingly pale you looked standing next to your parents with lavender skin so soft it seemed almost incomplete with the pale patches." That hand that had been hovering high between his shoulder blades pressed into the back of his neck. "And I remember how small you had been when you first ran into me from among the wagons."
The hand was unnaturally warm but it pulled at things he couldn't remember. He leaned into the touch as a different sob pulled at him, bitter and sad and tired. "But I can't even remember if I had parents, let alone my childhood." He offered this strange human - so warm and familiar and strange - a tight smile. "How am I supposed to remember who you even are if I don't know who I am?"
The human smiled gently at him. "Then we'll start anew." The hand left the back of his neck and he swallowed down the urge to whimper. The human offered a hand to shake. "I'm Soren."
"I'm Soren."
He looked over, meeting the curious gaze of a human child that was barely older than he was. A small voice in his mind spoke of how the human's eye color was wrong somehow. The human child didn't seem to notice or didn't care with a hand offered like all the grownups do to strangers.
"Go on, Verena," a voice he couldn't remember but ached from hearing coaxed. "Shake neir hand like a good boy."
He didn't want to. He didn't trust any of the others of the caravan - the other kids skittered away any time he had wandered too close - so he went with the better option. He brought his tail around, a splotch of pale coloring like a paint splatter discoloring the tip. Said tip pressed into the offered palm and despite the chastising he knew was coming, Verena thought it was worth it to see the laughter that broke out across Soren's too grown up face.
He sucked in a breath, fumbling away from the strange human even as he realized his tail had moved on its own accord. The pale tip of his tail was stark against the strange human's palm and despite the joy he saw flicker across the strange human's face, he yanked his tail free. He wondered if the glimpse of disappointment was his own reflected back at him as Soren pulled on a mask of patience, hand still extended.
He swallowed thickly and reached out, giving a firm handshake even as he trembled. "Verena."
"How long have you been playing?"
Verena looked up as Soren settled beside him. Their two parties had been traveling together for over two weeks now and this was the first time Soren had sought Verena out when he was alone. Verena shrugged. "Long enough to have it ingrained into every fiber of my being," he offered easily enough. "Still don't remember much of my history despite..."
The last two weeks - the reasons why the two parties were now tangled and how memories weren't always the most pleasant coming back - went unsaid.
Soren hummed, as if ne understood.
They sat at the edge of the camp together, backs to the fire, and Verena suddenly had an inkling of why Soren was there. "I thought Soala was joining me for first watch."
Soren shrugged. "Apparently Aelfwyne needed her for something so I got volunteered."
He found himself raising an eyebrow at the other. "Why didn't you say no?"
Another shrug. "Soala was taking third watch for me in turn so I didn't think much of it till after the fact."
Silence stretched between them broken only by Verena's unconscious plucking of the lute strings.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when an unnaturally warm hand wrapped around the top of the base of his tail. He brought the lute up between them like it was a weapon he could use to beat Soren back but all he was met with was a surprised expression on the other's face. Regret quickly overtook the surprise and Soren pulled back, hand leaving Verena's tail. "Sorry."
Minutes passed before Verena finally relaxed enough to ask, "Why'd you do that?"
He gained Soren's gaze. Those off colored pupils regarded him for the brief moment before, "You looked like you needed some warmth."
"But my tail?"
Soren looked back to the group. "None of my companions have one so I hadn't really thought it would be any different than touching your shoulder, or arm." There was another shrug. "It was also bare skin. The rest of you is covered in fabric." Verena had taken to wearing his long sleeves but it was more out of keeping Soren's eyes off his markings than anything else. He gained a sigh from his silence. "Look," Soren explained, "I just did. There was no thought to it, no purpose other than wanting to give you some warmth. Figured best way was direct contact and I apologize for my lapse in judgment."
Soren stood up and started to move away.
It was then that Verena realized he really had been cold because now the chill of the night was touching him where Soren's warmth had been instead.
"What are you?"
His eyes snapped wide at the blurted words, a shiver of something coursing down his spin when Soren stops and half turns to look at him. But instead of the hate or rejection he expected to see, curiosity and patience greeted him from Soren's expression. He was growing to hate the latter. "A fire genasi. Why?"
"A what?"
"Fire genasi." Soren approached again but didn't sit. "Half human, half genie. Fire just happens to be the element trait I took on from the world."
"Would explain why you're always unnaturally warm."
Soren chuckled. He frowned, not liking the sound. It seemed sad. "I try and keep it as normal as I can manage but sometimes emotions or situations make it difficult."
His tail patted the spot Soren had been sitting at. "You were keeping the chill of the night away," he explained at Soren's raised eyebrow.
The fire genasi chuckled and sat back down. Conversation was slow to return but it did, making their watch short.
His voice cracked on the name as fear threatened to choke him. Something brushed against his mind, something that wasn't physical, something he couldn't see nor touch, and as it brushed by it left him feeling like it took something with it but he couldn't think of what.
It was soft, faint, and echoed off the walls like a whisper.
"Soren!" he screamed again, but he wasn't sure why he was screaming it. What even was it? Was it just a word or did it have meaning? Was it the customary response to 'verena'? What even was 'verena'?
He gave out a cry that turned into a sob as part of the ledge broke and tumbled into the darkness below. "Someone! Please!" he shouted, fear choking off anything else he may have shouted as he pressed into the wall as best he could.
"Verena!" His head snapped up and met a pair of eyes that looked off on a human face. Behind the stranger was a gaggle of people of varying races. "Shit," the human spat, the cuss echoed in different ways by those behind nem. "Verena, look at him." He found himself meeting the human's strange eyes. "Verena, I need you to trust me and step off the ledge."
"What?!" It was strangled and sharp and ricocheted off the walls oddly.
The human's face twisted into something painful. "Please, Ren," Ren, Ren, Ren, "you have to do this on your own. We can't come out to you."
"Why not?!" Another chuck of the ledge fell away and his leg slipped over the edge. "I can't!" it was high, reedy, followed quickly by a sob.
"We can't do this for you, Verena!" the human shouted back, voice strained as weapons were drawn. "Only you can conquer your fear! You're the only one that can get yourself out of its clutches."
The strange human was thrown back by some force he didn't see. The human slammed into a few behind nem but those in the back were able to keep everyone more or less on their feet. One of the companions was already placing hands on the strange human's chest, magic dancing from those nimble fingers.
Something curled at the edge of his vision like it was about to strike and he knew with absolute certainty that if he let it spring forward, they would all die.
Whoever they were, they would all die.
He leapt at it as some noise ripped itself from his throat, magic turning all of his pale, swirling markings green.
It didn't matter who he was or who they were. He wasn't going to let them die.
[part 2]
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erisgregory · 5 years
Satellite Call Chapter 8
cross posted to AO3
or start with chapter one
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Relationship: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes, Maria DeLuca, Isabel Evans, Max Evans Additional Tags: Michael is an Escort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary: Alex is home from the air force but finds he is as lonely as ever. He engages an escort one night under a pseudonym and when the escort arrives it’s his high school love, Michael Guerin. Thankfully for both of them Michael is a professional. However one night couldn’t possibly make up for all they’ve missed. Can they keep an ongoing relationship professional? Can they learn to trust that there is something more than this transaction between them?
The first thing Michael does is send a quick email to the escort company that he won’t be expecting payment from “Rick”, the balance should stay at zero. He knows now that he only asked for payment out of anger. They’d had such a great night together, one that Michael thought was hopeful, and then that hope had been dashed to the ground. Alex was still in the closet, and as of last night wanted nothing to do with him. The least he could do was cut ties as cleanly as possible and not accept money for something he’d considered serious.
The next thing he does that morning is answer Isobel’s call. He thumbs open the phone to answer. “Hey.” He says.
“We have to check on Max. I have a feeling he’s behind the blackout.” Isobel tells him. She sighs into the phone, clearly concerned.
“I have a feeling you may be right.” He agrees. Max’s troubles have been building and this may be some kind of pressure release, though Michael wouldn’t know until they saw him. “I’ll come pick you up, we can drive over together.
“Thank you, Michael.” She says. Michael doesn’t get very many thank yous so he accepts this one as best he can.
“See you soon.” Then he thumbs the phone back off.
If Max was behind the power outage then they were going to have to figure out some things and fast.
He drives to Isobel’s house and she’s already outside waiting for him when he gets there. Isobel hops in, buckles in, and they are off. Going the speed limit, but only just. Michael has a bad feeling and if Isobel does too, well then, something is definitely up.
When they pull up to Max’s house, Max is outside loading some water bottles into his jeep. He looks tired and worn out and not in the good kind of way. More like he hadn’t slept all night.
“Whew, you going on the run deputy?” Michael teases trying to diffuse the tension of the moment. Max already looks like his guard is up.
“Gonna bring these supplies into town. It’s just water, food.” Max starts, clearly avoiding the obvious.
Michael isn’t going to let him get away with that. “Yeah, we assume you’re the reason every transformer in town’s blown. Did you rage out again?”
Max huffs. “Yeah. But, it’s gone now. I’ve been raging out for days and I caused all this destruction and I feel better.”
Isobel is looking through the contents of Max’s jeep. “So you’re, uh, donating Catcher in the Rye to assuage your guilt?” She looks at him skeptically.
“TVs are down, figured the hospital could use a few book.” Max says.
“Yeah, well, when you resurrected Liz or healed her or whatever, you must have absorbed some kind of destructive energy. Now that you released it…,” Michael drops his voice to a whisper, “You’re better.”
Max doesn’t look amused, but then Michael isn’t joking.
“So, what happened? To piss you off again. She didn’t like your mixtape?” Michael asked.
“Wait you guys, you guys didn’t get my voicemail?” Max asked, taking off his sunglasses and looking at both of them.
Isobel shakes her head. “Cell service is down.”
“Liz confronted me last night. I don’t know how she found out, but she knows. She knows that rosa was killed by an alien.” Max tells them.
“Dammit!” Michael says, kicking at the ground. It causes a short burst of energy that lifts the back end of the jeep off the ground several inches.
“Okay,” Isobel says, holding up her hands, “Alright, so what’s the plan?”
“Look, this blackout is my fault, okay? So let me drop these off and then I will find Liz and I’ll confess.” Max throws his hands up in defeat. “Look, she already thinks I did it. And if she keeps digging, eventually she’s going to learn everything. I am out of options here.”
“Well, I’m not.” Isobel says. “I can use my abilities to influence her to go.”
They look at each other for a moment in silence wondering if that is the right move, if it can be done.
“We should talk about this.” Max says. “Let’s sit.” He offers. The three of them go to sit on his patio and it’s tense. No one says anything at first and all Michael can think is that they need to get Liz out of town soon before the truth really does come out, about Rosa’s death.-
“So what is it like exactly? When you get into someone’s head?” Max is the first to speak, directing his question at Isobel. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.
“No it-it doesn’t hurt. It’s umm… It’s a place where I have ultimate power. I make a suggestion and someone else’s thought or memory just kind of floats to the surface. If I’m strong enough, I can change it. Influence it.” Isobel explains.
“I don’t know if I want you to violate Liz like that.” Max says, cencern clear in his voice.
Michael and Isobel share a glance. “Maybe it’ll help her. Remind her what exists outside Roswell. Make her stop pressing an old bruise.” Michael suggests.
Max sighs at that and looks away. “Will she forget me?” He asks quietly.
“No.” Isobel shakes her head. “Just how she feels about you.”
“Well, she feels like I’m a murderer, so…” Max tells them.
They all stop talking as Cam pulls up in a patrol car. “Playin’ hookie Evans? Been covering for you with Valenti all morning.”
“Sorry.” Max says. “Was a rough night.”
“Yeah, well, when people are denied AC and cold beer in this town, they start committing crimes for fun, so grab your boots and your badge.” She doesn’t wait for his answer, but rolls up her window and pulls away.
“What do you want to do about Liz?” Isobel asks him once it’s safe.
“What I wanted stopped mattering a long time ago. Do it. Get inside her head. Send her away.” Max says and then he turns to head into his house. He does exactly as Cam asked him to do, because he comes back out in uniform a few minutes later and hops into his jeep with just a backward glance at Michael and Isobel.
Once he’s gone, Michael leans back with a sigh and looks at Isobel. “I thought you weren’t strong enough to change Liz’s mind last night.
“That’s why we’re going to the Wild Pony. So I can practice.” Isobel explains as she stands.
Michael stands up too. “You didn’t tell Max how Liz really feels about him.” He says.
Isobel looks off into the distance down the road where Max just drove away. “It’ll hurt less if he doesn’t know.”
Michael rubs a hand over his face. He’s not so sure about that, but he trusts her judgement more than his own right now. He’s not been making the best decisions lately as it is.
The drive to the bar is mostly quiet. He lets Isobel pick a radio station because he knows it makes her happy and he doesn’t mind her music so much. Not that he would admit to that under any circumstances. Though the sly little satisfied smile she gives him says she already knows he doesn’t mind.
Driving gives Michael time to think and lately that hasn’t been the best idea. He thinks a lot about the danger they are in with Liz. He thinks a lot about Alex and what a mess he’s made. If only he’d refused the money to begin with then he wouldn’t be in the situation his in now.
Somehow he needed to reach out to Alex, but it didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Alex had made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with Michael. And that hurt. He believed the very worst about Michael and Michael let him. How do you come back from something like that?
When they get to the bar they are pleased to see it really is still open despite the blackout. The parking lot is already full. Michael parks and gives Isobel one last look.
“Don’t worry.” She says. “I have everything under control.”
“Fine, but if we’re going to do this, then we’re drinking.” He says.
“You can, but I need to keep my wits about me.” She tells him.
“Fine.” He agrees.
The bar is lit with candles all over the inside and Isobel hangs back as Michael walks to the bar. Maria is serving another customer so Michael tries to sneak a bottle of liquor while Maria’s back is turned. It’s only a half hearted theft and she catches him at it anyway.
“Hey, that’s a health code violation.” She calls out from the other end of the bar.
“Ohhhh, yup. Thought it would go well with your disregard for the fire code.” Michael says as he takes a swig straight from the bottle.
“Didn’t I ban you for life?” Maria asks, wiping down the bar.
“Mm, you did, about twice a week.” Michael reminds her.
“You enjoy that?” She asks, motioning to the bottle in his hands.
“So good.” He tells her.
“Good.” She smiles at him. “You owe me eighty four dollars. You think I don’t know your game? You come in here when you’ve drunk enough to kill that dramatic cowboy angst, you start a fight, so you get kicked out before you pay. You can’t swindle a mercenary Guerin. I keep a tab.”
She says all of this leaning closer and closer as though telling him a secret. “But I got one thing you can do for me to pay off your debt.” Maria tells him.
“Oh yeah?” Michael asks.
“Get Regina George out of here, and make sure she never comes back.”
Michael turns to look at Isobel who appears to be deep in conversation with Hank of all people. She must have begun her practice already.
“Wow. I’m jealous DeLuca. I thought I was your least favorite customer.” He says turning back around.
“You know. Stiff competition.” Maria says with a grin.
Hank comes up to order then and Michael pours himself a glass from the bottle he’s still holding.
“Another beer, Hank? Maria asks.
“Raspberry Cosmopolitan with a twist for me and a water for the lady.” He said and Michael has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing. He shoots Isobel a quick glance before turning back to Maria.
“Right. Coming up.” Maria looks skeptical, but turns to make the drink all the same.
Once Hank has his drink in hand, Isobel steps out from where she’s been sitting and sways a bit on her feet. Maria goes to her and Michael lets her. He watches from a safe distance wondering just what Isobel plans to look for in Maria’s mind. Apparently she’s already got Hank making charitable donations over the phone, so there’s no telling what she has planned for Maria. In the meantime he drinks and tries not to think about the way Alex sounds when he’s being thoroughly kissed.
Michael is deep into this train of thought when he realizes things might be getting out of hand with Maria and Isobel.
Isobel is laughing humorlessly. “Real? You’re a bar psychic.”
Michael gets up from his seat and heads toward them. “Okay, hey, let’s all just…”
“If you say, calm down, I will remove your liver and sell it for pennies.” Maria tells him in no uncertain terms. “I gotta make Hank a daiquiri. When I get back, be gone.”
When she leaves, Michael turns to Isobel. She still isn’t looking very steady on her feet. “You alright?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just… I don’t get it. It’s like she can make nice with Mr. All Lives Matter over there, but she thinks I’m the devil?”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t do this. Don’t get distracted.” Michael tries to get her back on task. They were here for one thing.
“No.” She says. “I’m completely on mission here. I just need a more complicated target than Hank. Maria DeLuca will do. She’s hiding the truth about why she doesn’t like me. Let’s see if I’m strong enough to pull it out of her.” Isobel gives him a twisted smile.
So Michael leaves her to it and goes to set up a game of pool with his bottle of whiskey. He’s going to keep an eye on them though, make sure Isobel doesn’t need him to step in again. The game keeps his mind off of Alex but it only lasts a few minutes because Isobel passes right out behind him.
“Isobel!” He runs to her, cradling her head and checking to see if she’s okay. “Izzie,” He says, shaking her ever so slightly. Her nose is bleeding, she’s clearly overextended herself.
“Alright, I think she’s had enough, Michael.” Maria says helpfully.
“Okay, come on.” He says when she opens her eyes and looks at him. He’s so relieved that he doesn’t even say anything to Maria as he takes her out of there.
Isobel is unsteady on her feet so Michael keeps his arm around her on the way to the truck. He gets her into the passenger side and buckled in, then goes around to the driver’s side. By the time he climbs in, Isobel is back out. She stays that way all the way to Max’s place. So he carries her in and lays her on the little sofa, covering her with a blanket. Michael checks her breathing and her pulse before going to find a bottle of nail polish remover for her to drink.
Then he begins to careful wipe away the blood from under her nose. She comes around and looks up at him.
“Why did she hate me?” She asks, her voice sounding strained and sad.
“Here, drink this.” He says, retrieving the bottle of acetone and holding it out for her.
“No.” She says, pushing it away.
“Drink it.” He tries but she shakes her head.
“I need to know why she hated me. Rosa Ortecho. She was avoiding me on the day she died and I don’t know why.”
“You can’t get inside the mind of a dead girl, Isobel.” He tells her. “Besides, we made a deal remember? We never talk about that night. We never ask questions.” He adds in a whisper.
Isobel doesn’t answer him, but closes her eyes and slips back out, asleep. It takes about thirty minutes, but when she wakes up again she drinks the bottle of nail polish remover and is more herself.
“I could use some air.” She tells him. So they go together and sit on the back of his truck and look at the night sky, waiting for Max, but not really knowing when he’d be there.
“I used to look in the sky, when we were kids and hope something up there would save me.” He admitted, leaning back.
“I used to look around at the people of this town and hope for the same thing.” Isobel says.
“We have each other.” Max tells them as he walks up. “That’s it.” He looks down at the ground for a moment. “Kyle knows about me. Never should have told Liz the truth. Now our secret is gonna spread.
Michael runs a hand over his face and Isobel stands, shaking her head. “I don’t think I’m strong enough to change Liz’s mind, Max. And we tried, I just, uh… I think we need more time.”
“We don’t have more time.” Michael says sadly as he shakes his head.
“We’ll figure something out.” Max says.
“No.” Michael tells them. “We’re not gonna do anything. Kyle, Liz, Grant frigging Green. They all want the same thing, a little green man that they can put in a cage.”
“You’re right.” Max agrees. “I’ll tell Liz it was me.”
“No, but thank you. I’m not going to let you martyr yourself. You got a good life, Max.”
“Yeah.” Max scoffs.
“You do.” Michael says. “Isobel, you got Noah. I got nothing besides some old scrap metal and an escort service that's just as empty as you both believe it is. There is no point in all three of us going down when only one of us did the deed.”
Isobel kneels before him, the worry clear on her face. “No, Michael, we stick together.”
He shakes his head at her. “Liz Ortecho’s looking for a murderer. Let’s give her one. I’m gonna confess. After all… I’m the one that killed those girls.”
In the distance the lights of roswell blink on like a sign.
When no one has anything to say, Michael hops up. “Come on.” he says to Isobel. “Let’s get you home.”
Isobel goes with him willingly, still shocked at his words, he thinks and Max tells them they can talk about it again tomorrow. Michael doesn’t plan on continuing the conversation. He’s got a plan and he’s going to stick to it. It’s the best thing for all of them.
The drive to Isobel’s house is silent. They don’t talk and they don’t bother with the radio. He waits outside her house until she’s in then drives back to the junkyard alone. It’s late when he gets back and he’s tired, but there’s an email alert on his phone so he pulls it up as he’s laying down in bed. It’s from the service.
Rick/Alex has gone ahead and put money on his account, even though Michael said there was no balance. That means Michael now owes him and it gives him a weird feeling to be in that position. Maybe they could just refund the money, refuse to take it, but Michael knows the company doesn’t really work like that. They would rather see a repeat customer than one taking his money and going elsewhere.
So Michael takes a few breaths that are meant to be relaxing and pulls up a new email.
You really didn’t owe me that money for the other night. I was being cruel when I said you did.
A new email comes in ten minutes later.
I want things to be even between us.
Michael didn’t have an answer to that. Things weren’t even between them. Things were totally unbalanced. That’s what happened when one person pays another for sex. Michael is used to it, though, and really, soon enough none of this was going to matter. He was going to go to prison for killing those girls, probably for life. Things like who owes who money for sex weren’t going to matter any more.
Let’s just say I owe you and leave it at that.
Michael turned off his phone after that. It was a stupid thing to say because it wasn’t clear if he was going to try and pay Alex back or if he owed him sex, but that’s how Michael felt anyway. He felt unclear and uncertain and mostly like he wished he could turn to Alex during all of this bullshit going on. What would Alex really think if he knew the truth about Michael. Would he be among the first to line up and study the freak? Michael liked to think he wouldn’t, but the truth was, he didn’t know Alex as well as he’d thought or they wouldn’t be having such a major miscommunication now.
He couldn’t sleep that night, but lay in his bed thinking of all the ways he’d fucked up his life and how now, at the end of it all, he was going to do the only right thing he could do, and turn himself in to save Isobel and Max. He had one good thing, he could give himself up for them, for the people he cared about. That was all he had.
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